A survey of the factors affecting the productivity of construction projects in Iran.
Ghoddousi, Parviz ; Hosseini, Mohammad Reza
1. Introduction
Construction projects are assumed to be one of the dominant
elements of the economy of all the countries the world over (Proverbs et
al. 1999). Logically this sector plays a much more prominent role in
developing countries compared with developed countries (Altaf 1979). In
addition, this industry is complex in its nature because it comprises
large numbers of parties as owners, contractors, consultants,
stakeholders, and regulators. Despite this complexity, the industry
plays a major role in the development and achievement of society's
goals. It is one of the largest industries and contributes to about 10%
of the gross national product (GNP) in industrialized countries (Navon
Furthermore, recent financial policies introduced by the government
have more than doubled the weight of this sector in Iran's economy.
Formal governmental authorities say that construction sector's
share of total country's budget has been increased from 17.5% in
2003 to more than 24% in 2006 and 28.8% in 2008.
Despite such considerable amount of fund allocated to construction
sector, researches in Iran indicated an overall of 51% of hours loss per
operative per site per week, and the activity sampling showed 24-46%
unproductive time variation on these sites (Zakeri et al. 1996)
Above all, the growing large number of registered contractor
companies in the country has obliged them to put in a great deal of
effort in decreasing the construction costs in order to win the sever
competition for contracts.
Taking into account the low productivity of daily and employed
operatives, Iranian project managers commit a great deal of their
construction activities to sub-contractors in order to decrease the
project costs.
In this method the sub-contractors are paid based on the volume of
work they perform so, there is no doubt that they put in a constant
tireless effort to produce as much as possible. Therefore, they become
well-motivated and absolutely determined to do their jobs in the
construction site efficiently.
Nowadays, this strategy has become increasingly common amongst most
of the Iranian construction companies. In this method, all the required
materials, main tools, electricity and other vital prerequisites for
doing the construction activities are provided by the main company. The
sub-contractors are solely responsible for supplying human resources and
will be paid related to the volume of work they complete. Hence, they
carry out their works tirelessly.
2. Aims of this study
The fundamental aims of the research reported in this paper may be
summarized as follows:
--Identification and ranking of factors and grounds affecting the
productivity of Iranian sub-contractors.
--Introducing a reasonable approximation of the unproductive time
due to the identified grounds in order to show the concrete evidence of
their declining effects.
By identifying and prioritizing these grounds and factors, there is
a likelihood that manager's awareness could if proper measures are
taken, ultimately initiate a positive impact on the productivity of
construction projects.
3. Productivity background
Some definitions of productivity may relate to cost. For example,
equations (1) and (2) relate productivity to dollars of output per labor
cost (Thomas et al. 1990):
Dollars of output
productivity = Dollars of output / Labor cost, (1)
productivity = Dollars of output / Man - Hour. (2)
Labor time includes the allocation of time extended on a particular
activity by all workers who are involved in producing the completed
units. Therefore, reduction of time in one segment of operation could
improve the overall production of work.
For the purpose of this study, productivity of each work item is
defined as the units of production divided by the corresponding time of
workers. Productivity as defined in equation (3) could be considered as
a measure of efficiency of workers that converts all various inputs into
produced or completed units of work.
productivity = completed or produced units /corresponding time of
workers . (3)
Logically, corresponding time of workers to complete a unit of work
can be divided into two separate sections. The minimum rational time
spent on direct work or essential contributory work to complete the
unit, which is the productive time, and the time wasted on ineffective
work or delays (Johnston 2002; Thomas, Daily 1983; Haas et al. 1999).
The minimum duration necessary to complete a unit of a specific
work can be considered a relatively fixed time. As a result, the total
corresponding time practically spent on a unit of work, fluctuates
according to the rate of nonproductive time. In practice, some negative
factors increase the nonproductive time.
Eventually, the productivity definition can be revised as formula
productivity = Dollars of output / Cost of (productive time +
nonproductive time). (4)
Actually, the negative factors affecting productivity increase the
nonproductive time based on their weight. Hence, the rate of
nonproductive time increased by a factor can be considered as a reliable
measure to approximate the importance of that factor in declining
productivity. This criterion is utilized in this research for measuring
the relative power of factors in declining the productivity.
4. Productivity factors
The factors influencing construction productivity have been the
subject of inquiry by many researchers. In order to improve
productivity, a study of the factors affecting it, whether positively or
negatively, is necessary. Making use of those factors that positively
affect productivity and eliminating or controlling factors that have a
negative effect, will ultimately improve productivity. If all factors
influencing productivity are known, it will also be possible to forecast
productivity (Lema 1995).
Olomolaiye et al. (1998) indicated that influencing factors are
rarely constant and may vary from country to country, from project to
project, and even on the same project depending on the circumstances,
anything influencing them can subsequently affect productivity.
On the other hand, due to the comparison implicated in their paper
by Mojahed and Aghazadeh (2008), they stated that, although major
productivity factors may vary amongst projects, companies, and
geographical areas, some similarities in issues obstructing productivity
could be observed, therefore, lessons learned to overcome productivity
challenges at one project may be useful to be applied at another project
for productivity improvement.
Goodrum and Haas (2002) suggested that equipment technology is a
key factor in longterm improvement in productivity.
Rojas and Aramvareekul (2003) conducted a web-based survey of
general contractors, electrical contractors, mechanical contractors, and
consultants in USA to examine the factors affecting construction
productivity and their opinions on how to improve construction
productivity. Management system and strategies, which refers to
management skills, scheduling, material and equipment management, and
quality control was ranked as having the greatest impact on construction
productivity, followed by manpower, industry environment, and external
Thomas et al. (2002) showed that the variability in project
performance is correlated to equipment flow, information, nature of
project, construction method, job site congestion, bad weather, out-of
sequence work, and workforce management practices.
The various problems that are common at construction projects
include disputed change orders, accidents, and theft of material/tools,
redo work, lack of material or instructions waiting time, lost or
misplaced tools, lack of planning, and attitudes of workforce at project
(Adrian 2002).
Other factors identified with influencing labor productivity
include poor housekeeping, excessive moving of crafts people from
project to project, poor lighting in the work area, lack of adequate
ventilation, lack of proper tools or equipment, uncontrolled breaks,
shortage of rest rooms and drinking water, high employee turnover, and
untimely decisions by supervisors (Johnston 2002; Zakeri et al. 1996).
The survey of construction contracting firms in the water and
wastewater treatment plant market in south USA showed that the five most
influential productivity drivers at water and wastewater treatment plant
construction projects are skills and experience of workforce,
management, job planning, motivation, and material availability
(Mojahed, Aghazadeh 2008).
Dai et al. (2009) conducted a research in USA to examine the
underlying structure of the factors affecting construction productivity
from the craft workers' perspective. The results were presented by
the following latent factors: construction equipment, materials, tools
and consumables, engineering drawing management, direction and
coordination, project management, training, Craft worker qualification,
superintendent competency, and foreman competency, in a descending order
of their negative impact on construction productivity.
Also several researches have carried out some works in issues
related to construction labor productivity in developing countries.
By using an activity sampling technique on seven construction sites
in Nigeria, problems influencing craftsmen's productivity in order
of rank were identified as lack of materials, lack of tools, duplicated
efforts or repeated work, instruction delays, inspection delays,
absenteeism, incompetency of supervisor, and changing crew members
(Olomolaiye et al. 1987).
Faridi and El-Sayegh (2006) reported that shortage of skills of
manpower, poor supervision, poor site management, unsuitable leadership,
shortage and breakdown of equipment among others contribute to
productivity declining in the United Arab Emirates.
A survey was conducted in Singapore related to productivity issues
encountered by contractors at constructions sites by Lim and Alum
(1995). Respondents were asked to rank a list of 17 problems that could
affect construction productivity. The authors then classified the 17
items into the following three main effective categories: manpower,
management, and environment.
Kaming et al. (1997) in their paper revealed that craftsmen in
Indonesia spend on average 75% of their time working productively. The
five specific productivity problems were identified as follows: lack of
materials, rework, absenteeism, lack of equipment and tools, and gang
Alwi (2003) research, undertaken amongst Indonesian companies,
provided strong evidence that small companies are having serious
problems related to material management and in completion projects on
time. The findings also indicated that smaller companies with
limitations of resources such as working capital, technology, equipment,
and labor skills believed that they experienced greater waste of
productive time compared to larger companies.
In survey studies of project managers in Thailand, the factors
identified as causes of nonproductive time were lack of material,
incomplete drawings, inspection delay, incompetent supervisors,
instruction time, lack of tools and equipment, poor communication, poor
site conditions, reworks, absenteeism, and improper site layout
(Makulsawaudom, Emsley 2001, 2004).
Survey studies were conducted in Uganda. The researchers found that
most workers are not satisfied with the financial situations. They also
remarked that workers were not content with the level of training and
the state of participation in decision making process which could
adversely affect projects productivity (Alinaitwe 2008; Alinaitwe et al.
According to Mojahed and Aghazadeh (2008), the availability of
material problem appears to be the only common major productivity factor
among the results obtained by researches done in Iran, Nigeria, Thailand
and USA (late 1970s).
Zavadskas et al. (2008) argued that even the contractors'
assessment and selection stages should be subjected to taking into
consideration the factors that influence the process of construction
Enshassi et al. (2007) conducted a survey of building projects in
the Gaza Strip. The results indicated that the main 10 factors
negatively affecting productivity are material shortages, lack of labor
experiences, lack of labor surveillance, misunderstanding between labor
and superintendents, drawings and specification alternation during
execution, payment delay, labor disloyalty, inspection delay, working
seven days per week without holiday, and tool/ equipment shortages.
Furthermore, 45 factors considered in the study were divided into 10
groups, which were ranked as follows: materials/tools factors group,
supervision factors group, leadership factors group, quality factors
group, time factors group, manpower factors group, project factors
group, external factors group, motivation factors group, and safety
factors group.
Later a questionnaire-based survey was conducted by Enshassi et al.
(2009) to elicit the attitude of owners, consultants, and contractors
towards factors affecting the performance of construction projects in
the Gaza Strip. The results indicated that the average delay because of
closures leading to materials shortage was the most important
performance factor, as it has the first rank among all factors from the
perspectives of owners, consultants, and contractors. This agreement
between all target groups is traced to the difficult political situation
from which the Gaza Strip suffers. The most important factors agreed by
the owners, consultants, and contractors as the main factors affecting
the performance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip were:
escalation of material prices, availability of resources as planned
through project duration, average delay because of closures leading to
materials shortage, availability of personnel with a high experience and
qualifications, quality of equipment and raw materials in project, and
leadership skills for project managers.
The Malmquist index method with a novel decomposition technique was
employed to estimate the total factor productivity of the Australian
construction industry during the period 1990-2007 and to analyze the
factors affecting the technological change in the industry by Li and Liu
(2010). Results showed that how construction technology, pure technical
efficiency and scale economy affect the productivity of construction
industry in Australia.
In a research carried out by Rivas et al. (2011), they concentrated
on identifying and understanding the productivity factors affecting
projects in a Chilean construction company on the basis of
questionnaires administered to both direct workers and midlevel
employees. The main findings showed that the main arenas affecting
construction productivity were somehow related to materials, tools,
rework, equipment, truck availability, and the workers'
motivational dynamics. Salary expectations were also found to be the
most important reason for turnover. In a survey of construction
operatives in Iran, results indicated that the five highest-ranking
common problems are as follows: materials shortage, weather and site
conditions, equipment breakdown, drawing deficiencies/change orders, and
lack of proper tools and equipment. The research also stated an overall
of 51% of hour loss per operative per site per week. Above all, the
activity sampling showed 24-46% unproductive time variation on these
sites (Zakeri et al. 1996).
5. Methodology
5.1. Data collection
A review of literature as described was performed to derive a list
of factors negatively affecting productivity. As a result, a total of 31
factors relevant to the current situation in Iran, were identified and
derived from the literature. The productivity factors were further
introduced to a survey instrument to rank the factors and measure
perceptions of project managers of the degree of influence of these
factors. Based on previous literature review and as advised by local
experts, these factors were divided into 7 groups.
The project managers were required to rate the factors in the way
they affect productivity in terms of increasing the nonproductive time
of activities completion time using their own experiences on
construction sites. The questionnaire required the respondents to
determine the approximate time added to activities completion time due
to the negative effect of each factor. As mentioned earlier, this time
was considered to be a percentage of logical essential time to complete
the construction activities. In addition, to simplify the answering
process, the time percentages were divided into five categories in
accordance with Likert Scale. Anyone unable to estimate the imposed
nonproductive time accurately could rank the negative effect of factors
on a Likert Scale as follows:
1. Imposed nonproductive time accounts for less than 20% of the
logical essential time (very low effective).
2. Imposed nonproductive time accounts for 20-40% of the logical
essential time (low effective).
3. Imposed nonproductive time accounts for 40-60% of the logical
essential time (moderately effective).
4. Imposed nonproductive time accounts for 60-80% of the logical
essential time (high effective).
5. Imposed nonproductive time accounts for more than 80% of the
logical essential time (very high effective).
5.2. Respondents
Survey through questionnaires was selected as the research method.
The studied target population included contractors which have received a
valid registration from the related legal authorities. The formal
classification among contractors which is now common in Iran, divides
the construction companies into 5 categories. The main criteria for
classification are related to the company's previous experience,
capital, values of the executed projects, staffing, and the financial
situation. Those in class 1 are the biggest and undertake projects of
the biggest magnitude.
A total of 112 companies were survived. Ninety three companies
returned the questionnaires, of which eighty two were duly completed and
therefore formed the basis of the analysis reported in this paper.
These results have been achieved by continuous following-up and
close personal contact with the managers of contractor companies. The
respondents were recognized experts from their respective organizations,
mostly directors and general managers with at least 10 years of
experience in the construction field. The sample was selected randomly
from each level of the 5 contractor's categories. The
contractor's union list was ordered by the company number, and 5
lists of contractors were prepared to present the first to the fifth
categories. The random selection among the five lists was done by using
non-replacement random selection.
5.3. Data analysis
When using Likert-type scales it is imperative to calculate and
report the internal consistency reliability for any scales or subscales
one may be using. So the Cronbach's Alpha reliability test was
selected due to the accuracy and simplicity. The reliability analysis
resulted that the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient equals 0.8719, which
means the data were reliable according to Nunnaly and Bernstein (1994)
The Lilliefors test is a modification of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test that tests for normality. The test was performed, and the results
indicated that the gathered data distribution is none-parametric.
5.4. Ranking method
The statistical parameters like mean, population variance and
coefficient of variation, were utilized to rank the factors. The
coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated for each variable. This is
the variation in standard deviation as a percentage of mean, and is a
useful measure for dealing with properties whose standard deviation
rises in proportion to the mean.
Since, the scores in each variable are from individuals, it is
logical to take these coefficients as a measure of variation in
personal/individual assessment of importance (Olomolayie 1988).
We extracted 3 parameters for each of 31 factors based on the
answers from respondents including mean, standard deviation, and
coefficient of variation.
The mean values of 31 factors were sorted in descending order
firstly, and then the factors which their mean values were located in a
distance equal to the standard deviation and two times of the standard
deviation were divided into separate categories. Then the factors in
each mentioned category were ranked in descending order based on their
coefficient of variation. The factor in each category with a smaller
coefficient of variation was evaluated as the more effective factor.
Since the mentioned categories themselves were ranked in descending
order earlier, the results of ranking all 31 factors were achieved after
this stage.
Some of the used parameters are showed as below.
[??] = 8.38 (6)
where: [??]: the Standard Deviation, X: Mean Value.
6. Results
As mentioned earlier, in this study, 31 factors declining
subcontractor's productivity have been identified and ranked
according to their relative importance. Their relative importance was
based on the level of effect they exerted on the construction
activity's time completion in terms of increasing the nonproductive
To simplify the analysis, these factors have been classified into 7
main groups as material/tools, construction method/technology,
management/planning, supervision, reworks, weather, and jobsite
conditions. Table 1 and Table 2 illustrate the rankings of the 31
factors and defined groups in descending order. It should be mentioned
that we utilized the mean values of all the factors in a group as the
criteria measure of the respective group (i.e. we achieved 7 mean values
for 7 defined groups). To rank the groups the same method for the 31
factors were deployed for 7 groups. It is noteworthy to state that Table
2 merely is presented to show the grouping of the factors (i.e. the
factors of the 7 groups shown in Table 2 are not ranked in this stage).
7. Discussion
This section contains the results from the ratings as given in
Table 1 and Table 2. The groups are discussed on descending order based
on their rank in Table 2. Tables 3 to Table 8 also show the relative
ranking of the factors inside each group. These rankings inside each of
the mentioned tables were achieved based on the rankings of 31 factors
in Table 1.
7.1. Material/tools
Table 3 illustrates the ranking of the 4 factors in the group
related to material/tools. As mentioned earlier, Material/tools issues
were defined as the main declining issues in past researches in Iran
which appears consistent with the achieved results of this study.
This group consists of 4 factors in which lack of proper tools and
equipment is defined as the main cause of adding nonproductive time to
construction activities completion time. This factor is the direct
consequence of some situations as follows: poor financial strength of
the company, inappropriate site preparation, company's
unwillingness to purchase proper tools and equipments.
Truly, the payments made to Iranian contractors are highly
irregular. Hence, they cannot possibly afford to buy the required
materials in time. In addition, contractors are not sure about the
continuity of their work. As a result, they purchase the essential tools
just when they need them which leads to a large amount of nonproductive
time during construction activities. Furthermore, the tools are not
properly made and kept onsite in a safe and secure location which can
cause damage or theft.
The prohibitive price of construction equipments can be the major
obstacle for companies wishing to purchase them. Therefore, the
irregularities due to old equipment disorders appear inevitable. To sum
up, Iranian construction projects commonly encounter problems in the
materials/tools ground as follows:
- The major part of equipments is fairly old, and purchasing new
equipments is next to impossible for many companies due to their
prohibitive price.
- Irregular payments lead to poor procurements and remain as
serious obstacles in the path of purchasing materials in time.
- Poor procurement planning.
It is obvious that project managers have little control over many
of the mentioned difficulties, but these problems could be predicted and
considered in project scheduling at first.
7.2. Construction method/technology
Table 4 shows the ranking of the 5 factors in this ground. The
traditional and old fashioned technology is still common in
country's construction projects. It is clear that this problem ends
up in delays, cost overruns, and waste of resources. This factor is
determined as the greatest declining factor in country's
construction industry as illustrated in Table 1. Since, in many
occasions we must utilize several crews and skilled workers to do a
specific job using traditional methods. This activity would be completed
by one group of operatives much faster, using less resource, if we
utilized modern technology.
Furthermore, a major part of construction operatives have gained
skills merely from longterm experiences. Hence, they strongly resist any
sort of change. Since, it takes them a long time to become competent in
a new method of working. As a result, this factor is ranked as the
second important element declining productivity in this group.
Construction operatives have become extremely tolerant of jobsite
problems. Therefore, actually the relevant factors are not important
7.3. Management/planning
Management/planning issues in this paper are considered as
high-level management and long-term planning which is provided by senior
managers of the company. Table 5 illustrates the ranking of 6 factors
under this issue.
As showed in Table 1 there is not much difference amongst the
importance of these factors in declining productivity. Therefore, all of
them can be easily defined in terms of: negligence on the prominent role
of planning/project schedule. Actually, even in many large-scale
projects the planning schedule is seen as a formality and is not
expected to have a great effect on decision-making process, let alone
small projects. This fact brings about an adverse direct effect on the
procurement process as mentioned earlier.
It is obvious that site layout and safety regulations are not
matters of great importance among Iranian project managers.
Congestion and overcrowding rarely happens in jobsites, since the
lack of skilled workers and operatives has a much greater adverse effect
on productivity, as results indicate.
To sum up, the main declining factors regarding management/planning
issues are determined as follows:
--Common negligence on the prominent role of planning/project
--Not taking into account the planned schedule in the decision
makings process.
--Common negligence on the key role of site layout, and safety
related issues.
7.4. Supervision
In this paper, supervision term refers to the direct management
performed by the site manager, and the supervision offered by the
consulting engineers. Table 6 shows the ranking of the factors under
this ground.
Table 1 indicates that the second important declining factor in
project manager's perception is the weakness of site manager in
handling the jobsite challenges. In addition, according to the fifth
ranked factor, site manager should have the ability in training workers
to perform their jobs properly. These findings seem consistent with
Iranian contractor's widespread belief about the crucial role of
site manager in a construction project. Idle times due to inspection
delay and uncontrolled breaks are not recognized to be very effective in
declining productivity.
7.5. Reworks
Table 7 illustrates the ranking of the reworks factors. The most
important factor under this group is ranked the eleventh in Table 1. The
next one is ranked as the sixteenth declining factor. These two factors
are very common in Iran, and they are the direct cause of many delays
and cost overruns.
The remained factors are not determined to be of great importance.
This phenomenon arises out of this fact that in Iranian construction
projects, high speed of completion far outweighs the quality of work.
Therefore, these factors do not show a high level of ability in
declining productivity.
7.6. Weather
This research considers the adverse weather and thermal conditions
as one particular factor. This factor is ranked as the sixth most
important ground among the 7 groups and the ninth declining factor
amongst the factors negatively affecting productivity. Generally,
construction projects take place in an open environment, thus
environmental conditions may impact the condition of jobsite as well as
7.7. Jobsite condition
The ranking of the 6 factors in the group related to jobsite
conditions is shown in Table 8. As Table 1 indicates, a major part of
factors under this ground appears to have the least importance among 31
This group is the seventh effective ground among 7 mentioned
grounds. This level of negligence arises from the recent improvements in
jobsite conditions in Iran.
Above all, working crews do not pay much attention to these issues.
Actually, Iranian operatives do not assign a high priority to the job
conveniences, and companies are not obliged to provide.
8. Approximation of the grounds declining effects
This object of our research was aimed at presenting an
approximation of the effect level of the grounds studied in this paper.
The effect level is measured based on the amount of nonproductive time
added to the completion time of activities due to the factors or
grounds. This measure is defined as a percentage of logical essential
time required to complete activities. Table 9 illustrates an
approximation of this time due to the negative effect of the mentioned
grounds. The data in this table are based on the basic notion of 95%
Confidence Interval for Mean achieved from SPSS output.
9. Conclusions
In this study, 31 factors influencing sub-contractors productivity
in Iran were examined by bringing them together in 7 main groups. The
results indicated that the main 10 factors negatively affecting labor
productivity in descending order are as follows:
1. Utilizing the traditional construction methods instead of modern
2. Site manager is not experienced to handle challenges that arise
in the field.
3. Lack of proper tools and equipments on-site.
4. Operatives do not posses skills and experience to perform the
5. Site manager does not have the ability in training workers to
perform their jobs properly.
6. There is shortage of material in the market.
7. The company executes that type of project for the first time.
8. Materials have not arrived onsite yet.
9. The thermal environment is not comfortable (i.e. heat, cold,
10. The tasks are not properly planned and realistically sequenced.
Furthermore, 31 factors considered in the study were divided into 7
groups, which were ranked according to their importance as follows:
1. Material/tools.
2. Construction method/technology.
3. Management/planning.
4. Supervision.
5. Reworks.
6. Weather.
7. Jobsite condition.
Therefore, the results indicate that the main problems identified
in past researches in Iran still have remained the predominant obstacles
in the path of increasing productivity. In addition the lack of
materials and tools is identified as the main declining group in this
Our results are also generally consistent with the results of
similar researches carried out in Nigeria, Thailand, and Indonesia
(Olomolaiye et al. 1987; Kaming et al. 1997; Makulsawaudom, Emsley 2001,
2004), and are absolutely similar to results achieved in the Gaza Strip
(Enshassi et al. 2007). The results also have a general likeliness with
the points made by Mojahed and Aghazadeh (2008).
Achieved outcomes make it imperative that contracting companies
should provide a materials supply schedule for each of their projects.
This schedule should include the time required to supply materials and
the availability of materials on the local market to furnish the
required materials in time. Contracting companies should also select a
suitable storage location for purchased materials in each project, which
should be easily accessible and close to active work area to avoid
wastage of labor time for multiple-handling materials.
Contracting companies have to pay more attention to the quality of
construction materials and tools used in their projects, as using
appropriate materials and tools reduces both the time taken to finish
the work and wastage of materials. Using appropriate materials and tools
also has a positive effect on the quality of work, which consequently
improves labor productivity. In addition, it prevents from failures
arising from quality inspections and testing.
Tremendous efforts should be made by contracting companies and
policy makers to benefit from what other developed countries have
achieved through technology transfer, and replacing traditional methods
with new ones rapidly. This issue could be considered in the process of
training engineers and operatives, since it is one of the dominant
factors influencing on the productivity of construction projects in
The construction policy makers should make attempt to increase the
use of project scheduling techniques such as Microsoft project and
Primavera in this industry. Even they have to lay down strict rules
about utilizing project scheduling methods in all construction projects
in the country.
As a result, it can be concluded that the majority of the highest
effective factors are all financial related, reflecting the financial
weakness of the majority of Iranian construction companies due to the
payment irregularities by the governmental sector.
The fact that the jobsite conditions have the lowest importance
among the groups seems quite normal in terms of noticeable recent
improvements of the work atmosphere in Iran.
doi: 10.3846/20294913.2012.661203
Received 28 September 2009; accepted 02 November 2010
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Parviz Ghoddousi, Mohammad Reza Hosseini Iran University of Science
and Technology, Tehran, Iran 2University of South Australia, Adelaide,
Australia E-mails:
[email protected];
[email protected]
(corresponding author)
Parviz GHODDOUSI is an associate professor of Civil Engineering at
Iran University of Science and Technology. He received his BE at
Bangalore University, India, in 1980, his MS at University of Leeds in
Construction Engineering in 1987, and his PhD at University of Leeds,
England, in 1992. He lectures in the field of project management,
Project Planning and Control, equipment and methods, concrete
technology. He has published eight books in Persian and more than fifty
national and international papers on construction engineering and
concrete technology. His main research interests consist of project
management and concrete durability.
Mohammad Reza HOSSEINI is a Civil Engineer and the C.E.O of a
construction company which has carried out projects all over Iran. He
has been conducting many researches for the Building code office of
Iran's Ministry of Housing for five years, and has been co-author
for two books published by that office. He has gained practical
experience of the construction industry for more than eleven years. He
has received his MS in Construction Management field at Iran University
of Science and Technology, and his main research fields are
productivity, earned value, benchmarking and project performance. He is
a PhD candidate in Construction Management at the University of South
Australia at the present time.
Table 1. Ranking for productivity declining factors
Declining factors Rank
Utilizing the traditional 1
construction methods instead
of modern technology
Site manager is not 2
experienced to handle
challenges that arise in the
Lack of proper tools and 3
equipments on-site
Operatives do not pose skills 4
and experience to perform the
Site manager does not have the C
ability in training workers to
perform their jobs properly 5
There is shortage of material 6
in the market
The company executes that type 7
of project for the first time
Materials have not arrived 8
onsite yet
The thermal environment is not 9
comfortable (i.e. heat, cold,
The tasks are not properly 10
planned and realistically
The work needs to be redone 11
due to changes in design,
drawings or specifications
Skilled workers are not 12
adequate on jobs
There is no construction 13
planning/project schedule in
Workers have to adopt awkward 1 A
postures or exert considerable 14
physical force to perform the
There are frequent tools/ 15
equipment breakdowns due to
aging or poor maintenance
The works need to be redone 16
frequently due to poor quality
of documents, drawings or
The jobsite layout is poor 17
Stoppage because of inspection 18
Disruption of power services 19
Congestion and overcrowding on 20
the site/interference among
working in the jobsite
Disruption of water services 21
The site is slippery or steep 22
imposing terrible conditions
Management does not support 23
safety planning
The work needs to be redone 24
due to the damage after the
work was complete
The works need to be redone 25
because it fails quality
control inspection or testing
There were errors in 26
fabrication that needs to be
corrected in rework
Work and break frequencies and 27
durations are not properly
There are not adequate water 28
coolers, toilets, convenient
store or covered rest area
onsite in the vicinity of
active work force
Considerable distance from 29
home or camping site to
The jobsite is too noisy/ 30
Low level of lighting/poor 31
ventilation/poor housekeeping/
limited accesses
Table 2. Ranking the defined groups and their factors
Materials have not arrived Material/ Tools
onsite yet There is shortage
of material in the market Lack
of proper tools and equipments
on/site There are frequent
tools/equipment breakdowns due
to aging or poor maintenance
Operatives do not pose skills Construction Method/Technology
and experience to perform the
task. Utilizing the
traditional construction
methods instead of modern
technology The company
executes that type of project
for the first time The site is
slippery or steep imposing
terrible conditions Workers
have to adopt awkward postures
or exert considerable physical
force to perform the jobs
There is no construction Management/ Planning
planning/project schedule in
place The tasks are not
properly planned and
realistically sequenced
Skilled workers are not
adequate on jobs Congestion
and overcrowding on the site/
interference among people
working in the jobsite The
jobsite layout is poor
Management does not support
safety planning
Site manager does not have the Supervision
ability in training workers to
perform their jobs properly
Stoppage because of inspection
delays Work and break
frequencies and durations are
not properly organized Site
manager is not experienced to
handle challenges that arise
in the field
The work needs to be redone Reworks
due to the damage after the
work was complete The works
need to be redone because it
fails quality control
inspection or testing There
were errors in fabrication
that needs to be corrected in
rework The works need to be
redone frequently due to poor
quality of documents, drawings
or specifications The work
needs to be redone due to
changes in design, drawings or
The thermal environment is not Weather
comfortable (i.e. heat, cold,
There are not adequate water Jobsite Condition
coolers, toilets, convenient
store or covered rest area
onsite in the vicinity of
active work force Considerable
distance from home or camping
site to jobsite The jobsite is
too noisy/dusty Low level of
lighting/poor ventilation/
poor housekeeping/limited
accesses Disruption of water
services Disruption of power
Table 3. Ranking material/tools factors
Factors Rank
Lack of proper tools and equipments on-site 1
There is shortage of material in the market 2
Materials have not arrived onsite yet 3
There are frequent tools/equipment 4
breakdowns due to aging or poor maintenance
Table 4. Ranking construction method/technology factors
Factors Rank
Utilizing the traditional 1
construction methods instead
of modern technology
Operatives do not pose skills 2
and experience to perform the
The company executes that type 3
of project for the first time
The site is slippery or steep 4
imposing terrible conditions
Workers have to adopt awkward 5
postures or exert considerable
physical force to perform the
Table 5. Ranking management/planning factors
Factors Rank
The tasks are not properly 1
planned and realistically sequenced
Skilled workers are not adequate on jobs 2
There is no construction planning/project 3
schedule in place
The jobsite layout is poor 4
Congestion and overcrowding on the
among people working in the jobsite 5
Management does not support 6
safety planning
Table 6. Ranking supervision factors
Factors Rank
Site manager is not 1
experienced to handle
challenges that arise in the
Site manager does not have the 2
ability in training workers to
perform their jobs properly
Stoppage because of inspection 3
Work and break frequencies and 4
durations are not properly
Table 7. Ranking reworks factors
Factors Rank
The work needs to be redone due to 1
changes in design, drawings or
The works need to be redone frequently 2
due to poor quality of documents,
drawings or specifications
The work needs to be redone due to the 3
damage after the work was complete
The work needs to be redone because it 4
fails quality control inspection or
There were errors in fabrication that 5
needs to be corrected in rework
Table 8. Ranking jobsite condition factors
Factors Rank
Disruption of power services 1
Disruption of water services 2
There are not adequate water coolers,
toilets, convenient store
or covered rest areas onsite in the 3
vicinity of active work force
Considerable distance from home or 4
camping site to jobsite
The jobsite is too noisy/dusty 5
Low level of lighting/poor ventilation/ 6
poor housekeeping/limited accesses
Table 9. Approximation of added time due to the grounds
Groups Maximum Minimum Time
Time Added Added
Material/tools 50 43
Construction method/technology 46 41
Management/planning 41 36
Supervision 46.5 39
Rework 33 39
Weather 48 38
Jobsite Condition 32 26