Application of AHP technique.
Podvezko, Valentinas
1. Introduction
Social and economic problems associated with evaluation of social
and economic development of states and regions, commercial activities
and strategic potential of enterprises, as well as the comparison of
investment projects based on their effectiveness, etc. are very
complicated because of the specific nature of the considered phenomena.
They cannot be measured or evaluated by a single quantity or criterion
since there can hardly be found a feature integrating all essential
properties of these phenomena. In recent years, the application of
multicriteria quantitative evaluation methods to solving these problems
has grown considerably (Figueira et al. 2005; Ginevicius 2008;
Ginevicius et al. 2008b; Ginevicius, Podvezko 2007a, 2008a, 2008b;
Kaklauskas et al. 2006, 2007a; Podvezko 2006, 2008; Ustinovichius et al.
2007; Zavadskas, Vilutiene 2006; Zavadskas et al. 2008a,b; Turskis et
al. 2009).
Various methods of integrating the particular criteria describing
the considered object into a single generalizing criterion have been
offered and quite a few different multicriteria evaluation methods have
been developed.
These methods are based on the statistical data on the criteria
describing the compared objects (alternatives) [A.sub.j] (j = 1, 2, ...,
n), or expert estimates and the criteria weights (significances)
[[omega].sub.i] (i = 1, 2, ..., m), where m is the number of criteria, n
is the number of the objects (alternatives) compared. The evaluation is
aimed at ranking the alternatives [A.sub.j] by using quantitative
multicriteria methods for the particular purpose of the research.
The criterion weights [[omega].sub.i] as one of two major
components of quantitative multicriteria methods strongly influence the
evaluation results. In practice, these weights are determined for
assessing the economic development of various states and their regions
(Ginevicius, Podvezko 2008c; Ginevicius et al. 2006), the effectiveness
of commercial activities of enterprises and their strategic potential
(Ginevicius, Podvezko 2006) as well as for comparing various investment
projects and technologies (Ginevicius et al. 2007), etc.
The influence of the criteria describing a particular object with
the aim of investigation differs considerably, therefore, the weights of
the criteria used should be determined. Usually, the so-called
subjective evaluation technique is applied, when the criteria weights
are determined by experts, though objective and generalized evaluation
methods are also used (Hwang, Yoon 1981; Ma et al. 1999).
The values of the criteria weights and the accuracy of evaluation
results largely depend on the way of determining the criteria weights
and the number of criteria because it is difficult for an expert to
determine accurately the interrelationships between the criteria
weights, when the number of criteria is continually growing.
There are several theoretical and practical approaches to
determining the criteria weights by experts. These are ranking, direct
weight determination and pairwise comparison (Zavadskas, Kaklauskas
2007; Ginevicius, Podvezko 2004, 2006; Kaklauskas et al. 2007b;
Banaitiene et al. 2008; Viteikiene, Zavadskas 2007).
Pairwise comparison of criteria is a specific approach to
determining the criteria weights. It is based on pairwise comparison of
all evaluation criteria [R.sub.i] and [R.sub.j] (i, j = 1, 2, ..., m) by
experts. The main advantage of this approach is a possibility to compare
the criteria in pairs rather than all at a time. This method also allows
the conversion of qualitative estimates elicited from experts to
quantitative estimates, implying that the values of the criteria weights
can be calculated.
The simplest methods use a two-point 0-1 scale (when one criterion
is more significant than another, or vice versa) (Beshelev, Gurvish
1974), while the most sophisticated and mathematically grounded AHP method developed by T. Saaty employs the scale of 1-3-5-7-9 (Saaty 1980,
Methods of pairwise comparison have a good mathematical basis,
however, they have not been widely used in Lithuania because they are
too sophisticated. In recent years, researchers have shown more interest
in this approach (Dikmen, Birgonul 2006; Cheng, Li 2004; Hsueh et al.
2007; Ginevicius, Podvezko 2007b; Mansouri et al. 2000; Vamvakeridou et
al. 2006; Ginevicius et al. 2008a; Podvezko 2007; Su et al. 2006;
Morkvenas et al. 2008). However, difficulties in filling in the
questionnaires for comparing the criteria, the lack of agreement in the
criterion evaluation matrices, etc. limited the application of the
method. In fact, experts could properly fill in only a small percentage
of questionnaires from the first time. Another problem is associated
with a large number of evaluation criteria: determining the significance
of a particular pair of criteria for the investigated object, an expert
should mentally 'weigh' the importance of other pairs of
criteria, which is a complicated problem when the number of criteria is
more than ten.
The present paper aims to help the users of AHP method to fill in
questionnaires of pairwise comparison of criteria properly, to identify
logical inconsistencies in the filled in forms (if any) and to eliminate
them. A method of determining the criteria weights in AHP approach, when
the number of evaluation criteria is large, is also offered. For this
purpose, the appropriate algorithms are presented. The main objective is
to extend the range of AHP application by increasing the number of
2. A description of analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
Let us briefly describe the AHP approach.
It was suggested by Saaty (1980) and called Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP). This method allows us to determine the weights
(significances) of hierarchically non-structured or particular
hierarchical level criteria in respect of those belonging to a higher
The method is based on the pairwise comparison matrix P =
[parallel][p.sub.ij][parallel] (i,j = 1, 2, ..., m). Experts compare all
the evaluation criteria [R.sub.i] and [R.sub.j] (i, j = 1, 2, ..., m),
where m is the number of the criteria compared. In an ideal case, the
elements of the matrix present the relationships between the unknown
criteria weights:
The comparison is qualitative and easy to perform. It indicates if
one criterion is more significant than the other and to what level the
priority belongs. The technique used allows the qualitative estimates
elicited from experts to be converted to quantitative ones.
The technique is not complicated because it is easier to compare
the criteria in pairs than all at a time. It is also well mathematically
The matrix P is an inverse symmetrical matrix, i.e. [p.sub.ij]
=1/[p.sub.ji]. It follows that the part of the matrix which is above the
main diagonal or below it may be filled in. The number of non-recurrent
elements of the m-order matrix P, i.e. the number of elements compared
is m(m - 1)/2 (the total number of the comparison matrix elements is
equal to [m.sup.2]).
The main principle of filling in the matrix is simple because an
expert should indicate how much more important is a particular criterion
than another. Saaty suggested a widely known 5-point scale (1-3-5-7-9)
to be used for evaluation. The evaluation of the criteria ranges from
[p.sub.ij] = 1, when [R.sub.i] and [R.sub.j] are equally significant, to
[p.sub.ij]j = 9, when the criterion [R.sub.i] is much more significant
than the criterion [R.sub.j] with respect to the research aim (Saaty
1980, 2005).
In an ideal case, inverse symmetry of matrix P is evident: for
example, if one object is five times as heavy as another, then, the
latter is 1/5 as heavy as the first object. In this case, the elements
of any two matrix columns or rows will be proportional. This means that
the relationships between the elements of the respective columns will be
the same. For example, the relationships between the elements of the
first and second columns are as follows:
A significant problem is to ensure the consistency of the matrix.
The matrix P is consistent if from the minimal amount of its elements
all other elements can be obtained. The elements of the columns (and
rows) of a consistent matrix will be proportional.
The necessary condition of the comparison matrix consistency is
transitivity of matrix elements' significance: if the element A is
more significant than the element B, while the element B is more
significant than the element C, then, the element A is more significant
than the element C. Under real conditions, it is not difficult, based on
the condition of transitivity, to identify improperly filled in
questionnaires because this condition is not fulfilled in them.
The condition required for a matrix to be in agreement may also be
expressed in mathematical terms. In an ideal case, by using the equality
(1), matrix P is multiplied by the column of weights, i.e. by the
transposed row [omega] = [([[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], ...
i.e. the well-known mathematical problem of matrix P eigenvalues with eigenvector [omega]:
P[omega] = [lambda][omega], (4)
where [lambda] = m is an eigenvalue, m is the order of matrix P,
i.e. the number of the criteria compared.
The weights in Saaty's approach--the vector [omega] are
normalized components of eigenvector corresponding to the largest
eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.max]:
P[omega] = [[lambda].sub.max] [omega].
It is known (Saaty 1980) that the largest eigenvalue of the inverse
symmetrical m-order matrix is [[lambda].sub.max] [greater than or equal
to] m. In an ideal case, when the matrix is absolutely consistent and
the elements of the columns are proportional, [[lambda].sub.max] = m. In
this case, matrix consistency is characterized by the difference
[[lambda].sub.max] - m and the order m of the matrix P. The AHP method
assesses the consistency of each expert's estimates. Consistency
index is defined (Saaty 1980, 2005; Ginevicius et al. 2004) as a
[S.sub.I] = [[lambda].sub.max] - m / m - 1. (5)
The smaller the consistency index, the higher the consistency of
the matrix. In the ideal case, [S.sub.I] = 0. In fact, the ideally
consistent matrix is a rare case, even if transitivity of its elements
has been checked. The consistency degree of matrix P may be determined
quantitatively by comparing the calculated consistency index of the
matrix with a randomly generated consistency index (based on the scale
1-3-5-7-9) of the inverse symmetrical matrix of the same order. The
values of the random consistency index [S.sub.A] are given in Table 1.
In the first row of the table, the order of the comparison matrix is
indicated, while, in the second row of the table, the average
consistency index values are presented (Saaty 1980).
Inverse second-order symmetrical matrices are always consistent.
The relationship between the calculated consistency index [S.sub.I] of a
particular matrix and the average random index value SA is referred to
as consistency relationship. It determines the degree of matrix
S = [S.sub.I] / [S.sub.A]. (6)
The value of consistency index S which is smaller than or equal to
0.1 is acceptable, implying that the matrix is consistent.
When the order of a comparison matrix is m > 15, the average
values of the random index [S.sub.A] may be roughly calculated by the
formula (Taha 1997):
[S.sub.A] = 1.98(m - 2) / m. (7)
The estimates calculated by formula (7) are slightly larger than
[S.sub.A] values given in Table 1. For example, when the matrix order is
m = 15, the average value of the random index calculated by formula (7)
is [S.sub.A] = 1.72 (while, in the table, [S.sub.A] = 1.59).
3. Calculation of the approximate weights by using AHP technique
The AHP method is aimed at determining the significances (weights
[[omega].sub.i]) of the evaluation criteria and assessing the
consistency of questionnaires elicited from experts, i.e. calculating
consistency index [S.sub.I] and consistency relationship S by formulas
(5) and (6). For this purpose, a complicated practical eigenvalue
problem should be solved as follows:
1) The characteristic equation of matrix P is formulated;
2) Eigenvalues of the matrix are calculated;
3) The largest eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.max] is determined;
4) The eigenvector corresponding to the largest value is
5) The coordinates of the calculated vector are normalized (divided
by their sum), thus yielding the weight [[omega].sub.i] of the criteria
The eigenvalue problem is difficult to solve manually even for the
third-order matrix, when only three criteria are compared. Therefore,
special computer programs are used for this purpose. For example, when
Visual Fortran and Microsoft Windows operating systems are employed, the
program EVCGR is used.
However, even in the absence of computer programs, there is a
possibility to calculate the approximate values of vector [omega] of the
criteria weights and the respective largest eigenvalue
[[lambda].sub.max] Saaty (1980), Shikin and Chartishvili (2000) offered
a number of algorithms for calculating the criteria weights and the
largest eigenvalue. The most accurate approach is associated with
geometrical means of the products of the row elements of matrix P. The
following scheme of calculation is suggested:
1) Matrix P for comparing criteria by experts is constructed;
2) The products of the elements [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] 2, ... m) of each i-th row of matrix P are found;
3) The m-th degree root [m square root of [[PI].sub.i] is extracted
from the obtained products [[PI].sub.i];
4) The values obtained are normalized, i.e. each element is divided
by the sum obtained, yielding the weights of the criteria:
To calculate the consistency index and relationship, the largest
eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.max], corresponding to the calculated
eigenvector (weights [omega]) should be known. It can be also roughly
calculated. For this purpose, the following operations are performed:
5) The comparison matrix P is multiplied by the weight column
[omega] = [([[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], ...,
6) Each of the column elements obtained is divided by the
respective weight [[omega].sub.i]. If matrix P is ideally consistent,
the relationships between all the elements will be the same. They will
be equal to the largest eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.max] being sought. If
the relationships differ (which is usually the case in real
calculation), the average relationship is taken as the largest
eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.max].
Let us illustrate the application of the algorithm described by a
case study. We have the filled in matrix P for comparing the criteria
elicited from an expert (Fig. 1).
The products of row elements [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] of matrix P are found (Table 2, row 2). j=1
For example, the products of the first row elements of the matrix
are [[PI].sub.1] l = 1 x 3 x 9 x 8 x 2 x 7 = 3024. Let us extract the
sixth degree root (for the number of criteria m = 6) from the product
obtained (Table 2, row 3). For example, the first element is [6 square
root of [[PI].sub.1] = 3.802743. Let us calculate the sum of the roots
of the first row elements: [6 summation over (i=1)] [6 square root of
[[PI].sub.i] = 8.696670. Now, let us divide each element of the third
row by the sum obtained. In this way, we will get the weights of the
criteria (Table 2, row 4). For example, the weight [[omega].sub.1] =
3.802743/8.696670 = 0.43726.
Now, let us calculate the largest eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.max] of
the matrix. The product of matrix P and the weight column [omega] =
[([[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], ..., [[omega].sub.m]).sup.T]: is
found as follows:
Let us divide the element of the column by the respective weight
[[omega].sub.i] and get the eigenvalue:
[[lambda].sub.max(1)] = 2.667773 / 0.43726 = 6.1010,
[[lambda].sub.max(2)] = 0.875366 / 0.14487 = 6.0426.
Other relationships were calculated in a similar way:
[[lambda].sub.max(3)] = 6.1469, [[lambda].sub.max(4)] = 6.0534,
[[lambda].sub.max(5)] = 6.0405, [[lambda].sub.max(6)] = 6.0832.
The average value of the calculated eigenvalue is the estimate of
the largest eigenvalue sought:
[[lambda].sub.max] = (6.1010 + 6.0426 + 6.1469 + 6.0534 + 6.0405 +
6.0832) / 6 = 6.0779.
In fact, when the computer programs are used, the largest
eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.max] = 6.078 does not differ from the roughly
calculated value. The precisely calculated normalized eigenvector of
weights, corresponding to it, is equal to [omega] = [(0.43893; 0.14412;
0.03295; 0.06015; 0.24961; 0.07423).sup.T]. The differences between
accurately and approximately determined weights are also negligible.
These small differences observed in the relationships may be
accounted for by the consistency of matrix P. Actually, the consistency
index calculated by formula (5) is equal to:
[S.sub.I = [[lambda].sub.max] - m / m - 1 = 6.078 - 6 / 6 - 1 =
while the consistency relationship calculated by formula (6) is
equal to:
S = [S.sub.1] / [S.sub.A] = 0,0156 / 1,24 = 0,0126.
Its value is smaller than 0.1, i.e. the matrix is consistent and
experts' estimates are in agreement.
When the matrix for comparing the criteria is ideally consistent,
implying that the elements of all rows (and columns) are proportional,
all estimates (relationships) of eigenvalues [[lambda].sub.max](i) (i =
1, 2, m) are the same, exactly matching the largest accurately
calculated eigenvalue [[lambda].sub.max].
4. A comparative analysis of one criterion in AHP method
Though the AHP method has a mathematical basis, and, given the
expert estimates of the criteria, can be used for determining the
significance of the target objects, it still has some disadvantages,
which are increasing with the increase of the number of criteria.
Determining the significance of a particular pair of criteria for the
object investigated, an expert should mentally 'weigh' the
respective importance of other pairs of the criteria considered. When
the number of criteria is large, it is a challenging problem for an
expert. Practical application of AHP has revealed that only a few
experts could avoid contradictions in filling in questionnaires
(matrices), on which AHP approach is based, from the first time.
Transitivity of the evaluation criteria is often violated, thus
demonstrating the limitations of the method.
Therefore, the theoretical and practical problem of accurate
significance determination of a large number of criteria arises.
One of the investigations (Ginevicius 2006) suggests a way of
determining the weights of criteria by comparing only one criterion with
the others based on the potential of the objects compared and
interrelationship between the criteria describing the investigated
phenomenon. As shown by calculations, the criteria weights determined by
the method FARE correlate with the weights calculated by using AHP
technique. Thus, the criteria weights could be determined by AHP, but
the Saaty's scale of comparison should be extended.
A discrete scale in Saaty's AHP method, based on natural
numbers 1-3-5-7-9, had not been chosen by chance. If the element Pj in
matrix P were any rational number, it could be possible to obtain all
the remaining elements by filling only one, say, the first row of the
matrix. For example, if only the first criterion is compared with the
others, i.e. only the first row of the matrix P is filled in, then, the
elements of the second row could be obtained from the elements of this
dividing them (beginning with the third element) by the second element
[[omega].sub.1] / [[omega].sub.2]:
Similarly, if the elements of the first matrix row are divided
(beginning with the fourth element) by the third element of the row
[[omega].sub.1] / [[omega].sub.3], the third row elements would be
It should be noted that the first elements of each i-th row (up to
the main matrix diagonal elements [P.sub.ii] = 1) are obtained from the
elements of the filled in i-th row of the matrix by applying the
property of the inverse symmetrical matrix, i.e. [P.sub.ji] =
The elements of the matrix columns (and rows) constructed in this
manner will be proportional, i.e. the matrix is 'ideally'
In comparing objects (criteria) an expert should first rank them,
i.e. number in a descending or ascending order according to their
significance, then, determine the most important object and compare it
with others. It is convenient to compare the most important criterion
with the others because, in this case, all the elements in a row will be
larger than or equal to unity.
Let us demonstrate how it is possible to obtain the whole
comparison matrix from the filled in row (under the condition that the
matrix elements are rational numbers).
Let us take the elements of the first row of the previously
analysed six-order matrix (Fig. 1):
(1 3 9 8 2 7).
We will have the opportunity to create an ideally consistent
matrix, to calculate its largest eigenvalue and the corresponding weight
vector and to compare them with the prior calculated value. As one can
see, the expert thinks that the first criterion is most significant: all
first row elements are larger than or equal to unity. Let us divide the
first row elements of the matrix, beginning with the third one, by the
second element of the row [p.sub.12] = 3. Then, we will get the second
row elements: [p,syb,23] = 9/3 = 3, [p.sub.24] = 8/3, [p.sub.25] = 2/3,
[p.sub.26] = 7/3. As a result, we have the first two rows of the matrix
([p.sub.21] = 1/[p.sub.12] = 1/3):
We can see that the elements of the first two rows are
proportional, with the coefficient of proportionality of 1/3.
In a similar way, the elements of the first matrix row are divided
beginning with the fourth one by the third element of the row
[[p.sub.13] = 9. Then, the third row elements are obtained: [[p.sub.34]
= 8/9, [[p.sub.35] = 2/9, [[p.sub.36] = 7/9. Let us also calculate the
elements of the remaining two rows. Then, we will get the comparison
The matrix P is completely consistent: the elements of all rows
(and columns) are proportional. However, the scale of rational numbers
was used instead of the Saaty's scale of 1-3-5-7-9. The consistency
index of the matrix [S.sub.I] calculated by formula (5) and the
consistency relationship S calculated by formula (6) are equal to zero.
Let us determine the vector of the criteria weights, matching the
comparison matrix:
[??] = [(0.4520; 0.1507; 0.0502; 0.0565; 0.2260; 0.0646).sup.T].
The previously calculated vector of weights was as follows:
[omega] = [(0.43893; 0.14412; 0.03295; 0.06015; 0.24961;
As we can see, there are some differences between the obtained
weights and weights of all the criteria in the matrix previously
calculated by an expert. However, these differences are negligible,
therefore, the obtained weights [??] could be used for multicriteria
evaluation. It should be noted that the method of comparing only one
criterion cannot be considered an AHP alternative. The logic and the
philosophy of AHP approach are more sophisticated. In comparing each
criterion (object) with the others, an expert should determine the full
implication of any particular criterion, evaluating its influence on the
considered economic, social or technological phenomenon from various
perspectives. The application of AHP based on the comparison of one
criterion may be recommended:
a) at the initial stage, when an expert has not yet grasped the
idea of the method and its requirements;
b) when the number of the evaluation criteria (objects) is large
(more than ten);
c) when relative significance of criteria should be determined in
the preliminary weight evaluation process and then compared to that
obtained by using other (direct or indirect) methods of weight
5. Conclusions
1. A method relying on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has a
mathematical basis and may be suggested for determining the significance
(weights) of the objects (e.g. criteria) being evaluated. However, the
method is rather complicated because a matrix of estimates'
comparison may be inconsistent (in discordance).
2. AHP technique is based on a mathematical theory of eigenvalues
and eigenvectors. It can be practically used by applying special
computer programs. The present paper demonstrates a possibility of
calculating the approximate criteria weights and determining the
criteria of consistency.
3. Pairwise comparison of criteria suggested in AHP approach is
getting complicated, when the number of the objects compared is
increasing. To solve this problem, the paper offers an algorithm, as
well as demonstrating a possibility of determining the preliminary
weight estimates by comparing only one criterion with the others.
4. The option based on comparing a single criterion cannot be
considered an AHP alternative. It can be used at the initial stage of
AHP application, particularly, in the environment when the number of
evaluation criteria is large and for comparing the criteria weights
obtained by various methods.
Received 20 October 2008; accepted 12 March 2009
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DOI: 10.3846/1611-1699.2009.10.
Valentinas Podvezko
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223
Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail:
[email protected].
Table 1. The values of a random consistency index
Order 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[S.sub.A] 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45
Order 10 11 12 13 14 15
[S.sub.A] 1.49 1.51 1.48 1.56 1.57 1.59
Table 2. The calculated weights of criteria
1 2 3
[[product].sub.i] = 3024 4 0.2830635
[n.summation over (j=1)]
n [square root of 3.802743 1.259921 0.2830635
Weights [[omega].sub.i] 0.43726 0.14487 0.03255
4 5 6
[[product].sub.i] = 0.020833 108 0.0714286
[n.summation over (j=1)]
n [square root of 0.524557 2.182247 0.644138
Weights [[omega].sub.i] 0.06032 0.25093 0.07407