Critique of Pure Reason. (Summaries And Comments).
Lee, Seung-Kee
KANT, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. Translated and edited by
Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of
Immanuel Kant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. xi + 785 pp.
Cloth, $74.95--Aside from the benefits of an excellent introduction, a
short but sensible bibliography, informative notes (including
cross-references to Kant's Handschriftliche Nachlass), and useful
glossaries, two features in particular make this translation by Paul
Guyer and Allen Wood (also the general editors of "The Cambridge
Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant") by far the best text of the
Critique of Pure Reason available thus far in English. For the first
time we are provided with an English translation that supplies in their
entirety both the first ("A") edition (1781) and the second
("B") edition (1787) versions not only of those sections that
Kant rewrote completely for the 1787 edition: the preface,
"Transcendental Deduction," and "Paralogisms of Pure
Reason," but also of those sections that Kant revised
"extensively although not completely" (p. 74): the
introduction, the "Transcendental Aesthetic," and the chapter
on the "Distinction between Phenomena and Noumena." This
feature avoids the inconvenience created by Norman Kemp Smith's
widely-used translation (London: Macmillan, 1929), which, based mainly
as it is on the second edition, places most of the passages from the
first edition in notes (except for those sections that were rewritten
completely), and which thus makes it "difficult for the reader to
get a clear sense of how the first edition read" (p. 74). (For this
purpose some owners of Kemp Smith's edition have found Max
Muller's translation of the first edition of the Critique [Garden
City: Anchor Books, 1966; originally, London: Macmillan, 1881] to be a
useful supplement; both texts, however, may now be replaced by the more
literal and reliable translation by Guyer and Wood.)
Another feature that makes this translation most desirable is that
it contains the notes Kant himself made in his personal copy of the
first edition of the Critique (no such copy "has ever been known to
exist" [p. 75] of the second edition). These notes were published
by Benno Erdmann in 1881 (Nachtrage zu Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft
[Kiel: Lipsius & Tischer]). While Kemp Smith's edition mentions
only a few, Guyer and Wood have included all of the notes prepared by
Erdmann. One can thus "have the experience ... of reading
Kant's own copy" of the Critique (p. 75). The Cambridge
Edition is the first edition of the Critique with this feature, in
English or German. While not all the notes are transparent, some do
illuminate; for example, to Kant's remark that a concept is
"never immediately related to an object, but is always related to
some other representation of it (whether that be an intuition or itself
already a concept" (A 68/B 93) is added the following footnote:
"Kant's copy of the first edition replaces this parenthetical
aside with the following words, without parentheses: `which itself
contains intuition only mediately or immediately'" (p. 205).
The translators note that their aim "to try to give the reader
of the translation an experience as close as possible to that of the
reader of the German original" has necessitated "as much
consistency as possible in the translation of Kant's
terminology" (p. 73). Evidently such consistency is indispensable
when the words involved play a critical role not only in the Critique of
Pure Reason but in Kant's philosophy as a whole. One such word is
"determination" (Bestimmung). A careful examination of
Kant's use of this word in the Critique of Pure Reason (and in his
other writings) reveals that he often distinguishes a thing's being
"determined" (bestimmt) from its being left
"undetermined" (unbestimmt) with regard to some particular
context. Moreover, there are at least four different phrases that Kant
uses as synonyms for something's being left unbestimmt:
"abstract from" (abstrahieren von), "without regard
to" (ohne Rucksicht auf), "indifferent" to
(gleichgultig), and leave "undecided" (unausgemacht). It is
through the use of these phrases that Kant articulates the
determinate-indeterminate distinction, which fulfills an indispensable
function in his analysis of the distinction between empirical reality
and transcendental ideality of space and time as well as between general
and transcendental logic, and thereby between subjective and objective
employment of the logical function of judging, and between analytic and
synthetic judgments. While Kemp Smith's translation of these
phrases as well as of bestimmt and unbestimmt does not (besides
"determine" numerous other English verbs and phrases are used
to translate bestimmen; and in a number of places the latter is simply
left untranslated), Guyer and Wood's transition of these terms
remains consistent throughout (with a few minor exceptions).
In an effort to "avoid imposing [their] own interpretation of
the Critique as much as possible" (p. 75), and to allow that
"as much interpretative work be left for the reader of the
translation as is left for the reader of the original," the
translators have endeavored to preserve not only "Kant's
sentences as wholes, even where considerations of readability might have
suggested breaking them up," but also "ambiguous and obscure
constructions in Kant's original text wherever possible" (p.
73). The result, the reader (whether scholar or student) of the
Cambridge Edition of the Critique of Pure Reason will find, is not an
"ambiguous and obscure" but on the contrary, a more absorbing,
penetrating, engaging Kant.--Seung-Kee Lee, Drew University.