McGinn, Colin. Philosophy of Language: The Classics Explained.
Moss, Gregory S.
McGINN, Colin. Philosophy of Language: The Classics Explained.
Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2015. 232 pp. Cloth,
$35.00--McGinn's book Philosophy of Language: The Classics
Explained systematically explicates the central arguments in ten classic
works in analytic philosophy of language. McGinn discusses works by
Frege, Kripke, Russell, Donnellan, Kaplan, Evans, Putnam, Tarski,
Davidson, and Grice. Other important thinkers such as Wittgenstein and
Meinong arise in the process of exegesis, though they are marginal
figures in the text. The chapters are short, usually running about
twenty pages, with few exceptions. As McGinn himself notes, the book is
not intended to provide a complete overview of secondary literature or a
thorough discussion of all relevant topics in the field. Instead, the
text is written for undergraduate students with little or no background
in analytic philosophy, who may be taking a philosophy of language
course, or as an introductory text for graduate students. McGinn
recommends that the text be used in conjunction with an anthology, in
particular Philosophy of Language: The Central Topics or
Martinich's The Philosophy of Language. McGinn tackles a diverse
host of issues: sense, reference, identity, the relationship between
sentences and propositions, proper names, modes of presentation,
indefinite and definite descriptions, referential and attributive modes
of description, the problem of negative existentials, rigid and nonrigid
designators, demonstratives, indexicals, satisfaction, semantic
internalism and externalism, the redundancy theory of truth, object and
metalanguage, and speaker meaning, among many others.
The strengths of the book are twofold. First and foremost, the
author provides clear and accessible summaries of the arguments under
analysis. For example, regarding Russell's critique of Frege's
view that descriptions denote objects, he succinctly summarizes
Russell's view by appealing to the concept of the quantifier:
"Russell argues that definite descriptions also express
propositional functions that do not refer to or denote or name objects.
As Frege would put it, they function as quantifiers. Therefore, since
quantifiers are different from names, definite descriptions are
different from names." Each chapter contains such concise summaries
that many other examples could be adduced with ease. Second, the author
connects the various texts systematically by setting each into dialogue
with the others and by comparing and contrasting their various positions
on central issues in the discipline. For example, having reconstructed
Kripke's modal and epistemic objections to Frege's description
theory of names, McGinn shows how demonstratives cannot be plausibly
explained in terms of descriptions. In this way, McGinn applies his
analysis of Kripke to Kaplan and Evans's account of demonstratives,
and Putnam's discussion of the hidden indexicality of natural kind
terminology. As a cautionary note, McGinn regularly offers his own
criticism of each author, some of which are quite strongly formulated.
Students should be made aware that these are usually McGinn's own;
their purpose is to stimulate thought and discussion, and they do not
necessarily reflect the consensus of philosophers working in the field.
Despite the strengths of the text, there are omissions worth
mentioning that bear on the systematic completeness of the work. Most
notably, ordinary language philosophy is almost entirely omitted from
discussion. Heavyweights such as J. L. Austin do not appear at all,
while Wittgenstein's arguments appear only intermittently or not at
all, such as the private language argument. Although McGinn concisely
explicates Russell's view that ordinary language misleads us into
making logical errors, such as confusing definite descriptions and
names, he only briefly mentions Wittgenstein's criticism of the
Russellian project: "The formation of this logical language led to
the idea that natural language was adequate for practical purposes but
deficient for logical ones. This view was the standard one for a long
time and shaped philosophy for the first half of the twentieth
century--until Ludwig Wittgenstein came along and argued against this
view, which we had also held in his Tractatus
Logico-Philosophicus." Instructors wishing to convey
Wittgenstein's critique of Russell's view in his later work
will need to seek other texts or supplement the explication of
Wittgenstein's arguments themselves. Ironically, McGinn will at
times appeal to ordinary language in his own critiques of the
author's texts, yet he does not systematically discuss ordinary
language philosophy in very much detail.
Finally, it may be of some use to note that the texts are not
always discussed in chronological order, and this sometimes affects the
systematic presentation of the arguments. Kripke, for example, is
discussed after Frege but before Russell. McGinn justifies this by
arguing that "Kripke's critique is largely directed at Frege
and those who follow his lead." One of the drawbacks of this
decision is the fact that McGinn never discusses the implications of
Kripke's theory for Russell's theory of descriptions. Since
Russell also accepts a version of the description theory of names,
clearly Kripke's critique has important implications for Russell as
well as Frege. For example, the implications of Kripke's account of
rigid and nonrigid designation for the problem of negative existentials
is never discussed.
Such cautionary tales aside, Philosophy of Language: The Classics
Explained is a very clearly written text that will certainly aid both
student and instructor in navigating dense and difficult texts. On the
whole, the text illuminates difficult and sometimes quite technical
philosophy in digestible and accessible terms and is highly recommended
as a supplementary text for a course or seminar in philosophy of
language. The text achieves what it sets out to do, and used
appropriately, would certainly spare the instructor much blood, sweat,
and tears in the exegesis of primary texts.--Gregory S. Moss, Clemson