Analysis of the main factors of optimisation of long term financing structure of Romanian enterprises.
Vintila, Georgeta ; Armeanu, Daniel ; Nedelescu, Mihai 等
Abstract: The-financial structure of the enterprise represents a
subject of permanent interest in specialized literature. Adopting a
certain financial structure represents an important aspect of the
financial policy of the enterprise. The decision regarding the financial
structure of the enterprise depends on its economic growth objectives,
the level of the expected return and the assumed risks, as well as on
the shareholders, investors and financial institutions. When talking of
enterprises, capitals are fewer and fewer, more and more expensive, and,
in a context of strong competence, the expected profit is obtained with
more difficulty, taking greater risks which are hard to anticipate and
Key words: capital structure, cost of the capital, financial
leverage, multiple regression
In the current period of deep financial disturbances at both macro
and micro-economic levels, capital owners select investment with much
more attention, by comparing the dividend rate, offered by the
enterprise, and the interest rate of the banck or the profit rate
obtained from other investments. Under these circumstances, it is
certain that the situation and the image of the enterprise depend on the
profit rate which, if looked at in terms of the use of profit as
development source and as a method to gain capitals, ultimately
determines the place of the enterprise on the market (Vintila, 2008).
If an enterprise wants to ensure an economic and financial balance
and the expected profit, it has to ensure itself an optimal structure of
capital, which is nevertheless easy to prescribe but hard to achieve.
The capital structure of an enterprise, or the so-called mixed capital
between ownership equity and debts, represents one of the most debated
subjects in theoretical and applied finance. Thus, beginning with Miller
& Modigliani's classical theory (1958) and continuing with the
modern theories, there has been a permanent preoccupation of surprising,
analysing and interpreting of the factors that influence the financial
decision of the enterprise both in a national and international context.
In the case of Romania--maybe more than in the case of other
countries--the optimisation of the capitals structure is more difficult
and sprinkled with problems that are more difficult to solve. The need
of capital the Romanian enterprises are confronted with greatly depends
on the way these handle the informational elements regarding the
capitals, their formation sources, their cost, the capital allocation
and use, the obtainable capitals, the projects profitability, the
profitable valorification of the existant own capitals, etc. Moreover,
considering the particular problems Romania is dealing with, and as long
as we are aware of the mentioned risks, approaching the issue of
optimisation the long-term financing structure of the enterprise is an
absolute and doubtless necessity.
The research is applied on a sample of 60 enterprises listed at
Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) having the aim to analys the main factors
of influence of financing structure of romanian enterprises. The reason
the chosen companies were from those listed at BVB is that a company is
admitted at BVB on certain performance criteria and the listing
represents an award for the efficient activity of the company.
With regard to the structure of the capitals of the Romanian
enterprises there have been a multitude eof empirical studies based on
Miller & Modigliani's classical model as well as on modern
theories about capitals structure. Therefore, the researchers'
interest consisted in testing the hypotheses that are the fundamentals
of the trade off and pecking order theories. Their aim was to identify
the theory which best explains the financial behaviour of Romanian
enterprises. Empirical studies realised by Romanian specialists like
(Dragota, 2005; Ivanescu, 2006; Darie, 2008) with regard to the
financing structure of local companies follow the international
tendency. Thus, according to studies by (Booth et al., 2001), Romanian
enterprises follow the trend of developing countries.
Determining an optimal financing structure is one of the
managers' main objectives and at the same time problem which is
difficult to be solved at a practical level. By means of econometric
instruments, this study tried to analyse the impact of some factors,
considered to be determining for the financial structure, on the average
weighted cost of the enterprise capital (CMP) and on the financial
leverage (LEV) and also to identify that theoretical model based on
classical and modern theories. Considering the above, the empirical
analysis of the financial data was made by two multiple regression
--The first model analyses the influence of six factors (financial
leverage LEV, weight of fixed assets in the total assets PAI, rate of
financial autonomy RAF, debts rate RDAT, economic rentability ROA and
financial rentability ROE) on CMP;
--The second model analyses the influence of five factors (weight
of fixed assets in the total assets PAI, rate of financial autonomy RAF,
economic rentability ROA and financial rentability ROE as well as
interest rate RDOB) on LEV.
2.1 Econometric analysis of the main factors of the average
weighted cost of the capital of the enterprise (CMP)
Following the statistical tests of corelation, the result was that
only three of the six independent variables are significant from a
statistic point of view. Thus, the tested regression model will have the
following form:
[] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1] LEV +
[[alpha].sub.2]PAI + [[alpha].sub.3] ROE (1)
The results obtained with the help of the regression model reflect
the fact that the independent variables taken into consideration explain
in a great measure the evolution of the analyzed dependent variable (Tab
2.2 Econometric analysis of the main factors of the financial
leverage (LEV)
Following the statistical tests of corelation, the result was that
only three of the six independent variables are significant from a
statistic point of view. Thus, the tested regression model will have the
following form:
[] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1] PAI +
[[alpha].sub.2]ROE (2)
Following the estimations of the parameters of the regression
model, the result was the following output (Tab 2):
From the evolution of the influential factors followed during the 5
years of analysis we can observe that not all the independent variables
of the two models are significant from a statistic point of view
(Armeanu & Lache, 2008). We tried to identify the determining
factors of the average weighted cost of that capital, and of the
financial leverage with the help of the method of analysis of main
components. After assessing the data with the help of the Statistica 10
program, the following output resulted:
1. Of the six independent variables of the first regression model
(CMP) only the financial leverage (LEV), weight of fixed assets in the
total assets (PAI) and the financial rentability rate (ROE) are
determining factors that influence significantly the average weighted
cost of the capital of the enterprise: about 47% of the CMP variation is
explained by LEV and ROE and about 33% of the CMP variation is explained
by PAI. In other words, an optimal financing structure could be
determined by the control of the financial leverage of the enterprise
(LEV), of the weight of fixed assets (PAI) and of the financial
rentability (ROE).
2. Of the five independent variables of the second regression model
(LEV) only the weight of fixed assets in the total assets (PAI) and the
financial rentability (ROE) are determining factors as regard to the
evolution of the financial leverage (about 62% of the LEV variation
being explained by the weight of fixed assets in the total assets of the
enterprise and the financial rentability). In other words, an optimal
financing structure could be determined by the control of the weight of
fixed assets (PAI) and of the financial rentability (ROE).
The analysis of the capital structure of the enterprises listed at
BVB between underlines that the main financing source is represented by
ownership equity having an approximatively 58% weight, the rest of the
capitals coming from external sources, especially from stock emission
and long-term and short-term bank loans. This analyse highlights the
fact that Romanian enterprises try to cover the financing necessary
especially by means of own sources and only when these reached the limit
do manager try to look for external sources: bank credits, leasing,
stock emission firstly and bonds emission secondly. Also, as far as the
structure of the debts listed at BVB in 2006-2010 it is obvious that the
management of these enterprises prefer debts with due date shorter than
one year to debts with due date longer than one year. This tendency of
managers engaging debts on rather short terms can be explained by the
restrictive conditions imposed by Romanian financial institutions when
approving long-term loans. Guided by what has been presented above, we
could conclude that the financing structure generally used by Romanian
enterprises is in accordance with e the principles of the pecking order
theory. That means that the company will try to cover the financing
necessary from own sources firstly and only after having reached its
limit does is try to call for external financing. We could also observe
that external financing generally comes from credits, and, as far as
time as a factor is concerned, managers of the local companies prefer
endebting on short periods of time to indebting on long periods of time.
This preferance for short-term loans can be explained through the
restrictions imposed by the financial institutions when giving long-term
This article is a result of the Exploratory Research Project
PN-II-ID-PCE-2008-2, no. 1764, CNCSIS, financed from the state budget
through the Executor Unit for Superior Education and Scientific Research
Activity Financing UEFISCSU.
Armeanu, D. & Lache, L. (2008) Application of the Model of
Principal Components Analysis on Romanian Insurance Market, Theoretical
and Applied Economics, AGER, vol. 6., ISSN 1841-8678
Booth, T., Aivazian, V., Demirguc-Kunt, A., Maksimovic, V. (2001)
Capital structures in developing countries, Journal of economics,
no.LVI, pag.87-130
Darie, A. (2008) Analiza financiara in mecanismul de formare a
surselor de finantare a intreprinderii, Publisher ASE, Bucharest
Dragota, M. (2005) Analiza factorilor determinanti ai politicii de
finantare a societatilor comerciale listate pe piata de capital,
Publisher ASE, Bucharest
Ivanescu, D.N. (2006) Analiza factorilor determinanti ai structurii
de financiare a intreprinderii, Publisher ASE, Bucharest
Vintila, G. (2008) Gestiunea financiara a intreprinderii, Publisher
EDP, ISBN 973-30-2358-2, Bucharest
Tab. 1. Analysis of the influential factors of the capital structure
of the enterprise according to the regression model (CMP)
LEV The leverage rate registered in the Romanian level,
according to the regression model, presents a
positive correlation reported to the average weighted
cost of the capital. This suggests that indebted
enterprises have a bigger average weighted cost
than those less indebted.
PAI According to the regression model, PAI presents a
negative correlation in report to the CMP dependent
variable. This highlights the fact that local
enterprises listed at BVB choose financing from
own sources or leveling up the indebtness degree
when deciding to grow the assets.
ROE According to out of the regression model, ROE
present a positive correlation in report to the
dependent variable CMP. ROE is a synthetical
indicator which expresses the capacity of the
enterprise to issue profit through own capitals
engaged in its activity abd the shareholders'
remuneration degree.
Tab. 2. Analysis of the influential factors of the capital structure
of the enterprise according to the regression model (LEV)
PAI According to the regression model elaborated for
local companies, the PAI presents a negative
correlation in report to the LEV dependent
variable. This highlights the fact that local
enterprises listed at BVB choose financing from
own sources or leveling up the indebtness degree
when deciding to grow the assets.
ROE According to out of the regression model, ROE
present a positive correlation in report to the
dependent variable LEV. ROE is an which
expresses the capacity of the enterprise to issue
profit through own capitals engaged in its activity
abd the shareholders' remuneration degree.