Lidija Dimkovska. pH Neutral History.
Pantovic, Bojana Stojanovic
Lidija Dimkovska. pH Neutral History. Ljubica Arsovska & Peggy
Reid, tr. Port Townsend, Washington. Copper Canyon. 2012. ISBN 9781556593758
The latest selection of poetry in English of the prominent
Macedonian poet Lidija Dimkovska (b. 1971) points out the ironic-parodic
optics with the title itself, which undermines dominant topoi,
stereotypes, and ideological patterns that constitute human experience
and the role of women in modern civilization as well as the Balkans and
Eastern Europe. Hence the collection pH Neutral History also refers to
the historical process marked by fairy tales and fantastic elements,
harmless to humans. Its "neutrality," on the one hand,
implicates a radical synergy of everyday snippets of private and public
life, seeking some sort of ongoing reconstruction of the myth. On the
other hand, in three cycles written in long, almost prose-dialogue verse
named "Poems about Life and Death," "Recognition,"
and "Ballads about Life and Death," a lyrical voice
deconstructs this image by introducing a number of parallel realities in
the poetic discourse. In this way it is semantically directed toward the
oneiric border where the living and the dead remain together, in a form
marked by constant pain. What they have in common is their perpetual
status as refugees, who circulate freely from the world of the living to
the world of the dead and vice versa.
Whether it comes to the tragic-ironic treatment of the dead
("National Soul") or some kind of estrangement of the
collective experience that always relies on folklore and myth
("Ballad on Aunt Else Refugees"), there is a provocative
tension between life and death, memories and fictive representations of
reality. Surreal, even dadaist devices distract the reader from focusing
on the specific sequence of motifs. However, in most of the poems, the
author manages to confront mythical-biblical, veristic-narrative, and
lyrical-melancholic layers, integrating her own lyrical voice.
In the second cycle, "Recognition," the poet's own
identity is questioned regarding her ancestors, her lover, and writing
poetry. Her identity is defined as fluid, uncertain,
"intertextual," "extratextual," at the place where
joy and sadness are united: "I'd say you're the key to a
hermeneutic poem." The explication of ars poetica thus can be
treated as an interpretive effort of the human mind to veer off the road
that leads to a "cannibalistic society." It also alludes to
the tempting of an existential personal experience, past and present,
which affects the body of the text. Presence and absence are linked at
the border of two domains: "But the world was slow when humanity
was in question, / and fast when I stood at crossroads moving neither
forward nor backward." The poet alludes to an "earthquake
epicenter" as a symbol of her grave, seen as a broken mirror,
decaying and disappearing into dust or a gold frame. Evanescent, like
life itself.
Bojana Stojanovic Pantovic
University of Novi Sad