Dynamic response of rigid pavement under moving traffic load with variable velocity/Standziuju dangu dinamine reakcija veikiant nepastoviu greiciu judancio transporto apkrovai/Ar mainigu atrumu braucosas kustigas satiksmes slodzes izraisita stingas segas dinamiska reakcija/ Jaiga katte dunaamiline reaktsioon muutuva kiirusega liikuva liikluskoormuse all.
Zhong, Yang ; Gao, Yuanyuan ; Li, Mingliang 等
1. Introduction
In the analysis of highway and airport pavements a rigid pavement
structure is usually regarded as a plate resting on an elastic
foundation, which is often modeled as a Winkler foundation. In general,
the loads exerted on the plate are moving traffic load such as wheel
loads from moving vehicles or airplanes. Moving loads applied to the
plate structure with acceleration or deceleration are induced when a
vehicle accelerates or decelerates or a plane takes off or lands. In
view of this, the investigation of dynamic response of the plate resting
on an elastic foundation subjected to moving traffic loads becomes
interesting and important. The research findings are helpful for people
to understand the dynamic behaviors of highways and airport pavements.
Many research findings have appeared in the literature on the dynamic
response of a beam resting on a foundation subjected to moving loads and
free vibration of plates. Existing research on response to moving loads
focused on plate and beam structures without an elastic foundation. Lin
and Trethwey (1990) analyzed elastic beams subjected to dynamic loads
induced by arbitrary movement of a spring-mass-damper system. Suzuki
(1977) studied dynamic behavior of a finite beam subjected to travelling
loads with acceleration. Plates on an elastic foundation subjected to
moving loads have only attracted the attention of a few researchers.
Auersch (2008) investigated the response of layered medium caused by
moving loads. Degrande and Schillemans (2001) and Lefeuve-Mesgouez et
al. (2000) studied free fields vibration yielded by high-speed moving
loads. Hussein and Hunt (2006) investigated tracks dynamic response
under oscillating moving loads. Sun (2006) analyzed the dynamic
displacement of slab caused by a moving load with constant speed. Huang
and Thambiratnam (2002) used the finite strip method to study the
dynamic response of plates under moving loads. Vallabhan et al. (1991)
used the refined model to study the dynamic behavior of rectangular
plates on layered soil medium. Existing research on dynamic analysis of
plates on elastic foundations pertains to analytical models with simple
and regular boundary conditions. Gbadeyan and Oni (1992) investigated
the response to an arbitrary number of concentrated moving masses of a
rectangular plate continuously supported by an elastic Pasternak-type
foundation using a double Fourier finite integral transformation
technique. Kim and Roesset (1998) investigated the dynamic response of a
plate of infinite extent on an elastic foundation subjected to moving
loads of constant amplitude and harmonic loads using Fourier transforms.
However, to the authors' knowledge, dynamic response of rigid
pavement under moving traffic load with variable velocity (acceleration
or deceleration) has not been well studied before. This paper studies
the dynamic response of an infinite plate resting on an elastic
foundation. The effects of acceleration, initial moving velocity and
initial position are investigated and discussed. In order to validate
the formulations derived in the paper, the numerical results are
presented and compared with results for the same problem with a constant
velocity. The dynamic response of a plate resting on an elastic
foundation subjected to moving traffic loads is interesting and
important. The results can be applied to understand the dynamic
behaviors of highway and airport pavements.
2. Governing equations and solution analysis
Based on the classical small deflection theory of plate, the
governing equation for dynamic lateral deflection w(x, y, t) in an x-y
Cartesian coordinate system is
where D--the flexural rigidity of the plate defined by D =
[Eh.sup.3]/12(1 - [[mu].sup.2], MPa.[m.sup.3]; [rho]--density,
MN/[m.sup.2]; h--thickness, m; E--modulus, MPa; [mu],--Poisson's
ratio; C--damping coefficient of the plate respectively, MN/[m.sup.3];
K--the reaction modulus of the foundation, MN/[m.sup.3]; F(x, y, t) the
external dynamic load acting on the plate surface, N; t--denotes time,
The plate is assumed to extend to infinity in the horizontal plane.
The load pressure within the contact area is assumed to be uniformly
distributed in a rectangular area. In this paper, the loads moving along
the x direction are considered, which can be represented in the form
F(x,y,t) = [F.sub.0]{U[x + b - X(t)]U[y + c] - U[x - b - X(t)]U[y -
c]}, (2)
where [F.sub.0]--the amplitude function of the load, N; U--the unit
step function; b and c--the half lengths of the rectangle sides of the
load distribution, respectively, m; X(t) denotes a function describing
the motion of the force at time t defined as
X(t) = [x.sub.0] + [V.sub.t] + 1/2 [at.sup.2], (3)
where [x.sub.0]--the load position, m; V--the initial speed, m/s;
a--the constant acceleration, m/[s.sup.2]. This function describes a
uniform decelerating or accelerating motion. The uniform velocity type
of motion is given by
X(t) = [x.sub.0] + Vt. (4)
Eqs (1)-(3) are total formulations for the analytical model of the
plate on elastic foundation, subjected to moving concentrated loads.
In order to solve the problem described above a double dimension
Fourier transform is adopted as defined by following:
The inverse Fourier transform is
Using the Fourier transform defined as Eq (5), the Eq (1) can be
presented as
Fourier transforming Eq (3) gives
Substituting Eq (8) into Eq (7) and using Duhamel Integration and
the inverse Fourier transform, the solution
Using Mathematica software and integrating for t in Eq (9) gives
error function:
The transverse stresses are the longitudinal stresses at the bottom
of the plate that can be obtained respectively from
The stresses considered in this study are tensile stresses in the
longitudinal direction at the bottom of the plate because the transverse
stresses are smaller than the longitudinal stresses.
3. Dynamic response to moving accelerated/decelerated load
An infinite plate on the Winkler foundation subjected to a moving
traffic load with variable velocity (accelerating or decelerating) is
considered. The concerned data used in all the numerical examples are as
follows: E = 3.45 x [10.sup.4] MPa, [mu] = 0.15, K = 1.36 MN/[m.sup.3],
C = 2.0 x [10.sup.5] MN/[m.sup.3], b = 0.35 m, h = 0.30 m, c = 0.25 m,
[F.sub.0] = 1.0 x [10.sup.5] N, t = 1.0 s, [x.sub.0] = 0.0. A range of
values of acceleration and velocity are examined in these examples from
which the effect of acceleration and velocity on the dynamic response of
the plate are well investigated.
Figs 1 and 2 show the max deflections of the plate with different
acceleration, deceleration and velocity at time of 1 s and at load
position of 0.5 m. Fig. 3 shows stresses of the plate with different
acceleration and velocity at time of 1 s and at load position of 0.5 m.
It can be seen that the max deflections and stresses of the plate change
with the load varying acceleration, deceleration and velocity and have
different max values. This feature can also be seen in Figs 4-9 which
illustrate the dynamic deflections and stresses of the plate under the
different varying load acceleration, deceleration and velocity when one
of them is fixed.
From Fig. 4, it can be seen that when the load acceleration is
fixed, the deflection of the plate increases with the load varying
velocity and there are peak values. At the acceleration of 0.2
m/[s.sup.2] and the velocity of 100 km/h, the displacement reaches the
max value. When the acceleration is given 2 m/[s.sup.2] the displacement
will have a peak value at the velocity of 130 km/h.
Fig. 5 shows the results of displacement with different velocities
when the deceleration is given. It can be seen that these are similar to
the results shown in Fig. 4; the deflection of the plate increases with
the load varying velocity and there are peak values. But the increasing
speed is larger than that when the load moves with acceleration. Also,
at the deceleration of -0.2 m/[s.sup.2] and velocity of 100 km/h the
displacement has max value. But when deceleration is fixed at -0.2
m/[s.sup.2], the displacement has a peak value at the velocity of 190
Figs 6 and 7 illustrate the results of displacement with different
acceleration and deceleration when the load moving velocity is fixed. It
can be seen that the displacement reduces with the acceleration and
deceleration increasing when the load moving velocity is fixed.
Fig. 8 presents the results of the stresses of the plate with
different acceleration when the load varying velocity is fixed. It can
be seen that the stresses of the plate reduce with the increasing
acceleration and deceleration when the load varying velocity is fixed.
At small values of velocity (less than 50 km/h) the reduction is slow.
At large values of velocity the reduction is rapid.
Fig. 9 is the results of the stresses of the plate with different
velocity when the load varying acceleration is fixed. It can be seen
that the stresses of the plate increase with the acceleration increasing
when the load varying velocity is fixed. At the acceleration of 0.2
m/[s.sup.2] and the velocity of 140 km/h the stresses reach the max
value. When the acceleration is given 2 m/[s.sup.2] the plate stresses
reach peak values at the velocity of 170 km/h.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, the dynamic response of an infinite plate on an
elastic foundation subjected to a moving traffic load with variable
velocity (accelerating or decelerating) is investigated via a triple
Fourier transform. The effects of the load varying velocity,
acceleration and deceleration are also discussed. The numerical results
show that the max deflections and stresses of the plate change with the
load varying acceleration, deceleration and velocity. Both the
deflections and the stresses reach different max values. The dynamic
displacements and stresses increase with the load varying velocity and
decrease with the load varying acceleration and deceleration. These
phenomena suggest that the design of rigid pavements should carefully
consider the effect of the dynamic load caused by variable moving
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2012.07
Received 19 May 2010; accepted 24 February 2011
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Yang Zhong (1) ([mail]), Yuanyuan Gao (2), Mingliang Li (3)
School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of
Technology, No.4 Linggong Street, 116024 Dalian, China
E-mails: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected]; (3)
[email protected]