Sanctuaries of Earth, Stone, and Light: The Churches of Northern New Spain, 1530-1821.
Williams, Peter W.
doi: 10.1017/S0009640709000651 Sanctuaries of Earth, Stone, and
Light: The Churches of Northern New Spain, 1530-1821. By Gloria Fraser
Giffords. The Southwest Center Series. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2007. xiv + 467 pp. $75.00 cloth.
This impressive volume is an extremely thorough catalog of the
elements of the religious material culture of northern New Spain, which
includes the southwestern portion of what is now the United States.
Giffords is an art conservator who begins with a useful discussion of
the geography and economics of artistic production in the Spanish
colonies and the process of transmission of dictates and patterns from
an already multicultural Iberian source to both the core and periphery
of the northern reaches of Spain's New World empire. Most of the
book consists of chapters that provide a profusion of detail--including
copious black-and-white photographs and line drawings--about every
imaginable aspect of colonial religious art and architecture, including
church plans and designs, construction elements, furnishings, ornament,
liturgical apparatus, vestments, and devotional objects. Separate
chapters provide glossaries of religious symbolism and iconography.
Cemeteries and death-related objects are only dealt with briefly. The
author provides little analysis along the lines of religious studies per
se, but practitioners of that discipline will find much useful practical
information and perhaps inspiration for their own work in this
cornucopia of detail.
Peter W. Williams
Miami University