A model of technology strategy development for Iranian nano-composite companies/ Technologijos strategijos vystymo modelis Irano nanokompozitu kompanijose.
Ghazinoory, Sepehr ; Farazkish, Mahdieh
1. Introduction
Nanotechnology has been regarded as an emerging high-technology
introducing new dimensions to science and technology with the multiple
possible applications and its effects on various technological and
social domains. Nanotechnology development will influence all social
areas, including economics, hygiene, the environment, law, and education
(Ghazinoory and Heydari 2008). In order to employ this high technology
as well as its applications for economic growth and development, many
policy-makers and researchers in both developing and developed countries
have focused on nanotechnology. Developing countries are subject to the
same global pressures as their developed counterparts, but have
additional burden of dealing with domestic conditions which place them
at a significant and perhaps insurmountable disadvantage. The national
issues and problems such as poverty, unemployment, inequality, and
inability to fulfil basic needs are common problems in developing
countries (Akubue 2000).
The Islamic Republic of Iran (a developing country), located in the
center of the Middle East, covers an area of 1,648,195 [km.sup.2] and
has a population of over 71 million. There are over three million
university students, and almost 65% of them are women. About 35% of the
population is employed by either the government or the private sector,
and unemployment rate is around 11% (Ghazinoory and Huisingh 2006). A
large portion of Iran's economy is led by the government or
affiliated companies, or through public entities. The share of the
private sector is in the range 30-40%. Major industries such as oil,
petrochemicals, and steel are active and have substantial exports. In
addition, many food and agricultural products are produced and exported.
The share of industry in Iran's gross domestic product is around
20%, which is lower than in most industrialized countries. The share of
agriculture is around 25%. The share of the oil sector is 16% (average
of the past 20 years) and the remaining portion comes from the service
sector. About 80% of the export income and 50% of the public budget are
provided by oil exports (Ghazinoory 2005).
Obviously, the role of the government has been changed in recent
years. However, it has not been replaced by market mechanisms, and the
government still has a role in national planning and development. This
is especially true for developing countries like Iran that still lack
free markets (90% of Iran's exports and 60% of its gross national
product) is in the hands of the government and public institutions, so
they cannot be expected to develop without government planning. In
science and technology development (particularly emerging technologies
such as nanotechnology), this is more pronounced (Ghazinoory et al.
In order to enhancing scientific and technological development as
an item of the highest national priority, Iranian policy-makers have
placed special emphasis on a rapid development of emerging technologies,
particularly nanotechnology (Ghazinoory and Ghazinoori 2006). The
government's attention to nanotechnology in Iran started in 2001
when Iranian President Mohammad Khatami made Technology Cooperation
Office (TCO) responsible for coordination of developmental activities
for nanotechnology in the country. In 2003, after extensive studies and
analysis, the TCO recommended creation of a council and was given a task
of defining the direction for nanotechnology development in Iran.
Additionally, the TCO has concluded that nanotechnology development in
Iran requires national initiative. The National Iranian Nanotechnology
Initiative (NINI) was subsequently approved by Iranian cabinet in July
2005 (Ghazinoory et al. 2009a).
As a result of the NINI's supports, many Iranian universities
and institutions focused on different courses related to nanotechnology.
About 18 university educational courses, 90 research institutions, 5
incubators, 40 specific laboratories, and 30 specific Medias have been
established as some infrastructures of nanotechnology. As a result of
these activities, in 2008, Iran was ranked 25th in the worldwide ranking
nanotechnology articles.
Although in the academic section Iran could achieve most of its
goals, in the industrial section there were some important problems. For
instance, all of nanotechnology-based Iranian companies' managers
were technical people who studied different fields of nanotechnology in
university, but they didn't focus on the strategic aspects of a
high-tech company's management; therefore, the NINI has established
a department named the Iran Nano Business Network (INBN) [1], in order
to improve the business activities of the Iranian nanotechnology-based
About 100 members of the INBN include three groups of companies
that are related to nanotechnology fields in Iran. The first group is
those who have different fields and are interested in nanotechnology,
but they don't know "how" they can enter and develop
their business. In the second group, people want to start a new
foundation in this area, but they need some deliberation about their
business. Finally, those who have established a nanotechnology-based
business but they made a lot of mistakes, so they should be conducted.
In order to support these three groups, the NINI needs some general and
specific technology strategies on the firm level.
Technology strategy (TS) is one of the most important aspects of
any firm's strategic posture, especially in dynamic environments
such as the nanotechnology-based industry. Not only do new businesses
face the pressures that accompany all young companies (e.g., shortages
of capital), but also they have to keep up with the rapid rate of
technological change. Consequently, TS as the sum of a firm's
choices on how to develop and exploit its technological resources can
profoundly affect a company's performance and survival (Zahra and
Bogner 1999).
This paper investigates a comparative model of technology strategy
development for Iranian nano-composite companies (Table 1). These
companies produce several materials such as nano-composite powders,
nano-composite foams, nano clays, nano-composite polymers,
anti-bacterial nano-composites, etc. There are all of the three groups
of companies in this category, their experts deal with different fields,
and also nano-composites are a priority of Iran's nanotechnology
activities, so in this research we focus on these companies.
This paper also seeks to determine how the managers of Iranian
nano-composite companies can develop suitable technology strategies in
order to be successful. The structure of the paper is as follows:
theoretical framework and relevant literature, model adjusting, the
research and its results are described; the findings are examined with
some suggested explanations; finally, the implications are discussed in
a broader context.
2. Theoretical framework and relevant literature
This study looked into technology strategies of high-tech
companies, or new technology-based firms. Such firms are
technology-based because they exploit advanced technological knowledge
developed in-house or acquired from external sources to create new
technical solutions, and they are entrepreneurial because they are
managed by individual or group owner(s) (Autio 1997). Thus, their
technological resources and capabilities are most critical for their
product/service and market development. In order to survive, they must
build the competence to continuously adapt and create new products and
develop the processes to produce and deliver them to the customer (Igel
and Islam 2001).
The environmental conditions imposed to these entrepreneurial firms
separate the technology strategy development process into two parts,
selection of a technology strategy model and adjusting this model with
regard to moderators.
2.1. Technology strategy perspectives
An Effective management of a company's technological resources
requires the development and implementation of a sound technology
strategy. This strategy embodies several components: a company's
technological posture, technology sourcing, technology portfolio, and
distinctive technological skills and resources. Links between a
company's technology and competitive strategy are usually clarified
in its "technological strategy". Traditional views on the
relationship between a company's competitive and technology
strategy have emphasized two different perspectives: hierarchical and
resource-based (Zahra et al. 1999).
From the 'hierarchical' view, a company's external
environment and its internal skills, resources and capabilities were
believed to provide the starting point for formulating its competitive
strategy (Stonham 1998). This competitive strategy embodies the
company's formal long-term plan which typically outlines its goals,
scope of business, and the way the company intends to achieve its goals.
Each competitive strategy favors a particular technological orientation.
Thus, a company's technology strategy is expected to flow directly
from a clear understanding of its competitive advantage in the form of
low costs, product differentiation, or both. Clearly, this perspective
places much emphasis on understanding the competitive context of the
firm. It also highlights the need for technological choices that reflect
the demands of the competitive strategy (Zahra et al. 1999).
The proponents of the 'hierarchical' perspective have
sometimes failed to recognize that technology strategies, as other
important organizational choices, are politically negotiated outcomes.
The creation, acceptance and adoption of a new technology strategy are a
sociopolitical process that requires attention to the value system that
dominates the firm's culture. Clearly, there is a need for an
alternative perspective, one that recognizes the inter-connectedness of
a firm's technological resources with its other assets. The
resource-based perspective offers one such view. From this view,
technology strategy is a component of the company's resources and
capabilities that provide the foundation for a distinctive competence
from which a competitive strategy can be developed. Accordingly,
companies need strategies that capitalize on the synergy between their
technology and other resources. The resource view further suggests that
a competitive advantage is achieved by the accumulation, integration,
and effective development of technological resources (Grant 1991).
Despite the success companies have achieved using the resource
perspective, this approach has some shortcomings. Specifically, it
ignores the dynamic interaction between a company's technology and
competitive strategy variables. Consequently, it fails to inform
executives on 'how' and 'when' technological factors
may change a company's competitive strategy and vice versa.
Over-emphasis on technological resources can be as dangerous as ignoring
these factors in designing the firm's competitive strategy (Zahra
et al. 1999).
The hierarchical and resource perspectives are increasingly
inadequate in today's business environment because they ignore the
dynamic links that exist between a company's technology and its
strategy. They also ignore the learning that occurs as the firm
implements its technology and competitive strategies. Therefore, a third
perspective, 'dynamic' view, exists in order to fill this gap.
This dynamic perspective allows a firm to capitalize on the dynamic
interplay between its technological capabilities and strategic
initiatives (Chiesa and Manzini 1998; Itami and Numagami 1992). In 2001,
one of the dynamic perspective's technology strategy models was
developed by Chiesa.
2.2. Chiesa's dynamic model
In the era of rapidly changing technology (Kotabe and Swan 1994;
Kuemmerle 1999), intense global competition (Schendel 1991; Yip 1995),
and a patent system that offers incomplete protection (Teece 1987; Goel
1995), the need to develop and implement an internationally inclusive
technology strategy is increasingly important for business success
(Hayes et al. 1988).
As mentioned above, in order to achieve this goal, companies need
to develop a dynamic model of technology strategy. According to Chiesa's theory, formulating a technology strategy means to define
the trajectory by which resources are accumulated, acquired and used.
The sustainability of the competitive advantage relates to the
capability to develop technological competencies and resources along a
given trajectory which is stable in the long term. More generally,
selection of technologies, timing of new technologies introduction and
acquisition mode should be seen as three dimensions of one strategic
decision about technology. In fact, technology strategy is like
designing a "trajectory" that defines how to acquire and
internalize technical resources and knowledge. Each step in a technology
strategy is strongly dependent on previous actions and programs. An
overall picture which more precisely illustrates the process of
technology strategy in a dynamic context is presented in Figure 1
(Chiesa 2001).
Decisions are taken on the basis of information gathered on the
future shape of competition and industries, the forecast of
technological progress and the evolution of the external and internal
context of the firm. This information provides the base for future
scenarios which, in turn, are the basis of strategy formulation. This
phase is called context foresight and provides key inputs to the phase
of decision-making.
The key categories of decision in technology strategy are
selection, timing and acquisition mode (Chiesa 2001). This model
includes four levels which are shown in Table 2:
Level 1) 3 main dimensions in the first level, Level 2) 9 variables
in the second level, Level 3) 22 factors and indicators in the third
level, Level 4) 32 indicators in the fourth level.
In order to use Chiesa's model for developing the technology
strategy in Iranian nano-composite companies, it is necessary to
consider some issues indicated in the next sections.
2.3. Technology strategy in developing countries
Country condition is one of the most important factors that can
affect the firm's strategies (Kim 1998). Companies functioning in
developing countries face some extra limitations and pressures. For
example, globalization presents formidable challenges to developing
countries as they struggle to compete in world markets (Lall 1993). The
extent to which firms in developing countries are able to enter the
global market depends on their ability to acquire and use new
technologies, and on how they can foster knowledge-based competitive
advantage. A decisive feature will be the development of core
technologies into a knowledge, competence and high-technology skills
context (Hipkin 2004).
Technology strategy requires a balanced assessment of product
complexity (for value maximization) and process complexity (for cost
minimization) (Sharif 1997). These are a function of a product's
performance and design characteristics, and the technical specifications
for manufacturing facilities. In both instances, resources, competencies
and financial constraints will restrict the selection of technologies in
developing countries. When technology is transferred to developing
countries, owner and acquirer companies should determine what technology
is appropriate in the acquiring country. Technology suppliers can no
longer dump obsolete technologies from a developed country, or deliver a
technology designed to produce low value added items. Technology policy
in developing countries must nevertheless take into account the
technological barriers between low value and high value products, and
high value and state-of-the-art products (Jegathesan et al. 1997). High
value may be achieved by improving technology through purchases, foreign
direct investment and licensing; state-of-the-art requires substantial
capital investments, product differentiation, full technology transfer
and highly trained personnel.
Technology activity between one country and another may be aimed at
technological capabilities emphasizing the desire of the technology
acquirer to establish "knowledge-creating activities". This
emergence of technological proficiency is a continuum extending from the
purchase of equipment by an acquirer (essentially constituting a
financial transaction with no technology transfer) to total technology
transfer giving the acquirer equal technological partnership with the
owner. Along this continuum, Leonard-Barton (1995) identifies four
levels in a technology capability ladder: 1) assembly or turnkey operations; 2) adaptation and localization of components; 3) product
redesign; and 4) independent design of products. The first two levels
are more likely to be encountered in developing countries. However, if
they are not to remain followers in their endeavors to compete
internationally, they will increasingly have to direct their technology
policies to the third and fourth levels. This will require an element of
realism as achieving first-mover advantage on the basis of redesigned or
independently adapted technology will not be easy for developing
2.4. Technology strategy in high technology companies
Strategic management theorists have long maintained that those
firms who strategically exploit the broad effects of emerging
technologies significantly contribute to creating substantial and
sustainable competitive advantage (Ansoff and Stewart 1967; Rumelt 1974;
Porter and Millar 1985; Teece 1986). In industries such as information
technology, technology evolution is a major force affecting strategic
behavior in firms through changing or influencing drivers of cost or
uniqueness (Porter 1985). In other words, the authors posit that
traditional strategy research focused on how strategy capitalized on
technology while focus on how technology drives cognition of strategy
may result in a more visionary perspective and a realistic and
comprehensive strategy for today's businesses (Wilbon 1999).
Some studies have stressed the importance of organizational
flexibility in high-tech firms (Maidique and Hayes 1984; Nakamura 1986;
Bahrami and Evans 1987; Bourgeois and Eisenhardt 1987; Scherer and
McDonald 1988; Covin et al. 1990; Dodgson 1991; Berry and Taggart 1998).
In this respect, Dodgson and Rothwell (1991) argue small firms to
possess considerable potential advantages over large firms in that they
have less organizational rigidity than large multidivisional firms,
which results in an ability to facilitate effectively information and
communication flows within the organization and to respond quickly to
marketplace stimuli. Extensive empirical investigations by Covin et al.
(1990) and Bahrami and Evans (1987) led them to conclude that small
firms operating in high-tech industries tend to have entrepreneurial
management styles and structures which are characterized by informal
control mechanisms, adaptability, flexibility, and open communication
channels. Bahrami and Evans (1987) argue that in the high-technology
arena, the time lag between decision and action is typically short.
Therefore, the planning and formulation of strategy must be tightly
coupled with its implementation in a dynamic feedback loop.
2.5. Technology strategy in nanotechnology-based companies
Nanotechnology as one of the high technologies refers to the field
of applied science and technology whose theme is the control of matter
on the atomic and molecular scale, generally 100 nanometers or smaller,
and the fabrication of devices or materials that lie within that size
range (Naschie 2006). Much of the impact of nanotechnology will occur
through its convergence with other fields, especially biotechnology,
information technology, and new technologies based on cognitive science.
So it is natural that most of nanotechnology affecting mechanisms will
occur through other technologies and, as a consequence, not all the
people in a society will realize the real source of changes (Ghazinoory
and Ghazinouri 2009). Due to the far-ranging claims that have been made
about potential applications of nanotechnology, a number of serious
concerns have been raised about what differences these will have with
other high technologies such as information technology or biotechnology
(Staggers et al. 2008).
At the first area of concern, nanotechnology is a highly
multidisciplinary field drawing from a number of fields such as applied
physics, material science, interface and colloidal science, device
physics, supramolecular chemistry, self-replicating machines and
robotics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological
engineering, and electrical engineering. On the other hand, other high
technologies focus on the limited fields of science and technology.
Moreover, wide range of nanotechnology products (from medicines to
building materials) can be found in every industry or division while
other high technology products provide restricted applications (Rejeski
and Lekas 2008).
Because of these differences, nowadays most of the large companies
focus on nanotechnology activities, but the companies that ignore the
role of this new technology are highly exposed to failure. Some
worldwide reports (for example, Lux Research Report 2005) indicate large
companies have applied three strategies for their nanotechnology-based
1) 45% of companies follow an intensive strategy and assign a
specific group of experts for developing and implementing this strategy;
2) 42% of companies don't have any intensive strategy or
specific structure devoted to nanotechnology activities; and
3) 12% of companies apply an integrated strategy just employing a
supporting group and not an expert group.
Regarding all the above mentioned nanotechnology considerations, it
seems that nanotechnology-based firms need to apply specific technology
strategies in order to attain their goals, so new or comparative
formulations of technology strategy are necessary.
3. Model adjusting
Inasmuch as there was not any specific model of Technology Strategy
Development (TSD) for nanotechnology-related companies, this empirical
study adjusts a dynamic model of TSD for Iranian nano-composite
companies. To this end, we had to select a fundamental dynamic model and
then, by focusing on research conditions and analyzing their effects on
this model, the study offers insights into the factors that can
influence the technology strategy of companies in a fast-paced
environment. This study also examines key environmental moderators i.e.
the external environmental forces that can significantly impact the
factors of the final comparative model.
In this research, Chiesa's dynamic model of TSD has been
selected as the fundamental model for two important reasons. First,
Chiesa's model includes all three important dimensions of TSD
indicated in the related literature: technology selection (Hipkin 2004),
technology introduction and development timing, and technology
acquisition (Jones et al. 2000; Husian et al. 2002; Vilkamo and Keil
2003; Hipkin 2004; Smith and Sharif 2007). Second, this model spots a
dynamic view of both internal and external analysis of a firm, so it is
suitable for nano-composite companies' changing environment. In
addition, some experts believe that this model is more appropriate for
Iranian companies, because it can be adjusted better than other models.
Researchers continue to disagree on the best way to conceptualize the environment (e.g., Boyd et al. 1993). Fortunately, the literature
suggests three points that have guided the design of the study about key
environmental moderators. At the first point, because environmental
conditions vary significantly from one country to another, especially
for developing countries (Hipkin 2004), control of these variations is
necessary. This study accomplishes this by focusing on Iran conditions
at one point in time. At the second point, the nature of the
environmental characteristics is inextricably linked to the kind of the
industry (Smith et al. 1993). To minimize the confounding effects of
these variations, the study examines the nano-composite-based industry
as a high-tech industry. At the third point, the specific
characteristics of the nano-composite firms which have distinctive
differences from other high-tech firms are acknowledged. Although these
external characteristics reflect this industry' s conditions, the
study also emphasizes internal limitations of sample companies in terms
of information availability, because this factor can restrict the
implementation of developed technology strategies. Figure 2 shows four
key internal and external environmental moderators of the comparative
4. Procedure of research
The study data were collected through a questionnaire survey of
nano-composite companies which contains management information on over
100 nanotechnology-based companies. In this database, there are only 10
nano-composite companies, and this research focused on all of them as a
large group of Iranian nanotechnology-based companies.
The Iranian nano-composite industry offered an interesting setting
to test the study model; it has been one of those most prolific in new
product development and introduction. The phenomenal growth of the
industry has also encouraged the emergence of companies that depend
heavily on commercializing new products, which has spurred further
innovation and encouraged market aggressiveness among companies. This
union of technology and marketing has made the nano-composite industry
one of the most dynamic and fiercely competitive arenas.
The nano-composite industry was also chosen for the study because
it is one of the key industries of Iran's future (Ghazinoory and
Ghazinouri 2009). This nano-composite priority implies that these
companies can obtain more supports from governmental organizations.
Developing the technological strategies of Iranian nano-composite
companies, therefore, can be helpful in discovering the sources of their
competitive advantage. Finally, despite the limitations of
single-industry studies, focusing on one industry has the advantage of
providing respondents with a common frame of reference and reducing the
potentially confounding effects of diverse macro-environmental
conditions (Dess et al. 1990).
The research methodology and technology strategy literature was
used to identify the necessary features of the research methodology for
this project. The literature offered a number of important points about
research techniques in this area. For example, Zikmund (1994) contends
that descriptive research seeks answers to questions such as who, what,
when, where and how to describe characteristics of a population or
phenomenon, while Denzin (1989) suggests that since different research
methods such as observation and interviews "reveal different
aspects of empirical reality", a variety of methodologies should be
adopted for this type of research. For this reason, multiple methods of
data collection were used, combined with a generative research approach
in which informal techniques were included so that the target population
itself could also identify important research issues (Simon 1994). Some
formalization was also included so that "the objectives of the
study determined during the early stages of research are included in the
design to ensure that the information collected is appropriate for
solving the problem" (Zikmund 1994).
The literature also suggested that the assessment of model's
factors was potentially problematic. Manager-reported findings were
likely to be the most common forms of data collection, and in many cases
the research had to rely on responses of a single manager from each
company. According to Swink and Way (1995), disagreement among different
functional managers' perceptions places the task of determining the
acceptable degree of variation.
In this research, a combination of interviews and questionnaire
surveys was therefore used to reduce the potential for observer bias. As
a result of these requirements, the methodology finally used was
exploratory and standardized. It utilized a combination of a
questionnaire to produce quantitative data and in-depth interviews to
produce rich qualitative data, which complemented each other. The
questionnaire was developed and refined as follow: 1) nearly 22 of 40
indicators in Chiesa's TSD model from its two last levels (third
and fourth) of the main dimensions, 2) decisions on why these items must
be changed or omitted for the sample according to the related literature
of the key environmental moderators, and 3) a five-point Likert-type
scale about the degree of respondents' agreement (1 = very low, 2 =
low, 3 = medium, 4 = high and 5 = very high).
5. Results
Table 3 lists all Chiesa's model indicators thet were found to
apply to the nano-composite companies changed during the project, using
the methodology described above. In addition, it shows the degree of
respondents' agreement in terms of average percent and standard
deviation of ideas which were determined using the questionnaire survey
As shown in Table 3, the average degree of total agreement of
respondents with the proposed changes of the model's factors was
about 68%, so we could conclude on the final comparative model regarding
these approved changes. The proposed change of the
capability/opportunity of the firm's technical knowledge base
protection is ranked as the most agreeable indicator, followed by
proposed changes of the number of technology applications and
firm's relative strength to competitors' indicators. On the
other hand, omitting the item of an increasing value of external sources
from the model shown the least agreement, but its deviation was most
significant. The interview data indicated that this was due to the
different conditions of information documents in nano-composite
6. Conclusions
The process of developing a comparative model is confined in some
aspects such as the limited number of nano-composite companies, the lack
of a ripe market for nano-composite products, and unknown aspects of
nanotechnology-based industry. Therefore, the model can still remain
under development. Nevertheless, a comparative model of technology
strategy development for Iranian nano-composite companies is offered. It
assures selection of an effective alternative in the process of
technology strategy development, especially taking into consideration a
selected high-technology industry in a specific developing country. We
can conclude on some important points of this research in two sections:
hints on nano-composite companies and Chiesa's model of technology
6.1. Hints on nano-composite companies
One of the most difficult problems of nano-composite companies was
technical managers who didn't know about formulating the up-to-date
technology strategies for high-tech industry, so the best solution for
these companies can be instruction of their managers, especially
company's top managers. This training should include both marketing
management skills and strategic management capabilities for developing
and implementing suitable strategies along with the company's
In addition, some of the model's indicators were omitted
because of the lack of information and documents, while a greater volume
of information can contribute to elaborating more accurate strategies
for a company; therefore, if these companies invest in providing
technological documents and information, they can obtain more success.
6.2. Hints on Chiesa's model of technology strategy
Chiesa's dynamic model of TSD has been adjusted in a way
characterizing selected moderators subject to the analysis. The research
explores how four moderators (Iran as a developing country,
high-nanotechnology, nano-composite companies, and information
availability) can change the fundamental model's indicators. It has
been demonstrated how these moderators' effects can change or
eliminate some model's indicators. Among the 22 indicators proposed
to change, three were omitted and the rest were changed. These changes
result from some important reasons such as resource limitations, high
risk of high-tech products, the lack of a ripe market, the unpredictable
market of high-tech products, a wide range of nano-composite
applications, the lack of up-to-date information in nano-composite
companies, product complexity, the lack of R&D sections in
companies, the necessity of more investments, specific tools and
equipped laboratories, the shorter products' life-cycle, the lack
of standardization organizations, and higher marketing costs.
Finally, the studies presented here are preliminary. More research
and more elaborate studies are needed in order to apply this comparative
model practically in Iranian nano-composite companies and to examine
this possibility in other nanotechnology-based companies. Of course, the
application of the comparative model by other companies needs some
revisions, especially in terms of the effects of the third key
moderators- nano-composite companies.
doi: 10.3846/tede.2010.02
Received 20 March 2009; accepted 6 November 2009
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Sepehr GHAZINOORY is an associate professor in the Department of
Information Technology Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran,
Iran. He received his BSc, MSc and PhD in Industrial Engineering from
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST). He has authored
numerous books and articles about cleaner production, strategic planning and management of technology in Persian and English. He was also
consultant to the Iran presidential Technology Co-operation Office (TCO)
for four years and senior consultant in formulating the Iran
Nanotechnology National Initiative. He is currently consultant to
different ministries and organizations.
Mahdieh FARAZKISH is one of the members of the Researchers of
Nanotechnology (RNT) Company's directorate, Tehran, Iran. She
received her M.A. in Executive Management (2009) from Science and
Research, central branch of Islamic Azad University (IAU) in Iran. In
addition, her B.Sc. in chemical engineering (2005) was from Faculty of
Engineering, University of Tehran. Along with her education, she has
worked about 7 years on several nanotechnology-related fields such as
petroleum applications, materials simulation, nano-composite,
diamondoids, patent analysis, and finally management processes, and in
these projects, she perform roles as a researcher, project manager, or
consultant. Research interests: Technology Strategy Development (TSD),
international marketing, interfaces between strategic management and
international business, innovative marketing strategy, strategic
management of nanotechnology.
Sepehr Ghazinoory [1], Mahdieh Farazkish [2]
[1] Department of Information Technology Management, Tarbiat
Modares University, Ale-Ahmad St., Tehran, Iran, e-mail:
[email protected]
[2] Faculty of Management and Economic, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Poonak Sq., Tehran, Iran, e-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Ten case study Iranian nano-composite companies
Name and Location Product (s) Number of
Baspar Nano Bon Co. Nano-composite 12
Persian Nanotechnology Anti-bacterial 4
Pioneers Co. Nano-composite Polymer
NanoNasb-e Pars Co. Nano-composite, 50
Colloidal Silver
Asian Technology Nano-composite Polymer 9
Pioneers Co.
ZarrinKar-e Talaee Co. Nano-composite Foam, ?
Nano-composite Powder
Iramont Inc. Nano Clay 17
NanoFanavaran-e Sabz Co. Nano-composite Polymer 15
NanoPars-e Spadana Inc. Nano-composite, 15
Nano catalyst
KaraShimi Inc. Composite (Nano-composite) 15
Parsa Polymer Sharif Co. Nano-composite 8
Name and Location Mode of Year of
Entry Entry
Baspar Nano Bon Co. Start-up 2002
Persian Nanotechnology Start-up 2007
Pioneers Co.
NanoNasb-e Pars Co. Start-up 2002
Asian Technology Start-up 2003
Pioneers Co.
ZarrinKar-e Talaee Co. Start-up 2000
Iramont Inc. Takeover 2004
NanoFanavaran-e Sabz Co. Start-up 2007
NanoPars-e Spadana Inc. Takeover 2007
KaraShimi Inc. Takeover 2003
Parsa Polymer Sharif Co. Start-up 2007
(1) http://inbn.ir/en/index.php
Table 2. Levels and factors of Chiesa's model
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Selection Relevance Market Potential
Customer Value Creation
Risk Technical Risk
Commercial Risk
Financial Risk
Appropriability Firm's Relative Strength to
Capability/Opportunity of Firm's
the technical knowledge base
Option Creation Creation of new technological
Acceleration of Technological
Increase of Value External Sources
Seed for Future Technological
Interdependencies Technical Interdependency
Commercial Interdependency
Timing Time Based Leadership or Followership
Time Compression Introduction or Development of
Diseconomies Technology
Acquisition Technology 1. Make
Development 2. Cooperation
3. Buy
Technology 1. Make
Introduction 2. Sell
3. Cooperate
Level 1 Level 3 Level 4
Selection Market Potential Market Size
Firm's Market Share
Applicability The Number of
Customer Value Creation Analysis of the key
performance of the
Contributing to
fulfill the
Technical Risk Level of technology
Difficulty of the
Resource Adequacy
Commercial Risk Economic Return
Amount of Required
Firm's Relative Strength to
Capability/Opportunity of Firm's
the technical knowledge base
Creation of new technological
Acceleration of Technological
Increase of Value External Sources
Seed for Future Technological
Technical Interdependency
Commercial Interdependency
Timing Leadership or Followership Pioneering Costs
Market Demand
Changes in
Costumer's needs
Imitation Costs
Introduction or Development of Possibility to
Technology postpone or
accelerate the
without Profit Loss
Degree of Market
Acceleration Trap
Standard Setting
Availability of
Acquisition 1. Make Availability and
2. Cooperation Level of
3. Buy External Sources
Spent Time
Technical Risk
1. Make Availability of
2. Sell Complementary
3. Cooperate Commercial Risk
Standard Setting
Table 3. Results of Questionnaire survey about proposed changes of
Chiesa's model indicators
Moderator Model Dimension Indicator
Developing Selection Commercialization time
Country Capability/Opportunity
of Firm's the technical
knowledge base protection
Timing Standard Setting
Acquisition Standard Setting
High Nano- Selection Market Size
Timing Pioneering Costs
Market Demand
Changes in Costumer's
Acquisition Costs
Learning Acceleration
Nano- Selection Firm's Market Share
composite The Number of Technology
Companies applications
Economic Return
Firm's Relative Strength
to Competitors
Timing Specific Investments
Degree of Market Control
Acquisition Commercial Risk
Technology Introduction
Information Selection Amount of Required
Availability investment
Acceleration of
Technological Learning
Increase of Value
External Sources
Moderator Indicator Proposed items
Developing Commercialization time --Continuous economical and
Country political evolutions
(Kim 1998)
Capability/Opportunity --Lack of copy write rules
of Firm's the technical (Akubue2000)
knowledge base protection --Lack of patent rules and
supporting organizations
(Akubue 2000)
Standard Setting --Lack of national standard
setting organizations
Standard Setting (Akubue 2000)
--Lack of national standard
setting organizations
(Akubue 2000)
High Nano- Market Size --Forecasting by market
technology research centers
(Chiesa 2001)
--More government
investments (Lall 1993)
Pioneering Costs --More venture capital
investments (Ghazinoory
et al. 2009b)
--Advanced computer systems
(Naschie 2006)
Market Demand --High risk investments
(Naschie 2006)
--Erratic demand (Scherer
and McDonald 1988)
Changes in Costumer's --High speed changes in
needs costumer's needs
(Vilkamo and Keil 2003)
--Flexibility (Berry and
Taggart 1998)
Cannibalization --Shorter life-cycle of
nano-composite products
(Wilbon 1999)
Costs --More costs of
participation or purchase
(Staggers et al. 2008)
--Limited resources
Learning Acceleration --Learning as a competitive
factor (Hipkin, 2004)
--Less technological sale
or participate (Lux
--Research Report 2005)
Nano- Firm's Market Share --Lack of ripe market
composite (Lux Research Report
Companies 2005)
The Number of Technology --Wide range of nano-
applications composite applications
Economic Return --More innovative
activities (Autio 1997)
--High risk economical
(Ghazinoory et al. 2009b)
Firm's Relative Strength --Limited industry
to Competitors background
Specific Investments --Advanced laboratory
(Staggers et al. 2008)
Degree of Market Control Special instruments and
tools (Staggers et
al. 2008)
--Lack of ripe market
(Lux Research
Report 2005)
market control by
Commercial Risk --High risk
(Staggers et al. 2008)
--Lack of ripe market
(Lux Research Report
Technology Introduction --Different sale and
marketing plans and
Information Amount of Required --Lack of documentation
Availability investment especially financial
--Lack of up-to-date
Acceleration of --Inactive R&D departments
Technological Learning --Lack of technological
Increase of Value --Limited communications
External Sources with international
companies and
Moderator Indicator Average Standard
Title Percent Deviation
Developing Commercialization time 63% 1.251
Capability/Opportunity 89.2% 0.648
of Firm's the technical
knowledge base protection
Standard Setting 77% 1.511
Standard Setting 60% 1.519
High Nano- Market Size 75.4% 0.973
technology Pioneering Costs 78.4% 1.246
Market Demand 83% 1.292
Changes in Costumer's 77% 1.350
Cannibalization 69.2% 1.088
Costs 80% 1.300
Learning Acceleration 80% 1.468
Nano- Firm's Market Share 81.6% 0.730
composite The Number of Technology 85% 1.090
Companies applications
Economic Return 67.6% 0.079
Firm's Relative Strength 85% 0.722
to Competitors
Specific Investments 83.1% 0.662
Degree of Market Control 80% 0.877
Commercial Risk 84.6% 0.421
Technology Introduction 81.5% 1.071
Information Amount of Required 69.2% 1.278
Availability investment
Acceleration of 56.9% 1.561
Technological Learning
Increase of Value 55.4% 1.649
External Sources