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  • 标题:The model of forming competitive strategy of an enterprise under the conditions of oligopolic market/Imones konkurencines strategijos formavimo oligopolineje rinkoje modelis.
  • 作者:Ginevicius, Romualdas ; Krivka, Algirdas ; Simkunaite, Jolita
  • 期刊名称:Journal of Business Economics and Management
  • 印刷版ISSN:1611-1699
  • 出版年度:2010
  • 期号:September
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • 摘要:Business strategy is a response to rapidly changing, hardly forecasted environment of an enterprise; moreover, it is considered to be a proper tool to affect the environment in a favourable manner in order to achieve the performance meeting the expectations of business owners. Theoretical sources of strategic management distinguish between the two main levels of business strategy: corporate and competitive. The former is related to large, diversified companies and includes the strategic actions of operating a portfolio of business units (entering a new market, withdrawing from a market, distributing resources among business units); the latter encompasses the strategic actions of a business unit or of a non-diversified enterprise to capture the strategic position, achieve and maintain long-term competitive advantage seeking for favourable financial performance in the certain market or industry.
  • 关键词:Oligopolies;Strategic planning (Business);Targeting (Nuclear strategy)

The model of forming competitive strategy of an enterprise under the conditions of oligopolic market/Imones konkurencines strategijos formavimo oligopolineje rinkoje modelis.

Ginevicius, Romualdas ; Krivka, Algirdas ; Simkunaite, Jolita 等

1. Introduction

Business strategy is a response to rapidly changing, hardly forecasted environment of an enterprise; moreover, it is considered to be a proper tool to affect the environment in a favourable manner in order to achieve the performance meeting the expectations of business owners. Theoretical sources of strategic management distinguish between the two main levels of business strategy: corporate and competitive. The former is related to large, diversified companies and includes the strategic actions of operating a portfolio of business units (entering a new market, withdrawing from a market, distributing resources among business units); the latter encompasses the strategic actions of a business unit or of a non-diversified enterprise to capture the strategic position, achieve and maintain long-term competitive advantage seeking for favourable financial performance in the certain market or industry.

Competitive strategy is aimed at achieving long-term competitive advantage due to superior, compared to competitors, strategic position in the market (Porter 1979, 1998a, 1998b) or unique, valuable, non-mobile resources and capabilities (Prahalad and Hamel 1990; Peteraf 1993; Grant 1991, 1996; Barney 1991; Teece et al. 1997). Modern theoretical models of analyzing enterprise's competitive potential and forming business strategy, coupled by empirical research of that kind, are dominated by the balanced view of enterprise's environment affecting business strategy (Ginevicius 2000; Ginevicius and Podvezko 2004; Raudeliuniene 2007; Bivainis and Staskevicius 2004; Korsakiene 2004; David 2007); although, some of them rely on resource advantages or market positioning only (Casas 2000; Sekliuckiene 2006).

Scientific sources of strategic management propose a wide range of variously classified business strategies, with their application depending on objectives and strategic position of an enterprise: M. Porter's cost leadership, differentiation and focus generic strategies, I. Ansoff's growth strategies, strategies of vertical integration and diversification, offensive and defensive strategies, strategies implemented during specific stages of industry evolution (growth, maturity, decline), strategies depending on enterprise's relative position in the market (leader, challenger, follower, nicher), etc (Porter 1998a, 1998b; Ansoff 1984; Thompson et al. 2005; David 2007; Kotler and Keller 2006; Ginevicius 1998, 2009; Raudeliuniene 2007).

Generic (universal) business strategies, developed by the scholars of strategic management, together with the analyzed models of exploring enterprise strategic behaviour, proposed by the other authors, are not related to the specific market or industry structure. The choice of oligopoly as the market structure under research is motivated by its common occurrence and considerable relative scale in Lithuanian economy (Ginevicius and Krivka 2009b), complicated and ambiguous strategic conduct of oligopolic enterprises, coupled by potential inefficiency of oligopolic market structure (Ginevicius and Krivka 2008a, 2008b; Krivka and Ginevicius 2009). Strategic decisions of oligopolic enterprises might be simulated by applying game theory models: cartels and other agreements on coordination of actions, the first and the second mover advantage, competition of prices or quantities produced, entrance deterrence (Von Neumann and Morgenstern 1953; Friedman 1969, 1971, 1988; Ginevicius and Krivka 2008a; Raguseo 2009).

The scientific problem raised in the article is developing the complex model of enterprise competitive strategy under the conditions of oligopolic market, based on theoretical concepts of strategic management and modern methods of quantitative evaluation, affording ground for forming the competitive strategy that achieves goals and expected performance of an enterprise.

The aim of the research is to design and apply in practice the original, scientifically grounded model of forming the integrated competitive strategy of oligopolic enterprise, enabling to assess the strategic alternatives to be implemented and form the competitive strategy meeting the expectations of business owners.

2. The model

The model of forming the integrated competitive strategy of oligopolic enterprise is designed in three steps: with regard to performed scientific literature analysis (references are given in the introduction) the set of partial competitive strategies (the elements of the integrated strategy) is generated, the system of enterprise performance indicators (partial strategies' evaluation criteria) is designed, and the methodology for quantitative assessment of partial strategies is proposed.

2.1. Partial competitive strategies of oligopolic enterprise

The integrated competitive strategy of oligopolic enterprise is considered to be a concerted set of partial (detailed) competitive strategies, targeting the certain elements of internal and external environment of an enterprise, determining its strategic position and influencing performance. The analysis of strategic conduct in the context of the integrated strategy, on one hand, reflects the conditions of oligopolic market, where enterprise's reaction to changing environment involves a wide range of factors, having considerable impact on its strategic position and performance, with no single strategy able to affect all the relevant elements of environment; on the other hand, a simplified and forthright strategy would soon be identified by competitors, and their response would diminish the results of strategy application. Eighteen partial competitive strategies are proposed to be included in the model of forming the integrated competitive strategy of oligopolic enterprise:

1. Market expansion strategies (bringing new customers to join the market, widening the range of purposes and occasions for consumption).

2. Entrance deterrence strategies.

3. Strategies targeting market segments (creating new market segments, seeking for leadership in the specific segment).

4. Marketing and promotion strategies (creating and maintaining brand names, advertising and other promotion measures, design and packing of the product).

5. Product development strategies (modification and improvement of goods or services, designing product batches).

6. Strategies aimed at creating the contingent of permanent customers (stimulating customer loyalty, increasing switching costs, improving after-sale service).

7. Strategies targeting suppliers (diversification of supply, forming and maintaining long-term relations with reliable suppliers, backward vertical integration or diversification).

8. Strategies targeting distribution channels (diversification of distribution, forming and maintaining long-term relations with reliable distributions channels, forward vertical integration or diversification).

9. Strategies targeting complements of the product (cooperation with producers of complements, diversification into complements' markets).

10. Strategies of developing and maintaining human and managerial resources.

11. Strategies of developing and maintaining technological resources.

12. Strategies of developing and maintaining information systems.

13. Strategies aimed at gaining and maintaining a good name and reputation of the enterprise.

14. Offensive strategies (price war and other forms of savage competition).

15. Defensive strategies (defending market share, offence deterrence).

16. Response strategies.

17. Collaboration and cooperation strategies.

18. Follower strategies (imitation of competitors' goods or services, repeating the actions of successful competitors, following competitors' pricing).

Partial competitive strategies comprise the unique integrated competitive strategy of oligopolic enterprise with its exclusiveness (and barriers protecting from imitation) based on two dimensions: the set of the partial strategies implemented, and the scale of each partial strategy (their relative weights in the structure of the integrated strategy). Partial competitive strategies are selected and their scales are determined with regard to their expected contribution to enterprise financial performance.

2.2. Enterprise performance indicators

Enterprise performance is defined by the summarised financial indicator, comprised of detailed performance indicators, directly affected by partial strategies. To select the performance criteria, traditional profit-loss analysis is assumed (Juozaitiene 2007; Gronskas 2005), while the integrated performance indicator is decomposed into the following detailed indicators, characterising enterprise's residual demand, its revenues from one unit of sales and costs to one litas of sales:

1. The number of newly attracted customers indicates the results of enterprise's competitive activities attracting new consumers that join the market, or taking over competitors' clients.

2. The number of customers lost shows enterprise's abilities to stimulate customer loyalty and repeated consumption, to defend from competitors' actions aimed at taking over own clients.

3. Intensity of consumption indicates how often customers purchase and consume enterprise's goods or services.

4. Material value of goods or services reflects the utility gained from material features of goods or services consumed.

5. Consumer-realised non-material value of goods or services is considered to be additional customer satisfaction from goods or services, for which she is willing to pay more than assumed material value: the prestige of a brand name or producer, correspondence to fashion trends or individual preferences, etc.

6. Flexible pricing and price discrimination indicates enterprise's abilities to set the prices of goods or services freely (independent from other entities involved: competitors, distribution channels, government) and flexibly; also the capabilities to differentiate goods or services according to value and price dimensions with regard to customer needs and paying ability.

7. Costs of sales to one litas of sales indicate the costs of producing or purchasing (to resell) goods or services and depend on enterprise's internal resources and capabilities, accompanied by its relations with suppliers.

8. Distribution costs to one litas of sales depend on enterprise's resources and capabilities in case it sells goods or services itself, or on its relations with distribution channels.

9. General and administration costs to one litas of sales reflect the efficiency of enterprise management, enterprise size and the effect of scale economy, the abilities of controlling fixed costs.

The first three detailed indicators determine enterprise sales in units of goods or the number of its clients, indicators 4 to 6 directly influence the prices of goods or services set--all together, the subsystem of indicators 1 to 6 determines enterprise revenues from selling goods or services. The remaining indicators are associated with costs of producing and selling goods (providing services)--with their inclusion in the model, the summarised (integrated) enterprise performance criterion is considered to be the ultimate financial result, i.e. profit or loss.

2.3. Quantitative assessment of partial competitive strategies

The purpose of the quantitative assessment is, by applying appropriate mathematical methods, to determine the set of favourable detailed strategies to comprise enterprise's integrated competitive strategy, and to estimate the scales of the partial strategies chosen. The corresponding mathematical problem involves the assessment of partial competitive strategies with regard to their influence on the detailed performance indicators to solve a problem of that kind, multicriteria evaluation methods, developed throughout the recent years and widely applied in construction (e.g. Zavadskas et al. 1998, 2001, 2008, 2010; Ginevicius et al. 2008b), economics and management (e.g. Ginevicius et al. 2005, 2008a; Ginevicius and Podvezko 2004, 2006, 2008b, c, 2009; Ginevicius and Zubrecovas 2009; Ginevicius and Krivka 2009a; Bivainis and Zinkeviciute 2006), seem to be the appropriate tool.

The alternatives under evaluation are the partial competitive strategies, selected to be implemented by the enterprise--each of them is assessed with regard to the impact on the detailed performance indicators (Table 1).

The expected impact of the partial competitive strategy j (j = 1, ..., n) on the detailed performance indicator i (i = 1, ..., m) is measured by points: ranging from -3 to 3, depending on the direction and the strength of the effect:--positive and negative weak impact respectively, 2/-2--medium-strength impact, 3/-3--strong impact, 0 neutral impact. The coefficients of potential influence of enterprise's internal and external environment on the application of each partial strategy are estimated as follows: 2--environment is favourable for implementing the strategy, 1--environment is neutral, 0.5--environment is unfavourable.

The positive values (from 1 to 3) of partial strategies' impact on performance criteria are multiplied by the coefficients above, while the negative values are divided: it is assumed that favourable environment strengthens the positive effect of the implemented strategy and weakens the negative effect, and vice-versa. To estimate weights [[omega].sub.i] of the performance indicators, the method of direct expert evaluation is applied, with respect

to condition [m.summation over(i=1)][[omega].sub.i] = 1 (Ginevicius et al. 2005, 2008a; Ginevicius and Podvezko 2008b).

The result of multicriteria evaluation is the ranking of strategic alternatives, enabling to form the integrated competitive strategy and estimate the scale [s.sub.j] of each partial strategy chosen, i.e. their relative weights in the structure of the integrated strategy.

The experience of recent research (e.g. Ginevicius and Podvezko 2008b, 2009; Ginevicius et al. 2008a, 2008b; Ginevicius and Zubrecovas 2009; Ginevicius and Krivka 2009a) suggests that the phenomenon under analysis is to be assessed by applying several multicriteria methods seeking for higher reliability of results; moreover, in order to minimize the subjectivity of the specific method, the average ranks are accepted to be the ultimate result. To efficiently combine several multicriteria evaluation methods, it is important to form a "bunch" of correlating methods (Ginevicius and Podvezko 2008a). SAW, TOPSIS and VIKOR methods are selected for the assessment of partial competitive strategies, refusing three other widely applied multicriteria techniques: Sum of Ranks and Geometric Average are rejected because of ignoring weights of criteria (that would distort the results of evaluation); COPRAS is inappropriate because all the criteria are assumed to be maximizing.

SAW method calculates the sum [S.sub.j] of normalized weighted values [[??].sub.ij] of all criteria for each j-th alternative (Ginevicius et al. 2005, 2008a, 2008b; Ginevicius and Podvezko 2008c):

[S.sub.j] = [m.summation over(i=1)][[omega].sub.i][[??].sub.ij]. (1)

TOPSIS indicates the best and the worst solutions with regard to each criteria (Opricovic and Tzeng 2004; Ginevicius et al. 2008a, 2008b; Ginevicius and Podvezko 2006, 2008b, 2009; Ginevicius 2008):



where: [I.sub.1] is a set of maximizing criteria, [I.sub.2] is a set of minimizing criteria, [[??].sub.ij] is a normalized value of -th criterion for j-th object. The distance of each alternative to the best and the worst solutions is calculated:

[D.sup.*.sub.j] = [square root of [m.summation over(i=1)][([[omega].sub.i] [[??].sub.ij] - [V.sup.*.sub.i]).sup.2]], (4)

[D.sup.-.sub.j] = [square root of [m.summation over(i=1)][([[omega].sub.i] [[??].sub.ij] - [V.sup.-.sub.i]).sup.2]], (5)

followed by the TOPSIS criterion, which maximum value corresponds to the best alternative:

[C.sup.*.sub.j] = [D.sup.-.sub.j]/[D.sup.*.sub.j] + [D.sup.-.sub.j] . (6)

VIKOR is based on three evaluation criteria [S.sub.j], [R.sub.j] and [Q.sub.j], calculated by the following formulas (Opricovic and Tzeng 2004; Ginevicius et al. 2008a, 2008b; Ginevicius and Podvezko 2006, 2008b; Ginevicius 2008):

[S.sub.j] = [m.summation over (i=1)][[omega].sub.i] [[??].sub.ij], (7)


[Q.sub.j] = [S.sub.j] - [S.sup.*]/[S.sup.-] - [S.sup.*] + (1-v) [R.sub.j] - [R.sup.*]/[R.sup.-] - [R.sup.*], (9)

where: [[??].sub.ij] is a normalized value of i-th criterion for j-th object, [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is the majority criterion, equalled to 0.5 in empirical research (e.g. Ginevicius et al. 2008a; Ginevicius and Krivka 2009a). The lowest values of [Q.sub.j] indicate the best alternatives.

Where negative values are involved in multicriteria assessment, they are transformed to positive by applying the shifting constant [b.sub.i] to each i-th criterion having at least one negative [r.sub.ij] value (Ginevicius and Cirba 2005; Podvezko 2008):

[[bar.r].sub.ij] = [r.sub.ij] + [b.sub.i]. (10)

For the shifting procedure to have the least possible effect on evaluation results, the minimum values of the shifting constant are considered, calculated as follows:


3. Empirical application of the model

The designed model of forming the integrated competitive strategy is applied to three enterprises operating in different oligopolic markets: enterprise A, enterprise B and enterprise C. The questionnaires, submitted to the enterprises under research, apply for the following data:

1) by the method of direct evaluation to estimate weights of the detailed performance indicators (evaluation criteria);

2) to choose the partial competitive strategies the enterprise intends to implement (potentially beneficial strategic alternatives) from the list of eighteen partial strategies assumed in the model;

3) to estimate the impact of enterprise's internal and external environment on application of each partial strategy chosen (favourable, unfavourable, neutral);

4) to estimate the expected impact of each partial strategy chosen on the detailed performance indicators (positive or negative weak, medium-strength, strong or neutral).

The questionnaires for estimating weights of the performance indicators were additionally submitted to 35 enterprises, acting in oligopolic markets. Five answers were received, making the total number of eight experts to have estimated weights of the evaluation criteria (together with enterprises A, B and C, Table 2).

To test the degree of agreement of expert estimates, the ranks of the evaluation criteria are determined: the most important indicator (having the highest relative weight) in case of each k-th expert (k = 1, ..., r) is granted with rank 1, the second best criterion--with rank 2, etc; while the least important indicator has the rank of m (Table 3). Equivalent indicators have equal ranking--the mean of their consequent rank values (Podvezko 2005).

The coefficient of concordance is applied for testing, calculated by the formula (Podvezko 2005; Ginevicius et al. 2008a, 2008b):

W = 12S/[r.sup.2]m([m.sup.2]-1). (12)

The value S is calculated by summing squared deviations between the sum [c.sub.i] of all r experts' ranks for each i-th criterion (i = 1, ..., m) and the average [bar.c] of sums of ranks, by applying the formula:

S = [m.summation over(i=1)][([c.sub.i] - [bar.c]).sup.2], (13)


[c.sub.i] = [r.summation over(k=1)] [c.sub.ik], (i = 1, ..., m), (14)

[bar.c] = [m.summation over(i=1)][c.sub.i]/m. (15)

The consistency of estimates is tested by [chi square] distribution with v = m -1 degrees of freedom:

[chi square] = Wr (m -1)= 12S/rm(m+1). (16)

In our case [bar.c] = 40, S = 1078 and W = 0.281. Whereas the calculated value of [chi square] = 17.97 is larger than the critical value of [[chi square].sub.cr] = 15.51 (with the significance level of [alpha] = 0.05), expert estimates are considered to be in agreement, while the average weight estimates are employed for multicriteria evaluation of partial competitive strategies.

3.1. Forming the integrated competitive strategy of enterprise A

Enterprise A indicated 10 partial competitive strategies in the questionnaire as intended to be implemented (see Appendix 1)--those are compared (ranked) according to their expected impact on the detailed performance indicators (Table 4). Strong correlation between the results obtained by SAW and other multicriteria methods applied (Table 5) confirms their compatibility, while the ranking of strategic alternatives is derived from the average ranks.

It has to be stressed though, that application of the model is not to provide an unambiguous answer or the only right recipe on the composition of the integrated strategy, for the results of multicriteria assessment require additional analysis and interpretation.

The final decision on business strategy is always the prerogative of the office and chief executive of the enterprise, while application of the model allows providing scientifically grounded, based on calculations proposal on the composition of the integrated competitive strategy, according to:

1) the ranking of partial competitive strategies (ratings of strategic alternatives with regard to their expected impact on performance);

2) the values of SAW criterion [S.sub.j] (quantitative and comparable estimates of strategic alternatives' expected impact on performance).

The integrated competitive strategy of enterprise A is proposed to be composed of six groups of partial competitive strategies (indicated with italic font in Table 4): marketing and promotion strategies (rank 1, [S.sub.j] = 0.258), strategies targeting distribution channels (rank 2, [S.sub.j] = 0.183), strategies targeting market segments (rank 3, [S.sub.j] = 0.130), strategies aimed at creating the contingent of permanent customers (rank 4, [S.sub.j] = 0.113), strategies of developing and maintaining human and managerial resources (rank 5, [S.sub.j] = 0.107), and product development strategies (rank 6, [S.sub.j] = 0.070). The remaining four strategic alternatives, with regard to their ratings (7-10) and the values of criterion [S.sub.j] (between 0.026 and 0.048), are suggested not to be included in the integrated competitive strategy.

SAW method estimates are considered to be the basis for calculating the scales of partial competitive strategies (relative weights in the integrated strategy): with the integrated competitive strategy of enterprise A being composed of six groups of partial strategies, having the most significant impact on performance, the normalised values of criterion [S.sub.j] ([6.summation over(j=1)][[??].sub.j] = 1) enable to quantitatively evaluate the scales of partial strategies and form the structure of enterprise A integrated competitive strategy (Fig. 1).


The structure of the integrated competitive strategy, on one hand, reflects the expected contribution of every detailed strategy to enterprise performance; on the other hand, the shares of partial competitive strategies are considered to be the quantitative indicators for the purpose of setting up long-term goals and choosing the main directions of business strategy of an enterprise, distributing financial, human and other resources for strategic actions to be designed and implemented.

3.2. Forming the integrated competitive strategy of enterprise B

Enterprise B indicated 13 partial competitive strategies in the questionnaire as intended to be implemented (see Appendix 2). The strategies chosen are ranked according to their expected impact on the detailed performance indicators (Table 6), checking the compatibility of the results obtained by the multicriteria methods applied (Table 7).

Correlation analysis discloses the diverging results of VIKOR, with the correlation coefficient (modulus value) with SAW being less than 0.8. Thus, only SAW and TOPSIS methods are considered for ranking the strategic alternatives in case of enterprise B. With regard to the ranking of partial strategies and the values of SAW method criterion [S.sub.j], the integrated competitive strategy of enterprise B is proposed to be composed of nine groups of partial competitive strategies (indicated with italic font in Table 6): strategies targeting market segments (rank 1, [S.sub.j]- = 0.156), response strategies (rank 2-3, [S.sub.j] = 0.131), strategies of developing and maintaining technological resources (rank 2-3, [S.sub.j] = 0.120), marketing and promotion strategies (rank 4, [S.sub.j] = 0.093), strategies targeting suppliers (rank 5, [S.sub.j] = 0.071), strategies of developing and maintaining human and managerial resources (rank 6, [S.sub.j] = 0.095 ), market expansion strategies (rank 7, [S.sub.j] = 0.063), strategies targeting distribution channels (rank 8-9, [S.sub.j] = 0.067), and strategies of developing and maintaining information systems (rank 8-9, [S.sub.j] = 0.062 ). The remaining four strategic alternatives, with regard to their ratings (10-13) and the values of criterion [S.sub.j] (between 0.023 and 0.045), are suggested not to be included in the integrated strategy. The structure of the integrated competitive strategy of enterprise

B is designed by normalising the values of SAW criterion [S.sub.j] ([9.summation over(j=1)] [[??].sub.j] = 1) for nine partial strategies chosen (Fig. 2). j=1

3.3. Forming the integrated competitive strategy of enterprise C

Enterprise C indicated 13 partial competitive strategies in the questionnaire as intended to be implemented (see Appendix 3).

The strategies chosen are ranked according to their expected impact on the detailed performance indicators (Table 8), while the strong correlation between the results obtained (modulus of correlation coefficients exceed 0.8) confirms the compatibility of the multicriteria methods applied (Table 9).

With regard to the ranking of partial strategies and the values of SAW method criterion [S.sub.j], the integrated competitive strategy of enterprise C is proposed to be composed of eight groups of partial competitive strategies (indicated with italic font in Table 8): product development strategies (rank 1, [S.sub.j] = 0.115), strategies targeting distribution channels (rank 2, [S.sub.j] = 0.146), collaboration and cooperation strategies (rank 3, [S.sub.j] = 0.106), strategies of developing and maintaining technological resources (rank 4, [S.sub.j] = 0.112), strategies aimed at gaining and maintaining a good name and reputation of the enterprise (rank 5, [S.sub.j] = 0.086 ), strategies of developing and maintaining human and managerial resources (rank 6, [S.sub.j] = 0.075 ), strategies targeting suppliers (rank 7, [S.sub.j] = 0.074), and marketing and promotion strategies (rank 8, [S.sub.j] = 0.073). The remaining five strategic alternatives, with regard to their ratings (9-13) and the values of criterion [S.sub.j] (between 0.018 and 0.057), are suggested not to be included in the integrated strategy. The structure of the integrated competitive strategy of enterprise C is designed by normalising the values of SAW criterion [S.sub.j] ([8.summation over(j=1)] [[??].sub.j] = 1) for eight partial strategies chosen (Fig. 3).

4. Conclusions

The article proposes scientifically brand new, complex approach to forming competitive strategy, based on the assumption that oligopolic enterprise implements strategic actions of various purposes and directions, treated as composite elements of the integrated competitive strategy, i.e. partial competitive strategies. The strategy of oligopolic enterprise is multiple and complex, therefore it should be divided (decomposed) into partial competitive strategies in order to estimate the impact of certain strategic activities on performance, to make suggestions for business strategy development and modification. The results of the research, presented in the article, are summarised by the following conclusions:

1. According to the model proposed, forming competitive strategy of oligopolic enterprise involves the selection of the strategic alternatives (partial competitive strategies) intended to be implemented, and the comparative assessment of their expected impact on performance indicators in order to identify the most favourable strategic alternatives to comprise the integrated strategy, and to determine their scales (relative weights in the integrated strategy). Multicriteria methods are applied for quantitative assessment, where the partial competitive strategies are the alternatives under evaluation, while the criteria for evaluation are represented by the system of enterprise performance indicators, aimed at the ultimate financial result--profit or loss.

2. The main results of model application are scientifically grounded proposals on forming the competitive strategies of the enterprises under research. However, it is stressed that the decision on selecting the strategic alternatives is the prerogative of the office and chief executive of an enterprise, while the model is considered to be a tool to perform the necessary calculations and generate a well-founded proposal on forming the integrated strategy.

3. The structures of the integrated competitive strategies, designed by applying the model, enable to quantitatively compare the expected efficiency of various strategic alternatives, to indicate the main priorities of enterprise business strategy, to distribute financial, human and other resources for strategic actions to be designed and implemented.

4. The factors, influencing the results of model application, the possibilities to extend the model or apply it more flexibly, together with the niches for further research, are indicated:

4.1. The list of partial strategies to form the integrated competitive strategy is generally based on a wide scope of scientific sources of strategic management and theoretical oligopoly models. However, the model could be flexibly complimented with the specific strategic alternatives, intended to be implemented by the particular enterprise, on condition that newly included partial strategies influence the detailed performance indicators, and thus, could be assessed with regard to the designed system of evaluation criteria.

4.2. Profit-loss analysis was assumed to generate the system of partial strategies' evaluation criteria, where the detailed performance indicators reflect enterprise's residual demand, its revenues from one unit of sales and costs to one litas of sales; moreover, the number of indicators was limited due to practical considerations (for the research questionnaire to be of adequate size). Practical application of the model could involve additional performance indicators, necessary for the assessment of strategic alternatives in case of the particular enterprise, although, it is recommended to keep the whole set of detailed indicators aimed at the ultimate financial result, as the main goal of business owners.

4.3. The scale for assessing the impact of enterprise's environment on application of partial competitive strategies (favourable, unfavourable, neutral) and the impact of partial strategies on performance indicators (measured by points from -3 to 3) could be supplemented with the methodology of applying the scales (e.g. numeric values of the indicators, corresponding to the particular point-values of strategies' impact; the questionnaires for enterprise environment-conduct analysis, enabling to estimate the impact of environment on the certain partial strategy, etc)--this possibility to extend the model is proposed as a niche for further research.

doi: 10.3846/jbem.2010.18

The research questionnaire of enterprise A

                                     Environment impact estimates

Partial competitive                          External
strategies                                 environment

No  Description               favourable   unfavourable     neutral

 1  Market expansion

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting          x
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       x

 5  Product development                                        x

 6  Strategies aimed at                                        x
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting

 8  Strategies targeting          x
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the
    product Strategies of
    developing and

10  maintaining human and                                      x
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                               x
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                               x
    developing and
    maintaining information
    systems Strategies
    aimed at gaining and

13  maintaining a good name                                    x
    and reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies

16  Response strategies                                        x

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                     Environment impact estimates

Partial competitive                          Internal
strategies                                 environment

No  Description               favourable   unfavourable     neutral

 1  Market expansion

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting                                       x
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       x

 5  Product development                                        x

 6  Strategies aimed at           x
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting

 8  Strategies targeting          x
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the
    product Strategies of
    developing and

10  maintaining human and         x
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                                              x
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining information
    systems Strategies
    aimed at gaining and

13  maintaining a good name                     x
    and reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies

16  Response strategies                         x

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                              The number
                               of newly     The number
                              attracted    of customers   Intensity of
                              customers        lost       consumption
Partial competitive
strategies                        1             2              3

No  Description                 0.154         0.121          0.168

 1  Market expansion

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting          3             0              1
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       3             2              2

 5  Product development           3             2              1

 6  Strategies aimed at           0             3              2
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting

 8  Strategies targeting          2             1              1
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the
    product Strategies of
    developing and

10  maintaining human and         2             2              1
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 1             1              0
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 1             1              1
    developing and
    maintaining information
    systems Strategies
    aimed at gaining and

13  maintaining a good name       2             2              0
    and reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies

16  Response strategies           1             2              0

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                               Material    non-material     Flexible
                               value of      value of     pricing and
                               goods or      goods or        price
                               services      services    discrimination
Partial competitive
strategies                        4             5              6

No  Description                 0.073         0.138          0.083

 1  Market expansion

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting          1             3              3
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       0             2              3

 5  Product development           0             1              3

 6  Strategies aimed at           1             2              1
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting

 8  Strategies targeting          1             2              1
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the
    product Strategies of
    developing and

10  maintaining human and         1             2              0
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 1             2              1
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 0             0              3
    developing and
    maintaining information
    systems Strategies
    aimed at gaining and

13  maintaining a good name       0             1              0
    and reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies

16  Response strategies           2             2              1

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                               Costs of    Distribution   General and
                             sales to one  costs to one  administration
                               litas of      litas of     costs to one
                                sales         sales      litas of sales
Partial competitive
strategies                        7             8              9

No  Description                 0.135         0.071          0.059

 1  Market expansion

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting           1             0              0
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion        1            -2              0

 5  Product development            1            -1              0

 6  Strategies aimed at           -1            -1              0
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting

 8  Strategies targeting           0             1             -2
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the
    product Strategies of
    developing and

10  maintaining human and          0             1             -2
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                  1             0             -3
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                  0             1             -3
    developing and
    maintaining information
    systems Strategies
    aimed at gaining and

13  maintaining a good name        0             1             -2
    and reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies

16  Response strategies           -1            -2              0

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies


The research questionnaire of enterprise B

                                     Environment impact estimates

Partial competitive                          External
strategies                                 environment

No  Description               favourable   unfavourable     neutral

 1  Market expansion              x

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting          x
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       x

 5  Product development           x

 6  Strategies aimed at                                        x
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting          x

 8  Strategies targeting          x
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at                                        x
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies                                       x

16  Response strategies           x

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                     Environment impact estimates

Partial competitive                          Internal
strategies                                 environment

No  Description               favourable   unfavourable     neutral

 1  Market expansion                                           x

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting          x
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion                                    x

 5  Product development                                        x

 6  Strategies aimed at                         x
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting          x

 8  Strategies targeting                                       x
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at                                        x
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies                                       x

16  Response strategies           x

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                              The number
                               of newly     The number
                              attracted    of customers   Intensity of
                              customers        lost       consumption
Partial competitive
strategies                        1             2              3

No  Description                 0.154         0.121          0.168

 1  Market expansion              2             0              2

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting          3             0              2
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       3             0              2

 5  Product development           1             0              1

 6  Strategies aimed at           2             2              2
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting          1             0              0

 8  Strategies targeting          2             0              1
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                 1             0              0
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 2             0              1
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 2             0              0
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at           2             0              0
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies          1             1              1

16  Response strategies           2             1              1

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                               Material    non-material     Flexible
                               value of      value of     pricing and
                               goods or      goods or        price
                               services      services    discrimination
Partial competitive
strategies                        4             5              6

No  Description                 0.073         0.138          0.083

 1  Market expansion               1             1             0

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting           2             2             2
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion        2             3             1

 5  Product development            1             1             1

 6  Strategies aimed at            0             0             1
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting           0             0             1

 8  Strategies targeting           1             1             1
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                  0             0             0
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                  1             2             1
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                  0             0             0
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at            0             1             1
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies          -1            -1             0

16  Response strategies            0             0             0

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                               Costs of    Distribution   General and
                             sales to one  costs to one  administration
                               litas of      litas of     costs to one
                                sales         sales      litas of sales

Partial competitive
strategies                        7             8              9

No  Description                 0.135         0.071          0.059

 1  Market expansion               1             0             0

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting           0             0             0
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion        1             0             0

 5  Product development            0             0             0

 6  Strategies aimed at            0             0             0
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting           2             0             0

 8  Strategies targeting           1             1             0
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                  0             1             2
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                  1             0             0
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                  0             2             0
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at            0             0             0
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies          -1             1             0

16  Response strategies           -1            -1             0

17  Collaboration and
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies


The research questionnaire of enterprise C

                                     Environment impact estimates

Partial competitive                          External
strategies                                 environment

No  Description               favourable   unfavourable     neutral

 1  Market expansion              x

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       x

 5  Product development           x

 6  Strategies aimed at           x
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting          x

 8  Strategies targeting          x
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at           x
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies          x

16  Response strategies           x

17  Collaboration and             x
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                     Environment impact estimates

Partial competitive                          Internal
strategies                                 environment

No  Description               favourable   unfavourable     neutral

 1  Market expansion                            x

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       x

 5  Product development           x

 6  Strategies aimed at                         x
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting          x

 8  Strategies targeting          x
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 x
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at           x
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies          x

16  Response strategies           x

17  Collaboration and             x
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                              The number
                               of newly     The number
                              attracted    of customers   Intensity of
                              customers        lost       consumption
Partial competitive
strategies                        1             2              3

No  Description                 0.154         0.121          0.168

 1  Market expansion              3             2              2

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       1             2              1

 5  Product development           2             2              2

 6  Strategies aimed at           2             3              3
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting          1             1              1

 8  Strategies targeting          3             2              1
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                 2             2              2
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 3             3              3
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 1             2              1
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at           2             2              2
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies          1             3              1

16  Response strategies           1             2              1

17  Collaboration and             2             2              2
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                               Material    non-material     Flexible
                               value of      value of     pricing and
                               goods or      goods or        price
                               services      services    discrimination
Partial competitive
strategies                        4             5              6

No  Description                 0.073         0.138          0.083

 1  Market expansion              2             2              -3

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       1             3               2

 5  Product development           3             2               2

 6  Strategies aimed at           3             2               2
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting          2             1               2

 8  Strategies targeting          2             1               2
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                 0             2               2
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 3             3               1
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 0             1              -1
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at           1             3               1
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies          1             1               1

16  Response strategies           1             1               1

17  Collaboration and             2             2               2
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

                                    Criteria for assessing partial
                                        competitive strategies
                                (description, number, average weight)

                               Costs of    Distribution   General and
                             sales to one  costs to one  administration
                               litas of      litas of     costs to one
                                sales         sales      litas of sales
Partial competitive
strategies                        7             8              9

No  Description                 0.135         0.071          0.059

 1  Market expansion              -2            -3             -1

 2  Entrance deterrence

 3  Strategies targeting
    market segments

 4  Marketing and promotion       -1             1             -1

 5  Product development            2             2              0

 6  Strategies aimed at            2             1             -1
    creating the contingent
    of permanent customers

 7  Strategies targeting           2             0              0

 8  Strategies targeting           3             2              3
    distribution channels

 9  Strategies targeting
    complements of the

10  Strategies of                 -1            -1             -1
    developing and
    maintaining human and
    managerial resources

11  Strategies of                 -2             0             -1
    developing and
    technological resources

12  Strategies of                 -2             1             -2
    developing and
    maintaining information

13  Strategies aimed at           -1             1             -1
    gaining and maintaining
    a good name and
    reputation of the

14  Offensive strategies

15  Defensive strategies          -2            -1             -1

16  Response strategies           -2            -1             -1

17  Collaboration and              2             1             -1
    cooperation strategies

18  Follower strategies

Received 20 August 2009; accepted 15 June 2010


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Romualdas Ginevicius (1), Algirdas Krivka (2), Jolita Simkunaite (3)

(1,2,3) Department of Economics and Management of Enterprises, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

E-mails: (1) [email protected]; (2) [email protected]; (3) [email protected]

Romualdas GINEVICIUS. Professor, Dr Habil, Head of the Department of Enterprise Economics and Management, construction engineer and economist. The author of more than 350 research papers and over 20 scientific books; editor-in-chief of the "Journal of Business Economics and Management" (located in ISI database "Web of Science") and the journal "Business: Theory and Practice". Research interests: organization theory, complex quantitative evaluation of social processes and phenomena.

Algirdas KRIVKA. PhD student at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), Department of Economics and Management of Enterprises. Research interests: market structures, oligopoly, competitive strategies.

Jolita SIMKUNAITE. Head of the department of Quality Management, Master of Business Management. Research interests: market concentration, quality management, organization theory.
Table 1. The scheme table of multicriteria evaluation of partial
competitive strategies

                                             Environment impact

Partial competitive strategies                   environment

No   Description                       favourable       unfavourable

 1   Market expansion strategies

 2   Entrance deterrence

 3   Strategies targeting market

 4   Marketing and promotion

 5   Product development

 6   Strategies aimed at creating
     the contingent of permanent

 7   Strategies targeting

 8   Strategies targeting
     distribution channels

 9   Strategies targeting
     complements of the product

10   Strategies of developing
     and maintaining human and
     managerial resources

11   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining technological

12   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining information

13   Strategies aimed at gaining
     and maintaining a good name
     and reputation of the

14   Offensive strategies

15   Defensive strategies

16   Response strategies

17   Collaboration and cooperation

18   Follower strategies

                                             Environment impact

                                        External          Internal
Partial competitive strategies         environment       environment

No   Description                         neutral         favourable

 1   Market expansion strategies

 2   Entrance deterrence

 3   Strategies targeting market

 4   Marketing and promotion

 5   Product development

 6   Strategies aimed at creating
     the contingent of permanent

 7   Strategies targeting

 8   Strategies targeting
     distribution channels

 9   Strategies targeting
     complements of the product

10   Strategies of developing
     and maintaining human and
     managerial resources

11   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining technological

12   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining information

13   Strategies aimed at gaining
     and maintaining a good name
     and reputation of the

14   Offensive strategies

15   Defensive strategies

16   Response strategies

17   Collaboration and cooperation

18   Follower strategies

                                             Environment impact

Partial competitive strategies                   environment

No   Description                      unfavourable         neutral

 1   Market expansion strategies

 2   Entrance deterrence

 3   Strategies targeting market

 4   Marketing and promotion

 5   Product development

 6   Strategies aimed at creating
     the contingent of permanent

 7   Strategies targeting

 8   Strategies targeting
     distribution channels

 9   Strategies targeting
     complements of the product

10   Strategies of developing
     and maintaining human and
     managerial resources

11   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining technological

12   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining information

13   Strategies aimed at gaining
     and maintaining a good name
     and reputation of the

14   Offensive strategies

15   Defensive strategies

16   Response strategies

17   Collaboration and cooperation

18   Follower strategies

                                       Criteria for assessing partial
                                           competitive strategies
                                        (description, number, weight)

                                      The number of
                                     newly attracted    The number of
                                        customers      customers lost

Partial competitive strategies              1                 2

No   Description                     [[omega].sub.1]   [[omega].sub.2]

 1   Market expansion strategies       [r.sub.1,1]

 2   Entrance deterrence               [r.sub.1,2]           ...

 3   Strategies targeting market           ...

 4   Marketing and promotion               ...

 5   Product development                   ...

 6   Strategies aimed at creating          ...
     the contingent of permanent

 7   Strategies targeting                  ...

 8   Strategies targeting                  ...
     distribution channels

 9   Strategies targeting              [r.sub.1,j]           ...
     complements of the product

10   Strategies of developing              ...
     and maintaining human and
     managerial resources

11   Strategies of developing and          ...
     maintaining technological

12   Strategies of developing and          ...
     maintaining information

13   Strategies aimed at gaining           ...
     and maintaining a good name
     and reputation of the

14   Offensive strategies                  ...

15   Defensive strategies                  ...

16   Response strategies                   ...

17   Collaboration and cooperation    [r.sub.1,17]           ...

18   Follower strategies              [r.sub.1,18]      [r.sub.2,18]

                                       Criteria for assessing partial
                                           competitive strategies
                                        (description, number, weight)

                                                       Material value
                                      Intensity of       of goods or
                                       consumption        services

Partial competitive strategies              3                 4

No   Description                     [[omega].sub.3]   [[omega].sub.4]

 1   Market expansion strategies           ...               ...

 2   Entrance deterrence

 3   Strategies targeting market

 4   Marketing and promotion

 5   Product development

 6   Strategies aimed at creating
     the contingent of permanent

 7   Strategies targeting

 8   Strategies targeting
     distribution channels

 9   Strategies targeting                  ...               ...
     complements of the product

10   Strategies of developing
     and maintaining human and
     managerial resources

11   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining technological

12   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining information

13   Strategies aimed at gaining
     and maintaining a good name
     and reputation of the

14   Offensive strategies

15   Defensive strategies

16   Response strategies

17   Collaboration and cooperation

18   Follower strategies                   ...               ...

                                       Criteria for assessing partial
                                           competitive strategies
                                        (description, number, weight)

                                        realised          Flexible
                                      non-material         pricing
                                     value of goods       and price
                                       or services     discrimination

Partial competitive strategies              5                 6

No   Description                     [[omega].sub.5]   [[omega].sub.6]

 1   Market expansion strategies       [r.sub.i,1]           ...

 2   Entrance deterrence                   ...

 3   Strategies targeting market           ...

 4   Marketing and promotion               ...

 5   Product development                   ...

 6   Strategies aimed at creating          ...
     the contingent of permanent

 7   Strategies targeting                  ...

 8   Strategies targeting                  ...
     distribution channels

 9   Strategies targeting              [r.sub.ij]            ...
     complements of the product

10   Strategies of developing              ...
     and maintaining human and
     managerial resources

11   Strategies of developing and          ...
     maintaining technological

12   Strategies of developing and          ...
     maintaining information

13   Strategies aimed at gaining           ...
     and maintaining a good name
     and reputation of the

14   Offensive strategies                  ...

15   Defensive strategies                  ...

16   Response strategies                   ...

17   Collaboration and cooperation         ...

18   Follower strategies              [r.sub.i,18]           ...

                                       Criteria for assessing partial
                                           competitive strategies
                                        (description, number, weight)

                                     Costs of sales    Distribution of
                                      to one litas      costs to one
                                        of sales       litas of sales

Partial competitive strategies              7                 8

No   Description                     [[omega].sub.7]   [[omega].sub.8]

 1   Market expansion strategies           ...           [r.sub.8,1]

 2   Entrance deterrence                                     ...

 3   Strategies targeting market

 4   Marketing and promotion

 5   Product development

 6   Strategies aimed at creating
     the contingent of permanent

 7   Strategies targeting

 8   Strategies targeting
     distribution channels

 9   Strategies targeting                  ...               ...
     complements of the product

10   Strategies of developing
     and maintaining human and
     managerial resources

11   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining technological

12   Strategies of developing and
     maintaining information

13   Strategies aimed at gaining
     and maintaining a good name
     and reputation of the

14   Offensive strategies

15   Defensive strategies

16   Response strategies

17   Collaboration and cooperation                           ...

18   Follower strategies                   ...          [r.sub.8,18]

                                      Criteria for
                                     number, weight)
                                                        The scale of
                                       General and       the partial
                                     administration      competitive
                                      costs to one        strategy
                                     litas of sales       (relative
                                                        weight in the
Partial competitive strategies              9           structure of
                                                       the integrated
No   Description                     [[omega].sub.9]      strategy

 1   Market expansion strategies       [r.sub.9,1]        [s.sub.1]

 2   Entrance deterrence               [r.sub.9,2]        [s.sub.2]

 3   Strategies targeting market           ...               ...

 4   Marketing and promotion               ...               ...

 5   Product development                   ...               ...

 6   Strategies aimed at creating          ...               ...
     the contingent of permanent

 7   Strategies targeting                  ...               ...

 8   Strategies targeting                  ...               ...
     distribution channels

 9   Strategies targeting              [r.sub.9,j]        [s.sub.j]
     complements of the product

10   Strategies of developing              ...               ...
     and maintaining human and
     managerial resources

11   Strategies of developing and          ...               ...
     maintaining technological

12   Strategies of developing and          ...               ...
     maintaining information

13   Strategies aimed at gaining           ...               ...
     and maintaining a good name
     and reputation of the

14   Offensive strategies                  ...               ...

15   Defensive strategies                  ...               ...

16   Response strategies                   ...               ...

17   Collaboration and cooperation    [r.sub.9,17]       [s.sub.17]

18   Follower strategies              [r.sub.9,18]       [s.sub.18]

Table 2. Expert estimates of evaluation criteria weights

Evaluation criteria                               Experts and their
(performance indicators)                              estimates

No   Description                                 1      2        3

1    The number of newly attracted customers    0.08   0.20     0.10

2    The number of customers lost               0.08   0.30     0.10

3    Intensity of consumption                   0.14   0.20     0.15

4    Material value of goods or services        0.09   0.02     0.02

5    Consumer-realised non-material value of    0.24   0.02     0.25
     goods or services

6    Flexible pricing and price                 0.09   0.02     0.15

7    Costs of sales to one litas of sales       0.18   0.14     0.12

8    Distribution costs to one litas of sales   0.06   0.05     0.08

9    General and administration costs to one    0.04   0.05     0.03
     litas of sales

Totals                                          1.00   1.00     1.00

Evaluation criteria                               Experts and their
(performance indicators)                              estimates

No   Description                                 4      5        6

1    The number of newly attracted customers    0.10   0.20     0.10

2    The number of customers lost               0.05   0.15     0.08

3    Intensity of consumption                   0.20   0.15     0.25

4    Material value of goods or services        0.10   0.09     0.06

5    Consumer-realised non-material value of    0.10   0.11     0.13
     goods or services

6    Flexible pricing and price                 0.05   0.07     0.15

7    Costs of sales to one litas of sales       0.20   0.09     0.05

8    Distribution costs to one litas of sales   0.10   0.08     0.08

9    General and administration costs to one    0.10   0.06     0.10
     litas of sales

Totals                                          1.00   1.00     1.00

Evaluation criteria                               Experts and their
(performance indicators)                              estimates

No   Description                                 7      8     Averages

1    The number of newly attracted customers    0.30   0.15    0.154

2    The number of customers lost               0.01   0.20    0.121

3    Intensity of consumption                   0.20   0.05    0.168

4    Material value of goods or services        0.10   0.10    0.073

5    Consumer-realised non-material value of    0.10   0.15    0.138
     goods or services

6    Flexible pricing and price                 0.03   0.10    0.083

7    Costs of sales to one litas of sales       0.20   0.10    0.135

8    Distribution costs to one litas of sales   0.02   0.10    0.071

9    General and administration costs to one    0.04   0.05    0.059
     litas of sales

Totals                                          1.00   1.00    1.000

Table 3. Ranks of expert estimates of evaluation criteria weights

                     Ranks of expert estimates
                                                           Sum of
Criteria    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8    ranks

1          6.5   2.5   5.5    5     1    4.5    1    2.5    28.5
2          6.5    1    5.5   8.5   2.5   6.5    9     1     40.5
3           3    2.5   2.5   1.5   2.5    1    2.5   8.5      24
4          4.5    8     9     5    5.5    8    4.5   5.5      50
5           1     8     1     5     4     3    4.5   2.5      29
6          4.5    8    2.5   8.5    8     2     7    5.5      46
7           2     4     4    1.5   5.5    9    2.5   5.5      34
8           8    5.5    7     5     7    6.5    8    5.5    52.5
9           9    5.5    8     5     9    4.5    6    8.5    55.5

Totals     45    45    45    45    45    45    45    45      360

Table 4. The results of multicriteria evaluation of "Partial
competitive strategies", enterprise A

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [S.sub.j]       R

 1   Strategies targeting market segments          0.130         3

 2   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.258         1

 3   Product development strategies                0.070         6

 4   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.113         4
     contingent of permanent customers

 5   Strategies targeting distribution             0.183         2

 6   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.107         5
     human and managerial resources

 7   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.033         8
     technological resources

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.048         7
     information systems

 9   Strategies aimed at gaining and               0.032         9
     maintaining a good name and reputation
     of the enterprise

10   Response strategies                           0.026        10

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [C.sub.j]       R

 1   Strategies targeting market segments          0.437         3

 2   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.802         1

 3   Product development strategies                0.260         6

 4   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.395         4
     contingent of permanent customers

 5   Strategies targeting distribution             0.577         2

 6   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.359         5
     human and managerial resources

 7   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.165         8
     technological resources

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.187         7
     information systems

 9   Strategies aimed at gaining and               0.153         9
     maintaining a good name and reputation
     of the enterprise

10   Response strategies                           0.116        10

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [Q.sub.j]       R

 1   Strategies targeting market segments          0.542         3

 2   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.000         1

 3   Product development strategies                0.785         6

 4   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.734         5
     contingent of permanent customers

 5   Strategies targeting distribution             0.244         2

 6   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.593         4
     human and managerial resources

 7   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.989         9
     technological resources

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.845         7
     information systems

 9   Strategies aimed at gaining and               0.986         8
     maintaining a good name and reputation
     of the enterprise

10   Response strategies                           1.000        10

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


                                                  Sum of     Ultimate
No   Partial competitive strategies                ranks       ranks

 1   Strategies targeting market segments            9           3

 2   Marketing and promotion strategies              3           1

 3   Product development strategies                 18           6

 4   Strategies aimed at creating the               13           4
     contingent of permanent customers

 5   Strategies targeting distribution               6           2

 6   Strategies of developing and maintaining       14           5
     human and managerial resources

 7   Strategies of developing and maintaining       25           8
     technological resources

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining       21           7
     information systems

 9   Strategies aimed at gaining and                26           9
     maintaining a good name and reputation
     of the enterprise

10   Response strategies                            30          10

Table 5. Correlation of the results of
multicriteria evaluation, enterprise A

        TOPSIS     VIKOR

SAW     0.999      -0.987

Table 6. The results of multicriteria evaluation of partial
competitive strategies, enterprise B

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [S.sub.j]       R

 1   Market expansion strategies                   0.063         8

 2   Strategies targeting market segments          0.156         1

 3   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.093         5

 4   Product development strategies                0.045        10

 5   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.041        11
     contingent of permanent customers

 6   Strategies targeting suppliers                0.071         6

 7   Strategies targeting distribution             0.067         7

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.095         4
     human and managerial resources

 9   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.120         3
     technological resources

10   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.062         9
     information systems

11   Strategies aimed at gaining and               0.023        13
     maintaining a good name and reputation
     of the enterprise

12   Defensive strategies                          0.033        12

13   Response strategies                           0.131         2

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [C.sub.j]       R

 1   Market expansion strategies                   0.279         6

 2   Strategies targeting market segments          0.516         1

 3   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.362         4

 4   Product development strategies                0.179        10

 5   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.138        11
     contingent of permanent customers

 6   Strategies targeting suppliers                0.344         5

 7   Strategies targeting distribution             0.239         9

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.244         8
     human and managerial resources

 9   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.440         2
     technological resources

10   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.266         7
     information systems

11   Strategies aimed at gaining and               0.093        13
     maintaining a good name and reputation
     of the enterprise

12   Defensive strategies                          0.126        12

13   Response strategies                           0.439         3

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [Q.sub.j]       R

 1   Market expansion strategies                   0.341         5

 2   Strategies targeting market segments          0.000         1

 3   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.231         3

 4   Product development strategies                0.611         7

 5   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.821         8
     contingent of permanent customers

 6   Strategies targeting suppliers                0.840         9

 7   Strategies targeting distribution             0.392         6

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.900        12
     human and managerial resources

 9   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.135         2
     technological resources

10   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.872        11
     information systems

11   Strategies aimed at gaining and               0.984        13
     maintaining a good name and reputation
     of the enterprise

12   Defensive strategies                          0.851        10

13   Response strategies                           0.285         4

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)

                                                    (SAW and TOPSIS)

                                                  Sum of     Ultimate
No   Partial competitive strategies                ranks       ranks

 1   Market expansion strategies                    14           7

 2   Strategies targeting market segments            2           1

 3   Marketing and promotion strategies              9           4

 4   Product development strategies                 20          10

 5   Strategies aimed at creating the               22          11
     contingent of permanent customers

 6   Strategies targeting suppliers                 11           5

 7   Strategies targeting distribution              16          8-9

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining       12           6
     human and managerial resources

 9   Strategies of developing and maintaining        5          2-3
     technological resources

10   Strategies of developing and maintaining       16          8-9
     information systems

11   Strategies aimed at gaining and                26          13
     maintaining a good name and reputation
     of the enterprise

12   Defensive strategies                           24          12

13   Response strategies                             5          2-3

Table 7. Correlation of the results of
multicriteria evaluation, enterprise B

        TOPSIS     VIKOR

SAW     0.946      -0.763

Table 8. The results of multicriteria evaluation of partial
competitive strategies, enterprise C

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [S.sub.j]       R

 1   Market expansion strategies                   0.018        13

 2   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.073         8

 3   Product development strategies                0.115         2

 4   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.038        12
     contingent of permanent customers

 5   Strategies targeting suppliers                0.074         7

 6   Strategies targeting distribution             0.146         1

 7   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.075         6
     human and managerial resources

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.112         3
     technological resources

 9   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.048        11
     information systems

10   Strategies aimed at gaining and
     maintaining a good name and reputation        0.086         5
     of the enterprise

11   Defensive strategies                          0.057         9

12   Response strategies                           0.052        10

13   Collaboration and cooperation strategies      0.106         4

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [C.sub.j]       R

 1   Market expansion strategies                   0.051        13

 2   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.372         8

 3   Product development strategies                0.593         2

 4   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.184        12
     contingent of permanent customers

 5   Strategies targeting suppliers                0.396         7

 6   Strategies targeting distribution             0.637         1

 7   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.410         6
     human and managerial resources

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.567         4
     technological resources

 9   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.236        11
     information systems

10   Strategies aimed at gaining and
     maintaining a good name and reputation        0.459         5
     of the enterprise

11   Defensive strategies                          0.291         9

12   Response strategies                           0.241        10

13   Collaboration and cooperation strategies      0.567         3

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


No   Partial competitive strategies              [Q.sub.j]       R

 1   Market expansion strategies                   1.000        13

 2   Marketing and promotion strategies            0.540         7

 3   Product development strategies                0.047         1

 4   Strategies aimed at creating the              0.847        12
     contingent of permanent customers

 5   Strategies targeting suppliers                0.596         8

 6   Strategies targeting distribution             0.375         4

 7   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.446         6
     human and managerial resources

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.266         3
     technological resources

 9   Strategies of developing and maintaining      0.680        11
     information systems

10   Strategies aimed at gaining and
     maintaining a good name and reputation        0.392         5
     of the enterprise

11   Defensive strategies                          0.625         9

12   Response strategies                           0.659        10

13   Collaboration and cooperation strategies      0.083         2

                                                     The results of
                                                    (method, estimate
                                                     values, ranks)


                                                  Sum of     Ultimate
No   Partial competitive strategies                ranks       ranks

 1   Market expansion strategies                    39          13

 2   Marketing and promotion strategies             23           8

 3   Product development strategies                  5           1

 4   Strategies aimed at creating the               36          12
     contingent of permanent customers

 5   Strategies targeting suppliers                 22           7

 6   Strategies targeting distribution               6           2

 7   Strategies of developing and maintaining       18           6
     human and managerial resources

 8   Strategies of developing and maintaining       10           4
     technological resources

 9   Strategies of developing and maintaining       33          11
     information systems

10   Strategies aimed at gaining and
     maintaining a good name and reputation         15           5
     of the enterprise

11   Defensive strategies                           27           9

12   Response strategies                            30          10

13   Collaboration and cooperation strategies        9           3

Table 9. Correlation of the results of
multicriteria evaluation, enterprise C

        TOPSIS     VIKOR

SAW     0.980      -0.863

Fig. 1. The structure of the integrated competitive strategy of
enterprise A

Human and managerial resources strategies       12.4%
Marketing and promotion strategies              30.0%
Strategies targeting market segments            15.1%
Product development strategies                   8.2%
Permanent customers contingent strategies       13.1%
Strategies targeting distribution               21.2%

Note: Table made from pie chart.

Fig. 2. The structure of the integrated competitive strategy of
enterprise B

Market expansion strategies                      7.3%
Strategies targeting market segments            18.2%
Marketing and promotion strategies              10.8%
Strategies targeting suppliers                   8.3%
Strategies targeting distribution                7.8%
Technological resources strategies              14.0%
Human and managerial resources strategies       11.1%
Information systems strategies                   7.2%
Response strategies                            15.32%

Note: Table made from pie chart.

Fig. 3. The structure of the integrated competitive strategy of
enterprise C

Marketing and promotion strategies               9.3%
Product development strategies                  14.6%
Strategies targeting suppliers                   9.4%
Strategies targeting distribution               18.5%
Technological resources strategies              14.2%
Human and managerial resources strategies        9.5%
Good name and reputation strategies             11.0%
Collaboration and cooperation strategies        13.5%

Note: Table made from pie chart.