A theorem on discrete-time scale in the qualitative theory of stochastic evolution equation.
Preda, Ciprian Ion ; Mosincat, Razvan Octavian ; Bobitan, Nicolae 等
The problem of existence of semiflows for stochastic evolution
equations is a non-trivial one, mainly due to the well-known fact that
finite-dimensional methods for setting (even continuous) stochastic
flows break down in the infinite-dimensional context of stochastic
evolution equations. In particular, Kolmogorov's continuity theorem fails for random fields parametrized by infinite-dimensional Hilbert
For the case of linear stochastic evolution equations with
finite-dimensional noise, a stochastic semiflow (i.e. a random evolution
operator) was obtained by Bensoussan & Flandoli (1995). Recently,
Mohammed, Zhang & Zhao (2006) detect the existence of stochastic
cocycles generated by mild solutions of a large class of semilinear
stochastic evolution equations. Continuing their work, we obtain a
theorem on discrete-time scale that addresses concerns with respect to
the asymptotic behavior of the stochastic cocycles.
Our approach follows the well-established line of results initiated
by Perron (1930) and Li (1934) for the deterministic case, which
concerns the problem of stability of a deterministic system x'(t) =
A(t)x(t) and its connection with the existence of bounded solutions of
the inhomogeneous system x'(t) = A(t)x(t)+ f(t).
Let (X, [parallel]*[parallel]) be a Banach space and let B(X) be
the Banach algebra of all linear and bounded operators acting from X
into X. By ([OMEGA], F, [{[F.sub.t]}.sub.t[greater than or equal to]0],
P) we denote a complete filtered probability space (i.e. ([OMEGA], F, P)
is a complete probability space, [{[F.sub.t]}.sub.t[greater than or
equal to]0] is an increasing families of [sigma]-algebras, [F.sub.0]
contains all P-null sets of F and [F.sub.t] =
[[intersection].sub.s[greater than or equal to]t][F.sub.s] for every t
[greater than or equal to] 0).
Definition 2.1. A stochastic semiflow on [OMEGA] is a random field
[phi]: [R.sub.+] X [OMEGA] [right arrow] [OMEGA] such that
([s.sub.1]) [phi](0, [omega]) = [omega], for all [omega] [member
of] [OMEGA];
([s.sub.2]) [phi](t + s, [omega]) = [phi](t, [phi](s, [omega])),
for all t, s [greater than or equal to] 0, [omega] [member of] [OMEGA].
Example 2.2. Let X be a separable real Hilbert space and consider
[OMEGA] as the space (with the compact open topology) of all continuous
paths [omega]: [R.sub.+] [right arrow] X with [omega](0) = 0. Let
[F.sub.t] be the [sigma]-algebra generated by the set {[omega] -
[omega](u): u [less than or equal to] t}, for every t [greater than or
equal to] 0, and let F be the Borel [sigma]-algebra on [OMEGA]. If P is
the Wiener measure on [OMEGA], then the quadruplet ([OMEGA], F,
[{[F.sub.t]}.sub.t[greater than or equal to]0], P) is the canonical
complete filtered probability space with the Wiener motion W(t,[omega])
= [omega] (t) for all t [greater than or equal to] 0 and [omega] [member
of] [OMEGA].
The map
[phi]: [R.sub.+] X [OMEGA] [right arrow] [OMEGA], [phi](t,
[omega])(s) = [omega](t + s) - [omega](t) (1)
defines a stochastic semiflow on [OMEGA].
Definition 2.3. Let [phi]: [R.sub.+] X [OMEGA] [right arrow]
[OMEGA] be a stochastic semiflow on [OMEGA]. The mapping [PHI]:
[R.sub.+] X [OMEGA] [right arrow] B(X) is said to be a stochastic
cocycle (over the semiflow [phi]) if it satisfies ([c.sub.1]) [PHI](0,
[omega]) = I (the identity on X), for all [omega] [member of] [OMEGA];
([c.sub.2]) [PHI](t + s, [omega]) = [PHI](t, [phi](s, [omega]))[PHI](s,
[omega]), for all t, s [greater than or equal to] 0, and [omega] [member
of] [OMEGA].
If in addition, there exist M, [lambda] > 0 such that
([c.sub.3]) E[[parallel][PHI](t,*)x[parallel].sup.2] [less than or equal
to]M[e.sup.[lambda](t-s)]E[[parallel] [PHI](s,*)x[parallel].sup.2], for
all t, s [greater than or equal to] 0, and x [member of] X, then [PHI]
is a stochastic cocycle with exponential growth in mean square.
Example 2.4. Consider again the complete filtered probability space
introduced in Example 2.2 and let [{W(t)}.sub.t[greater than or equal
to]0] be an X-valued Brownian motion with a separable covariance Hilbert
space H.
As usual, 23(H, X) is the Banach space of all bounded linear
operators from H into X, while [??](H, X) [subset] B(H, X) is the
subspace of all Hilbert-Schmidt operators S: H [right arrow] X endowed
with the norm
|S| = [([[infinity].summation over
(k=1)][[parallel]S([e.sub.k])[parallel].sup.2]).sup.1/2] (2)
where [{[e.sub.k]}.sub.k[greater than or equal to]1] is a complete
orthonormal system on H.
Next, consider the linear stochastic evolution equation
du(t,x,*) = Au(t,x,*)dt + Bu(t,x,*)dW(t) (3)
where A:D(A) [subset] X [right arrow] X is the infinitesimal
generator of a strongly continuous semigroup [{T(t)}.sub.t[greater than
or equal to]0], and B: X [right arrow] [??](H, X) is a bounded linear
Assume that B can be extended to a bounded linear operator B: X
[right arrow] B(X) (denoted by the same symbol B), and that the series
[[parallel][B.sup.2.sub.k][parallel].sub.B(X)] converge, where [B.sub.k]
is the bounded linear operator on X defined by [B.sub.k](x) =
(Bx)([e.sub.k]), x [member of] X, k [greater than or equal to] 1.
A mild solution of the above stochastic evolution equation is given
by the family of [{[F.sub.t]}.sub.t[greater than or equal to]0]-adapted
processes u(*,x,*): [R.sub.+] X [OMEGA] [right arrow] X, x [member of]
X, satisfying the stochastic integral equation:
u(t,x,*) = T(t)x + [[integral].sup.t.sub.0] T(t - s)Bu(x,x,*)dW(s)
Then, the mapping [PHI]: [R.sub.+] X [OMEGA] [right arrow] B(X)
defined by [PHI](t, [omega])x = u(t, x, [omega]) (5)
is a stochastic cocycle over the semiflow [phi] (see Example 2.2.)
In this section, we investigate a type of asymptotic behavior of a
stochastic cocycle [PHI], namely the exponential stability in mean
Definition 3.1. The stochastic cocycle [PHI]: [R.sub.+] X [OMEGA]
[right arrow] B(X) is said to be exponentially stable in mean square if
there exist two positive constants N, v such that
E[[parallel][PHI](t, *)x[parallel].sup.2] [less than or equal to]
N[e.sup.- v(t-s)]E[[parallel][PHI] (s, *)x[parallel].sup.2] (6)
for all t [greater than or equal to] s [greater than or equal to] 0
and x [member of] X.
Define C as the space of all X-valued stochastic processes [alpha]
[sup.sub.n[member of]N](E[[parallel][alpha](n)(*)[parallel].sup.2])
< [infinity]. (7)
Next, for [alpha] [member of] C set
([GAMMA][alpha])(n)(*) = [n.summation over (j=0)] [PHI] (n - k,
[phi](k,*))[alpha](*), (8)
for every n [member of] N.
Obs. In what follows, we will often use
E[[parallel]([GAMMA][alpha])(n)[parallel].sup.2] instead of
E[[parallel]([GAMMA][alpha])(n)(*)[parallel].sup.2], respectively.
Condition A. There exists some positive constant K such that
[sup.sub.n[member of]N](E[[parallel]([GAMMA][alpha])(n)[parallel].sup.2]) [less than or equal to] K [sup.sub.n[member
of]N](E[[parallel][alpha](n)[parallel].sup.2]), (9) for every stochastic
process [alpha] [member of] C.
Theorem 3.2. Let [PHI] be a stochastic cocycle with uniform
exponential growth in mean square satisfying Condition A. Then, [PHI] is
exponentially stable in mean square.
Proof. Let x [member of] X, s [greater than or equal to] 0 and set
[n.sub.0] = s + 1, where [s] denotes the largest integer less than or
equal with s. Consider the stochastic process
We have that [sup.sub.n[member
of]N](E[[parallel][alpha](n)[parallel].sup.2])=1 and for each n [greater
than or equal to] [n.sub.0],
([GAMMA][alpha])(n) =
[(E[[parallel][PHI]([n.sub.0],*)x[parallel].sup.2].sup.1/2] [PHI](n,*)x.
By the hypothesis, we obtain that
E[[parallel]([GAMMA][alpha])(n)[parallel].sup.2] [less than or equal to]
K, which implies that
E[[parallel][PHI](n,*)x[parallel].sup.2] [less than or equal to] K
E[[parallel][PHI]([n.sub.0],*)x[parallel].sup.2], (12)
for each n [member of] N and x [member of] X.
Now, let m [member of] N and consider the stochastic process
Clearly, [sup.sub.n[member
of]N](E[[parallel][beta](n)[parallel].sup.2])[less than or equal to] K
([GAMMA][beta])(j) = (j + 1)
[(E[[parallel][PHI]([n.sub.0],*)x[parallel].sup.2].sup.1/2] [PHI] (j,*
x), (14)
for every j [greater than or equal to] [n.sub.0]. It follows that
which implies
E[[parallel][PHI]([n.sub.0] + m,*)x[parallel].sup.2] [less than or
equal to] 2 [K.sup.3]/m + 2
E[[parallel][PHI]([n.sub.0],*)x[parallel].sup.2]. (16)
Therefore, there exist k [member of] N and [eta] [member of] (0,1)
such that
E[[parallel][PHI]([n.sub.0] + k,*)x[parallel].sup.2] [less than or
equal to] [eta] E[[parallel][PHI]([n.sub.0],*)x[parallel].sup.2] , (17)
for all [n.sub.0] [member of] N and x [member of] X.
Let t [greater than or equal to] 0 and take n = [t-s/k]. Then, we
can write down
Set now v := - 1/k ln [eta] and N :=
[M.sup.3][e.sup.[lambda](k+2)][[eta].sup.-1] to obtain
E[[parallel][PHI](t, * )x[parallel].sup.2] [less than or equal to]
N[e.sup.- v(t-s)]E[[parallel][PHI](s, *)x[parallel].sup.2], (19)
for all t [greater than or equal to] s [greater than or equal to] 0
and x [member of] X.
Theorem 3.2 can be seen as a sufficient condition for the
exponential stability in mean square of the mild solutions of a
stochastic evolution equation, such as (3). This condition is an
extension of the so-called notion of admissibility, firstly used by
Perron (1930) in the case of deterministic differential equations.
A possible extension of this paper concerns Condition A. We are
looking to lessen this assumption by defining:
Condition A'. The stochastic process Ta belongs to C, for
every stochastic process a EC.
If we replace Condition A by Coondition A' in Theorem 3.2,
does the conclusion remain valid?
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