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  • 标题:A novel hybrid SWARA and VIKOR methodology for supplier selection in an agile environment.
  • 作者:Alimardani, Maryam ; Zolfani, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani ; Aghdaie, Mohammad Hasan
  • 期刊名称:Technological and Economic Development of Economy
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-8619
  • 出版年度:2013
  • 期号:September
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • 摘要:Supply chain management (SCM) is considered as one of the most important aspects of production planning and control (Yigin et al. 2007) and it has recently been taken into account by managers and researchers. The main aim of SCM is to manage multiple relationships across the supply chain (SC) regarding the entire flow of information, materials, and services to fulfil customer demands in an efficient manner (Li, Wang 2007). Supply chains comprise potential suppliers, producers, distributors, retailers and customers and etc. In this context, suppliers have an important role in achieving the goal of supply chain management. In this regard, the integration of strategic partnership with suppliers with better performance is recommended within the SC, while it leads to enhanced performance of the chain in many directions such as costs reduction through waste elimination, continuous improvement of quality to achieve zero defects, flexibility improvement to meet the end-customer requirements, decrease lead time at different stages of the SC (Amin, Razmi 2009).
  • 关键词:Business logistics;Decision making;Decision-making;Logistics

A novel hybrid SWARA and VIKOR methodology for supplier selection in an agile environment.

Alimardani, Maryam ; Zolfani, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani ; Aghdaie, Mohammad Hasan 等


Supply chain management (SCM) is considered as one of the most important aspects of production planning and control (Yigin et al. 2007) and it has recently been taken into account by managers and researchers. The main aim of SCM is to manage multiple relationships across the supply chain (SC) regarding the entire flow of information, materials, and services to fulfil customer demands in an efficient manner (Li, Wang 2007). Supply chains comprise potential suppliers, producers, distributors, retailers and customers and etc. In this context, suppliers have an important role in achieving the goal of supply chain management. In this regard, the integration of strategic partnership with suppliers with better performance is recommended within the SC, while it leads to enhanced performance of the chain in many directions such as costs reduction through waste elimination, continuous improvement of quality to achieve zero defects, flexibility improvement to meet the end-customer requirements, decrease lead time at different stages of the SC (Amin, Razmi 2009).

Besides, the concept of agile supply chains (ASC) or networks has recently attracted many businesses to efficiently and effectively respond to increasingly dynamic and volatile markets. Whenever a dynamic network of companies is formed, an agile supply chain is likely to need to change frequently in response to rapidly changing business environments (Wu et al. 2009). In ASC, the alignment of companies with their supply partners is suggested, which leads to improved efficiency of their operations, as well as working together to achieve the necessary levels of agility throughout the entire supply chain (Wu, Barnes 2011). Therefore, among different ASC issues, supply partner selection process becomes more crucial to survive in today's highly competitive and global environment.

Moreover, there is a wide set of reasons to regard supplier selection process as the most appealing issue, to which numerous researches have been dedicated. The repetitive nature of supplier selection process and frequently changing customer demands lead to the increase in the uncertainty and ambiguity of this decision-making process, particularly in ASC. Therefore, in order to achieve the successful operation of an ASC, an effective supply partner selection becomes an essential process that may enhance effectiveness, efficiency, quality, safety and profit. It should be noted that the importance and complexity of partner selection has increased (Sarkar, Mohapatra 2006). ASC partner selection has been defined as a process for identification of an efficient combination of suppliers, producers and distributors, depending on which the right mix and quantity of products and services are provided to customers (Talluri, Baker 2002). In an ASC, determination of key components of the supply network-e.g. suppliers, producers, distribution centres, etc.--can be an extremely complex task just as well as specification of their combination. In addition, demanding and dynamic market conditions, in which organizational decision-makers may have to consider a wide set of selection criteria such as performance, cost, flexibility (Cagliano et al. 2004) may change over time. Other important reasons of the supplier selection issue could be listed as follows: the product quality which depends on the organization's suppliers, the existence of several suppliers that offer a wide range of choices for selecting supplier alternatives. Hence, the partner selection process should be done quickly as well as thoroughly (Arteta, Giachetti 2004).

Supplier selection problem has been expressed as a complex decision-making process in nature due to variant parameters and diverse aspects (Xia, Wu 2007; Razmi et al. 2009). In this regard, the authors propose supplier selection process in agile environments as a multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) problem. MADM approaches one of the major categories of multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods and deals with the evaluation and selection of an alternative among other alternatives (Zavadskas et al. 2009, 2010). As Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) (Hwang, Yoon 1981), Elimination and Choice Translating Reality (ELECTRE) (Roy 1968), MUSA (Grigoroudis, Siskos 2002), Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) (Opricovic 1998), Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) (Zavadskas, Kaklauskas 1996), Complex Proportional Assessment with Grey relations (COPRAS-G) (Zavadskas et al. 2008, 2009), Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) (Zavadskas, Turskis 2010; Zavadskas et al. 2012), Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) (Kersuliene et al. 2010), Factor Relationship (FARE) (Ginevicius 2011) are the prominent MADM techniques in the related literature.

Inclusive complex criteria used in multi-stage decision-making process are apposite for solving many problems (Zavadskas et al. 2012; Tamosaitiene et al. 2013; Tamosaitiene, Gaudutis 2013).

In this paper, the authors attempt to provide a novel hybrid MADM methodology for supplier selection in agile environments. The proposed model comprises SWARA and VIKOR techniques for agile supplier selection in order to respond to increasingly volatile markets and survive in the highly competitive manufacturing milieus. Firstly, the SWARA method is implemented to obtain the weights of agility criteria. And then, the VIKOR method is used for evaluation and selection of the best/agile supplier alternative according to the agility level of an organization.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 1 presents the proposed integrated approach model, and SWARA and VIKOR methods are elaborated as well. In Section 2, a real case-study is analysed to validate the proposed model. Also, the proposed decision-making SWARA and VIKOR results are presented in Section 2. Finally, some remarks and future research directions are provided in the final section.

1. Proposed integrated SWARA-VIKOR methodology

In today's dynamic manufacturing milieus, enterprises deal with dramatic and often unexpected changes, such as the increase of product variety and complexity, shorter time frames to respond, and the continual need to gain new capabilities through innovativeness (Sari et al. 2008). In this era, companies must use every opportunity for performance improvement. To do so, a close relationship between a firm and its supply chain partners has been recommended to optimize its business processes (Wu, Barnes 2011). Furthermore, the required products are changed frequently as well as some partners. Hence, supplier selection process as a key step in the formation of any supply chains and especially in the agile supply chains, which are frequently reconfigured, is to be studied applying effective techniques (Sari et al. 2008).

Supply partner selection process is a multi-attribute decision-making problem that comprises both qualitative and quantitative factors. Consequently, a variety of reasons exist for using MADM approaches for selecting an alternative. Firstly, MADM methods deal with the selection process of the best alternative among candidates that is done upon decision-maker preferences with respect to many conflicting/contradictory qualitative and quantitative multiple criteria. Secondly, determination and evaluation of all these factors is a difficult task.

The aim of this paper is: using MADM approaches to assess and choose the best supplier for a manufacturing company that produces a variety of products. Therefore, the authors attempt to propose a bi-level hybrid structure of the new multiple-attribute decision-making (MADM) methods to discuss supplier selection process for the first time in agile supply chains. The supposed integrated approach involves two MADM procedures; Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) and Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR). In the first level, SWARA technique is devoted to calculation of the weight of a criterion and then, VIKOR is proposed to rank agile supplier alternatives from the best to the worst. Fig. 1 describes the evaluation procedure of this study, which consists of three main phases:

Phase I. After establishing the decision-making team, the most important criteria for supplier selection is identified. Next, the qualitative and quantitative criteria are defined. Finally, the project team constructs the selection criteria and problem structure.

Based upon a comprehensive review of partner evaluation process, and measurement of organizations agility, the authors propose the four main criteria including performance (as a combination of quality, time, and progress), cost (as a combination of caution cost, capital expenditure, and operational expenditure), flexibility (including product flexibility, product volume flexibility, multi-skilled and flexible people, establishment flexibility, manufacture flexibility), and finally-technology that is measured in terms of technical features/characteristics, system reliability/availability, system redundancy, compliance with international standards, interoperability with other systems, future technology development (Sharifi, Zhang 1999; Tam, Tummala 2001; Tsourveloudis, Valavanis 2002; Lin et al. 2006; Luo et al. 2009; Buyukozkan, Cifci 2011) that contribute to the goal. Fig. 2 represents the selection criteria and problem structure. As depicted in Fig. 2, on the next level are four criteria that are decomposed into numerous sub-criteria and some of the proposed sub-criteria are also divided into some other sub-criteria.

The quality dimension is decomposed into three sub-criteria including the product quality (Sharifi, Zhang 1999; Luo et al. 2009), which is measured by means of the ratio of the defected product to the all product, service level (Wu et al. 2009; Luo et al. 2009), and information quality (Buyukozkan, Cifci 2011), which is measured in terms of information accessible to beneficiary (Luo et al. 2009), perfect degree of enterprise information system (Lin et al. 2006). The time dimension comprises delivery time (Sari et al. 2008; Buyukozkan, Cifci 2011), on-time response to request (Buyukozkan, Cifci 2011), distribution time, and transportation time (Wu et al. 2009). The progress criterion is assessed upon customer satisfaction as well as customer-driven innovations (Sharifi, Zhang 1999).


The cost dimension is a combination of caution cost, which is evaluated by means of risk or commitment (Sari et al. 2008), capital expenditure and operational expenditure (Tam, Tummala 2001). It must be noted that raw material cost is suggested as a sub-criterion of the capital expenditure criterion, since the whole ASC seeks to minimize the cost of raw material, which is supplied by various suppliers. Moreover, since the whole ASC seeks to minimize the production costs (Wu et al. 2009), which are provided by manufacturing plants, they are regarded as operational expenditure. Besides, operational expenditure is evaluated depending on maintenance cost and support system cost (Tam, Tummala 2001).

The flexibility criterion is categorized into product flexibility (Sharifi, Zhang 1999), product volume flexibility (Tsourveloudis, Valavanis 2002), multi-skilled and flexible people (Sharifi, Zhang 1999) including sub-criteria continuous training and development (Tsourveloudis, Valavanis 2002) and establishment flexibility, which expresses the complexity and flexibility of building new relationships as well as breaking up old relationships (Wu et al. 2009), manufacture flexibility that is appraised according to concurrent execution of activities (Tsourveloudis, Valavanis 2002; Lin et al. 2006).The proposed criteria related to the agile supplier selection problem are presented in Table 1.


Phase II. Criteria weights were calculated by applying SWARA method and based on expert evaluations.

Phase III. In this stage, all alternatives were evaluated by the project team and VIKOR method was applied to achieve the final ranking results.

The following weight assessment approaches are among those listed in the literature: Entropy (Shannon 1948; Susinskas et al. 2011; Kersuliene, Turskis 2011), FARE (Ginevicius 2011), SWARA (Kersuliene et al. 2010), etc. SWARA method is one of the brand-new ones. In this method, an expert plays an important role on evaluations and calculation of weights. Also, each expert chooses the importance of each criterion. Next, each expert ranks all criteria from the first to the last. An expert uses his or her own implicit knowledge, information and experiences. Based on this method, the most significant criterion is given rank 1, and the least significant criterion is given rank last. The overall ranks to the group of experts are determined according to the mediocre value of ranks (Kersuliene, Turskis 2011). The ability to estimate experts' opinion about importance ratio of the criteria in the process of their weights determination is the main element of this method (Kersuliene et al. 2010). Moreover, this method is helpful for coordinating and gathering data from experts. Furthermore, SWARA method is uncomplicated and experts can easily work together. The main advantage of this method in decision-making is that in some problems priorities are defined based on policies of companies or countries and there is no need for evaluation to rank criteria. In other methods, such as AHP or ANP, the model is created based on criteria and expert evaluations will affect priorities and ranks (Zavadskas et al. 2011; Hashemkhani Zolfani et al. 2012). So, SWARA can be useful for some issues with known priorities depending on a situation; and finally, SWARA is proposed in a certain environment of decision-making. All developments of decision-making models based on SWARA method are as follow: Kersuliene et al. (2010) in selection of rational dispute resolution method; Kersuliene, Turskis (2011) for architect selection; Hashemkhani Zolfani et al. (2013a) in design of products; Aghdaie et al. (2013) in the machine tool selection; Hashemkhani Zolfani et al. (2013b) in selecting the optimal alternative of mechanical longitudinal ventilation of tunnel pollutants; Hashemkhani Zolfani et al. (2013c) in investigating the success factors of online games based on explorer.

VIKOR method

The VIKOR method is a compromise MADM method, developed by Opricovic, Tzeng (Opricovic 1998; Opricovic, Tzeng 2002). The concept of VIKOR is based on the compromise programming of MCDM by comparing the measure of "closeness" to the "ideal" alternative (Wu et al. 2009). The VIKOR method can provide a maximum "group utility" for the "majority" and a minimum of an individual regret for the "opponent" (Opricovic 1998; Opricovic, Tzeng 2002, 2004).

The recent developments of decision-making models based on VIKOR method are listed below: Fouladgar et al. (2012) in project portfolio selection, Yucenur and Demirel (2012) for insurance company selection, Wang and Tzeng (2012) for creating brand value, Liu et al. (2012) in improvement of tourism policy implementation, Wu et al. (2012) for ranking universities, Antucheviciene et al. (2011) in ranking of building redevelopment alternatives.

2. Case study

A real case study problem has been chosen to show the performance and application of the model. The study was conducted by a well-known company in manufacturing automobile industry. This company is located near Tehran, in Iran and it is a large manufacturing company with more than 500 employees. Besides, it is one of the biggest suppliers for both Saypa and Zamyad automobile manufacturing companies. Recent fast changes in automobile market environment and customer needs have been combined with high competitiveness in this market place. Therefore, the company has decided to use analytical tools for evaluation and selection of its suppliers. After defining a new project for evaluation and selection of suppliers, a project team of two industrial engineers, two managers and CEO of the company was established (see Table 2). This team identified four potential suppliers as alternatives for evaluation. The alternatives denoted as [A.sub.1], [A.sub.2], [A.sub.3], and [A.sub.4], respectively.

Among all criteria ten criteria [X.sub.l-1-1], [X.sub.l-1-2], [X.sub.l-1-3], [X.sub.l-1-4], [X.sub.2-1], [X.sub.2-2-1], [X.sub.2-2-2], [X.sub.2-2-3], [X.sub.4-4], and [X.sub.2-4], are cost criterion (the minimum amount of this criterion is desirable) and others are benefit criteria. This kind of classification is important for VIKOR analysis.

Decision-making team has followed every step of this project for this selection. They accepted the criteria list for evaluation of alternatives, which were derived from the literature survey. Also, they developed the problem structure (see Fig. 2).

For receiving general agreement in every step of this project, Delphi method was used. Delphi is a very famous method for receiving general agreement in complicated decision-making situations. Therefore, after a numerous discussions, a project team identified criteria for evaluation and they constructed problem structure. Then the project team accepted the criteria list that was explored from the literature study (see Table 1). There was a general consensus about this criteria list. As mentioned before, in this paper SWARA was used for calculating criteria weights.

In this section, the authors focus on obtained numerical results. In the first part, SWARA results will be discussed. As mentioned before, after determining all selection criteria and supplier alternatives, SWARA method was used to tackle the ambiguities involved in the process of the linguistic assessment of the criteria and alternatives. Like other similar methods (e.g. AHP and ANP), SWARA uses expert ideas or thoughts but experts can participate without difficulty in this method. Information about experts is shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows criteria weights and the decision matrix that is filled by experts. Also, Table 3 indicates the results of criteria weights for all assessment criteria, criteria and sub-criteria. The weight of each criterion is shown in the fifth column. The last column of Table 3 provides the evaluations of each alternative by experts that are used to calculate the rank of each alternative. Table 3 is used as an input, which is applied by VIKOR method. The aim of using VIKOR method is selecting the best supplier. After discussing SWARA results, in this section, the authors ranked suppliers based on VIKOR. Equations in VIKOR section were used for calculations in VIKOR method.

The authors had four alternatives in this paper and there were four potential suppliers as alternatives for evaluation. The alternatives were denoted as [A.sub.1], [A.sub.2], [A.sub.3], and [A.sub.4]. Five decision-making experts evaluated each alternative giving a score. After creating the decision matrix, the normalized value was calculated and other steps based on VIKOR steps were followed (Opricovic 1998; Opricovic, Tzeng 2002, 2004).

According to Table 4, which shows ultimate results of VIKOR methodology Alternative 3 (supplier 3) is the best option for this problem. Based on this Table, this supplier can work and satisfy company's needs in an agile environment. Also, the proposed hybrid model provides a systemically analytic model for supplier selection in an agile environment.

Conclusion and future research directions

In the current era, many businesses have been forced to form a dynamic network of companies, namely agile supply chain, and outsourcing has also increased to help businesses concentrate on frequent market changes. In this regard, supply partner selection process becomes more crucial in today's highly competitive and global environment. The uncertainty and ambiguity of supplier selection process is the main reason to suppose an effective supply partner selection to achieve the successful operation of an ASC. To do so, in this paper, a hybrid MADM methodology with three phases based on integrating two MADM methods for selecting the most suitable supplier, was proposed. According to the results of this study, DMs were faced with critical factors that were found to influence an organization's decisions about evaluating and selecting a new supplier. According to the results, the case study is presented. Specifically, this study provides a valuable view that DMs should be selected as a decision-making team. In addition, SWARA method was used as a decision-making tool for extracting weights of criteria, which VIKOR needed. Therefore, VIKOR used SWARA result weights as input weights. Therefore, another significant contribution to this study is the proposed SWARA-VIKOR integrated approach. In general, the findings of this study have contributed towards providing important and advanced knowledge by various criteria and a simple, efficient method, with which managers of a company or decision-makers can increase their ability to choose an appropriate supplier. As a result of the study, the authors found that the proposed approach is practical for ranking supplier alternatives with respect to multiple conflicting criteria in an agile environment.

This study results show that decision criteria significantly influence on the choice of supplier selection. However, in this paper the most important criteria were selected based on the in-depth literature survey; another study could design a new structure with other criteria, sub-criteria and assessing alternatives with a new structure.

Caption: Fig. 1. The evaluation procedure

Caption: Fig. 2. Problem structure, selection aspects and formulated alternatives



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Maryam ALIMARDANI (a), Sarfaraz HASHEMKHANI ZOLFANI (b), Mohammad Hasan AGHDAIE (c), Jolanta TAMOSAITIENE (d)

(a) Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

(b) Department of Management, Science and Technology, Technology Foresight Group, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Futures Studies Research Institute, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), P.O. Box 1585-4413, Tehran, Iran

(c) Department of Industrial Engineering, Shomal University, P. O. Box 731, Amol, Mazandaran, Iran

(d) Department of Construction Technologies and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

Corresponding author Jolanta Tamosaitiene

E-mail: [email protected]

Received 27 December 2012; accepted 17 June 2013

Maryam ALIMARDANI received her Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering-Industrial Production from Shomal University, Amol, Iran in 2009. She received her Master's degree in Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering from University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran in 2012. Her papers have appeared in international conferences and journals, such as International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, Zadeh Journal of Mathematics. Her major research interests include production planning and control, supply chain management, supply chain inventory management, multi criteria decision-making.

Sarfaraz HASHEMKHANI ZOLFANI received his Bachelor's degree in Industrial Management and Master's degree in Industrial Engineering from Shomal University, Iran. He is a PhD student of Technology Foresight in Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic). He is working at Future Studies Research Institute of Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Sustainability office of Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) and Research Institute of the Internet and Intelligent Technologies, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. He is a member of EURO Working Group OR in Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering. He is a reviewer in journals like: International Journal of Strategic Property Management, International Journal of Business and Society etc. He is an author of more than 45 scientific papers that presented, published or reviewed at/for International Conferences and Journals (including ISI-cited publications). He has published in journals such as: Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Journal of Business Economics and Management, International Journal of Strategic Property Management, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Transport, The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering etc. His research interests include: performance evaluation, strategic management, decision-making theory, supply chain management, (fuzzy) multi criteria decision making, marketing, future studies, sustainable development.

Mohammad Hasan AGHDAIE received his Bachelor's and Master's degreed in Industrial Engineering from Shomal University, in Amol. He is the author of more than 21 scientific papers in international conferences and international journals, which were published, accepted or peer-reviewed. He has published in journals such as Journal of Business Economics and Management, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Quarterly journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education, Engineering Economics, and several others. His current research interests include operations research, decision analysis, multiple criteria decision analysis, operations research interfaces with other fields, especially marketing, market segmentation, marketing research and modelling, market design and engineering, pricing, data mining, data science, application of fuzzy sets and systems, creative thinking and problem solving.

Jolanta TAMOSAITIENE. Associate Professor, Dr, a Vice-Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty and working in the Department of Construction Technology and Management at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania. Since 2013 is a member of Editorial Board "The Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management", since 2011 is a member of Editorial Board "Technological and Economic Development of Economy" journal. Since 2009 is a member of EURO Working Group OR in Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering, EWG-ORSDCE. Since 2013 is a board member of Engineering, Project, and Production Management Association. She published 50 scientific papers. Research interests: many miscellaneous management areas (enterprise, construction project etc.), risk assessment, construction project administration, building life-cycle, construction technology and organisation, decision-making and grey system theory, Decision Making (DM), statistics, optimization, strategies, game theory, intelligent support system, Sustainable Development: developing of alternative construction processes, economic and other aspects, sustainable development challenges for business and management in construction enterprises, environmental impact processes etc.
Table 1. Factors taken from the review of the related literature
and relevant to supplier evaluation and selection in an agile
supply chain

No.             Criteria and            Related literature source

[X.sub.1]       Performance

[X.sub.1-1]     Quality

[X.sub.1-1-1]   product quality         Wu et al. (2009); Luo
                                        et al. (2009)
[X.sub.1-1-2]   service level           Wu et al. (2009); Luo
                                        et al. (2009)
[X.sub.1-1-3]   information quality     Buyukozkan, Cifci (2011)

[X.sub.1-2]     Time

[X.sub.1-2-1]   delivery time           Sari et al. (2008);
                                        Buyukozkan, Cifci (2011)
[X.sub.1-2-2]   on-time response to     Luo et al. (2009);
                  request               Buyukozkan, Cifci (2011)
[X.sub.1-2-3]   distribution time       Wu et al. (2009)
[X.sub.1-2-4]   transportation time     Wu et al. (2009)

[X.sub.1-3]     Progress

[X.sub.1-3-1]   customer satisfaction
[X.sub.1-3-2]   customer-driven         Sharifi, Zhang (1999)

[X.sub.2]       Cost

[X.sub.2-1]     Caution cost            Sari et al. (2008)
[X.sub.2-2]     Capital expenditure     Tam, Tummala (2001); Wu
                                        et al. (2009)
[X.sub.2-3]     Operational
[X.sub.2-3-1]   production cost         Wu et al. (2009)
[X.sub.2-3-2]   maintenance cost        Tam, Tummala (2001)
[X.sub.2-3-3]   support system cost     Tam, Tummala (2001)

[X.sub.3]       Flexibility

[X.sub.3-1]     Product flexibility     Sharifi, Zhang (1999)
[X.sub.3-2]     Product volume          Tsourveloudis,
                  flexibility           Valavanis (2002)
[X.sub.3-3]     Multi-skilled and
                  flexible people
[X.sub.3-3-1]   continuous training     Tsourveloudis,
                and development         Valavanis (2002)
[X.sub.3-3-2]   employee skills
[X.sub.3-4]     Establishment           Wu et al. (2009)
[X.sub.3-5]     Manufacture             Tsourveloudis, Valavanis
                  flexibility           (2002); Lin et al. (2006)

[X.sub.4]       Technology

[X.sub.4-1]     Technical features/     Sharifi, Zhang (1999);
                characteristics         Buyukozkan, Cifci (2011)

[X.sub.4-2]     System reliability/     Tam, Tummala (2001); Lin
                availability            et al. (2006)

[X.sub.4-3]     System redundancy       Tam, Tummala (2001)

[X.sub.4-4]     Compliance with         Tam, Tummala (2001); Luo
                international           et al. (2009)

[X.sub.4-5]     Interoperability        Tam, Tummala (2001);
                with other systems      Tsourveloudis, Valavanis

[X.sub.4-6]     Future technology       Sharifi, Zhang (1999);
                development             Tam, Tummala (2001)

Table 2. The characteristics of the five decision-making experts

Decision-making expert

     Gender   Age   Education            Experience
                    Level                (years)

D1    Male    53    B Sc in              > 30

D2    Male    50    M Sc in business     > 25

D3   Female   49    M Sc in              > 21

D4    Male    45    B Sc in industrial   > 18

D5   Female   47    Ph D                 > 14
                    of philosophy's

     Gender   Job title      Job responsibility

D1    Male    Manager of     In charge of the most
              the company    important decisions of the
              (CEO)          company.

D2    Male    Supply chain   Managing the engineering
              manager        team, supply chain, suppliers
                             and new projects.

D3   Female   Operations     Managing, designing, and
              manager        controlling the process of
                             production and redesigning
                             business operations in the
                             production of goods and/or

D4    Male    Production     Managing product lines,
              planning       buying new materials and
              and material   inventory planning.

D5   Female   Marketing      Responsible for R&D,
              manager        marketing research and
                             pricing decisions.

Table 3. Calculation results by applying SWARA and VIKOR

                   Criteria weights based on SWARA

Criterion          Comparative        Coefficient
                   importance         [k.sub.j] =
                   of average        [s.sub.j] + 1

[X.sub.1]             0.28               1.28
[X.sub.1-1]                                1
[X.sub.1-3]           0.25               1.25
[X.sub.1-2]           0.21               1.21
[X.sub.1-1-1]         0.13               1.13
[X.sub.1-1-2]         0.16               1.16
[X.sub.1-1-3]         0.18               1.18
[X.sub.1-1-4]                              1
[X.sub.1-2-1]                              1
[X.sub.1-2-2]         0.20               1.20
[X.sub.1-3-1]         0.26               1.26
[X.sub.1-3-2]                              1
[X.sub.1-3-3]         0.12               1.12
[X.sub.2]             0.32               1.32
[X.sub.2-1]           0.39               1.39
[X.sub.2-2]                                1
[X.sub.2-2-1]         0.21               1.21
[X.sub.2-2-2]          0.1                1.1
[X.sub.2-2-3]                              1
[X.sub.2-3]           0.27               1.27
[X.sub.3]             0.20               1.20
[X.sub.3-1]                                1
[X.sub.3-2]           0.26               1.26
[X.sub.3-3]           0.42               1.42
[X.sub.3-3-1]                              1
[X.sub.3-3-2]         0.31               1.31
[X.sub.3-4]           0.18               1.18
[X.sub.3-5]           0.23               1.23
[X.sub.4]                                  1
[X.sub.4-1]           0.19               1.19
[X.sub.4-2]           0.30                1.3
[X.sub.4-3]           0.35               1.35
[X.sub.4-4]           0.16               1.16
[X.sub.4-5]                                1
[X.sub.4-6]           0.26               1.26

                 Criteria weights based on SWARA

Criterion        Recalculated        Weight
                    weight         [q.sub.j] =
                  [w.sub.j] =      [w.sub.j] /
                 [x.sub.j-1]/       [SIGMA]
                   [k.sub.j]        [w.sub.j]

[X.sub.1]            0.781            0.272
[X.sub.1-1]            1              0.406
[X.sub.1-3]           0.8             0.326
[X.sub.1-2]          0.662            0.268
[X.sub.1-1-1]        0.884            0.270
[X.sub.1-1-2]        0.645            0.196
[X.sub.1-1-3]        0.749            0.228
[X.sub.1-1-4]          1              0.306
[X.sub.1-2-1]          1              0.545
[X.sub.1-2-2]        0.833            0.455
[X.sub.1-3-1]        0.793            0.317
[X.sub.1-3-2]          1              0.400
[X.sub.1-3-3]        0.708            0.283
[X.sub.2]            0.591            0.207
[X.sub.2-1]          0.566            0.241
[X.sub.2-2]            1              0.424
[X.sub.2-2-1]        0.751            0.284
[X.sub.2-2-2]        0.909            0.341
[X.sub.2-2-3]          1              0.375
[X.sub.2-3]          0.787            0.335
[X.sub.3]            0.492            0.171
[X.sub.3-1]            1              0.294
[X.sub.3-2]          0.384            0.113
[X.sub.3-3]          0.484            0.143
[X.sub.3-3-1]          1              0.568
[X.sub.3-3-2]        0.763            0.432
[X.sub.3-4]          0.847            0.248
[X.sub.3-5]          0.688            0.202
[X.sub.4]              1              0.350
[X.sub.4-1]          0.478            0.136
[X.sub.4-2]          0.569            0.169
[X.sub.4-3]          0.740            0.211
[X.sub.4-4]          0.326            0.093
[X.sub.4-5]            1              0.286
[X.sub.4-6]          0.379            0.108

                 Decision matrix on VIKOR

Criterion        [A.sub.1]      [A.sub.2]

[X.sub.1-1-1]        9              5
[X.sub.1-1-2]        4              8
[X.sub.1-1-3]        4              4
[X.sub.1-1-4]        8              3
[X.sub.1-2-1]        9              3
[X.sub.1-2-2]        6              9
[X.sub.1-3-1]        5              6
[X.sub.1-3-2]        9              6
[X.sub.1-3-3]        4              8
[X.sub.2-1]          4              6
[X.sub.2-2-1]        8              5
[X.sub.2-2-2]        2              4
[X.sub.2-2-3]        4              3
[X.sub.2-3]          6              4
[X.sub.3-1]          3              8
[X.sub.3-2]          4              5
[X.sub.3-3-1]        4              9
[X.sub.3-3-2]        6              5
[X.sub.3-4]          9              6
[X.sub.3-5]          6              4
[X.sub.4-1]          5              4
[X.sub.4-2]          8              6
[X.sub.4-3]          3              4
[X.sub.4-4]          5              6
[X.sub.4-5]          6              7
[X.sub.4-6]          9              4

                 Decision matrix on VIKOR

Criterion        [A.sub.3]      [A.sub.4]

[X.sub.1-1-1]        4              8
[X.sub.1-1-2]        9              6
[X.sub.1-1-3]        6              3
[X.sub.1-1-4]        5              3
[X.sub.1-2-1]        4              6
[X.sub.1-2-2]        8              9
[X.sub.1-3-1]        7              8
[X.sub.1-3-2]        3              4
[X.sub.1-3-3]        8              5
[X.sub.2-1]          5              8
[X.sub.2-2-1]        3              4
[X.sub.2-2-2]        3              6
[X.sub.2-2-3]        3              6
[X.sub.2-3]          3              4
[X.sub.3-1]          4              9
[X.sub.3-2]          3              8
[X.sub.3-3-1]        6              5
[X.sub.3-3-2]        8              4
[X.sub.3-4]          8              4
[X.sub.3-5]          4              7
[X.sub.4-1]          8              4
[X.sub.4-2]          9              7
[X.sub.4-3]          5              3
[X.sub.4-4]          7              4
[X.sub.4-5]          8              3
[X.sub.4-6]          4              9

Table 4. Ultimate results and ranking of the alternatives

Alternatives   [s.sub.i]   [k.sub.j]   [w.sub.j]

[A.sub.1]        0.541       0.074        0.5
[A.sub.2]        0.496       0.058        0.5
[A.sub.3]        0.350       0.042        0.5
[A.sub.4]        0.569       0.100        0.5

Alternatives   [q.sub.j]   Ranking

[A.sub.1]      0.713         3
[A.sub.2]      0.472         2
[A.sub.3]      0             1
[A.sub.4]      1             4