MCDM approach to evaluating bank loan default models.
Kou, Gang ; Peng, Yi ; Lu, Chen 等
Loans are often the major type of credit risk for banks. Over the
years, many quantitative default risk models have been developed to
assess the default risk of individual and corporate obligors and help
banks to better manage credit risks and allocate economic capital
(Bastos 2010).
According to the underlying techniques, default risk models and
algorithms can be broadly classified into traditional statistical
category and intelligence or machine-learning category (Kumar, Ravi
2007). Examples of traditional statistical techniques include simple
univariate analysis (Beaver 1966), multiple discriminant analysis (MDA)
(Altman 1968), multiple regression (Meyer, Pifer 1970), linear
discriminant analysis (Altman 1973), logit model (Martin 1977; Ohlson
1980), goal programming (Srinivasan, Kim 1987), logistic regression
(Wiginton 1980; Gilbert et al. 1990), quadratic discriminant analysis
(QDA) (Banks, Prakash 1994), Bayesian analysis (Li 1999), Bayesian
network models (Shumway 2001), and quadratic programming (Tseng, Lin
2005). Machine-learning category includes techniques like recursive
partitioning algorithm (Marais et al. 1984; Frydman et al. 1985), neural
network models (NN) (Tam, Kiang 1992), case-based reasoning (Buta 1994;
Bryant 1997), decision trees (Henley 1995), k-nearest-neighbour (KNN)
(Henley, Hand 1996), genetic programming (Varetto 1998; McKee, Lensberg
2002), rough sets (McKee 1998), neuro-fuzzy techniques (Gorzalczany,
Piasta 1999), data envelopment analysis (Cielen et al. 2004), ensembles
(Doumpos, Zopounidis 2007), soft computing (Ravi, Pramodh 2008),
multi-criteria convex quadratic programming (Peng et al. 2008a),
classification and regression trees (CART) (Khandani et al. 2010).
Reviews and comparative studies on credit risk models can be found at
Altman (1984), Rosenberg and Gleit (1994), Hand and Henley (1997),
Galindo and Tamayo (2000), Kumar and Ravi (2007), Crook et al. (2007),
and Verikas et al. (2010).
Although comparative analysis of default classification models has
been conducted intensively, the findings of these studies do not always
agree with each other. A default classification model that outperforms
another using one set of dataset and performance measures may be
disadvantaged under different circumstances. For example, Fernandez and
Olmeda (1995) reported that the neural network model provided generally
better results than CART-based decision tree algorithms in default
prediction, whereas Galindo and Tamayo (2000) concluded that CART
decision tree model was superior to neural networks in mortgage loan
default prediction.
While important advances have been made in developing default
classification models, less progress has been made in default model
evaluation and selection. Lopez and Saidenberg (2000) proposed
evaluation methods for credit risk models based on cross-sectional
simulation. Sobehart et al. (2001) developed several performance metrics
and a validation framework for quantitative default risk models. Stein
(2002) discussed validation strategies for default prediction models.
Medema et al. (2009) implemented a practical methodology to validate
credit risk models. In addition to the inconclusiveness associated with
default classification models, the limited availability of bank loan
data presents another major challenge in assessing and selecting default
classification models.
The objective of this study is to propose an approach to evaluate
default classification models and generate a ranking of them using a
combination of multiple performance metrics (Peng et al. 2011b). Though
the correct-classification rate is a prominent measurement in evaluating
default risk models, it is not a sufficient measure of a model's
predictive power due to the highly unbalanced nature of default data
(Khandani et al. 2010). Thus it is a common practice in default
classification model evaluation to use several performance measures.
Based on this observation, this study treats the model evaluation and
selection problem as a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem
(Peng et al. 2011a; Zavadskas, Turskis 2011; Brauers, Zavadskas 2011;
Antucheviciene et al. 2011; Fernando et al. 2012). Each performance
measure is considered as a criterion and the quality of default
classification model is determined by combining multiple performance
metrics (e.g. accuracy, type-I error, and type-II error). TOPSIS, a
multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method, is used to rank the
default prediction models.
The bank loan default prediction process includes data
pre-processing, modelling, and model assessment and selection (Verikas
et al. 2010). Two challenges in data pre-processing are high
dimensionality and class unbalancedness. A large number of features may
be collected in bank loan data and some of them are redundant or
irrelevant. Discarding such features can improve the performance of
prediction models (Fukunaga 1972). This paper examines the performances
of two feature selection techniques (i.e. PCA and ICA) in the context of
the proposed procedure and a real-life large corporate bank loan data.
Bank loan datasets often have highly unequal frequencies of the normal
and default records. Default models trained on random samples from
unbalanced datasets may perform poorly on future bank loan default data
(Zhang, Zhou 2004; Kou et al. 2005; Shi et al. 2005; Kou et al. 2014).
The Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOT) (Chawla et al.
2002) is utilized in this study to handle the unbalancedness by creating
synthetic default records. The proposed approach is applied to a
proprietary Chinese commercial bank loan dataset, which contains over
10,000 records of corporate loans with 120 variables.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 1 explains the proposed
approach. Section 2 presents the design and the results of the
experimental study. The final section concludes the paper with summaries
and future research directions.
1. Research methodology
This section describes the proposed approach that this paper used
to pre-processing, classifying, and evaluating default classification
models. The major components of this approach are explained in sequence.
1.1. Proposed approach for bank loan default prediction
Figure 1 describes the proposed approach for bank loan default
prediction that includes feature selection, sampling, classification,
and model evaluation.
Real world data may be incorrect, duplicate, incomplete, missing,
and dispersed. Thus they need to be cleaned, integrated, and
transformed. A comprehensive description of methods and techniques for
data preparation can be found at Han and Kamber (2006). Data preparation
steps applied to the bank loan default data will be discussed in Section
The following subsections present the four major components of the
procedure: feature selection, sampling, classification algorithms, and
the MCDM methods for model evaluation.
1.2. Feature selection techniques
Feature selection is an essential step in bank loan default
prediction. It can not only reduce the computation complexity, but also
improve the performance of prediction models by removing irrelevant
variables. Many studies have been conducted in the area of corporate
bankruptcy prediction to compare feature selection techniques (e.g. Ryu,
Yue 2005; Tsai 2009), combine feature selection methods with classifiers
(e.g. Back et al. 1996), or design systems integrating feature selection
and prediction models (e.g. Lin, McClean 2001).
Principal component analysis (PCA) (Pearson 1901) is one of the
most popular feature selection techniques used in bankruptcy prediction.
Independent component analysis (ICA) (Jutten, Herault 1991; Comon 1994),
a relatively new technique, has also been adopted in feature selection
with increasing frequency and has shown promise in some circumstances
(e.g. Cao, Chong 2002; Kao et al. 2011). While PCA is suitable for
datasets with Gaussian distributions, ICA can decompose non-Gaussian
datasets into independent components. The effects of PCA and ICA on
pattern recognition problems have been examined in several studies and
the observations were mixed: Fortuna and Capson (2004) have shown that
ICA outperformed PCA in its generalization ability. Baek et al. (2002),
on the other hand, claimed that PCA outperformed ICA for face
recognition and the difference in performance between the two techniques
is statistically significant. Meanwhile, Moghaddam (2002), as well as
Ekenel and Sankur (2004), observed that there are no significant
performance differences between ICA and PCA.
In the bank loan default prediction field, few works have been
conducted to compare the prediction performances of features selected by
PCA and ICA. In this paper, both techniques are applied to the original
bank loan data to compute principal and independent components. The two
new datasets are then sampled and classified using the same sampling
technique and classifiers.
1.2.1. Principal component analysis (PCA)
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a multivariate statistical
technique that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of
often inter-correlated variables into a new set of orthogonal variables
(Abdi, Williams 2010). PCA has a lot of applications and its goal in
feature extraction is to find a mapping that simplifies the description
of the dataset.
Let X = [([x.sub.1],[x.sub.2] ,...,[x.sub.m]).sup.T] be the
original dataset of size m x n, m [less than or equal to] n, consisting
of observed variable [x.sub.i] of size l x n,i = 1,2,...,m. Let Y be
another m x n matrix related by a linear transformation P:
PX = Y, (1)
where the rows of P, {[p.sub.1] ,...,[p.sub.m]}, are a set of new
basis vectors, which are also called principal components, for
representing the columns of X. Principal components can be obtained by a
three-step algorithm (Shlens 2005): the first step selects a normalized
direction in m-dimensional space along which the variance in X is
maximized and save it as [p.sub.l]; the second step finds another
direction along which variance is maximized under the constraint that it
is orthogonal to the preceding vector and save it as [p.sub.i]; the
third step repeats this procedure until m vectors are selected. The
output is a set of ordered principal components p. The dimensionality of
the original data can be reduced by choosing the strongest principal
1.2.2. Independent component analysis (ICA)
ICA searches the linear transformation that minimizes the
statistical dependence between its components and may be considered as
an extension of PCA (Comon 1994). The ICA model is defined as
(Hyvarinen, Oja 2000):
x = As = [n.summation over (i=1)] [a.sub.i][s.sub.i], (2)
where: x is the observed random vector with elements [x.sub.1],
..., [x.sub.n]; A is the mixing matrix with elements [a.sub.ij]; and s
is the random vector with elements [s.sub.1], ..., [s.sub.n]. Both s and
A are assumed to be unknown and must be estimated using the observed
vector x under several assumptions. First, the components s. are assumed
to be statistically independent. Second, the independent component (IC)
is assumed to have non-Gaussian distributions. Third, the unknown mixing
matrix is assumed to be square. Then the ICs can be obtained by compute
W, the inverse of A:
s = Wx. (3)
Non-Gaussianity is the key to estimating the ICA model and can be
measured by kurtosis, negentropy, and approximations of negentropy
(Hyvarinen, Oja 2000). Kurtosis is the classical measure of
non-Gaussianity and is adopted in this paper. The kurtosis of y is
defined by:
kurt(y) = E{[y.sup.4]} - 3[(E{[y.sup.2]}).sup.2]. (4)
If y is assumed to zero mean and unit variance, the right-hand side
becomes E{[y.sup.4]}-3. Thus, kurtosis is zero for a Gaussian random
variable and nonzero for most non-Gaussian random variables.
Several algorithms have been developed to solve the ICA problem
(Bell, Sejnowski 1995; Amari et al. 1996; Karhunen, Oja 1997; Hyvarinen
1999). This paper adopts the FastICA algorithm proposed by Hyvarinen and
Oja (2000).
1.3. Sampling approach: SMOTE
Credit-default data are normally highly unbalanced because the
proportion of the number of default loans to the population is normally
below 10% (Paleologo et al. 2010). Unbalanced datasets cause at least
two types of problems in default prediction (Zhang, Zhou 2004). The
first problem is that the performance of classification models for the
default class may be poor due to the overwhelming number of normal loan
records in the samples. The second problem is related to classifier
evaluation. Predictive accuracy, the most widely used measure for
classifiers, can be misleading with unbalanced data. For example,
suppose a dataset has 95% non-default firms and 5% default firms. An
accuracy rate of 95% may be inadequate since the classifier could be
correctly classified only the non-default firms. Possible ways to
address this problem are sampling techniques and multiple performance
measures. The performance measures will be discussed in Section 1.5.
Many sampling techniques have been developed to deal with
unbalanced datasets. The fundamental idea of these techniques is to
oversampling the minority class and/or under-sampling the majority class
(Chawla et al. 2002). Chawla et al. (2002) proposed the Synthetic
Minority Oversampling TEchnique (SMOTE), an over-sampling approach in
which the minority class is over-sampled by creating synthetic minority
class records. The synthetic minority samples are generated along the
line segments joining any or all of the k minority class nearest
neighbours. SMOTE achieves better performance than over-sampling with
replacement techniques because it creates larger decision regions, which
leads to more coverage of the minority class. The experiment implements
SMOTE using the SMOTE class (weka.filters.supervised.instance.SMOTE) of
WEKA 3.7 (Witten, Frank 2005).
1.4. Classification algorithms and performance measures
Default risk prediction can be considered as a binary
classification problem, which means bank loans are assigned to one of
the two classes (default or non-default) after data analysis. In the
classification framework, a model or classifier attempts to accurately
predict class labels (default or non-default) of future individual loans
based on two steps. In the first step, a classifier learns a function
that maps independent variables or input variables to a dependent or
output variable (class label). The second step tests the predictive
accuracy of the classifier learned in the first step (Han, Kamber 2006).
1.4.1. Classification algorithms
Data mining and knowledge discovery (DMKD) has made great progress
during the last twenty years (Peng et al. 2008b). As one of the major
tasks of data mining and an important problem in research and practice,
classification has wide business and scientific applications, such as
credit risk management, default prediction, marketing promotion,
financial loan evaluation, insurance premium calculation, and medical
clinic decision. Five classification algorithms: Naive Bayes, linear
logistic regression, k-nearest-neighbour (k-NN), C4.5, and
Classification and Regression Tree (CART), are chosen for the
experimental study.
Naive Bayes (Domingos, Pazzani 1997) models probabilistic
relationships between input variables and the output variable. It
estimates the class-conditional probability based on Bayes theorem and
can represent simple distributions. Linear logistic regression (Cessie,
Houwelingen 1992) models the probability of occurrence of an event as a
linear function of a set of input variables and generalizes well to
multiclass problems. The k-nearest-neighbour (Cover, Hart 1967) is an
instance-based learning method. It classifies a new instance to the same
class as the closest existing instance, and the closeness is measured by
a distance metric. In the experimental study, k-NN is implemented by the
IBK algorithm in WEKA (Witten, Frank 2005). C4.5 is a decision tree
algorithm that constructs decision trees in a top-down recursive
divide-and-conquer manner (Quinlan 1993) and is one of the most
extensively studied machine learning algorithms. Due to its outstanding
performance and easy-to-interpret decision rules, C4.5 became a
benchmark of classification algorithms. Classification and Regression
Tree (CART) (Breiman et al. 1984) is a greedy algorithm for learning
multivariate decision trees. It can be used to predict both continuous
and categorical variables.
1.4.2. Performance measures
Widely used performance measures of default prediction systems are
accuracy, Type-I error, Type-II error, and AUC (Verikas et al. 2010).
Bank loan default prediction is normally a twoclass problem. Suppose
default and non-default loans are labelled as negative and positive,
respectively. These measures can be defined as follows.
--Overall accuracy: Accuracy is the percentage of correctly
classified instances. It is the most widely used classification
performance metrics.
Overall Accuracy = [[TN + TP]/[TP + FP + FN + TN]], (5)
where TN, TP, FN, and FP stand for true negative, true positive,
false negative, and false positive, respectively.
--True Positive (TP): TP is the number of correctly classified
non-default instances. TP rate is also called sensitivity measure.
True Positive rate/Sensitivity = [TP/[TP + FN]]. (6)
--False Positive (FP): FP is the number of default firms that is
misclassified as non-default class. FP rate is called Type-I error. In
default prediction, Type-I error is more important than Type-II error
because it represents potential credit loss and Type-II error implies
potential loss of business. Actually, Altman et al. (1977) indicated
that the costs of Type-I error are 35 times higher for banks than
Type-II error costs.
False Positive rate/Type-I error = [FP/[FP + TN]]. (7)
--True Negative (TN): TN is the number of correctly classified
default instances. TN rate is also called specificity measure.
True Negative rate/Specificity = [TN/[TN + FP]]. (8)
--False Negative (FN): FN is the number of non-default instances
that is misclassified as default class. FN rate is also called Type-II
False Negative rate/Type-II error = [FN/[FN + TP]]. (9)
--Area under the curve (AUC): ROC stands for Receiver Operating
Characteristic, which shows the tradeoff between TP rate and FP rate.
AUC represents the accuracy of a classifier. The larger the area, the
better the classifier.
1.5. MCDM method: TOPSIS
There are many MCDM methods that can be used to rank alternatives.
This study chose TOPSIS due to its good performance in previous studies
and ease of use (Agrawal et al. 1991; Zanakis et al. 1998). Hwang and
Yoon (1981) proposed the Technique for order preference by similarity to
ideal solution (TOPSIS) method to rank alternatives over multiple
criteria. It finds the best alternatives by minimizing the distance to
the idea solution and maximizing the distance to the nadir or
negative-ideal solution (Olson 2004).
A number of extensions and variations of TOPSIS have been developed
over the years. The following TOPSIS procedure adopted from Opricovic
and Tzeng (2004: 448-449) and Olson (2004: 722) is used in the
experimental study.
Step 1: calculate the normalized decision matrix. The normalized
value v.. is calculated as:
[r.sub.ij] = [x.sub.ij] / [square root of [J.summation over (j=1)]
[x.sup.2.sub.ij]], j = 1, ..., J; i = l, ..., n, (10)
where: J and n denote the number of alternatives and the number of
criteria, respectively. For alternative [A.sub.j], the performance
measure of the ith criterion [C.sub.i] is represented by [x.sub.ij]
Step 2: develop a set of weights w. for each criterion and
calculate the weighted normalized decision matrix. The weighted
normalized value [v.sub.ij] is calculated as:
[v.sub.ij] = [w.sub.i][r.sub.ij] = j = 1,..., J; i = 1, ...,n, (11)
where [w.sub.i] is the weight of the ith criterion, and
Step 3: find the ideal alternative solution [S.sup.+], which is
calculated as:
where I' is associated with benefit criteria and I" is
associated with cost criteria. For the evaluation of default prediction
models, accuracy and AUC are benefit criteria and have to be maximized,
and the Type-I error and Type-II error are cost criteria and have to be
Step 4: find the negative-ideal alternative solution [S.sup.-],
which is calculated as:
Step 5: Calculate the separation measures, using the n-dimensional
Euclidean distance. The separation of each alternative from the ideal
solution is calculated as:
[D.sup.+.sub.j] = [square root of [n.summation over (i=1)]
[([v.sub.ij]] - [v.sup.+.sub.i]).sup.2]] j = 1, ..., J (14)
The separation of each alternative from the negative-ideal solution
is calculated as:
[D.sup.-.sub.j] = [square root of [n.summation over (i=1)]
[([v.sub.ij]] - [v.sup.-.sub.i]).sup.2]] j = 1, ..., J (15)
Step 6: Calculate a ratio [R.sup.+.sub.j] that measures the
relative closeness to the ideal solution and is calculated as:
[R.sup.+.sub.j] = [D.sup.-.sub.j]/([D.sup.+.sub.j] +
[D.sup.-.sub.j], j = 1,..., J. (16)
Step 7: Rank alternatives by maximizing the ratio [R.sup.+.sub.j].
2. Experimental study
The experiment is designed to test the proposed approach using a
large real-life bank loan default dataset provided by a Chinese
commercial bank. The following subsections describe the data, the
experimental design, and the results.
2.1. Bank loan data
The dataset which was provided by a Chinese commercial bank
contains 10,868 short-term, medium-term, and long-term loans granted to
various sizes of companies over the period January 2002-June 2004.
Companies included in the data cover a wide range of industries, such as
manufacturing, information technology, pharmacy, telecommunication,
foreign trading, energy, agriculture, public utility, and real estate.
The raw dataset was pre-processed to remove irrelevant, sensitive,
and incorrect data. Originally, there are 120 variables and some of them
are sensitive and irrelevant to the default prediction, such as company
identification codes, company names, and company addresses. Second,
instances with more than 50% missing values were considered as
incomplete or incorrect and deleted from the dataset. Pre-processing
step removed 224 instances and 16 variables.
Different definitions of 'defaulted' or 'bad'
loans are available in the literature (e.g. Marais et al. 1984; Hurt,
Felsovalyi 1998; Basel Committee... 2004; Dermine, Carvalho 2006).
Because the dataset used in this study was provided by a Chinese
commercial bank, the following five-category loan classification system
used by China's state-owned commercial banks (SCB) and joint
shareholding commercial banks (JSCB) is adopted. The five-category
criteria classify bank loans as pass, special-mention, substandard,
doubtful, and loss. The last three categories are treated as defaulted
loans by SCB and JSCB. A loan is classified as 'substandard'
when the obligor's ability to pay its credit obligations is in
question depending on its normal business revenues. A loan is classified
as 'doubtful' when the obligor cannot pay interest and/or
principal. A loan is classified as 'loss' when principal and
interest cannot be recovered or only a small portion can be recovered
after taking all possible measure or legal procedure is started (Bank
loan classification regulation 2002; Banks to adopt five-category loan
classification system 2003).
According to this definition, the sample data has 9,928 normal
loans and 716 defaulted loans. The 104 variables describe five important
financial aspects of companies as pointed out by Altman (1968),
including liquidity, profitability, leverage, solvency, and activity.
This is a typical bank loan data with two characteristics: a large
number of variables and highly unbalanced (only 6.7% default loans).
Table 1 compares the normal and defaulted loans in the dataset from four
aspects (McKee, Lensberg 2002). RMB is the abbreviation of
"renminbi", the official currency of China.
The two subsamples have some different characteristics. For
example, the normal loans have larger mean total assets and mean total
revenues than the defaulted loans. The Net income/Total assets ratio and
the Cash/Current liabilities ratio of the normal loan category are also
higher than the defaulted loan category. On the other hand, the normal
and defaulted loans exhibit some similar features. For instance, both
normal and defaulted loans have wide range values for total assets and
revenues. The defaulted subsample has a negative Net income/Total assets
ratio and has 45% companies with nonpositive net incomes. Although the
normal group has a positive Net income/Total assets ratio, 3,425
companies (or 34%) in the subsample have nonpositive net incomes. This
feature is similar to the one reported by McKee and Lensberg (2002). The
mixed subsample characteristics reflect the real life problem in loan
default prediction.
2.2. Experimental design
The experiment was carried out according to the following process:
Input: The bank loan default dataset
Output: Rankings of classifiers
Step 1. Prepare the dataset: remove irrelevant variables; handle
missing values by filling in with the variable average; eliminate
incorrect data.
Step 2. Select relevant variables using PCA and ICA to get two sets
of data. PCA is implemented using the PrincipalComponents class of WEKA
3.7 (Witten, Frank 2005; Hall et al. 2009) and ICA is implemented using
the FastICA operator of RapidMiner 5.0 (Mierswa et al. 2006).
Step 3. Applying SMOTE approach to the PCA and ICA datasets to
generate synthetic default instances, which is implemented using the
SMOTE class of WEKA 3.7 (Witten, Frank 2005; Hall et al. 2009).
Step 4. Train and test the selected classification algorithms using
WEKA 3.7 on randomly sampled partitions (i.e. 10-fold cross-validation)
of the sampled PCA and ICA datasets, respectively.
Step 5. Evaluate classification algorithms using TOPSIS, which is
implemented using MATLAB 7.0 (Matlab 2005).
Step 6. Generate the ranking of classification algorithms provided
by TOPSIS for the PCA and ICA datasets, respectively.
After removing irrelevant variables, there are 104 variables in the
dataset. Non-Gaussianity is the key to estimating the ICA model and can
be verified by kurtosis. Figure 2 illustrates that all variables satisfy
non-Gaussianity since none of them has zero kurtosis.
PCA and ICA methods are applied to the pre-processed data to reduce
the dimensionality. A threshold of 85% is set for both PCA and ICA
methods. The resulting datasets after applying PCA and ICA have 31 and
32 variables, respectively.
The SMOTE approach is used to create synthetic default instances
for the PCA and ICA datasets. Figure 3 compares the different class
sizes of default before and after applying the SMOTE. The default data
increase from 716 records to 3365 records.
2.3. Results and discussions
2.3.1. Classification results
Table 2 summarizes classification results on the PCA test dataset.
The best accuracy, Type-I error rate, Type-II error rate, and AUC are
highlighted in boldface and italic. K-NN has the highest accuracy of
96.67%, followed by C4.5 and CART. Naive Bayes and logistic have the
lowest Type-I and Type-II error rate, respectively. However, the low
Type-I or Type-II error rate is achieved by sacrificing the other type
of error rate. The 6.4% Type-I error rate of naive Bayes is accompanied
with a 69.7% Type-II error rate and the 1.2% Type-II error rate of
logistic is accompanied with a 48.18% Type-I error rate. For the measure
of AUC, the performances of K-NN, C4.5 and CART are close and the
average rate of the five classifiers reaches 90.2%.
Table 3 compares the five classifiers using the same set of
measures on the ICA test dataset. K-NN is still the best classifier in
terms of the accuracy and AUC. Similarly, Naive Bayes and logistic have
the lowest Type-I and Type-II error rate, respectively. At the same
time, these two classifiers also have the highest Type-II and Type-I
error rates.
2.3.2. PCA vs. ICA
To compare the effects of PCA and ICA on the classification
results, the experiment applied the selected classification algorithms
to the PCA and ICA datasets. The averaged results of accuracy, AUC,
Type-I error rate, and Type-II error rate for the PCA and ICA data are
summarized in Table 4. It can be seen that PCA outperforms ICA on the
four measurements.
2.3.3. TOPSIS results
The rankings of classifiers generated by TOPSIS for the PCA data
and the ICA data are summarized in Table 5. The rankings of the five
classifiers using the PCA and ICA datasets are identical and K-NN is
ranked the best classifier.
In this specific dataset, it chanced that one classifier
outperformed other classifiers in most performance measures. In reality,
it is normal that classifiers with the best scores on some measures may
perform poorly on other measures. In those circumstances, the MCDM
methods are helpful in providing a final ranking of classification
algorithms. It is worth to mention that the performance measures used by
this study are mainly accuracy-related. In real application in
commercial banks, there are other issues need to be considered when
selecting classifiers. For instance, probability of default (PD) is a
commonly used indicator in bankruptcy prediction and thus a classifier
which can provide PD information may be preferred over a classifier
which cannot provide PD information by commercial banks.
This paper concentrated on feature selection, unbalanced data, and
model assessment in bank loan default prediction. It developed a
procedure to address the three problems. Firstly, ICA and PCA were used
to select relevant features. Secondly, the SMOT approach was utilized to
deal with the unbalanced data by creating synthetic default examples.
Thirdly, TOPSIS, a multiple criteria decision making method, was
utilized to rank a selection of default prediction models.
An experimental study using a large real-life bank loan default
dataset provided by a Chinese commercial bank was conducted to validate
the proposed process. PCA and ICA generated two separate datasets and
tested in the sampling, classification, and model evaluation steps.
After feature selection, PCA and ICA reduced the dimensionality from 104
to 31 and 32, respectively. The reduced datasets were then balanced
using the SMOTE approach and classified with five selected
classification algorithms. The performances of classifiers were measured
using accuracy, Type-I error rate, Type-II error rate, and AUC. Finally,
TOPSIS was applied to the PCA and ICA datasets to evaluate the
classifiers based on the values of performance metrics. The experimental
results showed that K-NN has good potential in default prediction. In
addition, the outcome indicated that there is no significant difference
between PCA and ICA on default prediction of the specific dataset.
Future research issues include introducing more feature selection
techniques, sampling approaches, classification algorithms, and MCDM
methods to the process. Ranking results generated by MCDM methods may be
very different. Another research direction is to resolve this
disagreement and help decision-makers pick the most suitable
classifier(s). Experimental study with more default datasets may also be
conducted to test the process.
This research has been partially supported by grants from the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (#71325001 for Yi Peng,
#71222108 for Gang Kou), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities, the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher
Education (#20120185110031) and Program for New Century Excellent
Talents in University (NCET-12-0086 and NCET-10-0293).
doi: 10.3846/20294913.2014.913275
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Gang KOU (a), Yi PENG (b), Chen LU (b)
(a) School of Business Administration, Southwestern University of
Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China
(b) School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 610054, P. R. China
Received 25 March 2013; accepted 10 November 2013
Corresponding author Yi Peng
[email protected]
Gang KOU is a Professor and Executive Dean of School of Business
Administration, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. He is
the Managing Editor of International Journal of Information Technology
& Decision Making and series Editor of Quantitative Management
(Springer). Previously, he was a Professor ofSchool of Management and
Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and
a Research Scientist in Thomson Co., R&D. He received his PhD in
Information Technology from the College of Information Science &
Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha; got his Master's
degree in Department of Computer Science, University of Nebraska at
Omaha; and BS degree in Department of Physics, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China. He has participated in various data mining projects,
including data mining for software engineering, network intrusion
detection, health insurance fraud detection and credit card portfolio
analysis. He has published more than eighty papers in various
peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He has been Keynote
speaker/workshop chair in several international conferences. He
co-chaired Data Mining contest on The Seventh IEEE International
Conference on Data Mining 2007 and he is the Program Committee Co-Chair
of the 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision
Making (2009) and NCM 2009: 5th International Joint Conference on INC,
ICM and IDC. He is also co-editor of special issues of several journals,
such as Journal of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis, Decision Support
Systems, Journal of Supercomputing and Information Sciences.
Yi PENG is a Professor of School of Management and Economics,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. She received
her PhD in Information Technology from the College of Information
Science & Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha and got her
Master's degree in Department of Info. Science & Quality
Assurance, University of Nebraska at Omaha and BS degree in Department
of Management Information Systems, Sichuan University, China. Her
research interests cover knowledge discover in database and data mining,
multi-criteria decision making, data mining methods and modelling,
knowledge discovery in real-life applications.
Chen LU got his Master's degree in Management Science from
School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China.
Table 1. Comparison of subsample characteristics
Variable or ratio Normal loans Defaulted loans
Total assets
maximum RMB.26,854,906,969 RMB.1,792,017,755.50
Mean RMB.559,394,670.58 RMB.87,387,234.37
minimum RMB.640.1 RMB.1827.6
S.D. RMB.2,447,286,504.76 RMB.183,269,496.1
Total revenues
maximum RMB.16,993,642,023 RMB.1,620,347,617
Mean RMB.333,414,922.10 RMB.44,486,523.13
minimum RMB.-1,631,589.70 RMB.-335,266.87
S.D. RMB.1,104,160,852 RMB.159,020,842.9
Net mcome/Total assets
Mean 2.915901569 -2.104
S.D. 43.47841237 47.665
Cash/Current Ha^Hties
Mean 0.354 0.102
S.D. 4.117 0.184
Table 2. Classification results on the PCA test dataset
Accuracy Type-I errors Type-II errors AUC
Naive Bayes 0.4674 0.0642 0.6977 0.75
Logistic 0.8655 0.4818 0.012 0.9
K-NN 0.9667 0.0771 0.0178 0.96
C4.5 0.9564 0.1017 0.0231 0.95
CART 0.9522 0.1176 0.0231 0.95
Table 3. Classification results on the ICA test dataset
Accuracy Type-I errors Type-II errors AUC
Naive Bayes 0.3897 0.0536 0.8066 0.64
Logistic 0.7633 0.8791 0.0101 0.79
K-NN 0.9665 0.0902 0.0135 0.97
C4.5 0.9342 0.164 0.0311 0.92
CART 0.9266 0.1922 0.0315 0.91
Table 4. Comparison of classification results using
the PCA and ICA datasets
Accuracy Type-I errors Type-II errors AUC
PCA 0.836933 0.256317 0.130133 0.86
ICA 0.786617 0.396417 0.148817 0.788333
Table 5. Ranking of classifiers by TOPSIS
Naive Bayes 0.4169 0.3992
Logistic 0.681 0.6204
K-NN 0.9831 0.9752
C4.5 0.9609 0.9264
CART 0.9478 0.9111