Evaluating the changes in economic and social development of Lithuanian counties by multiple criteria methods/Lietuvos regionu (Apskriciu) ekonomines ir socialines raidos pokyciai.
Ginevicius, Romualdas ; Podvezko, Valentinas
1. Introduction
Under the conditions of country economy restructurization (Brauers
et al. 2007), the differences between economic and social development of
various regions are becoming more prominent. To smooth these
differences, a number of scientific and practical problems associated
with the concepts of a region, regional policy and its aims,
determination of the boundaries of a region and evaluation of its
development, etc. should be thoroughly investigated (Snieska,
Bruneckien? 2009; Lenz 2008).
Researchers, examining the problems of regional policy, differently
approach the concept of a region, suggesting different criteria of their
classification and aims of regional development policy. However, all
investigators emphasize the need for smoothing the differences between
the regions as the main aim of their development (Brock, Urbonavisius
2008; Paulauskas, S., Paulauskas, A. 2008; Kaklauskas et al. 2009;
Jakaitis et al. 2009; Grundey 2008a, 2008b; Zavadskas, Kaklauskas 2008;
Yetgin, Lepkova 2007).
In practice, economic and social development has many different
facets, embracing, apart from economic and social aspects, cultural,
ethnographical, ecological and other features (Kavaliauskas 2008;
Rutkauskas 2008). This makes it difficult to assess the actual state of
economic and social development of a region. For example, if the high
level of economic development of a particular region has been achieved
on the account of heavy environmental pollution, it is hardly possible
to talk about sustainable development. Thus, to assess the state of a
region, it should be considered from various, often incompatible,
perspectives. This approach to evaluating the development of the regions
is only paving its way (Jakimavi?ius, Burinskien? 2007; Lin, Li 2008;
Terrados et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2008; Burinskien?, Rudzkien? 2009;
Ginevi?ius, Podvezko 2007b; 2008a; Ginevi?ius et al. 2004, 2006a, 2006b;
Kosiedowski 2008). One of the reasons is the lack of the appropriate
evaluation methods. The economic and social development of the
state's regions is comprehensively described in the year-book
published by the Statistics Department of the government of Lithuania (Counties of Lithuania ... 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008). It presents as
many as 87 criteria of evaluating social and economic development.
However, it is hardly possible to rank the regions based on their
economic and social development. This is because of the nature of the
provided criteria, which are better for some regions and worse for the
others. Therefore, to get a generalizing solution of the considered
problems, they should be integrated into a single value. The situation
is also complicated due to the fact that the number of the criteria is
large and they are of various dimensions. The latter are either
maximizing or minimizing, implying that the growth of the value of some
criteria means a higher development level, while for other criteria it
shows a lower level. Moreover, the criteria have various significances
with respect to the phenomenon considered, i.e. social and economic
regions' development.
To solve such complicated problems, multicriteria evaluation
methods have been recently used (Hwang, Yoon 1981; Figueira et al. 2005;
Ginevi?ius 2007; Ginevi?ius, Podvezko 2008b, 2008c; Ginevicius et al.
2007, 2008a, 2008b; Brauers, Zavadskas 2008; Brauers et al. 2008a); this
could take into consideration the major aspects of economic and social
development of the regions, including the environmental problems, as
well as multidimensional character of the criteria, different directions
of their changing and significances. The calculations made using the
above methods demonstrated the way of evaluating the economic and social
development of Lithuanian regions (Ginevi?ius et al. 2006a, 2006b;
Ginevicius, Podvezko 2004a, 2004b; Adamiek 2001; Kosiedowski 2001,
Quantitative evaluation of social and economic region's
development allows us to determine the changes, taking place in this
development. This, in turn, shows the effectiveness of the EU structural
funds, national programmes and other facilities used in conducting the
regional policy.
2. Regionalising the territory of the country
The term 'region' is perceived differently , though the
research in this area has had a long history. The problems associated
with its nature, objectivity as a category, as well as the criteria used
to define it, etc. are still discussed. Generally, a region is described
as a part of the earth's surface, which may be separated from the
surrounding territories by applying to it the procedures based on
particular criteria (Adamiek 2001; Kosiedowski 2001). On the other hand,
both the criteria and procedures used are subjective, therefore, the
regionalisation based on them can hardly be considered objective.
The concept of a region may be defined more precisely by analysing
the approaches used in various scientific and political spheres, which
consider this problem from various perspectives.
The literature analysis of the problem lets us conclude that the
essential approaches and aspects, allowing us to define the regions,
include geographical, political, sociological, ethnographical and
economic factors (Adamiek 2001; Kosiedowski 2001; Andriusaitien? 2007).
From a geographical perspective, a region is a relatively
homogeneous surface area, differing from the surrounding territories by
the distinct environmental characteristics, such as the territory
formed, type of soil, climate, etc.
From the political perspective, the essential region's
characteristics are specific political actions, popularity of the
respective political doctrines, self-government in the framework of a
federal state, the support of the existing administrative-territorial
division, the effectiveness of performance of regional authorities, etc.
From the social perspective, the significant criteria of
region's delimitation are the status of belonging to a particular
nation, the integrity of the local community, the sense of peculiarity
in relations with other territories, emotional links with the so-called
'native land', etc.
Ethnically, the regions differ in linguistic features (e.g.
language, intellect, jargon), as well as in traditions and culture (art,
garments and traditions of the population), etc.
Economically, a region is primarily an outlined territory with
specific economy, which was formed based on the available internal and
external economic resources, and factors influencing its development,
such as capital, labour force, technologies, information, etc.
It is clear that it is hardly possible under real conditions to
define a region based only on regional, political, ethnographical or
other characteristics. All these interrelated aspects are integrated in
the concept of an economical region. On the other hand, this
'applied' approach to a region can hardly allow us to
appropriately fix its boundaries, which is required for planning and
management of a region. Therefore, its boundaries are usually associated
with territorial-administrative division of a country.
A resolution of the Government of Lithuanian Republic (1998)
'On the guidelines of Lithuanian policy of regional
development' stated that administrative-territorial units,
counties, would be considered the main divisions for conducting the
state regional policy of social-economic development. Now, there are ten
counties in Lithuania. Therefore, at present, counties are considered to
be the regions in this country. This is also confirmed by A resolution
of the Seimas of Lithuanian Republic (1999) 'On the
concluding-report of the Seimas Committee for European affairs on the EU
regional policy and Lithuania's preparation for its
Today, territorial-administrative units of Lithuanian Republic are
counties and municipalities (The law on territorial-administrative
divisions of Lithuanian Republic 1994). A municipality is an
administrative unit, exercising control over self-government
institutions elected by the inhabitants. A county is the highest
administrative unit subordinate to the government of Lithuanian
Republic. It consists of self-governed territories, having common
social, economic and ethno-cultural interests.
The situation is changing, and the amalgamation of counties into
bigger units is planned. The need for extending the existing
administrative-territorial divisions had been already emphasized some
years ago. Then, it was believed that regional structures formed by
integrating several counties, based on common natural, economic and
other conditions, could be established in Lithuania. For this purpose,
several regions differing from others by their economic and social
development were suggested. They were Western, Central, Northern,
South-Western, Eastern and South-Eastern regions (Bura?as 1997). Today,
the problem of integrating the existing regions into larger units is
included in the programmes of the political parties of Lithuania.
Lithuania as a member-state of the European Union should coordinate its policy of regional development with the EU policy in this area,
which is aimed at harmonizing social and economic development. The
particular goals of the EU regional development policy are formulated in
the EU Agreement. According to the Article 158, the European Union
should strive to smooth the differences in the level of development
between various regions and diminishing the backwardness of less
developed regions. The European funds of regional development are aimed
at supporting the development of these regions as well as structural
changes and restructuring of industrial regions experiencing economic
decline. Regional development policy was worked out specially for
diminishing the gap between the richest and the poorest EU member-states
or the level of the development of their regions.
3. A system of criteria describing economic and social development
of Lithuanian districts
Economic and social development of the state's regions
(districts) is reflected in the yearbook of the Statistical Department
(Counties of Lithuania 2007). It presents the criteria of social and
economic development as a system consisting of separate groups (sets) of
criteria describing particular aspects of development (Table 1).
As shown in Table 1, 87 criteria presenting 24 groups are used to
describe social and economic development of Lithuanian regions. Their
analysis shows that some of them may be deduced from the others and
expressed either by absolute or relative values, etc. However, the
criteria describing social and economic development of the state, which
may be perceived as a system reflecting all aspects of development,
should be independent. Therefore, it is possible to reduce their number,
not decreasing the accuracy of reflecting the level of the development
achieved. By performing these operations we obtained a system of
criteria, describing social and economic development of the country
(Counties of Lithuania 2004-2008) suitable for further calculations
(Table 2).
As shown by the values of the criteria presented in Table 2, it is
not possible to rank the regions according to economic and social
development level because some of these values are better for some
particular regions, while others are better for other regions. This can
be more clearly seen if the values are expressed in terms of ranks
(Table 3).
One can see that, for example, Vilnius region is ranked first
according to some criteria, while being the last according to some
others. This means that the ways of integrating all the criteria
describing social and economic development into a single magnitude
should be developed. By equating these values to each other, it would be
possible to rank the regions considered according to the level of their
social and economic development. To solve this problem, multicriteria
evaluation methods, allowing generalization of the criteria, having
various dimensions and changing in various directions, should be used
(Ginevi?ius 2008; Podvezko 2008; Ginevi?ius, Podvezko 2008d, e; Turskis
et al. 2009; Zavadskas et al. 2008a; Brauers et al. 2008b; Ustinovichius
et al. 2007).
4. Multicriteria evaluation of social and economic development of
Lithuanian regions
As mentioned above, multicriteria evaluation methods are well
suited for evaluating economic and social development of regions.
The basis of quantitative multicriteria methods is the matrix R =
[parallel][r.sub.ij][parallel] of the statistical data of the criteria
describing the compared regions (Table 2) and their weight values
[[omega].sub.i] i = 1, ..., m; j = 1, ..., n where m is the number of
criteria (in this case, m = 14) and n is the number of the alternatives
(the regions compared) (in this case, n = 10). By applying quantitative
multicriteria evaluation methods, the type of each criterion, maximizing
or minimizing (max or min in row 3 of Table 2), is determined. The
criteria of quantitative multicriteria evaluation methods embrace
non-dimensional (normalized) criteria values [[??].sub.ij] and weights
cor Most methods rely on a specific normalization or transformation of
the initial data of the criteria.
Four methods--SAW, TOPSIS, COPRAS and COPRAS-M are used in this
work. The simplest multicriteria evaluation method VS was used for
The methods used differ in the sophistication level. The most
widely known and used method is SAW (Simple Additive Weighing) (Hwang,
Yoon 1981). The criterion of the method Sj fully reflects the aim of
quantitative multicriteria evaluation methods of integrating the
criteria values and weights into a single magnitude.
The sum [S.sub.j] of the weighted normalized criteria values is
calculated for each j-th region. It is found according to the formula:
where [[omega].sub.i] , is the weight of i-th criterion;
[[??].sub.[??]] is normalized i-th criterion value for j-th region
([m.summation over (i=1)][[omega].sub.i] = i).
In this case, normalization of the initial data may be made using
the formula (Ginevicius, Podvezko 2007a):
where [r.sub.ij] is the value of i-th criterion for j-th region.
The best value of the criterion [S.sub.j] is its largest value.
In using SAW, minimizing criteria should be transformed into
maximizing ones prior to normalization by the formula given below
(Hwang, Yoon 1981):
where the lowest positive criterion values are transformed into a
maximizing value equal to one.
The method TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to
an Ideal Solution) is based on the principle that the alternative having
the shortest distance to the ideal variant (solution) and the longest
distance to the worst variants should be chosen (Hwang, Yoon 1981;
Opricovic, Tzeng 2004). The method can be applied both to maximized and
minimized criteria. TOPSIS relies on vector normalization:
where [[??].sub.ij] is normalized value of i-th criterion for j-th
The best variant (solution) [V.sup.*] and the worst variant
[V.sup.-] are calculated by the formulas:
where [I.sub.1] is a set of maximizing criteria, [I.sub.2] is a set
of minimizing criteria, is the weight of the i-th criterion.
Overall distance [D.sup.*.sub.j] of every considered alternative
from the best variants and from the worst options, [D.sup.-.sub.j], are
calculated by the formulas:
The criterion [C.sup.*.sub.j] of the method TOPSIS is calculated by
the formula:
The largest value of the criterion [C.sup.*.sub.j] correlates with
the best alternative. The alternatives compared should be ranked in the
descending order.
The method COPRAS (Kaklauskas et al. 2007; Zavadskas et al. 2008b;
Banaitiene et al. 2008; Vitiekiene, Zavadskas 2007) of complex
proportional evaluation and its simplified version (COPRAS- M) can be
used if both maximizing and minimizing criteria are available. If only
maximizing criteria are used, the results obtained match those of SAW.
In fact, the value of the criterion for complex proportional evaluation
is calculated from the formula:
sum of normalized weighted values of all maximizing criteria of the j-th
same for all minimizing criteria, [S.sub.-min] = [min.sub.j] [S.sub.-j].
The same applies to a simplified method of a complex proportional
evaluation suggested by the authors (Ginevi?ius et al. 2004), when the
criterion of the method is calculated by the formula:
where [S.sub.-max] = [max.sub.j] [S.sub.-j].
The simplest multicriteria method used at the initial stage of
evaluation, which was used for comparing the alternatives, is based on
the sum of ranks calculated for the alternative, taking into account the
values of the criteria describing it (Ginevicius, Podvezko 2007a). This
method does not need any transformation of data or positive values as
well as the uniformity of units of measurement, being also independent
of the particular values of the criteria weights [[omega].sub.i]. The
sum of ranks for the j-th alternative is calculated in the following
where [m.sub.ij] is the rank (position) of the j-th alternative for
the i-th criterion.
The criteria weights [[omega].sub.i] were obtained by Saaty's
method AHP (Saaty 1980, 2005; Podvezko 2007) and are given in Table 4.
Multicriteria evaluation data on social and economic development of
Lithuanian regions obtained by using formulas (1)-(9) are given in Table
5 (see 431 p.).
For the sake of comparison, the ranks of the regions were
determined for 2007 by the formula (10), using the VS method. The
calculation results are given in Table 6.
As shown in Table 6, the ranks of the regions calculated by the VS
method differ considerably from those yielded by more precise methods.
This confirms the conclusion that the method VS (sum of ranks) may be
used only for preliminary evaluation.
The results obtained in the analysis of economic and social
development of Lithuanian regions show that only the most highly
developed regions (those of Vilnius, Klaipeda and Kaunas) and the least
developed regions (those of Taurage, Siauliai and Marijampole) have
remained stable in the period considered (see Table 7).
In Table 7, one can see that the situation has greatly improved in
TelSiai region, which was ranked third after Vilnius and Klaipeda
regions according to its social and economic development in 2007. In
general, it may be stated that there have not been any considerable
changes in the development of Lithuanian regions, with the leaders and
those lagging behind remaining the same. It implies that the regional
policy of the country has been in effective.
To assess the rate of economic and social development of the
regions and their stability over the considered period, the following
indicator is suggested:
where [P.sub.j] is the indicator of j-th region's social and
economic development rate and stability; [V.sub.jt] is the rank of j-th
region in t-th year (t = 1, 2, ... , T); T is the period evaluated;
rank; n is the number of alternatives (regions).
The results of calculations made by formula (11) are presented in
Table 8.
As shown in Table 8, the most rapidly developing and stable are the
regions of Vilnius, Klaipeda, Kaunas and TelSiai, while the most slowly
developing are Taurage, Siauliai and Marijampole.
1. To determine the level of economic and social development of
regions, a great number of various and often incompatible criteria
should be considered. This makes the solution of this problem a
complicated task. On the other hand, striving for sustainable
development of the regions, the level achieved should be quantitatively
evaluated. However, it has not been made yet because of the lack of the
appropriate evaluation methods. The situation has changed when the
researchers began to use multicriteria evaluation methods, allowing them
to take into account multidimensional character and different directions
of the criterion change as well as different significances (weights) of
the criteria describing the development of the regions.
2. Considering the economic and social development of regions, the
concept of a region should be defined as precisely as possible. The
respective documents of the government of Lithuanian Republic state that
the main territorial division is a county (region); therefore, regional
development is analysed in the present work.
3. The definition of the country's regions and the analysis of
their development are required for the developing and pursuing the
effective regional policy, perceived both in the European Union and
Lithuania as a means of smoothing the differences in social and economic
development between regions and promoting uniform and steady development
of the whole territory of the country.
4. Eighty seven criteria describe the economic and social
development of Lithuanian regions from various perspectives. Some of
them may be deduced from the others; therefore, a set of 14 criteria was
used in further calculations.
5. Three main methods--SAW, TOPSIS and COPRAS were used in
multicriteria evaluation of social and economic development of
Lithuanian regions. To determine the ultimate rank of a region, the
average estimate of the values obtained in applying all the considered
methods was taken.
doi: 10.3846/1392-8619.2009.15.418-436
Received 28 April 2009; accepted 20 August 2009
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Ginevi?ius, R.;
Podvezko, V. 2009. Evaluating the changes in economic and social
development of Lithuanian counties by multiple criteria methods,
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 15(3): 418-436.
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Romualdas GINEVICIUS. Professor, Dr Habil, Head of the Department
of Enterprise Economics and Management, construction engineer and
economist. The author of more than 350 research papers and over 20
scientific books; editor-in-chief of the 'Journal of Business
Economics and Management' (located in ISI database 'Web of
Science') and the journal 'Business: Theory and
Practice'. Research interests: organization theory, complex
quantitative evaluation of social processes and phenomena.
Valentinas PODVEZKO. Doctor, Professor. Dept of Mathematical
Statistics. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Author and co-author
of over 100 publications. Research interests: sampling and forecasting
models in economics.
Romualdas Ginevicius (1), Valentinas Podvezko (2)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saul?tekio al. 11, LT-10223
Vilnius, Lithuania E-mails: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected]
Table 1. The criteria of economic and social development of Lithuanian
regions (counties)
No A generic name The criteria of a set
of criteria
1 Population 1. Population, area and density
2. Live births, deaths,
natural increase/decrease
3. Vital statistics indicators
4. Marriages and divorces
5. Mortality by sex and age
group, 2007
6. Life expectancy at birth
7. Mortality by cause of death
8. Internal and international
2 Health and 1. Physicians
social security 2. Physicians by specialty
3. Odontologists
4. Nurses
5. Number of pharmacists
6. Number of visits to
outpatient facilities
7. Number of state social
insurance old age pensioners
8. Expenditure on benefits
3 Education and culture 1. Educational attainment of
the population (aged 25-64)
2. Preschool education
3. Number of general schools
4. Number of vocational schools
5. Number of colleges
6. Number of universities
7. Libraries
8. Cultural centres
4 Employment and 1. Average annual number of
unemployment employed persons
2. Employed persons by economic
activity and sex
3. Employed persons and
employment rate by sex
4. Unemployed and unemployment
rate by sex
5. Labour force and labour force
activity rate by sex
5 Labour 1. Average number of employees
by the kind of economic activity
2. Average gross monthly earnings
by the kind of economic activity
3. Average number of employees,
average gross monthly and
hourly earnings and indices
6 Household income and 1. Average disposable income, 2007
expenditure 2. Average consumption
expenditure, 2007.
7 Dwelling 1. Stock of dwellings
2. Number of dwellings by
type of ownership, 2007
3. Housing provision
8 Crime 1. Registered criminal offences
2. Investigated criminal offences
9 Gross domestic product 1. Gross domestic product (GDP)
2. Gross domestic product (GDP)
per capital
3. Value added
10 Municipal budgets 1. Municipal budgets revenue, 2007
2. Municipal budgets expenditure by
function ofthe Government, 2007
11 Prices 1. Average retail prices for food
and non-food goods, December
2. Annual rates of change in prices
for main consumer goods and
services by group in major cities
of the country
12 Foreign trade 1. Exports of goods of
Lithuanian origin
2. Exports of goods of Lithuanian
origin to the European Union
and to other countries
13 Foreign direct 1. Foreign direct investment
14 Economic entities 1. Number of economic entities
in operation
2. Number of economic entities in
operation by economic activity, 2008
3. Number of economic entities in
operation by personnel, 2008
15 Enterprise statistics 1. Turnover 2. Turnover by the
kind of economic activity, 2006
16 Investment in tangible 1. Investment in tangible fixed assets
fixed assets
17 Industry 1. Production of main commodities
18 Construction 1. Construction authorized
by building permits
2. Dwellings completed
3. Construction authorized by
non-residential buildings permits
and new non-residential buildings
4. Own-account construction work
carried out within the country
19 Domestic trade 1. Indicators of enterprises of sale,
maintenance and repair of motor
vehicles and motorcycles, retail
sale of automotive fuel
2. Indicators of enterprises of
retail trade except sale of motor
vehicles and motorcycles
3. Indicators of restaurants, bars
and other catering enterprises
20 Services 1. Income of service enterprises
21 Tourism 1. Number of accommodation
2. Number of guests in accommodation
3. Overnight stays in accommodation
22 Transport and 1. Number of road vehicles, 2007
communication 2. National freight transport
by road, 2007
3. Passengers carried by bus
4. Main residential telephone lines
5. Number of private passenger cars
6. Road traffic accidents
23 Agriculture 1. Gross agriculture production
2. Utilised agriculture land
3. Crop area on all farms
4. Harvest of agricultural crops
on all farms
5. Yield of agricultural crops
on all farms
6. Number of livestock and poultry
on all farms, 2008
7. Animal products and productivity
per cow on all farms
24 Environment and 1. Water abstraction and consumption
climate 2. Water consumption by purpose, 2007
3. Waste water discharge, 2007
4. Air pollutant emissions
from stationary sources
5. Gaseous and liquid emissions
from stationary sources
6. Climate
Total value: 87
Table 2. The statistical data on economical and social development of
Lithuanian regions from 2003 to 2007
No Criterion Criterion Year Regions
direction Alytus Kaunas
1 Population Max 2003 -4.599 -4.009
migration (net 2004 -6.060 -5.230
migration) per 1000 2005 -5.217 -3.611
inhabitants 2006 -4.182 -1.715
2007 -4,451 -1,824
2 Municipal budget's Max 2003 1.152 1.038
revenue (average 2004 1.308 1.199
amount per capita) 2005 1.397 1.306
2006 1.640 1.662
2007 1,774 1,702
3 Municipal budget's Max 2003 150.91 120.38
expenditure 2004 190.16 158.08
(average amount, 2005 201.49 171.96
social security) 2006 225.43 191.44
2007 144,67 138,84
4 Unemployment Min 2003 13.6 12.1
rate (%) 2004 16.0 10.3
2005 8.2 8.9
2006 5.1 5.9
2007 3,3 4,2
5 Average gross Max 2003 912 992
monthly earnings 2004 975 1063
2005 1072 1192
2006 1255 1412
2007 1540 1720
6 Average useful floor Max 2003 25.0 22.5
space per capita 2004 25.4 22.6
2005 25.9 22.8
2006 26.0 23.0
2007 26,4 23,2
7 Number of Max 2003 102 89
pre - school 2004 97 86
establishments 2005 109 88
(places per 100 2006 112 83
children) 2007 113 85
8 Number of schools Max 2003 4.08 3.00
(per 1000 of 2004 3.74 2.55
students) 2005 2.81 2.46
2006 2.94 2.47
2007 3,07 2,55
9 Animal products Max 2003 818 723
recalculated in 2004 782 756
terms of milk (100 2005 672 681
kg per 100 ha of 2006 691 682
agricultural land) 2007 701 706
10 Indicators of activity Max 2003 3130 4712
of retail trade 2004 3722 5211
enterprises (per 2005 4565 6079
capita) 2006 5095 6983
2007 6055 8322
11 Investment in Max 2003 1880 2142
tangible fixed assets 2004 1858 2811
(per capita) 2005 2508 3781
2006 3386 4227
2007 3887 5599
12 Own-account Max 2003 885.0 1146.2
construction work 2004 904.6 1238.7
carried out within 2005 1319.6 1512.4
the country (per 2006 1786.1 2017.2
capita) 2007 2556,7 2794,4
13 Dwellings Max 2003 0.102 0.122
completed (per 2004 0.117 0.194
capita) 2005 0.101 0.218
2006 0.106 0.189
2007 0,164 0,214
14 Registered Min 2003 103 144
criminal offences 2004 165 204
(misdemeanors per 2005 135 181
100000 inhabitants) 2006 122 168
2007 104 168
No Criterion Regions
Klaipeda Marijampole Panevezys
1 Population -0.237 -1.194 -3.906
migration (net -1.145 -3.395 -5.143
migration) per 1000 -1.429 -3.759 -4.583
inhabitants -0.662 -2.975 -3.746
0,248 -2,715 -4,282
2 Municipal budget's 1.156 1.126 1.110
revenue (average 1.337 1.294 1.294
amount per capita) 1.418 1.350 1.353
1.683 1.588 1.535
1,753 1,722 1,688
3 Municipal budget's 129.40 161.56 142.07
expenditure 187.34 211.54 189.41
(average amount, 201.37 213.89 207.13
social security) 228.30 239.30 222.83
139,93 149,35 160,06
4 Unemployment 12.5 7.5 11.4
rate (%) 12.7 6.9 12.6
7.0 3.0 10.8
6.8 2.6 8.0
4,1 2,0 6,5
5 Average gross 1060 847 940
monthly earnings 1125 914 1016
1256 1001 1094
1474 1195 1258
1765 1420 1507
6 Average useful floor 21.0 22.4 25.3
space per capita 21.3 22.6 25.5
21.5 22.7 25.8
21.7 23.0 27.0
22,0 23,2 27,3
7 Number of 96 83 97
pre-school 97 84 97
establishments 102 95 105
(places per 100 103 97 108
children) 101 97 110
8 Number of schools 3.06 3.15 3.50
(per 1000 of 2.49 2.91 2.82
students) 2.59 3.01 2.97
2.69 3.18 2.97
2,76 3,27 3,10
9 Animal products 772 770 680
recalculated in 812 717 681
terms of milk (100 727 759 627
kg per 100 ha of 747 782 637
agricultural land) 780 827 684
10 Indicators of activity 5044 5990 3783
of retail trade 5706 6248 4378
enterprises (per 6490 7024 5076
capita) 7387 7773 5881
8720 9144 7000
11 Investment in 2431 1403 1926
tangible fixed assets 3862 1701 2204
(per capita) 6442 2007 2362
6088 3445 3159
7025 3852 5239
12 Own-account 1416.6 797.8 693.3
construction work 1711.7 901.7 1047.3
carried out within 2483.8 958.9 1124.6
the country (per 3097.3 1725.3 1509.1
capita) 4197,4 1771,3 2405,3
13 Dwellings 0.090 0.059 0.070
completed (per 0.138 0.081 0.095
capita) 0.176 0.079 0.079
0.207 0.058 0.061
0,187 0,122 0,082
14 Registered 181 90 213
criminal offences 336 145 265
(misdemeanors per 270 116 196
100000 inhabitants) 200 118 157
177 114 145
No Criterion Regions
Siauliai Taurage Telsiai Utena
1 Population -5.303 -2.285 -3.467 -3.806
migration (net -5.664 -4.279 -4.794 -4.610
migration) per 1000 -5.688 -5.917 -5.474 -4.604
inhabitants -4.031 -3.908 -2.832 -3.090
-6,194 -5,550 -4,003 -4,375
2 Municipal budget's 1.120 1.135 1.098 1.237
revenue (average 1.278 1.299 1.284 1.418
amount per capita) 1.351 1.415 1.372 1.526
1.621 1.684 1.603 1.681
1,792 1,816 1,731 1,873
3 Municipal budget's 154.58 205.50 178.54 146.71
expenditure 209.50 234.53 212.59 188.25
(average amount, 218.50 238.87 221.18 196.59
social security) 254.42 271.66 260.04 221.83
173,92 195,97 153,17 156,32
4 Unemployment 16.9 9.5 12.5 15.3
rate (%) 12.6 8.9 10.3 12.3
10.1 6.0 7.9 6.0
5.7 4.2 5.6 5.9
4,4 3,4 4,3 4,4
5 Average gross 871 807 1059 1111
monthly earnings 958 859 1162 1145
1049 936 1248 1231
1239 1104 1432 1389
1498 1332 1736 1621
6 Average useful floor 22.4 21.7 22.0 27.9
space per capita 22.8 22.5 22.3 28.4
23.1 22.7 22.6 28.7
23.4 22.9 22.7 29.1
23,7 23,2 23,0 29,5
7 Number of 95 82 83 108
pre - school 97 96 84 102
establishments 89 95 86 104
(places per 100 98 98 90 103
children) 97 91 88 104
8 Number of schools 3.80 3.29 3.75 3.75
(per 1000 of 3.37 3.31 3.47 3.47
students) 3.14 3.43 3.34 3.41
3.24 3.49 3.29 3.58
3,37 3,51 3,35 3,71
9 Animal products 648 741 700 693
recalculated in 641 741 733 714
terms of milk (100 616 656 637 639
kg per 100 ha of 631 740 693 632
agricultural land) 653 838 709 697
10 Indicators of activity 3854 3099 3614 3833
of retail trade 4133 3389 3938 4002
enterprises (per 4866 3798 4334 4533
capita) 5694 4434 4931 5259
6783 5700 5733 6169
11 Investment in 1212 1036 2604 1571
tangible fixed assets 1790 1136 2301 2928
(per capita) 2094 1268 2783 3378
3139 1865 4375 2787
3925 2363 9811 3655
12 Own-account 676.6 758.8 915.5 1060.5
construction work 814.2 552.7 915.3 1552.5
carried out within 906.7 795.3 1032.0 1553.8
the country (per 1556.5 1025.3 1632.5 1647.5
capita) 1990,5 1620,9 2697,6 1992,9
13 Dwellings 0.074 0.058 0.061 0.060
completed (per 0.085 0.099 0.076 0.060
capita) 0.057 0.069 0.078 0.061
0.091 0.042 0.073 0.063
0,102 0,058 0,083 0,100
14 Registered 168 168 119 116
criminal offences 272 276 158 198
(misdemeanors per 208 252 149 165
100000 inhabitants) 150 186 125 129
148 175 107 132
No Criterion Regions
1 Population 2.996
migration (net 2.397
migration) per 1000 2.185
inhabitants 2.288
2 Municipal budget's 1.028
revenue (average 1.199
amount per capita) 1.313
3 Municipal budget's 113.21
expenditure 183.69
(average amount, 196.81
social security) 221.91
4 Unemployment 11.7
rate (%) 11.1
5 Average gross 1249
monthly earnings 1328
6 Average useful floor 23.0
space per capita 23.7
7 Number of 98
pre - school 98
establishments 96
(places per 100 96
children) 94
8 Number of schools 3.06
(per 1000 of 2.65
students) 2.72
9 Animal products 653
recalculated in 630
terms of milk (100 583
kg per 100 ha of 612
agricultural land) 645
10 Indicators of activity 7563
of retail trade 8654
enterprises (per 10458
capita) 12766
11 Investment in 3955
tangible fixed assets 5686
(per capita) 7179
12 Own-account 2026.8
construction work 2252.1
carried out within 2620.0
the country (per 3432.2
capita) 4821,6
13 Dwellings 0.312
completed (per 0.446
capita) 0.382
14 Registered 237
criminal offences 370
(misdemeanors per 332
100000 inhabitants) 315
Table 3. Te values of the criteria describing economic and social
development of Lithuanian regions for 2007 expressed as ranks
Criterion Alytus Kaunas Klaipeda
Population migration (net migration) 8 3 2
per 1000 inhabitants
Municipal budget's revenue (average 4 8 5
amount per capita)
Municipal budget's expenditure 8 10 9
(average amount, social security)
Unemployment rate (% ) 2 5 4
Average gross monthly earnings 6 4 2
Average useful floor space per capita 3 7 10
Number of pre--school establishments 1 10 4
(places per 100 children)
Number of schools (per 1000 of 7 10 9
Animal products recalculated in 6 5 3
terms of milk (100 kg per 100 ha of
agricultural land)
Indicators of activity of retail trade 8 4 3
enterprises (per capita)
Investment in tangible fixed assets 7 4 3
(per capita)
Own-account construction work 5 3 2
carried out within the country (per
capita) 4 2 3
Dwellings completed (per capita )
Registered criminal offences 1 7 9
(misdemeanors per 100000
Criterion Marijampole Panevezys
Population migration (net migration) 4 6
per 1000 inhabitants
Municipal budget's revenue (average 7 9
amount per capita)
Municipal budget's expenditure 6 3
(average amount, social security)
Unemployment rate (% ) 1 10
Average gross monthly earnings 9 7
Average useful floor space per capita 7 2
Number of pre--school establishments 5,5 2
(places per 100 children)
Number of schools (per 1000 of 5 6
Animal products recalculated in 2 8
terms of milk (100 kg per 100 ha of
agricultural land)
Indicators of activity of retail trade 2 5
enterprises (per capita)
Investment in tangible fixed assets 8 5
(per capita)
Own-account construction work 9 6
carried out within the country (per
capita) 5 9
Dwellings completed (per capita )
Registered criminal offences 3 5
(misdemeanors per 100000
Criterion Siauliai Taurage Telsiai
Population migration (net migration) 10 9 5
per 1000 inhabitants
Municipal budget's revenue (average 3 2 6
amount per capita)
Municipal budget's expenditure 2 1 5
(average amount, social security)
Unemployment rate (% ) 7,5 3 6
Average gross monthly earnings 8 10 3
Average useful floor space per capita 5 7 9
Number of pre--school establishments 5,5 8 9
(places per 100 children)
Number of schools (per 1000 of 3 2 4
Animal products recalculated in 9 1 4
terms of milk (100 kg per 100 ha of
agricultural land)
Indicators of activity of retail trade 6 10 9
enterprises (per capita)
Investment in tangible fixed assets 6 10 2
(per capita)
Own-account construction work 8 10 4
carried out within the country (per
capita) 6 10 8
Dwellings completed (per capita )
Registered criminal offences 6 8 2
(misdemeanors per 100000
Criterion Utena Vilnius
Population migration (net migration) 7 1
per 1000 inhabitants
Municipal budget's revenue (average 1 10
amount per capita)
Municipal budget's expenditure 4 7
(average amount, social security)
Unemployment rate (% ) 7,5 9
Average gross monthly earnings 5 1
Average useful floor space per capita 1 4
Number of pre--school establishments 3 7
(places per 100 children)
Number of schools (per 1000 of 1 8
Animal products recalculated in 7 10
terms of milk (100 kg per 100 ha of
agricultural land)
Indicators of activity of retail trade 7 1
enterprises (per capita)
Investment in tangible fixed assets 9 1
(per capita)
Own-account construction work 7 1
carried out within the country (per
capita) 7 1
Dwellings completed (per capita )
Registered criminal offences 4 10
(misdemeanors per 100000
Table 4. Weights (significances) [[omega].sub.i] of the criteria
No 1 2 3 4 5 6
[[omega].sub.i] 0.0089 0.0744 0.0501 0.0128 0.0163 0.1091
No 7 8 9 10 11 12
[[omega].sub.i] 0.0744 0.0744 0.0501 0.0250 0.2030 0.1867
No 13 14
[[omega].sub.i] 0.1059 0.0089
Table 5. Te results obtained in multicriteria evaluation of social
and economic development of Lithuanian regions in 2003-2007
Method Criterion Alytus Kaunas Klaipeda Marijampole
2003 m
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0986 0.1020 0.1088 0.0867
Rank 5 3 2 8
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.237 0.335 0.412 0.115
Rank 5 3 2 8
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0985 0.1020 0.1088 0.0863
Rank 5 3 2 8
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0894 0.1026 0.1168 0.0843
Rank 6 4 2 8
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.187 0.370 0.517 0.149
Rank 7 4 2 8
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.892 0.1026 0.1168 0.0844
Rank 6 4 2 8
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0914 0.1070 0.1355 0.0840
Rank 5 3 2 8
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.225 0.430 0.703 0.124
Rank 5 3 2 8
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0914 0.1070 0.1335 0.0840
Rank 5 3 2 8
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0931 0.1016 0.1259 0.0906
Rank 4 3 2 6
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.250 0.375 0.601 0.228
Rank 5 3 2 6
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0931 0.1017 0.1260 0.0906
Rank 4 3 2 6
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0928 0.0990 0.1149 0.0854
Rank 5 4 2 8
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.217 0.3321 0.482 0.144
Rank 6 4 2 9
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0928 0.0991 0.1149 0.0854
Rank 5 4 2 8
Method Criterion Panevezys Siauliai Taurage Telsiai
2003 m
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0893 0.0810 0.0799 0.0989
Rank 7 9 10 4
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.197 0.078 0.082 0.330
Rank 7 10 9 4
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0893 0.0810 0.0799 0.0990
Rank 7 10 4
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0901 0.0823 0.0756 0.0861
Rank 5 9 10 7
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.228 0.142 0.081 0.212
Rank 5 9 10 6
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0902 0.0824 0.0756 0.0881
Rank 5 9 10 7
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0856 0.0770 0.0735 0.0856
Rank 6-7 10 6-7
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.173 0.113 0.071 0.199
Rank 7 9 10 6
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0856 0.0771 0.0735 0.0856
Rank 6-7 9 10 6-7
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0849 0.0870 0.0732 0.0929
Rank 9 8 10 5
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.186 0.193 0.077 0.292
Rank 9 7 1
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0849 0.0871 0.0732 0.0930
Rank 9 8 10 5
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0913 0.0834 0.0742 0.1077
Rank 6 9 10 3
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.244 0.187 0.075 0.463
Rank 5 8 10 3
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0912 0.0834 0.0742 0.1077
Rank 6 9 10 3
Method Criterion Utena Vilnius
2003 m
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0955 0.1597
Rank 6 1
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.211 0.895
Rank 1
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0955 0.1597
Rank 6 1
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.1056 0.1651
Rank 3 1
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.382 0.918
Rank 3 1
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.1056 0.1650
Rank 3 1
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0997 0.1606
Rank 4 1
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.322 0.922
Rank 4 1
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0998 0.1606
Rank 4 1
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0878 0.1628
Rank 7 1
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.189 0.922
Rank 8 1
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0878 0.1627
Rank 7 1
SAW [S.sub.j] 0.0967 0.1646
Rank 7 1
TOPSIS [C.sub.j.sup.*] 0.155 0.915
Rank 7 1
COPRAS [Z.sub.j] 0.0868 0.1646
Rank 7 1
Table 6. The evaluation results obtained for 2007 by using the VS
Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[V.sub.j] 70 82 68 73,5 83 85 91 76
Rank 2 7 1 5 8 9 10 6
Region 9 10
[V.sub.j] 70,5 71
Rank 3 4
Table 7. The ranks of Lithuanian regions obtained by using all
multicriteria evaluation methods
Year Alytus Kaunas Klaip?da Marijampole Panevezys
2003 5 3 2 8 7
2004 6 4 2 8 5
2005 5 3 2 8 7
2006 4 3 2 6 9
2007 5 4 2 8 6
Year Siauliai Taurage Telsiai Utena Vilnius
2003 9 10 4 6 1
2004 9 10 7 3 1
2005 9 10 6 4 1
2006 8 10 5 7 1
2007 9 10 3 7 1
Table 8. The development of Lithuanian regions in 2004-2007 according
to their stability and growth rate
Region Alytus Kaunas Klaipeda Marijampole Panevezys
The value 0.204 0.285 0.500 0.142 0.161
of [P.sub.j]
Rank based 5-6 3 2 8 7
on growth
rate and
Region Siauliai Taurage Telsiai Utena Vilnius
The value 0.114 0.100 0.230 0.200 1.000
of [P.sub.j]
Rank based 9 10 4 5-6 1
on growth
rate and