A study of the deflections of metal road guardrail post/Metalinio automobiliu keliu apsauginio atitvaro statramscio ilinkiu tyrimas/Metala aizturietaisu stabu izliecu petijums/Metallist porkepiirdepostide deformatsiooniuuring.
Prentkovskis, Olegas ; Beljatynskij, Andrey ; Juodvalkiene, Edita 等
1. Introduction
The development of road transport is obviously a positive trend if
viewed from the perspective of social and economic benefits it brings.
The penetration rate of motor vehicles is increasing every year and,
based on the forecasts appearing here and there in press, it will only
continue to grow. Though viewed as a positive trend, within a society
the growth of motor vehicle penetration rate, unfortunately, brings
about a number of negative effects, with the rate of traffic accidents
standing as the most critical one. Based on the world-wide statistics
(Prentkovskis et al. 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010), about 700 thousand people
are killed, 20 million get injured in traffic accidents each year.
According to the Accident Rate Information, in Lithuania, the Traffic
Police recorded 3827 road accidents in 2009, which appeared in the
official statistics under any of the following categories (Prentkovskis
et al. 2009; 2010):
--a motor vehicle hitting a pedestrian (35.1%);
--a motor vehicle hitting a bicyclist (7.5%);
--a collision of motor vehicles (33.4%);
--motor vehicle turnover (9.3%);
--collision of a motor vehicle with an obstacle (7.6%);
--other road accidents (7.1%).
According to the same statistical data (Prentkovskis et al. 2009),
the collision of a motor vehicle with an obstacle accounts for about 8%
of all traffic accidents recorded in Lithuania (see also Accident Rate
Information). In this case, the obstacle may be represented by a road
guardrail, lighting pole, railway switch, tree, gate or any building or
structure located near the road, etc.
All factors influencing the rate of traffic accidents are divided
into three groups: people (drivers, cyclists, carters, pedestrians,
passengers, etc.); motor vehicles (cars, buses, trolleybuses,
motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, bicycles etc); roads and streets.
It is considered that 2/3 of all road accidents occur due to the
fault of the people and only 1/3 due to factors, which do not depend on
the will and actions of people (Prentkovskis, Bogdevicius 2005). It is
shown by the statistical data. The main causes of accidents according to
their frequency are: strong driver's errors (65%); poor road
conditions (23%); technical defects of motor vehicles (12%). The types
of traffic users, who caused accidents according to different categories
include: drivers (53%); pedestrians (32%); cyclists (9%); carters (6%).
According to the data of Lithuanian Road Administration under the
Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania,
there is a highly developed network of roads of national significance
(total 21320 km) in the country, including main roads (8%); national
roads (23%); regional roads (69%).
As mentioned above, one of the types of road accidents is hitting
an obstacle. The obstacle may be a road guardrail which is mounted on
the dangerous road sections (e. g. near a sharp turn, as well as the
objects on the roadside, bridges, viaducts, etc.).
2. Purposes of road guardrails and overview of research studies
As known by Elvik et al. (1997) and Prentkovskis et al. (2007,
2008, 2009) researches, various types of safety guardrails are intended
for reducing the damage caused by traffic accidents rather than avoiding
The function of road guardrails or their elements (band and post)
is to reduce the probability for a motor vehicle to violate the traffic
by keeping it within roadway limits and by guiding its travel along the
longitudinal axis of the guardrail and/or fully stopping it. To enable
the aforementioned functions, the guardrails are designed in such a way
as to ensure full or partial absorption of the motor vehicle's
kinetic energy due to the deformation of the guardrail structural
elements (band and post), occurring at certain specific accelerations
developed during an impact (Prentkovskis et al. 2007; 2008; 2009).
The elements of a metal road guardrail may be described as a beam
system and analysed with the use of finite elements and various software
packages (for example, ANSYS, ALGOR, LS-DYNA, etc).
The deformation processes of such a system (for example road
guardrail) may be approached as a separate object (Prentkovskis,
Bogdevicius 2005; Prentkovskis et al. 2007; 2008; 2009) or analysed by
integrating it into transport infrastructure, whose constituent parts
are described in the papers of Atahan (2004), Atahan et al. (2008),
Antov et al. (2009), Beljatynskij et al. (2009), Dragcevic et al.
(2009), Elvik et al. (1997), Gowri and Sivanandan (2008), Junevicius and
Bogdevicius (2009), Kinderyte-Poskiene and Sokolovskij (2008), Macek and
Mestanova (2009), Mohan et al. (2005), Nagurnas et al. (2008), Polivka
et al. (2007 and 2008), Prentkovskis and Sokolovskij (2008), Reid et al.
(2009), Sokolovskij et al. (2007), Tan et al. (2008), Tautkus and
Bazaras (2007), Vansauskas and Bogdevicius (2009), Viba et al. (2009),
Vorobjovas and Zilioniene (2008), Wu and Thomson (2007), etc.
Prentkovskis and Bogdevicius (2005) presented and investigated the
mathematical model of a deforming road guardrail, Prentkovskis et al.
(2007; 2008) presented the investigation of potential deformations which
could develop in the elements of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic
restricting gates during motor vehicle-gate interaction, and
Prentkovskis et al. (2009) examine the deformation processes of the
guardrail elements (a protective W-shape horizontal beam and a
[SIGMA]-shape post).
The potential to increase the suggested flare rates for strong
posts, W-beam guardrail systems and thus reduce guardrail length was
investigated by Reid et al. (2009).
Atahan (2004) presented the results of an experimental study aimed
to assess the suitability of a recycled content guardrail post as a
substitute for conventional wooden guardrail post.
In next research, Atahan et al. (2008) developed European
end-treatment using simulation and crash testing. A simple guardrail
end-treatment, called TWINY, designed particularly for the use with a
Thrie-beam guardrail system is developed. The TWINY is analyzed using a
versatile, highly non-linear finite element analysis program LS-DYNA.
Tan et al. (2008) analysed motorcyclist-friendly guardrail using
the finite element method. The event of collision between the motorcycle and the guardrail was then simulated using the computer finite element
program --ALGOR.
For longitudinal guardrails it is a common practice to use a
standard W-beam guardrail along the required highway sections and a
stiffened Thrie-beam guardrail in a transition region near the end of a
bridge (Polivka et al. 2007). The model of a guardrail transition
system, including the W-beam to Thrie-beam transition element, was
constructed and crash tested.
A W-beam guardrail is often used to protect motorists from steep
roadside slopes adjacent to high-speed roadways (Polivka et al. 2008).
The presented guardrail design was provided to safe and economical
alternative for the use along the highways with steep slopes located
very close to the carriageway.
Wu and Thomson (2007) submitted a study of the interaction between
a guardrail post and soil under the quasi-static and dynamic loading for
simulation of LS-DYNA software.
Mohan et al. (2005) submitted the research into finite element
modelling and validation of a Three-strand cable guardrail system.
Traffic safety problems, such as the interaction between a motor
vehicle and road guardrails, motor vehicle dynamics and guardrails of
various types were investigated in different time periods by Antov et
al. (2009), Beljatynskij et al. (2009), Boumediene et al. (2009),
Calis.kanelli et al. (2009), Cansiz and Atahan (2006), Coon and Reid
(2005), Dragcevic et al. (2009), Elvik et al. (1997), Ibitoye et al.
(2006), Junevicius and Bogdevicius (2009), Kapski et al. (2008),
Kinderyte-Poskiene and Sokolovskij (2008), Lazda and Smirnovs (2009),
Macek and Mestanova (2009), Nagurnas et al. (2008),
Pelenyte-Vysniauskiene and Ju rkauskas (2007), Prentkovskis et al.
(2007; 2008; 2009), Sokolovskij et al. (2007), Sliupas (2009), Tautkus
and Bazaras (2007), Vansauskas and Bogdevicius (2009), Viba et al.
(2009), Vorobjovas and Zilioniene (2008), etc.
The authors of this paper are also engaged in research associated
with the considered problems. The model of the post of the beam metal
road guardrail, presented in this paper, is a part of the general
mathematical model "road-motor vehicle-obstacle" (Prentkovskis
et al. 2007; 2008; 2009; Prentkovskis, Bogdevicius 2005).
The authors of the present paper examined the deformation processes
of the [SIGMA]-shape and double T-shape metal post of a metal guardrail
(Fig. 1).
3. A brief description of the mathematical model of metal road
guardrail post
To study the potential deformations of the posts of metal road
guardrails, a mathematical model of a beam system was developed
(Prentkovskis, Bogdevicius 2005; Prentkovskis et al. 2009). A metal road
guardrail post (Fig. 1b or Fig. 1c) was modelled by using
one-dimensional first-order finite elements (Fig. 2). In the interaction
between a motor vehicle and a guardrail post, the nodes of the finite
elements change their position in the system of the coordinates used
(the elements are deformed).
In simulation, only elastic deformations and the effect of soil on
the buried post section of the guardrail are taken into account.
When mounting guardrails, their posts are dug into soil or
concreted, for example, on bridges or viaducts. Therefore, when studying
the deformation process of the guardrail posts, the impact of soil shall
be taken into consideration. For this purpose, the coefficient of soil
reaction, which evaluates the impact of soil (or asphalt concrete) on
the buried post section of guardrail, is used (Fig. 2):
k(x) = [k.sub.0] + [k.sub.1]x, (1)
where [k.sub.0] = [k.sub.I] ; [k.sub.1] = [k.sub.j] - [k.sub.i]/L.
The system of the equations for the finite element movement is
obtained in the form of a matrix:
where [[M.sup.(e)]], [[C.sup.(e)]], [[K.sup.(e)]]--the matrices of
masses, damping of the mechanical energy and stiffness of the finite
generalized accelerations, speeds and displacements of the finite
element; {[F.sup.(e)]}--the vector of generalized forces acting on the
finite element.
By integrating the equations of movement of all finite elements
into a unified system, a system of road guardrails post movement is
where [[M.sub.post]], [[C.sub.post]], [[K.sub.post]]--the matrices
of damping of mechanical energy and stiffness of a guardrail post;
generalized accelerations, speeds and displacements of all nodes of a
guardrail post; {[F.sub.post]}--the vector of generalized forces acting
on the road guardrail post:
where NE--the number of finite elements.
The following parameters of the finite element, including:
--matrix of masses [[M.sub.post]];
--matrix of damping of mechanical energy [[C.sub.post]];
--matrix of stiffness [[K.sub.post]];
--vector of generalized accelerations {[[??].sub.post]};
--vector of generalized speeds {[[??].sub.post]};
--vector of generalized displacements {[q.sub.post]};
--vector of generalized forces [F.sub.post] are expressed in the
local system of the coordinates. Then, matrices and vectors are
transformed into a global system of the coordinates.
4. The results obtained in computer-run simulation
The deformation processes of metal road guardrail [SIGMA]-shape
(Fig. 1b) and double T-shape (Fig. 1c) posts caused by the impact of a
motor vehicle moving at varying speed were examined.
The computer-run simulation was performed on a personal computer
using Intel[R] Visual Fortran software.
Usually, guardrail posts are anchored in gravel at the roadside, or
their fastening elements are concreted into the structure of bridges and
According to specifications and recommendations presented in
Building Recommendations R 37-01. Automobile Road Guardrails, the
following guardrail post parameters were chosen (Fig. 3):
--height of the guardrail post above the road surface
--750 mm;
--height of the buried guardrail post section (when the post is
mounted on road shoulder)--1200 mm;
--height of the concreted guardrail post section (when the post is
mounted on a bridge)--150 mm;
--cross-section of the guardrail post--double T-shape (MST-1),
[SIGMA]-shape (MST-2) (Fig. 4).
The following conditions of motor vehicle interaction with a
guardrail post were chosen:
--type of motor vehicle--a car;
--mass of the chosen motor vehicle--1500 kg;
--speed of the chosen motor vehicle--50 km/h and 90 km/h.
The results obtained in computer-run simulation (deflections of
metal road guardrail posts caused by the impact of a motor vehicle
moving at varying speed) are presented in Fig. 5.
Based on the dependences presented, it may be noted that the
deformation of [SIGMA]-shape post is not so heavy compared to double
T-shape post deformation. This property of [SIGMA]-shape post can be
observed in cases irrespective of the post location (on the road
shoulder or on the bridge) or the motor vehicle's speed at the
moment of collision.
5. Conclusions
A mathematical model of a metal road guardrail post was developed
and solved. A guardrail post was modelled using one-dimensional
first-order finite elements in the presented post model elastic
deformations and the effect of soil on the buried post section of the
guardrail are taking into account. Plastic deformations are not taken
into account.
A computer-aided experiment (mathematical model solution) was
conducted the application programs based on software packages Intel(R)
Visual Fortran were used.
The results of the computer-aided experiment, reflecting the
deformations of two ([SIGMA]-shape and double T-shape) types of posts,
are shown graphically. Based on the dependences presented, it may be
noted that the deformation of [SIGMA]-shape post is not so heavy
compared to the double T-shape post deformation. This property of
[SIGMA]-shape post can be observed in cases irrespective of the post
location (on the road shoulder or on the bridge) or the motor
vehicle's speed at the moment of collision.
It is widely known that the function of road guardrails or their
elements (band and post) is to reduce the probability for a motor
vehicle to violate the traffic by keeping it within the roadway limits
and by guiding its travel along the longitudinal axis of the guardrail
and/or fully stopping it. This may be achieved by using road guardrails
or their elements (band and post) having high deformation behaviours,
for example the [SIGMA]-shape post.
Presented model of a guardrail post may be used by traffic safety
specialists and designers of new highways. It may be also useful for
implementing reconstruction of old motor roads and analyzing traffic
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2010.15
Received 09 February 2010; accepted 28 April 2010
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Olegas Prentkovskis (1), Andrey Beljatynskij (2), Edita
Juodvalkiene (3), Rasa Prentkovskiene (4)
(1, 4) Dept of Transport Technological Equipment, Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University, Plytines g. 27, 10105 Vilnius, Lithuania
(2) Dept of Airport Reconstruction and Automobile Roads, Institute
of Municipal Activity, National Aviation University, Kosmonavta Komarova
ave 1, 03680 Kiev, Ukraine
(3) Secretariat, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio
al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mails: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected];
[email protected]; (4)
[email protected]