Tungaloy ceramic cutting tools at interrupted machining.
Cep, Robert ; Janasek, Adam ; Petru, Jana 等
Abstract: The paper deals with testing of ceramic cutting tools
with an interrupted machining. Tests will be provided on fixture
--interrupted cut simulator. This simulator has four mouldings on
circumference and cutting edge gets shocks during one revolution.
Criterion of tool wear is destruction of cutting tool or 6000 shocks. As
testing cutting tool material will be ceramic cutting tools of Tungaloy
Company. Machined materials were steels 15 128 (13MoCrV6) and 12 050
(C45). Cutting speeds and cutting feeds were variable parameters and
cutting depth was a constant parameter.
Key words: machining, interrupted cut, tool-life tests, ceramic
cutting tool, longitudinal turning, testing
Turning tests are focused on machining by smooth cut at constant or
variable depth of cut (Dobransky & Hatala, 2007), (Cep et al.,
2008), (Jurko et al., 2009). In this work we will use one of the
developed tests. It is longitudinal turning, so-called "slat
test" (Cep, 2010). Experiments were conducted on a special
preparation which was constructed at Department of Machining and
Assembly, VSB--Technical University of Ostrava (see Fig. 1.).
A preparation in the shape of a cylinder consists of four
exchangeable slats which are clamped in the grooves by the chucking
wedge. The basic construction consists of special cylinders which are
milled four mortises (measurement: 70 x 48 mm in 600 mm length). Slats
can be put under by washers so we can provide the stable cutting
diameter. Edge of cutting insert is exposed to four shocks during one
revolution. The product is also equipped with circlips. If we want to
guarantee a constant depth of chips and we want to avoid of vibration it
is necessary to cut off the first depth of chips before measurements.
The limitation is created by prepared construction that can not be
clamped with differently wide slats and can not change the ratio between
the time mesh and the duration of edge cooling in the gap.
The ceramic cutting tools for testing were supplied by Tungaloy
Company. We tested two types of ceramic indexable cutting inserts. These
cutting inserts have a standard shape SNGN 120716 and used materials
were FX105 and CX710 (Tungaloy Catalogue, 2007).
We have choosen steels 15 128 (13MoCrV6) and 12 050 (C45) as
workpiece materials. Carbon steel C45 was chosen on the basis that it is
a reference material for the class of machinability 14b. Its hardness
ranges is 180-220 HB. The second material was chosen for its mechanical
properties, especially higher toughness. This material was chosen for
"sharpening" of tests. Ceramic cutting tools are usable
especially for cast iron machining. For this reason steel was chosen in
order to rebut the presumption rooted that is suitable for cutting
ceramics for machining cast iron and not suitable for interrupted
Firstly, the preparation should be clamped to the turning lathe. It
is fastened to the turning lathe chuck and buttresses with the tip
established in tailstock sleeve. Slats are gradually put in the
preparation, that are clamped by wedge-shaped jaws. If we want to
guarantee a constant depth and we want to avoid of vibration it is
necessary to cut off the first depth of chips before we start taking the
We choose these parameters with regard to manufacturer's
recommendation of cutting ceramics and experience of the resolvers. The
following cutting conditions were chosen for testing these types of
cutting materials:
* Cutting speeds [v.sub.c] = (408; 580) m/min,
* Feeds f = (0,15; 0,20; 0,25; 0,30) mm,
* Cutting depth [a.sub.p] = 1 mm.
Cutting geometry for tool testing from cutting ceramics was chosen
with regard to ISO 3685 standard--Tool Life Testing of Single Point
Turning Tools (ISO 3685, 1990). All types of indexable cutting inserts,
that we will be tested, have a normalize shape SNGN 120716 T02020 and
will be attached to the tool holder CSRNR 25x25 M12-K.
Tests were conducted on the turning lathe ZMM SLIVEN. This lathe has a rigid structure that allows rigid clamping and absorbs shocks very
well and reaches mostly 2000 RPM. This turning-lathe is conveniented for
this type of experiments.
The main criterion of tool wear was a tool-fracture at measurement.
This moment was noticed by changing the cutting sound, sparking or
worsen in surface roughness. Limit value of 6000 shocks was determined
on the basis of previous experience in terms of time and material
demandingness. If indexable cutting inserts withstand this value, the
experiment will be finished. Cutting insert will be described as
satisfactory. Measurement is repeated three times.
Formula for calculation the number of shocks:
R = 4.l/f (1)
R--number of shocks [-],
l--machining length [mm],
f--feed per revolution [mm].
We processed all measured values for all types of ceramic cutting
inserts from Tungaloy Company that were tested. The results for all
feeds are displayed in following diagram.
From the dependency graph of number of shocks on the cutting speed
at 0,15 mm feed can be concluded that the number of shocks is maximal for all cutting inserts at [v.sub.c] = 408 m/min and [v.sub.c] = 580
m/min. It concludes that these ceramic cutting inserts are suitable for
interrupted cut at 0,15 mm feed.
From the dependency graph of number of shocks on the cutting speed
at 0,2 mm feed can be concluded that the number of shocks is maximal for
all cutting inserts at [v.sub.c] = 408 and [v.sub.c] = 580 m/min too. It
concludes that these ceramic cutting inserts are suitable for
interrupted cut at 0,2 mm feed. Both ceramic inserts achieved maximum
number of shocks at lower feeds.
From the dependency graph of number of shocks on the cutting speed
at 0,25 mm feed can be concluded that the number of shocks is the same
for all cutting inserts and materials at lower cutting speed [v.sub.c] =
408 m/min. Cutting inserts did not withstand the maximum number of
shocks at both cutting speeds. Inserts withstood the maximum number of
shocks only on 13MoCrV6 material at higher cutting speed. FX105 ceramic
cutting inserts achieved the lowest number of shocks on C45 material--at
higher cutting speed.
From the dependency graph of number of shocks on the cutting speed
at 0,3 mm feed can be concluded that the number of shocks is the same
for all ceramic cutting inserts and materials at [v.sub.c] = 408 m/min
as in previous case. Cutting inserts withstood maximal number of shocks
at higher cutting speed only on 13MoCrV6 materials. FX105 ceramic
cutting inserts achieved the lowest number of shocks on C45 material.
The ability to withstand shocks decreases with increasing feed.
Through the centuries, producers of ceramic cutting tools have
taken big steps forward. Properties have improved--their resistance to
mechanical stress and tool wear, high temperature resistance, high
accuracy. Some producers advise ceramic cutting inserts for interrupted
machining at the present time.
FX105 ceramic cutting inserts (13MoCrV6 material) reached the limit
number of shocks at both cutting speeds and feeds of all. It means, that
they have a high resistance and ability to perform interrupted cut in
this material.
FX105 ceramic cutting inserts (C45 material) reached the limit
value at lower cutting speed for all feeds. The cutting inserts
withstand fewer number of shocks when cutting speed is [v.sub.c] = 580
m/min and with increasing feed of cutting insert. The number of shocks
decreases with increasing value of the feed. FX105 ceramic cutting
inserts were able to withstand the limit value of 6000 shocks at 0,15 mm
and 0,2 mm.
CX710 ceramic cutting inserts (13MoCrV6 material) reached the limit
number of shocks at both cutting speeds and feeds of all. That means
they have a high resistance and ability to perform interrupted cut in
this material. This material have higher of toughness and heat
conductivity than FX105.
CX710 ceramic cutting inserts (C45 material) reached the limit
value at lower cutting speed for all feeds. The cutting inserts
withstand fewer number of shocks when cutting speed is [v.sub.c] = 580
m/min and with increasing feed of cutting insert--like in previous case
for the C45 material. The number of shocks decreases with increasing
value of the feed. CX710 ceramic cutting inserts were able to withstand
the limit value of 6000 shocks at 0,15 mm and 0,2 mm.
These tests showed that FX 105 and CX710 ceramic cutting inserts
can be used for interrupted cut. Both cutting inserts withstood maximum
number of shocks at 13MoCrV6 material (at lower or higher cutting
speed). It means, that FX 105 and CX710 inserts have a high resistance
and ability to perform an interrupted cut at 13MoCrV6 material.
The next steps in the future will determine the effect of thermal
and mechanical shock and tool-life at unbalanced preparation. The gap
between slats will not be constant.
This paper was supported by the Czech Science Foundation, grant
number 101/08/P118, entitled Ceramic Cutting Tool Tests at Interrupted
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*** (2007) http://www.insmetal.net/--Standard ISO 3685: 1990 --Tool
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