A critical review of Mises method applied to the Toeplitz matrix.
Kostic, Aleksandra
Abstract: In this note we critically examine the application of
Mises method to find the largest eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.n] of a real
symmetric positive definite Toeplitz matrix (RSPDTM). The Mises method
is considered a simple method because it is based on matrix
multiplication. Special properties of the Toeplitz matrix enable us to
multiply it with the symmetrical vector with only [n.sup.2] flops.
However practical results are already not satisfactory in terms of
number of steps and when matrices have small dimension n which is
explained with linear convergence of the method.
Key words: eigenvalue problem, Toeplitz matrix, mises method
The problem of finding the smallest eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.1] of
a real synunetric, positive definite Toeplitz matrix (RSPDTM) [T.sub.n]
is of considerable interest in signal processing. Given the covariance sequence of the observed data, Pisarenko (Pisarenko, 1973) suggested a
method, which determines the sinusoidal frequencies from the eigenvector of the covariance matrix associated with its minimum eigenvalue. The
computation of the minimum eigenvalue of [T.sub.n] was studied in, e. g.
(Cybenko & Van Loan, 1986; Kostic, 2004; Kostic & Cohodar, 2008;
Mackens & Voss, 1997, 1998, 2000; Melman, 2006; Mastronardi &
Boley, 1999). Cybenko and Van Loan (Cybenko & Van Loan, 1986)
presented an algorithm, which is a combination of bisection and
Newton's method for the secular equation. This approach was
improved considerably in (Mackens & Voss, 1997) and (Kostic &
Voss, 2002) by replacing Newton's method by a more appropriate root
finding methods for the secular equation. Taking advantage of the fact
that the spectrum of a symmetric Toeplitz matrix can be divided into odd
and even parts the methods based on the secular equation were
accelerated in (Voss, 1999).
Kostic (Kostic, 2004) has determined first five zeros of
characteristic polynomial and secular function. To find characteristic
polynomial above author has used Meahly strategy, but in the case of
secular function author has modified secular function in interval of two
poles, where desired zero lied. An expensive calculating of second
derivative of polynomial avoids the usage of Newton's method for
determination of arbitrary eigenvalue in the ease of characteristic
polynomial. Kostic and Cohodar (Kostic & Cohodar, 2008) have solved
this problem coming up to the computation of the second derivative
characteristic polynomial by using additionally 0.75 iterations. Melman
in (Melman, 2006) has also recommended method for cheap determination of
first derivation of characteristic polynomial. Melman in (Melman, 2006)
shows that this recursion can be replaced by a shorter computation,
involving the computation of the trace of an appropriate matrix, that,
after solving the Yule-Walker equations, requires only O(n) flops.
Kostic (Kostic, 2009) has determined eigenvalue from the middle of
the spectnma by applying characteristic polynomial.
However, all mentioned algorithms are based on Yule-Walker
equations and Durbin's algorithm. For an n x n symmetric Toeplitz
matrix [T.sub.n] defined by (1, [t.sub.1],[t.sub.2], ..., [t.sub.n-1]),
this system of linear equations is given by [T.sub.n][y.sup.(n)]=-t
where t=-[([t.sub.1], ..., [t.sub.n]).sup.T] and is named Yule-Walker
system. There exist several methods to solve these equations.
Durbin's algorithm solves them by recursively computing the
solutions to lower-dimensional systems, provided all principal sub
matrices are non-singular. This algorithm requires 2[n.sup.2]+O(n)
flops. In addition, here are: Split-Durbin algorithm, Split Levinson
algorithm, Even-Odd algorithm, Even-Odd Split Levinson algorithm and
superfast methods. Split-Durbin algorithm requires 3[n.sup.2]/2+O(n)
The question is whether it is possible to develop a good method for
calculating some of the eigenvalues by using the special structure of
Toeplitz matrices and not find themselves using the Yule-Walker system
and Durbin's algorithm.
In Section 2 we introduce the basic concepts and notation. In
Section 3 we deliver the basics of the Mises Method. In Section 4 we
critically analyze the method and its application to RSPDT matrix. In
Section 5 we bring the conclusion.
The Teoplitz matrix is quadratic matrix which has the same elements
in its respective diagonals, which means that [a.sub.ij] =
[a.sub.n+1-j,n+1-i] Because we take in consideration symmetric matrices
it also means that [a.sub.ij] = [a.sub.ji]. The Teoplitz matrix is
defined with vector (1, [t.sub.1], ..., [t.sub.n-1]) [member of]
[R.sup.n] so the [(ij).sup.th] element of an n x n symmetric Toeplitz
matrix [T.sub.n] is given by [t.sub.[absolute value of i-j]]. We can
conclude, form above given, that Teoplitz matrices are centrosymmetric
and satisfy J[T.sub.n]J=[T.sub.n]. We use I for the identity matrix and
J:= [([delta]i,n+1-i).sub.i,j=1,...,n] for the exchange, or
"flip" matrix.
Mises Method is one of the simplest methods for determining the
largest eigenvalue. Method is described with following algorithm in
easiest possible manner:
For m=0,1, ... until convergence to
[v.sup.m+1] = A[u.sub.m]
[k.sub.m+1] = [e.sup.(1)'] x [v.sub.m+1]
[u.sub.m+1] = [v.sub.m+1]/[k.sub.m+1]
In this algorithm matrix A has format nxn and matrices um and vm+1
have format nx1 which means that they are column matrices. Matrix e(1)
is matrix with nx1 dimension which contains number one as its first
element. We have taken the symbol " for notation of the transposed
matrix. In this manner we have insured that km+1 is real number.
Convergence is linear with a convergence factor
q := max [absolute value of [[lambda].sub.1]/[[lambda].sub.n]], i =
1,2, ..., n -1 (1)
where [[lambda].sub.n] is the biggest eigenvalue and
[[lambda].sub.1] is the smallest eigenvalue of the RSPDTM [T.sub.n]. For
initial vector we take column matrix x=ones (n,1), which has number one
for all its components.
Even though we have briefly given all known methods for
determination of spectrum, all of those methods are based on
Durbin's algorithm. Here, we try to present method in which we will
not use Durbin's algorithm. Since RSPDTM [T.sub.n] has a special
structure, costs of multiplication with the symmetrical column matrix x
can be reduced. Let
be RSPDT matrix, and let n be even number, which means that n = 2k,
k [member of] N. Let
be symmetrical vector. Than,
[T.sub.n] b = C (4)
where C is also symmetrical vector. Symmetry of the vector C is
consequence of the matrix multiplication of matrix [T.sub.n] and vector
b, where [T.sub.n] has Teoplitz structure and b has its symmetry
In case of a square matrix, product of matrix with dimensions nxn
and vector with dimensions nx1 gives matrix which has nx1 dimension with
an expenditure of 2[n.sup.2] flops. Given the symmetry and centosymmetry
of the Toeplitz matrix, here this expenditure costs [n.sup.2] flops.
Since the Mieses method is exclusively based on matrix multiplication
the illusion is created that despite the linear convergence of the
method it can be applied. But with the application of the CVL class of
matrices, that is, the following class of Toeplitz matrices (5),
especially for dimension n=32 we get very bad results. CVL class is
defined with
where m is chosen such that the diagonal of [T.sub.n] is normalized
to [t.sub.0]=1. T[theta] = ([t.sub.i,j])=(cos([theta](i - j))) and
[[eta].sub.k] and [[theta].sub.k] are uniformly distributed random in
the interval [0,1] ( cf. Cybenko and Van Loan).
Although one might expect that Mieses method because of its
simplicity and due to special Toeplitz matrix structure, allows finding
largest eigenvalue of the Toeplitz matrix with satisfactory number of
flops, a practice completely denies this. This means that the use of
Durbin's algorithm in case of Toeplitz matrix is justified and
This method should be avoided when it comes to Teoplitz matrices,
because numerical experiments show that for finding biggest eigenvalue
of RSPDTM necessary number of flops is equal to number of flops which is
equal to 15,2 steps in case when Durbin's algorithm is applied.
This fact says that calculating eigenvalues in this manner is not
rational because the costs are very big. For comparison, for finding
eigenvalue from the middle of the spectrum only 8,8 Durbin's steps
are necessary. Extreme eigenvalues, the biggest one and the smallest
one, should be found with smaller number of flops than eigenvalues from
the middle of the spectrum.
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