Improved AHP-group decision making for investment strategy selection.
Wu, Wenshuai ; Kou, Gang ; Peng, Yi 等
1. Introduction
There are many risks in investment strategy selection, such as
social risk, policy risk, economical risk, credit risk, technological
risk, interest rate risk and operating risk (Kent 1992; Better et al.
2008; Gao et al. 2008; Li et al. 2009; Peng et al. 2009, 2010; Shen
2009; Liaudanskiene et al. 2010), contract's risks (Zavadskas et
al. 2010; Boguslauskas et al. 2011). Shyng et al. (2010) suggest that
past experiences of individuals usually affect their attitudes when they
made investment decisions. In an attempt to make better investment
decisions, many studies have been conducted to evaluate investment
strategy and its risk (Metrick 1999; Bayraktar, Young 2010; Ba et al.
Over the past few decades, investment management has been an active
research area (Barry, Starks 1984; Froot 1993; Jorion 2000; Malkiel
2003; Arljukova 2008; Binsbergen et al. 2008; Busse et al. 2010;
Stoughton et al. 2011). From the investor's perspective, the
decision process can be roughly divided into four components: problem
recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives and
investment decision (Shyng et al. 2010; Kersuliene, Turskis 2011). The
most important part is the evaluation of alternatives, which could
create the best investment strategy for satisfying the investors'
needs. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is often implemented in
the risk evaluation to improve the effectiveness of investment
management and decision analysis (Wijnmalen 2007). However, when
establishing the judgment matrix by expert scoring, the AHP method is
subjective, the evaluation result is not objective and sometimes
different experts may reach different conclusions.
Consulting multiple experts reduces bias when the judgments are
provided by a single expert (Ishizaka, Labib 2011). This paper proposes
IAHP-GDM model for evaluation of investment alternatives, which not only
overcomes the disadvantage of subjective decision, but also takes group
wisdom to eliminate the bias generated by personal preferences. The
method of Least squares (Cassel et al. 1999; Bozoki 2008; Yu et al.
2009) is introduced to revise group decision making matrix to become the
positive reciprocal matrix.
The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
reviews the related works. Section 3 introduces some foundations of AHP
and a previous proposed model: AHP for group decision making. Section 4
describes the IAHP-GDM model. In Section 5, an illustrative case of
investment strategy selection is conducted to compare the IAHP-GDM model
to the previous proposed AHP for group decision making model. Section 6
concludes the paper.
2. Related works
The AHP was introduced by Saaty in 1970s, and has been identified
as an important method to solve multi-criteria decision-making problems
of choice and prioritization (Satty 1978, 1979, 1980, 1986, 2003, 2006).
AHP has been applied to solve many types of decision problems (Wind,
Saaty 1980; Handfield et al. 2002; Li, Ma 2008; Nieto-Morote, Ruz-Vila
2011; Peng et al. 2011a).
In AHP method, the calculated priorities are suitable only if the
pair-wise comparison matrix passes the consistency test when the
reciprocity rule is respected within the pair-wise comparison process
(Ishizaka, Lusti 2004). The pair-wise comparison matrix is composed of
elements presented in a numerical scale, which is provided by decision
makers based on their experiences and expertise. Thereby, the pair-wise
comparison matrix could be inconsistent due to the limitations of
experiences and expertise as well as the complexity nature of decision
problem (Ergu et al. 2011a).
With the social development and technology advancement,
decision-making process has also become more and more complex. It is
often difficult to make a scientific and accurate decision-making only
by single decision maker. The reasons are as follows (Kim, Ahn 1997):
1) A decision is usually made under time pressure, lack of
knowledge and data cases.
2) Many of the attributes are difficult to quantify.
3) Single decision maker has limited expertise and information
processing capacity, especially in complex and uncertain environment.
4) In group setting, all participants do not have equal expertise
about the same problem. Their views can hardly be uniformed. Therefore,
in order to reduce the decision-making mistakes, many important
decisions are made by multiple decision makers, especially in companies
or organizations.
Many researchers consider the AHP method to be well suited for
group decision making due to its role as a synthesizing mechanism (Dyer,
Forman 1992; Bard, Sousk 1990), where group members can use their
experience and expertise to break down a problem into a hierarchy and
solve it by the AHP steps (Kamal, Al-Subhi 2001). However, group
decisions involving participants with common interests are typical of
many organizational decisions (Alfares, Duffuaa 2008; Kamal, Al-Subhi
2001; Rao, Peng 2009; Wei, Tang 2011). There are four ways to combine
the preferences into a consensus rating showed in the Table 1 (Ishizaka,
Labib 2011).
There are a few studies in AHP integrated the group
decision-making. Korpela and Tuominen have applied this method to assess
the applicability of the AHP in defining the goals of distribution
logistics (Korpela, Tuominen 1997) and to analysis the project's
logistics department in group settings (Korpela, Tuominen 1995). Dyer
and Forman (1992) argued that AHP can help group decision-makers
structure complex decisions, and synthesize measures of both tangibles
and intangibles. However, the pair-wise comparison matrix could be
inconsistent due to the limitations of experiences and expertise.
3. Preliminaries
Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method is a decision-making
analysis method, which has been developed since 1970s. MCDM is the study
of methods which concerns about multiple conflicting criteria (Choi, Woo
2011; Peng et al. 2011b; Soylu 2010; Kou et al. 2012). In the following
sub-sections, we present the concepts of AHP, one of the widely used
MCDM methods, and introduce AHP for group decision making method
presented by Wu et al. (2011).
3.1. AHP
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) proposed by Saaty (1980) is a
widely used decision making analysis tool for modeling unstructured
problems in political, economic, social, and management sciences
(Levary, Wan 1998; Chang 1996; Tupenaite et al. 2010; Lin 2010; Cheng et
al. 2011; Ergu et al. 2011b; Wu et al. 2010; Medineckiene, Bjork 2011).
Pair-wise comparison is an important part in AHP, completed by the
experts (Kamal, Al-Subhi 2001; Liu, Shih 2005). Based on the
pair-by-pair comparison values for a set of objects, AHP is applied to
elicit a corresponding priority vector that represents preferences (Yu
3.2. AHP for group decision making
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for group decision-making model is
applied to determine the index weight presented by Wu et al. (2011).
There are three steps. First, the original index weight of each expert
is calculated by applying AHP. Second, each expert weight is determined
for group decision making. Finally, the index weight is obtained by
considering each expert weight. Based on the size of criteria weight,
AHP for group decision making is used to elicit the corresponding
alternative priorities.
3.2.1. Determine original index weight
AHP is a decision-aiding method developed by Saaty (1985, 1990),
Saaty, Zoffer (2011) to quantify relative priorities for a given set of
alternatives on a ratio scale, based on the judgment of the
decision-maker, and stress the importance of the intuitive judgments of
a decision maker as well as the consistency of the comparison of
alternatives in the decision-making process (Saaty 1980). The AHP
approach has recently become popular in assessing criteria weights in
various multi-criteria decision making problems. It elicits a
corresponding priority vector interpreting the preferred information
from the decision makers, based on the pair-wise comparison values of a
set of objects. Since pair-wise comparison values are the judgments
obtained from an appropriate semantic scale. AHP method is applied to
determine original index weight.
3.2.2. Determine expert weight for group decision-making
AHP allows group decision making, where group members can use their
experience and expertise to break down a problem into a hierarchy and
solve it by the AHP steps (Kamal, Al-Subhi 2001). Since different
experts have different criteria preferences, it is essential to give a
certain weight for each expert. Assume there are n experts for group
decision making.
First, we determine the pair-wise comparison matrix A =
[([a.sub.ij]).sub.mxm], and the corresponding consistency ratio
[CR.sup.t.sub.k] is obtained by AHP, t (1 [less than or equal to] k
[less than or equal to] n) is the number of pair-wise matrix in AHP
determined by each expert, k (1 [less than or equal to] k [less than or
equal to] n) is the number of the experts. Then, the [] expert
weight [P.sub.k] can be calculated by the following formula:
[P.sup.t.sub.k] = 1/[1 + [alpha][CR.sup.t.sub.k]] ([alpha] > 0,1
[less than or equal to] k [less than or equal to] n, 1 [less than or
equal to] t [less than or equal to] T). (1)
[P.sub.k] = [T.summation over (t=1)][P.sup.t.sub.k]/T(1 [less than
or equal to] k [less than or equal to] n, 1 [less than or equal to] t
[less than or equal to] T). (2)
When the parameter value [alpha] is too large or too small, the
expert weight is usually difficult to be distinguished. In practice, the
value of [alpha] is usually set to 10, to offer moderate distinguishing
effects and good stability. Finally, the expert weight [P.sup.*.sub.k]
can be obtained by normalizing formula (2) as follows:
[P.sup.*.sub.k] = [P.sub.k]/[n.summation over (k=1)](1 [less than
or equal to] k [less than or equal to] n). (3)
3.2.3. Determine final index weight
The final index weight is determined based on original index weight
[W.sup.k.sub.i] (1 [less than or equal to] i [less than or equal to] m)
by AHP, and considered of expert weight [P.sup.*.sub.k]. This paper
firstly applies AHP to get the original index weight [W.sup.k.sub.i],
and then takes expert weight [P.sup.*] in group decision-making into
account. The final index weight can be calculated as:
[W.sub.i] = [n.summation over (k=1)][W.sup.k.sub.i] x
[P.sup.*.sub.k] (1 [less than or equal to] k [less than or equal to] n,
1 [less than or equal to] i [less than or equal to] m). (4)
Finally, the index weight [W.sup.*.sub.k] of the [] index
can be normalized:
[W.sup.*.sub.i] = [W.sub.i]/[m.summation over (i=1)][W.sub.i] (1
[less than or equal to] i [less than or equal to] m). (5)
When calculating the final index weight, the revised AHP introduces
a number of experts to evaluate index weight in order to avoid different
decision-making preferences by experts. This method introduces less
subject judgment in decision matrix by combining the opinions of
different experts.
4. Proposed model: IAHP-GDM
In the process of traditional AHP method, the key step is to
determine the hierarchy structure in order to achieve the criteria
weights, and in general, the matrix is determined by expert scoring.
Because comparison matrix is one of the most important parts in AHP,
there exist many studies in comparison matrix (Carmone et al. 1997;
Fedrizzi, Giove 2007; Cao et al. 2008; Ergu et al. 2011c). The pair-wise
comparison values are the judgments obtained by a suitable semantic
scale. Therefore it is unrealistic to expect that the decision makers
have either complete information or a full understanding of all aspects
of the problem (Chang 1996; Levary, Wan 1998; Ergu et al. 2011b). In
this paper, based on the previous research, we consider the views of
multi-experts, and propose an IAHP-GDM model. In order to improve the
evaluation accuracy away from the expert's subjective preferences
as much as possible, we invite five experts from related fields to
judge, and make the comprehensive analysis on the comparison matrix of
each expert. In addition, when constructing the group decision making
matrix, there is usually a disadvantage that the positive reciprocal
property is not satisfied. Thereby, in this paper, the method of least
squares (Bozoki, Lewis 2005; Liu et al. 2011) is further applied to
improve group decision making matrix which makes the matrix satisfy
positive reciprocal property. The steps are as follows:
1) Judge the relative importance of pair-wise indicators to the
target in terms of expert scoring. Assume there are k (1 [less than or
equal to] k [less than or equal to] n) experts, two indicators a, and b.
The corresponding scores provided by expert [k.sub.1] are [r.sub.1] and
[r.sub.2], respectively. Then the relative importance of a is [a.sub.k1]
= [r.sub.1]/[r.sub.2], and the relative importance of b is [MATHEMATICAL
2) Determine the overall relative importance of indicators to the
targets. Since different experts have different knowledge, experiences,
preference and so on, when calculating the overall relative importance
of indicators to the targets, the maximum score and the minimum score
should be removed. Therefore, the overall relative importance of
indicator a and b to the target are [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
3) Determine group decision making matrix according to the overall
relative importance of each indicator to the target. This method to
determine the group decision making matrix improves the accuracy and
scientific level of AHP method.
4) Optimize group decision making matrix based on the method of
least squares. Assume k experts give [A.sub.1], ... [A.sub.k] comparison
matrices respectively. It is easy to know that each [A.sub.k] (1 [less
than or equal to] k [less than or equal to] n) is positive reciprocal
matrix. Let [[lambda].sub.1] (1 [less than or equal to] I [less than or
equal to] n) be the weight coefficient of each expert, and it is a
comprehensive quantitative indicator measuring expert's ability
level. Assume each expert weight is the same, which is 1/n. Then, gather
all pair-wise comparison matrices provided by each expert to get group
decision making comparison matrix B = ([[lambda].sub.1][A.sub.1] +
[[lambda].sub.2][A.sub.2] + ... [[lambda].sub.n] [A.sub.n]) =
[([b.sub.ij]).sub.m x m], it is obvious to get [b.sub.ij] =[n.summation
over (k=1)] [[lambda].sub.i][a.sup.(K).sub.ij] (1 [less than or equal
to] i [less than or equal to] m, 1 [less than or equal to] j [less than
or equal to] m, 1 [less than or equal to] k [less than or equal to] n).
It is easy to get that matrix B cannot meet the reciprocal
property. In this article, the method of least square is applied to
revise group decision making comparison matrix B, and get another matrix
[B.sup.*], which is very close to B and meets the positive reciprocal
property. The specific steps are as follows:
First of all, we get the least squares mathematical programming
From the above characteristics of optimization problem of objective
function, according to [x.sub.ij] = 1/[x.sub.ji], the question above can
be changed into:
By mathematical derivation, the above problem can be further broken
down as sub-problems:
Let f (x) = [([x.sub.ij] -[b.sub.ij]).sup.2] + [(1/[x.sub.ij]
-[b.sub.ij]).sup.2]. (9)
When [x.sub.ij] [right arrow] 0 or [x.sub.ij] + [infinity], the
minimum value of f (x) [right arrow] + [infinity] must be the
stagnation, therefore it should further to satisfy:
2([x.sub.ij] -[b.sub.ij]) + 2(1/[x.sub.ij] -[b.sub.ij])(-
1/[x.sup.2.sub.ij]) = 0. (10)
Finally, we can get:
[x.sup.4.sub.ij] -[b.sub.ij][x.sup.3.sub.ij] + [b.sub.ji][x.sub.ij]
-1 = 0. (11)
Find out all its positive solution which makes f (x) the minimum.
The solving process can be completed by the MATLAB.
5) Determine the preference order of each alternative. The
procedures are consistent with the traditional AHP method.
Above all, the steps of the improved AHP based on the method of
least squares can be summarized as follows:
Step 1: Determine the original comparison matrix [A.sub.k] =
[([a.sub.ij]).sub.mxm] according to expert scoring.
Step 2: Determine the final overall relative importance between
indicators to the targets.
Step 3: Determine group decision making matrix B = [n.summation
over (k=1)][[lambda].sub.k][A.sub.k] according to the final overall
relative importance of indicators to the targets.
Step 4: Determine the final group decision making comparison matrix
by the method of least squares. According to the least squares
mathematical programming function, for 1 [less than or equal to] i [less
than or equal to] m,1 [less than or equal to] j [less than or equal to]
m, find out all the positive solutions of [x.sup.4.sub.ij]
-[b.sub.ij][x.sup.3.sub.ij] + [b.sub.ji] [x.sub.ij] -1 = 0 by MATLAB,
and mark [b.sup.*.sub.ij] which make the function f (x) = [(x
-[b.sub.ij]).sup.2] + [(1/x -[b.sub.ji]).sup.2] get minimum value. Let
[b.sup.*.ssub.ji] = 1/[b.sup.*.sub.ij], and it is easy to get [B.sup.*]
= [([b.sup.*.sub.ij]).sub.mxm] which is a final group decision making
comparison matrix and meets positive reciprocal matrix.
Step 5: Determine the preference order of each alternative
according to the standard AHP steps.
5. Empirical studies
In this section, an empirical study on investment strategy
selection is displayed to illustrate the application of our proposed
model for evaluating and selecting the best investment alternative of
fund investment, bonds investment, stock investment, and real estate
5.1. Problem description
As the number of alternative investment opportunities brought out,
financial advisers have played a more and more prominent role in
allocating assets and investment plan (Stoughton et al. 2011). And a
well-made financial investment plan can help to achieve good asset
allocation. The investment strategy selection is essential to decrease
loss caused by risks and win better investment benefit. With regard to
financial hardship, research suggests that the past experiences and
expertise of individuals usually affect their attitudes towards making
investments (Shyng et al. 2010). In this paper, we focus on identifying
different types of information and criteria to select the best
investment strategy which create more personalized investment
alternative for satisfying the investors' needs. Thereby, IAHP-GDM
model is proposed for evaluation of the investment alternative to select
the best investment strategy.
5.2. Decision hierarchy structure and index system
There are many risk classifications in investment management, such
as systemic risk, market risk, industry risk and so on. To evaluate the
investment strategy, decision hierarchy structure and eight important
criteria are determined by the experience and expertise of the expert
team and by reviewing existing literatures (Teichroew et al. 1965;
Davanzo, Nesbitt 1987; Fried, Hisrich 1994; Ginevicius, Zubrecovas
2009). The expert team is composed of five experts in the field of
investment. And we select fund investment, bonds investment, stock
investment and real estate investment as the assessment objects. The
decision hierarchy structure is presented in Figure 1.
In Figure 1, there are four levels in the decision hierarchy
structure for investment strategy selection. The overall goal of the
decision process is determined as "Select best investment strategy:
A". It is the first level of the hierarchy structure. The criteria
level is the second level including "Profitability: B1" and
"Security: B2", which is the standard measuring whether the
target can be achieved. The third level is the sub-criteria level
including eight criteria: "Investment opportunities: C1",
"Liquidity: C2", "Prospect: C3", "Expected
profit: C4", "Payback period: C5", "Transaction
costs: C6", "Interest rate risk: C7" and "Credit
risk: C8". The final level of hierarchy structure, that is the
fourth level, is investment alternative level including "Fund
investment: D1", "Bonds investment: D2", "Stock
investment: D3" and "Real estate investment: D4".
5.3. Empirical analysis
In this section, an empirical case is conducted to verify the
proposed model in comparison with AHP for group decision making proposed
by Wu et al. (2011). After conducting the decision hierarchy structure
for solving investment problem, the pair-wise comparison matrix used in
evaluation process is calculated by the proposed model. In order to
eliminate the bias generated by personal preferences, we consulted five
experts to construct pair-wise comparison matrix by researching on
investment market. And, the pair-ware comparison matrix is obtained by
expert scoring, as shown in the Table 1-11 of Appendix. In the
experiment, first of all, we introduce the current IAHP-GDM model for
investment strategy selection. Then, the previous model (Wu et al. 2011)
is applied as comparison analysis to illustrate that the proposed model
in this paper is effective and efficient. The specific process is as
First of all, the IAHP-GDM model is applied to select the best
investment strategy for investment management. The evaluation process is
as follows:
1) Determine group decision making comparison matrix according to
the steps 1-3. The group decision making matrix is the key step of the
proposed model.
2) Determine the final group decision making comparison matrix
revised by the method of Least squares according to the step 4. In
addition, the criteria weight and consistency test are determined by the
standard AHP steps.
3) Determine the preference order of each alternative according to
step 5. The results are showed in Table 2. From Table 2, we can get that
the real estate investment is the best investment strategy, followed by
stock investment, fund investment, and bonds investment.
Then, the previous model presented by Wu et al. (2011) is applied
to determine the alternative rank by comparison to illustrate that the
current proposed model is effective and efficient. There are three steps
as follows:
1) Determine original index weight. The original index weight
according to each expert is calculated by applying AHP.
2) Determine expert weight. Each expert weight for group decision
making is determined by the formula in the Section 3.2.2. By
calculating, the weight of five experts is obtained as 0.1960, 0.2193,
0.2090, 0.1783 and 0.1974.
3) Determine alternative rank. The final index weight is obtained
by considering each expert weight. According to the final index weight,
alternative rank can be determined by the Section 3.2.3.
To illustrate which method is more effective, comparison analysis
and difference degree analysis are applied for evaluation. The results
are showed in the Table 3.
In Table 3, the ranks of investment strategy of the two models are
the same. The rank of real estate investment, stock investment, fund
investment and bonds investment is 1, 2, 3, 4. The best investment
strategy is real estate investment, followed by stock strategy, fund
strategy, and the worst is bonds investment. The most effective
investment strategy to achieve maximum profits is real estate
investment. However, which method is better? Different degree analysis
on investment strategy is further applied, as shown in the Table 3. The
calculation of the different degree can be obtained as follows: Assume
there are two alternatives: A, and B, the different degree of A and B
alternatives is defined as:
different degree = [BEV - AEV]/AEV x 100%
For example, the different degree of Bonds Strategy and Fund
Strategy in IAHP-GDM model is calculated as follows:
different degree = [0.1865 - 0.1399]/0.1399 x 100% = 33.31%. (13)
From Table 3, we can see that different degrees obtained by
IAHP-GDM are larger than those obtained by AHP for group decision-making
model, which indicate that the proposed model is more accurate and
effective than AHP for group decision-making model.
6. Conclusion
In an uncertain economic decision environment, investors face the
unprecedented challenges and opportunities. In order to make the
investment decision reduce loss caused by risks and achieve better
investment benefit, this paper proposes an IAHP-GDM model for investment
strategy selection. In this model, the maximum score and the minimum
score are removed when group decision making is conducted to make the
decision fair and justice. The method of least squares is applied to
revise group decision making matrix to satisfy positive reciprocal
property of AHP. In addition, five experts from related research field
are invited to evaluate investment risk problem that takes group wisdom
to eliminate the bias generated by personal preferences. An empirical
study compares the proposed model to the previous research model. The
results show the proposed model in this paper is more accurate and
effective, and the research results are consistent with realistic
investment environment. These findings support the view that this
proposed model can offer good investment strategies for better
investment management.
Table 1. B-A level comparison matrix of five experts
B-A Profitability: B1 Security: B2
Expert 1 8 6
Expert 2 7 7
Expert 3 5 7
Expert 4 7 4
Expert 5 3 7
Table 2. C-B1 level comparison matrix of five experts
C-B1 Investment Liquidity: Prospect: Expected
opportunities: C1 C2 C3 profit: C4
Expert 1 8 7 7 6
Expert 2 5 6 5 7
Expert 3 6 5 7 8
Expert 4 9 8 7 5
Expert 5 4 6 5 8
Table 3. C-B2 level comparison matrix of five experts
C-B2 Payback Transaction Interest rate Credit risk:
period: C5 costs: C6 risk: C7 C8
Expert 1 5 7 9 8
Expert 2 6 7 7 8
Expert 3 8 6 6 8
Expert 4 4 6 9 7
Expert 5 7 6 5 8
Table 4. D-C1 level comparison matrix of five experts
D-C1 Fund Bonds Stock Real Estate
Investment Investment Investment Investment
Expert 1 5 3 8 7
Expert 2 7 6 7 8
Expert 3 6 7 3 5
Expert 4 4 2 8 7
Expert 5 7 8 4 7
Table 5. D-C2 level comparison matrix of five experts
D-C2 Fund Bonds Stock Real Estate
Investment Investment Investment Investment
Expert 1 7 6 9 7
Expert 2 7 3 6 8
Expert 3 7 8 3 5
Expert 4 4 3 8 6
Expert 5 5 6 4 8
Table 6. D-C3 level comparison matrix of five experts
D-C3 Fund Bonds Stock Real Estate
Investment Investment Investment Investment
Expert 1 6 7 4 8
Expert 2 7 4 5 9
Expert 3 4 7 3 6
Expert 4 5 2 8 7
Expert 5 4 5 7 8
Table 7. D-C4 level comparison matrix of five experts
D-C4 Fund Bonds Stock Real Estate
Investment Investment Investment Investment
Expert 1 6 3 8 5
Expert 2 6 4 6 8
Expert 3 6 5 7 4
Expert 4 5 3 9 7
Expert 5 4 6 7 9
Table 8. D-C5 level comparison matrix of five experts
D-C5 Fund Bonds Stock Real Estate
Investment Investment Investment Investment
Expert 1 4 8 2 7
Expert 2 8 5 7 7
Expert 3 6 6 8 7
Expert 4 7 3 9 8
Expert 5 5 6 8 9
Table 9. D-C6 level comparison matrix of five experts
D-C6 Fund Bonds Stock Real Estate
Investment Investment Investment Investment
Expert 1 7 8 7 4
Expert 2 7 6 7 8
Expert 3 6 7 5 6
Expert 4 7 6 9 8
Expert 5 7 6 4 8
Table 10. D-C7 level comparison matrix of five experts
D-C7 Fund Bonds Stock Real Estate
Investment Investment Investment Investment
Expert 1 4 2 3 5
Expert 2 6 7 7 7
Expert 3 6 8 5 6
Expert 4 5 4 8 6
Expert 5 3 5 8 6
Table 11. D-C8 level comparison matrix of five experts
D-C8 Fund Bonds Stock Real Estate
Investment Investment Investment Investment
Expert 1 4 2 7 5
Expert 2 5 8 7 6
Expert 3 6 7 4 5
Expert 4 5 3 8 7
Expert 5 4 4 2 6
doi: 10.3846/20294913.2012.680520
The authors are grateful to the reviewers for their valuable
suggestions which helped in improving the quality of this paper. This
research has been partially supported by grants from the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (#70901011 and #71173028 for Yi
Peng, #70901015 and #70921061 for Gang Kou), the Fundamental Research
Funds for the Central Universities and Program for New Century Excellent
Talents in University (NCET-10-0293).
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Wenshuai Wu (1), Gang Kou (2), Yi Peng (3), Daji Ergu (4)
(1, 2, 3) School of Management and Economics, University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China, 610054 Chengdu, China
(4) Southwest University for Nationalities, 610200 Chengdu, China
E-mails: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected] (corresponding
author); (3)
[email protected]; (4)
[email protected]
Received 05 October 2011; accepted 10 March 2012
Wenshuai WU is a doctoral student in School of Management and
Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His
research interests are in Multiple Criteria Decision Making. He has
published more than ten papers in international journals and
Gang KOU is a professor of School of Management and Economics,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and managing
editor of International Journal of Information Technology & Decision
Making. Previously, he was a research scientist in Thomson Co., R&D.
He received his Ph.D. in Information Technology from the College of
Information Science & Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha;
got his Master degree in Department of Computer Science, University of
Nebraska at Omaha; and B.S. degree in Department of Physics, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China. He has participated in various data mining
projects, including data mining for software engineering, network
intrusion detection, health insurance fraud detection and credit card
portfolio analysis. His research interests are in Data mining, Multiple
Criteria Decision Making and Information management. He has published
more than eighty papers in various peer-reviewed journals and
Yi PENG is a professor of School of Management and Economics,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Previously,
she worked as Senior Analyst for West Co., USA. Dr. Peng received her
Ph.D. in Information Technology from the College of Information Science
& Technology, Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha and got her Master degree
in Dept of Info. Science & Quality Assurance, Univ. of Nebraska at
Omaha and B.S. degree in Department of Management Information Systems,
Sichuan University, China. Dr. Peng's research interests cover
Knowledge Discover in Database and data mining, multi-criteria decision
making, data mining methods and modeling, knowledge discovery in
real-life applications. She published more than forty papers in various
peer-reviewed journals and conferences. She is the Workshop Chair of the
20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
(2009), guest editor of Annals of Operations Research's special
issue on Multiple Criteria Decision Making on Operations Research.
Daji ERGU got his M.S. degrees in Southwest University for
Nationalities and Coventry University in 2003 and 2004 respectively. He
is an associate professor at Southwest University for Nationalities. He
has participated in several research projects of National Natural
Science Foundation of China. His research interests are in Multiple
Criteria Decision Making. He has published more than ten papers in
international journals and conferences.
Table 1. Four ways to combine preferences (Ishizaka, Labib 2011)
Mathematical aggregation
Yes No
Aggregation on Judgments Geometric mean on Consensus vote on
judgments judgments
Priorities Weighted arithmetic Consensus vote on
mean on priorities priorities
Table 2. Alternative rank of IAHP-GDM model
Investment Strategy Evaluation Value (EV) Rank
Bonds Investment 0.1399 4
Fund Investment 0.1865 3
Stock Investment 0.3095 2
Real Estate Investment 0.3641 1
Table 3. Result comparison
Investment AHP for group IAHP-GDM model
Strategy decision-making
EV Rank DD EV Rank DD
Bonds Strategy 0.1853 4 3.35% 0.1399 4 33.31%
Fund Strategy 0.1915 3 53.00% 0.1865 3 65.95%
Stock Strategy 0.2930 2 12.70% 0.3095 2 17.64%
Real Estate 0.3302 1 0.3641 1
EV: Evaluation Value; DD: Different Degree