Time-varying volatility modelling of Baltic Stock Markets/Baltijos vertybiniu popieriu rinku nepastovumo modeliavimas.
Aktan, Bora ; Korsakiene, Renata ; Smaliukiene, Rasa 等
1. Introduction
Volatility is a fundamental characteristic of financial markets
whose measuring and forecasting has always been important, but even more
so in the current crisis. Volatility is a measure of the intensity of
random or unpredictable changes in asset returns. Constant volatility
models such as ARMA only refer to the unconditional volatility of a
returns process. Processes that model unconditional volatility presume a
constant variance of the time series throughout the whole data
generation process. Such volatility can be defined in terms of the
variance parameter of the unconditional distribution of a stationary
returns process. In fact, unconditional volatility is only defined if it
is assumed that a stationary stochastic process generates the asset
return series, but this assumption seems far more reasonable than many
other assumptions that are commonly made in financial models.
Time-varying volatility models describe a process for the conditional
volatility. A conditional distribution, in this context, is a
distribution that governs a return at a particular instant in time. In
more general terms, a conditional distribution is any distribution that
is conditioned on a set of known values for some of the variables, that
is, on information set (Alexander 2001). In time series models the
information set at time t, [I.sub.t] is often taken as all the past
values that were realized in the process. Conditional volatility at time
t is the square root of the variance of the conditional distribution at
time t. The conditional mean at time t is denoted
[E.sub.t]([r.sub.t]/[r.sub.t-1]) or [[mu].sub.t] and the conditional
variance at time t is denoted [V.sub.t]([r.sub.t]/[r.sub.t-1]) or
estimation procedure for the time-varying parameters of the conditional
distributions is based on a model where anything that has happened in
the past is not considered to be an observation on the current random
variable. Its value is known, and so past observations become part of
the information set. That is, the actual rather than the expected values
of anything that happened in the past will be used to estimate the
current value of a time-varying volatility parameter. Put another way,
the current (and future) conditional distributions of the random
variable will be "conditioned" on the current information set.
The conditional volatility has no place in the standard framework
for linear regression, because standard linear regression assumes that
returns are homoskedastic--that is, their conditional variance is the
same throughout the process. The term conditional heteroskedasticity
means that the conditional variance changes over time. The episodes of
high and low volatility are often called volatility clusters.
This phenomenon shows the possibility of forecasting volatility.
High volatility periods tend to persist before falling to lower levels.
Financial returns also tend to be leptokurtic, which makes them even
harder to model since they are not even asymptotically normal. These
characteristics of financial time series were noted in the early works
of Mandelbrot (1963), Fama (1965), Clark (1973) and Blattberg and
Gonedes (1974). This early research led to modelling financial returns
as IID draws from thick tailed distributions such as Student's t
and a family of distributions known as Stable Paretian distributions.
The increased interest in risk management in financial theory has
necessitated the development of new econometric time series models that
take into account time variation of variances and covariances.
Volatility can be thought of as a random variable that follows a
stochastic process. Discovering the underlying stochastic process is the
task of every volatility model. Financial data shows that volatility
clusters vary significantly in their persistence i.e. life span.
Volatility clusters can be very short-lived, lasting only hours, or they
may last for decades. These long-term volatilities are usually driven by
certain economic processes or/and institutional changes. The primary
source of changes in market prices is the arrival of news about the
asset's fundamental value. If the news arrives in rapid succession,
the returns exhibit a volatility cluster (Engle and Mezrich 1995).
The moving average model of volatility assumes that asset returns
are independent and identically distributed (IID). There is no
time-varying volatility assumption in any of the weighted moving average
methods, be it a simple moving average or an exponential moving average.
Moving average models only provide an estimate of the unconditional
volatility, assumed to be a constant, and the current estimate is taken
as the forecast. The volatility estimates do change over time, but this
can only be attributed to noise or sampling errors in a moving average
model (Alexander 2000).
In a GARCH model, returns are assumed to be generated by a
stochastic process with time-varying volatility. Instead of modelling
the data after they have been collapsed into a single unconditional
distribution, a GARCH model introduces more detailed assumptions about
the conditional distributions of returns. These conditional
distributions change over time in an autocorrelated way, in fact the
conditional variance, is in it self an autoregressive process. GARCH
volatility forecasts are very flexible and can be adapted to any time
period. The forward volatilities that are generated by GARCH models can
have many applications. Valuing path-dependent options or volatility
options, measuring risk capital requirements, calibration of binomial
trees--all of these require forecasts of forward volatilities that have
a mean-reverting property. Perhaps the most important of all the
advantages of GARCH models is that they are based on a statistical
theory that is justified by empirical evidence. Unlike constant
volatility models, there is no need to impose unrealistic assumptions to
force it into a framework that is inconsistent with its basic
assumptions. This coherency has led to many applications of GARCH models
to measuring financial risks and pricing and hedging of options.
Several studies investigate the performance of GARCH models on
explaining volatility of some mature and emerging stock markets (e.g.
Akgiray 1989; Sentana and Wadhwani 1992; Kim and Kon 1994; Kearney and
Daly 1998; Tay and Zhu 2000; Teresiene 2009). In the study of Gurgul et
al. (2006), they used GARCH models to illustrate that for the revelation
of stock-market reactions to firm-specific news, trading volume contains
precious information in excess of that manifested in stock prices. In
addition to the studies conducted in mature market, Yalcin and Yucel
(2006) analyzed 20 emerging markets for examining the Day-of-the-Week
Effect in stock return through EGARCH-M model. Posta (2008), with the
use of an E-GARCH model of the volatility, shows how quickly the Prague
Stock Exchange, represented by its PX index and PX-GLOBAL index, has
gradually moved toward the condition of weak efficiency. Aslanidis et
al. (2009) with the use of smooth transition conditional correlation
(STCC) GARCH specification demonstrate that an investor will gain little
from portfolio diversification across US and UK markets. Christiansen
(2010) with the use of GARCH based family models decompose European
bonds and stock volatility and found significant volatility-spillover
effects. Mcmillan and Speight (2006) with the estimation of a FIGARCH
model supports the contention that volatility dynamics result from
multiple sources for high-frequency S&P500 index and DM/$ exchange
In this paper we analyse characteristics of three national Baltic
stock indexes; Estonia (TALSE index), Latvia (RIGSE index), Lithuania
(VILSE index), and BALTIC benchmark index (1). Over a period of seven
years, we test a large family of GARCH models, including; the basic
GARCH model, GARCH-in-mean model, asymmetric exponential GARCH and GJR
GARCH, power GARCH and component GARCH model. Asymmetric GARCH models
have the additional advantage of explaining the potentially asymmetric
nature of the response to past positive and negative shocks.
The paper has two goals; explain volatility modelling using recent
daily data from Baltic stock markets, and evaluate the performance of
GARCH-type models in explaining market risk in these markets prior to
and during the current global financial crisis. The motivation for our
paper is to add new evidence from three Baltic stock markets to the
modelling of financial time series by explaining volatility clustering
in these markets. It is important to both practitioners and academic to
understand the evolution of prices in the emerging stock markets over
time, as well as understanding the process of reaching financing
decisions through volatility modelling.
The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 presents the
characteristics of the used Baltic markets data set. Section 3 explains
the employed GARCH methodology, while Section 4 presents the main
empirical results. Section 5 concludes the paper and summarises the main
2. Data
The data used in the analysis of volatility are the daily
observations of the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) stock
market indexes. The returns are collected for Bloomberg website in the
period 01.02.2002-03.01.2009, which includes the current financial
crisis in the global and regional markets. The data series range from
1795 daily observations for BALTIC benchmark index to 2079 daily
observations for TALSE index.
Table 1 gives the descriptive statistics for daily stock market
returns. All of the analyzed indexes show a slightly positive mean,
which is not significantly different from zero, a finding that can be
expected in the midst of the global crisis in emerging stock markets
that were performing exceptionally strong prior to the crisis.
Distribution of returns is not symmetrical and shows significant
negative asymmetry (especially the combined BALTIC benchmark index).
High excess kurtosis indicates the presence of extreme events that are
highly unlikely to occur under the normality assumption. Consequently,
all of the normality tests show that there is virtually no probability
that the data generating processes behind these indexes are normally
In terms of stationarity, the results from the Augmented Dickey
Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron tests indicate that both series are
I(1), and therefore, time-series models can be used to examine the
behaviour of volatility over time. The daily index values and returns
for each index are presented in Figures 1-4.
3. Methodology
The fundamental idea in GARCH is to add a second equation to the
standard regression model: the conditional variance equation (Enders
2004: 112). This equation describes the evolution of the conditional
variance of the unexpected return process, [V.sub.t] ([[epsilon].sub.t])
= [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] The dependent variable, the input to the GARCH
volatility model, is always a return series, and accordingly a GARCH
model consists of two equations. The first equation is the conditional
mean equation. This can be anything, but since the focus of GARCH is on
the conditional variance equation it is usual to have a very simple
conditional mean equation. Many of the GARCH models used in practice
take the simplest possible conditional mean equation [r.sub.t] = c +
[[epsilon].sub.t], where c is a constant. In this case the unexpected
return [[epsilon].sub.t] is jus-t the mean deviation return, because the
constant will be the average of returns over the data period. In some
circumstances it is better to use a time-varying conditional mean, but
on the other hand, using to many parameters in the conditional mean
equation might lead to convergence problems.
If there is significant autocorrelation in returns, autoregressive
moving average conditional mean should be used to model the returns. The
second equation in a GARCH model is the conditional variance equation.
Different GARCH models arise because the conditional variance equations
are specified in different forms. There is a fundamental distinction
between the symmetric GARCH models that are used to model ordinary
volatility clustering and the asymmetric GARCH models that are designed
to capture leverage effects. In symmetric GARCH the conditional mean and
conditional variance equations can be estimated separately. This kind of
estimation is not possible for asymmetric GARCH models making their
estimation more complex (Alexander 2001: 70). Underlying every GARCH
model there is also an unconditional returns distribution. The
unconditional distribution of a GARCH process will be stationary under
certain conditions imposed on the GARCH parameters and if necessary
these conditions can be imposed on the estimation.
GARCH model extends the ARCH model by allowing for both the longer
memory and a more flexible lag structure. In a GARCH model
[[epsilon].sub.t] denotes a real-valued discrete-time stochastic process
whose conditional distribution is assumed to be normal (other
probability distributions could also be applied such as Student's
t) and [[psi].sub.t] the information set ([sigma]-field) of all
information up till time t. Equations 1-3 represent next period's
variance, forecasted by the GARCH (p, q) process (Bollerslev 1986: 309).
[[epsilon].sub.t]/[[psi].sub.t-1] [approximately equal to]
N(0,[sigma][t.sup.2]), (1)
a,[beta]--GARCH parameters,
[[sigma].sub.t.sup.2]--variance at time (t),
[[epsilon].sub.t]--residual at time (t),
when p = 0 the process is reduced to the ARCH(q) process, and when
p = q = 0 the process becomes a white noise series ([epsilon]). In the
ARCH(q) process the conditional variance is specified as a linear
function of past sample variances, whereas the GARCH(p, q) process uses
also lagged conditional variances.
The size of the parameters [alpha] and [beta] determines the
short-run dynamics of the resulting volatility time series. Large GARCH
lag coefficients [beta] ndicate that shocks to conditional variance take
a long time to die out, so volatility is persistent. Large GARCH error
coefficients [alpha] mean that volatility reacts intensely to market
movements, and so if alpha is relatively high and beta is relatively
low, volatilities tend to be spikier. In financial markets it is common
to estimate lag coefficients based on daily observations in excess of
0.8 and error coefficients of no more than 0.2 (Alexander 2001: 73).
Presuming that the process starts indefinitely far in the past with
2m finite initial moments and structure of the GARCH process, a1 + p1
< 1 suffices for wide-sense stationarity. Equations 4-5 represent a
necessary and sufficient condition for existence of the 2mth moment in a
GARCH(1,1) process (Bollerslev 1986: 311). Following:
The 2mth moment can be expressed by the recursive Equation 6.
As [[epsilon].sub.t] is conditionally normal, by symmetry it
follows that if the first 2mth moments exist, E
([[epsilon].sup.2m-1.sub.t])= 0 . This directly relates to the fact that
skewness coefficient (third moment) must be equal to zero. For
[[beta].sub.1] = 0 , Equation 4 reduces to the well-known condition for
the ARCH(1) process, [a.sub.m][a.sup.m.sub.1] < 1 (Engle 1982: 992).
If a1 > 1 [([a.sub.m]).sup.-1/m] m in the ARCH(1) process, the 2mth
moment does not exist, whereas in the GARCH(1,1) process, even if
might exist because of the longer memory in GARCH process.
Higher moments indicate further interesting information about the
nature of the GARCH process. Equations 7-8 estimate that if
3[a.sup.2.sub.1] + 2[a.sub.1][[beta].sub.1] + [[beta].sub.1.sup.2] <
1, the fourth-order moment (kurtosis) exists. Threfore since:
E([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t)= [a.sub.0] [(1 -[a.sub.1] -
[[beta].sub.1]).sup.-1] (7)
Equation 9 estimate the coefficient of kurtosis. Following:
K = (E([[epsilon].sup.4.sub.t]) -
3E[([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t]).sup.2]E[([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t]).sup.-2] =
6[a.sup.2.sub.1][(1 - [[beta].sup.2.sub.1] - 2[a.sub.1][[beta].sub.1] -
3[a.sup.2.sub.1]).sup.-1], (9)
which is greater than zero by assumption, and hence greater than
assumed under normal distribution. This means that a GARCH(1,1) process
is leptokurtic, meaning that it has heavier tails than assumed under
normal distribution, a property that the process shares with the ARCH(q)
process. The property of being leptokurtic, although the probability
distribution of stochastic variable (e) is normal, makes the ARCH and
GARCH processes very convenient for modelling fat tailed observations, a
characteristic that is usually displayed by asset returns. The lack of
this property would mean that the modelling of heavy tailed behaviour of
asset returns would require other, more computationally demanding
distributions such as Student's t, GED or a mixture of normal
distributions. In fact Nelson (1991) demonstrated that under suitable
conditions, as time interval goes to zero, a GARCH(1,1) process
approaches a continuous time process whose stationary unconditional
distribution is Student's t.
In finance, the return of a security may depend on its volatility.
To model such a phenomenon, Engle et al. (1987) introduced the ARCH in
the mean (ARCH-M) model in which the conditional mean is a function of
conditional variance of the process (Engle et al. 1987: 395):
[r.sub.t] = g ([z.sub.t-1],[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t]) +
[[sigma].sub.t][[epsilon].sub.t], (10)
[z.sub.t-1] is a vector of predetermined variables, g is some
function of [z.sub.t-1] and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] is generated by an
ARCH(q) process. The most simple ARCH-M model has g ([z.sub.t-1],
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] )= [delta][[sigma].sup.2.sub.t]. When
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] follows a GARCH process, Equation 10 will become a
GARCH in the mean (GARCH-M) equation. A simple GARCH(1,1)-M model can be
written as (Lucchetti and Rossi 2005: 310):
[r.sub.t] = [mu] + c[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] + [a.sub.t], [a.sub.t] =
[[sigma].sub.t][[epsilon].sub.t], [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [omega] +
a[a.sup.2.sub.t-1] + [beta] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t-1]. (11)
where [mu] and c are constant. The parameter c is called the risk
premium parameter. A positive c indicates that the return is positively
related to its past volatility. The formulation of the GARCH-M model in
Equation 11 implies that there are serial correlations in the return
series [r.sub.t] . These serial correlations are introduced by
correlations in the volatility process {[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t]}. The
existence of risk premium is, therefore, another reason that some
historical stock returns have serial correlations.
Another symmetric variation of the general form of GARCH model is
the components GARCH model. When a GARCH model is estimated over a
rolling data window, different long-term volatility levels will be
estimated, corresponding to different estimates of the GARCH parameters.
The components GARCH model extends this idea to allow variation of
long-term volatility within the estimation period (Engle and Lee 1993 a,
b; Engle and Mezrich 1995). It is most useful in currency and commodity
markets, where GARCH models are often close to being integrated and so
convergent term structures that fit the market implied volatility term
structure cannot be generated. The components model is an attempt to
regain the convergence in GARCH term structures in currency markets, by
allowing for a time-varying long-term volatility.
The GARCH(1,1) conditional variance may be written in the form of
Equation 12. Following:
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = (1 - a - [beta])[[sigma].sup.2] +
a[[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] + [beta] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t-1] =
[[sigma].sup.2] + a([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] - [[sigma].sup.2]) +
[beta] ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.t-1] - [[sigma].sup.2]). (12)
In components GARCH [[sigma].sup.2] is replaced by a time-varying
permanent component given by:
[q.sub.t] = [omega] + p([q.sub.t-1] - [omega]) +
[zeta]([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] - ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.t-1]). (13)
Therefore the conditional variance equation in the components GARCH
model is:
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [q.sub.t] + a([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] -
[q.sub.t-1]) + [beta]([[sigma].sup.2.sub.t-1] - [q.sub.t-1]). (14)
Equations 13 and 14 together define the components GARCH model. If
p = 1 the permanent component to which long-term volatility forecasts
mean-revert is just a random walk. While the components model has an
attractive specification for currency markets, parameter estimation is,
unfortunately not straightforward. Estimates may lack robustness and it
seems difficult to recommend the use of the components model--except in
the event that its specification has passed rigorous diagnostic tests.
Ding et al. (1993) developed the Power ARCH model, in which the
power parameter [[beta].sub.1] of the standard deviation can be
estimated rather than imposed, and the optional [gamma] parameters are
added to capture asymmetry of up to order r in Equation 15. Following:
where [[beta].sub.1] > 0, [absolute value of [[gamma].sub.i]
[less than or equal to] 1 for i=1 ... r , [[gamma].sub.i] = 0 for all i
> r, and r [less than or equal to] p . The symmetric model sets
[[gamma].sub.i] = 0 for all i. Note that if [[beta].sub.1] = 2 and
[[gamma].sub.i] = 0 for all i, the PGARCH model is simply a standard
GARCH specification. The asymmetric effects are present if [gamma] [not
equal to] 0 .
An important feature of financial returns known as "leverage
effect", that was first documented by Black (1976) describes the
tendency for changes in the financial returns, especially in the stock
market, to be negatively correlated with changes in stock volatility. A
part of this phenomenon can be explained by the fixed costs that
companies incur, such as financial and operational leverage. Lowering of
stock price reduces the value of company's equity relative to its
debt, thus raising its debt to equity ratio, which raises the volatility
of a stock making them riskier to hold. Black (1976) argues that the
response of stock volatility to the direction of returns is too large to
be explained by leverage alone. This conclusion is also supported by the
work of Christie (1982) and Schwert (1989). Simply stated, if volatility
is higher following a negative return than it is following a positive
return, then the autocorrelation between yesterday's return and
today's squared return will be large and negative.
It is interesting that empirical research using robust test
statistics that are much more sophisticated than the simple Ljung-Box
Q-test procedure, (see Hagerud 1997) has found that relatively few
stocks show signs of asymmetric volatility clustering. Hagerud (1997)
finds that only 12 out of his sample of 45 Nordic stocks exhibited a
noticeable leverage effect. The volatility skew may still be very
pronounced in these stocks, so where implied volatility smiles have
noticeable skew effects, these may or may not be indicative of a
leverage effect.
Literally, dozens of different variants of asymmetric GARCH models
have been proposed and tested in a vast research literature. However,
asymmetric GARCH models have a fairly limited practical use. It is a
good thing to be able to include the possibility of asymmetry in the
GARCH model so that any leverage effect will be captured, but one should
do so with caution because the estimation of asymmetric GARCH models can
be much more difficult than the estimation of symmetric GARCH models.
To overcome some weaknesses of the GARCH model in handling
financial time series, Nelson (1991) proposed the exponential GARCH
(EGARCH) model. The conditional variance equation in the E-GARCH model
is defined in terms of a standard normal variate [z.sub.t]. In
particular, to allow for asymmetric effects between positive and
negative asset returns, he considers the weighted innovation (Nelson
1991: 351):
g([z.sub.t] = [lambda][z.sub.t] + [??] ([absolute value of
[z.sub.t]] - E[absolute value of [z.sub.t]])), (16)
where [lambda] and [phi] are real constants. The parameter [phi]
allows for the asymmetry in the model. If [phi] = 0 then a positive
surprise ([[epsilon].sub.t-j] > 0) the same effect on volatility as a
negative surprise of the same magnitude. If -1<[phi]<0 a positive
surprise increases volatility less than a negative surprise. If
[phi]<-1 , a positive surprise actually reduces volatility while a
negative surprise increases volatility. A number of researchers have
found evidence of asymmetry in stock price behaviour--negative surprises
seem to increase volatility more than positive surprises of the same
magnitude (Black 1976; Pagan and Schwert 1990; Engle and Ng 1993).
Both [z.sub.t] and [absolute value of [Z.sub.t]] - E ([absolute
value of [Z.sub.t]]) are zero-mean IID sequences with continuous
distributions. Therefore, E [g (z[arrow down]t)]= 0. The asymmetry of g
([z.sub.t]) can be seen by rewriting Equation 16 into Equation 17.
For the standard Gaussian random variable
[[epsilon].sub.t],([absolute value of [Z.sub.t]]) = [square root of
2/[pi]. For the standardized Student's t distribution E([absolute
value of [Z.sub.t]]) can be expressed as in Equation 18. Hence,
E([absolute value of [Z.sub.t]]) equals (McDonald 1996: 430):
E([absolute value of [Z.sub.t]]) = 1/[square root of
aB](1/2,v/2)[(1 + 2[z.sup.2]/v[[sigma].sup.2]).sup.v+1/2] (18)
where B is a beta function (2), and V is degrees of freedom.
An EGARCH(p, q) model can be written as Equation 19 (Nelson 1991:
ln[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [omega] + 1+[[beta].sub.1]B+ ...
+[[beta].sub.p][B.sup.p] / 1-[a.sub.1]B- ... - [a.sub.q][B.sup.q]
g([z.sub.t-1]), (19)
where [omega], [alpha] and [beta] are not restricted to be
nonnegative, B is the back-shift (lag) operator such that Bg(z[arrow
down]t) = g([z.sub.t-1]) and 1 + [[beta].sub.1]B + ... + [[beta].sub.p]
[B.sup.p] and 1 - [a.sub.1]B - ... -[a.sub.q][B.sup.q] are polynomials
with absolute values of their zeros greater than one. Based on this
representation, some properties of the EGARCH model can be obtained in a
similar manner as those of the GARCH model. For instance, the
unconditional mean of ln([([sigma]).sup.2.sub.t]) is [omega]. However,
the model differs from the GARCH model in several ways. First, it uses
logged conditional variance to relax the positiveness constraint of
model coefficients. Second, the use of g([z.sub.t]) enables the model to
respond asymmetrically to positive and negative lagged values of
[[epsilon].sub.t]. Several studies have found that the exponential GARCH
model fits financial data very well, often better than other GARCH
models. Even without significant leverage effects, the logarithmic
specification appears to have considerable advantages (Taylor 1994).
Unfortunately, exponential GARCH is difficult to use for volatility
forecasting because there is no analytic form for the volatility term
GJR-GARCH model is similar to the EGARCH model in spirit but have
better forecasting properties (Engle and Mezrich 1995). The GJR-GARCH
model accounts for the asymmetry by allowing two different coefficients
into the conditional volatility equation, and the GJR-GARCH model, by
adding to volatility forecast in case of a negative return via an
indicator function.
The GJR-GARCH put forward by Glosten et al. (1993) is given by
Equation 20. Following:
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [omega] + [q.summation over
(i=1)][[a.sub.1] + [[gamma].sub.i][l.sub.t]] [[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-i] +
[p.summation over (j=1)][beta]j[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t-j], (20)
[l.sub.t] = 1 if [[epsilon].sub.t-i] < 0, [l.sub.t] = 0 if
[[epsilon].sub.t-i] [greater than or equal to] 0.
Positive surprises have an impact of a while negative surprises
have an impact of a + [gamma].
4. Empirical results and discussion
Ljung-Box Q tests on mean adjusted returns and squared returns show
that all analyzed stock indexes are characterized by significant
autoregression and heteroskedasticity. The dynamics of the data
generating processes are complex because changes in the efficiency of
the market alter the long-run level and persistence of volatility.
Furthermore, there is ample of empirical evidence on a positive
relationship between trading volume and volatility. Supposing that some
predictability (significant AR term) is present in the series,
increasing efficiency tends to lower the level and persistence of
volatility, but larger volume might push its level up. Volatility can be
raised due to other reasons too, for example when news in the return
series arrives more often and is of a larger magnitude than usual (shift
in the volatility of error term). The increasing integration of the
local stock markets into the global capital market may only further
amplify this effect.
The estimation procedure consists of two parts. Since the final
goal is to obtain identically and independently distributed (IID)
innovation we first clean the conditional mean structure of the return
series from the autoregression by using an ARMA(p, q) model. The order
of ARMA(p, q) for each index is determined according to smallest value
of Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Since the conditional mean
equation for all of the Baltic indexes is complex in case of we RIGSE
index even had to use ARMA(3, 3) model to successfully get rid of
autocorrelation. In the next step, we estimate six different GARCH
models in order to capture conditional variance and volatility
clustering and get the insight into the true nature of volatility in the
Baltic stock markets. Table 2 reports the parameter estimates of all
tested GARCH volatility models that were described in the previous
section. For TALSE and BALTIC benchmark indexes, the sum of ARCH and
GARCH coefficients is very close to one, indicating that the series is
close to being integrated. Based on GARCH parameters TALSE index has the
highest volatility persistence (0.896) and RIGSE index has the lowest
volatility persistence (0.664), meaning that the shocks--"old
news" in this time series fade unusually quickly. The mean values
of GARCH volatility are significant for all of the indexes. The highest
value is recorded for the RIGSE index (0.1), while the lowest value is
recorded for BALTIC benchmark index (0.009). This means that, over the
analysed period, RIGSE had the highest volatility while, as expected,
due to the effect of diversification BALTIC benchmark index was the
least volatile index.
A very interesting finding is the result from GARCH-M estimation
which shows that the coefficients of the conditional variance in the
mean equation, denoted as [[beta].sub.2], are negative but
insignificant. This suggests that higher conditional volatility--market
risk is not significantly related to negative returns.
Asymmetric EGARCH model parameters show the existence of the
leverage effect in returns of all analysed indexes during the sample
period. Surprisingly, we find the existence of a significant negative
leverage ([gamma]) parameter for VILSE and RIGSE index, as oppose to
TALSE and BALTIC benchmark where this parameter is significantly
positive. The evidence is that much strong since GJR-GARCH model tells
the same story. In case of VILSE and RIGSE index negative leverage
parameter in EGARCH model (i.e. positive leverage parameter in GJR-GARCH
model) means that as expected under the "leverage effect"
paradigm "bad news"--negative returns increases volatility. As
opposed to this in case of TALSE and BALTIC benchmark index the relation
is reversed in that "good news"--positive returns increases
The results of the estimation of CGARCH(1,1) model show that the
long-run component is significant and positive for all indexes except
VILSE index. The results of the estimation of APARCH(1,1) model confirm
that the asymmetric effects are present in TALSE and VILSE index (the
asymmetric parameter is of the same sign as indicated by GJR-GARCH
5. Conclusion
This paper addresses the issue of conditional volatility modelling
by using symmetric and asymmetric GARCH models on daily returns from
Baltic stock markets. We empirically investigate stock market volatility
using daily data from three Baltic stock indices and their joint
benchmark index, namely Estonia (TALSE index), Latvia (RIGSE index),
Lithuania (VILSE index), and BALTIC benchmark index. We find strong
evidence that daily volatility from Baltic stock markets can be
explained by GARCH-family models. For TALSE and BALTIC benchmark
indexes, the sum of ARCH and GARCH coefficients is very close to one,
indicating that the series is close to being integrated. During the
analysed period, RIGSE had the highest volatility while, as expected,
due to the effect of diversification BALTIC benchmark index was the
least volatile index. A very interesting finding is the result from
GARCH-M estimation which shows that the coefficients of the conditional
variance in the mean equation are negative but insignificant, suggesting
that higher conditional volatility--market risk is not related to
negative returns. Asymmetric EGARCH model parameters show the existence
of the leverage effect in returns of all analysed indexes during the
sample period. We find the existence of a significant negative leverage
parameter for VILSE and RIGSE index, as opposed to TALSE and BALTIC
benchmark where this parameter is significantly positive. The evidence
is that much strong since GJR-GARCH and APARCH model tells the same
story. In case of VILSE and RIGSE index negative leverage parameter in
EGARCH model (i.e. positive leverage parameter in GJR-GARCH model) means
that as expected under the "leverage effect" paradigm
"bad news"--negative returns increases volatility. As opposed
to this in case of TALSE and BALTIC benchmark index the relation is
reversed in that "good news"--positive returns increases
volatility. These findings are of interest to risk managers and
investors investing in Baltic stock markets.
doi: 10.3846/jbem.2010.25
Received 10 October 2009; accepted 27 May 2010
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(1) For a broad discussion on Baltic States see Adekola et al.
(2008); Tvaronaviciene et al. (2009); Melnikas (2008) and Plinkus
(2) Beta function, B(p,q), is defined by (McDonald 1996: 455),
q. B(p, q) can also be expressed in terms of a gamma function:
B(p,q) = [GAMMA](p)[GAMMA](q)/[GAMMA](p+q).
Bora Aktan [1], Renata Korsakiene [2], Rasa Smaliukiene [3]
[1] Yasar University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department
of Finance, Selcuk Yasar Campus, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
[2,3] Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al 11,
10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: [1]
[email protected] (corresponding author); [2]
[email protected]; [3]
[email protected]
Bora AKTAN. Assistant Professor of Finance and Deputy Chair of
International Trade and Finance Department at Yasar University, Faculty
of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Prior to joining the Yasar
University, Dr Aktan worked as both Corporate Strategy and Business
Development Director in international firms largely active in Mexico,
England and Turkey. Dr Aktan's current research activity focuses on
global investing, financial characteristics and performance of firms in
emerging countries, emerging capital markets, energy price volatility,
and risk-return trade-off in asset prices, corporate governance and
business ethics. He has published in different refereed journals such as
Journal of Business Economics and Management, International Research
Journal of Finance and Economics, Investment Management and Financial
Innovations, Journal of Property Investment and Finance. He is member of
some professional bodies such as The International Institute of
Forecasters (IIF), The American Finance Association (AFA), The Society
for Financial Econometrics (SoFIE) and the Financial Management
Association (FMA). Dr Aktan is also on the editorial boards of several
international scholarly journals such as Qualitative Research in
Financial Markets, Journal of Applied Sciences, Asian Journal of
Mathematics and Statistics, Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Academy
of Banking Studies Journal, among others. In addition, he serves as a
board member of Economics and Financial Affairs Committee for the Aegean
Region Chamber of Industry.
Renata KORSAKIENE. Associate Professor, Dr, Department of
Enterprise Economics and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University. Research interests: international economics, strategic
management, innovation management, change management.
Rasa SMALIUKIENE. Associate Professor, Dr, Department of
International Economics and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University. Research interests: international economics, marketing,
strategic management, leadership.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics for TALSE, VILSE, RIGSE and BALTIC
Benchmark Index, Period 01.02.2002-03.01.2009
Descriptive Statistics
Mean 0.0003 0.0004 0.0001 0.0003
Median 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0008
Minimum -0.0705 -0.0911 -0.0786 -0.0882
Maximum 0.0718 0.1100 0.0916 0.0794
St. Dev. 0.0100 0.0105 0.0110 0.0102
Skewness -0.7412 -0.6749 -0.4512 -1.1451
Kurtosis 12.01 20.29 13.37 15.43
Normality Tests
Lilliefors 7 216.71 25 667.56 9 336.32 11 948.16
(p value) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Shapiro Wilk/Francia 0.137 0.126 0.126 0.130
(p value) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Jarque-Bera 0.863 0.830 0.846 0.841
(p value) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unit Root Tests
ADF (AR + drift) -27.211 -27.729 -30.401 -25.393
P-P (AR + drift) -36.831 -38.059 -44.376 -34.236
Source: Authors' calculations
Table 2. Estimated GARCH Parameters For Analysed Baltic Stock Indexes
TALSE Index [omega] [alpha] [beta]
ARMA (2,2) GARCH 0.010886 0.10226 0.89606
(1,1) (0.001432)* (0.00591) * (0.007126) *
ARMA (2,2) GARCH-M 0.011006 0.10206 0.89589
(0.000002) * (0.00714) * (0.00597) *
ARMA (2,2) GJR GARCH 0.010706 0.1188 0.89384
(0.001427) * (0.00999) * (0.006235) *
ARMA (2,2) EGARCH -0.17156 0.18959 0.97973
(0.02696) * (0.01180) * (0.00287) *
ARMA (2,2) APARCH 0.00000095 0.118889 0.889998
(0.0000002) * (0.009236) * (0.00707) *
ARMA (2,2) C-GARCH 0.003908 0.046968 0.999751
(0.007059) * (0.02549) * (0.00046)
VILSE Index [omega] [alpha] [beta]
ARMA (2,1) GARCH 0.057406 0.18875 0.7526
(1,1) (0.000628) * (0.01679)* (0.01798) *
ARMA (2,1) GARCH-M -0.83535 0.77759 0.051366
(0.56509) * (0.017315) (0.0061311) *
ARMA (2,1) GJR GARCH 0.071359 0.12261 0.72605
(0.0073395) * (0.017305) * (0.019735) *
ARMA (2,1) EGARCH -0.6491 0.30041 0.92983
(0.07629) * (0.01976) (0.00805) *
ARMA (2,1) APARCH 0.0000246 0.187104 0.50722
(0.00000371) * (0.030332) (0.067142) *
ARMA (2,1) C-GARCH 0.0000804 -0.060366 0.655197
(0.00000417) * (0.23781) (0.114611) *
RIGSE Index [omega] [alpha] [beta]
ARMA (3,3) GARCH 0.10158 0.25608 0.66441
(1,1) (0.0080209) * (0.015489) * (0.015879) *
ARMA (3,3) GARCH-M 0.099987 0.25353 0.6681
(0.0080672) * (0.015369) * (0.015952) *
ARMA (3,3) GJR GARCH 0.10934 0.17025 0.66034
(0.0093001) * (0.016909) * (0.017508) *
ARMA (3,3) EGARCH -0.10643 0.4144 0.88205
(0.093432) * (0.018646) * (0.0099229) *
ARMA (3,3) APARCH 0.00000904 0.180129 0.774283
(0.000000818) * (0.012869) * (0.01208) *
ARMA (3,3) C-GARCH 0.000178 0.220392 0.968539
(0.0000282) * (0.023571) * (0.006207) *
BALTIC Index [omega] [alpha] [beta]
ARMA (3,1) GARCH 0.0092454 0.11196 0.88587
(1,1) (0.0017124) * (0.010012) * (0.0079277)
ARMA (3,1) GARCH-M 0.0091273 0.1121 0.88584
(0.0017016) * (0.0097713) * (0.0079106) *
ARMA (3,1) GJR GARCH 0.0087853 0.13761 0.88369
(0.0016786) * (0.014947) * (0.0083539) *
ARMA (3,1) EGARCH -0.20604 0.20814 0.97735
(0.043258) * (0.015071) * (0.0044441) *
ARMA (3,1) APARCH 0.000000966 0.128258 0.875125
(0.0000002) * (0.01078) * (0.008837) *
ARMA (3,1) C-GARCH 0.000941 -0.026629 0.998869
-0.003922 (0.009351) * (0.004885) *
TALSE Index [[beta].sub.1] [[beta].sub.2] [gamma]
ARMA (2,2) GARCH-M -12 206
(13 351)
ARMA (2,2) GJR GARCH -0.026724
(0.00975) *
ARMA (2,2) EGARCH 0.007341
(0.00586) *
ARMA (2,2) APARCH -0.057133
(0.02428) *
ARMA (2,2) C-GARCH 0.109118 0.012746
(0.00652) * (0.36839) *
VILSE Index [[beta].sub.1] [[beta].sub.2] [gamma]
ARMA (2,1) GARCH-M 0.16683
(0.015229) *
ARMA (2,1) GJR GARCH 0.1431
(0.025077) *
ARMA (2,1) EGARCH -0.06232
(0.01207) *
ARMA (2,1) APARCH 0.81365
(0.049591) *
ARMA (2,1) C-GARCH 0.236367 0.346889
(0.24292) (1 506567)
RIGSE Index [[beta].sub.1] [[beta].sub.2] [gamma]
ARMA (3,3) GJR GARCH 0.15145
(0.029001) *
ARMA (3,3) EGARCH -0.070944
(0.013094) *
ARMA (3,3) APARCH -0.044565
ARMA (3,3) C-GARCH 0.109027 0.076193
(0.014528) * -0.084649
BALTIC Index [[beta].sub.1] [[beta].sub.2] [gamma]
ARMA (3,1) GARCH-M -0.082486
ARMA (3,1) GJR GARCH -0.043104
(0.014942) *
ARMA (3,1) EGARCH 0.013851
(0.0076515) *
ARMA (3,1) APARCH -0.044435
ARMA (3,1) C-GARCH 0.21449 -0.855205
(0.009321) * (0.05402) *
Notes: T statistic in parenthesis
* significant at 5% level
Source: Authors' calculations