How important are general equilibrium models for small open economies--a case of Croatia.
Skare, Marinko ; Stjepanovic, Sasa
How important are General Equilibrium Models for small open
economies? General Equilibrium Model (GEM) represents a combination of
the basic postulates of the theory of general equilibrium with data from
the economy of a country. Model includes data related to supply and
demand, prices, and overall balance in different markets. CGE models
represent an essential tool for empirical analysis used in assessment of
economic policies impact such as policy changes in tax rates, a wealth
distribution, etc.
Using general equilibrium models for the study of small open
economies and the importance of these results is this paper key
question. CGE models are widely used in small open economies of
developing countries. In the literature of the developing countries,
"Computable general equilibrium" (CGE) models represent an
incremental improvement in the long tradition of working with
programmable multi-sectoral models. CGE models simulate the interaction
between different economic entities on the overall market. Optimized
behavior of economic agents in the form of behavioral equations is
included in the model. A behavioral equation reflects different
conditions for optimizing and maximizing profits. Structure of the CGE
model requires a description of the overall supply and demand in the
market. In this way, the model is structural, and it shows the market
mechanisms explicitly.
Assessing importance of CGE models and their role in macroeconomic
policy design is the main goal of this study. CGE models are commonly
used in small open economies of developing countries and are most
suitable for countries like Croatia. Given the lack of a strategy and
macroeconomic models, high vulnerability to external shocks, CGE models
are set as one of the most adaptable solutions. Macroeconomic management
in Croatia lacks in clear development strategy and decisions in economic
policy are not based on any macroeconomic model. So, evaluation of the
quality of CGE models is of utmost importance. Any decision in the
economy should be at least simulated using CGE models before its
implementation. Given the absence of macroeconomic models in Croatia,
the possibility of building Croatian CGE model will be presented in this
In previous research there has not been examined the ability of
creating CGE models for the Croatian economy. Therefore, our work is
based on a model for countries of similar size and position as Croatia.
1. Literature review
Because of the lack of research on the possibilities of building
macroeconomic models for Croatian economy, there is no necessary
literature that would provide the research basis for this paper. Thus,
we have studied literature and developed CGE models from neighboring
countries and those countries that have equal or similar features. Many
papers and books on the subject of CGE models and their characteristics
In the study of Burkhard and Mausner (2005), Dynamic General
Equilibrium Modelling, theoretical assumptions of different types of
forecasting models and their components is presented. Mitra-Kahn (2005)
in his work explains the history of CGE models and their relation to the
market economy. Devarajan et al. (1997) show the development of a simple
model of general equilibrium. This model is called the 1-2-3 model or
two sectoral model, which is a simplified economy of one country with
two sectors and three different manufacturing goods. Senay (1998) in his
work writes about Disinflation Dynamics in an Open Economy in General
Equilibrium model. Balezentis et al. (2010) using MULTIMOORA find
technological constraints to produce low productivity and growth in
Lithuania. Podvezko and Podviezko (2010) support the idea of building a
general model using a multicriteria method (PROMETHEE) for the need of
studying economic phenomena. Zvirblis and Burcas (2010) advance a SAW
multicriteria evaluation method as a possible quantitative framework for
macroeconomic management. As Zavadskas and Turskis (2011) points out,
current economic models mirrors the desire of using empirical approach
linked to the physics science. Economic models evolve because of their
appeal to represent reality as best as possible. Hsing (2011) develops a
GARCH model to study the impact of major macroeconomic variables on the
Croatian stock market index. Skufli? et al. (2010) in their study advice
on exploring the possibility of using DEA to study a country's
macroeconomic performances. Cizmesija and Petar (2010) in their study
propose a holistic macroeconomic model for Croatia.
Smets and Wouters (2002) have constructed an estimated stochastic
dynamic general equilibrium model of the Euro area. In this paper, they
show each sector, which comprises the model, create the linear model and
compare it with the VAR model. Lofgren et al. (2002) prepared a manual
entitled A Standard Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model in GAMS.
Their paper clearly shows the process of making CGE models, from
creating of the Social Accounting Matrix through the mathematical
foundation and the ultimate goal of making the model itself. In the
paper of Mitra-Kahn (2008) the history of CGE models from Leontief until
today is summarized. He explains the link between general equilibrium
theory with CGE models and features related to CGE models (behavioral
equations and calibration). Wing (2000) in his work, present computable
equilibrium models and their use in economy wide policy analysis.
Particular attention was given to the author for making SAM matrix and
explaining the transition from SAM matrix to CGE model. In his work,
Essama-Nssah (2004) shows how to create models of general equilibrium in
the econometric program EView.
Our paper is based on previous literature (section 1), with
emphasis on the Croatian economy features. In this paper, we build the
first SAM matrix for Croatia. Calibration of the model and its
mathematical background reflect specific conditions of the observed
economy. Work results are presented in the form of forecast economic
trends of important parameters in the section 3. We present quantified
changes present in the economy as a response to external shocks and
changes that may occur in the global economy, which inevitably affects
the small-open developing countries.
2. Data and model specification
SAM (social accounting matrix) forms the basis for the development
of CGE models. According to Huseyin (1996), social accounting matrix is
simply defined as an unambiguous accounting system where every
macroeconomic account is presented as a column for output and as a row
for incoming bills. It is presented in the form of a square matrix with
rows and columns, which together present the production and revenues
generated from different institutional groups and classes, on the one
hand, and the data on the consumption of these revenues on the other
side. In this matrix, the revenues are shown as receipts accounts that
are presented in the rows, while the costs are presented in columns. All
revenues must be matched with the expenditure, and the total value of
all rows must equal the total value of all columns in the matrix.
Lange et al. (2004), define SAM as a data system, which includes
social and economic data for a particular economy. The data source for
the SAM derived from input--output tables, national statistics on
income, household income and consumption statistics. That's why SAM
is a lot wider than the input--output tables, or typical national
accounts, showing much more detail about the different types of
transactions in the economy. However, input--output table records
economic transactions without examining the social background of
participants in the transaction. SAM tries to classify different
institutions according to their socio--economic situation instead of
just looking at their economic functional activity.
SAM is a logical way to edit the statistical information concerning
the flow of income in a particular economy of a country in a specific
time period (usually one year). It provides a conceptual basis for
analysis of income distribution and monitoring of economic growth in a
particular environment (Llop 2012). For example, SAM displays the
distribution of factor income from domestic and foreign origin, to the
institutional sectors and income redistribution through these sectors.
In addition, it shows the sector costs, consumption, investment and
savings (Kim 2011).
SAM has two main goals: the first is to organize information on
economic and social structures of a country in a given period, and the
second is to provide the statistical basis for the creation of
macroeconomic models that will be able to present a statistical picture
of the economy, together with simulation effects that provide the
intervention impact politics to economics (Akkemik 2012).
Social accounting matrix is designed as a generalized input-output
table that provides a description of the entire accounting for a
particular economy. However, it is important to note the difference
between the input-output tables, and SAM. Input-output tables show
industries interrelation through certain transactions. SAM displays
transfers and transactions between different sectors in the economy,
different types of businesses, governments and the rest of the world.
SAM is a presentation of data from the system of national accounts,
which is formed into a matrix. It takes the form of a matrix where the
number of rows equals the number of columns for each category of
products, production factors and economic actors. Each row shows the
origins of certain economic resources that are associated with certain
economic actors. Each column, show resources and their usage. Each
assigned row and column shows the sectors' accounts in the economy
and its spending and revenue, which must be in balance. Basic principles
of accounting, equality must be respected by each sector in the economy
and thus in balance. Groups of sectors in the economy are, households,
governments, companies, etc. Each sector in the economy and their
accounts explain in details the relationship between production
structure, income distribution, financial transactions within the
domestic economy, and later on financial transactions of the rest of the
world (Santos 2005).
Table 1 shows theoretical SAM matrix for the Croatian economy.
Based on this matrix, we develop a CGE model for Croatia (see Table 2).
Data for the SAM matrix were obtained from the Central Bureau of
Statistics, Ministry of Finance and the Croatian National Bank.
Our study describes the specification of CGE models for Croatia.
Through the following equation, we describe the CGE model. On the
production side of the model we find the following equations. First it
is derived from the CET export function: E = D x((C/D) x [[1 -
[[alpha].sub.x]]/[[alpha].sub.x]]) [conjunction] (1/[[phi].sub.x-1]).
Consequently, domestic sales D = I-E. Domestic prices of exports
are shown in the following form: C = T x CW + (1 + te). Producer prices
for composite output: P = C + E + CD + D/I.
Under the production side of the model we find prices of domestic
products, specifically including all taxes: CD x D = (CC x QC-PI x QI)
and before taxation: CPO = CD/[1 + td].
On the consumer side of the model we have domestic prices of
imports: PI = T x CI x (1 + tm) and the amount bid for the composite
good as defined in Armington's aggregate functions exports and
demand for local products: QC = [b.sub.q] x (([[beta].sub.q] x QI
[conjunction] (-[[rho].sub.q]) +(1-[[beta].sub.q]) x D
[conjunction](-[[rho].sub.q])) [conjunction](1-[[rho].sub.q]). In
addition on the consumer side of model import is defined from
Armington's aggregate functions: QI = D x
((CD/PI)[[beta].sub.q]/[1-[[beta].sub.q]]) [conjunction]
(1/[1+[[rho].sub.q]]) and price of composite consumer goods CC = (PK +
PD + IN)/QC.
Government account as part of the model consists of tariffs that
are shown in the following form: CA = (tm x CI + T + QI), indirect
taxes: IP = (td x [CD/[1+td]] x D) and household taxes: PK =
[ytx.sub.hh] x RK and revenues of the government: RD = CA + IP + PK -
(te x CW x T x E).
Income and household saving in the model are shown as household
income: RK = P x XS - IP + (T x [TR.sub.hh]) and the savings of the
household: SK = [mps.sub.hh] x (1 - [ytx.sub.hh]) x RK and household
consumption: PK = (1 - [mps.sub.hh]) x [(1 - [ytx.sub.hh])RK/CC].
In addition to the above-mentioned parts of the model we compute
the aggregate savings in the following form: US = SK + (T x FSAV) + SD,
and we set system restrictions and conditions of confinement. Under the
system constraints it is assumed full capacity of the economy and
because of that the variable import is exogenous variable in the model.
A restriction on domestic demand is defined implicitly through the
variable D, while the balance of the composite consumer good is defined
by variable QC. In addition to the system constraints is defined fiscal
balance: SD = (RD - CC x PD), and the balance of payments in local
currency: T x FSAV = (PI x [QI/[1+tm]] - C x E-(T x [TR.sub.hh)) and
savings and investment balance: IN = US/CC in conditions when private
and government consumption are fixed (as in Essama-Nssah 2004). Below in
text are presented some sector flows, prices, equilibrium conditions,
identities and their equation (see Essama-Nssah 2004).
[bar.X] = G(E, [D.sup.S]; [OMEGA]); (1)
[Q.sup.S] = F(M, [D.sup.D]; [sigma]); (2)
[Q.sup.D] = Y/[p.sup.q]; (3)
E/[D.sup.S] = [g.sub.2]([p.sup.e], [p.sup.d]); (4)
M/[D.sup.D] = [f.sub.2]([p.sup.e], [p.sup.d]); (5)
Y = [p.sup.x] x [bar.x] + R x [bar.B]. (6)
[p.sup.m] = R x [pw.sup.m]; (7)
[p.sup.e] = R x [pw.sup.e]; (8)
[p.sup.x] = [g.sub.1]([p.sup.e], [p.sup.d]); (9)
[p.sup.q] = [f.sub.1]([p.sup.m], [p.sup.d]); (10)
R = 1. (11)
Equilibrium conditions:
[D.sup.D] - [D.sup.S] = 0; (12)
[Q.sup.D] - [Q.sup.S] = 0; (13)
[pw.sup.m] x M - [pw.sup.e] x E = [bar.B]. (14)
[p.sup.x] x [bar.X] = [p.sup.e] x E + [p.sup.d] x [D.sup.S]; (15)
[p.sup.q] x [Q.sup.S] = [p.sup.m] x M + [p.sup.d] x [D.sup.d]; (16)
Y = [p.sup.q] x [Q.sup.d] (1). (17)
The basic model refers to one country with two producing sectors
and three goods, and that is why it is called 1-2-3 model. The two
commodities that the country produces are (1) an export good, E, which
is sold to foreigners and is not demanded domestically, and (2) a
domestic good, D, which is only sold domestically. The third good is an
import, M, which is not produced domestically. There is one consumer who
receives all income. The country is small in world markets, facing fixed
world prices for export and imports (Channing et al. 2001).
Equation (1) defines the domestic production possibility frontier,
which gives the maximum achievable combinations of E and D that the
economy can supply. The function is assumed to be concave and will be
specified as a constant elasticity of transformation (CET) function with
transformation elasticity W. The constant [bar.X] defines aggregate
production and is fixed. Since there are no intermediate inputs, [bar.X]
also corresponds to real GDP. The assumption that [bar.X] is fixed is
equivalent to assuming full employment of all primary factor inputs.
Equation (4) gives the efficient ratio of exports to domestic output
(E/D) as a function of relative prices. Equation (9) defines the price
of the composite commodity and is the cost-function dual to the
first-order condition, Eq. (4). The composite good price [p.sup.x]
corresponds to the GDP deflator (Citanna et al. 2005).
Eq. (2) defines a composite commodity made up of D and M, which is
consumed by the single consumer. In multi-sector models, we extend it to
many sectors, assuming that imports and domestic goods in the same
sector are imperfect substitutes, an approach that has come to be called
the Armington's assumption. We assume the composite commodity is
given by a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) aggregation
function of M and D, with substitution elasticity s. Consumers maximize
utility, which is equivalent to maximizing Q in this model, and Eq. (5)
gives the desired ratio of M to D as a function of relative prices. Eq.
(10) defines the price of the composite commodity. It is the
cost-function dual to the first-order conditions underlying Eq. (5). The
price [p.sup.e] corresponds to an aggregate consumer price or
cost-of-living index (Turner 2012).
Eq. (6) determines household income. Eq. (3) defines household
demand for the composite good. Note that all income is spent on the
single composite good. Eq. (3) stands in for the more complex system of
expenditure equations found in multisector models and reflects an
important property of all complete expenditure systems: The value of the
goods demanded, must equal aggregate expenditure.
Price's equations define a relationship between seven prices.
There are fixed world prices for E and M; domestic prices for E and M;
the price of the domestic good D; and prices for the two composite
commodities X and Q. Eqs (1) and (2) are linearly homogeneous, as are
the corresponding dual price Eqs (9) and (10). Eqs (3) to (5) are
homogeneous of degree zero in prices--doubling all prices, for example,
leaves real demand and the desired export and import ratios unchanged.
Since only relative prices matter, it is necessary to define a numeraire
price; in Eq. (11), this is specified to be the exchange rate R. Eqs
(12), (13) and (14) define the market-clearing equilibrium conditions.
Supply must equal demand for D and Q, and the balance of trade
constraint must be satisfied. The complete model has fourteen equations
and thirteen endogenous variables. The three equilibrium conditions,
however, are not all independent. Any one of them can be dropped, and
the resulting model is fully determined (Moore 2007).
To prove that the three equilibrium conditions are not independent,
it suffices to show that the model satisfies Walras's Law
(Timilsina et al. 2012). Such a model is "closed" in that
there are no leakages of funds into or out of economy. First note the
three identities--(15), (16) and (17)--that the model satisfies. The
first two arise from the homogeneity assumptions and the third from the
fact that, in any system of expenditure equations, the value of
purchases must equal total expenditures. Multiplying Eqs (12) and (13)
by their respective prices, the sum of Eqs (12), (13), and (14) equals
zero as an identity. Given these identities, simple substitution will
show that if Eqs (12) and (13) hold, then so must (14) (Devarajan et al.
3. Empirical results
From CGE models created for Croatian economy, we can observe the
impact of various external shocks to certain variables in the Croatian
economy. The first prerequisite for a successful model is set to bring
all the variables in the model balance. After that, we are observing the
impact of changes of external shocks on the balance. From the above
model, we consider the variable GDP, and how it affects changes in
growth or a decline in the exchange rate and changes in inflation
Table 3 shows the scenario of exchange rate movements for US dollar
expressed in Kuna, and the impact of exchange rate movements in GDP.
In this scenario we observe a strengthening exchange rate of Kuna
against the US dollar and the assessment of impact of the strengthening
to the GDP, as shown in the following chart (Fig. 1).
Table 3 shows that the case of strengthening exchange rate of Kuna
against the US dollar leads to reduction of GDP. In this case, we
observe the movement of GDP in the range of years from 2010 to 2014.
From this case, we can conclude that there is a strong correlation of
these two variables that affect the very course of Croatian economy.
Large reduction in GDP occurred in the first year, 2011, after that
regardless of further strengthening exchange rate of Kuna against the US
dollar, GDP remains constant. After the initial shock, the economy
adapts to new conditions and is ready for a further decline in the
exchange rate.
Table 4 shows the scenario of exchange rate movements US dollar
expressed in Kuna, and the impact of exchange rate movements in GDP. In
this case we simulate depreciation of Kuna against the US dollar, and
follow the impact of exchange rate movements on GDP (see Fig. 2).
Table 4 shows the trend of GDP in case of depreciation of Kuna
against the US dollar. In this case, there is a uniform reduction in GDP
through the period. We conclude that there is a significant influence of
exchange rate on the rate of GDP in the short term.
Table 5 shows the scenario of a rise in the price level, and the
impact of inflation on the growth of GDP. In this case, there is a
decrease in inflation, and this scenario follows the impact of exchange
rate movements in GDP.
In this scenario is shown increase in the level of inflation, and
it examines the impact of such an increase in inflation to GDP (Fig. 3).
Table 5 showing increasing levels of inflation observed through the
observed period and its impact on GDP in that period. According to the
chart on Figure 2, we can see that in the event of an increase in
inflation from 4 to 5% in a given period, a decrease in GDP is
registered. However, Table 6 shows the flow of GDP with respect to
reducing the level of inflation from 3 to 2%. Shown on the chart, we see
that the growth of GDP is not significantly changed or line chart is
almost identical to the graph in Figure 3. Therefore we draw the
conclusion that inflation does not affect significantly the growth of
GDP during the given period, or based on specific scenarios, GDP does
not change direction, regardless of the level of inflation trends.
Table 6 shows the scenario of inflation drop and associated impact
on the growth of GDP. In this scenario price level decline impact on GDP
is assessed (Fig. 4).
The data for the CGE model are based on historical data for the
Croatian economy until 2009. The results presented in the tables above
represent the model projections for 2010 and other years in the future.
From the table 6 we can observe that a drop in the GDP follows a drop in
inflation. Modern macroeconomic theory (inflation targeting
particularly) would follow a different logic, i.e. that a drop in
inflation should be followed by an increase in the level of production.
In Croatia, however low rate of inflation is associated with high levels
of unemployment (Phillips curve environment). Because of the Phillips
curve and the Golden triangle law (Skare 2010) a fall in the price level
cause a rise in the unemployment and thus production drop through a
decline in the personal consumption level.
Figures 5 and 6 shows the actual values for 2010 and projection
values derived from the created scenarios using CGE model.
Figures 5 and 6, show the estimate of GDP, which is made in this
model and the actual value of GDP for a given observed year. From these
two charts, we see that there are very small deviations of the estimated
value from the actual value, which brings us to the conclusion that the
model is working efficiently. Actually, this brings us to the conclusion
that the model results are in line with the actual situation, and we can
rely on long-term assessment of trends in GDP, which have made in this
In the study, we show a variety of potential scenarios and their
impact on the Croatian economy. For these scenarios, we can conclude
that the reduction in the currency exchange rate has a positive impact
on GDP. In the short term, that reduction has an impact on GDP growth.
Likewise, in the reverse scenario of increasing dollar exchange rate,
there is a decrease in GDP and a negative impact on the economy. What we
can conclude from the following scenario presented, is a very small
effect of changes in inflation to GDP. From the presented scenarios, we
see that even with the reduced level of inflation but also with
increasing price level, model estimate well movements in GDP. From this
we can conclude that inflation does not have major impact on GDP, or
that to a rapid increase in the price participants in the economy very
quickly adapt and somehow ignore its impact.
What we see on the charts, 5 and 6, is that there are relatively
small deviations of actual values in relation to estimated values from
the model. On this basis, we conclude that there is a very accurate
projection of the trends of observed values of certain variables in the
future. The mere congruence of the estimated values and actual values
allows us to reach a conclusion about the possibility of using CGE
models to assess the effects of other parameters for the Croatian
economy. Using this model would allow easier and better preparation for
the upcoming crisis and thus facilitate the adoption of plans for
economic policy and a simpler adaptation of crisis conditions.
The advantage in using CGE models for Croatia is precisely what
these models are intended along with all the limitations placed
specifically for developing countries and transition economies. The
advantage of these models is that with the existing restrictions in the
model, it is possible to use it in condition of incomplete data. As
Croatia is a "young", emerging country and there are
limitations in long time-series data, CGE models in this case provide
credible results with minimal data. These models, simplifies the
functioning of the economy, in the way that determines the existence of
a state, with two sectors and three products. Three products are
imported good, export good and domestic product. It is assumed that
there is a consumer who receives all the income. The country is small in
world markets, facing fixed world prices for exports and imports.
After introducing all the above limits, we set up the conditions of
equilibrium. Solving CGE model's demands to bring the model into
balance and simulating for potential external shocks observe their
effects on other variables in the model. An important feature of CGE
models is the calibration of the model. To successfully design a CGE
model takes a few steps. Firstly, it is necessary to determine the
structure of the general model. After that we determine the forms of
certain functions that are selected for production and demand side. The
most commonly used is the Cobb-Douglas function, the linear expenditure
system (LES) or a function of constant elasticity of substitution (CES)
function. At the end, we estimate parameter values for each function,
which must be derived. Ideally, all parameters in the CGE model must be
econometrically estimated, but in practice, it is usually impossible due
to lack of data, the size and number of parameters in the model, and the
need for sophisticated measurement techniques. That's why the most
commonly used procedures for estimating the parameters in the model is
calibration. Calibration process assumes that the model parameters are
identified based on an observation of the overall economy. An observed
economy is under the balance assumption or "benchmark"
equilibrium. In practice, this balance is achieved by using equilibrium
data from the social accounting matrix. Calibration process ensures that
model parameters will be specified in a way to reproduce the default
equilibrium solution. When the parameters of the model are calibrated,
the model is finished and can be exposed to different shocks, which are
referred to as simulations.
A very important feature of the calibration is that the
specification of the model is not statistically tested due to the
deterministic procedure in deriving parameter values from the database.
This approach uses a key assumption that the data from the database
represent balanced economy that has been observed. This assumption is
met using a social accounting matrix designed to ensure balance in the
model. The main advantage of the calibration model is the exceed
restrictions of the data used in the model. Even with the incomplete
data generation process we can construct a complete model. These data
can be used from a single observation that in the econometric model is
not the case. This feature is very important for countries in transition
with significant restraints in data availability.
The main critic from econometric researcher's aims at the
inclusion of the state in the model. This implies unreliability of data,
model bias from data for the selected year and the limited model
structure. Uncertainty of data is a very big problem with CGE models,
especially because the value of the parameters is very important for
later determination of results from different simulations. Here, the
main problem is that most of the data is derived from databases, but
other data are derived from external sources (mostly data on the
elasticity of substitution). The biggest problem for those data is they
are estimated under various assumptions. This precisely is the problem
of unreliability of such data.
Another drawback is related to the quality of the data selected
that directly affects the quality of the whole model. In econometric
models, stochastic distribution is trying to reduce errors in measuring
endogenous and exogenous variables in the model. However, in the
calibration process is assumed that stochastic distribution is zero,
which leads to that calibration parameters must absorb all the errors
occurring in the data for the selected base year. Furthermore, a social
accounting matrix is not always in equilibrium, or the sum of rows is
not equal to the total sum of the column, which also leads to some error
that occurs in the process of bringing matrix into balance.
Limitations of the model structure as the third disadvantage of
calibration is related mainly to a functional form model. That is the
main drawback since the number of parameters that define calibration
cannot be greater than the number of equations in the model. To solve
this problem, there are several solutions, and one of these approaches
is that parameter estimation is based on data from multiple years and
not just on a date from a base year.
The application of research results will enable understanding of
how potential external shocks may affect the Croatian economy, which
will enable high-quality information base for a possible response to the
global economic crisis. Application of research results can go into
further development of the CGE model extending it to more sectors and
adding more external and internal variables. The developed model is a
simplified representation of the economy, so it is very easy on the
results of the simplified model to determine the direction of future
model development, its expansion into new sectors and new variables.
Using this model proved to be very important for making policy decisions
in small transition countries, having important policy implications in
external shock's vulnerability conditions. General equilibrium
model that we developed and tested for Croatia proved to be accurate and
efficient in estimating major economic trends within the Croatian
economy. Our study results show that emerging and transitional countries
with significant data constraints should use CGE models for successful
policy design.
Caption: Fig. 1. Dollar exchange rate depreciation scenario impact
on GDP. Source: Autors calculation
Caption: Fig. 2. Kuna exchange rate depreciation scenario impact on
GDP. Source: Autors calculation
Caption: Fig. 3. The scenario of increasing inflation impact on
GDP. Source: Autors calculation
Caption: Fig. 4. Scenario of the reduction in the level of
inflation and the impact on GDP. Source: Autors calculation
Caption: Fig. 5. Comparative review of simulated and actual GDP for
2010 at an exchange rate 1 USD = 5.50 Kn. Source: Autors calculation
Caption: Fig. 6. Comparative review of simulated and actual GDP for
2010 at the rate of inflation of 1.1%. Source: Autors calculation
Appendix A
Table A1. Model variables
Variable symbol Variable name
E Export
D Domestic sales
I Import
C Price of domestic import
CD Price of domestic import before taxtation
T Exchange rates
CW Price of world export
P Producer price for composite output
CC Price of composite output
QC Quantity of supply of composite good
PI Price of import
QI Quantity of import
CPO Price of domestic product before taxation
CI Price of world import
PK Household consumption
PD Government consumption
IN Investments
CA Tariffs
IP Indirect taxes
PK Household taxes
RD Government revenue
RK Household revenue
SK Household savings
SD Governement savings
US Export price
[[alpha].sub.x] Coefficient of elasticity
[[phi].sub.x] Coefficient of elasticity of export
te Tax rates on exports
td Export quantity before taxation
tm Import tariff rates
[[beta].sub.q] Coefficient of aggregate function
[[tau].sub.q] Armington export coefficient
[] Household income
XS Quantity of purchased products
IP Household investments
[TR.sub.hh] Household costs
[mps.sub.hh] Household marginal save propensity
FSAV Fixed saving components
[p.sup.q] Armington function exponent
[p.sup.c] Price of import
[p.sup.d] Price demand for products that are manufactured
and sold in domestic market
[p.sup.x] Aggregate producer price
R Numeraire price
[p.sup.m] Exponent of the CES function
[pw.sup.w] Import prices in foreign currency
[pw.sup.e] Total savings
doi: 10.3846/20294913.2013.799612
Received 01 March 2012; accepted 06 August 2012
We are grateful to the two anonymous reviewers on their valuable
suggestions and insights.
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University of Jurja Dobrila, Department of Economy and Tourism
"Dr. Mijo Mirkovi?", Preradoviceva 1/1, 52100 Pula, Croatia
Corresponding author Marinko Skare
[email protected]
Marinko SKARE. Professor of Economics, Editor-in-Chief of the
Journal Economic Research, Member of Editorial Board of several
international journals, Department Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo
Mirkovic" of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. He served as
Assistant Dean for Education of the Faculty of Economics & Tourism
in Pula, Assistant Dean for International Cooperation of the Faculty of
Economics & Tourism in Pula, Main and Team Researcher on several
scientific projects, Former Dean of the Faculty of Economics &
Tourism, Pula and Former Vice President for International Cooperation of
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. He has published several books and a
large number of scientific papers in the area of his research
interest--economic growth, welfare economics, CGE models,
macroeconometrics, poverty, human capital, economics in transition,
economic philosophy and monetary economics. He is a member of the
American Economic Association, Royal Economic Society, Economic History
Association, Economic History Society, and Association for Comparative
Economic Studies.
Sasa STJEPANOVIC is Senior Assistant at the Department of Economics
and Tourism of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. He holds a Master of
Science and PhD in Economics from University of Pula. He is an author
and co-author of several research papers and has been actively involved
in many local development projects in Istria County. Since 2010 he is
the Executive Editor of the journal Economic Research.
Table 1. Theoretical social accounting matrix for Croatian economy
Activity Commodity Household Government
Activity Domestic
Commodity Household Government
Consumption Consumption
Household GDP at
Factor Cost
Government Indirect Tariffs Income Tax
Savings Household Government
Savings Savings
World Imports
Total GDP Market Total Total House Government
Prices Supply Expenditure Expenditure
Investment World Total
Activity Exports Total
Commodity Investment Total
Household Foreign Household
Remittances Income
Government Government
Savings Foreign Total
Savings Savings
World Total
Total Total Total Foreign
Investment Exchange
Source: B. Essama-Nssah, "Building and running general
equilibrium models in eviews".
Table 2. Numerical social accounting matrix for Croatian
economy for 2010
Activity Commodity Household Government
Activity 177,000.47
Commodity 189505.8 37,733.69
Household 287,101.58
Government 35,870.49 1,913.42 -14,286.63
Savings 2,490.26 -14,236.37
World 153642
Total 322,972.07 332,555.89 177709.4 23,497.32
Investment World Total
Activity 145971.6 322,972.07
Commodity 105316.4 332,555.89
Household -109,392.11 177709.4
Government 23,497.32
Savings 117,062.51 105316.4
World 153642
Total 105316.4 153642
Source: Autors calculation.
Table 3. Dollar exchange rate depreciation impact on GDP
2010 2011 2012
Exchange rates $ 5.54 $ 5.34 $ 4.80
GDP (in millions 350,460.00 300,085.00 321,675.00
of Kuna)
2013 2014
Exchange rates $ 4.32 $ 4.10
GDP (in millions 339,002.00 301,547.00
of Kuna)
Source: Autors calculation
Table 4. Kuna exchange rate depreciation scenario impact on GDP
2010 2011 2012
Exchange rates $ 5.24 $ 5.98 $ 6.42
GDP (in millions 318,135.00 276,674.00 291,725.00
of Kuna)
2013 2014
Exchange rates $ 6.98 $ 7.15
GDP (in millions 251,473.00 245,879.00
of Kuna)
Source: Autors calculation.
Table 5. The scenario of increasing inflation impact on GDP
2010 2011 2012
Inflation 4.20 4.41 4.63
GDP (in millions 330,954.00 288,463.00 307,793.00
of Kuna)
2013 2014
Inflation 4.86 4.95
GDP (in millions 267,486.00 295,875.00
of Kuna)
Source: Autors calculation.
Table 6. Scenario of the reduction in the level of inflation
and the impact on GDP
2010 2011 2012
Inflation 3.15 2.99 2.84
GDP (in millions 324,723.00 283,758.00 305,616.00
of Kuna)
2013 2014
Inflation 2.69 1.95
GDP (in millions 265,844.00 245,587.00
of Kuna)
Source: Autors calculation.