Private capital flows to low-income countries: the role of domestic financial sector/Privataus kapitalo srautu itaka mazas pajamas gaunancioms salims: finansinio vidaus sektoriaus vaidmuo.
Choong, Chee-Keong ; Lam, Siew-Yong ; Yusop, Zulkornain 等
1. Introduction
In recent years, there has been a revival of interest on the nature
and role of private capital flows and their impact on investment and
economic growth of host countries (Andersen and Tarp 2003; Albuquerque
2003; Soto 2003; Mody and Murshid 2005; Giovanni 2005; Khamfula 2007;
Pazienza and Vecchione 2009; Tvaronavi?ien? et al. 2008; Tvaronavi?ien?
and Kalasinskait? 2010; Weng et al. 2010). In developing countries, this
interest has been fueled by the reappearance of huge private capital
inflows since the early 1990s, through a process of rapid financial
sector liberalization (Blejer 2006; Bordo and Meissner 2006; Eller et
al. 2006).
The findings of the research between private capital flows and
economic growth, however, have been mixed. On the one hand, some studies
conclude that private capital inflows raise the efficiency of recipient
country such as stimulating capital accumulation (de Mello 1996, 1997;
Adams 2009), improving resource allocation (Reisen and Soto 2001),
interacting with human capital (Borensztein et al. 1998; Wang and Wong
2009) , promoting international trade (Balasubramanyam et al. 1996; Basu
and Guariglia 2007; Liu et al. 2009) and deepening domestic financial
sector (Hermes and Lensink 2003; Alfaro et al. 2004; Durham 2004;
Azman-Saini et al. 2010). On the other hand, counterevidence also exists
and argues that: "There is a growing agreement that excessive
build-up of short-term debt was a proximate cause of the recent
crises..." (Rodrik and Velasco 1999); "... short-term capital
inflows can be counterproductive as they may hinder economic growth
through externalities emanated both during the surges and sudden
reversals" (Baharumshah and Thanoon 2006: 81); and "...
private capital flows do not help but do not hurt either economic growth
in developing countries" (Soto 2003: 218). In short, the effects of
private capital flows on economic growth still remain ambiguous.
Bearing this in mind, therefore, the study aims to investigate the
role of domestic financial sector in examining the linkages between
private capital flows (foreign direct investment (FDI), portfolio
investment and foreign debt) and economic growth in the selected
low-income countries from 1988 to 2006, using generalized method of
moments (GMM) panel data model. A number of studies point out the
importance of domestic financial system in attracting the private
capital flows (Reisen and Soto 2001; Hermes and Lensink 2003; Alfaro et
al. 2004; Dumludag 2009). For example, Reisen and Soto (2001: 12-13)
concluded that "Foreign saving ... has been shown to contribute to
growth only if the banking system is well-capitalised; otherwise
"good" risks will be underfinanced and "bad" risks
overfinanced" (1). Moreover, the extent of direct participation in
local exchanges and gains due to the presence of private capital flows
(financial liberalization) depends on market investability manifested by
financial market breadth, depth, liquidity, efficiency, regulation,
information, removal of perceived barriers (risks), transparency of
investment and repatriation rules (Errunza 2001; Ucal et al. 2010) (2).
This would mean that a minimum level of financial development must be
met before a country is in conformity to attract private capital flows
in pursuit of enhancing its economic growth (Hermes and Lensink 2003;
Alfaro et al. 2004; Durham 2004; Azman-Saini et al. 2010).
Growth of developing countries, especially low-income groups
depends on a large extent on their own financial sector development (3).
Albuquerque (2003: 380) reveals: "... the relatively large
proportion of FDI in private capital flows to less developed countries
or low-income countries reflects their poor financial status rather than
any comparative advantage". Therefore, we investigate a new about
private capital flows: these capital flows do affect economic growth in
the low-income countries; however, their impact is conditional on the
development of domestic financial system.
While most studies on link between private capital flows, financial
development and economic growth focus on the middle-income countries and
high-income countries, there is a dearth of evidence on low-income
countries as financial market and system in these countries are less
developed. Questions remain regarding the relevance for researchers of
previous literature that domestic financial system enhances the effect
of private capital flows on growth in low-income countries. By focusing
on this lowincome group, we could identify the role of financial
development in influencing the link between private capital flows and
growth. In other words, this study tends to find that financial systems
may have a different impact on growth in earlier stages of development.
It is believed that low-income countries with well-developed financial
sector benefit directly more from private capital flows, and this
environment accelerates the growth rate of economic.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
we present the panel data model used in this study. In Section 3, we
discuss the impact of private capital flows on growth with and without
interaction with financial sector development. The fourth section
contains concluding remarks ad policy recommendations.
2. Panel data regression models: generalized method of moments
The study uses recently developed dynamic panel generalized method
of moments (GMM) techniques to examine the interactions among different
sorts of private capital flows, financial development and economic
growth in the 16 low-income countries in the period of 1988-2006 (4).
Following standard growth equation, we construct the following dynamic
panel data model, as suggested by Arellano and Bond (1991):
where [y.sub.i,t] be the logarithm of real GDP per capita growth
rate in a country i at time t, l is the natural log of labour force;
[k.sub.D] and [k.sub.F] represent the natural log of domestic capital
stock and foreign capital flows respectively; fd represents the natural
log of chosen financial development indicator; X is a set of
macroeconomic variables that are generally accepted to be important to
explain economic growth; and e is a normally distributed error term.
Then Equation 1 can be simplified as follows:
[y.sub.i,t] - [y.sub.i,t-1] = -[alpha] [y.sub.i,t-1] +
[beta][X.sub.i,t] + [[tau].sub.t] + [[eta].sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i,t],
where [y.sub.i,t] - [y.sub.i,t-1] (= [DELTA][y.sub.i,t]) is the
growth rate in real per capital GDP; [alpha] is a parameter reflecting
the convergence speed; [X.sub.i,t] is a set of explanatory variables,
including a measure of financial development, labour, domestic capital
stock, national saving, inflation, foreign capital flows and the
interaction term, with associated parameter [beta]; [[eta].sub.i]
captures unobserved country-specific effects; [[tau].sub.t] is a
period-specific effect common to all countries; and [[epsilon]]
is disturbance term.
According to Arellano and Bond (1991), there is a strong
autoregressive structure in the residual term. This is not a surprise
because the model is using annual data and business-cycle effects may
propagate for more than one year. In order to deal with this problem,
these business-cycle effects can be taken into account by assuming that
[[mu]] = [rho][[mu]] + [[epsilon]], where
[absolute value of [rho]] < 1, and [[epsilon]] is white noise
disturbance term. After rearranging terms, Equation 2 becomes:
First-differences are required in order to eliminate the
country-specific effects.
From Equation 3, the lagged difference in per capita GDP is
correlated with disturbance term, which may produce an endogeneity of
the explanatory variables, X. Besides, Blundell and Bond (1998) argue
that persistence in the explanatory variables may adversely affect the
small-sample and asymptotic properties of the difference estimator,
therefore, the difference estimator is further combined with an
estimator in levels to produce a system estimator. In dealing with this
econometric problem, it is required the use of instruments. Arellano and
Bond (1991) have proposed few steps to overcome the problem. The first
step is to eliminate the time effect, [[tau].sub.t] by subtracting from
each variable by its cross average in period t. After that, the
variables are transformed into first differences to eliminate the
individual effect as follows:
[DELTA][y.sub.i,t] = (1 - [alpha] + [rho]) [DELTA][y.sub.i,t-1], +
[rho](1 - [alpha]) [DELTA][y.sub.i,t-2] + [DELTA][X.sub.i,t][beta] +
[rho][DELTA][X.sub.i,t-1][beta] + [DELTA][[epsilon].sub.i,t]. (4)
Arellano and Bond (1991) essentially propose estimating Equation 4
with GMM using lagged levels of the endogenous variables as instruments.
Nevertheless, the selection of instruments is important. The GMM
difference estimator uses the lagged levels of the explanatory variables
as instruments under the condition that the disturbance term is not
serially correlated and that the levels of the explanatory variables are
weakly exogenous--that is, they are uncorrelated with future error
terms. If the condition that the explanatory variables are weakly
exogenous is not hold, which is likely to be happen in the present
context as the higher economic growth may promotes more capital inflows,
both [] and [] are correlated with disturbance term in
Equation 4. Therefore, only levels of variables lagged 2 years or more
may be used as instruments.
Then, the following moment conditions are used to calculate the
difference estimator:
E [[y.sub.i,t-s]([[epsilon].sub.i,t] - [epsilon].sub.i,t-1])] = 0
for s [greater than or equal to] 2, r = 3, ..., T, (5)
E [[X.sub.i,t-s]([[epsilon].sub.i,t] - [epsilon].sub.i,t-1])] = 0
for s [greater than or equal to] 2, r = 3, ..., T, (6)
This is a necessary way in the estimation as the equation in levels
uses the lagged differences of the explanatory variables as instruments
under two conditions. First, the error term is not serially correlated.
Second, although there may be correlation between the levels of the
explanatory variables and the country-specific error term, there is no
correlation between the difference in the explanatory variables and the
error term. This yields the following stationarity properties:
E[[y.sub.i,t+p][[eta].sub.i]] = E[[y.sub.i,t+q][[eta].sub.i]] and E
[[X.sub.i,t+p][[eata].sub.i]] = E[[X.sub.i,t+q][[eta].sub.i]] for all p
and q. (7)
The additional moment conditions for the regression in levels are:
E[[y.sub.i,t-s] - [y.sub.i,t-s-1)([[eta].sub.i] +
[[epsilon].sub.i,t]) = 0 for s = 1, (8)
E[[X.sub.i,t-s] - [X.sub.i,t-s-1)([[eta].sub.i] +
[[epsilon].sub.i,t]) = 0 for s = 1, (9)
In summary, the GMM system estimator is obtained using the moment
conditions in Equations 5, 6, 8, and 9. Following Blundell and Bond
(1998), the validity of the instruments used in these regressions is
examined with two different statistics. The first is Sargan (or
overidentifying restrictions) test aims to examine the null hypothesis
that the instruments used are not correlated with the residuals. The
second test is proposed by Arellano and Bond (1991), which examines the
hypothesis that the residuals from the estimated regressions is
first-order correlated but not second-order correlated (5).
3. Data sources
Databases on the various categories of foreign capital flows to
low-income countries from 1988 to 2006 are employed for the study. The
sources of the variables used in this study are summarized in Table 1.
The low-income countries chosen are based on the World Bank's
income classification 2008. The selection of country and period were
determined exclusively by data availability. This results in 16
low-income countries as shown in Table 2 to examine the relationship
between private capital flows, financial development and economic
4. Results and interpretations
4.1. The relationship between private capital flows, financial
development and economic growth
Equations 1, 2 and 3 in Table 3 report the estimates of private
capital flow and economic growth regressions for the low-income
countries when the interaction term between private capital flows (FDI,
portfolio and foreign debt) and financial development is not included,
while Equations 4, 5 and 6 included the interaction term. Overall, the
signs of the capital stock (CAP), labour force (LF) and national saving
(NSAV) are positive and significant in most of the regressions. The
findings are consistent with a priori, which shows that low-income
countries have benefited from their national saving, capital stock and
human capital development in promoting the economic growth rate.
On the other hand, the sign of the inflation rate is negative and
statistically significant associated with GDP per capita growth rate in
most regressions. Referring to the financial development indicator
(CBAGDP), this variable is positively associated with economic growth in
all regressions and it is statistically significant at 10 percent
significance level or better. This implies that financial development is
crucial to promote economic growth when the countries have
well-developed banking and financial sector.
The significant and positive association between the financial
development and the development of the real economy is consistent with
the empirical studies such as Roubini and Sala-i-Martin (1992), King and
Levine (1993), Benhabib and Spiegel (2000), and Beck et al. (2000b).
Looking at the impact of the private capital flows, the signs of
private capital flow variables are negative and significant in all
equations when the interaction term is not included. The results
demonstrate that foreign debt may hurt the low-income countries than
help to promote their economic performance, as the estimated coefficient
is the highest as compared to other capital flows. The negative effect
of these capital flows is in line with the results previously estimated
by Reisen and Soto (2001) and Levine (2001).
Interestingly, while the estimates for private capital flows are
negative (Equations 1-3), the coefficient of national saving are
positive, which suggesting that these sorts of capital flows are less
productive than national saving, and thus there are less spillover
effects from these foreign capitals. This is consistent with the
findings reported in firm-level studies by Aitken and Harrison (1999),
Haddad and Harrison (1993), Vissak (2009), and Zeng et al. (2009), which
indicating that low-income countries have not enough "absorptive
capacity" in transferring the advantages embodied in private
capital inflows into the positive economic growth.
One possible explanation for these results may be the failure to
capture contingency effects in the relationship between private capital
flows and economic growth and the relationship between private capital
flows and growth may be contingent on other countries' absorptive
capabilities such as domestic financial systems and laws and
institutional reforms (Brock and Urbonavicius 2008). To determine the
validity of the hypothesis that well-developed domestic financial system
would help to benefit more from private capital flows, the interaction
term is included. From Equations 4 to 6 in Table 3, it is found that the
coefficients of the private capital flows and the interaction term are
positive and statistically significant in all regressions at 10 percent
significance level or better. The positive sign of the interaction term
does support the notion that domestic financial system is effectively
transforming the negative effect of all private capital flows on growth
into positive impact in low-income countries. It is concluded that the
effect of private capital flows on growth is greatly influenced through
the domestic financial system. In checking the validity of the
instruments used, both Sargan and Arellano-Bond test statistics show
that the instruments used are no-overidentifying restrictions and the
residuals are independent or white noise, and hence, suitable for the
estimations (6).
4.2. Further analysis of the relationship between private capital
flows, financial development and economic growth
The relationship between private capital flows, financial
development and economic growth may be further investigated by using
alternative indicators of financial development. Two alternative
measures of financial development are used to gauge different functions
of financial intermediary in the system, namely: deposit money bank
assets to GDP ratio (DBAGDP) and private credit by deposit money bank to
GDP ratio (PCGDP). The first indicator measures the degree of
monetization and the relative significance of particular financial
institutions. The second indicator takes into account the credits to
private sector only and isolates the credits channeled to public sector
and credits from central bank.
The results among private capital flows, two financial development
measures and growth are reported in Tables 4 and 5. The results reveal
that FDI is statistically significant at 10 percent significance level
or better and it has a positive impact on growth, either included or
excluded the interaction term. Moreover, the coefficient of the
interaction term is positive and significant. Hence, it is obvious that
FDI flows have an unambiguously positive effect on growth in the
low-income countries, which is in line with Amdam et al. (2007), and
Basti and Bayyurt (2008).
Looking at both portfolio investment and foreign debt (without
interaction term) as reported in Tables 4 and 5, it is noted that these
capital flows are negatively associated with economic growth. However,
the variable flows are positive and significant after the inclusion of
interaction term. This implies an interesting situation that although
portfolio investment and foreign debt are negatively associated with
economic growth, the well-developed financial system would change this
negative impact to positive impact on growth. This finding is consistent
with the results reported in Table 3. Again, this provides additional
evidence to support the notion that the negative impact of private
capital flows can be transferred into positive if the domestic financial
system has reached a certain minimum level of development.
5. Conclusions and policy implications
In this paper, we have investigated the effect of different sorts
of private capital flows (FDI, portfolio investment and foreign debt) on
economic growth in the selected lowincome countries for the period of
1988-2006. We found that FDI has a positive effect on economic growth in
the low-income countries while portfolio investment and total foreign
debt have negative and significant impacts on economic growth. Our
interpretation for the negative sign for these private capital flows is
that low degree of the financial sector development in the low-income
countries leads to misallocation of these private capital flows, which
reduces and even reverses their impacts on economic performance. Hence,
well-developed financial system is of importance and the transition of
the local financial market is a must in dealing with the presence of
private capital flows.
To support this idea, we allowed interaction of all private capital
flows (FDI, foreign debt and portfolio investment) with different
measures of financial sector development. When these private capital
flows were interacted with financial development indicators, even though
the sign of both portfolio investment and foreign debt remain negative
and significant in the regressions, the interaction terms are generally
positive and significant, which implies the importance of financial
sector development in benefiting from private capital flows. Our
findings are different from the previous findings. Arteta et al. (2001),
for example, do not find any significant linkages among financial
opening, level of financial depth and income level in a panel of
countries. On the other hand, Klein and Olivei (1999) also reveal that
the presence of private capital flows only significant in OECD countries
only, but not for developing countries. Similarly, Edwards (2001) shows
that financial liberalisation had a positive effect on growth only in
more developed countries, supporting the hypothesis of the role of
well-functioning financial institutions. Our findings show that making
private capital flows more systematically conditional on the development
of domestic financial sector would tend to increase its impact on
growth. This explains why the impact of private capital flows on growth
is not all the time positive.
A crucial starting point in designing policies to optimize the
benefits from private capital flows is to have a basic understanding of
a country's comparative advantage and development objectives. This
helps in absorbing the benefits embodied in private capital flows
effectively (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 2002).
Even though it is important for low-income developing countries to
attract more foreign private capital flows, they should be careful in
dealing with the presence of these capital inflows since the nature of
these private capital flows are quite different. It is recommended that
low-income countries, or emerging economies give priority to foreign
direct investment (FDI) as this is the most preferred capital flow
contributing to the economic growth.
doi: 10.3846/jbem.2010.29
This paper is a product of an on-going research (entitled: Foreign
Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Institutional Innovations: The
Cross-National Evidence (FRGS/1/10/SSK/UTAR/03/2)) sponsored by
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education
(MOHE), Malaysia. Views expressed in this paper are not necessarily
those of MOHE, Malaysia.
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(1) A well-developed financial system provides fertile ground for
the allocation of resources, better monitoring, better information
symmetries, and economic growth (King and Levine 1993).
(2) Greater financial sector efficiency should result in an overall
reduction of transaction costs. As a result, cost of borrowing (capital
cost) might decline, as interest margins shrink. If these gains are
being forwarded to the investors, the cost of borrowing in the markets
will decline and promote investments and economic growth (Levine 1997).
(3) In this regard, Levine (1997), Andersen and Tarp (2003), and
Wachtel (2003) have provided comprehensive surveys on the relationship
between financial development and economic growth.
(4) This method is fully described in Arellano and Bond (1991),
Arellano and Bover (1995), and Blundell and Bond (1998).
(5) Arellano and Bond (1991) have called this test statistic as m2
test. For the test statistic, if the residuals [[epsilon]] were
first-order correlated, then [y.sub.i,t-2] would be correlated with
[DELTA][[epsilon]] and it could not be used as an instrument. The
same is true with any variable from [] that is temporarily
correlated with [[epsilon]].
(6) See Newey and McFadden (1994: 2231) for details on this test.
Chee-Keong Choong [1], Siew-Yong Lam [2], Zulkornain Yusop [3]
[1] Centre for Economic Studies, Faculty of Business and Finance,
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Perak Campus), Jalan Universiti, Bandar
Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
[2] Centre for Business and Management, Faculty of Business and
Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Perak Campus), Jalan Universiti,
Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
[3] Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
E-mails: [1]
[email protected] (corresponding author); [2]
[email protected]; [3]
[email protected]
Received 9 December 2009; accepted 17 September 2010
Chee-Keong CHOONG. An Assistant Professor and deputy dean at
Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Malaysia. He completed his doctorate degree at the Faculty of Economics
and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia in 2007. He
teaches Economics, Business Finance, Statistics for Economics and
Management, Basic Econometrics, Econometrics, Research Methods and
Business Research Methodology. He has published widely in various
refereed journals, which include Energy Policy, Japan and the World
Economy, Singapore Economic Review, Pacific Economic Bulletin, African
Journal of Business Management, and Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.
His current research interests are in the fields of applied
macroeconomics, international economics, monetary economics and
financial economics.
Siew-Yong LAM. A lecturer from Faculty of Business and Finance,
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia. She has published a
number of journals such as Global Economic Review, ICFAI Journal of
Managerial Economics, Icfai Journal of Service Marketing and
Banker's Journal Malaysia. Her research interests are in the areas
of Relationship Marketing, Consumer Behaviour and managerial economics.
Zulkornain YUSOP. An Associate Professor and deputy dean at Faculty
of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He teaches
International Economics, International Trade and Current Issues in
International Economics. Topics for research include FDI, private
capital flow, capital flight and Economic Integration. He has published
a number of journals such as International Journal of Business and
Society, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, World
Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, The
Singapore Economic Review, The ICFAI Journals, ASEAN Economic Bulletin,
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy and Applied Economics Letters.
Table 1. Data Sources
Variable Data Source
Real GDP per capita World Development Indicators, World Bank
growth rate (GDPGR)
Capital stock (CAP) World Development Indicators, World Bank
Labour force (LF) World Development Indicators, World Bank
Saving as % of GDP (NSAV) World Development Indicators, World Bank
Inflation (INF) World Development Indicators, World Bank
Foreign direct investment World Development Indicators, World Bank
Portfolio investment (PI) World Development Indicators, World Bank
Foreign debt (DEBT) World Development Indicators, World Bank
Central Bank Assets to Beck et al. (2000a) World Bank database
GDP ratio (CBAGDP)
Deposit money bank assets Beck et al. (2000a) World Bank database
to GDP ratio (DBAGDP)
Private credit by deposit Beck et al. (2000a) World Bank database
money bank to GDP ratio
Table 2. Low-income Countries based on the 2005 World
Bank Income Classification
Low Income Countries Total
Bangladesh, Benin, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, India, 16
Kenya, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo,
Table 3. Private Capital Flows, Financial Development (CBAGDP)
and Economic Growth in Low-Income Countries, 1988-2006
Variable Equ. 1 Equ. 2 Equ. 3 Equ. 4
Constant -0.025 * 0.020 -0.127 -0.035 **
(-1.696) (1.454) (-1.457) (-2.139)
[GDPGR. -0.042 * -0.123 *** 0.047 * -0.689 ***
sub.t-1] (-1.954) (-2.759) (1.857) (-2.746)
CAP 1.075 *** 0.597 *** 0.078 *** 0.044 *
(19.141) (3.743) (3.044) (1.883)
INF -0.047 ** -0.162 ** 0.016 -0.053 **
(-2.185) (-1.958) (0.518) (-2.047)
LF 0.912 *** 0.460 *** 0.035 * 0.205 **
(16.204) (4.224) (1.743) (2.334)
NSAV 0.959 *** 0.070 *** 1.257 *** 0.217 ***
(16.212) (3.551) (22.104) (3.944)
CBAGDP 0.597 *** 0.191 * 0.179 *** 1.101 ***
(3.743) (1.751) (6.211) (18.695)
FDI -0.045 * 0.051 **
(-1.768) (2.331)
PI -0.090 ***
DEBT -0.282 ***
FDI * CBAGDP 0.036 *
Sargan test 10.71 10.33 14.41 13.06
[0.446] [0.612] [0.413] [0.411]
A-B test 1st -1.88 * -8.01 *** -2.95 ** -2.78 **
Order [0.079] [0.001] [0.001] [0.004]
A-B test 2nd -0.99 -0.85 -0.67 -0.96
Order [0.341] [0.412] [0.552] [0.361]
Observations 304 304 304 304
Variable Equ. 5 Equ. 6
Constant -0.040 -0.036 *
(-0.547) (-1.930)
[GDPGR. -0.158 * -0.211 ***
sub.t-1] (-1.768) (-2.864)
CAP 0.101 * 0.019
(1.714) (0.976)
INF -0.310 *** 0.019
(-2.772) (0.976)
LF 0.025 ** 0.044 **
(2.348) (2.198)
NSAV 0.036 * 0.116 *
(1.678) (1.701)
CBAGDP 0.035 * 0.044 **
(1.743) (2.198)
PI 0.044 *
DEBT 0.046 *
PI * CBAGDP 0.025 **
DEBT * CBAGDP 0.116 *
Sargan test 6.8 8.24
[0.791] [0.702]
A-B test 1st -5.16 *** -1.88 *
Order [0.001] [0.086]
A-B test 2nd -0.98 -0.89
Order [0.392] [0.390]
Observations 304 304
Notes: Dependent variable is real GDP per capita growth rate.
All the variables are taken in differences and lagged one period.
The Sargan Chi-square statistic tests the null hypothesis of no
correlation between the instruments and residuals.
The Arellano and Bond (A-B) Z-statistic tests the null hypothesis
that the residuals are first order correlated (A-B test 1st Order)
and the residuals are not second order correlated (A-B test 2nd
The figures in the parentheses are Z-statistic, while in the
brackets are probability values (or p-value).
*, ** and *** The coefficient is significant at 10%, 5% and 1%
levels, respectively.
Table 4. Private Capital Flows, Financial Development (PCGDP)
and Economic Growth in Low-Income Countries, 1988-2006
Variable Equ. 1 Equ. 2 Equ. 3 Equ. 4
Constant -0.014 -0.083 0.023 0.130 **
(-0.626) (-0.140) (0.032) (2.054)
[GDPGR. 0.048 ** -0.003 0.041 -0.407 ***
sub.t-1] (2.415) (-0.140) (0.579) (-4.715)
CAP 0.045 * 0.103 * 0.115 * 0.120
(1.884) (1.786) (1.748) (1.402)
INF -0.163 * -0.005 -0.051 ** -0.127 ***
(-1.801) (-0.264) (-2.331) (-2.864)
LF 0.035 * 0.037 * 0.032 *** 0.094 **
(1.758) (1.726) (3.081) (2.308)
NSAV 0.055 *** 0.051 ** 0.028 ** 0.051 **
(2.772) (2.302) (2.556) (2.569)
PCGDP 0.047 ** 0.045 * 0.008 ** 0.046 **
(2.329) (1.924) (2.201) (2.308)
FDI 0.117 * 0.166 **
(1.713) (2.452)
PI -0.052 ***
DEBT -0.052 ***
FDI * PCGDP 0.100 **
Sargan test 12.26 17.12 17.93 19.73
[0.962] [0.837] [0.813] [0.725]
A-B test 1st -1.99 * -1.83 * -2.98 ** -1.74 *
Order [0.045] [0.075] [0.008] [0.082]
A-B test 2nd -0.89 -0.99 -0.62 -0.76
Order [0.365] [0.342] [0.470] [0.422]
Observations 304 304 304 304
Variable Equ. 5 Equ. 6
Constant -0.127 *** -0.105
(-2.864) (-0.264)
[GDPGR. -0.087 *** 0.118 **
sub.t-1] (-2.842) (2.107)
CAP 0.100 ** 0.117 **
(2.443) (2.050)
INF 0.014 -0.046 *
(0.860) (-1.917)
LF 0.117 * 0.011
(1.801) (0.158)
NSAV 0.072 * 0.026 *
(1.689) (1.832)
PCGDP 0.014 * 0.015 **
(1.951) (1.980)
PI 0.062 ***
DEBT 0.088 ***
PI * PCGDP 0.052 ***
DEBT * 0.050 **
PCGDP (2.501)
Sargan test 16.41 14.10
[0.852] [0.931]
A-B test 1st -2.37 ** -2.46 *
Order [0.036] [0.031]
A-B test 2nd -0.93 -0.66
Order [0.301] [0.468]
Observations 304 304
Note: Refer to Table 3.
Table 5. Private Capital Flows, Financial Development (DBAGDP)
and Economic Growth in Low-Income Countries, 1988-2006
Variable Equ. 1 Equ. 2 Equ. 3 Equ. 4
Constant 3.632 ** 0.029 -0.044 *** -0.080
(2.662) (0.411) (-3.030) (-0.067)
[GDPGR. 0.015 ** 0.036 -0.027 -0.107 *
sub.t-1] (2.061) (0.825) (-1.495) (-1.719)
CAP 0.172 *** 0.037 *** 1.117 *** 2.216 *
(4.333) (2.644) (21.080) (1.964)
INF -0.118 ** -0.051 *** -0.061 -0.072 *
(-2.167) (-2.644) (-0.043) (-1.759)
LF 0.101 * 0.029 0.108 *** 1.647 **
(1.850) (1.320) (2.698) (2.293)
NSAV 0.033 ** 0194 *** 0.053 *** 0.048 **
(2.307) (3.474) (2.618) (2.302)
DBAGDP 0.132 ** 0.086 ** 0.454 * 2.771 **
(3.155) (2.176) (1.886) (2.126)
FDI 0.026 * 0.085 **
(1.816) (2.379)
PI -0.052 ***
DEBT -0.133 **
FDI * DBAGDP 0.065 **
Sargan test 12.23 17.61 16.88 13.36
[0.851] [0.862] [0.889] [0.841]
A-B test 1st -1.93 * -2.96 *** -2.26 ** -2.39 **
Order [0.052] [0.004] [0.021] [0.023]
A-B test 2nd -0.88 -0.91 -0.89 -0.99
Order [0.362] [0.323] [0.376] [0.331]
Observations 304 304 304 304
Variable Equ. 5 Equ. 6
Constant -0.069 *** 3.926 **
(-3.237) (2.700)
[GDPGR. 0.065 -0.263 ***
sub.t-1] (0.068) (-4.262)
CAP 0.021 *** 0.030 *
(2.865) (1.672)
INF -3.568 *** -1.508
(-2.877) (-1.278)
LF 0.109 0.032 ***
(1.531) (3.012)
NSAV 0.023 ** 0.057 ***
(2.281) (2.743)
DBAGDP 0.792 * 2.321 *
(1.918) (1.780)
PI 0.090 **
DEBT 0.052 ***
PI * DBAGDP 0.047 ***
DEBT * DBAGDP 0.131 ***
Sargan test 19.69 15.46
[0.622] [0.776]
A-B test 1st -1.76 * -2.19 **
Order [0.077] [0.025]
A-B test 2nd -0.93 -0.83
Order [0.321] [0.411]
Observations 304 304
Note: Refer to Table 3.