American Methodist Worship.
Young, John H.
By Karen B. Westerfield Tucker. Religion in America Series. Edited
By Harry S. Stout. New York: Oxford University Press, xiv + 345 pp.
$49.95 cloth.
Karen Westerfield Tucker's study of the history and
development of worship in the American Methodist tradition is a
thoughtful, comprehensive, well-researched, and finely written work.
While the title might suggest a book of interest only to those seeking a
better understanding of American Methodism, this book contributes much
to many fields. Westerfield Tucker's study certainly increases our
knowledge of the subject area suggested by its title. However, its
contribution is much more catholic, This book extends current
understanding of the role and place of religious practice in American
life and social history. Methodism has sometimes been described as the
"quintessential American denomination." Granting the fairly
widely held contention that Methodism's development mirrored
American political and social development to a considerable extent
during much of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Westerfield
Tucker's book demonstrates how changes in Methodist worship
services and practices reflected changes in American society and
American self-understanding.
In her "Introduction," Westerfield Tucker lays out both
her goal for this study and the principles guiding her work. She asserts
that historians of American culture, most of whom had previously ignored
"the overtly theological dimensions of a people gathering to
pray," now recognize "ritual and cult as revelatory of a
community's beliefs and development" (xi). Similarly,
liturgical scholars have moved beyond service orders or liturgies to
examine worship practices, including the social and cultural aspects of
the same. Against the background of these new perspectives, Westerfield
Tucker sets her study of American Methodist worship. She looks at this
phenomenon in the three Methodist denominations that came together in
1939 to form the Methodist Church, three African-American Methodist
denominations, and two Holiness denominations. She indicates her intent
to examine how the theological changes and church processes that
accompanied Methodism's growth shaped and were shaped by worship
practices and liturgy. She wants also to analyze "how the liturgy
and performance of worship were influenced by the ideals and
developmental tensions within the nation as a whole" (xii). In the
dozen chapters that follow, Westerfield Tucker pursues these themes
through her examination of "regular" Sunday worship, various
"special services" in the Methodist tradition (e.g., the Love
Feast, the Watch Night Service, the Quarterly Meeting), liturgies and
practices related to sacraments and rites of passage, the role of music,
private and familial devotions, church architecture, and the roles
played by various church "officials" charged with leadership
roles. Her concluding chapter examines the interplay in American
Methodist worship over the past two-hundred-plus years between tradition
and the need to speak to and serve "the present age." Her
self-acknowledged goal "is to paint for American Methodist worship
as complete a picture as possible of its various forms, styles,
settings, expressions, understandings, and dynamics" (xiii).
In accomplishing that goal in this book, she certainly demonstrates
the degree to which American Methodist worship styles, practices, and
services, and the theology with which worship is in constant interplay,
changed over the years in response both to American ideals of democracy
and individual responsibility and to the changing socio-economic
circumstances of Methodists in particular and the United States in
general. Sometimes these worship-related changes accommodated cultural
shifts, and sometimes they were counter cultural. Whether, for example,
it was the way (until recently) the Methodist tradition mirrored
changing American views of death and what lay beyond the grave, or the
degree to which Methodist devotional practices became increasingly
individual and private, Westerfield Tucker's tracing and
demonstration of such changes should interest social, cultural, and
ecclesiastical historians.
Westerfield Tucker compares "official" liturgical or
worship texts where appropriate as sources for her historical
examination. But she also makes extensive use of judicatory minutes,
periodicals, the private diaries of church leaders and ordinary members,
hymnals, and developments in church architecture. Her use of this wide
range of sources takes her work much beyond earlier efforts that tended
to examine only "official" orders of worship. The breadth of
her research is especially important in a tradition that, as she notes
on several occasions, placed great weight on the freedom of a worship
leader to adapt the inherited tradition to local circumstance; indeed,
the freedom to do such adaptation--"full liberty simply to follow
the scriptures and the primitive church," (272)--was a part of the
tradition, even when the principle was applied beyond the scope of what
John Wesley intended with his comment about "full liberty."
This book unquestionably deepens in a most significant way
scholarly understanding of American Methodist worship. But this work
does much more. It enhances the understanding of social and cultural
history generally and of American social and cultural history in
particular with its well-reasoned and documented study of the place and
importance of religious practice in the lives of ordinary Americans
since the late eighteenth century. Westerfield Tucker noted, correctly,
that no study such as she has done exists for any other American
Protestant denomination. Hopefully hers will inspire others to do a
similar analysis of other denominations, both in the United States and
in other countries.
This book has other outstanding features. The author does not
"read back" contemporary liturgical values or sensibilities
into her historical assessment of Methodist worship practices; such a
treatment of the values and approaches of an earlier era does not mark
all historical assessments of worship and liturgy. The book is also
remarkably free of errata. An incorrect volume number in the
"Notes" section was the only typographical error I noted.
However, an additional good reason to read this book is simply that it
is very well written.
John H. Young
Queen's Theological College
Kingston, Ontario