Electrochemical micromachining of tungsten.
Zemann, Richard ; Bleicher, Friedrich ; Puschitz, Falko 等
Abstract: The tendency to make progressively smaller and
increasingly complex products is no longer an exclusive demand of the
electronics industry. Many fields such as medicine, biomechanical
technology, the automotive and the aviation industries are searching for
tools and methods to realize micro and nanostructures in various
materials. The micro-structuring of very hard materials, like carbides
or brittle-hard materials, pose a particularly major challenge for
manufacturing technology. For these reasonns the Institute for
Production Engineering and Laser Technology of the Vienna University of
Technology is working in the field of electrochemical micromachining
with ultra short pulses. With the theoretical resolution of 10 nm, this
technology enables high precision manufacturing. [Kock M.]
Keywords: micromachining, electrochemical, precision, finishing
The ECM process is an electrochemical manufacturing method where an
opposing electric voltage for the work piece and the tool is used. So it
is possible to machine the tool and the work piece just through a
software change to the pulse generator without any set-up time. Only the
electrolyte has to be changed to match the material which is to be
machined. If it is necessary for a project to machine the tool and the
work piece, the simplest way would be to use the same material for the
tool and the work piece. The refractory metal, tungsten for example, has
very interesting characteristics for the use as tool and work piece
material in the process of electrochemical micromachining technologies.
1.1 Characteristics of tungsten
Density: 19.3 g/[cm.sup.3]
Melting point: 3695 [degrees]K
Young's modulus: 411 GPa
Strength: 2 GPa
Hardness (Molls): 7.5
The Young's modulus of tungsten is around twice as high as
that of steel, which is an advantage for the stiffness of the parts and
allows the products to be produced in a smaller size. Also, the
possibility to take the caustic metallic base, sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
which is a common and well established base in industry, for the
processing electrolyte is another advantage of tungsten. The so produced
electrolyte for the manufacturing process would be minimally hazardous
and easily available; so far it is a preferable substance for the
experimental and industrial use. The lye concentration of 2M NaOH
assures a good ratio between machining time and structure precision for
most experiments. If the concentration was higher the precision will
decrease and the ablation rate will increase; for a less concentrated
electrolyte the effects are vice versa.
Due to tungsten's characteristics it is the preferable
material in micro manufacturing for products with structural
requirements. For example, at the IFT, tungsten is used for the
engineering of very small styluses used for high precision measuring
machines like a Zeiss F25 coordinate measuring machine. These styluses,
with diameters of less than 100 [micro]m, are machined by
electrochemical micromachining with a tungsten tool from a tungsten work
piece. The problem in having the same material for the tool and the work
piece is that generally the electrolyte which is adapted to the work
piece material is also able to react with the tool. So it is possible
that in some ranges of the different electrochemical parameters, for
example the voltage at the tool, the tool dissolves during
manufacturing; now the process would experience a kind of wear. With
other pairings, for example non-corroding steel as tool material,
tungsten as work piece material and NaOH as electrolyte, there is
chemically no possibility for any unwanted dissolution. In some cases it
is necessary to manufacture the tool and the work piece in the same
electrolyte without any time delays.
Figure 1 shows the results of incorrectly choosing the
electrochemical parameters. The voltage at the tool should be set so
that the tool experiences no wear and that there is no traditional
electrochemical ablation through a polarization of the work piece caused
by the voltage at the tool. The pictures in Figure 1 show two different
tools with diameters of 250 [micro]m. The tool in the left picture has
no kind of wear. The right picture shows a tool with wear through a
positive tool voltage. The resulting chamfer has the dimensions of 42 x
34 [micro]m after milling a grove with a length of 1000 [micro]m and a
depth of 40 [micro]m. With this information it would appear that by
setting the voltage at the tool to the negative extreme, it would be
possible to avoid that dissolution at the tool, but there is another
aspect which narrows the negative range of the voltage. If the voltage
at the tool is, for example, -500 mV you might not have wear at the tool
but the tool will positively polarize the work piece. If this local
polarization is large enough to superimpose the cathodic protective
effect, some unwanted dissolution could again appear.
This time though, the work piece would suffer and traditional
problems of electrochemical machining like a strong edge rounding would
be witnessed. Another reason again for setting the voltage at the tool
very negative is that the dissolved and positive ions coming from the
work piece may attach to the tool. So the tool geometry will change,
which is undesirable in regard to the manufacturing precision of the
process. There is a specific range in which the voltage at the tool has
to be set within. In general, this range depends on the materials to be
used, the electrolyte and the concentration of the electrolyte. For
tungsten in 2M NaOH the voltage at the tool should be between -200 and
100 mV.
Another phenomenon of traditional electrochemical machining
technologies is that of conical shaped flanks after, for example,
drilling of a hole. To solve this problem there are a number of
different strategies. One possible solution to this problem is to change
the form the tool from a simple cylinder to a tool with a thin shaft and
a disc at the end. That leads to a longer distance between the shaft of
the tool and the work piece so that only the disc surface of the tool is
near enough to recharge the electrochemical double layer formed at the
work piece. Such tool geometry is used for better localization of the
ablation of drilling processes. Another possibility to solve this
problem is to separate the drilling process in a strong dissolving and a
slight dissolving process. This is possible through different parameter
sets and does not need any preparation time at the machine. The
finishing part of the process could have amplitude of 2200 mV and a
pulse width of 80 ns instead of 2800 mV and 200 ns for the basic part.
With this strategy it is possible to outperform the single cycle process
with just one parameter set in case of machining precision. Experiments
with such a strategy have shown, for example, that the edge rounding
decreases to lower than 4 [micro]m and the roughness of the produced
surfaces is about Ra 0.06.
Figure 2 shows the effect of the dwelling time during the process.
In this experiment a tool with a diameter of 250 [micro]m was positioned
1 [micro]m over the work piece surface. The voltage of the tool was -100
mV, the amplitude of the pulse was 2800 mV and the pulse width was 200
ns. There are eight stop positions visible. On each position from the
left to the right end the dwelling time was doubled from 5 s at the
first position to 640 s at the last position. With the maximum depth of
-7 [micro]m after the dwelling time of 640 seconds this experiment
confirmed the relevance of the dwelling time for the manufactured
geometry. That is one of the effects, which has to be controlled for an
industrial use of the ECM technology.
The most important parametrical relationship in the use of
electrochemical micromachining is that between amplitude, pulse width
and working gap. [Hamann C: H:] The energy for the process is the
integral over the amplitude and the pulse width. Increased energy in the
double layer at the work piece leads to a rougher, more powerful
process. In this case the appeared working gap is large and the
precision of the process is no advantage for the ECM technology. The
size of the working gap is the most important benchmark for the
precision of the parts and in creating sharp edged geometry.
The working gap for tungsten manufacturing with a cylindrical tool
and a diameter of 75 [micro]m in the electrolyte with 2M NaOH, has a
range from 2 to over 30 [micro]m. In Figure 3, the graph of the working
gap for a pulse amplitude of 2750 mV and a pulse width from 70 to 200 ns
is shown. This process would be a rather more dissolving one. If the
precision requirements of the product are not met a finishing cycle
could help. The finishing with an amplitude of 2200 to 2500 mV and a low
pulse width under 100 ns would create a sharper structure.
The technology of electrochemical micromachining with ultra short
pulses has successful displayed the many applications especially for
prototype building or for the manufacturing of special products where
there is no other technology which can combine a very high precision
without any mechanical forces or thermal influences. [Kirchner V.] The
characteristics of tungsten are very positive for many micro and nano sized parts and the wider range of application in high end products is
foreseeable. Also the application of tungsten for both, the tool and the
work piece has positive aspects especially for the use in industry. The
occurring electrochemical problems are tradable and a further topic for
the Institute of Production Engineering and Laser Technology, as well as
the micromachining of many other materials like nickel or noncorroding
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