Multicriteria verbal analysis for the decision of construction problems/Statybos uzdaviniu sprendimu analize daugiatiskliu verbaliniu metodu.
Ustinovichius, Leonas ; Barvidas, Arunas ; Vishnevskaja, Andzelika 等
1. Introduction
The solution of construction problems often requires the analysis
of the available alternatives under uncertainty conditions (Peldschus
and Zavadskas 2005; Zavadskas and Turskis 2008; Turskis et al. 2009).
This particularly applies to the solution of organizational and
management problems in construction. The quality of management largely
depends on the effectiveness of contract making (Mitkus and Trinkuniene
2007, 2008; Kersuliene 2007; Brauers et al. 2008a, b; Banaitien? et al.
2008). Therefore, the authors of the present paper illustrate the
application of verbal analysis to the selection of the effective
construction contract.
The problems associated with construction contracts are widely
discussed in the scientific literature. Construction sustainability
performance is indispensable to the attainment of sustainable
development (Zavadskas and Vilutiene 2006; Zavadskas and Antucheviciene
2006; Zavadskas et al. 2006, 2007, 2008a, d, e; Viteikiene and Zavadskas
2007; Ginevicius et al. 2007, 2008; Ginevi?ius and Podvezko 2008; Ugwu
et al. 2006; Kaklauskas et al. 2006, 2007a, b). Various techniques and
management skills have previously been developed to help improving
sustainable performance from implementing construction projects.
However, these techniques seem not being effectively implemented due to
the fragmentation and poor coordination among various construction
participants. In one of the papers (Shen et al. 2007; Paulauskas and
Paulauskas 2008) a framework of sustainability performance checklist is
developed to help understanding the major factors affecting a project
sustainability performance across its life cycle. This framework enables
all project parties to assess the project sustainability performance in
a consistent and holistic way, thus improving the cooperation among all
parties to attain satisfactory project sustainability performance.
The authors (Turskis 2008; Mitkus and Trinkuniene 2007, 2008;
Zavadskas et al. 2008b, c) analyse the standards and conditions of
contracts which are of special importance in making contracts in the
construction industry in European countries. They focuse on the need for
project managers to review their strategies against possible commercial
developments over the expected project lifetime. The new-style ICE
contract may provide flexibility, clarity, simplicity and an emphasis on
good project management.
Contractors of international construction projects are often faced
with the situation of uncertainty working in the field of construction
(Bubshait and Almohawis 1994; Luce and Raiffa 1989; Kersuliene 2007;
Shevchenko et al. 2008). The specifications of contracts and their
requirements make a potential source of risk. The paper presents a
simple quantitative method for evaluating technical specifications of a
construction contract. This method is based on 11 attributes, including
clarity, conciseness, completeness, internal and external consistency,
practicality, fairness, effect on quality, cost, schedule, and safety.
This procedure can also be used to assess the risk level associated with
contract conditions.
Contractual relationships are mainly based on confrontational
situations (Zaghloul and Hartman 2003; Kersuliene 2007) that reflect the
level of trust (or mistrust) in the contract documents. This determines
the relationships among contractors. This paper presents some of the
results of a survey conducted across the Canadian and North American construction industry. It should be obvious that trust and constructing
methods are related and this relationship is of vital importance to
effective project management and contract administration. Trust
relationship between the contracting parties provides some opportunities
for developing a better risk allocation mechanism and contracting
strategies, as well as for significant saving in the annual bill for
The papers (Chen and Shr 2003; Ustinovichius et al. 2006;
Ustinovichius et al. 2008b; Ustinovichius and Kochin 2003; Vaidogas
2007) discuss methods for determining contract price and risks. However,
an algorithm for cost estimation is not provided there. An emphasis is
placed on the standard requirements to cost estimation in getting the
insurance policy from an insurance company.
Project management embraces the development of contract to be
signed by employer and one or more contractors. Economic success of both
parties largely depends on the contract developed, which also determines
the behaviour of managers seeking to increase profit and protect
themselves from losses (Branconi and Loch 2004). Taking into account the
significance of contract, top managers of both parties should be
involved in contract development and negotiation. However, in the
literature on the problem, contract is considered to be a technical
aspect of project development, which should be a responsibility of
project managers and lawyers. In the paper considered, 8 key criteria of
contract evaluation to be analysed by top managers in developing
contracts for large projects are described. Thus, top managers
developing contract conditions should pay special attention to these 8
The need for various management models is increasing among project
managers. Some authors believe that in developing project management
methods the investigation of both project success and critical success
factors should be made.
2. Structuring the problem
At the stage of structuring, the DM should state the selection
problem in a natural language in terms of the respective problem area.
The alternatives available for selection should be listed, the
evaluation criteria determined, and verbal scales of evaluation, based
on each criterion, should be defined. A set of alternatives for
selecting the best of them will be denoted by A.
The DM determines the characteristics of the alternatives to be
used as the criteria of evaluation. Let us denote a set of the criteria
C = {[C.sup.1], ..., [C.sup.k]},K = {1, ... k} as a set of the criteria
numbers. The criteria may be both quantitative and qualitative (verbal).
The estimate ofthe alternative a [member of] A, based on the
criterion [C.sup.j], will be denoted by [C.sup.j] (a). The scale of
evaluation [S.sup.J] = {[s.sup.j.sub.1], [s.sup.j.sub.2],
[s.sup.j.sub.mj]}, j [member of] K, associated with a particular
criterion, is not specified beforehand, but is formed based on the
estimates of all actual alternatives according to a particular criterion
[C.sup.j] (a). In this approach, the preliminary arrangement of the
estimates on the criterion scales is not required. Various combinations
of estimates make a k-dimensional space, which is, in fact, the
Cartesian product of the criterion scales S = [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII.] [S.sub.j]. Each alternative a [member of] A
corresponds to a vector estimate (tuple) C(a) = ([C.sup.1](a),
[C.sup.2](a), ..., [C.sup.k](a), consisting of the alternative estimates
[C.sup.j](a) based on the criteria [C.sup.1], ..., [C.sup.k]. Let us
denote by A a set {C(a)| a [member of] A} of vector estimates of the
real alternatives from the set A. It is evident that A [??] S.
Thus, at this stage of problem structuring, sets of alternatives A
and criteria C, as well as scales of criteria [S.sup.j] and vector
estimates A are determined. The task is to elicit a subset of the best
alternatives, based on the DM preferences.
2.1. Formalizing the DM preferences
Let us introduce an additional space of vector estimates, which
will be required later for developing the procedures of eliciting the DM
preferences. Let us also extend the scale of each criterion [S.sup.j] by
introducing a fictitious estimate [[omega].sup.j] : [Q.sup.j] =
[S.sup.j] [union] {[[omega].sup.j]}. Then, a set of various vector
estimates, including the fictitious ones, may be described by the
Cartesian product of the new criterion scales Q = [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII.] [Q.sup.j], similar to the set S =
Let us consider a particular vector estimate x [member of] Q and a
subset of the numbers of the criteria J [??] K. Let us denote by
[x.sup.j] a vector estimate, whose j-th component is equal to the 1-th
component of the vector estimate x, if j [member of] J, and is equal to
[[omega].sup.j] if x [member of] K\J. A vector estimate, whose all but
one estimates are fictitious, will be referred to as one-criterion
estimate. If 2 estimates are real, the vector estimate will be referred
to as a two-criterion estimate, etc.
A description of the DM preferences is based on binary relations P
and I defined on the set of vector estimates Q:
(x,y) [member of] P if x is more preferable y,
(x,y) [member of] I if x and y are equally preferable, and the
resulting binary relation is R = P [union] I.
In this case, for any pair of vector estimates (x,y), making a
binary relation P or I, the statement is valid that if the y-th
component of one of them is equal to the fictitious estimate
[[omega].sup.j], the 1-th component of the other vector estimate is also
equal to [[omega].sup.j].
It is believed that the binary relations P, I and K have the
following properties:
P rigorous partial order (irreflexively and transitively),
I equivalence (reflexively, symmetrically and transitively),
R quasi-order (transitively, reflexively),
P [intersection] I = [empty set]; R = P [union] I. (1)
In addition to the above properties, it will be assumed that the
criteria are interindependent in preference.
2.2. Eliciting the DM preferences
Special procedures have been developed for eliciting the DM
The DM compares the vector estimates of the form [x.sup.J] and
[y.sup.7], where J = {[j.sub.1], [j.sub.2], ..., [j.sub.s]] [??] K,
presented in 2 rows of the table, containing only real estimates
[j.sup.j1], ..., [x.sup.js] and [y.sup.j1], ..., [y.sup.js] (Table 1).
The columns are called the same as the respective criteria. The
estimates based on other criteria with the numbers K\J are assumed to be
arbitrary and pairwise equal. The result of the comparison is introduced
into the binary relation [??] or [??] as a pair of vector estimates
([x.sup.j], [y.sup.j]) (or ([y.sup.j], [x.sup.j]), if [y.sup.j] is more
preferable than [x.sup.j]).
The eliciting of preferences begins with the comparison of
one-criterion vector estimates. The DM makes a pairwise comparison of
the estimates on the scale of each criterion. As a result, the estimates
based on each particular criterion are arranged in the order of the DM
preferences. Unlike other methods, where the order on the criterion
scale is predefined at the stage of structuring, in the case of using
the method UniComBOS, the criterion scales are arranged, when one
criterion vector estimates are compared. If the scale of some particular
j-th criterion has [m.sub.j] estimates, [m.sub.j]([m.sub.j]-1)/2
comparisons will be made with respect to this criterion.
Then, a pairwise comparison of 2, 3 (and more) criteria vector
estimates is made. The number of the criteria with real estimates is
increased only if the problem cannot be solved with the available number
of criteria. A special optimization procedure is used for searching for
a pair of vector estimates presented to the DM. It is based on the
prediction model, allowing the judgements given by the DM in the process
of comparing the vector estimates to be predicted. The above
optimization procedure used at this stage of eliciting the DM
preferences yields pairs of vector estimates and the order of their
comparison by a decisionmaking person.
The DM preferences elicited in every operation of pairwise
comparison of vector estimates (including one-criterion ones) are
checked for agreement (consistency), and an attempt is made to determine
a subset of the best alternatives. If a disagreement is observed, its
cause is determined and eliminated. This is made by showing the DM
his/her previous estimates and their logical consequences. The DM may
indicate the wrong answer or disagree with some intermediate result. In
the first case, the DM corrects his/her estimate. In the second case,
the hypothesis about the independence of the criteria of preference
and/or transitivity is violated. Therefore, the DM may require problem
restructuring. If a disagreement is observed, its cause is determined
and eliminated. This is made by showing the DM his/her previous
estimates and their logical consequences. The DM may indicate the wrong
answer or disagree with some intermediate result. In the first case, the
DM corrects his/her estimate. In the second case, the hypothesis about
the independence of the criteria of preference and/or transitivity is
violated. Therefore, the DM may require problem restructuring. If any
disagreement has not been found or has been already eliminated, and a
subset of the best alternatives has been determined, this subset is
presented to the DM, and the procedure of eliciting the preferences is
completed. In comparing arbitrary vector estimates, the derivation of
the formulas in the logic of the 1st-order predicates by means of the
rule of derivation--modus ponens is performed.
In the method UniComBOS, an individual mechanism of controlling the
reliability of information about the comparisons of vector estimates is
offered for each criterion. The number of criteria is being increased
until the proportion of the DM estimates leading to disagreement exceeds
the specified threshold value or the set of the best alternatives is
determined. A large number of contradictory judgements exceeding the
threshold value elicited from the DM indicates that a comparison of the
vector estimates based on the given number of criteria is too difficult
for the DM. Therefore, further increase of the criteria number will make
the information obtained unreliable.
In Fig. 1, a diagram of the procedure used for structuring the
problem of determining the subset of the best alternatives and the
procedure of eliciting the DM preferences is given.
3. The analysis of construction contracts
Based on the analysis of the available engineering contracts and
practical experience, the key criteria for economic evaluation of a
business deal may be identified. These are the parameters to be clearly
defined in contract. They should reflect the main conditions of the
contract (e.g. technical specifications and warranties, cost, schedule
of payment, etc.) and define general obligations and responsibilities of
the parties involved (securities, damage claims and liability limits,
A brief description of each set of evaluation criteria is presented
in Table 2. The key issues to be included in the contract are defined in
this table. Then, every set of criteria will be described in detail.
Risk assessment should include 8 evaluation criteria for major projects
exposed to higher risks. Highly risky projects should be considered more
carefully. Risky projects may be classified (through risk identification
and evaluation), depending on the relevant criteria.
Contract definitions are: specifications, project price (quality of
cost estimates), work schedule, terms and conditions of payment,
performance guarantees (for defects), warranties, liability limits,
The evaluation criteria are associated with Williamson's
transaction costs theory extended by Jarillo, Stinchcombe and Heimer.
The present investigation is based on Jarillo's concepts of
'classic market' and 'strategic network' of
partners. The latter, however, requires the continuous collaboration and
relationships. Usually, projects do not meet these conditions because
the collaboration is over when the project is completed and is not
likely to be continued in the future.
Jarillo and Stinchcombe and Heimer further developed
Williamson's theory of transaction costs by considering varying
requirements (i.e. of the clients or regulations), instability of
expenses (i.e. cost factors or technical defects) and the control
problems of contract execution. To solve these problems, the authors
suggest that some 'hierarchical' elements, relating to a key
management structure, dispute settlements and standard management
procedures, incentives, etc. be included in contracts.
It can be shown that well-known procedures and methods improve the
standards, dispute settlements and management of contracts. However, the
evaluation criteria may differ, depending on a particular project.
The experience of the authors of the present research shows that a
set of properly selected project evaluation criteria can help avoid
strong negative effects of the most critical factors in 80% of cases. If
some actions or procedures do not satisfy the above-mentioned criteria,
it may greatly affect project execution, which in this case can hardly
be successful. However, if some other requirements are not satisfied,
the project is not likely to fail. Therefore, it may be recommended to
managers to pay a special attention to the described issues.
3.1. Description of the economic impact on the contract deal
General conditions include adequate and complete description of
work, when technical and commercial aspects are balanced. The client
defines the work to be done under project which actually determines its
long-term profit.
Price (cost estimates) embraces such issues as price stability and
the assessment of expenses. In fact, price should be in agreement with
the standards required by technical specifications, including the
stability of expenses. The client should avoid offering the lowest bid
in all cases.
Terms of payment define a schedule of partial pay determining how
ready cash, obtained by the contractor, covers the expenses in the
course of project execution.
Schedule fixes the dates of feasible work completion (especially in
the middle and the end of the process), which should not be altered. The
influence of the expenses caused by delays on the levels of liquidated
damages is also described.
Guarantees of project execution refer to satisfying the
requirements to plant performance according to specified technological
parameters. The conditions of satisfying these technological
requirements and those for the levels of liquidated damages in the case
of deviation from the specified parameters are defined.
Warranties (warranty period) define payments for defect remedying
or replacement of faulty equipment. Compensation for unsatisfactory
services may also be provided.
Liability limit defines the highest limit of contractor's
liability. Liquidated damages levels and warranties protect the
employer, while contract liability limit protects the contractor.
Insurance (deposits, securities, bonds, etc.) determines how the
contractor guarantees project execution to the employer and how the
employer ensures payment for the contractor's work.
Six key levers (evaluation criteria) make a basis for performing
these procedures. The contract defines the behaviour of the contracting
parties because, first, the project does not provide for continuous
relationships which could discipline people. Second, the turnover of
employees is a common practice. Therefore, the contract defines the
scope of work as well as standards of behaviour and trust in others as
well as project execution. The validity, realism, completeness and
coherence of a business venture are the main features evoking confidence
and contributing to success of the project.
3.2. Evaluation criteria and contract form selection
Let us consider how 3 main types of contract including fixed price,
cost reimbursable and mixed contracts may be evaluated by the suggested
criteria. According to LSTK (Lump sum turn key), all objectives may be
incorporated in a single contract with the highest risk and liabilities
allocation and minimized number of interfaces.
All EPCM contracts are complicated, with the risk of subcontractor not defined. Due to irregular supply, some technological lines cannot be
installed. Only highly experienced contractors can avoid these problems.
Since the risks of subcontractor are not defined in EPCM contract, the
value of some LSTK contracts is decreased by about 20-30%. EPCM contract
becomes very complicated when signed directly by. Besides, multiple
interfaces may cause misunderstandings. Due to irregular supply, some
technological lines cannot be installed. Only highly experienced
contractors can avoid these problems.
LSTK contracts are not so complex because of a smaller number of
interfaces. This allows for parallel consideration, negotiations and
decision-making. The limits of the project under LSTK contract are
clearly defined. When the project is very substantial, multilateral
contracts are unavoidable.
Some additional hierarchical contract issues include:
a) contract efficiency factors. These are regulatory and financial
conditions ensuring project finance when the work is commenced by the
b) taking over a building on completion of construction. The
conditions of taking over the responsibility for the completed project
by the employer and dismissal of the contractor;
c) insurance. This concerns the external risks and liability of the
3rd party;
d) the right of the 3rd party for intellectual property. It is a
definition of risks associated with the 3rd party patents and their
e) events of force majors. Liabilities in the case of events beyond
a party's control, i.e. war, disasters, natural calamities, etc.
are described;
f) duration of work. Cost reimbursement after the completion of
project suitable for the client;
g) taxes. Allocation of tax and legislative risks;
h) applicable law. Knowledge of legislative aspects of contract
coming into force;
i) dispute resolution/arbitration. Dispute settlement by various
mechanisms including more drastic measures (after a certain period of
4. Practice of DSS UniComBOS for determining the effectiveness of
construction contracts
Strategic economic and political decision-making and research
planning are referred to non-structured problems. Since the essential
characteristics of such problems are qualitative, they can hardly be
used in the analysis. On the other hand, the quantitative models are not
sufficiently reliable.
Non-structured problems have the following common characteristics.
They are unique decision-making problems, i.e. every time a
decision-maker is faced with an unknown problem or the one having new
features compared with the previously considered case. These problems
are associated with the uncertainty of the alternatives to be evaluated,
caused by the lack of information for making a decision. The evaluation
of the alternatives is of qualitative nature, being usually expressed
verbally (in statements). Very often, experts cannot measure qualitative
variables against an absolute scale, where the level of quality does not
depend on the alternatives (Ustinovichius 2004; Ustinovichius et al.
2008a; Ustinovichius et al. 2007a; Ustinovichius et al. 2007b). When the
uncertainty is high, experts can only compare the alternatives
qualitatively, based on particular criteria. Experts first use the
extended verbal evaluation, making then the comparisons in terms of
'better-worse'; 'nearly equal.
The following aspects of behaviour are evaluated by verbal methods
of decision-making (Korhonen et al. 1997; Larichev 1992; Furems and
Gnedenko 1992; [TEXT NOT REPRODUCILE IN ASCII.] 1996; AcaHOB et al.
2001; Arditi and Gunaydin 1998; Srinivasan and Shocker 1973):
--Qualitative measurements allow for an adequate description of an
unstructured problem.
--Formulation of final decision-making rules according to data
processing principles of humans and allow for explaining the methods
- The procedures used to screen the conflicting data ensure the
reliability of the information obtained, allowing a DM to formulate the
final rules.
The suggested method is needed to arrange a number of alternatives
according to the DM preferences. First, the preferences are stated based
on qualitative parameters and then a logical scheme for comparing the
alternatives is developed. The criteria are considered against the
scales with the estimates expressed verbally by statements. A survey may
be conducted to elicit the DM preferences and to eliminate the
dependence of the criteria. Some special procedures are suggested to
identify and eliminate the criteria dependence, which makes the use of
the obtained information more effective.
To evaluate the effectiveness of construction contracts, a
classification consisting of evaluation criteria and final decisions
should be developed. For this purpose, the data from Table 2 (i.e. major
goals of a business deal and their influence on the forms of contract)
are applied to the model of the first FIDIC construction investment
project. A verbal decision support system UniComBOS (Ashikhmin et al.
2003) is taken from the Internet: <>.
In determining the effectiveness of construction contracts, the
following factors are taken into consideration: technical
specifications, costs, terms of payment, performance guarantees,
insurance costs and liability limit.
Every criterion is assigned an estimate, e.g. large, average and
small. Entering the estimates, a matrix (3x7) is constructed and the
evaluation Table 3 is obtained. When all the criteria are entered, the
contracts of 3 various forms will be evaluated.
The comparisons are made in the following way: the system displays
2 alternative sets of estimates upon some criteria and a DM gives
his/her preferences between these sets. The system allows 4 variants to
be considered.
a comparison of construction contracts of 3 forms by the dss
UniComBOS yielded the results (Fig. 2), according to which the second
form of contract (incentive contract) was found to be better than the
first one (fixed price contract), while the alternative No. 3 (cost
reimbursable contract) was rated third.
5. Conclusions
Ample literature on project management has been reviewed. However,
scarce data on the key issues to be incorporated in the contracts of
major engineering projects have been found. Six key criteria for
contract evaluation have been developed based on the analysis of
engineering projects performed by the largest international enterprises.
They include technical specifications, price (precise cost estimates),
terms of payment, performance guarantees, insurance costs and liability
limits. The logic clarity and fairness of these factors help determine
project performance, providing the basis for a well-managed project.
The analysis has shown that LSTK (Lump sum turn key) concept gives
the priority to responsibility and the reduced number of interfaces.
Therefore, according to the suggested evaluation criteria, this type of
contract is most suitable in the construction industry.
DSS UniComBOS is designed to discrete multi-criteria choice
problems on the base of a DM's preferences. The correctness of
procedure implemented in it for preference elicitation has been proved
with psychological studies. The Rule of combining relations has good
resolution, thus it is possible to choose the only best alternative in
most cases. Qualitative information on preferences of each participant
allows obtaining elements of their opinion uniformity.
doi: 10.3846/1392-8619-2009.15.326-340
Received 25 November 2008; accepted 4 May 2009
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Leonas Ustinovichius (1), Arunas Barvidas (2), Andzelika
Vishnevskaja (3), Ilya V. Ashikhmin (4)
(1,2,3) Department of Construction Technology and Management,
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saul?tekio al. 11, LT-10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, e-mail: (1)
[email protected]
(4) Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
Leonas USTINOVICHIUS. Doctor Habil, Professor, Chairman of
Laboratory of Construction Technology and Management. Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University. Doctor (1989), Doctor Habil (2002). Publication:
more than 150 scientific papers. Research interests: building technology
and management, decision-making theory, automation in design, expert
Arunas BARVIDAS. PhD student in Construction Technology and
Management Department. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Research
interests: risk management, decision-making theory, automation in
design, expert systems.
Andzelika VISHNEVSKAJA. PhD student in Construction Technology and
Management Department. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Research
interests: risk management, decision-making theory, automation in
design, expert systems.
Ilya V. ASHIKHMIN. PhD, Institute for System Analysis, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Research interests: decision-making theory,
artificial intelligence, expert systems, constraint programming.
Table 1. The comparison of vector estimates [x.sup.j] and [y.sup.j]
[C.sup.j1] [C.sup.j2] ... [C.sup.js]
[x.sup.j1] [x.sup.j2] ... [x.sup.js]
[y.sup.j1] [y.sup.j2] ... [y.sup.js]
Table 2. Major contract provisions and their effect on contract
Criteria The effect of contract form on management
Specifications Concentrated on key criteria
Price Reasonable
Terms of payment Favourable for contractor
Schedule Rational delay time
Performance Concentrated on key criteria
Warranties Rather limited
Liability Not high with respect to contract price
Securities Not broad with respect to contract price
Criteria The effect of contract form on management
Specifications Too detailed
Price Not beneficial for contractor
Terms of payment Unfavourable for contractor
Schedule High coverage of losses
Performance Too detailed
Warranties All including
Liability High with respect to contract price
Securities Broad with respect to contract price
Table 3. Available contract alternatives
Alternatives Criteria (C)
Technical Price of Terms of
specifications estimates payment
1 2 3
Fixed-price Highest Suitable for Fixed in
contract consistency contractor advance
Incentive Suitable for
contract Well defined contractor Not fixed
EPCM Not defined Not Not fixed
clearly suitable for
Alternatives Criteria (C)
Schedule Performance Warranties Limit of
guarantees liability
4 5 6 7
Fixed-price Rational Very High High
contract delay time important
Incentive Rational Important Interme- Interme-
contract delay time diate diate
EPCM Inadmissible Important Low Low
delay time