Behavioural aspects of the crisis.
Donath, Liliana Eva ; Popescu, Alexandra Codruta
The globalisation that started more than 25 years ago had, in time,
significant positive as well as negative consequences on the economic
and financial activity all over the world. Recent empirical researches
show that the deepening and intensification of financial flows through
international markets brought unquestionable benefits to developing
countries by triggering economic growth and inducing a sustainable
financial stability.
But, the positive effects of financial flows appear only if a
number of preconditions already exist: a macroeconomic environment
stimulating growth, structural imbalances are mitigated; market
mechanisms allow competition, a sustainable operational and supervised
financial system is set up, there are well established financial
institutions and mechanisms, domestic markets are globally integrated.
Under such circumstances, the domestic market allows the entry of
healthy capitals and is less vulnerable to speculative ones seeking high
profits (Cerna et al., 2008). Nevertheless, the globalization may induce
vulnerabilities by contagion and import of other markets frailties. The
interaction of markets also means a higher exposure to risks that are
often difficult to deal with, fuelling instability all over the world
because of: risk contagion, information asymmetry, herd behaviour,
speculative attacks on national currencies and are often leading to
unsustainable imbalances.
The main identified determinants of the present financial crisis
lay in the subprime mortgages and the credit crunch. The symptoms,
though ignored, were obvious and similar to previous crisis: increase of
interest rates, decline of stock prices, unanticipated reduction of
prices inducing a reduction of assets' value, housing and mortgage,
uncertainty, bank panic. But, besides these determinants, we think that
there are several other behavioural determinants that triggered the
credit crunch and the present crisis. Therefore, the analysis should go
beyond the empirical data and also consider determinants that are not
obvious at first sight. Such an approach certainly requires the
inclusion in the analysis of various factors like: psychology, culture,
customs and habits, historical evolution. Certainly, these determinants
may complete the picture of the present crisis.
Undoubtedly, crises do not occur unless a number of preconditions
exist in the economic and financial environment. The tensions,
accumulated in time, lead to financial turmoil and possibly to crises,
built up starting from relatively obvious economic and financial
determinants. But, the area of determinants is larger, including
psychological, cultural, historical ones. Basically, they can be
recognised according to the extent of asymmetric information, moral
hazard and adverse selection noticeable on one or several markets
(Mishkin, 1992). Rationally, economists show that the economic decision
making process depends entirely on the market conditions, on demand and
supply, yields, risk-profitability relationship, etc. Indeed, these are
truly specific and not to be neglected determinants for each economic
estimate, but they are not sufficient, since the final decision can
ignore these aspects, and rely on a less profitable alternative, but one
which would fit the psychological structure of the decision maker. Under
these circumstances, the economic behaviour is not an optimum one. The
most common example, although it is not treated as an aspect of
behavioural finance, is the "free rider" attitude. Presently,
researchers admit that the market has its boundaries in influencing the
human behaviour (Forbes W., 2009). Individuals' standard economic
behaviour relies on three unrealistic aspects: boundless rationality,
boundless willpower, and boundless selflessness. The unrealism of these
characteristics rises from the fact that individuals do not have
unlimited capabilities of processing information and, so, it cannot be
expected of them to act optimally. This means that rationality cannot be
more than a relative concept which considers the abilities of each
individual, in a world where absolute rationality does not exist. One of
the key issues when discussing the financial crisis is the propensity to
save vs. the propensity to consume and borrow. In this context, saving
is a process through which the individuals postpone present consumption,
in order to financially secure their future, in case of retirement for
example. The theory of life cycle shows that in the first years of
career, when there is an expectation of revenue growth, there is a
tendency to use a part of these revenues for savings, postponing
consumption, while, towards the end of the life cycle, because of the
decreasing revenues, the tendency is reversed. Nevertheless, often,
people are not willing to adopt such an attitude, preferring to use
their revenues for immediate consumption. In order to cover their
increasing needs, they often engage in costly borrowing and agree to pay
considerable interest for the advantage to getting, immediately, the
goods they are aiming for, or postponing other liabilities towards
various creditors (suppliers, banks, tax administration, etc.). The
influence of the psychological factor on the financial behaviour draws
the attention on a largely debated situation: the relationship
debtor-creditor. This relationship is influenced strongly by the
attitude of the debtor regarding the payment of the debts, irrespective
of the nature of creditor (Summers B. et al. 2005). The debtor is
influenced, in his actions, by the level of liquidities of which he can
dispose of and of his propensity to pay or not his debts. In the case in
which the payment of a debt is postponed or refused, this means that
such an action is not regarded as the best allocation of resources, when
there are other alternatives for their engagement. The probabilities
associated to each alternative are important (for example, it is up to
the attitude of the lender if he will or will not initiate a juridical action against the non paying debtor). As a result, it is proven that
the debtor's past actions are determinant when taking the decision.
Another possible determinant is the near closing date of the debt, the
debtor's attitude being determined also by the maturity of the
debt. The possibilities to negotiate the debt and the eventual
postponing of the payment are also considered. If the debtor considers
he can reach a favourable agreement with his creditor, he will start
such an action, unless he assumes the consequences of not paying the
debt. The necessary time to decide whether to negotiate with the
creditors or ignore them is also considered. Subjective influencing
factors take into account the deviation of the debtor's behaviour
from the rules society abides by. According to these rules, the debtor
evaluates the consequences of his attitude starting from his perception
regarding his power of control on external events. The rules society
abides by are accepted by the group or by the community, especially
those who are concerned by the community's perception regarding
their attitude, the others preferring a certain degree of deviation from
these perceptions. Moreover, the financial behaviour is influenced by
the feeling of belonging to a certain community. Also, the anticipated
negative emotions (fear, anxiety) in case of not paying the debt or
positive ones (satisfaction) in case of the debt's restitution are
capable of guiding the future behaviour. The regret triggered when
starting one action or another or the reproach of having adopted an
unsuitable attitude may shape the debtor's attitude towards his
creditor and, the anticipation of this feeling, might change profoundly
the debtor's future behaviour. Encouraging the feeling of regret
when taking an action, might incline the debtor to ignore any sort of
counselling which would determine him to act against his better
judgement. When selecting the available alternatives, the debtors
consider, mostly, the degree of control they have on a given situation.
In this context, the ability to determine the course of actions,
self-suggestion can play an important role in the debtor's
perception regarding his abilities to negotiate with his creditors and
to reach the expected result. To these endogenous determinants a number
of exogenous factors are added, which consider also the circumstances in
which negotiations take place. These objective factors are often more
powerful in determining the future behaviour then the subjective ones,
especially when they favour a certain action. Explaining the choice of
an alternative behaviour depends on the way the individual perceives the
situations in which he is involved in and which can be influences by
internal and external factors, stable and unstable, specific and
unspecific. Given these facts, it means that individuals and managers
act under bounded rationality inducing unpredictability on markets and,
what is more important, lack of credibility, because they do not posses
all the necessary information and because they cannot predict the
outcomes of their actions. Therefore, one should grant greater attention
to the less obvious variables that determine decisions, such as the
behavioural ones because people are incapable of taking optimal
decisions and are bounded in many dimensions, like: rationality,
willpower and self-interest (Mullainathan S., Thaler R.., 2000).
Though the present financial crisis (turned into an economic one)
is far from being solved, and no obvious solutions can be given until
the last part would have been played, it is mandatory that the
international community must cooperate. The present crisis, rooted in
the subprime mortgage market, is the result of a number of risky and
irrational economic behaviour pursued, in time, by financial
institutions, public decision makers and individuals, all disregarding
the economic consequences of risks' spreading through the open
markets. The accumulating tensions spread, by contagion, to the whole
world, eventually affect the global economy and the living standards.
Still, a number of lessons can be learned: Firstly, the crisis
should not be treated emotionally but rationally, setting up a smooth
restoration of macroeconomic balance. Consumption should be restored
cautiously and preconditions for savings should prevail in order to
mitigate the lack of external funding. Secondly, no financial
institutions are "too big to fail" so, prudential supervision
of the financial markets should be revisited and adjusted to present
conditions. Last, but not least, the credibility problem should be at
the core of either of the above approaches because the national as well
as the international financial system cannot function, in a global
environment, unless its conduct is transparent, accountable and most of
all promotes credibility among partners.
The behaviour models of individual choice could help understand how
financial decisions are made, how institutions function, based on the
financial needs of individuals. Because real life situations are more
about the concept of "bounded rationality", the behavioural
approach introduces an indispensable element when analysing decisions:
the human factor, which is incapable of taking a decision under strict
rationality. When analysing a situation as rational, one is only
attempting to simplify it and ignore complex factors which would make
the analysis much harder because it assumes difficult to quantify
determinants like emotions, desires, past activity influences, morality,
intuition, coercion, deception, mistake, randomness. In complex
situations, complex decisions are made, which have little in common with
rationality. Unfortunately, real life decisions are not rational and
cannot be rationalized; therefore cannot be modelled throughout linear
models regressions. It is subject to constant change and variation, to
everyday surprise, both positive and negative; they can alter all prior
This article is a result of the project "Doctoral Programme in
Economics at European Knowledge Standards (DOESEC)"co-funded by the
European Social Fund thru The S. O. P. H.R. D.2007-2013, coordinated by
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in partnership with West
University of Timisoara.
Cerna S. et al. (2008), Stabilitatea Financiara, ISBN 976-125-132-5, West University of Timisoara Publisher
Forbes William (2009), Behavioural Finance, ISBN 978-470-02804-9,
Wiley and sons Ltd., Chichester, U.K
Mishkin F., (1992), The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial
Markets, ISBN 0-673-52141-9, Harper Collins, New York
Mullainathan S., Thaler R.,(2000), Behavioural economics, 7948
Summers B. et al. (2005), Literature in the Areas of Behavioural
Economics and Psychology Relevant to Understanding of an
Individual's Propensity to Engaging with their Creditors: