Application of DEA method in efficiency evaluation of public higher education institutions.
Nazarko, Joanicjusz ; Saparauskas, Jonas
Public higher education sector is under a growing pressure to
increase efficiency and improve the quality of its activities. The
quality of education service has become a major issue in higher
education worldwide (Zafiropoulos, Vrana 2008). Expectations of the
state, society, media and other stakeholders stimulate universities to
manage their resources more effectively and also cause increased
transparency in state funding of the higher education sector. Another
factor contributing to that phenomenon is the necessity to conform to
the European Union standards.
Corporate standards and models of management are more and more
frequently applied in the public sector. There is an increasing number
of alternative financing schemes that rely on larger contributions from
students. Those based on income-contingent loans provide insurance
against uncertain educational outcomes (Del Rey, Racionero 2010).
However, the specificity of the public sector often makes it impossible
to copy such patterns directly. The public sector is characterised,
among others, by the complexity of the sector's environment and its
instability (frequent political and legal changes), by the multitude and
ambiguity of goals and by the variety of stakeholders with contradicting
expectations (Bonaccorsi, Daraio 2009; Nazarko et al. 2009). Another
factor is a limited amount of public funds, which are distributed and
supervised according to detailed regulations. Furthermore, activities of
public sector institutions are not subject to high competitive pressure
and as profit-oriented as private counterparts. Additionally, there is a
lack of objective criteria for the assessment of the sector. This leads
to the problem of state money distribution that has nothing to do with
efficiency of its management by public institutions. Providing the
financial resources for higher education has been a particularly
sensitive issue, which influenced the achievement of many goals, but
also economic and social mission entrusted by the universities
(Munteanu, Andrei-Coman 2011).
It is, therefore, crucial to create stimulants for rational
management of public funds and improvement in the quality of services
offered by the public sector academic institutions. To provide quality
enhancement of the educational environment, higher education
institutions could create and implement a strategy for their higher
school improvement--a long-term action plan, which includes management
of the organisational units as interconnected and interdependent
entities, and engagement of students in quality assurance activities as
enthusiastic and responsible academic community members (Stukalina
2012). Also, the systematic comparative study of the efficiency of
public sector units (Nazarko et al. 2008, 2009) could be made. Such an
assessment defines reference points (benchmarks) for studied activities.
It may, therefore, be treated as a substitute for competition and
contribute to a more efficient allocation of public funds, greater care
for the efficiency of conducted processes, higher quality of offered
services and improvements in management of public institutions.
The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method occupies an important
place in the comparative efficiency studies in the public sector
worldwide (Chalos, Cherian 1995; Odeck 2005). It is also applied in the
higher education sector because outcomes of DEA may provide valuable
information supporting HEI management. DEA does not just enable the
identification of areas requiring improvement but also describes the
development possibilities in those areas. Moreover, it allows answering
questions concerning HEI strengths and weaknesses, the mode of fund
allocation among HEI organisational units, or the optimal size of these
There is one important virtue of DEA application in higher
education settings, namely, it can assess the efficiency of universities
from multiple viewpoints. However, when the number of evaluation
criteria increases, more universities are evaluated as being efficient
(Aoki 2010).
Examples of DEA application in the area of higher education from
around the globeare described in works by Leitner et al. (2007), Taylor
and Harris (2004), McMillan and Datta (1998), Bradley et al. (2006),
Nazarko et al. (2008).
In the UK, issues of higher education management receive a lot of
attention, thus providing many instances of DEA application for the
assessment of higher education effectiveness or productivity. Therefore,
UK can be named a leader in evaluation of university effectiveness.
One of the instances of British experience in that field is the
comparative efficiency analysis undertaken as a response to the
increased awareness of the issues of accountability, value for money and
cost control. Authors of the study--Athanassopoulos and Shale--proposed
concepts of cost and outcome efficiency in order to gain further
insights into the university operations (Athanassopoulos, Shale 1997).
The object of the research comprised 45 universities. The study revealed
that a subset of six institutions showed satisfactory performance across
alternative efficiency tests.
Another example is the investigation of the level of efficiency and
change in productivity of nearly 200 further education providers in
England over the period 1999-2003 (Bradley et al. 2010). In the course
of DEA, it was found that the mean provider efficiency varied between 83
and 90 percent over the period. In the meantime, productivity change
amounted to approx. 12 percent, which comprised of 8 percent of
technology change and 4 percent of technical efficiency change.
Therefore, a multivariate analysis was performed. It showed that
student-related variables--such as gender, ethnicity and age--were
generally more important in determination of efficiency levels than
staff-related variables. It was also established that the local
unemployment rate has an effect on provider efficiency. Considering
policy implications of the results, the authors of the research
recommend that further education providers should implement strategies
to improve completion and achievement rates of white males as well as
offer increased administrative support to teachers.
Another British example of DEA application is the examination of
the technical efficiency of 45 universities in the period
1980/81-1992/93. The analysis indicated that there was a substantial
rise in the weighted geometric mean of the technical efficiency score
during the study period, although this rise was most noticeable between
1987/88 and 1990/91. The rise of technical efficiency scores was
attributed largely to the gains in pure technical efficiency and
congestion efficiency, with scale efficiency playing a minor role (Flegg
et al. 2004).
An interesting research was conducted on a sample of 54,564
graduates from UK universities in 1993 to assess whether the choice of
technique affects the measurement of universities' performance
(Johnes 2006). A methodology developed by Thanassoulis et al. (2002)
allows each individual's DEA efficiency score to be decomposed into
two components: one attributable to the university, at which a student
studied, and the other attributable to the individual student. The
results showed that rankings of universities derived from the DEA
efficiencies, which measure university performance (having excluded
efforts of individuals), were not strongly correlated with the
university rankings derived from the university effects of the
multilevel models. The data were also used to perform a university-level
DEA. The university efficiency scores derived were largely unrelated to
the scores from the individual-level, confirming a result from a smaller
data set (Johnes 2006a). However, the university-level DEAs provide
efficiency scores, which are generally strongly related to the
university effects of the multilevel models.
Another instance of DEA application in British higher education
sector is the efficiency and productivity studies of more than 500
English in-service training institutions during the period of 5 years
(Bradley et al. 2006). Five main types of studied units were specified:
general/tertiary colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Specialist Colleges,
Specialist Designated Institutions and External Institutions. Variables
describing the number and the quality of students and teachers were used
as input variables for a DEA model. Student achievements, measured as
the number of students continuing their education and the number of
attained qualifications, were treated as output variables.
Casu, Thanassoulis (2006) evaluated cost efficiency in UK
university central administration. For this purpose, researchers set up
a data envelopment analysis (DEA) framework. The problems in defining
the unit of assessment and the relationship between the inputs and the
outputs are clearly demonstrated. Glass et al. (2006) computed DEA-based
efficiency scores for policy evaluations and possible funding guidance
in UK higher education.
In the period 1998-2003, the efficiency of 72 public universities
of Germany was examined with the use of DEA and stochastic frontier
analysis (Kempkes, Pohl 2010). The work referred to the faculty
composition of universities as an essential element in the efficiency of
higher education. The main finding was that East German universities
have performed better in the total factor productivity change compared
to those of West German universities. However, when looking at mean
efficiency scores over the sample period, West German universities still
appeared at the top end of relative efficiency outcomes.
In Austria (Leitner et al. 2007) studies with the use of DEA
allowed to assess the efficiency of natural sciences and engineering
departments in HEI. Models developed there consisted of two input
variables (number of academic teachers and floor area of the department)
and 12 output variables (extramural grants, ratio of completed projects
to the total academic staff, number of projects completed by the
department, number of exams, diploma students, monographs, reports,
presentations and other publications, number of patents obtained, and
PhD graduates). According to the researchers, it was demonstrated that
DEA method surpassed traditional approaches based on simple calculation
of indicators. Consequently, application of the DEA method does not only
allow determining a department's efficiency but also helps
specifying improvement possibilities of department.
In the Netherlands, the DEA approach was utilised to estimate
per-student education costs (PSCs) in higher education institutions in
an effort to redress a number of methodological problems endemic to such
estimations, particularly the allocation of shared expenditures between
education and other institutional activities (Salerno 2006). The results
were compared with PSC estimates generated by a more traditional
approach. DEA was argued to increase the likelihood of producing more
realistic cost estimates for individual institutions.
In Greece, 20 public universities were assessed through
quantitative analysis including performance indicators, DEA and
econometric procedures (Katharaki, Katharakis 2010). The findings showed
inefficiency in terms of human resource management while also
identifying a clear opportunity to increase research activity and
hence--the research income. The author of the study hoped to contribute
to the broader debate on reforming the management and administration
system of Greek universities.
In the US, a multi-output production function to analyse economies
of scope between patents and R&D was applied in research
universities (Chavas et al. 2012). The tradeoffs and/ or synergies that
arise between traditional university research outputs (articles and
doctorates) and academic patents were analysed. In the study, sources of
economies of scope and relative roles of complementarity, scale and
convexity were also investigated. DEA estimates of scope economies using
R&D input and output data from 92 research universities showed
significant economies of scope between articles and patents but only
modest complementarities except for a few cases. The findings showed how
scale effects (for small universities) and convexity effects can
contribute to economies of scope.
The other instance of American research on effectiveness of
education providing institutions is the work of Hirao (2012). In the
study, efficiency of the top 50 public and private business schools in
the United States in the year 2006 was measured with the help of DEA. It
was found that although technical efficiencies of private and public
schools were both high, scale and overall efficiencies of public schools
were lower than those of private schools.
Breu, Raab (1994) used DEA to measure the relative efficiency of
the "best" 25 U.S. News and World Report-ranked universities.
Their results indicate how DEA may be used to measure relative
efficiency of these higher education institutions from commonly
available performance indicators.
In Canada, efficiency of 45 HEI was studied (McMillan, Datta 1998).
Three types of Canadian HEI were specified: comprehensive with a medical
school, comprehensive without a medical school and primarily
undergraduate. Nine different models were used in the analysis. Output
variables included among others: number of students sorted by the field
of studies, number of sponsored research grants, etc. Input variables
consisted of the number of academic staff with the division between the
exact science and the humanities, the number of employees obtaining
research grants, etc. The authors stress the utility of the DEA method
as a benchmarking tool applied by HEI. They recommend that DEA is used
to study more homogenous administrative units such as departments.
Another illustrative example of efficiency assessment in Canadian
universities is that with using DEA and stochastic frontier methods
(McMillan, Chan 2006). An analysis of the rankings revealed that the
relative positions of individual universities across sets of several
efficiency rankings demonstrated an underlying consistency.
High-efficiency and low-efficiency groups were evidenced but the rank
for most universities was not significantly different from the others.
The results emphasised the need for caution when employing efficiency
scores for management and policy purposes, and they recommended looking
for confirmation across viable alternatives.
In Australia (Madden et al. 1997), as a consequence of the 1987
Green Paper on Australian higher education, which included the
recommendation to abandon the binary system and introduce the Dawkins
plan for transfer of resources from established universities to the
former colleges of advanced education, a comparison of the initial and
subsequent performance of economics departments was completed. The
findings revealed that while overall performance has improved
substantially, further productivity improvements were required for new
universities to achieve best practice. Avkiran (2001) used DEA to
examine the relative efficiency of Australian universities. Three
performance models were developed: overall performance, performance on
delivery of educational services, and performance on fee-paying
enrolments. The findings showed that the universities were performing
well on technical and scale efficiency but there was room for improving
performance on fee-paying enrolments. In the research by Abbott and
Doucouliagos (2003), non-parametric techniques were used to estimate
technical and scale efficiency of individual Australian universities.
Various measures of output and inputs were used. The results showed that
regardless of the output-input mix, Australian universities recorded
high levels of efficiency relative to each other.
In South Africa, 10 out of 21 public HEI were studied from the
perspective of their efficiency during a period of 4 years (Taylor,
Harris 2004). Taking into account the limitations of the method, seven
models were tested. In each model, the output variables consisted of the
number of graduates and the indicators characterising HEI engagement in
research. Input variables varied in each model and included: total
costs, financial resources, number of students and employees.
Demonstrated efficiency differences between HEI allowed specifying four
main factors that determine HEI efficiency: increase in the number of
students, quality of recruited students, quality of academic staff and
the level of fixed costs.
In China, relative efficiency in the production of research of 109
regular universities in 2003 and 2004 was analysed (Johnes, Yu 2008).
Output variables measured the impact and productivity of research. Input
variables reflected staff, students, capital and resources. The mean
efficiency was just over 90% when all input and output variables were
included in the model, and this felled to just over 80% when
student-related input variables were excluded from the model. The
rankings of the universities across models and time periods were highly
significantly correlated. Further investigation suggested that the mean
research efficiency was higher in comprehensive universities compared to
specialist universities, and in universities located in the coastal
region compared to those in the western region of China. The
aforementioned result offered support for the merger activity, which
took place in Chinese higher education.
In Taiwan, 18 classes of freshmen English students in the academic
year 2004-2006 were examined with DEA (Montoneri et al. 2012). A diagram
of teaching performance improvement mechanism was designed to identify
key performance indicators for evaluation in order to help teachers
concentrate their efforts on the formulated teaching suggestions. The
sensitivity study highlighted the priority of the richness of course
contents over the other evaluated indicators. The performance
improvement mechanism was designed to help decision-makers to develop
educational policies. J.-K. Chen and I.-S. Chen (2011) adopted Inno-Qual
performance system (IQPS) by using DEA to evaluate the Inno-Qual
efficiency of 99 Taiwanese universities divided into five types
(research-intensive, teaching-intensive, profession-intensive, research
& teaching-intensive, and education-in-practice-intensive). On the
basis of the empirical results, researchers found that more than half
(73%) of the universities were highly inefficient in improving the
Inno-Qual performance. Thus, it was concluded that improving the
Inno-Qual efficiency based on results would be helpful for reducing the
majority of cost expenditures.
To assess the efficiency of Thai public universities at the faculty
level using the DEA method, two efficiency models--the teaching
efficiency model and the research efficiency model--were used
(Kantabutra, Tang 2010). Further statistical analyses were performed to
examine the difference in performance between two types of public
universities: the government universities and the autonomous
universities. Then, the differences in efficiency between university
locations and types of faculties were checked. The results indicated
that the autonomous universities outperformed the government
universities in terms of research efficiency. It was additionally
determined that universities in provincial areas and faculties
attributed to the health science group were efficient in terms of
Kuah and Wong (2011) presented the DEA model for joint evaluation
of the relative teaching and research efficiencies of universities in
Malaysia. The inputs and outputs for university performance measurement
were identified. They comprised of 16 measures in total. Joint DEA
maximisation was used to model and evaluate these measures. The
application of DEA enabled academics to identify deficient activities in
their universities and take appropriate actions for improvement.
It is worth mentioning a cross-national initiative, which focused
on the comparison of the efficiency of Italian and German public
universities and its evolution in the period 2001-2007 (Agasisti, Pohl
2011). The authors of the research underlined the importance of the task
enumerating two main reasons: first, to assess whether the public
spending for funding the universities was used efficiently; and second,
the stimulation of a benchmarking exercise that could be useful for
managerial and policymaking purposes in European countries. The study
with the use of DEA revealed that German universities were more
efficient than their Italian counterparts. However, the Italian
institutions improved their efficiency rapidly in the period 2001-2007.
Abramo et al. (2011) proposed an application of the DEA methodology for
measurement of technical and allocative efficiency of university
research activity. The analysis is based on bibliometric data from the
Italian university system for the five-year period of 2004-2008.
Technical and allocative efficiency was measured using university
research staff classified according to academic rank as input, and the
field-standardised impact of the research product realised by the staff
as output. The analysis was applied to all scientific disciplines of the
so-called hard sciences, and conducted at a subfield level, thus at a
greater level of detail than ever before achieved in national-scale
research assessments.
An interesting example of an international study using DEA in
relative efficiency assessment is the project scrutinising how public
education and R&D expenditures were utilised in new EU member states
in comparison to the selected EU and OECD countries plus Croatia
(Aristovnik 2012). In that study, the relative efficiency was defined as
the deviation from the efficiency frontier, which represented the
maximum output/outcome attainable from each input level. An analysis of
output-oriented efficiency measures revealed that such new EU member
states as Hungary, Estonia and Slovenia could be treated as good
benchmark countries in the field of primary, secondary and tertiary
education, respectively. Cyprus and Hungary were indicated as dominating
countries in the field of the R&D sector. The empirical results also
suggested that new EU member states showed relatively high efficiency in
tertiary education, but lagged behind in the R&D efficiency
This paper describes the application of the DEA method in a
comparative efficiency study of 19 Polish universities of technology.
1. Characteristics of higher education sector in Poland
Higher education in Poland is divided into two sectors: public and
private. All in all, 470 HEI function in both sectors with 132 as public
institutions. There are two main categories of higher education
institutions: university-type and non-university institutions. In a
university-type HEI at least one unit is authorised to confer the
academic degree of PhD. Almost all PhD granting HEI (approximately 100),
including all of the 19 universities of technology, are public (Higher
Education ... 2012).
There are approx. 1,764,000 students (year 2011) in different types
of HEI in Poland with 1,245,000--in public HEI and 518,000--in private
HEI. Approx. 965,000 of students are full time (public: 876,000,
private: 88,000) and approx. 799,000 of students are part-time (public:
369,000, private: 430,000). Universities of technology provide education
for 338,000 students (full-time programmes: approx. 246,000, part-time
programmes: approx. 92,000). All HEI are the primary workplace for more
than 99,000 academic teachers, including 11,500 tenured professors.
Universities of technology employ 15,500 academic teachers, including
2,900 tenured professors (Higher Education ... 2012).
Higher education institutions in Poland offer the following
education possibilities (Higher education in Poland 2013):
--first cycle studies (equivalent to the bachelor's degree) of
two kinds:
--studies leading to the professional title of
"licencjat", 3 to 4 years in duration;
--studies leading to the professional title of
"inzynier", 3.5 to 4 years in duration;
--second cycle studies of 1.5 to 2 years in duration (similar to
the master's degree), leading to the professional title of
"magister" or an equivalent degree, accessible for graduates
of the first cycle studies;
--long-cycle studies of 4.5 to 6 years in duration (similar to the
master's degree) leading to the professional title of
"magister" or an equivalent degree;
--third cycle studies--doctoral programmes, provided by the
university-type higher education institutions as well as some research
institutions (firstly, the Polish Academy of Sciences).
Along with 29 other countries, Poland signed the Bologna
Declaration, which aims to create the European Higher Education Area.
The current reforms of the Polish higher education system follow the
recent action lines of the Bologna Process.
Government budget subsidies are the primary funding source for the
public HEI. Subsidies are assigned for education of full time
undergraduate and master's degree students, education of full-time
PhD students, salaries of academic staff and facility maintenance. The
size of subsidy depends on: (i) the number of students (including
different weights given to various fields of study); (ii) the number of
PhD students (with different weights assigned to various academic
specialties); (iii) the number of teaching and research staff (with
different weights assigned to their seniority and formal
qualifications); (iv) the number of research grants obtained in a given
year; (v) the number of licenses to award PhD and higher doctorate
degrees; (vi) student exchanges with foreign universities
(Rozporzqdzenie ... 2012).
In 2011, government budget subsidy for public HEI amounted to
approx. USD 4 billion, out of which USD 1 billion went to the
universities of technology. There is a general consensus among
scientists and politicians that the current level of financing is far
from sufficient. However, the costs for maintaining the public higher
education sector are increasingly difficult to bear even for rich
countries' budgets (Johnes 2006; Onsel et al. 2008). Similarly to
other public institutions, HEI are under the growing pressure to
increase the efficiency in spending of public resources, to actively
search for alternative funding sources and to compete for a good
position in the educational market (Higher Education ... 2012).
2. Conceptual framework of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
In this paper, M. J. Farrell's effectiveness concept was used
to analyse effectiveness of higher education institutions. This concept
assesses the effectiveness as a relative measure, describing the
relation of inputs to outputs with respect to the maximum value possible
to obtain in given technological conditions (Farrell 1957). Farrell
distinguished two components of organisational effectiveness: technical
and allocative effectiveness. Technical effectiveness was defined as an
ability to produce a certain amount of product with minimal inputs. The
allocative effectiveness was described as a reflection of the ability to
absorb inputs in an optimal proportion considering prices of the inputs
(inputs costs). The combination of technical and allocative
effectiveness constitutes the overall economic effectiveness (Coelli et
al. 2002).
Farrell's productivity concept was based on relative
effectiveness measurement method Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
developed by A. Charnes, W. W. Cooper and E. Rhodes (Charnes et al.
1978). In the method, the effectiveness (E) of the analysed object (j),
called Decision Making Unit (DMU) can be defined as a quotient of a
weighted sum of the outputs to the weighted sum of the inputs: s
[E.sub.j] = [s.summation over (r=1)]
[u.sub.rj][y.sub.rj]/[m.summation over (i=1)][v.sub.ij][x.sub.ij], (1)
[y.sub.rj]--the amount of the product r generated by [DMU.sub.j],
output; [x.sub.ij]--the amount of the resource i used by [DMU.sub.j],
input; [u.sub.rj]--weight of the output [y.sub.rj]; [v.sub.ij]--weight
of the input [x.sub.ij]; r = 1, 2, ..., s--number of the generated
products; i = 1, 2, ..., m--number of resources used; j = 1, 2, ...,
n--number of DMUs.
The concept of the DEA method is presented in Figure 1.
Application of the DEA method does not require prior determination
of weights. Optimisation of weights is done for each object separately
through solving linear programming task in order to maximise the
relation output/input described in the Equation (1) with taking into
consideration the constraints given. This way, strengths of each unit
are exposed:
max [] = [s.summation over
(r=1)][u.sub.rjo][y.sub.rjo]/[m.summation over
(i=1)][v.sub.ijo][x.sub.ijo], (2)
subject to
[s.summation over (r=1)][u.sub.rjo][y.sub.rj]/[m.summation over
(i=1)][v.sub.ijo][x.sub.ij] [less than or equal to] 1, j = 1, ...,
[j.sub.o], ..., n;
[u.sub.rjo] [greater than or equal to] 0, r = 1, ..., s;
[v.sub.ijo] [greater than or equal to] 0, i = 1, ..., m.
DEA models that require constant returns to the scale approach are
called CCR models (the acronym of the first letters of the names of the
method's authors--Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (Charnes et al. 1978)
or CRS (Constant Returns to Scale). The models used in variable returns
to scale are called BCC models, the acronym of the names of the
model's authors--Banker, Charnes, Cooper (Banker et al. 1984) or
VRS (Variable Returns to Scale). A DEA model can be input oriented, then
inputs are minimised with the limitation on the lower amount of the
outputs. It can also be output oriented, which means maximisation of
outputs with the limitation on the upper amount of inputs (Guzik 2009).
3. Data analysis and selection of a model
Comparison of teaching and scholarly achievements of universities
is complex and evokes a considerable amount of controversy. It is often
argued that such a comparison is subjective and lacks a clear framework.
DEA has its limitations and cannot pretend to be a universal and fully
objective method. However, its conscious use may prove to be a source of
valuable information on the HEI performance. The possibility to measure
and compare values expressed in different units is an important
advantage of the DEA method. Selection of variables is the primary and
often the most difficult aspect of DEA application in the comparative
analysis of DMUs. This paper presents two essential stages in the
variables selection process: the merit-related and the
statistics-related stage.
According to the DEA methodology, in order to analye the efficiency
of Polish universities of technology, it was assumed that each
university (DMU--Decision Making Unit) may be characterised by its
initial assets (system input), effects (results, system output) and
transformation processes, which convert assets into effects (taking into
account the impact of the environment, which remains out of
university's control).
15 variables concerning the financial, staff, organisational and
qualitative aspects of university performance were analysed. The
merit-related analysis resulted in the selection of 5 input variables, 8
output variables and 2 environmental variables. Table 1 presents the set
of analysed variables with their description.
In order to detect relations between the variables, a correlation
analysis was carried out in each group of variables.
All input variables are strongly and significantly correlated with
each other (Table 2). The strongest correlation of all input variables
may be observed with the variable [I.sub.1] (government budget subsidy
obtained by a university). Thus, this variable is a very good
representative of all input variables analysed initially. It is,
therefore, accepted in the model as a variable representing input.
Results of a university performance should be related to the input
variable. In order to determine the strength of that relation,
correlation between the input variable and the output variables was
calculated (Table 3).
Only four out of eight output variables are strongly and
significantly (significance level p < 0.05) correlated with the input
variable: [O.sub.1]--weighted number of full-time students based on
their field of study; [O.sub.2]--weighted number of full-time PhD
students calculated on the basis of their scholarly disciplines;
[O.sub.7]--employers preferences determined through survey research and
[O.sub.8]--parametric assessment of scholarly achievements of
universities carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher
Education. Correlation of the remaining output variables with the input
variable is insignificant. Thus, these variables were excluded from
further analysis.
In order to examine the impact of the environmental variables on
the achieved results, the correlation between the environmental
variables [E.sub.1] (population size of the city, in which the
university is located), [E.sub.2] (percentage of students with
need-based financial aid) and the output variables was calculated. It
was established that the two environmental variables are characterised
by a strong and significant correlation with output variables (Table 4).
Variable [E.sub.2] shows negative correlation with the output variables.
The obtained results indicate the need to include the environmental
variables in the model.
Variables selected for the model should be characterised by a high
level of variation, which enables clear diversification of HEI in
respect to their input and achieved effects. All variables present in
the model are characterised by a sufficiently high level of variation
(coefficient of variation CV > 50%) (Table 5).
Ultimately variables [I.sub.1], [O.sub.1], [O.sub.2], [O.sub.7],
[O.sub.8], [E.sub.1] and [E.sub.2] were selected for the comparative
efficiency calculations with the use of DEA method (Table 6).
4. Comparative analysis of the institutional efficiency
Due to the character of the task, a CCR-CRS output-oriented model
was chosen for calculations (Eq 2). This model was considered suitable
as universities have no direct influence on the size of the government
budget subsidy. As a result of the very strong linear correlation of
output variables with the input variable and the impossibility to
rapidly increase the effects, a CSR (constant returns to scale) model
was selected. Calculations were carried out with the use of the Frontier
Analyst v. 4.1.0, Statistica 9 and Excel 2007 software.
During the first stage of calculations, the efficiency of the
universities was determined excluding environmental variables. On the
basis of the results it was found that the [O.sub.7] variable (employer
hiring preferences) has a low share in the DMU's efficiency
assessment. As a consequence, the calculations were repeated excluding
this variable. The obtained results turned out to be practically
identical with the previous ones (Table 7).
Therefore the [O.sub.7] variable was excluded from further
Since in several cases the DEA algorithm omitted some output
variables (e.g. number of students), the author decided to impose
constraints on the weighs ascribed to the output variables. It is also
justified by the fact that the government budget subsidy to the Polish
HEI is mainly spent on educating students and that the universities of
technology are required to carry out research and PhD-level education.
On these premises, it was assumed that the share of [O.sub.1], [O.sub.2]
and [O.sub.8] variables may not be lower than 30%, 10% and 20%,
respectively. Calculations conducted with these assumptions slightly
changed the results of particular universities; however, five out of six
universities, which were considered efficient previously, kept their
status. In turn, relative efficiency of some universities fell
drastically (U12, U16, U13, U2), which indicates that their research
strength and PhD-level education are relatively weak in comparison to
other universities (Fig. 2).
Next the [E.sub.1] and [E.sub.2] environmental variables were
introduced to the model by including them in the Frontier Analyst
software as uncontrolled inputs. Due to the software requirements, the
[E.sub.2] variable was replaced by the 1/[E.sub.2] variable in order to
obtain the positive correlation between that variable and the outputs.
During the process of calculation, it was observed that the introduction
of [E.sub.1] and [E.sub.2] variables resulted in assigning a zero weigh
to the [I.sub.1] variable by the DEA algorithm. Since the utilization of
the government budget subsidy is the basis for the relative efficiency
analysis of the universities, the authors decided to impose additional
constraint on variable weighs. It was assumed that the share of
[I.sub.1] variable may not be lower than 70% and the share of [E.sub.1]
and [E.sub.2] variables may not be higher than 30%. Calculations carried
out with such assumptions hardly changed the results of the analysis
(except for single cases--U15) (Fig. 3). It is an indicator that the
environment, in which a university functions, has no significant
influence on its efficiency.
In order to study the sensitivity of calculations to data error,
simulations were carried out where the output variable was distorted by
[+ or -] 3%, [+ or -] 5% and [+ or -] 10%. Input variables remained
unchanged since they were determined with high accuracy. The simulation
demonstrated that the calculation results remained stable with the
distortion level of [+ or -] 3%. Distortion of [+ or -] 5% caused
significant shifts but the general picture of the ranking was sustained.
Distortion of [+ or -] 10% caused the instability of the results.
Simulation results led to the conclusion that since the weighted number
of students (including PhD students) and the number of points in the
parametric assessment of research achievements carried out by the
Ministry of Science and Higher Education are based on the factors and
indicators, which are set arbitrarily, one should exhibit far reaching
caution in interpreting the results of the university efficiency
calculations. These results to a large extent may be determined by
arbitrary assumptions. This problem may be a premise for further
detailed studies in this area.
The last analysis aimed at studying the influence of a university
size on its relative efficiency. University size (measured by the size
of the government budget subsidy) shows moderate correlation (r = 0.53)
with relative efficiency. It may lead to the conclusion that on average,
larger universities achieve higher efficiency. This conclusion is
supported by the visual analysis of the efficiency graph in the
university size function (Fig. 4).
The additional element of the DEA method analysis is the
possibility to develop benchmarking graphs to compare objects (Guzik
2009). The apexes of the graph represent objects and the lines visualise
the relations between the objects. The arrows indicate direction of
interaction and are led from the example (model) objects to the objects
following the example. The benchmarking graph indicates, which objects
should serve as model objects for those that are not fully effective to
make them work according to the optimal technology (Fig. 5).
On the basis of the benchmarking graph of the university (Fig. 5),
the following conclusions can be drawn:
--universities U5 and U4 could serve as examples for HEI that are
not as efficient;
--special attention should be paid to the university U5. It is
present in benchmarking formulas of eight universities;
--the maximum of three (in four) efficient universities are the
benchmarks for the inefficient ones.
Analysis of benchmarking graph enables determining best practices
in order to set criteria of functioning improvement and measuring
progress (Karlof, Ostblom 1993).
The paper presented an example of the DEA method implementation in
the efficiency assessment of Polish universities of technology. This
example shows the usefulness and rationality of DEA application in the
sector of higher education. Systematic and multi-criteria assessment of
public sector institutions may bring many benefits not only to the
authorities that operate with limited public funds but firstly to the
assessed units. DEA results carry significant information on the
efficiency of HEI functioning in relation to other institutions with a
similar scope of activity. They point at the attainable results and at
the factors, which mostly influence the efficiency of a unit. The
authors are convinced that the comparative efficiency analysis may be
one of the important stimuli to increase the quality of education and
research, to improve the spending efficiency of public funds and their
allocation as well as to perfect the HEI management. There are many good
practices in the sector, but they need better dissemination.
The study presented in the paper--though limited in scope--shows
that Polish universities of technology are diversified in regard to the
efficiency of their performance. It is demonstrated that there are
considerable reserves for efficiency improvement in particular schools.
At the same time, one should warn against too hasty and straightforward
reading of the calculation results obtained using the DEA method. Proper
interpretation of these results requires deep knowledge of the studied
area and a high degree of caution when formulating radical conclusions.
Caption: Fig. 1. Concept of the DEA method
Caption: Fig. 2. University efficiency scores: Score 1--without
restrictions on the output weights, Score 2--with restrictions on the
output weights
Caption: Fig. 3. University efficiency scores taking into account
the environmental variables: Score 1--without restrictions on the
environmental variable weights, Score 2--with restrictions on the
environmental variable weights
Caption: Fig. 4. Efficiency score versus university size
Caption: Fig. 5. Benchmarking graph
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Received 18 April 2013; accepted 30 July 2013
Joanicjusz NAZARKO (a), Jonas SAPARAUSKAS (b)
(a) Department of Business Informatics and Logistics, Faculty of
Management, Bialystok Technical University, Wiejska 45 A Street, 15-351
Bialystok, Poland
(b) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Corresponding author Jonas Saparauskas
[email protected]
Joanicjusz NAZARKO is a Professor at the Bialystok University of
Technology in Poland. He serves as Dean of the Faculty of Management and
Head of the Department of Business Informatics and Logistics. He is the
author of more than 200 publications and a number of expert assessments,
projects and technical and economic elaborations and a recognised expert
in the field of forecasting, foresight, benchmarking and productivity
analysis in corporate and public sectors. Nazarko is a member ofthe
Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He
served as an expert of the EU 7th Framework Program and is a senior
member of IEEE.
Jonas SAPARAUSKAS. Doctor, Associated Professor at the Department
of Construction Technology and Management, and Vice-Dean of
Undergraduate Studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University. He is a member of EURO Working Group OR
in Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering (EWG-ORSDCE). He is is
author and co-author of more than 20 scientific articles and 1 book.
Research interests: construction technology and organisation,
construction investments management, multiple criteria decision making,
sustainable development.
Table 1. Model variables
Input [I.sub.1] Government budget subsidy [PLN]
[I.sub.2] Number of academic teachers
[I.sub.3] Number of other employees
[I.sub.4] Number of licenses to award PhD degrees
[I.sub.5] Number of licenses to award higher
doctorate degrees
Output [O.sub.1] Weighted number of full-time students
[O.sub.2] Weighted number of full-time PhD students
[O.sub.3] Percentage of students studying abroad
[O.sub.4] Percentage of international students
[O.sub.5] Percentage of students with university
[O.sub.6] Percentage of students with government
ministry scholarships
[O.sub.7] Employer preference for hiring alumni
[O.sub.8] Parametric assessment of scholarly
achievements of faculty
Environmental [E.sub.1] Population size of the city where the
variables university is located
[E.sub.2] Percentage of students with need-based
financial aid
Source: Elaborated by the authors.
Table 2. Pearson correlation coefficient of input variables
[I.sub.1] [I.sub.2] [I.sub.3] [I.sub.4] [I.sub.5]
[I.sub.1] 1.000 0.984 0.982 0.953 0.988
[I.sub.2] 0.984 1.000 0.968 0.958 0.968
[I.sub.3] 0.982 0.968 1.000 0.942 0.953
[I.sub.4] 0.953 0.958 0.942 1.000 0.944
[I.sub.5] 0.988 0.968 0.953 0.944 1.000
Source: Calculated by the authors.
Table 3. Pearson correlation coefficient of input and output variables
[O.sub.1] [O.sub.2] [O.sub.3] [O.sub.4]
[I.sub.1] 0.97 0.96 0.22 0.15
P 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.53
[O.sub.5] [O.sub.6] [O.sub.7] [O.sub.8]
[I.sub.1] 0.18 0.43 0.93 0.96
P 0.46 0.06 0.00 0.00
Source: Calculated by the authors.
Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficient of output and environmental
[O.sub.1] [O.sub.2] [O.sub.7] [O.sub.8]
[E.sub.1] 0.7186 0.8391 0.8314 0.8563
[E.sub.2] -0.5496 -0.5803 -0.5079 -0.6368
Source: Calculated by the authors.
Table 5. Coefficient of variation of model variables
[I.sub.1] [O.sub.1] [O.sub.2] [O.sub.7]
CV 0.59 0.65 1.10 1.19
[O.sub.8] [E.sub.1] [E.sub.2]
CV 0.82 0.78 0.86
Source: Calculated by the authors.
Table 6. Variables selected for DEA model
Input variable [I.sub.1] Government budget subsidy
Output variables [O.sub.1] Weighted number of full-time students
[O.sub.2] Weighted number of full-time PhD
[O.sub.7] Employer hiring preferences with
respect to alumni
[O.sub.8] Parametric assessment of scholarly
Environmental [E.sub.1] Population size of the city, in which
variables the university is located
[E.sub.2] Percentage of students with need-based
financial aid
Source: Elaborated by the authors.
Table 7. Efficiency scores for 19 universities
No Univ. Score
1 [U.sub.1] 100.00%
2 [U.sub.4] 100.00%
3 [U.sub.5] 100.00%
4 [U.sub.10] 100.00%
5 [U.sub.17] 100.00%
6 [U.sub.18] 100.00%
7 [U.sub.6] 97.30%
8 [U.sub.11] 96.60%
9 [U.sub.19] 95.70%
10 [U.sub.2] 93.90%
11 [U.sub.9] 91.10%
12 [U.sub.15] 86.50%
13 [U.sub.16] 84.10%
14 [U.sub.14] 83.30%
15 [U.sub.13] 83.10%
16 [U.sub.8] 82.80%
17 [U.sub.7] 81.20%
18 [U.sub.3] 79.80%
19 [U.sub.12] 75.00%
Source: Calculated by the authors.