An alternative approach of input-output tables to dynamic structure changes in Korean IT industries.
Cho, Byung-Sun ; Cho, Sang Sup ; Lee, Jungmann 等
IO tables are an important means of detecting changes affecting the
structure of a country's industry (Acemoglu et al. 2011; Atalay et
al. 2011; Elliott et al. 2011; Jones 2011). They are also an effective
tool for assessing the economic effect of a policy undertaking and the
cost-benefit relationship of any alternatives that are considered. Kim
(Kim 2000) can be referred for a discussion on basic analyses related to
input-output tables and their areas of application. The accuracy of IO
tables is of paramount importance because a correct structural
understanding of industry sectors, as well as the validity of economic
analysis, depends upon it. Rim (Rim et al. 2004) are a fine example of
studies investigating the accumulation of R&D capital and
externalities of the IT capital, using IO tables. Wan (Xing et al. 2011)
investigates the convergence hypothesis using IO tables for
telecommunications industry. In Korea, IO tables are compiled and
published by the Bank of Korea. However, due to the complexity and cost
of the data collection process, the Bank of Korea currently issues
five-year benchmark tables instead of annual tables, publishing, in some
special circumstances where unusual changes occur to the economy,
extended versions based on these tables. There is a call for compiling
new IO tables on a yearly basis. However, the argument by the proponents
of this idea that significant and measurable changes occur to the
structure of the industry over a period of one year is of questionable
validity, and the practical usefulness of publishing new IO tables
annually remains doubtful. Therefore, to perform an economic analysis
using IO tables of the Korean economy, they need to be appropriately
updated and re-adjusted. There are various methods for updating an IO
The goal of this study is to contribute to the methodology for
updating IO tables by comparing RAS, the most widely used method for
this purpose, and Cross Entropy (CE), a comparatively recent method, in
order to determine their relative accuracy. This study has both
theoretical and practical significance. It is also significant for its
timeliness, given that the Bank of Korea (Bank of Korea 2003, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011) has recently adopted a modified RAS approach for
estimating input-out tables. Meanwhile, with regard to the industry
sector in which structural changes take place at a rapid pace, the
tremendous contribution of IT to Korea's national economy gives
further significance to this study comparing the accuracy of IO
estimates using these two methods.
To compare the two methods for updating IO tables for their
accuracy and explore a new updating method based on the results of this
comparison, in this study, we have used IO tables of the Korean economy
for the years 2000 and 2005. The two updating methods were evaluated by
applying them to Korea's fourteen major industries, with a
particular focus on IT, to determine their relative superiority based on
the value of the minimum error. We first estimated input coefficients
based on the 2000 and 2005 transaction tables of domestic goods and
services by industry using the two methods. These estimates were then
compared with actual input coefficients for the year 2005. Finally,
based on the results from the above steps, we propose a new method for
updating IT IO tables, combining the two above methods through an OLS
average approach.
The two IO table updating methods evaluated in this study are the
RAS and CE methods proposed by Stone (Stone 1961) and Golan (Golan et
al. 1996), respectively. They are the two most widely used methods since
the methodology for updating IO tables was first discussed decades ago,
and are used both in academic and industry research organizations. In
recent years, Robinson et al. (2001) in their discussion of
applicability of the CE and RAS methods, used the CE method for updating
the SAM (Social Accounting Matrices) of emerging countries. Meanwhile,
Ahmed (Ahmed et al. 2007) compared RAS and CE by applying them to Korean
IO tables and found that CE was a more accurate updating method than RAS
in regard to Korean tables. Ahmed (Ahmed et al. 2007) is distinct from
this study insofar as the former analyzed the input-output relations of
the overall Korean industry, instead of comparing the accuracy of RAS
and CE by applying them to specific industry sectors.
The comparative analysis of the two methods based on Korean IO
tables resulted in the following findings. Firstly, when the input
coefficients estimated using the RAS and CE methods were compared with
the actual input coefficients, both methods revealed a tendency for
overestimation or underestimation (estimated input coefficients either
exceed or fall short of actual input coefficients), with the extent of
overestimation or underestimation varying depending on the industry
sector. However, the gap between the sum of input coefficients from the
actual IO tables and the sum of estimated input coefficients was smaller
in the case of the IT industry than for other industries. These results
suggest that errors resulting from updating an IO table are
comparatively minor for the IT industry. They also suggest that relying
on any single method for updating IO tables in the context of an
analysis of the future industry structure or economic impact of a policy
undertaking is likely to lead to estimation bias. Therefore, a method
that appropriately combines RAS and CE could be a better alternative
ensuring greater accuracy of estimation. As a way of combining estimates
from the two methods, using the average of coefficient estimates
obtained through an OLS estimator, this study proposes calculating
optimal weights for the two estimates, employing the Mallows criterion,
and updating the IO tables. Although there are many different methods
for combining estimates from the two methods, the most widely employed
method with econometric relevance uses least squares estimates. This
study will not discuss other methods for combining coefficient
estimates, as this lies outside its scope. The combination of existing
methods to create a composite estimation method, as proposed in this
study, has been widely practiced in recent times to predict economic
variables with large fluctuations in time series structure (Stock,
Watson 2004; Rapach, Strauss 2010). There is a large econometrics
literature on choice or combination of forecasting estimators reviewed
by Geweke and Amisano (2011) and Geweke (2010). Smith and Wallis (2009)
offer the basic insight that forecast combination can generate complex
puzzles as well.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We begin by briefly
reviewing the theoretical background of the RAS and CE methods. Next, we
apply them to actual IO tables of the Korean economy to compare their
respective estimates with regard to the corresponding input coefficients
matrix. For the IT industry, we use an optimal weight for each of the
two methods. In the final section of the paper, we review the results of
the comparative analysis and suggest some implications for applying the
mentioned updating method to the IT industry.
1. Literature review and method
1.1. Literature review
Attempts to compare RAS and CE estimates have thus far led to
varying results, depending on the analytical setup. (Robinson et al.
2001), for instance, found that the CE method was superior to the RAS
method in terms of accuracy of update estimates for an IO table. On the
other hand, (Jackson, Murray 2004; Junius, Oosterhaven 2003) maintained
that RAS is a simpler and more economical method, likely to continue to
remain in use, while stressing the need for developing a new and more
robust method for updating IO tables. They demonstrated that relative
estimation accuracy among RAS and other RAS-based updating methods can
significantly vary depending on the criteria used for their comparison
and also depending on the intended use of the IO data.
McDougall (McDougall 1999), describing CE and RAS as two methods
that are similar to each other, pointed out that RAS can be expanded,
using CE, to form a more practical and useful method. In his evaluation
of the two updating methods, he stated the following: First of all, the
RAS method can be included among generalized CE methods. Secondly, the
CE method can be useful not only for updating IO tables, but also for
updating other types of matrices. Based on these considerations, he
argued that the RAS method can be expanded, using the theoretical CE
model, into a more efficient updating technique.
(Gilchrist et al. 1999) demonstrated that using additional
information from an IO table (information in cells) can considerably
improve the updating estimation efficiency of a classical RAS-based
approach. They also showed, using Canadian data that by incorporating
information from IO tables related to the national-level economy in the
analytical data can help increase the accuracy of updating IO tables for
local industries quite significantly.
The Bank of Korea (2003, 2008, 2009) recently extended the IO
tables of the Korean economy, using a new method. The 2005 benchmark IO
data was extended to provide input-output relations for the year 2006,
using a new sum of rows and columns. The updating approach used for this
extension is a modified RAS method. Using this estimation method, the
Bank of Korea (2003, 2008, 2009) derived a variety of inducement
coefficients for 403 sub-industry sectors. Finally, (Huang et al. 2008)
proposed IGRAS and INSD as techniques for expanding the classical RAS
method in a manner to allow the updating of negative matrix elements,
while keeping the negative sign untouched.
From the above discussion of the existing literature, we draw the
following implications: First, the choice of a method for updating IO
tables may differ depending on the intended use of the input-output
data. Second, this choice can also depend on how much preliminary
information is available for the evaluated industry. Third, IO tables
have been mostly updated using a single method, while an econometric
approach, appropriately combining RAS and CE (the two most widely used
methods) can be a fine alternative that is potentially more efficient.
Finally, a tacit presupposition in existing studies is that, as an
updating estimate is only one of the many equally valid estimates,
updating input-output transaction matrices necessarily involves the
subjective judgment of the researcher who performs it. Given the
involvement of subjective judgment, a researcher's knowledge about
an evaluated industry sector plays a role in the estimation, and may
influence the precise way a given estimation method is used as well.
1.2. Updating IO tables using the RAS technique
Even if one is unaware of the exact flow of goods and services
between industries within an IO table, there are various ways of
updating this table, as long as the values of all rows and columns are
known. Data, such as output by an industry or gross national income,
annually published by official sources, is estimated, and benchmark IO
tables are only compiled once every five years. Therefore, to estimate
the production flows between different industries, it is necessary to
add new data to existing IO tables to create updated ones. In other
words, if the input coefficient matrix of a new input-output table is
[A.sup.*], an updated IO table can be estimated by choosing an input
coefficient matrix that is the closest to the existing input coefficient
matrix. Supposing that [T.sup.*] is the transaction matrix expressing
the input/output flow between two industries, one can write the
following equations:
[t.sup.*.sub.ij] = [a.sup.*.sub.ij] [y.sup.*.sub.j], and (1)
[summation over j] [t.sup.*.sub.ij] = [summation over j]
[t.sup.*.sub.ij] = [y.sup.*.sub.i]. (2)
Here, [y.sup.*] is the estimate corresponding to the sum of the new
rows and columns.
A common and intuitive method for estimating [A.sup.*], the new
input coefficient matrix, which is the closest to [bar.A], the existing
input coefficient matrix, is proportional estimation, which takes into
consideration the sum of rows and columns proportionally. That is,
Now, the above matrix can be simplified into the following formula:
The values of [??] and [??], standing for weights for the input
coefficient of the existing IO table, can be obtained through simple and
repeated computational operations.
1.3. Updating IO tables using the cross entropy (CE) technique
When in an inter-industry transaction table the industry is
classified into n number of industry sectors, the number of input
coefficients to be estimated is [n.sup.2]. However, the information that
is already known is independent from 2n-1, which corresponds to the sum
of new rows and columns. In this case, under a RAS approach, in which
there is a restrictive condition of proportionality, the estimation of
the input coefficients is done by determining the values of [??] and
[??] for 2n - 1. However, with the CE technique, which involves the
estimation of a fair set of parameters from a small quantity of
available information, the approach to estimation is quite distinct.
(Golan et al. 1994), in their discussion of techniques for
estimating a large number of parameters using a small amount of data,
proposed a method for re-estimating the input coefficients of an IO
table, using the sums of new rows and columns of a new industrial
With the CE method, input coefficients are obtained in the
following manner. Let us first suppose that the probability for each of
the n events, [E.sub.1], [E.sub.2], ... [E.sub.n], to occur is
[q.sub.1], [q.sub.2], ... [q.sub.n]. However, new information resulting
from a change in economic conditions can change the above a priori
probabilities to a posteriori probabilities of [p.sub.1], [p.sub.2] ...
[p.sub.n]. In this case, according to the theory advanced by Shannon
(Shannon 1948), the probability that a certain amount of information is
implicit in a probability is -ln [p.sub.i]. Each of the events, in other
words, [E.sub.i], can have additional information from [q.sub.i], its a
priori probability, and [p.sub.i], its a posteriori probability, which
leads to the following formula:
-ln [[p.sub.i]/[q.sub.i]] = -[ln [p.sub.i] - ln [q.sub.i]]. (5)
The expected value of each element of information can be calculated
-I (p;q) = - [n.summation over (i=1)] [p.sub.i] ln
[[p.sub.i]/[q.sub.i]]. (6)
Here, I(p;q) is the measure of the cross entropy distance between
two probability distributions. The new input coefficient is estimated
using the CE method, basically by determining the set of a posteriori
probabilities under given restrictive conditions, which minimizes the
cross entropy distance between a priori and a posteriori probability
Using the above-described method, Golan et al. (1994) employed a CE
technique for estimating input coefficients from an IO table. The
formula proposed by Golan et al. (1994) and Robinson et al. (2001) for
SAM updating may be modified in a manner appropriate for use with
updating of an IO table (see Ahmed et al. 2007). This study
distinguishes itself from Ahmed et al. (2007) in that rather than
comparing the two updating methods, it shows how the combination of the
two is more efficient than either of them on their own and presents a
single technique combining the two. Accounting to Golan et al. (1996),
to minimize Eq. (6) subject to data consistency, normalization, and new
information constraints, following equations are necessary.
[y.sub.ij] = X[p.sub.ij]; (7)
[p.sub.ij] '1 = 1. (8)
In concrete terms, they wrote the following formula to identify
[a.sub.ij], a new input coefficient that minimizes the cross entropy
distance from the existing input coefficient:
min [[summation over i] [summation over j][p.sub.ij] ln
([p.sub.ij]/[q.sub.ij])]. (9)
Here, [X.sub.j], [Y.sub.i] are the column and row totals,
respectively of the IO table that is being updated.
The comparison of the two estimation methods reveals, in sum, that
RAS offers the advantage of ease of calculation. CE, on the other hand,
provides estimates that are more consistent and have maximum likelihood
properties under a given set of assumptions on probability
distributions. Golan (Golan et al. 1996) and Robinson (Robinson et al.
2001) give more details for discussion on this topic. Meanwhile, unlike
in RAS-based estimation, which requires the sums of all rows and columns
to be known, with the CE technique, all needed parameters can be
estimated as long as there is some information about row and column
Ahmed et al. (2007) compared estimation errors between CE and RAS
using Korean input-output data and found that estimation errors were
smaller with the former than with the latter technique. However, the RAS
technique is currently more widely used than the CE approach
(Israilevich et al. 1997), (Okuyama et al. 2002). Therefore, the choice
between these two methods depends on the goal and object of estimation
and the amount of effort required for calculating a given estimate.
2. Comparison of RAS and CE techniques
2.1. Method of comparison
To compare the relative accuracy of the methods in updating an
input-output matrix, we used the inter-industry transaction table for
the year 2000, which was re-organized into fourteen sectors. Next, using
the 2000 table of transactions of domestic goods and services, we
measured the input coefficients of the fourteen industries. Then, using
the transaction table of domestic goods and services for 2005, we
calculated the sum of all intermediate demands between industries and
combined the total input and value-added of all industry sectors. In
other words, the sums of the rows and columns of the industrial input
structure were derived from the 2005 IO table. Finally, based on the
2000 inter-industry transaction table, we estimated the input
coefficients of the fourteen industry sectors for the 2005 transaction
table of domestic goods and services, using the RAS and CE techniques.
Finally, the estimated transaction table of domestic goods and services
was compared to the actual 2005 transaction table to measure its
Table 1 is the Korean industry classification table used in this
study, and Fig. 1 provides a diagram of steps in the research process
for this study explained in the preceding paragraph. As can be noted
from Fig. 1, updating an IO table using the RAS and CE techniques
requires information including input coefficients of an existing IO
table, the GDP, total output, total intermediate input, and the
value-added coefficient of the target year. However, GDP data of the
target year is only used in an estimation using the CE approach, not the
RAS approach. The use and non-use of certain information each have their
own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost and estimation
efficiency. Therefore, it is rather difficult to determine the relative
superiority of one method over the other on the basis of use or non-use
of information alone.
2.2. Comparative results
The results of estimating the input coefficients for the fourteen
industries in Table 1 using the RAS and CE methods are shown in the
graphs in Fig. 2. The three graphs show the sum of the actual input
coefficients of the fourteen industries evaluated for the year 2005, the
sum of the input coefficients estimated using the RAS technique, and the
sum of the input coefficients estimated using the CE technique. As seen
in these graphs, there is no clear pattern for either the RAS or CE
estimates. The estimation results under these two approaches vary quite
randomly for the fourteen industries evaluated, with neither of them
consistently closer to the actual input coefficients; therefore, it is
not possible to judge which of the two is more accurate than or superior
to the other. Although the RAS approach appears superior in its updating
accuracy based on the data in Fig. 2 concerning 'Manufacturing of
IT devices', when the criteria of comparison proposed by
Oosterhaven (2005) are applied, as shown in Fig. 3, the CE technique
appears superior to the RAS technique in updating accuracy.
Here, JM is calculated by IG = [14.summation over j] [q.sub.j] ln
([q.sub.j]/[a.sub.j]), and JO by JO = [14.summation over (j=1] [absolute
value of [q.sub.j]] ln ([q.sub.j]/[a.sub.j]). The smaller the value, the
more efficient the estimation method is deemed. It should be noted,
however, that the results of this analysis, comparing the relative
accuracy of the two methods in estimating input coefficients for the
year 2005 from the 2000 IO data by checking them against the actual
coefficients for 2005, may be limited in their generalizability and may
not prove valid for other years or other industry classification
One of the main problems in updating IO tables is, as has just been
pointed out, the difficulty of precisely determining, which method is
better and more accurate than others, because one method can be highly
accurate for one industry, while missing the mark with another industry.
Therefore, the results of comparison can vary widely depending on the
criteria used, particularly when a large number of updating methods are
In this study, we employed one of the techniques designed to enable
maximum use of information obtained from updating methods. To resolve
the problem posed by estimates that are variably accurate depending on
the industry, we estimated the following equation using OLS and
calculated the combined input coefficient, which is the average of all
the estimated coefficients: For a discussion on the efficiency of an OLS
averaging estimator using the Mallows criterion, refer to (Hansen 2007).
The simplest method for combining the two methods for estimating input
coefficients is using OLS regression having two simple variables as the
mediators. However, in this study, we deemed the above-described method
to be superior. More importantly, the reviewer requested that the data
satisfy homoscedasticity, an assumption guaranteeing efficiency in
applying Mallows' criterion. Even if the data fails to satisfy this
assumption, the IO table can be, nevertheless, updated using the
Jackknife model average; a nonparametric method.
[y.sub.i] = [k.summation over (j=1)] [[theta].sub.j][x.sub.ji] +
[b.sub.mi] + [e.sub.i]; (11)
[??] = arg min [C.sub.n]([omega]). (12)
Here, [y.sub.i] is the sum of the actual input coefficients of IT
sectors (sum of the 2005 input coefficients for IT), and [x.sub.ji] is
the sum of the IT input coefficients updated using the RAS and CE
methods. Meanwhile, [b.sub.mi] stands for the relative error in an
approximate value, obtained by averaging the two estimates, and [??] is
an equation that determines, using the Mallows criterion, the optimal
weights for the two updating methods, minimizing the estimation errors.
Cn([omega]) is the quadratic form of the error term (e) of least square
averaging, which takes into consideration the weight ([omega]).
The estimated coefficients and weights obtained using the two above
equations are given in Table 2 below. Table 2 shows that, in the case of
the IT device manufacturing and IT service sectors, the weights assigned
to minimize the error resulting from the new input coefficient are
significantly larger for CE than for RAS. The estimated average
coefficients, calculated through the OLS averaging estimator and
applying the above-discussed weights according to Mallows information
criterion, proved larger for CE than RAS for both of the IT industry
Figures 4 and 5 below show [??], the input coefficients estimated
using the results listed in Table 2, corresponding to the updated input
coefficients for the IT device manufacturing and IT service sectors. The
figures also show the actual input coefficients for 2005, and the input
coefficients estimated using the CE methods for the same year. The
following implications are derived from the results in Figs 4 and 5.
Firstly, the estimated input coefficients for IT device manufacturing
(Industry class 13) and IT services (Industry class 14) are very close
to the actual input coefficients. Secondly, given that the sum of the
input coefficients is used to calculate production inducement,
value-added inducement, and employment inducement effects from input
data from an IO table, the input coefficient of a given industry is much
more important than other input coefficients capturing indirect effects
on the rest of the industries. This is why, when calculating an average
OLS estimate using the Mallows criterion, a larger weight is assigned to
the target industry than the remaining industries. Therefore, updating
an IO table using an OLS averaging estimate, calculated with the use of
the Mallows criterion proved to be highly efficient and accurate.
To recap the results of analysis thus far discussed, it is
difficult to precisely determine which of the two methods for updating
IO tables, namely, RAS and CE, is more accurate. When the two methods
were applied to the fourteen Korean industries, we found that it was
also difficult to judge their relative superiority concerning individual
industries. Secondly, we proposed an alternative method that combines
the input coefficients estimated through the two updating techniques. An
OLS approach was employed to average the RAS and CE estimates using the
Mallows criterion. The estimates under the alternative approach proved
to be more accurate, in other words, closer to the actual input
coefficients for the target year, than those obtained using the RAS or
CE technique, demonstrating the validity of the new approach. In other
words, using both the RAS and CE techniques and combining the estimates
under these two methods according to the alternative technique proposed
in this study can effectively help improve accuracy in updating an IO
These results are the results of updating input coefficients for
only the IT sector. When the input coefficients were updated for all 14
sectors, the outcome was similar; namely, the input coefficient of the
combination of the 14 sectors was higher, even if the difference was
quite small. As evidence to this effect, we attach the results of
calculating optimal weights for the input coefficients of the 14 sectors
of the Korean industry, using Mallows' criterion. Another
noteworthy detail about the IO table updating method proposed in this
study is that it provides the basis for determining which of the methods
should be applied a greater weight than the other in order to guarantee
that the prediction error is minimal. For example, in Table 3, the
differences, visually examined, between the three updating methods are
quite minor. But, the results, nevertheless, show clearly which of the
two methods, RAS and cross entropy, should be applied a greater weight
when updating the input coefficients.
This study compared the two methods that are most widely employed
for predicting future economic effects of an industry or a policy
undertaking or trend, using Korea's 2000 and 2005 IO tables.
Assessing the economic effects of a new policy undertaking or the
potential economic impact of an industry on the rest of the industry
sectors is usually done using the data from IO tables. The most delicate
part of this task is that an IO table, pertaining to the current data,
must be appropriately updated to project input-output relations at a
point in time in the future. Therefore, an accurate method for updating
an IO table is crucial for this process.
In this study, we compared the input coefficients of fourteen
Korean industries, estimated using the RAS technique, which is widely
used both by researchers and policy makers, and the CE technique, which
has recently received much attention in theoretical discussions of IO
updating. The main results are the following. First of all, it is not
easy to precisely determine which of the two methods is superior based
only on the comparison of input coefficients estimates. The relative
degree of accuracy of the two methods varies widely depending on the
industry, and even more so when the estimation involves a large number
of industries. Both the RAS and CE estimates on the fourteen Korean
industries were variably accurate, thereby not permitting a judgment in
favor of either of them. As an alternative to these two methods, which
are as equally valid as they are flawed, we proposed another method that
appropriately combines input coefficients updated using the two methods.
In this study, we used average OLS estimates calculated from the Mallows
criterion. The input coefficients estimated using the alternative
procedure proved to be closer to the actual input coefficients than the
estimates under the RAS or CE approach, favorably demonstrating its
accuracy as an updating technique. This method also has the advantage
that it is based on the two traditional methods, rather than replacing
them, and that it combines the estimates resulting from them, which
leads to greater accuracy in updating an IO table.
As a general rule, in order to make a meaningful use of an updated
IO table for IT-related industries, the amount of information that may
have an impact on the relative superiority of the RAS or CE technique
must be controlled in advance by imposing a restrictive condition. This
suggests that, to ensure the best updating results, the estimation must
be performed using preliminary information available about a target
industry. However, this is both a time- and cost-intensive procedure.
Therefore, an alternative method that allows estimates resulting from
the two methods to be appropriately complemented could be a more
practical solution. The simplest way of doing this is combining the
results under the RAS and CE techniques using a traditional OLS
approach. In addition to general implications, the combined updating
method is applied to investigate the predictive power and accuracy of
I/O updating table with those of RAS and CE methods for real
high-technology industry sectors.
Directions for future research expanding on this study are as
follows. The choice of an updating method for an IO table depends to a
high degree on how the industry is classified and the degree of
consolidation between industry classes. Therefore, when classifying a
national industry, future research may improve the validity of results
by carefully choosing the number of industry sectors. Also, since both
the RAS and CE methods have their own disadvantages that undercut their
respective advantages, an optimal method for combining estimates from
these two methods remains an essential topic in IO updating research.
Therefore, future research should attempt to develop a more
comprehensive econometric method for achieving this goal.
Caption: Fig. 1. Steps in comparison of RAS and CE methods
Caption: Fig. 2. Comparison of the actual and estimated sums of
input coefficients of 14 Korean industries
Caption: Fig. 3. Comparison of the two estimation methods from the
perspective of information acquisition
Caption: Fig. 4. Comparison of the combined estimated input
coefficient and actual input coefficient for the Korean IT device
manufacturing sector
Caption: Fig. 5. Comparison of the combined estimated input
coefficient and actual input coefficient for the Korean IT service
doi: 10.3846/20294913.2013.799104
Received 02 March 2011; accepted 08 January 2012
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Byung-Sun CHO (a), Sang Sup CHO (b), Jungmann LEE (c)
(a) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI),
161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, 305-350 Daejeon, South Korea
(b, c) Hoseo University, Anseodong 268 Cheonan city, Chungnam
Province, South Korea
Corresponding author Jungmann Lee E-mail:
[email protected]
Byung-Sun CHO obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of
Kansas in the USA. He has served as a Senior Researcher at ETRI
(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) for 13 years.
His main research areas were technology policy and forecasting,
especially in IT fields. Nowadays, his research interests are: future
technology strategy for national R&D and technology forecasting
linked technology with markets.
Sang Sup CHO received his BA degree in economics from Hanyang
University, Seoul, Korea in 1985, the MA degree in economics from
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea in 1987, the MS degree in accounting
from Missouri, Kansas City, USA, in 1996, and the PhD degree in
economics from Saint Louis University, USA, in 1999. His research
interests range from non-stationary panel analysis in econometrics to
applied macroeconomic analysis, high-tech industries growth and cycle
Jungmann LEE obtained his BA degree from Korea University, Seoul,
Korea in 1986 and PhD degree in Economics from the City University of
New York, USA, in 1997. He is an associate professor at the Division of
Digital Business at Hoseo University. He has served as an advisor for
various projects (IT technology policy and HRD Policy) of the Ministry
of Information and Communication, Korea. His research interests are
focused on the areas of technology policy, R&D management, and the
economics of technology innovation at the Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute.
Table 1. Fourteen-category classification of Korean industries
Industry 2005 revisions
1 Agriculture, fisheries
and mining
2 Manufacturing of textiles,
textile products, leather,
and leather products
3 Manufacturing of chemicals
4 Manufacturing of steel and
steel products
5 Manufacturing of automobiles
and auto parts
6 Shipbuilding
7 Other manufacturing
8 Electricity, gas, and
water supply
9 Construction
10 Wholesale and retail,
restaurants and hotels,
transportation, storage,
and postal services
11 Finance, insurance, real
estate, and real estate
development services
12 Public administration/
defense, education,
public health, and
other services
13 Manufacturing of Terminals and
IT equipment systems added
14 IT services Information services
and CATV services added
Note: The Korean Standard Industrial Classification
Table, consisting of 404 categories in 2000, was revised
in 2005, to include 403 categories.
Table 2. Estimates of the IT device manufacturing and IT
service sectors
RAS/CE IT device manufacturing IT services
Estimates RAS CE RAS
Estimates Estimated 0.0198 0.6309 0.0148
Weights 0.0064 0.9935 0.0965
RAS/CE IT services
Estimates CE
Estimates Estimated 0.5951
Weights 0.9034
Table 3. Estimated coefficients and optimal weights for 14 sectors
Methods Input Coefficients of All 14
Sectors Updated
Estimated Coefficients 0.000341 0.99956609
Weights 0.00000029 0.99999971