Nikola Madzirov. Remnants of Another Age.
Pantovic, Bojana Stojanovic
Nikola Madzirov. Remnants of Another Age. Peggy Reid et al., tr.
Carolyn Forche, intro. Rochester, New York. BOA. 201 I. 103 pages. $16.
ISBN 978-1-934414-50-7
Remnants of Another Age is a bilingual Macedonian-English edition
of selected poems by Nikola Madzirov (b. 1973), an internationally
acclaimed poet of a younger generation. Madzirov represents yet another
genuine lyrical voice of the Balkans, from the territory of the former
Yugoslav republics. His poetics are founded on a specific type of
nomadic wandering between variously opposed geographical, cultural, and
spiritual territories that determine its characteristic existential
position. Because of this, the poetic voice sees itself as a palimpsest comprised of several layers of memory, always reflected from an inner
standpoint. The poem "Things We Want to Touch" begins with the
line, "Nothing exists outside us."
Although Madzirov evokes the mythical and historical migrations,
exiles, and wars that were waged in the Balkans, his poetry primarily
reveals his private and personal mythology. This can be found in the
long lines of his poems, highly resembling prose poems ("I
don't know" and "Ruin Homes"). The lyrical mythology
of this poet is formed around fragile, precise, and expressive images
that alternately emit light and darkness, shadow and dust. The
landscapes of these images tend to be fantastic at times, almost
mystical, with narrative elements that sharpen their symbolic
Growing up homeless or between shelters, nostalgia always at
hand, Madzirov shapes the former reality and saves it from oblivion by
randomly writing down its visible yet hidden traces, and by naming
things that nobody before him has seen or written down: "We forget
/ things even before we lose them--/ the calligraphy notebook, for
instance. / Nothing's ever new." Still, the principle of the
repetitive cycle of life, remembrance, and death and the desire for love
are always realized in a particular, specifically chosen moment. This
moment, however, makes the poetic present transparent for both past and
future, and for their mutual reflection in time that transcends the
known world. As a result, a truly melancholic and elegiac atmosphere
permeates these lines, despite occasional incantations, for it
constantly reminds us of words that condense silence, which precedes and
follows our lives.
The poet's vulnerability is thus equated with his mute
testimony without witnesses: "My absence is a consequence / of all
recounted histories and deliberate longings." And no matter how
strong and painful this longing to go back to the original state of
innocence and wholeness is, it might be the only thing that sustains the
poet in and out of time. His transience can be measured by the intensity
of spiritual and physical sufferings found in Madzirov's superbly
modern religious imagination, as combined with the image of the body as
a metaphysical entity:
"I have a heart pierced by a rib. / Fragments of glass float
through my blood / and clouds hidden behind white cells."
For Nikola Madzirov, to separate from one's self, to be
alone--in order to commit oneself to air, fire, stars, and angels--means
the return home, to earth, to those ancient habitats that preserve the
remnants of bygone ages.
Bojana Stojanovic Pantovic
University of Novi Sad