Modifying BSC for national nanotechnology development: an implication for "social capital" role in NIS theory.
Ghazinoory, Sepehr ; Soofi, Abdol
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Ghazinoory, S.;
Soofi, A. 2012. Modifying BSC for national nanotechnology development:
an implication for "social capital" role in NIS theory,
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 18(3): 487-503.
JEL Classification: A13, E24, E61, 031.
1. Introduction
It is well known that a strategy by itself does not bring any
meaningful changes in an organization. The desirable changes in an
organization happen due to successful implementation of the strategies.
Failure of management in implementing the adopted strategies is often
the cause of the failure of management in achieving the corporate goals.
Several studies have identified cause(s) of the failures of
strategies (Keshavjee et al. 2009; Watts, Segal 2009). From a systemic
standpoint, the main reason for this problem is the gap between
strategic operating layers in organizations where operations and daily
decisions follow different processes. In order to solve these problems,
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) (Kaplan, Norton 1992) and Strategy Map (Kaplan,
Norton 2004) were introduced and have been extensively used in business
environment (1).
According to BSC, successful implementation of strategic goals
requires translation of the goals into measures of performance. These
financial and nonfinancial metrics are indicators of the degree of
success in the implementation of the strategic goals by the
It turns out that the observed challenges in the implementation of
the strategies at the firm level are present in implementation of
strategies at the national level also. However, hitherto, the use of BSC
and Strategy Map in resolving the issues of strategy implementation has
been confined to business enterprises only.
This paper presents a modified Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map
for development of strategies for state owned enterprises by developing
and implementing the strategy for National Iranian Nanotechnology
Initiative (NINI). Furthermore, for modeling this new concept, National
Innovation System (NIS) approach and Balanced Scorecard (BSC) were
integrated, a survey of expert opinion were conducted, and statistical
significance tests of the survey responses were performed. The tests
determined the statistical significance of the scales of the
questionnaire, particularly the place and role of the concept of social
capital in this model that reflects the importance of this scale.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In section 2 research
literature is reviewed and the essential concepts that appear in the
literature are presented. A conceptual model of BSC and NIS combination
is presented in section 3. In section 4 a model for National Iranian
Nanotechnology Initiative (NINI) that is based on opinions of the
Iranian nanotechnology experts is presented and statistically tested.
Sections 5 and 6 present the discussion and conclusions of the study,
2. Literature review
2.1. Balanced Scorecard
In 1992, Robert Kaplan and David Norton introduced a new approach
for business function measurement, named Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan,
Norton 1992). Balanced Scoreboard (BSC) is an important technique for
developing and implementing organizational strategy.
Balanced Scorecard expresses the strategy of dividing an
organization into measureable categories and distributes the pivotal
organizational functions into balanced categories. The categories
comprise 4 perspectives:
1. Financial perspective.
2. Customer perspective.
3. Internal business process perspective.
4. Learning & growth perspective.
Originally, Balanced Scorecard assessment was conceived as a
function evaluator; however, it was transformed into a strong tool for
strategy evaluation, and now it is known as a "strategic management
system" by Kaplan and Norton (2001).
Balanced Scorecard is a group of criteria that gives the managers a
rapid but comprehensive vision of their business. This management tool
is very popular among business executives and is extensively used in the
making of managerial decisions. According to a survey of the top
business executives conducted around the globe, 71% of Asian, 63% of
European, 62% of North American, and 60% of Latin American executives
have used Balanced Scorecard as a business decision-making tool (Rigby,
Bilodeau 2007).
2.2. Strategy Map
The visual representation of the elements of the four-perspective
strategy model that could form the basis for discussions among the
executives is called Strategy Map. The executives could use the visual
map as a framework to discuss the direction of the movements and the
priorities of the enterprise (Kaplan, Norton 2004).
Balanced Scorecard alters strategic map to criteria and goals, and
the goals should be considered as the essential strategic measures for
each criterion in Balanced Scorecard. Typically, the objectives in the
four perspectives of a Strategy Map lead to about twenty to thirty
measures being required in the associated Balanced Scorecard.
2.3. Strategy Map and BSC in governmental and non-profit
Strategies of government agencies and programs are significantly
different from strategies of non-governmental organizations. Most
non-profit and government organizations have difficulties in using the
original architecture of the Balanced Scorecard, which places the
financial perspective at the top of the hierarchy. Since profitability
or increasing market share is not the primary objective for most of the
governmental organizations, the architecture can be rearranged to place
satisfaction of customers of the government organizations or the
goodwill of the constituents at the top of the hierarchy (Banker et al.
Examples of governmental national strategies, which could be traced
by modified Strategy Map are national technology strategies, are
discussed in the next sections.
2.4. Application of BSC in developing technology strategy
Mikalsen (2003) used Balanced Scorecard for development of
technology strategy in Seagull Company. However, he did not change
Kaplan BSC, nor did he explain the reason(s) why a business strategy is
immediately applicable for technology strategy.
According to Durrani et al. (2000), Kaplan and Norton Scorecard are
not appropriate for the development of technology strategy, because BSC
does not involve any independent perspective for the technology. They
presented a new analytical framework with categories and relationships
that is presented in the flow diagram of Fig. 1. Durrani et al. (2000)
applied this model in developing corporate strategy for Psion Company,
but they did not explain the reason(s) for the proposed changes.
However, this model satisfies Loch expectations because by replacing
technology and production perspectives for the internal business
processes as well as for the learning and growth perspectives, it is
possible to discuss the questions raised in technology strategy. The
Durrani's model allows discussions of the questions such as
technology evolution, technology selection, determination of substantial
technologies, quality of production, etc. in the context of technology
perspective. The model enables the analyst to avoid dealing with the
technological issues in the framework of internal business processes and
learning, as well as growth perspectives.
As can be seen, Durrani uses BSC for technology strategy
development and innovation planning at the firm level. However, it
appears that the most useful application of BSC for developing the
strategies of national innovation is combining it with the theory of
National Innovation System, even though, hitherto, no one has used it
for innovation strategy development at the national level.
2.5. National Innovation System
The adaptation of BSC was originally designed for development of
strategy for business organizations. Using the BSC for development of
strategy for governmental organizations requires a discussion of the
National Innovation System (NIS). Accordingly, after a brief discussion
of NIS in this section, we discuss National Iranian Nanotechnology
Initiative (NINI) as a model of planning for development of an emerging
technology at the national level in section 2-6 below (2).
Nowadays technology development requires a system commonly known as
National Innovation System (NIS), without which achieving major goals of
technology development, i.e. social welfare and economic development is
impossible. Thus, success of national technology strategy is more likely
when a systematic approach in presenting the Strategy Map is used. In
the next section, we will briefly discuss a combination of NIS and
Strategy Map.
The term National Innovation System was used initially by Freeman
in 1987 study about technology development in Japan, where he defined
NIS as "the network of institutions in the public and private
sectors whose activities and interactions imitate, import, modify and
diffuse new technologies" (Freeman 1987: 1).
Lundvall (1992) differentiated between the broad and narrow
definitions of NIS. In the narrow definition, NIS comprises
organizations and institutes such as R&D units, technology
institutes, and universities that engage with research and exploration
activities, while in the broad definition, NIS consists of elements and
relations that interact in production, diffusion, and use of new
profitable knowledge.
Based on OECD (1999), NIS has seven functions, and active
organizations in these functions and their activities are shown in Table
2.6. National Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative (NINI) (3)
The development of nanotechnology in Iran began in 2001 when the
former president of Iran, Mr. Mohammad Khatami, received a letter from
the Iranian scientist in the United States, in which the importance of
nanotechnology was highlighted. At that time, Iran was seeking
technology focus areas with high economic potential to be used as the
bases for further industrial development of the country. The letter was
considered by the Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) (4), which is
under direct supervision of the presidency and is responsible for
technology development in the country. TCO decided to pursue the
development of nanotechnology due to: (i) its significant impact on
people's quality of life, (ii) its huge demand in the future, and
(iii) the fact that Iran was not far behind pioneer countries in the
field at that time, and the belief that, with high likelihood, the
country could catch-up with them.
TCO created a committee to carry out studies for nanotechnology
development policies. After initial studies and promotion of
nanotechnology among specialists and experts, the committee recommended
the creation of a council responsible for the development of
nanotechnology in the country. In 2003, Iran Nanotechnology Initiative
Council (INIC) was established and subsequently the ten year strategic
plan of nanotechnology development as NINI (National Iranian
Nanotechnology Initiative) (5) was approved by the cabinet in July 2005
(Ghazinoory, Ghazinouri 2009). According to the vision of the program,
nanotechnology should be used for the creation of wealth and improvement
of people's quality of life, and achieving a proper position among
15 countries advanced in nanotechnology in the world by 2015. INIC is in
charge of coordinating nanotechnology development activities of other
governmental institutions, setting nanotechnology as a priority in these
entities, mobilizing their financial and human resources for the
development of this technology, and reaching goals of the future
Since 2001, TCO's most important activities in nanotechnology
development consisted of the following:
1. Creating a network among country's laboratories that have
useable instruments;
2. Recognizing Iranian scientists who are active in nanotechnology
and supporting their activities;
3. Providing financial incentives to Iranian scientists to publish
nanotechnology articles in international scientific journals;
4. Finding international partners for research and scientific
5. Publicizing advances in nanotechnology in Iran and other
6. Offering of advanced courses in nanotechnology at the MSc and
PhD programs throughout the Iranian universities.
Development of nanotechnology in Iran is the first emerging
technology in that country that was based on a systematic national
planning and did not evolve on the ad-hoc planning base (Ghazinoory et
al. 2009b). Thus, measuring the efficiency and efficacy of National
Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative (NINI) is imperative. For this reason,
Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map were used in the initiative and in
the present paper.
2.7. Reasons of BSC modifications as a research shortcoming
As it was described above, BSC is an important tool for
implementation of the strategy; however, this tool is rarely used in
technology strategy planning. Furthermore, to make the tool adaptable
for this purpose BSC must be modified (see Fig. 1). Naturally, using BSC
new applications requires many modifications of the score board
method. For example, if we choose to use BSC for National Innovation
System of nanotechnology in an emerging economy like Iran, one must
consider that numerous cultural, sociological and economic issues that
present themselves, issues which do not appear in applications of BSC at
the firm level might appear. More specifically, nanotechnology like many
other emerging technologies, like information technology faces a great
deal of resistance in a traditional society like Iran where centers of
support and promotion for such technologies have not been created.
Therefore, it is essential that these problems are considered in
modifying the BSC for use in nanotechnology, a subject we will deal with
in the next section.
3. Modeling
In achieving the research goals of measuring the efficiency and
efficacy of NINI, the following algorithm was designed:
3.1. Modifying 4 perspectives of BSC regarding national technology
strategy specifications
As mentioned in previous studies (see section 2-4), application of
BSC and Strategy Map for developing technology strategy needs the
modification of the four perspectives of BSC. As considered in section
2-3, modification of these methods for use in governmental organizations
and programs should be justified. Thus, we modified, with justification,
the four aspects of the model according to the specifications of
national technology strategy system and within the frameworks of the
guideline set by the prior studies, as shown in Table 2. These
modifications were based on interviews with experts and strategists.
The original and modified perspectives of BSC are shown in Table 2
3.2. Defining BSC criteria using NIS approach
Formulation of Strategy Map and BSC requires definition of the
criteria of each perspective. Generally, in an organizational context,
managers define related criteria, but here we needed a known theory,
that is, the theory of national system of innovation, that could ensure
inclusion and consideration of all required activities and
infrastructures for technology development at the national level. For
this purpose, NIS approach, as described in section 2-5, was applied.
Matching NIS levels with BSC perspectives results are the following:
3.2.1. Human resource perspective
This perspective was considered to be identical to human resource
development function in NIS (see 4th layer of Table 1).
3.2.2. Administrative and institutional perspective
In this perspective, there are four different functions of NIS:
--Policymaking (First layer of Table 1).
--Research & innovation facilitating (Third layer of Table 1).
--Promotion of technologic entrepreneurship (Sixth layer of Table
--Performing R&D (Second layer of Table 1).
3.2.3. Market and trade perspective
Because this perspective includes two categories (technology trade
and products, and services trade), two functions are presented:
--Technology diffusion (Fifth layer of Table 1).
--Goods and services production (Seventh layer of Table 1).
3.2.4. Macroeconomic perspective
This perspective is not a component of NIS, but it is the outcome
of NIS; however, we consider the criteria that present a role for
technology in the national economic development here. These criteria
include R&D expenditure as a percentage of the GDP, and the extent
of use of nanotechnology in production of goods and services in the
national production.
3.3. Social capital issue
Please note that, despite of NIS' focus on importance of soft
categories such as norms, habits and beliefs, these topics that are
cumulatively referred to as social capital are not directly included in
discussions of the National Innovation Systems. However, Arundel (2003)
mentioned the importance of thrust index in assessment of European
system of innovation, with "trust" being one of the major
elements of social capital. Other works involving the use of the concept
of social capital in innovation studies consist of the following. Dakhli
and deClercq (2004), using data from the World Values Survey, has
provided 'partial' statistical support for the finding that
two of the three components of the social capital, i.e. trust and
associational activity (6), have positive effect on innovation.
Moreover, Fairchild (2002) in discussing knowledge management with the
use of BSC includes concepts such as culture, custom, values and skills
as the constituent parts of knowledge. Kaasa (2009) refers to the sum of
networks, trust, norms, as social capital and considers it "a
relevant innovative activity". Finally, Kaasa (2009) defines the
aggregate social capital as the sum of individual social capital of all
persons who are involved in innovative activities, and constructs six
factors of social capital using factor analysis. Furthermore, Kaasa
(2009) measures the effect of these factors on the innovative activities
at the regional level in Europe, and concludes that social capital plays
a significant role in innovation activities of the studied countries.
Jamali et al. (2011) and also Molina-Morales, Martinez-Fernandez (2010)
confirmed the role of social capital in partnerships and networks on the
innovation performance. Adam (2011) investigated the such impact in
regional innovation systems.
Based on these empirical findings and the use of the concept of
social capital in prior BSC studies of the innovation activities, we
include social capital as an element of human resource perspective in
this research. Moreover, it should be noted with emphasis that
statistical test of the data accumulated by an opinion survey of Iranian
experts in nanotechnology identifies social capital as a fundamental
determining factor for the nanotechnology strategy map (see Fig. 3).
This means that, in addition to the already accepted layers of NIS
(7 layers that appear in Table 1), another layer with the name of social
capital must be added to the NIS, without it the wheel of innovation
would be incomplete.
One may view the social capital as the very foundation of NIS for
any country. In Fig. 2 it is showed that the social capital layer forms
the very ground floor of the structure of national system of innovation
as well as the economy of any country.
What is "social capital"?
There are various definitions for "social capital". For
example, Fukuyama (1999) defined social capital as "...a collection
of existing norms in social systems that promote cooperation level in
society members and decreases cost of communication and exchanges".
On the basis of this definition, concepts such as civil society and
social institutions possess a close conceptual relation with social
"Social capital refers to the institutions, relationships, and
norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social
interactions" (The World Bank Group 1999). Evidence, mostly
gathered by World Bank's studies, indicates that social cohesion is
a crucial element for sustainable economic development.
A third definition provided by Putnam (2000), seems to be a more
representative, typical way of defining social capital, and is used in
the present study. According to Putnam social capital is:
"... features of social life--networks, norms, and trust--that
enable participants to act together more effectively to pursue shared
objectives... Social capital, in short, refers to social connections and
the attendant norms and trust" (Putnam 2000).
We adopt Putnam's definition of social capital in the present
study. In the process of modification of the perspectives of the
original BSC, we conducted an opinion survey of the Iranian
nanotechnology experts (see the discussion of opinion survey below). In
the survey questionnaire, we sought the views of respondents about the
presence and strength of social capital by asking them about the
importance the roles "trust", "networks (7)", and
"norms' play in socio-economic interactions. The results are
summarized and presented as the arrows connecting the bottom (social
capital) layer and the Human Resource Development layer. We present the
preliminary framework of a national technology strategy in Fig. 2.
4. Opinion survey
As was discussed in section 2-2, in preparation of strategic plan
one should account for the interactions at two levels: first,
interaction among the variables that are at the same level, and second,
interactions between the variables at the lower and higher levels (see
Fig. 2 for the layers).
For this reason, we must determine the relationships, if any,
between the elements in Fig. 2, are statistically significant. We used a
5-item Likert scale survey questionnaire to gather data in identifying
statistically significant relationships. For example, in general, we
asked: "To what extent does variable A is related to variable B in
nanotechnology?" Specifically, as an example of the questions in
the questionnaire, we cite "What is the relation between the public
trust and human resource training?"
The questionnaire consisted of 126 questions that appeared in 10
measurement scales. The names of these scales and the number of
questions for each scale in the questionnaire appear in Table 4 below.
The scale consists of social capital, human capital, policymaking,
promotion of research and innovation, promotion of technological
entrepreneurship, knowledge capacity building, technology diffusion,
production of goods and services, macro-economy, and relationship
between the layers.
The population of the study consisted of 27 respondents (8),
practically all of the scientific, technical, and engineering members of
research teams working on nanotechnology projects at the time (The
characteristics of these respondents appear in Table 3). Personal
interviews were conducted during spring 2008. We used student
t-distribution with 26-degree of freedom in hypothesis testing. We also
used SPSS package in the statistical analyses.
We used the mean value of 5-item Likert scale ([micro], = 3) and
the standard deviation of the scale as population parameters in
calculation of the t-statistics. We tested the following two-tailed
[H.sub.0]: [micro] = 3,
[H.sub.a]: [micro] [not equal to] 3, (1)
We observe statistically significant test results for 70 out of 126
questions. This implies that there are only 70 statistically significant
relationships between the factors of Fig. 2. These relationships are
presented in the final Strategy Map in Fig. 3.
For studying the reliability of answers, we used Cronbach's a
(alpha) statistic. It is commonly used as a measure of the internal
consistency reliability of a psychometric instrument. Cronbach's
alpha will generally increase when the correlations between the items
increase. For this reason, the coefficient is also called the internal
consistency or the internal consistency reliability of the test.
Cronbach's alpha measures how well a set of items (or variables)
measures a single uni-dimensional latent construct. When data have a
multidimensional structure, Cronbach's alpha will usually be low.
We used the following formula for that concept:
[r.sub.[alpha]] = J/J - 1 [1 - [n.summation over (j)]
[S.sup.2.sub.j]/[S.sup.2]] 0 [less than or equal to] [r.sub.[alpha]]
[less than or equal to] 1, (2)
where J is the number of questions in the instrument, [S.sup.2] is
variance of the questionnaire, and [S.sup.2.sub.j] is the variance for
each question.
Note that an alpha value close to zero implies a low reliability of
the instrument. An alpha value close to unity implies high reliability
of the instrument.
Table 4 shows the Cronbach's alpha results for the survey
instrument used in this study.
The Cronbach's alphas in the table point to the strong
reliability of the instrument in all but two categories: Production of
goods and services and Macroeconomy. The low alpha values might be due
to the small number of questions in these two scales.
5. Discussions
This study makes two important contributions to the literature on
National Innovation System and technology strategy formulation. First,
for the first time, we have empirically determined that social capital
'enters the very ground floor', to use Schumpeter's
phraseology, of National Innovation System. Second, we have demonstrated
that the analytical tools of scorecard board and strategy maps have
important roles to play in developing National Innovation System.
We note that the topic of the societal impact of nanotechnology is
not a new one, Ghazinoory and Heydari (2008), and Sheetz et al. (2005)
have dealt with this topic. Even the governance of nanotechnology to
mitigate the adverse effects of nanotechnology on society has been
studied (Whitman 2007). What is new, however, is the effect of society
and culture on development of nanotechnology, the subject we have
studied here.
6. Conclusions
After reviewing the literature on corporate strategy formulation
and implementation, we discussed the idea that the analytical tools of
scorecard board and Strategy Map must be modified for use in development
and implementation of strategies for governmental and not-for-profit
organizations. We applied the modified analytical tools in evaluating
the outcome of National Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative (NINI). Next,
we discussed the results of a survey questionnaire that were completed
by Iranian experts on nanotechnology, statistically verified the
internal validity and reliability of the survey questionnaire, and using
t-statistics tested the statistical significance of the mean value of
responses to 126 questions in the questionnaire. The test results show
interrelationship among the variables in different layers of the NIS, as
the layers are defined by OECD (1999). We found illuminating,
interesting results which are discussed next.
For the first time, the location of social capital as a layer in
NIS was empirically determined. According to Fig. 3, there are 9 layers
with social capital forming the foundation of the structure of the NIS.
7 layers of NIS are arranged according to schema proposed by OECD
(1999). Moreover, macroeconomic category appears as the top layer. The
arrangement of the layers in NIS suggests that social capital layer
forms the foundation of the NIS and NIS forms the basis of the macro
economy. These fundamental concepts, which are based on responses of the
limited number of nanotechnology experts, are the most important
contributions of this paper. We believe this is a significant
contribution, even though its generality maybe constrained by the
limited number of observations they are based on. Additional studies,
based on larger sample sizes should be conducted in order for one to
draw safer inferences about the general validity of the results.
We note that the methodology of this paper is readily applicable in
other economies. We hope that other researchers use the approach
presented in the present paper in surveys of the expert opinions of
larger samples in other countries. The empirical verification of the
findings from surveys of larger sample sizes in other countries may
validate the findings in the present study.
In addition, in this study, we demonstrated that the analytical
tools for corporate strategy development and outcome measurement of
Scorecard Board and Strategy Map have important role in development of
National Innovation Systems.
Finally, Fig. 3 can illustrate a suitable picture of hierarchical
progression of a national technology strategy. The systematic
representation of the hierarchy of technological progression allows
identification of the stages of technological development of a country.
In the case of technological progression of nanotechnology in Iran, one
could reasonably attest to full, satisfactory development of the
technological system at the lower layers, such as human resource
training, and policymaking. However, the progresses of the higher layers
tend to be rather limited. This result could be due to the required time
before yields on nanotechnology investment. In short, at the time of
conduct of the survey, the use of nanotechnology in production of goods
and services was minimal. Nevertheless, given the short span of time
since the advent of nanotechnology development in the country, it is too
early to measure the contributions of this emerging technology to
economic growth in Iran.
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Sepehr GHAZINOORY is an associate professor in the Department of
Information Technology Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran,
Iran. He received his BSc, MSc and PhD in Industrial Engineering from
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST). He has authored
numerous books and articles about cleaner production, strategic planning
and management of technology in Persian and English. He was also a
consultant to the Iran presidential Technology Co-operation Office (TCO)
for four years and senior consultant in formulating the Iran
Nanotechnology National Initiative. He is currently a consultant to
different ministries and organizations.
Abdol SOOFI is a professor in the Department of Economics,
University of Wisconsin-Platteville, University Plaza, Platteville,
Wisconsin, USA. He received his PhD degree from the Department of
Economics, University of California, Riverside. He was a Visiting
Scholar at the School of Business Administration, University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, from September 1998 until August 2001. He also was
a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Mathematics and Systems Sciences,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in summer of 2002, and a
Visiting Scholar at School of Management, Harbin Institute of
Technology, Harbin, China in August 2005, and August-September 2007.
Moreover, Dr Soofi's name is on the Fulbright Senior Specialists
list. In addition to publishing over thirty scholarly articles in
various learned journals in the fields of economics and international
finance, input-output modeling, economic doctrinal history, nonlinear
deterministic dynamics and economics, Dr Soofi has published a book on
international business, and co-edited a book Modeling and Forecasting
Financial Data: Techniques of Nonlinear Dynamics with Dr Linagyue Cao.
(1) BSC can be composed with other tools of strategic planning,
such as SWOT (Ghazinoory et al. 2011)
(2) For a discussion of Iranian NIS, see Ghazinoory and Ghazinoori,
(3) See Ghazinoory et al. (2009a) for a detailed discussion of
(4) Recently TCO has been renamed to The Cenr for Innovation and
Technology Cooperation (CITC)
(6) The third component is norms of civic behavior.
(7) Soofi and Ghazinoory (2011) confirmed the weakness of
cooperation innovation networks in Iran.
Sepehr Ghazinoory (1), Abdol Soofi (2)
(1) Department of Information Technology Management, Tarbiat
Modares University, Ale-Ahmad St., Tehran, Iran
(2) University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 1 University Plaza,
Platteville, WI, 53818, USA
E-mails: (1)
[email protected] (corresponding author); (2)
[email protected]
Received 13 March 2011; accepted 18 November 2011
Table 1. NIS functions and activities
Layer Function Activities
1 Policymaking -- Technology and innovation policy
-- Leading and determination of general
-- Coordination, supervision and
2 Performing R&D -- Basic research
-- Applied research
-- Developmental research
-- Reverse engineering
3 Research & -- Support by investment and provision of
innovation financial resources
facilitating -- Support of standard-setting
-- Support of intellectual property
4 Human resource -- Training, developing and promoting
development -- Facilitating the mobility of human
5 Technology -- Informing and technology presentation
diffusion -- Search and information referencing
-- Training, consultation and technical
-- Joint research and technology projects
-- Government procurement
-- Technology transfer
-- Local or industrial networking
6 Promotion of -- Funding technology-based firms
technological -- Administrative and managerial
entrepreneurship supporting of entrepreneurs
and start-up companies
7 Goods & services -- Production, supply and exports of
production goods
-- Production and supplying services
Table 2. Four modified perspectives of BSC for national technology
Original BSC Modified BSC perspectives
perspectives (according to national technology strategy)
Financial perspective Macroeconomic perspective
Customer perspective Market and Trade perspective
Internal processes Institutional and Administrative perspective
Learning and Growth Human Resource perspective
Table 3. Characteristics of the respondents
Work experience Major field of study Level of education
IT 1 person
Less than 5 year: MBA 3 persons Bachelor Degree:
8 persons 1 person
6 to 10 years: Executive Master Degree;
11 persons management 3 persons 21 persons
11 to 15 years: Economics 2 persons Doctorate:
1 person 3 persons
More than 15 years: Biotechnology 1 person No Response;
2 persons Management of 2 persons
Technology 12 persons
No response: Industrial management
5 persons 1 person
Financial management
2 persons
Industrial Eng. 1 person
Chemical Eng. 1 person
Total: 27 persons Total: 27 persons Total: 27 persons
Table 4. Cronbach's alpha as a measure of reliability of survey
Name of the scale Number of Value of
questions Cronbach's
Social capital factors 6 0.8108
Human Capital factors 10 0.7235
Policymaking factors 13 0.7195
Research & innovation facilitating factors 12 .8451
Promotion of technologic entrepreneurship 22 0.8669
Knowledge Capacity Building 21 0.6672
Technology diffusion 23 0.7779
Production of Goods and service 4 0.5652
Macroeconomy 3 0.4627
Relation between areas 12 0.8742
Total 126 0.8754