Game theory applications in construction engineering and management/ Losimu teorijos taikymas statybos inzinerijos ir valdymo srityse.
Kaplinski, Oleg ; Tamosaitiene, Jolanta
1. Introduction
Game theory depends on groups of operational research methods. Many
authors have proposed various classifications of operational research
methods, and have not presented an undivided classification. Moreover,
operational research methods include matching groups:
MCDM--Multi-Criteria Decision Making, MADM--Multi-Attribute Decision
Making Methods, MODM--Multi Objective Decision Making Methods, game
theory, etc. MCDM methods support a decision maker in rational decision
making, and are considered to be enrichment to the poor rationality of
the single objective optimisation problems (Pomerol and Barba-Romero
2000; Rogers et al. 2000; Vincke 1992; Zionts 1990). The solution
problem methods applying MCDM so far, differ from each other in quality
and quantity of additional information required. Applying MCDM, the
problem is solved in a finite number of alternatives and there is a
family of performance measures on which the alternatives are evaluated.
According to Mareschal (1986), the problem could also have a third
dimension if it involves multi-criteria and/or uncertainties in
performance measure evaluations. Operational research methods attempt at
solving certain problems for scientific and practical use in various
2. Review of game theory
A broad review of game theory rise and progress is published in
Peldschus et al. (2010). The first known discussion of game theory
occurred in a letter written by James Waldegrave in 1713. In this
letter, Waldegrave provides a min-max mixed strategy solution to a
two-person version of the card game le Her. Game theory in the modern
era returned with the publication in 1913, of a German mathematician
Ernst Zermelo, of "Uber eine Anwendung der Mengenlehre auf die
Theorie des Schachspiels". He proved that every competitive
two-person game possesses a best strategy for both players, provided
both players have complete information about each other's
intentions and preferences. In a game of complete information, players
know their own strategies and pay-off functions, and those of other
players. In addition, each player knows that the other players have
complete information (Peldschus et al. 2010). The classification of game
theory is presented in Fig. 1 (Zavadskas et al. 2004).
As to the progress of game theory: Borel (1921) and von Neumann (1928), Luce and Raiffa's (1957) focus on conflicting preferences,
von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944) focus on concepts of perfect and
imperfect information with reference to information each player has
concerning the actions of the other player. Furthermore, game theory is
concerned with finite, discrete games and a finite number of players: it
is only with two or more players that a problem becomes theoretical.
Luce and Raiffa (1957) analysis concentrated on an infinite number of
players. They have developed a model in which one individual does better
at another's expense (zero sum games). Arrow et al. (1949), Arrow
(1951) specialize in a simple min-max principle.
Game theory analysed by Muschik (1975); Muschik and Muller (1986);
Aumann (1989); Hollert (2006); Meszek (2007); Zavadskas and Turskis
(2008) developed a new logarithmic normalization method. Peldschus et
al. (2010) focus on particular sets of strategies known as equilibrium
in games. From the point of usability, a number problems of construction
technology investigated in the past have become limited. Implementation
by mediated equilibrium is presented in Peleg and Procaccia (2010).
Mapping to the dimension-less interval (normalization) was the
Professor's interesting achievement. He proposed quadratic and
cubic functions. A quadratic function is used for maximization, while a
cubic function for minimization. Such an approach was used in many PhD
theses written under his supervision, and in a number of articles
(Kaplinski 1995, 1997). The comparison with other normalisation functions is widely known and well interpreted (Peldschus 2009a).
3. Game theory applications
In this review, applied game theory in different research fields is
presented in its development since 2004: in optimization (Annamdas and
Rao 2009; Aumann 2010); economics (Aliprantis et al. 2009); in
conventional rail systems (Hsu et al. 2010); for optimal design (Hu and
Rao 2009) ; for energy market analysis (Kacprzak et al. 2010); for
multi-agent team cooperation (Semsar-Kazerooni and Khorasani 2009); for
investigation of the software market (Tan et al. 2010) ; for
manufacturing (Zhang and Huang 2010).
Applications of game theory are varied. Many authors have applied
game theory to solve problems in construction engineering and
management: Zavadskas et al. (2004) solved construction technology and
management problems; Peldschus and Zavadskas (2005) investigated fuzzy matrix game in construction; Su et al. (2007) proposed a model of urban
public traffic networks; Sun and Gao (2007) applied an equilibrium model
for urban transit assignment; Homburg and Scherpereel (2008) analysed
the cost of joint risk capital to be allocated for performance
measurement; Motchenkova (2008) applied a differential game to
describing interactions between a firm that might be violating
competition law and the antitrust authority; Peldschus (2008a) presented
a review of the game theory application experience in construction
management; Podvezko (2008) applied game theory in technology and
management of construction solutions; Schotanus et al. (2008) analysed
unfair allocation of gains under the equal price allocation method in
purchasing groups; Meszek (2008) analysed investment projects;
Tamosaitiene et al. (2008)--modelling of contractor selection taking
into account different risk levels; Gu et al. (2009) analysed Chinese
strategies for energy-efficient housing development from an
architect's perspective; Zhao and Jiang (2009) presented
optimisation model between project risk set and measure set; Peldschus
et al. (2010) demonstrate construction site selections.
One of the exceptional authors working on game theory application
in construction engineering and management is Professor Friedel
Peldschus. The achievements already mentioned are further analysed.
4. Professor Friedel Peldschus' research and achievements
Professor Friedel Peldschus most characteristic achievements are
quoted below, as well as his contribution to development of game theory
application in construction and management, and to development of
international academic collaboration. The Professor's research
profile is presented in the following areas:
--Main aspects of his research biography;
--Results of 42 years of research and scientific work;
--Contribution to collaboration between other academic centres.
4.1. Professor Friedel Peldschus' biography review
Professor Friedel Peldschus is celebrating his seventieth birthday.
He was born on the 7th of April in 1940 in Heydekrug (Silute,
Lithuania). After graduating from the school in Muhlhausen in 1958, he
worked as a professional driver for the "Deutsche Post". From
1959 to 1965 he studied at the TH (Technische Hochschule) of Leipzig and
received his construction engineering diploma. After graduation, he
gained experience in production: he worked as a welding engineer and as
information processes engineer. In addition, he had practical experience
in construction processes and steel construction. He worked as a design
engineer, structural engineer, and programmer.
He had begun research work in 1968. F. Peldschus was a Senior
Assistant to the Head of Department of Theory of Construction Processes
at the TH of Leipzig. He lectured in the following subjects:
Fundamentals of Construction Technology, Cybernetics in Civil
engineering and Application of Mathematical Methods in Construction
Technology. His main research area was the development of game theory
methodology and its applications with the view to optimise solutions for
construction management.
Within this research field, he presented his doctoral dissertation in 1972 (Peldschus 1972) and Post-Doctoral thesis in 1986 (Peldschus
In the autumn semester of 1989, he was a guest lecturer at Vilnius
Civil Engineering Institute (VISI).
He was a member of the "DDR working group on multi-criteria
decisions making" and "Multi-criteria Aid for Decisions"
European Working Group where he has worked since 1991. In 1991, in
recognition of his research activity in the fields of creating
mathematical methods and their application in construction technology,
Professor Friedel Peldschus was granted a Honorary Doctorate (Doctor
Honoris Causa) at Vilnius Technical University (Fig. 2).
There have been attempts at a synthesis of Professor Friedel
Peldschus' academic heritage in numerous publications by
Sipaviciute and Varniene (1991).
The former name of TH of Leipzig has changed to HTWK (University of
Applied Sciences Leipzig) and he has worked there as a professor since
1992. Moreover, he played an active role in university life, and
declared himself ready to take over the function of the Vice-Chancellor
in 1993 and 1994. Since 2001, he has been a visiting professor at VGTU.
Professor Friedel Peldschus worked in Civil Engineering Faculty, Leipzig
University of Applied Sciences (Germany) until 2005.
4.2. 42 years of scientific research work
The general stress of Professor Friedel Peldschus' work is on
game theory application in construction engineering and management.
Software helping to solve problems of multiple criteria decision making
was created. Application of game theory methodology, solving
construction engineering and management problems, creating software, was
meant to help sustainable development in construction and management,
and harmonious development respecting the environment. The research
fields shown in Fig. 3 developed over 42 years can by divide in to:
--Operational Research;
--Construction engineering and management;
--Programming, IT and software;
His research focused on selecting problem solutions in construction
processes applying game theory. The articles published by Professor
Friedel Peldschus and co-authors include the following subjects:
multiple goals solution (Peldschus et al. 1983); game theory application
to problems in construction technology (Fiedler and Peldschus 1983;
Peldschus 1985; Fiedler 1986); optimisation of floor finishing process
by applying one criterion (Peldschus and Zavadskas 1984); matrix game
for construction technology preparation (Peldschus and Fiedler 1984;
Peldschus et al. 1986, 1988, 1990a); new concept of a dimension in
concrete production line (Altmann et al. 1987); game modelling in
preparation for construction production (Peldschus et al. 1989);
rational machinery selection and combination for earthwork (Herschel and
Peldschus 1989); construction problems solution models (Peldschus 1990);
multi-criteria decision making support systems (Peldschus and Lohne
1991; Lohne and Peldschus 1993); calculation of management parameters in
sustainable construction processes (Peldschus et al. 1990b); comparison
analysis for construction management (Peldschus 1992, 1994a) and
construction processes (Peldschus 1994b); assessment problems in
multi-criteria decision making (Peldschus 1993; Zavadskas and Peldschus
2003); decision making theory program system (Lohne et al. 1990); LEVI
was developed in 1993--a multiple criteria decision aiding programme
(Lohne and Peldschus 1993; Zavadskas et al. 1993) and in 2002 an
improved version of multiple criteria evaluation program--LEVI 3.0 was
developed (Peldschus 2000a; Peldschus et al. 2001, 2002; Zavadskas et
al. 2002); development of software for multiple criteria evaluation
(Zavadskas et al. 2003); sensitivity of decision making methods
(Peldschus 2001); construction market analysis (Peldschus and Reichelt
2001); the assessment of crack mechanics for building renewal (Peldschus
and Wild 2002); the improvement of efficiency of production planning in
small and medium-sized construction companies (Wild and Peldschus 2002);
risk management of construction and environmental in engineering
projects (Reichelt and Peldschus 2005); fuzzy methods in construction
(Peldschus 1995, 2003) and a fuzzy matrix games multi-criteria model for
decision-making in engineering (Peldschus and Zavadskas 2005); quality
problems in construction (Peldschus 1997); requirements of buildings
refurbishment (Peldschus 1998); research into construction processes
optimisation (Peldschus 1999); economic analysis of project management,
considering multi-criteria decisions (Peldschus 2006); effectiveness
assessments in multi-criteria decision making (Peldschus 2007a);
game-theory solutions in construction operations (Peldschus 2007b);
multi-attribute assessment of road design solutions by using COPRAS
method (Zavadskas et al. 2007); decision making in road design
(Peldschus 2004, 2005; Brauers et al. 2008a, 2008b); MADM in
construction (Peldschus 2008a); experience of game theory application in
construction management (Peldschus 2008b); game-theory solutions in
construction operations (Peldschus 2008c); multi-criteria optimisation
system in decision making in construction design and management (Turskis
et al. 2009); qualification of construction design project managers by
applying Analytic Hierarchy Process and Bayes rule (Vainiunas et al.
2009); the analysis of the quality of results obtained with
multi-criteria decisions methods (Peldschus 2009a); sustainable
assessment of construction site by applying game theory (Peldschus et
al. 2010).
4.3. Results of 42 years of research work
The books and monographs represent his main research achievements:
investment phase methods, and the study of construction production
(Fiedler et al. 1983); decision making methods in construction
technology (Zavadskas et al. 1986); application of game theory in
building production preparation (Zavadskas and Peldschus 1986); multiple
criteria evaluation of projects in construction (Zavadskas et al. 1994);
matrix games in construction technology and management (Peldschus and
Zavadskas 1997); game theory in construction technology and management
(Zavadskas et al. 2004). Most books and monographs have been published
in collaboration with German and Lithuanian colleagues. The reviews of
these books were published in scientific journals (Rutkauskas 1995;
Skitmore and Koznan 1997; Ginevicius 1998; Podvezko 2008).
Professor Friedel Peldschus actively collaborated with his
colleagues from abroad and wrote a number of forewords to (Peldschus
2000b, 2007c) and reviews of their books (Stercelis and Peldschus 1988;
Peldschus 1988, 2008d).
His achievements in the field of game theory were further developed
foreign scientists: Zavadskas and Vaidogas (2008, 2009) proposed the
models based on games theory; Kaplinski (2008a) presented the usefulness
and credibility of scoring methods in construction industry; Ginevicius
and Krivka (2008) implied the use of game theory in duopoly market
analysis; Zavadskas and Turskis (2008) proposed a logarithmic
normalization method; Zavadskas et al. (2008a) selected construction
contractors applying the game theory.
In 42 years of his scientific and research work, Professor Friedel
Peldschus has supervised 8 PhD dissertations, successfully participated
the numerous PhD and Post DhD theses presentations, published about 40
articles in very high rated scientific journals, published about 15
proceedings; in total approximately 80 scientific papers. He
participated in the publishing of 6 books. The articles and books were
published in 4 different languages: English, German, Russian and
Those achievements can be easily translated into parameters. In
SCOPUS quotations statistics database, which includes articles written
after 1995, there is a note (the status as of April 2010) to the effect
that the Professor's works were, altogether, quoted 138 times. In
this case, the base includes 11 publications. Hirsch's Index is 6
(h = 6). The most often quoted (43 times) publication was the one which
appeared in the 2003 issue of Informatica where he published jointly
with his Lithuanian colleagues. The article is entitled Development of
software for multiple criteria evaluation. This publication is also
noted in Google Scholar as the most often quoted (57 times)--see:
Zavadskas et al. (2003).
4.4. Participation in colloquia in German-Lithuanian-Polish
academic centres
Since 1986, Professor Friedel Peldschus has been the one of the
founders of a programme of collaboration between three academic centres:
German, Lithuanian, and Polish--Leipzig University of Applied Sciences,
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Poznan University of
Technology. Professor Friedel Peldschus has been actively collaborating
in colloquia in the German-Lithuanian-Polish Scientific Triangle.
Collaboration in exchanging research achievements, consulting
publications, cooperating in joint papers, supporting future research
through organization of colloquia which were held every two years in
different academic centres (Kaplinski 2009). Reports form colloquia, and
academic achievement reviews have been published (see: Kaplinski 2000,
2008a, 2009; Zavadskas and Kaklauskas 2001; Kaplinski and Zavadskas
2002; Kaplinski et al. 2004; Kaklauskas et al. 2005; Peldschus et al.
2006; Zavadskas 2008; Tamosaitiene et al. 2010).
Over thirty years of academic collaboration, colloquia in Germany
hosted by Professor Friedel Peldschus were organised five times, in:
1986, 1989, 1999, 1995, 2005, always with participants from other
countries. Perhaps it is a coincidence that the 1st, held in 1986, and
the 10th jubilee colloquium, in 2005, was also organised by Professor
Friedel Peldschus. Each colloquium resulted in publication of research
papers in a special issue of a scientific journal:
--Following the 6th colloquium, a special issue of the
"Journal of Civil Engineering and Management" (Peldschus 1997)
was published;
--Following the 7th colloquium, a special issue of the
"Journal of Civil Engineering and Management" (Zavadskas and
Kaklauskas 2001) was published;
--Following the 10th jubilee colloquium, a special issue was
published, with the guest editor, Professor Friedel
Peldschus--"Technological and Economic Development of Economy"
(Peldschus 2006);
--Following the 11th colloquia, special issues, "International
Journal of Management and Decision-Making" (Brauers and Zavadskas
2007) were published; Professor Oleg Kaplinski was the guest editor of
"Technological and Economic Development of Economy" (Kaplinski
2008b); Professor Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas and Professor Arturas
Kaklauskas were guest editors of "International Journal of
Environment and Pollution" (Zavadskas and Kaklauskas 2008).
On the basis of collaboration during 11th and the 12th colloquia,
the idea of setting up of a new EURO working group "OR in
Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering (EWGORSDCE)" was
presented. The scientists approved of the proposal, placing their
signatures on the document, and decided to submit this proposal to the
EURO (Association of European Operational Research Societies) Executive
Committee during the annual 23rd European Conference on Operational
Research "OR creating competitive advantage", which took place
in Bonn, Germany 5-8 July 2009. Prof. Friedel Peldschus sat on the board
of EURO.
He was a scientific committee member participating in the defence
of PhD theses in Lithuania about twenty times. Professor Friedel
Peldschus hosted the following academics from Lithuania: Prof. Dr Sc. E.
K. Zavadskas (1980-1981); Assoc. Prof. Dr V. Kriukelis (1987); Assoc.
Prof. Dr V. Glebov (1989); Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Karablikovas (1990); Prof.
Dr S. Raslanas (1996-1997); Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Banaitis (1997; 1998);
Assoc. Prof. Dr V. Maliene (1999); Assoc. Prof. Dr J. Saparauskas (2000,
2001); Dr J. Tamosaitiene (2002) and other colleagues. He gave advice to
colleagues from Lithuania and Poland.
We wish Professor Friedel Peldschus good health and creativity, so
that we can continue to welcome him to our joint activities. On the day
of his jubilee, we would like to congratulate the scientist of the
greatest format, a person whose merits and contributions to the
development of international collaboration of academic communities are
numerous. On his Jubilee, we wish him all the best, lot of success and,
most of all, satisfaction from witnessing the success of his colleagues
from abroad.
5. Conclusions
Game theory is appropriate approach for decision making in
construction engineering and management processes to solving different
problem from real life. Game theory assumes that the players information
about the strategies of the other players. Review showed that many
researchers in different research fields' work applied the game
theory in: construction engineering, management area.
It is clear from the review of games theory applications that
Professor Friedel Peldschus has had an essential contribution in its
development and practical applications in construction industry. This is
why, part of the article is devoted to his achievements. His numerous
articles and, most of all, authorship or co-authorship of six books, is
a landmark of theory and practice in a few European countries. His
methods have been applied not only to researching the phenomena of
balance, but also to the development of multi-criterion optimisation
doi: 10.3846/tede.2010.22
Received 11 January 2010; accepted 27 April 2010
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Oleg Kaplinski (1), Jolanta Tamosaitiene (2)
(1) Dept of Construction Engineering and Management, Poznan
University of Technology, 60-965 Poznan, Poland, e-mail:
[email protected]
(2) Dept of Construction Technology and Management, Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius,
Lithuania, e-mail:
[email protected]
Oleg KAPLINSKI. Professor of Civil Engineering at Poznan University
of Technology, Poland. Doctor honourees cause of VGTU. He is a Head of
the Chair of Construction Engineering and Management. He is member of
Civil Engineering Committee of Polish Academy of Science and Chairman of
the Section of the Engineering of Construction Projects in this
Committee. He is the board member of EURO Working Group "OR in
Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering". His research
interests include the organization and modelling of construction
processes, theory of decision-making.
Jolanta TAMOSAITIENE. Doctor, Dean Assistant of Civil Engineering
Faculty, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; lecturer at the Dept of
Construction Technology and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University. Membership: member of EURO Working Group "OR in
Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering". Publications:
author of 9 research papers. Research interests: construction technology
and organization, construction administration, MCDM, grey and game