American Religion: Literary Sources and Documents.
Williams, Peter W.
American Religion: Literary Sources and Documents. Edited by David
Turley. Mountfield, U.K.: Helm Information, 1998. Helm Information
Literary Sources and Documents. 3 vols. xx + 455 pp.; x + 440 pp.; x +
586 pp. $375.00 cloth.
Encountering this British collection of documents on American
religious history is like reentering my world of graduate studies in the
field in the mid-1960s. Most of this collection, including its
bibliography, was available at that time, and is still accessible in
American Christianity, that grand work edited by and still known as
"Smith, Handy and Loetscher" (American Christianity; An
Historical Interpretation with Representative Documents, ed. H. Shelton
Smith, Robert T. Handy, and Lefferts A. Loetscher [New York: Scribner,
1960-63]). This new collection's core is similarly an abundance of
sources on American Protestantism into the twentieth century. To this
core is appended sections on Catholics, Jews, African and Native
Americans, Asian Religions, and so forth, but in rather halfhearted
fashion. The introductory historical narrative is similarly dated and
spotty, with no mention, for example, of Isaac Mayer Wise or Vatican II to be found there or in the index. (The Berrigans seem to be the only
representatives of post-1920 American Catholicism.) At this price, those
in quest of sources would better turn to Edwin Scott Gaustad's
Documentary History of Religion in America (2 vols; Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Eerdmans, 1982; rev. ed. 1993).
Peter W. Williams Miami University