Evaluating situation of Lithuania in the European Union: structural indicators and MULTIMOORA method/Lietuvos situacijos Europos Sajungoje ivertinimas: strukturiniai rodikliai ir MULTIMOORA metodas.
Balezentis, Alvydas ; Balezentis, Tomas ; Valkauskas, Romualdas 等
1. Introduction
In the age of globalization more and more states as well as
international organizations realize the importance of supporting
region's or state's competitiveness against other participants
of world economic system. This need caused creation and adoption of many
various strategies. Nowadays such areas as sustainable development,
knowledge economy and information society are among the most important
issues discussed it those strategies. Strategies of sustainable
development are analysed in-depth by Hass et al. (2002: 51-83) and Wolff
(2004: 14-31). Implementation of every strategy is based on certain
implementation policy. Statistical indicators identifying respective
social, economic or environmental processes enable to perform policy
evaluation and preparation functions. Thus, appropriate usage of
statistical indicators is of high importance when preparing effective
regional policy.
The European Union developed from institutions which were
established in 1957 in order to promote integration of European
countries in various areas. Among many other strategies of the European
Union, so called Lisbon strategy was adopted in 2000, where means to
achieve certain goals and thus become the most competitive region in the
world are defined. Goals and their achieving means are identified by
structural indicators or their sets. Therefore structural indicators
represent situation of state among other states in specific area. They
bear this name because they describe structures and key aspects within
each domain. Structures are basic characteristics which do not in
general change rapidly. Therefore structural indicators describe
evolution in society in the long-term (Ragnarson 2007: 5).
Synthetic indicators (indexes) are calculated using various
methodics (Tvaronaviciene et al. 2008). These indexes can help to
evaluate economic, social and environmental situation and to compare
states among themselves (to provide ranks).
The aim of this article was to describe main structural indicators
identifying implementation of Lisbon Strategy goals and by using them
evaluate Lithuania's position in the European Union. In order to
achieve this aim, following tasks were raised: 1) to describe and
classify structural indicators; 2) to overview main methods of
quantitative analysis based on use of structural indicators; 3) to apply
them when evaluating position of Lithuania in the European Union.
It is possible to evaluate state's progress in seeking goals
of the Lisbon Strategy with help of structural indicators and to define
problem areas. Appropriate identification of such problems is necessary
for preparation of more effective regional policy means. Application of
quantitative methods enables to evaluate states, regions or any other
objects (Kedaitis and Vaskeviciute 2007: 5-7; Ginevicius and Podvezko
2009: 109-110; Ginevicius et al. 2004: 1-2; Brauers et al. 2007; Brauers
and Ginevicius 2009: 124-125).
Structural indicators, their application areas and methods are
overviewed in this article. Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio
Analysis (MOORA) method based on the ratio system and the reference
point approach and MULTIMOORA (MOORA plus Full Multiplicative Form) were
applied. Theoretical fundaments (Lisbon Strategy) of the usage of
structural indicators and practice of the usage of structural indicators
in Lithuania are defined in the second section of this article.
Lithuania's position in the European Union is evaluated by
quantitative methods in the last section of this article.
2. Structural Indicators: the European Union and development of its
Member States
The Lisbon Strategy, which caused establishment of structural
indicators practice, and its development history are overviewed in this
section. In addition, main structural indicators used in the European
Union and Lithuanian statistics practice are defined as well as their
importance in identification of European development progresses.
Structural indicators (as well as other indicators) are important in
evaluating current policies and preparing new ones (Fig. 1).
2.1. The Lisbon Strategy
Main guidelines of the European Union development were drawn on
March 23-24, 2000 in meeting of the spring European Council which was
held in Lisbon. Hence, these guidelines are called the Lisbon Strategy.
The main objective of the strategy was to become by 2010 the most
competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of
sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social
cohesion (Zgajewski and Hajjar 2005: 1-3). Goals of the Lisbon Strategy
were necessary in order to compete witch such countries as United States
or China. In 2000 the greatest attention was paid to economy, social
protection and environment. The Lisbon Strategy was extended in 2001 in
Stockholm meeting.
The following European Union development directions are outlined in
the Lisbon Strategy (Zgajewski and Hajjar 2005: 1-3):
1. Competitive, dynamic and knowledge-based economy:
1.1. The globalization and growing emergence of information and
communications results in the need of European society transformation.
To seize on these processes, necessary progresses must be launched.
Information needs to be distributed to all, companies and citizens, to
allow them to become credible actors in the knowledge economy. Thus,
Internet, e-money, mobile telecommunication are necessary to be
1.2. Research needs to be seriously coordinated at the European
level. Development of research activities enables to improve at the same
time the economic growth, the employment and social cohesion. One of the
reasons, placing Europe far away from United States, was so called
'brain drain, which can be avoided by establishing European Area of
Research and Innovation;
1.3. Europe has the objective to become the best competitive area
in the world. To reach this goal, a friendly business climate helps to
its implementation. By consequence, administrative rules leading to the
creation of companies and especially small and medium enterprises ought
to be simplified;
1.4. Full implementation of the internal market is required for the
best functioning of the economy. Therefore, goods, persons, services and
capital must circulate freely, all existing barriers being removed.
Moreover, the financial markets integration benefits from the
circulation of the euro, boosting the competition.
2. The modernization of the European Social model:
2.1. A better level of education and training is essential to
revitalize the employment. In this view, the educational system must be
re-organized to increase the knowledge of a higher number of persons, to
enlarge the participation of women in the working society;
2.2. Unemployment is to be lowered down and an active employment
policy should be developed;
2.3. Social exclusion and poverty should be eradicated by favouring
the access of employment opportunities and knowledge to all.
3. The environmental perspective:
3.1. The climate change, greenhouse gas emissions are to be lowered
down and clean technologies promoted;
3.2. The viable ecological transport;
3.3. The reduction of polluted means via the responsible
administration of natural resources.
Every member state of the European Union adopted implementation
programmes of the Lisbon Strategy, where goals and indicators
identifying them are defined. In Lithuania Lisbon Strategy
implementation programme was adopted in 2005 for the first time,
currently National Lisbon Strategy implementation programme for
2008-2010 adopted by Government of the Republic of Lithuania (2008) is
The practice of structural indicators statistics is dynamic
process. In 2000, European Commission prepared list of 35 indicators,
identifying progress in seeking Lisbon goals. In June 2001 Gothenburg
European Council decided, that sustainable development and environmental
protection should also be considered as parts of the Lisbon Strategy
(Commission of the European Communities 2001) and involved appropriate
structural indicators into annual reports. European Council of 2002 in
Barcelona paid more attention for innovation and research activities and
their importance to Lisbon Strategy (Commission of the European
Communities 2002). High level group chaired by Wim Kok was established
in 2004, which concluded that the Lisbon Strategy will not have been
implemented by the year 2010 and proposed for paying more attention to
labour market (European Commission 2004: 39-44). In addition, European
Commission began preparing annual reports on growth and jobs. Structural
indicators are unified in whole European Union, therefore it is possible
to compare states among themselves and to evaluate their progress. Thus
structural indicators help to identify and forecast implementation of
Lisbon Strategy goals and to perform international comparison.
2.2. Indicators and documents of development processes
Implementation of goals, raised in the Lisbon Strategy and other
documents, is evaluated by certain structural indicators. Expanded after
Gothenburg Council list of structural indicators is divided into six
groups (Hass et al. 2002: 48): 1) general economic background; 2)
employment; 3) innovation and research; 4) economic reform; 5) social
cohesion; 6) environment. In addition these indicators identify
processes of sustainable development in the areas of environmental,
economic and social development (Del Nacionalines ... 2003). In 2010 new
strategy called Europe 2020 was prepared, where attention is paid to
same aspects of development (European Commission 2010: 30).
Due to the limited volume of this article we will not analyse
structural indicators themselves in-depth. They are overviewed in
various publications (Commission ... 2001; Heinemann et al. 2004). Every
indicator has its quality profile where quality grades are given
according to technical assessment of the indicator based on accuracy and
comparability. Methodology of purchasing power parities is interrelated
with the practice of economic structural indicators and international
comparisons in general (European Communities, OECD 2006).
Main document of the Republic of Lithuania on Lisbon Strategy is
National Programme for Lisbon Strategy Implementation in 2008-2010 (Del
Nacionalines ... 2008). It consists of three parts: I. Implementation of
the macroeconomic policy, II. Implementation of the microeconomic
policy, III. Implementation of the employment policy. There are 11 goals
and 122 tools to seek them defined in this legal act. However,
Tamosiuniene et al. (2007: 180) noticed, that implementation of many
goals does not coincide with the Lisbon Strategy goals directly.
The most important directives of economic development are provided
in Long-term Strategy of Lithuania Economy Development until 2015
(Lietuvos ... 2002, 2007). Main instruments for economic development of
various sectors are proposed in updated strategy.
Environmental aspects of development are regulated by Lithuanian
Environment Protection Strategy (Del valstybines ... 1996). Main
objective of the strategy is to prepare assumptions for sustainable
development of the country while keeping clean environment, biological
and landscape diversity and optimization of environmental economics.
Overview of other legal acts and recommendations for environmental
protection are presented in Strategy of Economic Factors of
Environmental Protection (Cekanavicius et al. 2002).
3. Lithuania and other European Union Member States
The practice of structural indicators is based on monitoring of
indicators (OECD 1990: 7-9). Usually system (set) of indicators,
identifying analysed area, rather than single indicator is monitored.
Already researched systems of indicators identifying specific goals,
indexes calculated according to them and universal multi-criteria
methods of indicator analysis are overviewed in this section.
3.1. Specific indexes
It is possible to outline two main groups of composite indexes: 1)
indexes, which identify Lisbon Strategy implementation processes; 2)
indexes reflecting development of separate sectors or whole countries.
There are special indexes created for evaluation of Lisbon Strategy
implementation processes, which are based on certain systems of
indicators. World Economic Forum publishes The Lisbon Review (Blanke and
Geiger 2008), where indexes of competitiveness of various states are
announced. This index is based on statistical data (indicators) and
survey performed by the forum. Survey helps to mine qualitative data
about situation of education system etc. Statistical indicators are
normalized and divided into scale of 7 points. Common index and separate
indexes showing progress in seeking certain Lisbon goals are calculated.
Another index identifying implementation of the Lisbon Strategy is
calculated on the basis of structural indicators and published in The
Lisbon Scorecard (Tilford and Whyte 2009). This index shows progress of
each state as well as common progress in specific areas, advanced and
lagging countries in those areas.
One of the main goals of the Lisbon Strategy is promotion of
innovations. Summary Innovation Index provides a comparative assessment
of the innovation performance of EU Member States (Pro Inno Europe
2010). The index is based on set of 29 structural indicators and varies
between 0 and 1. Innovation activities are analysed in three views:
enablers, firm activities and outputs. Above mentioned indexes can be
used when performing international comparison.
Common development of states can be identified by such indicators
as Human Development Index (HDI), Human Poverty Index (HPI) and
Gender-related Development Index (GDI), proposed by United Nations
(United Nations Development Program 2009: 203-208). HDI is based on such
indicators as adult literacy rate, GDP per capita, life expectancy at
birth, education level. There are two types of poverty index: HPI-1 for
developing countries and HPI-2 for OECD countries. HPI-1 is based on
such indicators as probability of not surviving to age 40, adult
illiteracy rate, population not using an improved water source and
population below income poverty line. HPI-2 is estimated according to
indicators of probability of not surviving to age 60, people lacking
functional literacy skills, long-term unemployment, population living
below 50% of median income. GDI is estimated by dissolving above
mentioned indexes by gender.
Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) can also be used for
international comparison (Ray 2008: 1-3). PQLI is based on illiteracy
rate, infant mortality rate and life expectancy. Thus various composite
indexes based on different methodics can be used for international
comparisons (Karnitis and Kucinskis 2009: 5-12).
3.2. Universal multi-criteria methods
Differences between the regions can be analysed by
mathematical--statistical methods. Such investigations can be based on
econometric models, methods of factor analysis (Kedaitis and
Vaskeviciute 2007: 12) or multi-criteria evaluation. Usually, in
econometric models the dependent variable is GDP per capita and its
dependencies from exogenous variables are analysed. Panel models are
used for international comparisons over the time (Karagiannis 2008:
192-193). Factor analysis enables to extract factors causing differences
between the regions and to classify the regions.
Application of multi-criteria evaluation methods is explored in
field of decision making theory (Antucheviciene et al. 2010: 109-112).
There are many multiple criteria decision making methods developed.
Technique for the Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution
(TOPSIS) was proposed by Hwang and Yoon (1981). Zavadskas et al. (2010)
developed practice of TOPSIS method application. TOPSIS applying
Mahalanobis distance measure (TOPSIS-M) method is discussed by
Antucheviciene et al. (2010). Application of of Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP), proposed and developed by Saaty (1980; 1997), is
discussed by Podvezko (2009). Methods of Complex Proportional Assessment
(COPRAS) (Zavadskas et al. 2008; 2009; 2010), ELECTRE (Elimination Et
Choix Traduisant la Realite) (Roy 1990; Zavadskas 1986), total rankings,
Simple Additive Weighing (SAW) (MacCrimmon 1968; Ginevicius and Podvezko
2009), geometric mean of normalized values, criterion of proportional
evaluation (Ginevicius et al. 2004: 8-9), summarizing indicator
(Kedaitis and Vaskeviciute 2007: 29-31), Multi-Objective Optimization by
ratio Analysis (MOORA) (Brauers and Zavadskas 2006; Brauers and
Ginevicius 2009: 121) are also suitable for international comparison.
The MOORA method was further developed into MULTIMOORA by Brauers and
Zavadskas (2010: 5). These methods rely on normalization, conversion
into dimensionless numbers and evaluation of deviation from optimum
point. Therefore transition from ratio (or interval) to ordinal scale is
performed. MOORA method enables non-subjective evaluation, because no
weights should be necessarily given to objectives in analysis. Hence,
MULTIMOORA method will be used in this article to evaluate
Lithuania's position in the European Union.
3.3. The MULTIMOORA method
The fundaments of the MULTIMOORA method (i. e. ratio analysis,
reference point theory, full multiplicative form, nominal group
technique and Delphi) were laid by Brauers (2004). In order to cope with
subjectivity problems arising from the usage of weights in previously
known multi-objective methods (such as ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, AHP, TOPSIS
etc.), Brauers and Zavadskas linked all these methods together with
theories applicable for discrete optimization under the names of MOORA
and MULTIMOORA. Rank correlation methods as well as outranking methods
appeared to be quite inconsistent (Brauers and Ginevicius 2009:
137-138). Thus normalization of the data by Ratio System was proposed
(Brauers 2004: 293-328). Reference Point method uses the ratios obtained
from the Ratio System and in this way becomes dimensionless. Combination
of the Ratio System and Reference Point method results as the MOORA
method (Brauers and Zavadskas 2006). The first application of
multiplicative function is reported by Miller and Starr (1969). Brauers
(2004: 228-289) analyzed multiplicative forms in depth. Brauers and
Zavadskas (2010: 13-14) proposed MOORA to be applied together with the
Full Multiplicative Form and therefore the MULTIMOORA method was
created. The structure of MULTIMOORA method is shown in Fig. 2. Thus,
this section consists of three parts: 1) the Ratio System; 2) the
Reference Point Approach; and 3) the Full Multiplicative Form. Nominal
group and Delphi techniques can also be used to reduce remaining
The MOORA method was proposed by Brauers and Zavadskas (2006).
MOORA method begins with matrix X where its elements [x.sub.ij] denote
i-th alternative of j-th objective (i = 1, 2, ..., n and j = 1, 2, ...,
m). In this case we have m = 13 objectives--structural indicators--and n
= 27 alternatives--European Union Member States. MOORA method consists
of two parts: the ratio system and the reference point approach.
3.3.1. The Ratio System of MOORA
Ratio System defines data normalization by comparing alternative of
an objective to all values of the objective:
[x.sup.*.sub.ij] = [x.sub.ij]/[square root of [n.summation of
(i=1)] [x.sup.2.sub.ij]] (1)
where [x.sup.*.sub.ij] denotes i-th alternative of j-th objective
(in this case--j-th structural indicator of i-th state). Usually these
numbers belong to the interval [-1; 1]. These indicators are added (if
desirable value of indicator is maxima) or subtracted (if desirable
value is minima) and summary index of state is derived in this way:
[y.sup.*.sub.i] = [g. summation over (j=1)] [x.sup.*.sub.ij] -
[m.summation over (j=g+1)] [x.sup.*.sub.ij], (2)
where g = 1, ..., m denotes number of objectives to be maximized.
Then every ratio is given the rank: the higher the index, the higher the
3.3.2. The Reference Point of MOORA
Reference Point approach is based on the ratio system. The Maximal
Objective Reference Point (vector) is found according to ratios found in
formula (2). The j-th coordinate of the reference point can be described
maximization. Every coordinate of this vector represents maxima or
minima of certain objective (structural indicator). Then every element
of normalized responses matrix is recalculated and final rank is given
according to deviation from the reference point and the Min-Max Metric
of Tchebycheff:
3.3.3. The Full Multiplicative Form and MULTIMOORA
Brauers and Zavadskas (2010: 13-14) proposed MOORA to be updated by
the Full Multiplicative Form method embodying maximization as well as
minimization of purely multiplicative utility function. Overall utility
of the i-th alternative can be expressed as dimensionless number:
[U'.sub.i] = [A.sub.i]/[B.sub.i], (4)
..., n denotes the product of objectives of the i-th alternative to be
maximized with g = 1, ..., m being the number of objectives (structural
indicators) to be maximized and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] denotes the product of objectives of the i-th
alternative to be minimized with m - g being the number of objectives
(structural indicators) to be minimized. Thus MULTIMOORA summarizes
MOORA (i. e. Ratio System and Reference point) and the Full
Multiplicative Form. Ameliorated Nominal Group and Delphi techniques can
also be used to reduce remaining subjectivity (Brauers and Zavadskas
2010: 17-19).
3.4. Evaluation of Lithuania's position in the European Union
applying MULTIMOORA method
Sets of certain indicators are needed to perform international
comparisons. The analysis of this article is performed using Eurostat
database of structural indicators. Various authors (Tarantola et al.
2004: 13; Munda and Nardo 2005) argue that the shortlist of structural
indicators correctly represents all structural indicators. Two indexes
for every country were calculated: one based on shortlist indicators and
other--on full list of indicators. By testing hypothesis of their
equality, F test showed that trendline of scatterplot between these two
indexes did not differ from 45 degree line significantly. Thus
structural indicators belonging to the shortlist (Table 1) of 2008
(latest available at 2010 March) are used for analysis. Data covers 27
Member States of the European Union. Therefore it can be concluded that
application of MOORA and MULTIMOORA methods in general satisfies all the
conditions of robustness given by Brauers and Zavadskas (2009: 354-356).
According to the above mentioned indicators, response matrix (see
Annex A, Table 3a) was created. Elements of the matrix were converted by
formula (1). Summarizing index for each state was calculated using
formula (2). Ranks were given to each state according to the index. The
results are shown in Fig. 3. According to this index, Lithuania is 17th
country from 27 European Union Member States. In addition, Lithuania is
the last country in the ranking with positive index value. Estonia is
five places ahead of Latvia and Lithuania. It can be concluded that
Lithuania performs well if compared with South European countries (PIGS
states), some Middle Europe former socialist states and new members of
the European Union--Bulgaria and Romania.
Ranking of the states was performed according to the reference
point approach. Firstly, the reference point [r.sub.j] was found (Table
3d). Secondly, the response matrix was rearranged by calculating
deviations of each element from the reference point (see Annex A, Table
3e). These deviations show state's position in certain area (for
example, null value of the first indicator means that respective state
has maximum GDP per capita among EU countries). Final ranks were given
using formula (3). Comparison of results obtained from application of
the ratio system and the reference point approach is given in Table 2.
It can be concluded, that ranks did not differ significantly. It is
possible to exclude three conditional groups of Member States: first
nine--most advanced (Luxemburg, Ireland, Sweden etc.), 10th to 18th
states and 19th to 27th--least advanced. Ranks of the states swift
inside these groups, but do not tend to differ more significantly.
Observed differences occur due to Min-Max Metrics: rank is given
accordingly to the worst performing structural indicator. Lithuania has
rank of 22 or 17. This difference is caused by low GDP per capita,
showing low common development of the economy. This draw-back is uniform
for all Baltic States.
In addition, analysis of the Baltic States' position in the
European Union in 2008 was performed using the Full Multiplicative Form
method. Matrix of responses (see Annex A, Table 3a) was used to estimate
the utility of each alternative (i.e. development performance of each
European Union Member State) by applying formula (4). This utility
function is n-power form (Brauers and Zavadskas 2010: 14), therefore the
results are given in logarithmic scale for better visualization (Fig.
4). Calculations are given in Table 4 (Annex B) while detailed data can
be obtained by contacting the corresponding author.
Lithuania's position in the European Union can be analysed
in-depth by using data from the Annex A, Table 3e. Deviations from
maxima (minima in case of minimization) of every structural indicator of
Lithuania are shown in Fig. 5. Larger deviation means that respective
indicator is further from maximum value in the European Union.
As we can see in the diagram (Fig. 5), 1st, 2nd and 4th structural
indicators in Lithuania are deviated from maximum values. This means,
that GDP per capita, labour productivity and employment level of older
people are relatively low in Lithuania. Low values of the first two
indicators can be explained by assumption that Lithuania has not found
its place in world economic (specialization) system yet. Hence its
industry is oriented towards production of low demand goods and services
using obsolete technologies. Low employment level of older people
indicates that Lithuania is not prepared to cope with challenges of
ageing society. Estonia copes best with this issue among Baltic States.
Inevitable demographic changes should lead to increasing proportion of
older people in labour force and whole population. Thus Lithuania's
economy is not fully developed and does not meet The Lisbon goals.
Further problems of intellectualization and development of Lithuanian
economy are analysed by Melnikas (2008a: 115-119; 2008b: 61-64).
Diagram of deviations shows that 3rd, 5th, 8th and 11th indicators
in Lithuania are close to maximum values. Thus Lithuania is among
leaders in the European Union by employment level, youth education
attainment level, comparative price levels and greenhouse gas emissions.
Low comparative price levels mean that Lithuanian production can be
competitive in European Union market due to lower costs. There are fewer
companies of heavy industry in Lithuania, which pollute environment,
thus greenhouse gas emissions are low.
The best situation is in innovation and research area in all Baltic
States. Indeed, much more attention for R&D financing and business
investments is needed. Lithuania has progressed in the spheres of
employment, social cohesion and environment, but employment of older
people should be increased and intensity of energy consumption should be
lowered (by encouraging modern energetic technologies). Indicators of
general economic background are among the lowest in the European Union,
thus structural reforms for Lithuanian economy are needed. Furthermore,
it can be concluded that Baltic region is quite homogenous in innovation
and research as well as in economic reform areas (indicators 5 to 8),
thus it can become attractive for investors (Table 3e in Annex A and
Fig. 6).
Estonia has the lowest value of the index of inland freight
transport volume, which means that Estonia does not relate its economic
development with growing intensity of inland transport. Latvia has the
lowest value of greenhouse gas emissions index. Thus it can be concluded
that Latvia has advanced in producing environmentally friendly energy.
As shown in Fig. 5, Latvia has highest deviation among Baltic States of
9th indicator--at-risk-of-poverty rate which indicates serious social
Appropriate policy of administration of European Union financial
support can help to accelerate innovation as well as R&D activities.
European Union Regional policy is directed to reduction of social and
economic differences between regions, cohesion and development of entire
European Union (Dzemyda and Melnikas 2009: 34-37; Tamosiuniene et al.
2007: 178). Four structural funds as well as one Cohesion Fund were
instituted to support development. Priorities and tasks for allotting
European Union financial support are defined in Lithuanian Single
Programming Document. More attention should be paid for mentioned
problematic areas in this and other strategic documents.
Ranking by MULTIMOORA method was performed by combining results
from MOORA and the Full Multiplicative Form (Annex C, Table 5).
Application of MOORA and Full Multiplicative Form methods resulted in
giving ranks of 17 (ratio system), 22 (reference point approach) or 16
(The Full Multiplicative Form) for Lithuania. Latvia was given ranks of
16, 23 and 23; Estonia--11, 20 and 20 respectively among 27 Member
States. Thus MULTIMOORA method was applied in obtaining final ranks: 14
for Estonia, 18 for Lithuania and 20 for Latvia. These ranks were given
by minimizing sum of ranks acquired by using Ratio Analysis, Reference
Point and the Full Multiplicative form methods. In addition, authors
computed these ranks into three groups according to progress in
implementation of the Lisbon Strategy: best performance (holding ranks 1
to 9), medium performance (10-18) and low performance (19-27). In this
way every state was classified in respective group according to Ratio
Analysis, Reference Point and the Full Multiplicative form methods
(Table 5, Annex C). Then MULTIMOORA method was applied, which resulted
in obtaining final rank, showing dependency to one of the above
mentioned groups. These results did not differ from those obtained by
minimizing sum of ranks; therefore detailed calculations can be obtained
only from the corresponding author. Hence Lithuania and Estonia could be
assigned to medium performance group and Latvia is on the very limit of
the low performance group.
4. Conclusions
1. Main goals of the Lisbon Strategy are: creation of competitive,
dynamic and knowledge-based economy, modernization of the European
Social model, effective environmental and sustainable development
policy. Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy is identified by
structural indicators, which are divided into six categories: 1) general
economic background; 2) employment; 3) innovation and research; 4)
economic reform; 5) social cohesion; 6) environment.
2. Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Lithuania is regulated
by such main documents as National Programme for Lisbon Strategy
Implementation in 2008-2010, Long-term Strategy of Lithuania Economy
Development until 2015, Strategy of Economic Factors of Environmental
Protection. Implementation of goals defined in these documents is
identified by structural indicators.
3. Effective international comparisons based on structural
indicators are possible. Many international organizations regularly
provide specific composite indexes based on structural indicators:
Lisbon Review and Lisbon Scorecard indexes of performance in seeking
Lisbon goals, HDI, HPI, GDI, SII, PQLI. Structural indicators can also
be analysed by applying econometric, factor analysis and multi-criteria
evaluation methods.
4. Lithuania is among leaders in the European Union by employment
level, youth education attainment level, comparative price levels and
greenhouse gas emissions. Thus Lithuania does not have serious
environmental problems and can successfully compete in international
market because of relatively low production costs. The Baltic region is
quite homogenous in innovation and research as well as in economic
reform areas, thus it can become attractive for investors.
5. GDP per capita, labour productivity and employment level of
older people are relatively low in Lithuania. In addition intensity of
energy consumption should be lowered by encouraging modern energetic
technologies. Therefore technological backwardness is characteristic to
Lithuanian economy due to low labour productivity on the one hand and
high energy consumption intensity on the other. This backwardness can be
eradicated by promoting innovations and R&D activities. Hence
significant proportion of European Union structural support should be
allotted to these problematic areas.
6. The group of countries, namely Austria, Denmark, Finland,
Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and United
Kingdom, can be considered as the best performing in implementing the
Lisbon Strategy.
7. Member States of the European Union may be classified into three
groups according to progress in implementation of the Lisbon Strategy:
best performance (holding ranks 1 to 9), medium performance (10-18) and
low performance (19-27). Lithuania and Estonia could be assigned to
medium performance group and Latvia is on the very limit of the low
performance group.
8. The study covers data only until 2008. Indeed the global
economic crisis still continues and the whole situation is quite
dynamic. Hence Ireland and even the United Kingdom do no more belong to
Group 1 with doubts for Spain in Group 2. Such studies could be updated
on a regular basis and presented to the European Union institutions.
doi: 10.3846/tede.2010.36
Annex A. Evaluation of European Union Member States positions by
MOORA, 2008.
Table 3. Ratio System (3a to 3c) and Reference Point (3d-3e) of MOORA
3a. Matrix of Responses of Alternatives on
Objectives--Structural Indicators: ([X.sub.ij])
Indicators max
1 2 3 4
Austria 122.8 113.5 84.5 2.67
Belgium 115.1 125.5 82.2 1.92
Bulgaria 41.3 37.2 83.7 0.49
Cyprus 95.8 87.3 85.1 0.47
Czech Republic 80.3 71.9 91.6 1.47
Denmark 120.1 102.5 71 2.73
Estonia 67.4 63.8 82.2 1.29
Finland 116.8 111.6 86.2 3.72
France 107.9 121.6 83.4 2.02
Germany 115.6 107 74.1 2.63
Greece 94.3 102.2 82.1 0.58
Hungary 64.4 71 83.6 1
Ireland 135.4 130.2 87.7 1.43
Italy 102 109.7 76.5 1.18
Latvia 57.3 52.6 80 0.61
Lithuania 61.9 62 89.1 0.8
Luxembourg 276.3 175.8 72.8 1.62
Malta 76.3 87.4 53 0.54
Netherlands 134 114.5 76.2 1.63
Poland 56.4 62 91.3 0.61
Portugal 76 71.2 54.3 1.51
Romania 41.6 50.2 78.3 0.59
Slovakia 72.2 79.2 92.3 0.47
Slovenia 90.9 84.4 90.2 1.66
Spain 102.6 103.6 60 1.35
Sweden 120 110.6 87.9 3.75
United Kingdom 116.2 110 78.2 1.88
Indicators max
5 6 7 8
Austria 72.1 41 20.7 105.1
Belgium 62.4 34.5 21 111.1
Bulgaria 64 46 27.7 50.2
Cyprus 70.9 54.8 20.4 90.5
Czech Republic 66.6 47.6 19 72.8
Denmark 78.1 57 19 141.2
Estonia 69.8 62.4 24 78
Finland 71.1 56.5 19 124.3
France 64.9 38.2 18.7 110.7
Germany 70.7 53.8 17.5 103.7
Greece 61.9 42.8 16.5 94
Hungary 56.7 31.4 18.1 68.1
Ireland 67.6 53.7 16.5 127.6
Italy 58.7 34.4 18.7 105.6
Latvia 68.6 59.4 24.6 72.6
Lithuania 64.3 53.1 20.2 64.6
Luxembourg 63.4 34.1 15.8 119.1
Malta 55.3 29.2 13.2 78.8
Netherlands 77.2 53 16.9 104
Poland 59.2 31.6 17.5 69.1
Portugal 68.2 50.8 19.5 87
Romania 59 43.1 26.4 60.9
Slovakia 62.3 39.2 23 70.1
Slovenia 68.6 32.8 24.6 82.3
Spain 64.3 45.6 25 95.4
Sweden 74.3 70.1 16.2 114.5
United Kingdom 71.5 58 14.5 100
Indicators min
9 10 11 12 13
Austria 12 0.9 111.3 140.73 97.9
Belgium 15 3.3 90.1 198.76 78.3
Bulgaria 21 2.9 57.2 1016.29 116.6
Cyprus 16 0.5 185.3 212.16 76.7
Czech Republic 9 2.2 77.6 553.16 86.4
Denmark 12 0.5 96.1 105.7 78
Estonia 19 1.7 51.7 580.71 67.1
Finland 14 1.2 110.3 229.19 77.3
France 13 2.9 94.2 165.38 88.5
Germany 15 3.8 77.6 151.48 111.9
Greece 20 3.6 123.2 181.79 106.8
Hungary 12 3.6 65.8 400.76 132.2
Ireland 16 1.6 124.5 103.13 102.1
Italy 19 3.1 106.9 142.78 95.2
Latvia 26 1.9 46.6 306.6 95.2
Lithuania 20 1.2 50.1 432.5 121.5
Luxembourg 13 1.6 98.1 158.53 89.3
Malta 15 2.5 149 198.18 106.8
Netherlands 11 1 97.4 177.12 88.7
Poland 17 2.4 70.8 400.1 121.7
Portugal 18 3.7 136.1 196.85 155.8
Romania 23 2.4 54.7 655.59 165.8
Slovakia 11 6.6 65.2 538.64 92.1
Slovenia 12 1.9 101.8 253.29 138.5
Spain 20 2 152.6 184.19 133.1
Sweden 12 0.8 90.7 156.49 94.4
United Kingdom 19 1.4 82 115.46 90.1
3b. Sum of squares and their square roots
Indicators max
1 2 3 4
Austria 15079.84 12882.25 7140.25 7.1289
Belgium 13248.01 15750.25 6756.84 3.6864
Bulgaria 1705.69 1383.84 7005.69 0.2401
Cyprus 9177.64 7621.29 7242.01 0.2209
Czech Republic 6448.09 5169.61 8390.56 2.1609
Denmark 14424.01 10506.25 5041 7.4529
Estonia 4542.76 4070.44 6756.84 1.6641
Finland 13642.24 12454.56 7430.44 13.8384
France 11642.41 14786.56 6955.56 4.0804
Germany 13363.36 11449 5490.81 6.9169
Greece 8892.49 10444.84 6740.41 0.3364
Hungary 4147.36 5041 6988.96 1
Ireland 18333.16 16952.04 7691.29 2.0449
Italy 10404 12034.09 5852.25 1.3924
Latvia 3283.29 2766.76 6400 0.3721
Lithuania 3831.61 3844 7938.81 0.64
Luxembourg 76341.69 30905.64 5299.84 2.6244
Malta 5821.69 7638.76 2809 0.2916
Netherlands 17956 13110.25 5806.44 2.6569
Poland 3180.96 3844 8335.69 0.3721
Portugal 5776 5069.44 2948.49 2.2801
Romania 1730.56 2520.04 6130.89 0.3481
Slovakia 5212.84 6272.64 8519.29 0.2209
Slovenia 8262.81 7123.36 8136.04 2.7556
Spain 10526.76 10732.96 3600 1.8225
Sweden 14400 12232.36 7726.41 14.0625
United Kingdom 13502.44 12100 6115.24 3.5344
over (i=1)]
ij] 314877.7 258706.2 175249.1 84.1448
[square root of
over (i=1)]]
ij] 561.1397 508.6317 418.6276 9.173047
Indicators max
5 6 7 8
Austria 5198.41 1681 428.49 11046.01
Belgium 3893.76 1190.25 441 12343.21
Bulgaria 4096 2116 767.29 2520.04
Cyprus 5026.81 3003.04 416.16 8190.25
Czech Republic 4435.56 2265.76 361 5299.84
Denmark 6099.61 3249 361 19937.44
Estonia 4872.04 3893.76 576 6084
Finland 5055.21 3192.25 361 15450.49
France 4212.01 1459.24 349.69 12254.49
Germany 4998.49 2894.44 306.25 10753.69
Greece 3831.61 1831.84 272.25 8836
Hungary 3214.89 985.96 327.61 4637.61
Ireland 4569.76 2883.69 272.25 16281.76
Italy 3445.69 1183.36 349.69 11151.36
Latvia 4705.96 3528.36 605.16 5270.76
Lithuania 4134.49 2819.61 408.04 4173.16
Luxembourg 4019.56 1162.81 249.64 14184.81
Malta 3058.09 852.64 174.24 6209.44
Netherlands 5959.84 2809 285.61 10816
Poland 3504.64 998.56 306.25 4774.81
Portugal 4651.24 2580.64 380.25 7569
Romania 3481 1857.61 696.96 3708.81
Slovakia 3881.29 1536.64 529 4914.01
Slovenia 4705.96 1075.84 605.16 6773.29
Spain 4134.49 2079.36 625 9101.16
Sweden 5520.49 4914.01 262.44 13110.25
United Kingdom 5112.25 3364 210.25 10000
over (i=1)]
ij] 119819.2 61408.67 10927.68 245391.7
[square root of
over (i=1)]]
ij] 346.149 247.8077 104.5355 495.3703
Indicators min
9 10 11 12 13
Austria 144 0.81 12387.69 19804.93 9584.41
Belgium 225 10.89 8118.01 39505.54 6130.89
Bulgaria 441 8.41 3271.84 1032845 13595.56
Cyprus 256 0.25 34336.09 45011.87 5882.89
Czech Republic 81 4.84 6021.76 305986 7464.96
Denmark 144 0.25 9235.21 11172.49 6084
Estonia 361 2.89 2672.89 337224.1 4502.41
Finland 196 1.44 12166.09 52528.06 5975.29
France 169 8.41 8873.64 27350.54 7832.25
Germany 225 14.44 6021.76 22946.19 12521.61
Greece 400 12.96 15178.24 33047.6 11406.24
Hungary 144 12.96 4329.64 160608.6 17476.84
Ireland 256 2.56 15500.25 10635.8 10424.41
Italy 361 9.61 11427.61 20386.13 9063.04
Latvia 676 3.61 2171.56 94003.56 9063.04
Lithuania 400 1.44 2510.01 187056.3 14762.25
Luxembourg 169 2.56 9623.61 25131.76 7974.49
Malta 225 6.25 22201 39275.31 11406.24
Netherlands 121 1 9486.76 31371.49 7867.69
Poland 289 5.76 5012.64 160080 14810.89
Portugal 324 13.69 18523.21 38749.92 24273.64
Romania 529 5.76 2992.09 429798.2 27489.64
Slovakia 121 43.56 4251.04 290133 8482.41
Slovenia 144 3.61 10363.24 64155.82 19182.25
Spain 400 4 23286.76 33925.96 17715.61
Sweden 144 0.64 8226.49 24489.12 8911.36
United Kingdom 361 1.96 6724 13331.01 8118.01
over (i=1)]
ij] 7306 184.56 274913.1 3550555 308002.3
[square root of
over (i=1)]]
ij] 85.47514 13.58529 524.3216 1884.292 554.9796
3c. Objectives divided by their square roots ([x.sup.*.sub.ij])
and ranks given to member States by Ratio System
Indicators max
1 2 3 4 5
Austria 0.21884 0.223148 0.20185 0.29107 0.208292
Belgium 0.205118 0.24674 0.196356 0.209309 0.180269
Bulgaria 0.0736 0.073137 0.199939 0.053417 0.184891
Cyprus 0.170724 0.171637 0.203283 0.051237 0.204825
Czech 0.143102 0.14136 0.21881 0.160252 0.192403
Denmark 0.214029 0.201521 0.169602 0.297611 0.225625
Estonia 0.120113 0.125435 0.196356 0.140629 0.201647
Finland 0.208148 0.219412 0.205911 0.405536 0.205403
France 0.192287 0.239073 0.199222 0.22021 0.187491
Germany 0.206009 0.210368 0.177007 0.28671 0.204247
Greece 0.168051 0.200931 0.196117 0.063229 0.178825
Hungary 0.114766 0.13959 0.1997 0.109015 0.163802
Ireland 0.241295 0.255981 0.209494 0.155891 0.195292
Italy 0.181773 0.215677 0.18274 0.128638 0.16958
Latvia 0.102114 0.103415 0.191101 0.066499 0.198181
Lithuania 0.110311 0.121896 0.212838 0.087212 0.185758
Luxembourg 0.492391 0.345633 0.173902 0.176604 0.183158
Malta 0.135973 0.171834 0.126604 0.058868 0.159758
Netherlands 0.2388 0.225114 0.182023 0.177694 0.223025
Poland 0.10051 0.121896 0.218094 0.066499 0.171025
Portugal 0.135439 0.139983 0.12971 0.164613 0.197025
Romania 0.074135 0.098696 0.18704 0.064319 0.170447
Slovakia 0.128667 0.155712 0.220482 0.051237 0.17998
Slovenia 0.161992 0.165935 0.215466 0.180965 0.198181
Spain 0.182842 0.203684 0.143325 0.14717 0.185758
Sweden 0.213851 0.217446 0.209972 0.408806 0.214647
United Kingdom 0.207079 0.216266 0.186801 0.204948 0.206558
Indicators max min
6 7 8 9 10
Austria 0.165451 0.198019 0.212165 0.140392 0.066248
Belgium 0.139221 0.200889 0.224277 0.17549 0.24291
Bulgaria 0.185628 0.264982 0.101338 0.245685 0.213466
Cyprus 0.221139 0.195149 0.182692 0.187189 0.036805
Czech 0.192084 0.181756 0.146961 0.105294 0.16194
Denmark 0.230017 0.181756 0.285039 0.140392 0.036805
Estonia 0.251808 0.229587 0.157458 0.222287 0.125135
Finland 0.227999 0.181756 0.250923 0.16379 0.088331
France 0.154152 0.178887 0.223469 0.152091 0.213466
Germany 0.217104 0.167407 0.209338 0.17549 0.279714
Greece 0.172715 0.157841 0.189757 0.233986 0.264993
Hungary 0.126711 0.173147 0.137473 0.140392 0.264993
Ireland 0.2167 0.157841 0.257585 0.187189 0.117774
Italy 0.138817 0.178887 0.213174 0.222287 0.228188
Latvia 0.239702 0.235327 0.146557 0.304182 0.139857
Lithuania 0.214279 0.193236 0.130408 0.233986 0.088331
Luxembourg 0.137607 0.151145 0.240426 0.152091 0.117774
Malta 0.117833 0.126273 0.159073 0.17549 0.184023
Netherlands 0.213875 0.161667 0.209944 0.128692 0.073609
Poland 0.127518 0.167407 0.139492 0.198888 0.176662
Portugal 0.204998 0.186539 0.175626 0.210588 0.272353
Romania 0.173925 0.252546 0.122938 0.269084 0.176662
Slovakia 0.158187 0.220021 0.14151 0.128692 0.48582
Slovenia 0.132361 0.235327 0.166138 0.140392 0.139857
Spain 0.184014 0.239153 0.192583 0.233986 0.147218
Sweden 0.282881 0.154971 0.23114 0.140392 0.058887
United Kingdom 0.234052 0.138709 0.201869 0.222287 0.103053
Indicators min Sum Rank
11 12 13
Austria 0.212274 0.074686 0.176403 0.41 4
Belgium 0.171841 0.105483 0.141086 0.11 12
Bulgaria 0.109093 0.539349 0.210098 -0.46 27
Cyprus 0.353409 0.112594 0.138203 0.04 15
Czech 0.148001 0.293564 0.155681 0.08 14
Denmark 0.183284 0.056095 0.140546 0.46 3
Estonia 0.098604 0.308185 0.120905 0.11 11
Finland 0.210367 0.121632 0.139284 0.47 2
France 0.179661 0.087768 0.159465 0.16 9
Germany 0.148001 0.080391 0.201629 0.17 8
Greece 0.23497 0.096477 0.19244 -0.24 22
Hungary 0.125495 0.212685 0.238207 -0.21 20
Ireland 0.23745 0.054731 0.183971 0.15 10
Italy 0.203883 0.075774 0.171538 -0.10 19
Latvia 0.088877 0.162714 0.171538 0.02 16
Lithuania 0.095552 0.229529 0.218927 0.02 17
Luxembourg 0.187099 0.084132 0.160907 0.23 7
Malta 0.284177 0.105175 0.19244 -0.34 24
Netherlands 0.185764 0.093998 0.159826 0.33 5
Poland 0.135032 0.212334 0.219287 -0.21 21
Portugal 0.259574 0.104469 0.280731 -0.28 23
Romania 0.104325 0.347924 0.29875 -0.37 26
Slovakia 0.124351 0.285858 0.165952 -0.35 25
Slovenia 0.194156 0.134422 0.249559 0.10 13
Spain 0.291043 0.09775 0.239829 -0.10 18
Sweden 0.172985 0.08305 0.170096 0.63 1
United Kingdom 0.156393 0.061275 0.162348 0.28 6
3d. Co-ordinates of the reference point
equal to the maximal objective values
Indicators max
1 2 3 4
[r.sub.j] 0.492 0.346 0.220 0.409
Indicators max
5 6 7 8
[r.sub.j] 0.226 0.289 0.265 0.101
Indicators min
9 10 11 12 13
[r.sub.j] 0.105 0.037 0.089 0.055 0.121
3e. Comparison of the European Union
Member States (reference point approach)
Indicators max
States 1 2 3 4
Austria 0.274 0.122 0.019 0.118
Belgium 0.287 0.099 0.024 0.199
Bulgaria 0.419 0.272 0.021 0.355
Cyprus 0.322 0.174 0.017 0.358
Czech Republic 0.349 0.204 0.002 0.249
Denmark 0.278 0.144 0.051 0.111
Estonia 0.372 0.220 0.024 0.268
Finland 0.284 0.126 0.015 0.003
France 0.300 0.107 0.021 0.189
Germany 0.286 0.135 0.043 0.122
Greece 0.324 0.145 0.024 0.346
Hungary 0.378 0.206 0.021 0.300
Ireland 0.251 0.090 0.011 0.253
Italy 0.311 0.130 0.038 0.280
Latvia 0.390 0.242 0.029 0.342
Lithuania 0.382 0.224 0.008 0.322
Luxembourg 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.232
Malta 0.356 0.174 0.094 0.350
Netherlands 0.254 0.121 0.038 0.231
Poland 0.392 0.224 0.002 0.342
Portugal 0.357 0.206 0.091 0.244
Romania 0.418 0.247 0.033 0.344
Slovakia 0.364 0.190 0.000 0.358
Slovenia 0.330 0.180 0.005 0.228
Spain 0.310 0.142 0.077 0.262
Sweden 0.279 0.128 0.011 0.000
United Kingdom 0.285 0.129 0.034 0.204
Indicators max
States 5 6 7 8
Austria 0.017 0.117 0.067 0.111
Belgium 0.045 0.144 0.064 0.123
Bulgaria 0.041 0.097 0.000 0.000
Cyprus 0.021 0.062 0.070 0.081
Czech Republic 0.033 0.091 0.083 0.046
Denmark 0.000 0.053 0.083 0.184
Estonia 0.024 0.031 0.035 0.056
Finland 0.020 0.055 0.083 0.150
France 0.038 0.129 0.086 0.122
Germany 0.021 0.066 0.098 0.108
Greece 0.047 0.110 0.107 0.088
Hungary 0.062 0.156 0.092 0.036
Ireland 0.030 0.066 0.107 0.156
Italy 0.056 0.144 0.086 0.112
Latvia 0.027 0.043 0.030 0.045
Lithuania 0.040 0.069 0.072 0.029
Luxembourg 0.042 0.145 0.114 0.139
Malta 0.066 0.165 0.139 0.058
Netherlands 0.003 0.069 0.103 0.109
Poland 0.055 0.155 0.098 0.038
Portugal 0.029 0.078 0.078 0.074
Romania 0.055 0.109 0.012 0.022
Slovakia 0.046 0.125 0.045 0.040
Slovenia 0.027 0.151 0.030 0.065
Spain 0.040 0.099 0.026 0.091
Sweden 0.011 0.000 0.110 0.130
United Kingdom 0.019 0.049 0.126 0.101
Indicators min
States 9 10 11 12 13
Austria 0.035 0.029 0.123 0.020 0.055
Belgium 0.070 0.206 0.083 0.051 0.020
Bulgaria 0.140 0.177 0.020 0.485 0.089
Cyprus 0.082 0.000 0.265 0.058 0.017
Czech Republic 0.000 0.125 0.059 0.239 0.035
Denmark 0.035 0.000 0.094 0.001 0.020
Estonia 0.117 0.088 0.010 0.253 0.000
Finland 0.058 0.052 0.121 0.067 0.018
France 0.047 0.177 0.091 0.033 0.039
Germany 0.070 0.243 0.059 0.026 0.081
Greece 0.129 0.228 0.146 0.042 0.072
Hungary 0.035 0.228 0.037 0.158 0.117
Ireland 0.082 0.081 0.149 0.000 0.063
Italy 0.117 0.191 0.115 0.021 0.051
Latvia 0.199 0.103 0.000 0.108 0.051
Lithuania 0.129 0.052 0.007 0.175 0.098
Luxembourg 0.047 0.081 0.098 0.029 0.040
Malta 0.070 0.147 0.195 0.050 0.072
Netherlands 0.023 0.037 0.097 0.039 0.039
Poland 0.094 0.140 0.046 0.158 0.098
Portugal 0.105 0.236 0.171 0.050 0.160
Romania 0.164 0.140 0.015 0.293 0.178
Slovakia 0.023 0.449 0.035 0.231 0.045
Slovenia 0.035 0.103 0.105 0.080 0.129
Spain 0.129 0.110 0.202 0.043 0.119
Sweden 0.035 0.022 0.084 0.028 0.049
United Kingdom 0.117 0.066 0.068 0.007 0.041
States ASCII] Rank
Austria 0.274 4
Belgium 0.287 10
Bulgaria 0.485 27
Cyprus 0.358 19
Czech Republic 0.349 16
Denmark 0.278 5
Estonia 0.372 20
Finland 0.284 7
France 0.300 11
Germany 0.286 9
Greece 0.346 15
Hungary 0.378 21
Ireland 0.253 2
Italy 0.311 13
Latvia 0.390 23
Lithuania 0.382 22
Luxembourg 0.232 1
Malta 0.356 17
Netherlands 0.254 3
Poland 0.392 24
Portugal 0.357 18
Romania 0.418 25
Slovakia 0.449 26
Slovenia 0.330 14
Spain 0.310 12
Sweden 0.279 6
United Kingdom 0.285 8
Annex B. Evaluation of European Union Member States positions by
the Full Multiplicative Form, 2008.
Table 4. The Full Multiplicative Form and ranks of Member States
Product Product
of indicators of indicators
to be maximized to be minimized [U.sub.i]
1 2 3 = 1 / 2
Austria 192420644761.40 1740568082.07 110.5505
Belgium 103065917843.27 7711427839.49 13.36535
Bulgaria 5138449637.17 20722075001.77 0.24797
Cyprus 26513321121.51 2183096112.04 12.14483
Czech Republic 46826535455.51 5345924257.53 8.759296
Denmark 201821467189.59 671241694.03 300.6688
Estonia 47664315121.05 5075390857.86 9.39126
Finland 319028067075.67 4080666299.17 78.18039
France 102475986062.26 5753950642.30 17.80967
Germany 160455757962.17 7775005703.73 20.63738
Greece 20060977991.57 16188712120.63 1.239195
Hungary 12318044689.18 10255871610.25 1.201072
Ireland 132425068198.35 4282237506.37 30.92427
Italy 38140676526.87 9037769153.42 4.220143
Latvia 14743678629.25 4878188580.55 3.022368
Lithuania 18867175664.30 4081726258.20 4.622352
Luxembourg 195680195388.08 3440384816.64 56.87742
Malta 4068061538.49 9319118419.08 0.436529
Netherlands 131774912143.09 1750556791.53 75.276
Poland 6375558632.30 9719201761.46 0.655976
Portugal 29974576864.33 24185467100.62 1.239363
Romania 6476554584.90 19987595112.18 0.324029
Slovakia 13933617613.29 16461161131.11 0.846454
Slovenia 63584904295.97 6701164476.72 9.488635
Spain 63111421084.32 14276015243.58 4.420801
Sweden 369129166535.18 1472795985.20 250.6316
United Kingdom 112996620064.33 2269090581.52 49.7982
The Full
Form Ratio System Reference Point
4 5 6
Austria 3 4 4
Belgium 11 12 10
Bulgaria 27 27 27
Cyprus 12 15 19
Czech Republic 15 14 16
Denmark 1 3 5
Estonia 14 11 20
Finland 4 2 7
France 10 9 11
Germany 9 8 9
Greece 21 22 15
Hungary 22 20 21
Ireland 8 10 2
Italy 18 19 13
Latvia 19 16 23
Lithuania 16 17 22
Luxembourg 6 7 1
Malta 25 24 17
Netherlands 5 5 3
Poland 24 21 24
Portugal 20 23 18
Romania 26 26 25
Slovakia 23 25 26
Slovenia 13 13 14
Spain 17 18 12
Sweden 2 1 6
United Kingdom 7 6 8
Annex C. Final ranks of the European Union member States according
to MULTIMOORA, 2008.
Table 5. The MULTIMOORA method and final ranks of Member States
The Full
Reference Multiplicative
Ratio System Point Form MULTIMOORA
Member State
Rank Group Rank Group Rank Group Rank Group
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Austria 4 1 4 1 3 1 3 1
Belgium 12 2 10 2 11 2 11 2
Bulgaria 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3
Cyprus 15 2 19 3 12 2 15 2
Czech Republic 14 2 16 2 15 2 13 2
Denmark 3 1 5 1 1 1 2 1
Estonia 11 2 20 3 14 2 14 2
Finland 2 1 7 1 4 1 4 1
France 9 1 11 2 10 2 10 2
Germany 8 1 9 1 9 1 9 1
Greece 22 3 15 2 21 3 19 3
Hungary 20 3 21 3 22 3 22 3
Ireland 10 2 2 1 8 1 7 1
Italy 19 3 13 2 18 2 17 2
Latvia 16 2 23 3 19 3 20 3
Lithuania 17 2 22 3 16 2 18 2
Luxembourg 7 1 1 1 6 1 6 1
Malta 24 3 17 2 25 3 23 3
Netherlands 5 1 3 1 5 1 5 1
Poland 21 3 24 3 24 3 24 3
Portugal 23 3 18 2 20 3 21 3
Romania 26 3 25 3 26 3 26 3
Slovakia 25 3 26 3 23 3 25 3
Slovenia 13 2 14 2 13 2 12 2
Spain 18 2 12 2 17 2 16 2
Sweden 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 1
United Kingdom 6 1 8 1 7 1 8 1
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Alvydas Balezentis (1), Tomas Balezentis (2), Romualdas Valkauskas
(1) Mykolas Romeris University, Valakupiu g. 5, LT-10101 Vilnius,
(2, 3) Vilnius University, Sauletekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius,
E-mails: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected];
[email protected]
Received 14 April 2010; accepted 20 October 2010
Alvydas BALEZENTIS. Dr (HP), Professor of the Department of
Strategic Management at Mykolas Romeris University. While working at the
Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Agriculture, and
Institute of Agrarian Economics he contributed to creation and fostering
of the Lithuanian rural development policy at various levels. Major
areas of interest: innovatics, state management, strategic management,
rural development, regional development.
Tomas BALEZENTIS studies at the Vilnius University. His work
experience includes traineeship in the European Parliament and work at
Training Centre of the Ministry of Finance.
Romualdas VALKAUSKAS. Dr, Associated Professor of the Department of
Quantitative Methods and Modelling, Faculty of Economics, Vilnius
University. Major areas of interest: quantitative methods in social
sciences, economic statistics, history of statistics theory and
Table 1. Structural indicators used in evaluation
of Lithuania's position in the EU
Structural indicator value
I. General economic background
1 GDP per capita in PPS (EU-27 = 100) Max
2 Labour productivity per person employed Max
II. Employment
3 Employment rate Max
4 Employment rate of older workers Max
III. Innovation and research
5 Youth education attainment level Max
6 Gross domestic expenditure on R&D Max
IV. Economic reform
7 Business investment Max
8 Comparative price levels Min
V. Social cohesion
9 At-risk-of-poverty rate Min
10 Long-term unemployment rate Min
VI. Environment
11 Greenhouse gas emissions Min
12 Energy intensity of the economy Min
13 Index of inland freight transport volume Min
Table 2. Ranks of European Union Member States according to the
reference point (RP) approach and ratio system (RS), 2008
Luxembourg 0.232 7 1
Ireland 0.253 10 2
Netherlands 0.254 5 3
Austria 0.274 4 4
Denmark 0.278 3 5
Sweden 0.279 1 6
Finland 0.284 2 7
United Kingdom 0.285 6 8
Germany 0.286 8 9
Belgium 0.287 12 10
France 0.300 9 11
Spain 0.310 18 12
Italy 0.311 19 13
Slovenia 0.330 13 14
Greece 0.346 22 15
Czech Republic 0.349 14 16
Malta 0.356 24 17
Portugal 0.357 23 18
Cyprus 0.358 15 19
Estonia 0.372 11 20
Hungary 0.378 20 21
Lithuania 0.382 17 22
Latvia 0.390 16 23
Poland 0.392 21 24
Romania 0.418 26 25
Slovakia 0.449 25 26
Bulgaria 0.485 27 27