Copras based comparative analysis of the European country management capabilities within the construction sector in the time of crisis/Europos valstybiu gebejimo valdyti statybos sektoriu krizes laikotarpiu palyginamoji analize taikant copras metoda.
Kildiene, Simona ; Kaklauskas, Arturas ; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras 等
1. Introduction
Strategically important construction sector includes designing of
buildings, formation of the infrastructure connecting the whole economic
sectors. This sector is named as the most important employer, it makes
the great contribution to the common capital of European countries.
Construction is one of the biggest industries in Europe it takes 10
percents of GDP and requires 50.5 percents of the capital investment.
The construction sector employes over 12 millions of European citizens
and involves 26 millions to the particular sphere of the construction
industry DKM Economic Consultants (2010).
In comparison with other economic sectors the construction
importance depends on the different factors. According to Kaklauskas et
al. (2011) construction efficiency at most depends on certain number of
variables at macro level and micro level. The costs of the ground area,
design process, construction process, business competition, efficiency
level of enterprises etc. are possibly at micro level. At macro level
economic, politic, legal, technological, cultural and natural
environments have an impact on the construction. Thus, construction
sector depends on the set global and local factors which cause certain
swings in the economic activity both in construction and other
industrial branches.
You can notice that the relationship between construction section
and economy was studied by lots of scientists (Giang and Pheng 2010;
Pellicer et al. 2009; Khan 2008; Wigrena and Wilhelmsson 2007; Chiang et
al. 2006; You and Zi 2007). For example, Pellicer et al. (2009) analyzed
the effect of decay on the construction sector in terms of
macroeconomics. Authors used regression model for study and forecast of
the situation in construction sector. Chiang et al. (2006) used the
tables of the model "input-output (i-o)" for study of the
construction sector in macroeconomics terms. This model is efficient
instrument for determination of effect of macroeconomic factors on the
construction and construction forecasting. Giang and Pheng (2010)
carried out theoretical study of construction role on the economy in
accordance with three scenario: (a) Infrastructure is adequate for
economic growth when the infrastructure is built ahead, then the
business activities of other goods and services that the infrastructure
helps create come into place; (b) Infrastructure becomes excessive when
the infrastructure is constructed ahead as planned, but then an
unexpected economic downturn occurs; and (c) Infrastructure is
inadequate to support economic growth when there is an unexpected
economic upturn. Khan et al. (2008) analyzed the relation between
construction sector and GDP (gross domestic product) in 1950-2005. In
Pakistan Granger causality test is used (Granger and Newbold 1974). To
calculate the reliability of relations and results the Unit Root tests
based on time series and Co-integration test were applied. Economic time
series--is sequential array of the values of economic variables. Weekly,
monthly, annual indexes of productions, costs, income, population size,
labour power, gross domestic product (GDP) are examples of economic time
series. Obtained results of the investigations show that there is a
strong causal relation between economy and construction sector. Two
types of econometric models (cointegration and error correction) were
applied by Wigren and Wilhelmsson for investigations of construction
market in the Western Europe (2007). After analyzing criteria
characterized the construction sector of fourteen countries of the
Western Europe it was concluded that investments in residential and
non-residential building construction or in construction of other
buildings have both direct and indirect impacts on economic growth.
These investigations also detected that there is a strong relationship
between infrastructure and economic productivity, particularly
residential building construction has a long-term effect on the economic
growth. You and Zi (2007) analyzed the construction industry development
in Korea (in 1996-2000) for various periods of the crisis using the
method of data environment analysis (DEA). By this method some important
factors which delay efficiently of construction enterprises in crisis
period were determined. The European construction sector at micro level
was investigated by Proverbs and Holf (2000), Proverbs et al. (1999).
Chateau (2007), Mymrin and Correa (2007), Knoepfel (1992) and other
wrote about the market of construction products in Europe.
The European construction market is non-homogenous. The current
situation of each member state and perspectives depend on state position
taking into account needs, demographic trends, and main economic
principles etc. Economic environment in the country affects directly on
business. Economic environment is determined by the tax and financial
resources policy, capital flow, investment environment, loaning and rate
of interest implemented by state bodies. The situation depends also on
when corrections of immovable property market were performed and
economic openness of individual country for the impact of the financial
and economic crisis. And finally it depends on what long-term measures
of recovery will be selected and how successfully they will affect on
the construction sector (Kaklauskas et al. 2010a). Certain industry
branches are characterized by cyclical swing covered changes of
production, work, and sales number. Among these branches there are such
sectors as construction, steel industry, and aero industry. The ordinary
swings of construction product values reach about 20 percent. It was
noticed that cyclical swings in construction industry which appear as
"booms" and recession are recurred (Kaklauskas et al. 2011).
Clear and reliable access to statistic data is very important while
performing the monitoring of construction sector market. In this
document collected data characterize the construction sector market of
23 European states in 2009. The data obtained from Eurostat (2010) and
European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (2010) database
demonstrate percent change of construction indexes in comparison with
ones in 2008. The data describe six criteria affecting the market of the
construction sector: GDP change, index of growth rate of buildings and
all construction products, number of issued construction permits for new
residential buildings, price index change for civil engineering
products, price index change for new residential building construction,
total employment in construction sector. 23 European countries, for
which specific indexes were found, were selected for evaluation.
2. Determination of important entropy-based criteria
For achievement of the goal specified in this article, first of all
the calculations were performed in order to determine criteria
importance by entropy method. The initiator of the method (Shannon 1948)
gave the following numerical expression of entropy method (1) (quantity
of information in dataset):
S = 1/N [summation over (j)] [x.sub.j] ln([x.sub.j]), (1)
here S - entropy matrix, N - number of criteria, [x.sub.j] -
criteria value, j - criteria change limits (j = 1 ... n).
This method was applied for deciding construction issues (Zavadskas
1987) also in other fields (Liu and Zhang 2011; Mamtani et al. 2006; Li
2009; Ye 2010; Taheriyoun et al. 2010; Hsieh et al. 2010). The algorithm
block diagram for entropy method is presented on Figure 1.
In this case the importance of indices is determined. Their
importance demonstrantes what criteria are the most important in
comprising with other criteria. For determining criteria importance, the
indices are transformed in such a manner that maximum value of each
criteria would be the best. While preparing initial data for
multi-criteria evaluation by the alternative decision, first of all the
list of criteria is made out. These criteria have an impact on the
results of the most effective decision. Further in the article the
following criteria will be analyzed:
* Growth rate of GDP volume
* Volume indices of production in all building and construction
growth rates
* Index of building permits--number of dwellings, new residential
* Index of production, civil engineering, growth rates
* Index of construction costs, new residential buildings
* Total Employment in construction sector
Initial criteria for evaluation of 23 European countries and data
are presented in the Table 1.
The values of analyzing criteria for each country are transformed
by formula (2), thus the initial matrix without negative values are
[x.sub.ij] = 100 + [x.sub.ij] */100, (2)
here [x*.sub.ij]--criteria values with negative values,
[x.sub.ij]--criteria values without negative values
Data obtained by formula (2) are given in the Table 2.
Further the normalization of the initial matrix (table 2) was
performed applying formula (3) and (4):
The every element of decision matrix is divisible by sum of
components from the column where it is located. Thus obtained matrix
While transferring decision matrix the indices are determined by
formula (5):
[P.sub.ij] = [x.sub.ij]/[m.summation over (i=1)][x.sub.ij], ([for
all]ij,i = [bar.1,m]; j = [bar.1,n]), (5)
here [p.sub.ij]-matrix indices, [x.sub.ij]-criteria values.
Criteria obtained by formula (2) are divisible by criteria sum of
each column and the final criteria matrix is obtained [bar.P].
The determination of entropy level for each criteria [E.sub.j]:
Ej = -k[m.summation over (i=1)] [p.sub.ij] ln [p.sub.ij], (i =
[bar.1, m]; j = [bar.1, n]), (6)
here k = 1:ln m.
As is known, entropy index varies [1,0] by interval, so
0 [is less than or equal to] [E.sub.j] [is less than or equal to]
1, (j = [bar.1,n]), (7)
j-index change level in current tasks is determined:
[d.sub.j] = 1 - [E.sub.j], (j = [bar.1,n]). (8)
If all criteria are equally important i.e. there are no subjective
or expert evaluations of their values, criteria importance is determined
by formula:
[q.sub.ij] = [d.sub.j]/[n.summation over (j=1)][d.sub.j], (j =
[bar.1,n]), (9)
After determination of criteria importance the priority order for
considered criteria can be specified:
1. Volume indices of production in all building and construction
growth rates.
2. Index of building permits--number of dwellings, new residential
3. Total Employment in construction sector.
4. Index of production, civil engineering.
5. Index of construction costs, new residential buildings.
6. Growth rate of GDP volume.
In order to evaluate the priority of each European country
according to these criteria, COPRAS method is applied.
3. The determination of priority and importance of considered
alternatives by COPRAS method
In 1996 COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment) method was created
(Zavadskas and Kaklauskas 1996). In Lithuania this method is applied in
construction, economy, immovable property and management. Zavadskas et
al. (2010) evaluates the risks in construction projects in one of
articles. The evaluation is based on different multipurpose evaluation
methods. Risks evaluation indices are selected taking into account
interests, purposes and factors of countries which affect on the
construction process efficiency and immovable property price increase.
For describing and considering task model, TOPSIS grey and COPRAS-G
methods are applied. In another article, using COPRAS, Zavadskas et al.
(2009a) carried out the comparative analysis of the fifteen housing
enterprises according to 44 criteria taking into account needs of
building owners. Kaklauskas et al. (2006) performed significant
investigation for Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in order to
find the best contractors for the window replacement in the central
building. The contractors the best corresponding with the needs of the
University were selected from many criteria (heat conductivity, light
transmission, lifetime, sound conductivity etc.). Also Kaklauskas et al.
(2010b) performed complex analysis of Intelligent Built Environment and
evaluated more than 50 criteria of described alternatives for which
analysis and reception of results was used COPRAS method. The
significant investigations in immovable property were performed by
Kanapeckiene et al. (2010), Sliogeriene et al. (2009), Tupenaite et al.
(2010) using COPRAS method.
Chatterjee et al. (2011), Karbassi et al. (2008), Mazumdar et al.
(2010), Hofer (2009) carried out interesting investigations and made
conclusions applying COPRAS method. In the article applying multipurpose
evaluation, Chatterjee et al. (2011) studied the efficiency of selection
of production materials using three methods: COPRAS, multicriteria
decision-making (MCDA) and evaluation of mixed data (EVAMIX) and made
the conclusions that COPRAS method is the most efficient and precise.
Karbassi et al. (2008) used COPRAS method for investigations of energy
efficiency of the building and provision of energy efficiency.
Under varied economic conditions, continuously increasing
uncertainties for variety and size, at existence of competitive
interactions and risks, it is more difficult to make decisions among set
of alternatives therefore these multipurpose evaluation methods are very
important and significant under current conditions. According to
Zavadskas et al. (2009b), the objective function is
directly-proportional depends on indices characterized their alternative
of values and weight of those indices. The multipurpose analysis is
appropriate for decisions on economy, management, structural and other
tasks. In COPRAS method the alternatives are described by values of
discrete indices.
In the table 5 the calculation results obtained by COPRAS method
are given. Applying COPRAS method, the priority and importance of
considered alternatives are calculated at four stages:
1 stage. The normed matrix D is formed. The purpose of this stage
is to obtain from comparable indices nondimensional (normalized)
evaluation values. If nondimensional evaluation values are known, it may
compare the all indices of different units of measurement. This formula
is applied:
[d.sub.ij] = [x.sub.ij][q.sub.ij]/[n.summation over
(j=1)][x.sub.ij], (i = [bar.1,m]; j = [bar.1,n]), (10)
here [x.sub.ji]--criteria value j decision variant, m-number of
criteria, n-number of comparative variants, [q.sub.i]-i criteria
The sum of obtained nondimensional evaluation values [d.sub.ij] for
each criteria [x.sub.i] is always equal to the importance of this
criteria [q.sub.i]:
[q.sub.i] = [n.summation over (j=1)][d.sub.ij], (i = [bar.1,m]; j =
[bar.1,n]). (11)
2 stage. The sum of evaluated normalized minimizing [S.sub.-j] and
maximizing [S.sub.+j] values characterized variant j is calculated. The
calculations are performed by formula:
[S.sub.+j] = [m.summation over (j=1)][d.sub.+ij]; [S.sub.-j] =
[m.summation over (j=1)][d.sub.-ij], (i = [bar.1,m]; j = [bar.1,n]).
3 stage. The relative importance of comparative variants is
determined by their characterized positive [S.sub.+j] and negative
[S.sub.-j] features. The relative importance of each project [Q.sub.j]
is determined using the formula:
[Q.sub.j] = [S.sub.+j] + [S.sub.-min] [n.summation over
(j=1)][S.sub.-j]/[S.sub.-j] [n.summation over (j=1)] [S.sub.-
min]/[S.sub.- j], (j = [bar.1,n]). (13)
4 stage. The determination of the priority. The more [Q.sub.j], the
more efficiency of the country in the construction sector.
On the basis of results obtained in the Table 5 it can conclude
that according to selected criteria reflected the situation in
construction sector in 2009 and their importance, most efficiently the
construction sector market wilts in the countries which hold the first
position according to the priority, i.e. in Germany, Austria, Czech
Republic, Finland, France, Sweden and Poland. Meanwhile Netherlands,
Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark and Slovenia remain short
of their most of all.
The data given in the table of final results (5) shows that
Lithuania holds position 21 and it is one of the countries which during
the construction sector crisis experienced losses and difficulties. The
construction activity weight in economic added value structure in 2009
reflects also this fact. The construction activity decreased in 2009
until the level in 2002 and reduced almost by 4 percent than in
2007-2009. Number of employees in construction sector in 2009 in
comparison with 2008 reduced by 38 percent. The statistical indices of
material investments also confirm the construction sector stagnation. In
2008-2009 investments in production means decreased by one fifth and in
immovable property by 40 percent. The similar situation in construction
market is in Latvia and Estonia. The decrease of external demand has a
high impact on construction sector of the Baltic States; particularly
the internal demand wilted which aggravate changes, higher unemployment
rate, salary cut and credit crisis (Ozols 2009).
In the international practice the different methods and models for
analysis, forecasting, simulation and management of the crisis in
construction and immovable property sectors are applied. In order to
overcome the economic crisis, the governments of all member states take
various measures, including the political, for stimulation the
construction activity, particularly for increase of work programs by the
state order and speedup of the implementation of planned investments.
The heavy expenses for the infrastructure, for example, for roads and
railways and nonresidential building construction, maintenance and
repair. Some governments introduce tax concessions for demand in
specific construction sector parts, particularly housing. Sometimes such
measurements are supplemented by the subsidies for renovation and
construction, including public building, road and bridge construction
projects. Other countries, particularly in Southern Europe, for the
purpose of increase of company liquidity partly changed the rules
applied for works by the state order, reducing the time from submission
of the accounts until their payment. For considering the cyclicality of
construction sector and crisis management methods, this sector should be
considered in all aspects taken in to account the impact of external and
internal environment on it.
4. Conclusions
The progress of national economy and society is impossible without
construction sector because construction products for various purposes
is necessary for people life, work and satisfaction of social cultural
and other requirements. Performed analysis of the literature confirms
that there are two main opinions on levels of study of construction
sector market: macro economic and micro economic. During the crisis the
needs in study and investigations of construction and economic branches
are particularly increased; lot of scientists use various methods for
analysis, evaluation, forecasting.
In the article six criteria reflected construction sector and 23
European countries are selected according to available statistical data
priority. The indices of 2009 reflected percent difference in comprising
with 2008 were used for study. The period was selected nonrandom. In the
article it was intended to present the countries which most harm due to
crisis and countries which develop construction activity well.
Multipurpose evaluation method COPRAS allows sufficiently
accurately performing math calculations and evaluate the priority of
criteria. For provision data accuracy obtained by entropy method the
criteria for weight are determined while evaluating values of minimizing
and maximizing indices. After combining entropy and COPRAS methods as
well as appropriately performing calculations, the useful information
are obtained for further investigations and study.
Obtained results shows that following first five countries develop
construction sector most efficiently: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic,
Finland, France, and the worst countries: Netherlands, Bulgaria,
Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia.
The investigations of European countries are important in the
further for checking other periods and analyzing and comprising changes
in specific countries as for achievement of efficient management of
construction sector it is necessary to study experience of other
countries and use practice of other countries.
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Simona Kildiene (1), Arturas Kaklauskas (2), Edmundas Kazimieras
Zavadskas (3)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mails: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected]; (3)
[email protected]
Received 13 July 2010; accepted 26 February 2011
Simona KILDIENE. PhD student of Department of Construction
Technology and Management at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Vilnius, Lithuania. Master of Science (construction engineering), VGTU,
2010. Bachelor of Science (construction management), VGTU, 2008.
Research interests: construction economic, construction management,
multiple criteria analysis and decision making theories.
Arturas KAKLAUSKAS. Prof PhD DrSc. Chair in Construction Economics
and Real Estate Management Department and Vice-director of the Institute
of Internet and Intelligent Technologies at the Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University. Lithuanian Science Prize Laureate, Expert member
of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Leader of the CIB Study group SG1
"The Application of Internet Technologies in Building
Economics" and past Advisor of the e-Business Watch Web for ICT and
Electronic Business in the Construction Industry. Editor of
"International Journal of Strategic Property Management,
"Journal of Civil Engineering and Management" and editor of
"Facilities" for Central and Eastern Europe. He participated
in 9 Framework 5 and 6 projects and author of 221 research publications
and 7 monographs.
Edmundas Kazimieras ZAVADSKAS is Principal Vice-Rector of Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, and Head of the Dept of Construction
Technology and Management at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Vilnius, Lithuania. He has a PhD in Building Structures (1973) and Dr
Sc. (1987) in Building Technology and Management. He is a member of the
Lithuanian and several foreign Academies of Sciences. He is Doctore
Honoris Causa at Poznan, Saint-Petersburg, and Kiev. He is a member of
international organisations and has been a member of steering and
programme committees at many international conferences. E. K. Zavadskas
is a member of editorial boards of several research journals. He is
author and co author of more than 400 papers and a number of monographs
in Lithuanian, English, German and Russian. Research interests are:
building technology and management, decision making theory, automation
in design and decision-support systems.
Table 1. Criteria for evaluation of European states and statistic data
No. Country Growth Volume Index of
rate of indexes of building per-
GDP production mits--num-
volume- in all build- ber of dwell-
percent- ing and ings, new
age construc- residential
change tion growth buildings
on previ- rates com- (excl. resi-
ous year pared with dencies for
(%)' previous communi-
period (%) ties), growth
rates (%)
max max max
1 Austria -3.9 -1.8 -9.3
2 Belgium -2.8 -11 -13.2
3 Bulgaria -4.9 -70.3 -59.3
4 Cyprus -1.7 -12.7 -17.1
5 Czech -4.1 -0.5 -17.2
6 Denmark -5.2 -17.5 -51.7
7 Estonia -13.9 -35.6 -61.8
8 Finland -8.2 -16.2 -1.5
9 France -2.6 -6.0 -18.5
10 Germany -4.7 0.1 3.0
11 Ireland -7.6 -22.9 -40.1
12 Lithuania -14.7 -75.3 -52.6
13 Netherlands -3.9 -6.7 -16.7
14 Portugal -2.5 -5.9 -42.6
15 Romania -7.1 -30 -20.1
16 Spain -3.7 -9.2 -51.0
17 Sweden -5.3 -4.2 -11.1
18 Slovenia -8.1 -33.1 -29.7
19 United -4.9 -11.9 -24.0
20 Greece -2.3 -16.1 -25.5
21 Latvia -18.0 -43.7 -40.2
22 Hungary -6.7 -3.5 -34.0
23 Poland 1.7 6.6 -23.6
No. Index of Index Total Em-
produc- of con- ployment
tion, civil struction in con-
engineer- costs, new struction
ing, residential sector,
growth buildings, per cent
rates com- gross, variation
pared with price on previ-
previous changes ous year
period (%) (%) (%)
max min max
1 -3.1 0.6 -1.1
2 -3.9 -1.1 -0.8
3 -2.3 10.9 -3.1
4 9.0 0.8 -4.7
5 -2.9 -0.3 -7.6
6 -8.2 -0.4 -13.1
7 3.5 -8.5 -6.0
8 -8.3 -1.1 -5.7
9 -0.1 0.4 -2.0
10 -3.3 0.1 0.3
11 -6.7 -9.9 -26.1
12 -19.9 -14.5 -21.8
13 0.4 0.3 -1.9
14 -5.0 -0.7 -8.8
15 11.9 1.5 -9.0
16 2.5 1.0 -24.9
17 -1.7 2.0 -4.2
18 -5.9 -2.8 -2.3
19 13.6 -7.5 -12.2
20 -12.7 -0.3 -2.6
21 -0.5 -6.2 -3.6
22 -6.0 3.0 -19.1
23 -1.2 0.2 3.6
Table 2. The initial matrix without negative values P
No. Country Growth Volume Index of
rate of indicies building
GDP of produc- permits-
volume- tion in all number
percent- building of dwell-
age and con- ings, new
change struction residential
on previ- growth buildings
ous year rates com- (excl. resi-
pared with dencies for
previous communi-
period (%) ties), growth
rates (%)
max max max
1 Austria 0.961 0.982 0.907
2 Belgium 0.972 0.89 0.868
3 Bulgaria 0.951 0.297 0.407
4 Cyprus 0.983 0.873 0.829
5 Czech 0.959 0.995 0.828
6 Denmark 0.948 0.825 0.483
7 Estonia 0.861 0.644 0.382
8 Finland 0.918 0.838 0.985
9 France 0.974 0.94 0.815
10 Germany 0.953 1.001 1.03
11 Ireland 0.924 0.771 0.599
12 Lithuania 0.853 0.247 0.474
13 Netherlands 0.961 0.933 0.833
14 Portugal 0.975 0.941 0.574
15 Romania 0.929 0.7 0.799
16 Spain 0.963 0.908 0.49
17 Sweden 0.947 0.958 0.889
18 Slovenia 0.919 0.669 0.703
19 United 0.951 0.881 0.76
20 Greece 0.977 0.839 0.745
21 Latvia 0.82 0.563 0.598
22 Hungary 0.933 0.965 0.66
23 Poland 1.017 1.066 0.764
No. Index of Index Total Em-
production, of con- ployment
civil en- struction in cons-
gineering, costs, new truction
seasonally residential sector,
adjusted, buildings, per cent
growth gross, variation
rates com- price on previous
pared with changes year
previous (%)
period (%)
max min max
1 0.969 1.006 0.989
2 0.961 0.989 0.992
3 0.977 1.109 0.969
4 1.09 1.008 0.953
5 0.971 0.997 0.924
6 0.918 0.996 0.869
7 1.035 0.915 0.94
8 0.917 0.989 0.943
9 0.999 1.004 0.98
10 0.967 1.001 1.003
11 0.933 0.901 0.739
12 0.801 0.855 0.782
13 1.004 1.003 0.981
14 0.95 0.993 0.912
15 1.119 1.015 0.91
16 1.025 1.01 0.751
17 0.983 1.02 0.959
18 0.941 0.972 0.977
19 1.136 0.925 0.878
20 0.873 0.997 0.974
21 0.995 0.938 0.964
22 0.94 1.03 0.809
23 0.988 0.988 1.039
Table 3. The initial matrix without negative values [P.sub.1]
No. Country Growth Volume Index of
rate of indicies building
GDP of produc- permits-
volume- tion in all number
percentage building of dwell-
change and con- ings, new
on previ- struction residential
ous year growth buildings
rates com- (excl. resi-
pared with dencies for
previous communi-
period (%) ties), growth
rates (%)
max max max
1 2 3 4 5
1 Austria 0.944 0.921 0.881
2 Belgium 0.956 0.835 0.843
3 Bulgaria 0.935 0.279 0.395
4 Cyprus 0.967 0.819 0.805
5 Czech 0.943 0.933 0.804
6 Denmark 0.932 0.774 0.469
7 Estonia 0.847 0.604 0.371
8 Finland 0.902 0.786 0.956
9 France 0.958 0.882 0.791
10 Germany 0.937 0.939 1.000
11 Ireland 0.909 0.723 0.582
12 Lithuania 0.839 0.232 0.46
13 Netherlands 0.945 0.875 0.809
14 Portugal 0.959 0.883 0.557
15 Romania 0.914 0.657 0.776
16 Spain 0.947 0.852 0.476
17 Sweden 0.931 0.899 0.806
18 Slovenia 0.904 0.628 0.683
19 United 0.935 0.827 0.738
20 Greece 0.961 0.787 0.723
21 Latvia 0.806 0.528 0.581
22 Hungary 0.917 0.905 0.641
23 Poland 1.000 1.000 0.742
No. Index of Index Total
production, of con- Employment in
civil en- struction construction
gineering, costs, new sector, per
seasonally residential cent
adjusted, buildings, variation on
growth gross, previous
rates com- price year
pared with changes
previous (%)
period (%)
max min max
1 6 7 8
1 0.853 0.850 0.955
2 0.846 0.865 0.958
3 0.860 0.771 0.935
4 0.960 0.848 0.920
5 0.855 0.858 0.892
6 0.808 0.858 0.839
7 0.911 0.934 0.907
8 0.807 0.865 0.910
9 0.979 0.852 0.946
10 0.851 0.854 0.968
11 0.821 0.949 0.713
12 0.715 1.000 0.755
13 0.884 0.852 0.947
14 0.836 0.861 0.880
15 0.985 0.842 0.788
16 0.902 0.843 0.725
17 0.865 0.838 0.923
18 0.828 0.880 0.931
19 1.000 0.924 0.848
20 0.768 0.858 0.94
21 0.876 0.912 0.931
22 0.828 0.830 0.781
23 0.870 0.853 1.000
Table 4. Decision matrix [bar.P]
No. Country Growth Volume Index of
rate of indicies building
GDP of produc- permits-
volume- tion in all number
percent- building of dwell-
age and con- ings, new
change struction residential
on previ- growth buildings
ous year rates com- (excl. resi-
pared with dencies for
previous communi-
period (%) ties), growth
rates (%)
max max max
1 2 3 4 5
1 Austria 0.044 0.052 0.055
2 Belgium 0.049 0.048 0.053
3 Bulgaria 0.044 0.016 0.025
4 Cyprus 0.045 0.047 0.051
5 Czech 0.044 0.053 0.05
6 Denmark 0.044 0.044 0.029
7 Estonia 0.040 0.034 0.023
8 Finland 0.042 0.045 0.06
9 France 0.045 0.05 0.05
10 Germany 0.044 0.054 0.063
11 Ireland 0.043 0.041 0.037
12 Lithuania 0.039 0.043 0.029
13 Netherlands 0.044 0.05 0.051
14 Portugal 0.045 0.05 0.035
15 Romania 0.043 0.037 0.049
16 Spain 0.045 0.049 0.03
17 Sweden 0.044 0.051 0.054
18 Slovenia 0.042 0.036 0.043
19 United 0.044 0.047 0.046
20 Greece 0.045 0.045 0.045
21 Latvia 0.038 0.03 0.036
22 Hungary 0.043 0.052 0.042
23 Poland 0.047 0.057 0.044
No. Index of Index Total Em-
production, of con- ployment
civil en- struction in cons-
gineering, costs, new truction
seasonally residential sector,
adjusted, buildings, per cent
growth gross, variation
rates com- price on previous
pared with changes year
previous (%)
period (%)
max min max
1 6 7 8
1 0.041 0.043 0.047
2 0.046 0.043 0.047
3 0.041 0.039 0.046
4 0.044 0.042 0.045
5 0.043 0.043 0.044
6 0.041 0.043 0.041
7 0.046 0.047 0.044
8 0.041 0.043 0.044
9 0.044 0.043 0.046
10 0.043 0.043 0.047
11 0.042 0.047 0.035
12 0.036 0.05 0.037
13 0.045 0.043 0.046
14 0.042 0.043 0.043
15 0.05 0.042 0.043
16 0.046 0.042 0.035
17 0.044 0.042 0.045
18 0.042 0.044 0.046
19 0.051 0.046 0.041
20 0.039 0.043 0.046
21 0.044 0.046 0.045
22 0.042 0.042 0.038
23 0.044 0.043 0.048
Table 5. Entropy level, j index change level and criteria importance
Criteria Growth Volume Index of
rate of indicies of building per-
GDP production mits--num-
volume- in all build- ber of dwell-
percent- ing and ings, new
age construc- residential
change tion growth buildings
on previ- rates com- (excl. resi-
ous year pared with dencies for
previous communi-
period (%) ties), growth
rates (%)
max max max
[E.sub.j] 0.99987 0.98774 0.98964
[d.sub.j] 0.00013 0.01226 0.01036
[q.sub.j] 0.0053 0.4975 0.4205
Criteria Index of Index Total Em-
produc- of con- ployment
tion, civil struction in cons-
engineering, costs, new truction
seasonally residential sector,
adjusted, buildings, per cent
growth gross, price variation
rates com- changes on previous
pared with (%) year
period (%)
max min max
[E.sub.j] 0.99935 0.99979 0.99897
[d.sub.j] 0.00065 0.00021 0.00103
[q.sub.j] 0.0264 0.0085 0.0418
Table 6. Quantitative information characterized construction sector of
twenty European countries
Quantitative information characterized construction sector of twenty
European countries
Significance Measures
Considered criteria *
Growth rate of GDP + 0.0053 %
change on previous
Volume indices of + 0.4996 %
production in all
building and
construction growth
rates compared with
previous period (%)
Index of building + 0.4188 %
permits--number of
dwellings, new
buildings (excl.
residencies for
communities), growth
rates (%)
Index of production, + 0.0263 %
civil engineering,
seasonally adjusted,
growth rates
compared with
previous period (%)
Index of - 0.0085 %
construction costs,
new residential
buildings, gross,
price changes (%)
Total Employment in + 0.0416 %
construction sector,
per cent variation
on previous year
Sum of evaluated
maximizing values
Sum of evaluated
minimizing values
Importance of
Priority of country
Considered countries
Considered criteria Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus
Growth rate of GDP 0.0009 0.0009 0.0011 0.0009
change on previous
Volume indices of 0.084 0.0781 0.0341 0.0757
production in all
building and
construction growth
rates compared with
previous period (%)
Index of building 0.0656 0.0644 0.0363 0.0608
permits--number of
dwellings, new
buildings (excl.
residencies for
communities), growth
rates (%)
Index of production, 0.0044 0.0045 0.0055 0.005
civil engineering,
seasonally adjusted,
growth rates
compared with
previous period (%)
Index of 0.0015 0.0015 0.002 0.0015
construction costs,
new residential
buildings, gross,
price changes (%)
Total Employment in 0.0071 0.0073 0.0086 0.0069
construction sector,
per cent variation
on previous year
Sum of evaluated 0.1620 0.1551 0.0829 0.1494
maximizing values
Sum of evaluated 0.0015 0.0015 0.002 0.0015
minimizing values
Importance of 0.1633 0.1564 0.0838 0.1507
Priority of country 2 8 22 11
Considered countries
Considered criteria Czech Denmark Estonia Finland
Growth rate of GDP 0.0009 0.001 0.001 0.0009
change on previous
Volume indices of 0.0872 0.0815 0.0671 0.0746
production in all
building and
construction growth
rates compared with
previous period (%)
Index of building 0.0614 0.0403 0.0336 0.0741
permits--number of
dwellings, new
buildings (excl.
residencies for
communities), growth
rates (%)
Index of production, 0.0045 0.0048 0.0057 0.0043
civil engineering,
seasonally adjusted,
growth rates
compared with
previous period (%)
Index of 0.0015 0.0017 0.0016 0.0015
construction costs,
new residential
buildings, gross,
price changes (%)
Total Employment in 0.0068 0.0072 0.0082 0.0071
construction sector,
per cent variation
on previous year
Sum of evaluated 0.1608 0.1348 0.1156 0.1609
maximizing values
Sum of evaluated 0.0015 0.0017 0.0016 0.0015
minimizing values
Importance of 0.1627 0.1359 0.1168 0.1622
Priority of country 3 18 20 4
Considered countries
Considered criteria France Germany Ireland Lithuania
Growth rate of GDP 0.0007 0.0008 0.001 0.0011
change on previous
Volume indices of 0.0854 0.0836 0.0788 0.0306
production in all
building and
construction growth
rates compared with
previous period (%)
Index of building 0.0626 0.0727 0.0518 0.0497
permits--number of
dwellings, new
buildings (excl.
residencies for
communities), growth
rates (%)
Index of production, 0.0048 0.0043 0.0051 0.0053
civil engineering,
seasonally adjusted,
growth rates
compared with
previous period (%)
Index of 0.0016 0.0014 0.0016 0.0018
construction costs,
new residential
buildings, gross,
price changes (%)
Total Employment in 0.0075 0.007 0.0063 0.0081
construction sector,
per cent variation
on previous year
Sum of evaluated 0.1609 0.1685 0.1430 0.0949
maximizing values
Sum of evaluated 0.0016 0.0014 0.0016 0.0018
minimizing values
Importance of 0.1622 0.1699 0.1442 0.0959
Priority of country 5 1 14 21
Considered countries
Considered criteria Netherlands Portugal Romania Spain
Growth rate of GDP 0.0001 0.001 0.0009 0.001
change on previous
Volume indices of 0.0137 0.0876 0.0628 0.0878
production in all
building and
construction growth
rates compared with
previous period (%)
Index of building 0.0106 0.0452 0.0606 0. 0
permits--number of
dwellings, new
buildings (excl.
residencies for
communities), growth
rates (%)
Index of production, 0.0008 0.0047 0.0057 0.0053
civil engineering,
seasonally adjusted,
growth rates
compared with
previous period (%)
Index of 0.0003 0.0016 0.0016 0.0017
construction costs,
new residential
buildings, gross,
price changes (%)
Total Employment in 0.0012 0.0071 0.0069 0.0061
construction sector,
per cent variation
on previous year
Sum of evaluated 0.0264 0.1455 0.1369 0.1401
maximizing values
Sum of evaluated 0.0003 0.0016 0.0016 0.0017
minimizing values
Importance of 0.0341 0.1468 0.1381 0.1413
Priority of country 23 13 16 15
Considered countries
Considered criteria Sweden Slovenia United Greece
Growth rate of GDP 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.001
change on previous
Volume indices of 0.0828 0.0642 0.0792 0.0772
production in all
building and
construction growth
rates compared with
previous period (%)
Index of building 0.0649 0.0571 0.0578 0.058
permits--number of
dwellings, new
buildings (excl.
residencies for
communities), growth
rates (%)
Index of production, 0.0045 0.0048 0.0054 0.0043
civil engineering,
seasonally adjusted,
growth rates
compared with
previous period (%)
Index of 0.0015 0.0016 0.0014 0.0016
construction costs,
new residential
buildings, gross,
price changes (%)
Total Employment in 0.007 0.0079 0.0066 0.0075
construction sector,
per cent variation
on previous year
Sum of evaluated 0.1601 0.1349 0. 5 0.1479
maximizing values
Sum of evaluated 0.0015 0.0016 0.0014 0.0016
minimizing values
Importance of 0.1614 0.1361 0.1514 0.1492
Priority of country 6 17 10 12
Considered countries
Considered criteria Latvia Hungary Poland
Growth rate of GDP 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009
change on previous
Volume indices of 0.0574 0. 0 0.0905
production in all
building and
construction growth
rates compared with
previous period (%)
Index of building 0.0515 0.052 0.0548
permits--number of
dwellings, new
buildings (excl.
residencies for
communities), growth
rates (%)
Index of production, 0.0054 0.0046 0.0045
civil engineering,
seasonally adjusted,
growth rates
compared with
previous period (%)
Index of 0.0016 0.0016 0.0014
construction costs,
new residential
buildings, gross,
price changes (%)
Total Employment in 0.0083 0.0063 0.0074
construction sector,
per cent variation
on previous year
Sum of evaluated 0.1235 0.1539 0.1581
maximizing values
Sum of evaluated 0.0016 0.0016 0.0014
minimizing values
Importance of 0.1247 0.1551 0.1595
Priority of country 19 9 7