Crushed waste concrete in stone mastic asphalt mixtures/ Susmulkintojo betono lauzo panaudojimas skaldeles ir mastikos asfaltbetonio misiniams/Drupinats drupu betons skembu mastikas asfalta maisijumos/Purustatud vana betoon killustikmastiksasfalt segudes.
Kuo, Ming Feng ; Du, Jia Chong ; Shen, Der Hsien 等
1. Introduction
Due to 921 Chi-Chi Taiwan strong earthquake which caused many
building damage and collapse in 1999, a large amount of waste concrete
was demolished to the scrap heap and caused many environmental problems
in this small island. In accordance with the statistical data report
from the Ministry of the Interior, about 1 million cubic meters of waste
concrete are produced every year in Taiwan. How to deal with the waste
materials has become an environmental problem in a small island of
Taiwan. The disposal of waste products primarily has three ways to deal
with such as landfills, incineration and recycling. However, landfills
are not suitable in Taiwan right now because of the large number of
population living in such a small island so that there is no extra space
for them. In addition, the waste building materials cannot be
incinerated (Shen, Du 2004). Thus, one of the ways to reduce is crushed
and recycled. The properties of the crushed waste concrete (CWC) have
more impure materials, fracture and rough faces than general aggregates
have (Shen, Du 2004, 2005).
Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) concrete composed of crushed coarse and
fine aggregate, mineral filler, asphalt cement, and stabilizing agent is
designed to have higher contents of coarse aggregate (70-80% by weight),
asphalt (over 6% by weight) and filler (8-13% by weight) than normal hot
mix asphalt has (Radziszewski 2007; Roberts et al. 1996; Sivilevicius
2002; Vislavicius 2002). Specially, the high coarse aggregate contents
in stone on stone contact produce highly resistance to rutting
(Radziszewski 2007; Shen, Du 2005; Sivilevicius, Petkevicius 2002).
Interlocking makes the aggregates difficult to displacement by
compaction. Sand particles within the aggregate gradation, contacts
disappear between stone particles, so interlocking of stone particles is
weak (Haryanto, Takahashi 2007). The crushed waste concrete (CWC) used
as aggregate in stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixture can also provide more
shear strength resistance than general asphalt mixtures do; and the
probability of shear strains in asphalt concrete is higher when the
pavement temperature is high (Laurinavicius, Cygas 2003). Thus, SMA with
CWC increasing the stress resistance of asphalt concrete could solve the
problem. In addition, the mixture is new and its engineering properties
and performance need to be evaluated. Thus, in order to reduce waste
concrete, an investigation of the CWC recycled as an aggregate and
replaced all or part of the virgin aggregate for SMA mixtures was
carried out.
Asphalt pavement in actual circumstances is subjected to the
repetitive and changing transport load. As a result of the repetitive
load impact, both elastic and plastic deformations occur to the
pavement. Accumulation of plastic deformations in one or several layers
leads to appearance of permanent deformations or rutting. This type of
deformations reduces safety and convenience of traffic (Haritonovs et
al. 2010). The binder of modified asphalt was used for the Marshall mix
design; and permanent deformation and resilient modulus test were
carried out.
2. Plan of study
The performance of laboratory compacted SMA mixtures were as
--100% virgin crush stone (CS) (100% CS);
--100% CWC;
--50% coarse and fine CWC plus 50% coarse and fine CS (50% CWC plus
50% CS);
--coarse CWC plus fine CS (C-CWC plus F-CS);
--coarse CS plus fine CWC(C-CS plus F-CWC), mixed with modified
asphalt cement.
Permanent deformation and resilient modulus test were used for
determining the laboratory performance of the CWC mixtures. Based on the
laboratory tests, the ANOVA analysis was used to evaluate the
significant effects and to determine the best mix proportions based on
laboratory performance.
3. Laboratory evaluation
3.1. Aggregate, binder and gradation
The CWC used as aggregate was obtained from Sindian City, Taiwan.
CS was obtained from local quarry field. The hydrated lime as a mineral
filler was from a commercial source. The properties of CWC and CS
aggregate are shown in Table 1. Processed CWC aggregate has higher
angular, rougher surface texture, lower specific gravity, higher Los
Angeles abrasion, higher sodium soundness, and higher water absorption
than the CS.
Polymer modified asphalt cement shown in Table 2 was from local
petroleum company. The aggregate gradation used throughout the study
shown in Table 3 was developed in accordance with ASTM D3515-01 Standard
Specification for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures (ASTM
D3515). Lime used as filler is applied instead of the aggregates passing
No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm).
3.2. Mix design
SMA mix design was performed following the Marshall method in
accordance with ASTM D1559 Test Method for Resistance of Plastic Flow of
Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus. 18 batching samples of SMA
mixed with varied asphalt contents in 0.5% increment were heated and
compacted. All of the samples were compacted by 50 blows per face with
the standard Marshall compactor. The Marshall stability and flow were
determined by the standard Marshall equipment (Haryanto, Takahashi
2007). The optimum asphalt content (OAC) was determined at 4% air void
contents in accordance with the National Asphalt Pavement Association
1982 Mix Design Techniques--Part I. Instructors Manual.
3.3. Permanent deformation test
Ruts are treated as dangerous defects, since they might cause
danger for traffic, especially when the pavement is wet (Laurinavicius,
Oginskas 2006). The permanent deformation test was performed employing
the wheel-tracking device following the wheel tracking device testing
procedure (Nienelt, Thamfald 1988). The facility was developed by the
Swiss and modified by the University of Hokkaido, Japan. The samples,
mixed with optimum asphalt contents from Marshall mix design and
fabricated by the rolling machine were 300 x 300 mm in section area and
50 mm in height. The test was performed using 2.18 MPa wheel load at
test temperatures of 25 [+ or -] 10[degrees]C and 60 [+ or -]
1[degrees]C for dry condition. The depth of deformation was measured at
100, 200, 400, 800, 1400, 1890 and 2520 cycles.
3.4. Resilient modulus test
The resilient modulus ([M.sub.R]) test, following ASTM D4123
Standard Test Method for Indirect Tension Test for Resilient Modulus of
Bituminous Mixtures, is the most common method of measuring stiffness
modulus for hot mixture asphalt. All tests were conducted on triplicate
samples at test temperatures of 40 [+ or -] 1[degrees]C and 25 [+ or -]
1[degrees]C. The resilient modulus test was performed after 50 pulse
cycles and determined by the following equation:
[M.sub.R] = P(v + 0.27)/[[delta].sub.h]h,
where [M.sub.R]--resilient modulus, MPa; P--applied load, kN;
v--Poisson's ratio; [[delta].sub.h]--horizontal deformation, cm;
h--sample thickness, cm.
4. Results and discussion
The tests described above were conducted, and the data described in
the following sections were collected on all samples.
4.1. Marshall design properties
The properties of the SMA mixture specimens are shown in Table 4.
In Table 4 all of the stability values of CWC mixtures satisfied with
the specification requirements is greater than 6.24 kN and higher than
that of 100% CS mixture. Compared to conventional CS mixtures in terms
of the stability and flow values of all types of replacement, the max
value of stability and min flow occur in the 100% CWC and C-CS plus
F-CWC mixture, respectively. All of the voids in mineral aggregate (VMA)
greater than 17% are satisfied with the criteria. However, 100% CWC and
C-CWC plus F-CS are not satisfied with flow criteria of the Marshall mix
design. As shown in Table 1, the bulk specific gravity of CWC is less
than that of CS. This is primary reason that unit weights of all SMA
with CWC are less than CS. In addition, CWC aggregate has more angular
and rougher surface texture than CS has. Thus, SMA with CWC has higher
OAC and higher stability due to increase resistance by aggregate's
stone on stone contact (interlocking).
4.2. Permanent deformation
The results of the average deformation of each sample from the
tests at 25 and 60[degrees]C are plotted in Figs 1 and 2, respectively.
All of the deformations are less than 1.00 mm at 25[degrees]C and 2.50
mm at 60[degrees]C, and the CS has the lowest deformation at test
temperature of 25[degrees]C, but the highest deformation at test
temperature of 60[degrees]C. In Fig. 2, the 100% CWC and 50% CWC plus
50% CS have the lowest deformation. The deformation at 60[degrees]C
indicates that it appears to be plastic flow not densification. Due to
the internal friction between aggregate particles providing the ability
of deformation resistance, plastic flow can be minimized by using large
size aggregate, angular and rough textured coarse and fine aggregates
(Roberts et al. 1996). Therefore, the smaller observed deformation of
the 50% CWC plus 50% CS suggests that these mixes have more angular and
rougher particles than that of CS mixture, and thus have higher internal
In general, it is believed that the higher asphalt contents provide
higher plastic flow susceptibility. The high plastic susceptibility may
lead to high permanent deformation, due to too much asphalt cement in
the mix causing loss of internal friction between aggregate particles,
which results in the loads being carried by the asphalt cement rather
than the aggregate structure. In Table 4, although the CWC mixtures have
higher asphalt contents than the CS mixtures, this is not the case for
deformation following the preceding description. The phenomenon may be
explained by the fact that the high proportion of internal friction
plays the main role in deformation resistance. To determine the
statistical significance of the effect of aggregate type on the wheel
load deformation test, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
performed on the test. The ANOVA was performed to determine whether the
treatments were significant at a confidence limit of 95%. Table 5 shows
the results of the ANOVA test and indicates that the type of aggregate
has a significant effect at temperature of 60[degrees]C, but not a
significant effect at temperature of 25[degrees]C. This situation
suggests that the angular and rough textured aggregate play the main
role in the deformation resistance of SMA at high temperature.
4.3. Resilient modulus
The [M.sub.R] test results are shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen in
Fig. 3, the CS aggregate mixture has the highest [M.sub.R] values at
test temperatures of 25[degrees]C and 40[degrees]C. The 50% CWC + 50% CS
and 100% CWC mixtures have a 2nd high [M.sub.R] values at test
temperature of 25[degrees]C and 40[degrees]C, respectively. The high
modulus values should provide cost effectiveness and min practical
thickness. In addition, [M.sub.R] values above 3100 MPa (450 000 psi) at
20[degrees]C are stiffer and more resistant to bending according
AASHTO1993 Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. However, high values
of [M.sub.R] at low temperatures are somewhat related to cracking
(Roberts et al. 1996). Fortunately, low temperature cracking never
happens in Taiwan due to the high and mild temperatures present the
whole year. Thus, the high [M.sub.R] values of the CWC mixtures provide
a good capacity for distress resistance.
5. Conclusions
The data analysis indicates that the performance of SMA with CWC in
Taiwan is related to the highly crushed face and high absorption of
asphalt cement aggregate. The aggregate contributed to the internal
friction for deformation resistance. Based on the results of this study,
the following conclusions and recommendations are suggested to improve
the performance of SMA with CWC:
--the stability values of the CWC mixtures are higher than the 100%
CS mixture, especially in 50% CWC + 50% CS and C-CS + F-CWC;
--the ANOVA of the permanent deformation test shows that the type
of aggregate has a significant effect at temperature of 60[degrees]C but
not at temperature of 25[degrees]C. Thus, the ability of permanent
deformation resistance of the CWC mixture is better than that of 100% CS
--the SMA mixed with 50% CWC + 50% CS are more practicable for use
than others;
--the CWC used as aggregate in SMA mixture can provide better
performance than general asphalt mixtures do, and find a way to solve
the environment problem related to the large amount of waste concrete.
6. Acknowledge
This study was supported by National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2010.23
Received 19 September 2008; accepted 10 May 2010
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Ming Feng Kuo (1), Jia Chong Du (2), Der Hsien Shen (3)
(1) Dept of Safety Health and Environmental Engineering, Institute
of Safety and Disaster Prevention Technology, Central Taiwan University
of Science and Technology, No. 666, Buzih Road, Beitun District,
Taichung, 406, Taiwan
[email protected]
(2) Dept of Construction Technology, Tung Nan University, No. 152,
Sec. 3, PeiShen Rd., ShenKeng, Taipei, 222, Taiwan
[email protected]
(3) Dept of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology, No.43, Sec.4, Keelung Rd., Taipei, 106, Taiwan
[email protected]
Table 1. The properties of CWC and CS
Property Specification CS CWC
Bulk specific gravity, coarse -- 2.655 2.273
Bulk specific gravity, fine -- 2.516 2.261
Absorption, % -- 0.600 6.1
Unit weight, kg/[cm.sup.3] -- 2012 1503
Los Angeles abrasion, % < 40 20.20 40.7
Sodium soundness (5 cycles), % < 12 9.220 52.2
Elongated, % > 0.67 0.690 0.71
Flat, % > 0.67 0.680 0.69
Rounded index -- 0.520 0.61
Shape factor, % -- 0.53 0.57
Table 2. The properties of modified asphalt cement
Property Specification Testing
Penetration, 1/100 cm > 50 55.2
Specific gravity, 25[degrees]C -- 1.028
Softening point, [degrees]C -- 50.5
Ductility, kgf-cm, 25[degrees]C -- 97.9
Viscosity, 60[degrees]C, poise > 4500 7255
Viscosity, 135[degrees]C, cst < 3000 2365
Penetration, 25[degrees]C, 100 g, > 50 55.2
5 s, 1/100 cm
Penetration, 40[degrees]C, 200 g, > 10 23.1
60 s, 1/100 cm
Table 3. Aggregate gradation
Sieves 12.5 mm SMA Testing
19 mm 100 100 100
12.5 mm 90-100 85-95 92.5
9.5 mm 40-60 < 75 50
No. 4 20-35 20-28 24
No. 8 15-25 16-24 20
No. 30 -- 12-16 14
No. 50 -- 12-15 13.5
No. 200 7-12 8-10 9
Asphalt content, % 6.5-7.5 > 6.0 6.5-7.5
Fibre content, % Cellulose fibre 0.3%
Void, % 2-4
VMA, % > 17
Blows 50 each side
Table 4. SMA mixture properties at optimum asphalt contents
OAC, %
aggregate by total Unit weight, Void,
Aggregate weight weight kg/[m.sup.3] %
Specification -- -- -- 2-4
CS 6.10 5.75 2332 4
100% CWC 7.65 7.11 2058 4
50% CWC + 50% CS 6.50 6.10 2195 4
C-CWC + F-CS 7.18 6.70 2069 4
C-CS + F-CWC 6.93 6.48 2298 4
VMA, VFA, Stability, Flow,
Aggregate % % kN 0.01 cm
Specification > 17 -- > 6.24 20-40
CS 17.00 76.3 6.45 38.0
100% CWC 17.40 77.0 9.95 43.9
50% CWC + 50% CS 17.40 76.0 8.15 33.8
C-CWC + F-CS 17.33 77.0 8.29 52.0
C-CS + F-CWC 18.00 78.0 6.84 32.5
Table 5. One way ANOVA test on permanent deformation
Source of
variation SS df MS F [F.sub.0.05]
Temperature at 25[degrees]C
Types of 0.596 4 0.149 2.494 2.670
Within 1.792 30 0.060
Total 2.388 34
Temperature at 60[degrees]C
Types of 3.221 4 0.805 3.547 2.690
Within 6.809 30 0.227
Total 10.030 34