Thomas F. Michel, A Christian View of Islam: Essays on Dialogue.
Kim, Heon C.
Thomas F. Michel, A Christian View of Islam: Essays on Dialogue.
Edited by Irfan A. Omar. Faith Meets Faith Series. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis
Books, 2010. Pp. 214. $34.00, paper.
The post-9/11 world has observed a religious resurgence grounded in
fundamentalist sensibilities, increasing the need for interfaith
dialogue and relevant scholarly works. To put it mildly, religion has
become an increasingly controversial subject. While many believe it to
be a major source of violence and wars, others consider it a necessary
ingredient in the effort to resolve conflicts and build peace. The topic
of Christian-Muslim relations inevitably comes up in discussion of
religion and peace, usually with the question of whether it is possible
for these two religions to have a constructive dialogue in our post9/11
This book is an up-to-date answer. It provides persuasive
rationales for Muslim-Christian dialogue toward "mutual
enrichment" (p. 26) and "for the benefit of all" (p.
154). Michel is "a major force in Catholic-Muslim dialogue across
the world" (p. xvi), who has over three decades' experience in
dialogue. As an outcome of his experience, this book shows an
insider's approach, which, far from theoretical speculation,
enables a realistic discussion on Christian-Muslim dialogue. This
approach attempts to "see the Other with the Eyes of the
Other" (p. 9) in treating the questions, problems, and
possibilities for interfaith dialogue.
With this realistic approach, Michel's text addresses a wider
readership. It is an excellent resource for Christians and Muslims who
engage in dialogue. For instance, any reader who faces evangelicalism in
Christianity and Dawah in Islam as a serious obstacle for a constructive
dialogue would find this book an eye-opening inspiration. For a reader
who looks for peace amid religious exclusivism and war, this book
presents peace, not in the abstract but in practice. Not only by
investigating theological, historical, and cultural roots of
Muslim-Christian conflicts but also through the author's lived
experience it demonstrates that peace is innate in both religions and
thereby provides the foundation for a dialogue.
The rigorous method that this book employs should also attract
academics. A study of comparative religions is neither a simple parallel
of differences nor a subjective choice of which one is right or better.
Rather, it aims to employ meaningful connections for a better
understanding of each religion. This book employs interfaith dialogue
itself as a method of comparison, which may be called "dialogic
method." Defining dialogue as "coming to know each other"
(p. 9), it uncovers what is "real" beyond the differences and
argues that "the Christian and the Muslim are not out to convince
each other that their way is superior" but to share "from
their riches what makes sense to them and what gives direction to their
lives" (p. 191). Likewise, by using a dialogic method, this book
successfully depicts how Christianity and Islam can collaborate to help
the world.
Heon C. Kim, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA