Comparative study between normal and transtibial gait.
Voinescu, Mihai ; Sabaleuski, Anton ; Berdich, Karla Noemy 等
In the case of amputees, the weight distribution over the feet when
standing or walking is significantly altered, thus balance and
equilibrium are being affected. Prosthetic devices can provide support
for the amputated leg, but asymmetry is still present during gait
(Bagley & Skinner, 1991). Data on the posture of patients and the
comparison with normal, healthy persons can be very useful in the
improvement of the devices or their fitting, and can speed up
The ever improving area of software for body simulation and
analysis offers the possibility of conducting an in-depth study on
muscle activities and internal forces that are required for successful
walking with an amputated limb. Better assessment of the forces and
moments that occur on the joints and the major differences between
normal individuals and similar sized amputees can also prove to be a
vital element in the design of future equipment which allows an improved
distribution of loads on the skeleton (Czerniecki & Gitter, 1996).
The development of prosthetic devices taking this approach would allow
them to perform everyday tasks without the fear of device failure
together with the advantage of increased comfort.
Even the simplest solution with limited energy storage and return
can greatly increase the comfort of disabled persons, restoring the gait
to a more natural pattern. In transtibial amputees the ankle is the most
critical element in such investigations, since the musculo-skeletal
system is able to adapt to most defficiences and still perform in a
manner similar to that expected in a healhy person. However, the rest of
the joints must always be taken into consideration since oversizing of
the active elements in a device might lead to extra forces being
transmitted to the knee and in the long run to unwanted wear of the
otherwise functional knee (Vickers et al., 2008).
Some prosthetic models include good shock absorption, with a
cushion heel, but they somewhat limit the possibility of efficient gait
as the active element is not powerful enough to ensure a high percentage
of energy storage and return (SACH Foot). Other models show high
performance, but they are costly being made entirely out of carbon
fibres (Modular III). In developing countries special attention must be
given to alternative methods and materials that can still have good
energy storage and return (Niagara Foot).
Two subjects, a normal and an amputee with a SACH foot prostethics
device were selected for this trial, with a height of 170 cm and a mass
of 75 kg. Both subjects were asked to walk normally with their own shoes
at a self selected speed on a flat surface and pass one leg at a time
over a Kistler[R] force platform that was placed in the middle of the 8m
walkway. The kinematic data was collected using a system of 3 high speed
cameras and then digitized in the DVIDEO2004 software package developed
by Laboratory of Biomechanics FEF and Institute of Computing UNICAMP. A
standard marker configuration was used to ensure that the motion was
recorded in a precise manner (Vaughan et al., 1999).
The synchronisation between the force plate data and the marker
data was obtained employing a MATLAB[R] application that was
specifically developed for this purpose by the authors. Furthermore,
this application was used to optimize the number of points required to
obtain an optimal post processed signal from the ground reaction forces.
Once the amplitude of the step is selected by the user, the application
establishes the first contact point of the foot; the synchronisation is
obtained based on the camera output and the force plate frequency
The result is normally a number of 100 point vectors that describe
the trajectory for one step along with the required force plate data in
the same timeframe. The input is then converted into AnyBody[R] format
using the routine, to emulate the pre-existing C3D data structure used
by the gait routine analysis method already available with the
application called "Gait Uni Miami TD Right Leg".
The application requires the markers to show a forward motion on
the x axis and that the vertical positive value be on z, while y is
positive in the left of the system. Adjustments were done accordingly.
The model was developed to study the human gait and is currently
available in the AnyBody[R] repository 1.0. It uses a highly accurate
leg model labelled "Twente Lower Extermity Model" composed by
159 muscles and 3 joints with 6 degrees of freedom--ankle, knee, and
hip; the model is based on cadaveric data and has been fully validated
(University of Twente, 2007). The marker configuration used in the
standard application was modified to accommodate the study requirements
(Figure 1).
The center of ground reaction application was added to the model in
x, y position which is also determined by the MATLAB[R] routine
previously mentioned. The AnyBody[R] model environment any file was
modified and the ground reaction forces were introduced into the system,
along with the Mz moment from the force platform.
The standard gait analysis was proved to be straight forward, and
no further changes were needed in order to perform the inverse dynamics
analysis. However, for the amputee analysis the muscles on the lower
part of the model were excluded from the equations and the movement was
imposed on a much lighter lower limb in order to simulate the presence
of a transtibial prosthetics device for the next part.
After running the inverse dynamics, the data on moments was
extracted for the ankle, knee and hip joints from the AnyBody[R] model.
The moments for the normal gait were in consistent with the previous
work (Vaughan et al., 1999), which allows the validation of the
experimental set-up and the analysis. Of interest for this particular
study were the moments in the forward motion, the sagittal plane, My in
the coordinate system used by the experiment. In Fig. 3 A, B, C the
comparison between the moments in the joints on the virtual humans is
presented. The continuous line represents the gait of the amputee
subject, and the dashed line--the normal person, as a reference. In a
similar manner, in Fig. 3 D, E, F the difference between the angular
displacements of the same joints can be observed.
The figures on angular displacements of the joints show that a good
recovery of transtibial amputees is possible, the only difference is in
the ankle area, as it was expected. In Figure 4a, the trends of the
moment for the ankle joint flexion, the difference between an optimal
system (normal gait) and the prosthetics is clear, the prosthetics
releases energy in the middle of the stance but does so in an abrupt
manner, unlike the normal gait where the moment increases almost
linearly. The knee and the hip joints show similar patterns in both
moments and angular displacements, indicating that the body adapts to
the prosthetic device and the amputee manages to walk in nearly natural
manner. The differences between the amplitudes of the various moments
might also be influenced by the variations in individual weights of the
subjects but the major differences are the result of the amputation.
The research is limited in the sense that it only involves two
subjects and is solely based on a numerical simulation of the human
gait. It needs to be improved by further analysis of other amputees of
various sizes and with different prosthetic models. Further research
should involve a thermography study of patients in order to determine
the accuracy of the simulation in regards to the muscle recruitment
Even though the results presented here are preliminary, they show
that the applied methodology has a great potential to analyze
amputees' gait and can be used to improve protocols related to
their rehabilitation.
The ideal spring mechanism would be a device with slower release
that can complete the lift of the leg much smoother to comply with the
motion of the rest of the body. Future comparative studies will be
conducted to prove the general applicability of the proposed method.
Additionally, there is a possibility of personalization of the
prosthetic devices, taking in account the stiffness modification
necessary for the spring.
This work was partially supported by the strategic grant POSDRU
6/1.5/S/13, Project ID6998 (2008), co-financed by the European Social
Fund--Investing in People, within the Sectoral Operational Programme
Human Resources Development 2007-2013.
Bagley, A.; Skinner, H. (1991). Progress in gait analysis in
amputees: a special review. Critical Reviews in Physical and
Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 3, 1991, 101-120, 0896-2960
Czerniecki, J.; Gitter, A. (1996). Gait analysis in the amputee:
Has it helped the amputee or contributed to the development of improved
prosthetic components? Gait & Posture, Vol. 4, 1996, 258-268,
Vickers, D.; Palk, C., McIntosh, A. & Beatty, K. (2008).
Elderly unilateral transtibial amputee gait on an inclined walkway: A
biomechanical analysis. Gait & Posture, Vol. 27, 2008, 518-529,
Vaughan, C.; Davis, B. & O'Connor, J. (1999). Dynamics of
human gait, Kiboho Publishers, 0-620-23558-6, Cape Town, South Africa
*** (2002) Niagara Foot
Technical Paper, Accessed on: 2010-04-12
*** Modular III, Accessed
on: 2010-04-10
*** Feet, Accessed on: 2010-04-13
*** (2007) Twente Lower Extremity
Model, Accessed: 2010-02-12