A new strategy for Toeplitz matrix.
Kostic, Aleksandra
Abstract: In this note we bring a completely new strategy for
calculating the minimum eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.1.sup.(n)] of a real
symmetric, positive definite Toeplitz matrix (RSPDTMO T,. The strategy
is particularly applicable to the modeling of secular functions, since
it is based on a calculation of the smallest pole of secular functions.
It is also pointed to structure of the array, which consists of the
smallest eigenvalue of the main sub matrices of the RSPDTM [T.sub.n].
Key words: eigenvalue problem, Toeplitz matrix, new strategy
The problem of finding the smallest eigenvalue
[[lambda].sub.1.sup.(n)] of a real symmetric, positive definite Toeplitz
matrix (RSPDTM) [T.sub.n] is of considerable interest in signal
processing. Given the covariance sequence of the observed data,
Pisarenko (Pisarenko, 1973) suggested a method which determines the
sinusoidal frequencies from the eigenvector of the covariance matrix
associated with its minimum eigenvalue.
Because of this, there are various methods for calculating the
smallest eigenvalue. These methods are divided into three groups:
1. Methods based on characteristic polynomial of the RSPDTM
(Mastronardi, N & Boley, D., 1999, Mackens & Voss, 2000, Melman,
2006, Kostic & Cohodar, 2008)
2. Methods based on secular function (Cybenko & Van Loan, 1986,
Mackens & Voss 1997, Kostic & Voss 2002, Kostic, Velic &
Hadziabdic, 2010, Kostic, Velic & Bektesevic 2011)
3. Hybrid methods (Kostic & Voss, 2003)
Due to its special structure possessed by Toeplitz matrices we use
the information we obtain from the appropriate matrix of a smaller size
for calculating the value of the characteristic polynomial or the
secular equation. Durbin's algorithm is used to solve Yule-Walker
[T.sub.n][y.sup.(n)] = - [([t.sup.(n)]).sup.T] (1)
[([t.sup.(n)]).sup.T] = [([t.sub.1], ..., [t.sub.n]).sup.T] (2)
For solving system (1) we use solutions of the Yule-Walker system
[T.sub.j][y.sup.(j)] = ([t.sub.1], [t.sub.2], ..., [t.sub.j]) (3)
These recursions enable us to determine the position of test
parameters in relation to the eigenvalues of the RSPDTM [T.sub.j](j =
1,2, ..., n).
In Section 2 we introduce the basic concepts and notation. In
Section 3 we briefly bring you already used information in our earlier
algorithms about smallest eigenvalue and some general information about
RSPDTM [T.sub.j] (j=1,2,..n). In Section 4 is a new strategy for RSPDTM.
In Section 5 we make a conclusion.
The Teoplitz matrix is quadratic matrix which has the same elements
in its respective diagonals, which means that [a.sub.ij] =
[a.sub.n+1-Ln+1-i]. Because we take in consideration symmetric matrices
it also means that [a.sub.ij] = [a.sub.ji]. The Teoplitz matrix is
defined with vector (1, [t.sub.1], ..., [t.sub.n-1])[member of][R.sup.n]
so the [(ij).sup.th] element of an n x n symmetric Toeplitz matrix
[T.sub.n] is given by [t.sub.[absolute value of i-j]]. We can conclude,
form above given, that Teoplitz matrices are centrosymmetric and satisfy
[JT.sub.n]J= [T.sub.n]. We use I for the identity matrix and J:=
[([[delta].sub.i,n+1-i)].sub.i,j=1,...,n] for the exchange, or
"flip" matrix.
It is clear that RSPDTM have the following form
or, written differently
In general,
Next relation is valid for the corresponding eigenvalues
[[lambda].sup.(j).sub.i] [less than or equal to]
[[lambda].sup.(j).sub.i+1] (i = 1,2,...,j; j = 1,2,...,n).
We have already emphasized the importance of Durbin's
algorithm that allows the characteristic polynomial [p.sub.j] ([lambda])
of the RSPDTM [T.sub.j] to be calculated as follows
where [[beta].sub.k]([lambda]) are Schur-Szego parameters of the
Durbin's algorithm. It is also important to apply
[[beta].sub.j]([lambda]) = [q.sub.1,j]([lambda]):=
[p.sub.j]([lambda])/[p.sub.j-1]([lambda]) (8)
which means that [[lambda].sub.1.sup.(j-1)]) is pole of the secular
In this section we present a new strategy. One motivation for this
is the fact that the secular functions defined in the work (Kostic,
Velic & Bektesevic, 2011) [q.sub.j,n]([lambda]):=
[p.sub.n]([lambda])/[p.sub.n-j]([lambda]), can be difficult to model. An
attempt was of the modelling was made in paper (Kostic, Velic &
Hadziabdic, 2010) for j = 2.
Strategy of the new idea consists in the fact that we calculate the
smallest pole of the secular function [q.sub.j,n] ([lambda]). This pole
is at the same time the lowest eigenvalue [[lambda].sup.(j).sub.1] of
[T.sub.j]. If we know the smallest pole then it would be no problem to
find a rational model of our secular equation. For j = n/2 cost for
Durbin's step for finding a pole would be [n.sup.2]/2.
Of course the intermediate results obtained from finding the pole
can still be used for retrieval of the [[lambda].sup.(n).sub.1].
It is interesting to note that, at the end, some of the eigenvalues
of the RSPDTM can now be red for small dimensions. EB. for n = 1 we have
certain eigenvalue [[lambda].sup.(1).sub.1] = 1.
For n - 2 we have [[lambda].sup.(2).sub.1] = min(1 - [t.sub.1], 1 +
[t.sub.1]). For n = 3 one of the eigenvalues is [t.sub.2]. Therefore it
is interesting to consider the array
[{[[lambda].sup.(j).sub.1]}.sub.j=1,2,...,n] which consists of smallest
eigenvalues of the matrix [T.sub.j] (j=1,2,..n).
This new strategy will be presented for special case of j=1.
For k-4,5 until n-1 determine [[lambda].sup.(k).sub.1] make
rational model [r.sub.k+1] for [q.sub.1,k+1] find
[[lambda].sup.(k+1).sub.1] as smallest root of [r.sub.k+1] End
In the algorithm presented above we have started the first step for
k=4 because, as we can se from the earlier text that
[[lambda].sup.(1).sub.1] [[lambda].sup.(2).sub.1] and
[[lambda].sup.(3).sub.1] are already known.
Here, we have adopted a new strategy for calculation of the
smallest eigenvalue of the RSPDT matrix. The basic idea is to first
calculate pole of our secular equation based on known algorithms.
Calculation of the pole provides easier modelling of the secular
function. This is a new idea in Toeplitz matrix research.
Future research will be practiced, as usual on the CVL class of
matrices, which are the following class of Toeplitz matrices:
where m is chosen such that the diagonal of 7", is normalized
to [t.sub.0] = 1. [T.sub.[theta]] = ([t.sub.i,j]) = (cos([theta](i-j)))
and [[eta].sub.k] and [[theta].sub.k] are uniformly distributed random
in the interval [0,1].
Further research for the next paper is planned to also exploit the
symmetry properties of a real symmetric positive Teoplitz matrices.
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