Assembly/disassembly process modeling.
Popa, Cicerone Laurentiu ; Iacob, Robert ; Parpala, Radu Constantin 等
Assembly/Disassembly (A/D) simulation has been for a long time, the
subject of many scientific contributions. To obtain an optimum A/D
process, different methods are applied such as combining interference
matrices of product components with connection matrices; special
connection relations; disassembly sequence matrices and instability of
subassemblies; changes of sub-assembly/disassembly direction or tools.
Also, since the 90's we can mention some complex software for
assembly analysis.
From a complementary point of view, for some A/D simulation
approaches 3D shapes of components and/or assemblies are key elements
(Brough et al., 2007). Path planning required for moving components into
a complex environment strongly rely on the 3D shapes. Depending on the
simulation purpose, these shapes can be either a polyhedron or a B-Rep
NURBS model if the models come from a Computer Aided Design (CAD)
software (Coma et al., 2003).
Focusing on simulations where contacts between components are of
particular interest to characterize their relative mobility, prior works
have shown that models fit into the following situation: apart from
finite translations, all the possible movements are reduced to
infinitesimal translations (Marcelino et al., 2003). Using this method,
the range of movements is drastically truncated and the contacts between
components are only partially described. In addition, the identification
of the contacts between the components is generally interactive only,
hence making A/D simulations very tedious and strongly reducing their
reality and usefulness.
Also, the relative mobility of components is also a key element
contributing to A/D simulations, especially if 3D component models are
really contributing to simulations (Howard & Vance, 2007). In this
case, they can be represented exactly for all types of functional
surfaces (planes, cylinders, threads etc.) or approximated with
infinitesimal translations only.
We note that almost all mechanical products are designed using one
of the common CAD modellers. So far, we know that all these software are
lacking of strong properties for assembly analysis. Even though CAD or
Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) software can incorporate assembly
modules enabling to define some mating conditions between components,
these conditions are limited to the specification of some surface or
axis' positions. This means that the surfaces really involved in
these constraints are neither explicitly identified nor their location
is really taken into account to make sure that they are effectively
sharing some common areas. Therefore, the proposed constraints are more
related to component positioning than to effective contact specification
between components. This type of information is frequently not available
when a product is transferred from one software environment to another
one. Therefore the product representation is visually obtained and
considered as satisfactory when all the components are simultaneously
displayed. Also is important to define the contacts between components
through a set of information intrinsic to the concept of contact and, in
addition, a contact identification module must be integrated in an A/D
simulation framework.
As a result, an A/D simulation framework should be able to manage
the contacts in two different configurations: the static and kinematic ones. Knowing that A/D simulations based on VR approaches use polyhedral representation, we can mention that a few approaches have been developed
for contacts finding using polyhedral models but the results are not
always accurate and robust due to the local nature of the algorithms,
which are sensitive to the triangle sizes (Liu & Tan, 2007).
Especially when the input model of components come from CAD software, it
is important to take advantage of the B-Rep NURBS description to
strengthen the algorithms and obtain a more transparent access to the
behavior of the assembly components in the simulation framework.
The main objective of the design and development process of
products and systems is to meet the needs of users and consumers, while
ensuring compliance with environmental legislation and profitability.
Modeling the Assembly/Disassembly (A/D) operations requires a lot
of geometrical, kinematical and technological data and their synthesis
in order to reduce the algorithmic complexity of the A/D process. An
efficient simulation application should be able to simulate all the
possible relative movements between the components at each stage of the
A/D process. In this context, the first objective is to determine a way
of describing the valid trajectories for A/D of the assembly components.
Interactive sequencing is a first category of applications needing
models of component mobility. Having the ability to model translations,
rotations and helical movements is mandatory to produce realistic
component sequencing. Missing trajectories may discard solutions
appearing as obvious from a user's point of view. In addition,
having the ability to model the mobilities associated to partial
contacts is also critical to avoid missing possible trajectories, hence
a general purpose operator capable of characterizing a wide diversity of
configurations is a key issue to improve the quality of simulations.
Also, interfacing the mobility model with path finding algorithms is a
mean to provide more realistic boundary conditions than just trajectory extreme points. Thus, another goal is to define a general purpose
operator to evaluate (to combine) the family of trajectories for the
assembly components.
Kinematic constraints reduce the number of free degrees of freedom,
hence reducing the diversity of interferences as well as the computation
time. In addition, immersive simulations require a capability to switch,
in a transparent manner, from the kinematically constrained mode to the
free mode so that the user's immersion is of high quality. To this
end, input from position and force sensors available in a haptic environment must be used to identify constraints that need to stay
consistent with the sensors, kinematic constraints must be transparently
activated or deactivated in accordance with the user's movement and
the diversity of kinematic constraints must be able to cope with the
whole range of sensor data to avoid unrealistic changes between modes.
As a result, another objective of this research is to characterize and
use the mobility of elementary contacts between components (rotations,
translations, helical movements) in order to define all the possible
families of trajectories for extracting or inserting a component into a
mechanism. We think that a new type of data structure for the assembly
representation should be developed. This structure will offer a way for
explicitly representation of the semantic information attached to a
shape and it will create a link between two different representations of
the same model: B-Rep NURBS and polyhedral.
The simulation of the A/D operations is currently a very important
issue in order to determine, from the design phase of a product, the
architecture of a mechanism, machine, robot or assembly tooling adapted
to perform the operations in question. This is important both in the
process of interactive simulations as in the context of immersive
simulations (real-time). If some types of movements are omitted, the
simulations may lose the main configurations and therefore they are no
longer significant. In order to have a complete simulation, the
simulation platform should be able to analyze a model and to detect all
the contacts. One main objective addressed in the present project is to
develop a simulation framework able to improve A/D simulation and its
integration at various PLC stages. This framework will contain a contact
identification module and a general combination operator.
Another important aspect is the fact that standard CAD programs are
"part-centric" and, as a consequence, these software lack of
strong properties for assembly analysis. In order to improve their
functionality the research on modeling the process of assembly and
disassembly, through the kinematic modeling of connections, could be
integrates as a tool. More, each module of the proposed simulation
platform could be integrated as add-on applications (or
"wizards") in a CAD software like SolidWorks, SolidEdge or
Catia V5.
In order to accomplish the project objectives the first step will
be a critical analysis of the late A/D simulation researches in order to
see the last advances in domain. The review of these papers will allow
identifying new domain of interest where the proposed approach can be
applied. Attention will be given especially to the new real-time
simulation platforms, field where the companies from automotive and
aeronautic industry have a strong interest lately.
The next step will be the theoretical part. In order to have a
complete and fully automatic A/D simulation framework some theoretical
concepts must be developed. The main objective is to explicitly describe
the mobility of a component and/or the resulting mobility of a
mechanical system. To accomplish that a mathematical model is needed; it
should describe all the families of trajectories associated to the
contacts from different components of a product. The compatibility
between different contacts and the resulting mobility should be visually
represented so a geometrical model should be developed.
Different shape representations are produced by Computer Aided
Design (CAD) modellers. More, model variants are also produced by
different CAD modellers even though they are quoted as standard format.
In this context, the concepts for a new data structure must be
described. This structure should offer a way for explicitly
representation of the semantic information attached to a shape and a
link between different representations of the same model.
The main purpose is to offer an intelligent tool to aid engineers
in the design process. The proposed platform will offer the possibility
to automatically identify contacts from a mechanical system, to compute the mobility of a component form an assembly, to determine the best
sequence of mounting/dismounting of a product. This simulation software will be able to collaborate with standard CAD software and with real
time simulation platforms; it will offer the possibility to export the
models with the semantic information attached.
Regarding industrial benefits expected, our research brings
response to identified industrial needs from companies like
Dacia-Renault, Ford, EADS etc. related to simulation and modeling
processes often present in the various phases of the PLC. The proposed
simulation platform will provide an intelligent tool to aid engineers in
the design process. In order to decrease the design time and the test
costs, this platform will offer the possibility to automatically
identify contacts from a mechanical system, to compute the mobility of a
component form an assembly, to determine the best sequence of
mounting/dismounting of a product. This simulation environment will be
able to collaborate with standard CAD software and with real time
simulation platforms. The main beneficiaries of the results of this
project are companies from industry. Thus, the simulation platform could
be used in any mechanical design department.
This work was supported by CNCSIS-UEFISCSU, project number PN-II RU
233/2010, project title: "Assembly/Disassembly Process
Modeling", project type: "Research projects for stimulation of
the founding/forming of young independent research teams".
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