Advertising, research and development, and capital market risk: higher risk firms versus lower risk firms.
Chen, Miao-Ling ; Peng, Chi-Lu ; Wei, An-Pin 等
1. Introduction
Classical financial theory argues that investors, who make their
investment decisions according to the expected utility function, will
tend to optimize their risk-reward tradeoff, leading to an equilibrium
in which the cross-sectional expected asset returns depend only on the
cross-section systematic risks (hereinafter, [beta]-risk). However,
recent literature (Lui et al. 2007) considers that [beta]-risk may not
account for sufficient explanatory power of the variation in a stock
returns because the residuals of the Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM)
are influenced by these other sources of covariance (Rosenberg 1974),
referred to as non-systematic risk (hereinafter, idiosyncratic risk)
(1). Ang et al. (2006) find that stocks with high idiosyncratic volatility have low average returns. The above evidence implies that
investors should be concerned about risks both from the market returns
and from changes in firm's individual intrinsic risk. Therefore,
the issue of investigating the components of firm's [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk has became a very popular issue among both academics
(Ang et al. 2006; Chang, Dong 2006) and practitioners (Lui et al. 2007).
For example, Chen (2002) and Ang et al. (2006) show evidence that a firm
with higher [beta]-risk has a lower expected return because
investors' prospects for the uncertainty of market returns is
increased. Lui et al. (2007) indicate that financial analysts have
viewed a firm's idiosyncratic risk as an important measure when
issuing their rating for the risk of investing in a stock. Without
decomposing a firm's total risk into [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic
risk, management executives and market participants will not understand
how or even whether the operating strategies or components efficiently
influence a firm's stock returns risk because a firm's
[beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk may be driven by different reasons.
There is considerable literature in financial studies presenting
significantly evidence that the impact of changes in accounting
variables such as firm's sales growth can affect a firm's
[beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk (2). Recent marketing studies
(Fornell et al. 2006; Singh et al. 2005) show that firms with greater
intangible market-based assets will have lower firm returns risk. A
firm's returns risk could be decomposed into [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk. Regarding [beta]-risk, this study infers that
advertising will create intangible market-based assets such as consumer
loyalty, which may lead investors to hold their stocks longer
(Goetzmann, Peles 1997), and will lower a firm's stock volatilities
from market movements, which has a significant negative impact on
firm's [beta]-risk. With respect to idiosyncratic risk, or the
intrinsic risk that cannot be explained by market movements, investing
in intangible market-based assets such as advertising may increase
product market demand that stabilizes a firm's operating cash
flows, and lowers a firm's idiosyncratic risk. With respect to the
relation between R&D and returns risk, Ho et al. (2004) find a
significant positive relation between research and development
expenditures (R&D) and [beta]-risk, while Xu and Zhang (2004) find a
significant positive relation between R&D and total risk. (3) This
is because firms may increase the level of uncertainty in their future
cash flows by their expenditures on R&D (McAlister et al. 2007).
This decreases the predictability of a firm's future income streams
(Kothari et al. 2002), which in turn, increases an individual
firm's risk. Instead, past research pays less attention to whether
changes in a firm's intangible investment, such as advertising and
R&D, simultaneously both affects both a firm's [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk, which should be a metric of interest to both finance
executives and investors (4). The first goal of this paper is to examine
the impact of a firm's advertising and R&D on both dimensions
of stock returns risk: [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk.
Recent studies, Gupta and Liang (2005), Dzikevicius (2005) and
Patton (2009) show that the distribution of firm's returns risk is
non-normal, with characteristics such as fat tails, excess kurtosis, and
skewness or heteroscedasticity. If the empirical dataset exhibits a high
degree of non-normality, the estimators using classical mean regression
methods and similar methods, offering only a conditional mean or median
view of this causal relationship based on the assumption of Gaussian
distributed error terms, may driven by a few outliers. Thus these
estimators will generate inadequate estimates, omit some important
information (Barnes, Hughes 2002) and may lead to inefficient management
decisions. For example, when a firm's stock returns risk has a
higher volatility level, based on the findings of McAlister et al.
(2007), firm executives can spend more in intangible market-based assets
to reduce the firm's risk by insulating it from the impact of stock
market movements. To the contrary, for firms with lower risk, spending
in intangible market-based assets may not have a significant effect on a
firm's risk, so firm executives may adjust their budgets to
allocate their limited resources on capital expenditures to improve its
future cash flows. We argue that the effects of advertising and R&D
may not be constant across different risk levels, especially between the
median and the tails of distribution (extremely higher or lower returns
risk). With non-normally distributed datasets, Patton (2009) supports
the contention that quantile regression is an appropriate method to test
for the influence of the independent variable on a quantile of the
firm's risk distribution. To mitigate bias from a non-normal
sample, this study employs a quantile regression approach (5). To our
knowledge, this is the first study to examine advertising's effects
on a firm's [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk by using quantile
The second goal of this paper is to examine the impact of
firm's advertising and R&D expenditures across upper quantile
firm risks and lower quantile firm risks. Following Barnes and Hughes
(2002), Landajo et al. (2008) and Chen et al. (2010), estimated
coefficients of lower quantile (quantile order 9 is from 0.1 through
0.3), median quantile (quantile order 9 is from 0.4 through 0.6) and
upper quantile (quantile order 9 is from 0.7 through 0.9) can be used to
estimate the change in left-tail firm risk distribution (lower-risk
firms), near the median firm's risk distribution (median-risk
firms), and in the right-tail firm's risk distribution (higher-risk
firms), respectively (6). In summary, we find that, on average,
advertising is significantly associated with lower [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk; R&D is significantly associated with higher
[beta]-risk but has no significant influence on a firm's
idiosyncratic risk. With regard to the results of quantile regression,
we find that advertising is significantly associated with lower
[beta]-risk for firms with lower and higher [beta]-risk, but is only
significantly associated with lower idiosyncratic risk for firms with
higher idiosyncratic risk. With respect to the relation between R&D
and firm risk, our evidence shows that R&D significantly increases
[beta]-risk for firms with median and higher [beta]-risk firms, and is
significantly associated with higher idiosyncratic risk for firms with
median and higher idiosyncratic risk. Moreover, our evidence shows that
both advertising and R&D have a stronger effect on firms with higher
[beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk than on those with lower [beta]-risk
and idiosyncratic risk, respectively. Our findings are useful for
management executives and investors because (1) firm managers can
allocate their limited resources more efficiently; (2) through their
investments, investors could exert influence on their firm's
executives to make decisions that are beneficial to stock returns.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section
presents the literature review and develops our research hypotheses.
Section 3 details the quantile regression method and empirical models in
this study, while section 4 describes the data. A discussion on the
empirical results and managerial implications then follows, and the
paper ends with conclusions.
2. Literature review and hypotheses
2.1. Effects of advertising on [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk
Several studies in finance suggest the existence of investor bias,
which leads investors to buy stocks that they are more familiar with.
Frieder and Subrahmanyam (2005) find that individuals prefer holding
stocks with high recognition and, consequently, greater information
precision (advertising plays an information role for a firm's
stockholders). This higher liquidity and increased breadth of ownership
may help insulate the firm's stock returns from market downturns,
thus lowering its [beta]-risk. In the CAPM, only systematic risk, or
[beta]-risk is relevant in determining an individual firm's
returns, is the risk that can be explained by market movements.
Recently, scholars (e.g., Singh et al. 2005; Madden et al. 2006;
McAlister et al. 2007) have demonstrated a negative relationship between
advertising and [beta]-risk. They indicate that firms with higher
advertising may create more intangible based-assets, such as consumer
loyalty and brand equity, and thereby enhance the product market demand
(Grullon et al. 2004). This can increase sales growth compared to their
competitors with lower advertising expenditures, and thereby help
insulate those firms from the impact of stock market movements. This
current study builds on this literature to propose that advertising
lowers a firm's [beta]-risk. Therefore, we present the following
H1: The higher a firm's advertising, the lower is its
An individual firm's total risk due to stock returns could be
decomposed into [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk. But the result of
[beta]-risk is only part of the picture since it accounts for only
approximately 20% of the variation in a firm's stock returns (Tuli,
Bharadwaj 2009). Although the idiosyncratic risk can be reduced through
diversification with a heterogeneous stock portfolio, firms with higher
idiosyncratic risk may put their survival at risk (Clayton et al. 2005),
which in turn may affect a firm's stock pricing. Ang et al. (2006)
find that high idiosyncratic risk leads to low average returns on
stocks. A firm's idiosyncratic risk should thus be of more concern
to a firm's senior management, finance executives and market
As mentioned above, idiosyncratic risk accounts for a large part of
stock returns volatility, which is affected primarily by a firm's
operating activities and strategies. Therefore, firms with higher
advertising expenditure may greater stability of revenues in more stable
cash flows and thereby lower their idiosyncratic risk (Tuli, Bharadwaj
2009). Thus, the second hypothesis concerning the effects of advertising
on idiosyncratic risk is as follows.
H2: The higher a firm's advertising, the lower is its
idiosyncratic risk.
2.2. Effects of R&D on [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk
In the existing marketing literature there is increasing evidence
for the influence of R&D on different performance metrics. It is
well established that firms' R&D generates persistent profits
(Roberts 2001), high stock returns (Mizik, Jacobson 2003; Chan et al.
2001; Lev, Sougiannis 1996), superior market value (Jaffe 1986;
Griliches 1987; Joshi, Hanssens 2004), higher changes in market values
(Bublitz, Ettredge 1989; Woolridge 1988; Chan et al. 2001; Austin 1993),
and effects to the [beta]-risk in the stock market (Ho et al. 2004;
McAlister et al. 2007). Furthermore, Ho et al. (2004) conclude that, on
average, the relation between firm's [beta]-risk and R&D
intensity is significantly positive, and the study by Berk et al. (2004)
also shows that R&D induces a systematic component of risk. Chan et
al. (2001) and Kothari et al. (2002) find that R&D increases a
firm's total risk, the combination of [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic
risk, because R&D may decrease the predictability of a firm's
future income streams. Therefore, we have the following hypothesis.
H3: The higher a firm's R&D, the higher is its
Chambers et al. (2002) find that the excess returns are much more
variable over time for R&D-intensive firms than for firms with
little or no R&D investment, and that both analysts' forecasts
of future earnings and actual future earnings are unstable for firms
with higher R&D. The market-based assets created by R&D would
increase the uncertainty of future revenue, thereby enhancing the
volatility of profit for an individual firm (Kothari et al. 2002). A
firm's idiosyncratic risk that cannot be explained by market
movements should be driven by a firm's intrinsic components. Thus,
a firm's R&D expenditure may have a powerful effect on its
idiosyncratic risk. These effects would increase the firm's
idiosyncratic risk, and thus the following hypothesis on the impact of
R&D on idiosyncratic risk is proposed.
H4: The higher a firm's R&D, the higher is its
idiosyncratic risk.
2.3. Effects of advertising and R&D on the higher and lower
risk firms Quantile regression and least squares approach
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Fixed Effect Models, Hierarchical
Linear Regression (HML) and Least Absolute Deviations (LAD) methods are
popular methods used in marketing studies. But overall, these methods
offer only a conditional mean (median) view of the causal relationship,
based on the assumption of Gaussian distributed error terms; that is,
these methods are effective for understanding the central tendencies
within a normal distributed dataset. However, some researchers have
pointed out that if the distribution of causal effects exhibits a high
degree of non-normality, fat tails, excess kurtosis and skewness (e.g.
Coad, Rao 2006; Lee 2008; Meligkotsidou et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2010)
or heteroscedasticity (Landajo et al. 2008; Krasnikov, Jayachandran
2008), the conditional mean effect would not be efficient and may lead
to unreliable estimates (Barnes, Hughes 2002). As shown in Table 1 of
this study, a firm's [beta]-risk (idiosyncratic risk) may exhibit a
high degree of non-normality using the Jargue-Bera normality tests. The
results of Jargue-Bera normality tests are given in the notes to Table
1. In addition, Panels A and B show that a firm's [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk are skewed and have kurtosis, suggesting that the
distribution of firm's [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk are
characterized by large skewness, kurtosis, or in general deviations from
normality. Due to the phenomenon of non-normal distribution sample data,
this study imposes quantile regression on the sample analysis in order
to avoid estimation bias.
Quantile regression, introduced by Koenker and Bassett (1978), is
an extension of median regression that is based on the minimization of
weighted absolute deviations to estimate conditional quantile functions.
In contrast to the resulting estimated coefficients from OLS regression,
a quantile regression estimator is robust to extreme values (Koenker,
Bassett 1978). Koenker and Hallock (2001) note that quantile regression
can minimize estimated bias that generated from a skewed sample. This
approach has been widely used in many areas of finance such as the
investigation of the relation of political cycles and stock market
(Santa-Clara, Valkanov 2003), risk management and insurance (Viscusi,
Born 2005), capital structure (Fattouh et al. 2005), determinants of
housing price (Zietz et al. 2008), equity REIT returns (Chen et al.
2010) and hedge fund returns (Meligkotsidou et al. 2009).
The basic framework of quantile regression is as follows.
Considering a standard linear model y = x'[beta] + [epsilon], where
y = ([y.sub.1], [y.sub.2], ..., [y.sub.n])' is the vector of
dependent variable, with the unconditional distribution function
[F.sub.Y] (y), the [[theta]] quantile of [F.sub.Y] (y) was
denoted as [Q.sub.Y] ([theta]); x' = ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2],
...,[x.sub.m])is the vector of regressors; [beta] = ([[beta].sub.1],
[[beta].sub.2], ..., [[beta].sub.m]) is the vector of parameters to be
estimated; [epsilon] = ([[epsilon].sub.1], ..., [[epsilon].sub.n]) is
the vector of residuals. In order to estimate the parameters of our
interest, we let [F.sup.-1.sub.Y] (x) as [Q.sub.Y] ([theta]) = inf {y:
[F.sub.Y] (y) > [theta]; [theta] [member of] (0,1)}, where [Q.sub.Y]
(9) is called the unconditional quantile function of Y. The condition
quantile function of y given X = x has the form [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], where j = 1, ..., k, is the vector of
parameters to be estimated, and the quantity [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is called the jth's [theta] regression
quantile, which can be estimated by solving:
Equation (1) could be efficiently solved by linear programming
methods (see, Koenker 2000; Coad, Rao 2006; Landajo et al. 2008). In
particular, a special case [[theta].sub.k] = 0.5, which minimizes the
sum of absolute residuals, corresponds to median regression. However, in
this study, we are not only interested in each single quantile, but also
in tracing the entire distribution of the dependent variable
(firm's risk) given the covariates (advertising and R&D). The
quantile regression method allows us to acknowledge the heterogeneity on
firm's risk (Patton 2009) and consider the possibility that
estimated slope parameters vary at different quantiles of the
conditional distribution of firm's risk. The testing problem is as
Thus, the hypothesis concerning the impacts of advertising and
R&D on the conditional-distribution of firm's [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk is as follows.
H5: The estimated slope parameters vary at different quantiles of
the conditional distribution of firm's [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk.
3. Research method
3.1. [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk measurements
CAPM was developed by Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965), and Mossin
(1966), and was immediately embraced by the academic community. In CAPM,
Sharpe (1964) and Roll (1977) indicate that only [beta]-risk is relevant
in determining an individual security's return. However, CAPM model
has received less than full-fledged support in empirical tests (Fama,
MacBeth 1973; Rosenberg 1974; Roll 1977; Lui et al. 2007) because
residuals of the CAPM model are influenced by other sources of
covariance. That is, a stock's risk may include [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk, stock's [beta]-risk is defined as the
stock's return covariance with the market's return while
idiosyncratic risk is the risk associated with an individual stock. The
specific measure of [beta]-risk used in CAPM is called an individual
stock's beta, [[beta].sub.i], and is defined as the correlation of
a stock's excess return ([ER.sub.i,t] = [R.sub.i,t] - [R.sub.f,t]),
with the excess return on the market's portfolio ([RMF.sub.t] =
[R.sub.m,t] - [R.sub.j,t]), as specified in following equation:
[ER.sub.i,t] = [[alpha].sub.i,I] + [[beta].sub.i,T][RMF.sub.t] +
[[epsilon].sub.i,t], t = 0, ..., T, (3)
where [[beta].sub.i,T] denotes [beta]-risk of firm i during time T,
is the an estimate of the degree of co-movement between a stock's
return and the return on the market portfolio; [R.sub.i,t] is the
monthly raw return of firm i at time t; [R.sub.m,t] is the monthly raw
return of market portfolio at time t; and [R.sub.f,t] is the risk-free
rate at time t.
As mention above, the total variance of an individual firm's
return (total risk) could be decomposed into [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk. [beta]-risk is an inherently long-term construct
that captures the extent to which a firm's stock return covaries
with market return (Beaver et al. 1970). Idiosyncratic risk, is the
extra volatility of an individual firm's return, the risk that is
not captured by [beta]-risk. Recent studies document that a firm's
idiosyncratic risk plays an important role for financial analysts in
their rating of the risk for investing in a firm's stock (Lui et
al. 2007), and that the relationship between idiosyncratic risk and
stock return is negative (Ang et al. 2006). Following McCue and Kling
(1994), Chang and Dong (2006) and Ang et al. (2006), in this study, the
firm excess returns are regressed against returns from the market excess
returns using Equation (3) and the residuals ([[epsilon].sub.i,t]) are
saved. Then the standard deviation of these residuals ([square root of
Var([[epsilon].sup.2.sub.i,t]) could be considered as a firm's
idiosyncratic risk. When we refer to firm's idiosyncratic risk, we
mean idiosyncratic volatility relative to the CAPM model. This paper
estimates the firm's [beta]-risk based on Beaver et al. (1970) and
McAlister et al. (2007), using a five-year moving window. This was
accomplished by using stock returns for the previous 60 months, relative
to the equal-weighted return for the stock market for that period.
3.2. Models and operational definition of variables
We use monthly stock data to compute a firm's [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk by using least squares regression equations of the
[[beta].sub.i,t] = [alpha] + [[gamma].sub.1][AD.sub.i,T-1] +
[[gamma].sub.2][RD.sub.i,T-1] + C'[gamma] + [epsilon] (4)
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.i,t] = [chi] + [[gamma].sub.1][AD.sub.i,T-1] +
[[gamma].sub.2][RD.sub.i,T-1] + C'[gamma] + [delta] (5)
where [[beta].sub.i,T] in Equation (4) denotes the average
[beta]-risk of firm i between January of year t and December of year t +
5. In Equation (5), [[sigma].sup.2.sub.i,t] is the idiosyncratic risk of
firm i between January of year t and December of year t + 5.
Following McAlister et al. (2007), we measured advertising and
R&D using the five-year moving average advertising expenditure of
firm i at the end of year T between year t and year t + 5:
[AD.sub.i,T] = [1/5] [5.summation over
(t=1)]([AD.sub.i,t]/[Sales.sub.i,t]), (6)
[RD.sub.i,T] = [1/5] [5.summation over
(t=1)]([RD.sub.i,t]/[Sales.sub.i,t]), (7)
where [AD.sub.i,t] denotes advertising expenditure of firm i at the
end of year t; and [Sales.sub.i,t] is the amount of annual sales of is
firm i at the end of year t. [RD.sub.i,t] denotes R&D expenditure of
firm i at the end of year t.
As mentioned above, Beaver et al. (1970), as well as McAlister et
al. (2007) document that greater [beta]-risk is related to some
accounting variables, including: asset growth rate, financial leverage,
liquidity, asset size, and competitive intensity. We also included these
as the control variables in our [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk
We measured asset growth rate, financial leverage, liquidity, and
asset size using the five-year moving average asset growth rate,
financial leverage, liquidity, and asset size of firm i between year t
and year t + 5:
[G.sub.i,T] = [1/5] ln ([5.summation over
(t=1)][TA.sub.i,t]/[TA.sub.i,t=1]), (8)
[Leverage.sub.i,T] = [1/5] ([5.summation over
(t=1)][TA.sub.i,t]/[TD.sub.i,t]), (9)
[Liquidity.sub.i,T] = [1/5] ([5.summation over
(t=1)][CA.sub.i,t]/[CL.sub.i,t]), (10)
[TA.sub.i,T] = [1/5] ([5.summation over (t=1)]ln[TA.sub.i,t], (11)
where [TA.sub.i,t] denotes the total assets of firm i at the end of
fiscal year t. [TD.sub.i,t] denotes the total debt of firm i at the end
of fiscal year t. [CA.sub.i,t] denotes the current asset of firm i at
the end of fiscal year t, and [CL.sub.i,t] is the current liquidity of
firm i at the end of fiscal year t.
This study measured the competitive intensity of the firm using
Herfindahl's Concentration Index (HHIi t) as a proxy for
competitive intensity of firm i (7):
[HHI.sub.i,t] = [N.summation over
(i=1)][([Sales.sub.i,t]/[N.summation over (i=1)][Sales.sub.i,t]).sup.2].
3.3. Sample description
The data used to test the hypotheses, including advertising,
R&D expenditures, sales, total assets, total debt, current assets,
and current liquidity were obtained from the COMPUSTAT database,
including all firms listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) during
the period between January 1981 and December 2007 for which annual
advertising spending figures were available. We deleted those samples
whose stocks had been traded on the NYSE for less than 24 months, stocks
with negative book-to-market ratio, stock prices below US$ 2 (Ball et
al. 1995; Hertzel et al. 2002), and any missing observations in the data
set, to mitigate microstructure effects associated with low-price stocks
(Cooper et al. 2004).
Table 1 illustrates two panels of descriptive statistics. In Table
1, Panel A (B) shows that the average value for [beta]-risk
(idiosyncratic risk) for all individual firms is 1.066 (0.013), with an
standard deviation of 0.644 (0.015). The mean value for advertising in
the [beta]-risk (idiosyncratic risk) model is 0.038 (0.039), ranging
from 0 (0) to 0.280 (0.280). The mean value for R&D in [beta]-risk
(idiosyncratic risk) model is 0.033 (0.033), ranging from 0 (0) to 0.471
(0.471). For the control variables in this paper, asset growth rate,
financial leverage liquidity, asset size and the competitive intensity
of the firm, the respective means are 0.356 (0.354), 1.896 (1.853),
2.172 (2,163), 7.467 (7,455) and 0.089 (0.089) in [beta]-risk
(idiosyncratic risk) model, indicating that, on average, the sample
firms in this study are stable growth companies with good debt-paying
ability and capital structure. Table 1 also shows Jarque-Bera test results, suggesting that a firm's [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic
risk are non-normally distributed (8). As shown in Panel A (B) of Table
1, the value of skewness of [beta]-risk (idiosyncratic risk) is 0.785
(7.007), suggesting that a firm's [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic
risk are skewed. A firm's [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk have
large kurtosis, indicating fat tails. For the explanatory variables,
Panels A and B show that the skewness and kurtosis values of
advertising, R&D and control variables are skewed and have excess
Panels A and B of Table 2 provide a simple correlation matrix for
the variables in [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk models,
respectively. Table 2 reports that the largest correlation coefficient is 0.420, which is lower than 0.7, Lind et al. (2004) indicate that the
regression model should not exhibit the multicollinearity problem when
the correlation coefficients between independent variables are lower
than 0.7. In Table 2, consistent with the results of correlation
coefficients in McAlister et al. (2007), we find that some correlations
are significant at P < 0.01. Therefore, this study further tests for
potential multicollinearity by checking the variance inflation factors
(VIFs) in our models. Previous studies state that if any of the VIFs
exceed 10 (Montgomery et al. 2001) or the mean VIF is more than 1.9
(Shimizu, Hitt 2005; Adegbesan, Higgins 2010), the associated regression
coefficients are poorly estimated because of multicollinearity. However,
in our model we find that the largest single VIF is 1.353 in the
[beta]-risk model, and the mean VIF in the [beta]-risk model and
idiosyncratic risk model are about 0.980 and 0.973, respectively,
indicating that our regression models should not be biased by
4. Results
4.1. Results of OLS analysis
In this section, this study firstly reports the OLS findings to
view the central tendency profiles within our dataset. Panel A of Table
3 illustrates the results of the [beta]-risk model using OLS. With
respect to the [beta]-risk model, we find that advertising is
significantly associated with lower [beta]-risk, consistent with
McAlister et al. (2007), who use least square methods such as the fixed
effect method. Concerning R&D, our finding is consistent with Ho et
al. (2004) and Berk et al. (2004), that the firm's R&D is
significantly associated with higher [beta]-risk. That is, on average, a
firm's [beta]-risk could be reduced by advertising but increased by
R&D. Thus, Hypotheses 1 and 3 are supported.
On the other hand, as reported in Panel B of Table 3, on average,
this study finds that advertising is not related to idiosyncratic risk,
while R&D is significantly associated with higher idiosyncratic
risk. In summary, the OLS estimates show that, on average, a firm's
advertising plays an important role in reducing the firm's
[beta]-risk but has no significant impact on idiosyncratic risk.
However, R&D is significantly associated with higher [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic risk. For the other control variables, asset growth rate
and competitive intensity are significantly associated with higher
[beta]-risk. That is, a firm's [beta]-risk increases as asset
growth rate and competitive intensity increase. Thus, Hypothesis 4 is
supported but Hypothesis 2 is not supported.
As mentioned above, Barnes and Hughes (2002) argue that the
estimates from OLS models conditional mean distribution may miss some
important information. This leads us to question whether the
determinants of firms with higher risk differ from those of firms with
lower risk, that is, firms with different risk level may have different
sensitives to advertising and R&D expenditure. In the next section,
this study further examines [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk model,
using the quantile regression to mitigate the estimated bias generated
from a non-normally distributed sample and to understand the behavior of
datapoints that are extremely high or low within a population.
4.2. Results of quantile regression analysis
4.2.1. [beta]-risk model
The quantile regression analyses were carried out for quantile
order ([theta]), where [theta] is from 0.1 though 0.9. According to
Panel A of Table 4, the [beta]-risk model shows that advertising has
significantly lower [beta]-risk for firms with lower, median and higher
[beta]-risk, but has no significant effects on the extreme
low-[beta]-risk firms ([theta] = 0.1). Our findings show that the slopes
of the estimated quantiles increase with [theta], suggesting that firms
more sensitive to market variations (the firms with higher [beta]-risk)
are sensitive to their advertising expenditure. In other words,
advertising tends to have a stronger effect on the firms with higher
[beta]-risk than those with lower [beta]-risk. Turning to R&D, the
coefficients for R&D show significantly higher [beta]-risk for firms
with median and higher [beta]-risk, but no significant effect for those
with lower [beta]-risk. We also find that the slopes of the estimated
quantiles increase with the quantile order [theta]. Our evidence shows
that R&D has a stronger effect on firms with higher [beta]-risk than
those with lower [beta]-risk.
For the control variables in [beta]-risk model, we find that the
coefficients of growth rate are significantly positive for firms with
lower and higher [beta]-risk while and are insignificant for those with
extreme-low and extreme-high [beta]-risk. With respect to liquidity, we
find that liquidity ratio is related to firms with lower, median and
higher [beta]-risk. In terms of firm size and competitive intensity, we
find that the coefficients of firm size for firms with lower [beta]-risk
are significantly positive, but significantly negative for firms with
higher [beta]-risk, and the coefficients of competitive intensity are
only sensitive to firms with median and higher [beta]-risk.
4.2.2. Idiosyncratic risk model
As shown in Panel B of Table 4, advertising is significantly
associated with lower idiosyncratic risk for higher-idiosyncratic risk
firms but no significant effects for firms with median and lower
idiosyncratic risk. The evidence shows that advertising has stronger
effect on firms with higher idiosyncratic risk than those with lower
idiosyncratic risk. With regard to R&D, R&D is significantly
associated with higher idiosyncratic risk for firms with median and
higher idiosyncratic risk firms, but no significant effect for those
with lower idiosyncratic risk. The evidence shows that R&D has
stronger effect on firms with higher idiosyncratic risk than on those
with lower idiosyncratic risk. Consistent with the finding in
[beta]-risk model, we also find that the slopes of the estimated
quantiles increase with the quantile order [theta]. Our evidence
suggests that both advertising and R&D tests resoundingly support
Hypothesis 5, that the coefficients vary across the quantiles.
For control variables in the idiosyncratic-risk model, we find that
the coefficients of asset growth rate and leverage are significantly
positive for firms with extremely high idiosyncratic risk. With
respective to liquidity, our evidence shows that liquidity is related to
firms with lower and median idiosyncratic risk. In terms of asset size,
the coefficients of asset size for firms with lower, median and higher
idiosyncratic risk are significantly positive (except for firms with
extremely low idiosyncratic risk). Finally, just as the results of the
[beta]-risk model, results show that the coefficients of competitive
intensity are only sensitive to firms with median and higher
idiosyncratic risk.
4.2.3. Managerial implications
The recent financial crisis has led to slumping property and stock
prices, as well as a significant drop in the overall world economy,
causing investors to consider their investment risk more closely. The
issue of understanding the components of investment risk has thus
received much attention in recent financial studies (Ang et al. 2006;
Chang, Dong 2006; Janda, Svarovska 2010; Aktan et al. 2010; Banaitiene
et al. 2011).
This paper employs quantile regression to investigate whether the
changes in advertising and R&D have different effects in response to
firms with different risk levels. After decomposing a firm's total
risk into [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk, this study offers more
detailed evidence to determine whether advertising and R&D affect a
firm's [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk at the same time.
Findings from the quantile analysis show a negative relationship between
advertising and firm's idiosyncratic risk ([beta]-risk) only when
firms are in the higher (higher and median-) idiosyncratic volatility
([beta]-risk) ranges.
With respect to R&D, this paper find a positive relationship
between R&D and firm's idiosyncratic risk ([beta]-risk) only
when firms are in the higher and median idiosyncratic risk ([beta]-risk)
ranges. In other words, past research that uses OLS and similar methods
considers only the central tendencies within a dataset and overlooks the
more precise information close to the tails of a distribution. This
finding is useful for senior management executives so they can more
efficiently allocate limited resources such advertising.
Lui et al. (2007) indicate that financial analysts tend to use
idiosyncratic risk to rate a firm's risk when issuing their
investment report. Ang et al. (2006) show evidence that idiosyncratic
risk is associated with lower individual stock returns. Clayton et al.
(2005) show that higher idiosyncratic risk can put the survival of a
firm at risk, hamper efforts to acquire or divest firm stock (stock
market liquidity), and affect the value of stock options. The value of
stock options and stock prices may have a reciprocal influence.
Stockholders may be exerting their influence on firm's senior
executives to spend more on advertising or less on R&D when their
investments are in firms with higher idiosyncratic risk.
5. Conclusions
From a marketing perspective, managers frequently focus on
customers or product markets as the ultimate objective. In contrast,
financial managers focus on the capital market. There is, however, a
recent trend in the marketing literature indicating a shift in
evaluating the impact of marketing strategies on improving stock market
returns (Srivastava et al. 1998; Joshi, Hanssens 2004; Singh et al.
2005; Fornell et al. 2006; Madden et al. 2006; McAlister et al. 2007).
This newer view finds that firms with higher intangible market-based
assets have higher stock returns and lower stock return risk than their
In this study we show that quantile regression analysis provides
new insights to this area of research and suggests that there may be
differential advertising and R&D effects at different points in the
conditional distributions of a firm's [beta]-risk and
idiosyncratic-risk. Prior studies have shown that the distribution of
the firm's risk is non-normal. Therefore, using a least squares
model without concern for whether the sample is based on the assumption
of Gaussian distributed error terms would not be efficient and may lead
to unreliable estimates. Quantile regression is not limited to
explaining the mean or median of the dependent variable, but it does
allow an estimation of response to coefficients across a wide spectrum
of the distribution of dependent variable and can minimize estimated
bias generated from skewed and non-normal samples.
With regard to [beta]-risk, we find that advertising is
significantly associated with lower [beta]-risk for firms with lower,
median and higher [beta]-risk, but has no significant effects on those
with extremely low [beta]-risk. Our evidence shows that the slopes of
the estimated quantiles increase with 9. These findings suggest that
firms which are more sensitive to capital market variations
(higher-[beta]-risk firms), are also sensitive to their advertising
expenditures. In other words, advertising tends to have stronger effect
on higher-[beta]-risk firms than on lower-[beta]-risk firms. On the
other hand, R&D is significantly associated with higher [beta]-risk
for firms with median and higher [beta]-risk, with no significant effect
for those with lower [beta]-risk. We also find that the slopes of the
estimated quantiles increase with the quantile order. Our evidence shows
that R&D has a stronger effect on firms with higher [beta]-risk than
those with lower [beta]-risk. For firms' idiosyncratic risk, this
study finds that advertising is significantly associated with lower
idiosyncratic risk for firms with higher idiosyncratic risk but has no
significant effects for those with median and lower idiosyncratic risk.
This indicates that advertising has a stronger effect on
higher-idiosyncratic risk firms than on lower-idiosyncratic risk firms.
R&D is significantly associated with higher idiosyncratic risk for
firms with median and higher idiosyncratic risk, and has insignificant
effect on firms with lower idiosyncratic risk. This indicates that
R&D has a stronger effect on firms with higher idiosyncratic risk
than on those with lower idiosyncratic risk. Consistent with findings
for the [beta]-risk model, we also find that the slopes of the estimated
quantiles increase with the quantile order, suggesting that advertising
and R&D tests resoundingly support our hypothesis that the
coefficients vary across the quantiles. Our findings are useful for
management executives and investors. For firm managers, the findings can
help them allocate limited resources more efficiently to reduce their
firm's risk. Investors and shareholders could press the management
executives in the firms in which they have invested to make decisions
that are beneficial to their investment returns.
doi: 10.3846/16111699.2012.666998
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(1) Some studies conclude that [beta]-risk fails to describe
expected stock returns because the market portfolios, such as S&P
500, NYSE and CRSP index returns, used by prior studies as proxy for
market return are not sufficient (Roll 1977; Roll, Ross 1994). That is,
residuals of the CAPM model are influenced by these other sources of
covariance, referred to as idiosyncratic risk in our study.
(2) Numerous empirical studies have attempted to use accounting
variables to explain the level of [beta]-risk. For example, Beaver et
al. (1970) suggested that greater [beta]-risk is related to certain
variables, including higher growth, greater leverage, lower liquidity,
smaller asset size, lower dividend payout, and higher levels of earnings
(3) No conclusive evidence on this issue of R&D and [beta]-risk
has yet been produced. For example, McAlister et al. (2007) find that a
firm's R&D creates intangible market-based assets and show
that, on average, higher expenditures for a firm's advertising and
R&D could lower the firm's [beta]-risk. However, most R&D
research (e.g., Ho et al. 2004) supports a positive relationship between
R&D and a firm's risk.
(4) Tuli and Bharadwaj (2009) use a firm's customer
satisfaction score as a proxy for a firm's intangible market-based
assets and find a negative relationship between customer satisfaction
and idiosyncratic risk. The data collection of customer satisfaction
scores from the website of American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)
is easily accessed but offers a relatively small number of firms.
(5) The residual distribution is asymmetric and varies with
independent variable.
(6) Estimated coefficients of extremely-low quantile (9 = 0.1) and
extremely-high quantile (9 = 0.9) can be determined as the estimated
change in the extreme-left-tail firm risk distribution (extremely-low
risk firms) and in the extreme-right-tail distribution (extremely-high
risk firms), respectively (see Chen et al. 2010).
(7) Two digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are
used to identify industry groups in order to calculate the HHI. The
two-digit SIC groupings are similar to those employed by Boudoukh et al.
(1994), Jorion (1991) and Moskowitz and Grinblatt (1999).
(8) The Jarque-Bera normality statistics are shown in the
annotation for Panels A and B in Table 1.
Miao-Ling Chen [1], Chi-Lu Peng [2], An-Pin Wei [3]
[1,3] Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University, 70
Lien-hai Rd., Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan (R.O.C.) [2] Department of Finance,
Chung Hua University, 707, Sec. 2, Wu Fu Rd., Hsin Chu 300, Taiwan
E-mails: [1]
[email protected]; [2]
[email protected]
(corresponding author); [3]
[email protected]
Received 01 February 2011; accepted 13 February 2012
Miao-Ling CHEN is a professor in the Department of Finance,
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. She received her Ph.D. degree
in Business from Keio University in Japan. She teaches both
undergraduate and graduate courses, including Accounting, Financial
Statement Analysis, Financial Marketing, and others. Her research
include: management accounting research, consumer behavior, investment
and advertising. She has published in refereed journals such as the
Journal of Business Research, Investment Analysts Journal, Journal of
Management, Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Journal of
Chinese Economic and Business Studies and Fair Trade Quarterly.
Chi-Lu PENG is an assistant professor in the Department of Finance,
Chung Hua University, Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. degree in Finance
from National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. His current research
interests include issue related to financial economics, portfolio
management, real estate finance and financial marketing. One of his
professional specialties is structural change using quantile regression.
His recent academic papers have been published in refereed journals such
as the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Investment Analysts
Journal, Journal of Management, International Research Journal of
Finance and Economics, and Pan-Pacific Management Review.
An-Pin WEI received his Ph.D. degree in Finance from National Sun
Yat-sen University, Taiwan. His current research interests include issue
related to financial economics, portfolio management, investment,
securities pricing and financial marketing. He has a professional
specialty on structural change using non-linear regressions. His recent
academic papers have been published in refereed journals such as the
Investment Analysts Journal, and Journal of Management.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics
Panel A: [beta]-risk model
Variables Mean SD Median Max.
[[beta].sub.i,T] (a) 1.066 0.644 0.976 4.087
[AD.sub.i,T-1] 0.038 0.042 0.023 0.280
[RD.sub.i,T-1] 0.033 0.059 0.010 0.471
[G.sub.i,T] 0.356 0.484 0.280 3.519
[Leverage.sub.i,T] 1.896 4.527 0.000 44.163
[Liquidity.sub.i,T] 2.172 1.437 1.834 22.370
[TA.sub.i,T] 7.467 1.587 7.458 11.805
[HHI.sub.i,T] 0.089 0.071 0.059 0.378
Panel A: [beta]-risk model
Variables Min. Kurtosis Skewness
[[beta].sub.i,T] (a) 0.000 104.159 0.785
[AD.sub.i,T-1] 0.000 6.855 2.253
[RD.sub.i,T-1] 0.000 14.760 3.317
[G.sub.i,T] -1.277 5.303 1.249
[Leverage.sub.i,T] 0.000 24.209 4.239
[Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.420 46.308 4.770
[TA.sub.i,T] 2.781 -0.051 0.085
[HHI.sub.i,T] 0.032 3.919 2.193
Notes: (a) Jarque-Bera statistic of the average firm's
[beta]-risk is 233.997 (p-value = 0.000).
Observations = 1354
Panel B: Idiosyncratic risk model
Variables Mean SD Median Max.
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.i,t] 0.013 0.015 0.009 0.278
[AD.sub.i,T-1] 0.039 0.042 0.024 0.280
[RDi.sub.i,T-1] 0.033 0.058 0.011 0.471
[G.sub.i,T] 0.354 0.490 0.278 3.519
[Leverage.sub.i,T] 1.853 4.468 0.000 44.163
[Liquidity.sub.i,T] 2.163 1.426 1.830 22.370
[TA.sub.i,T] 7.455 1.608 7.463 11.805
[HHI.sub.i,T] 0.089 0.071 0.060 0.378
Panel B: Idiosyncratic risk model
Variables Min. Kurtosis Skewness
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.i,t] 0.001 74.314 7.007
[AD.sub.i,T-1] 0.000 6.449 2.195
[RDi.sub.i,T-1] 0.000 15.104 3.347
[G.sub.i,T] -1.322 5.347 1.255
[Leverage.sub.i,T] 0.000 24.954 4.296
[Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.420 46.530 4.761
[TA.sub.i,T] 2.781 -0.002 0.028
[HHI.sub.i,T] 0.032 3.789 2.167
Notes: (b) Jarque-Bera statistic of the average firm's
idiosyncratic risk is 606652. (p-value = 0.000).
Observations = 1396
Table 2. Correlation matrix
Panel A: Correlation matrix ([beta]-risk model)
(1) (2) (3)
(1) [[beta].sub.i,T] 1.000
(2) [AD.sub.i,T-1] -0.130 (c) 1.000
(3) [RD.sub.i,T-1] 0.138 (c) 0.093 (c) 1.000
(4) [G.sub.i,T] 0.073 (c) -0.024 0.061 (b)
(5) [Leverage.sub.i,T] 0.058 (b) -0.091 (c) 0.420 (c)
(6) [Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.091 (c) -0.065 (b) 0.286 (c)
(7) [TA.sub.i,T] -0.031 0.061 (b) 0.133 (c)
(8) [HHI.sub.i,T] 0.074 (c) -0.125 (c) 0.072 (c)
Ave. VIF
(4) (5) (6)
(1) [[beta].sub.i,T]
(2) [AD.sub.i,T-1]
(3) [RD.sub.i,T-1]
(4) [G.sub.i,T] 1.000
(5) [Leverage.sub.i,T] 0.069 (b) 1.000
(6)[Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.144 (c) 0.069 (b) 1.000
(7) [TA.sub.i,T] -0.139 (c) 0.130 (c) -0.399 (c)
(8) [HHI.sub.i,T] -0.023 0.050 (a) -0.099 (c)
Ave. VIF
(7) (8) VIF
(1) [[beta].sub.i,T] 0.979
(2) [AD.sub.i,T-1] 1.035
(3) [RD.sub.i,T-1] 1.353
(4) [G.sub.i,T] 1.010
(5) [Leverage.sub.i,T] 1.251
(6) Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.907
(7) [TA.sub.i,T] 1.000 0.279
(8) [HHI.sub.i,T] 0.126 (c) 1.000 1.021
Ave. VIF 0.980
Panel B: Correlation matrix (idiosyncratic risk model)
(1) (2) (3)
(1) [[sigma].sub.i,T] 1.000
(2) [AD.sub.i,T-1] -0.039 1.000
(3) [RD.sub.i,T-1] 0.116 (c) 0.090 (c) 1.000
(4) [G.sub.i,T] 0.067 (b) -0.029 0.065 (b)
(5) [Leverage.sub.i,T] 0.032 -0.094 (c) 0.418 (c)
(6) [Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.162 (c) -0.072 (c) 0.283 (c)
(7) [TA.sub.i,T] -0.320 (c) 0.075c 0.128 (c)
(8) [HHI.sub.i,T] 0.032 -0.127 (c) 0.078 (c)
Ave. VIF
(4) (5) (6)
(1) [[sigma].sub.i,T]
(2) [AD.sub.i,T-1]
(3) [RD.sub.i,T-1]
(4) [G.sub.i,T] 1.000
(5) [Leverage.sub.i,T] 0.068 (b) 1.000
(6) [Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.136 (c) 0.069 (c) 1.000
(7) [TA.sub.i,T] -0.130 (c) 0.130 (c) -0.404 (c)
(8) [HHI.sub.i,T] -0.015 0.045 (a) -0.095 (c)
Ave. VIF
(7) (8) VIF
(1) [[sigma].sub.i,T] 0.992
(2) [AD.sub.i,T-1] 1.034
(3) [RD.sub.i,T-1] 1.347
(4) [G.sub.i,T] 1.004
(5) [Leverage.sub.i,T] 1.250
(6) [Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.912
(7) [TA.sub.i,T] 1.000 0.229
(8) [HHI.sub.i,T] 0.104 (c) 1.000 1.017
Ave. VIF 0.973
Notes: (a) p < 0.10; (b) p < 0.05; (c) p < 0.01. The VIF
for the jth regression coefficient can be presented as:
[VIF.sub.j] = 1/(1 - [R.sup.2.sub.j]), where [R.sup.2.sub.j]
is the coefficient of multiple determination obtained from
regressing [x.sub.j] on the other regressor variables
Table 3. Advertising, R&D and risks: results of OLS
Variables Panel A: [beta]-risk Panel B: Idiosyncratic
model risk model
Intercept 1.078 (0.000)(c) 0.037 (0.000)(c)
[AD.sub.i,T-1] -2.086 (0.000)(c) -0.008 (0.411)
[RD.sub.i,T-1] 1.629 (0.000)(c) 0.043 (0.000)(c)
[G.sub.i,T] 0.074 (0.040)(b) 0.000 (0.602)
[Leverage.sub.i,T] -0.003 (0.469) 0.000 (0.821)
[Liquidity.sub.i,T] 0.012 (0.385) -0.001 (0.367)
[TA.sub.i,t] -0.011 (0.357) -0.003 (0.000)(c)
[HHI.sub.i,t] 0.501 (0.043)(b) 0.011 (0.049)(b)
[R.sub.2](adjusted 0.048 (0.043) 0.132 (0.127)
Observations 1354 1396
F(d.f.) 9.7587 30.0231
Notes: (a) p < 0.10; (b) p < 0.05; (c) p < 0.01
Table 4. Advertising, R&D and risks: results of quantile regression
Panel A: [beta]-risk model
Variables 0.1 0.2 0.3
Intercept -0.012 0.152 0.322
(0.945) (0.317) (0.016)(b)
[AD.sub.i,T-1] -0.706 -1.066 -1.432
(0.290) (0.065) (a) (0.005)(c)
[RD.sub.i,T-1] -0.064 -0.109 0.175
(0.908) (0.819) (0.675)
[G.sub.i,T] 0.048 0.047 0.082
(0.394) (0.336) (0.056)(a)
[Leverage.sub.i,T] -0.003 -0.001 -0.005
(0.646) (0.844) (0.304)
[Liquidity.sub.i,t] 0.037 0.039 0.036
(0.093)(a) (0.043)(b) (0.034)(b)
[TA.sub.i,T] 0.033 0.042 0.045
(0.093)(a) (0.014)(b) (0.002)(c)
[HHI.sub.i,t] 0.178 -0.212 -0.383
(0.645) (0.527) (0.193)
Panel B: Idiosyncratic risk model
Variables 0.1 0.2 0.3
Intercept 0.006 0.011 0.015
(0.067)(a) (0.001)(c) (0.000)(c)
[AD.sub.i,T-1] -0.002 -0.001 -0.006
(0.871) (0.903) (0.573)
[RD.sub.i,T-1] -0.004 -0.001 0.010
(0.726) (0.883) (0.254)
[G.sub.i,T] 0.001 0.001 0.001
(0.361) (0.304) (0.310)
[Leverage.sub.i,T] 0.000 0.000 -0.000
(0.962) (0.796) (0.539)
[Liquidity.sub.i,t] 0.000 0.000 0.000
(0.352) (0.435) (0.401)
[TA.sub.i,T] -0.000 -0.001 -0.001
(0.207) (0.006)(c) (0.000)(c)
[HHI.sub.i,t] 0.000 0.003 0.006
(0.989) (0.609) (0.364)
Panel A: [beta]-risk model
Variables 0.4 0.5 0.6
Intercept 0.615 0.832 1.061
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[AD.sub.i,T-1] -1.374 -1.675 -2.008
(0.003)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[RD.sub.i,T-1] 0.707 1.773 1.858
(0.061)(a) (0.000(c) (0.000)(c)
[G.sub.i,T] 0.129 0.155 0.146
(0.001)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[Leverage.sub.i,T] -0.010 -0.005 -0.002
(0.032)(a) (0.287) (0.720)
[Liquidity.sub.i,t] 0.024 0.019 0.025
(0.112) (0.176) (0.088)(a)
[TA.sub.i,T] 0.024 0.005 -0.008
(0.076)(a) (0.688) (0.543)
[HHI.sub.i,t] -0.102 0.627 0.720
(0.700) (0.012)(c) (0.004)(c)
Panel B: Idiosyncratic risk model
Variables 0.4 0.5 0.6
Intercept 0.022 0.027 0.033
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[AD.sub.i,T-1] -0.011 -0.016 -0.021
(0.273) (0.107) (0.032)(b)
[RD.sub.i,T-1] 0.023 0.033 0.044
(0.008(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[G.sub.i,T] 0.001 0.001 0.001
(0.435) (0.385) (0.197)
[Leverage.sub.i,T] -0.000 -0.000 0.000
(0.170) (0.150) (0.632)
[Liquidity.sub.i,t] 0.000 -0.000 -0.000
(0.942) (0.738) (0.502)
[TA.sub.i,T] -0.002 -0.002 -0.003
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[HHI.sub.i,t] 0.006 0.007 0.011
(0.323) (0.223) (0.059)(a)
Panel A: [beta]-risk model
Variables 0.7 0.8 0.9
Intercept 1.334 1.840 2.559
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[AD.sub.i,T-1] -2.124 -3.046 -3.355
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[RD.sub.i,T-1] 1.884 3.584 5.114
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[G.sub.i,T] 0.113 0.124 0.062
(0.004)(c) (0.009)(c) (0.300)
[Leverage.sub.i,T] 0.004 -0.007 -0.012
(0.346) (0.236) (0.0960(a)
[Liquidity.sub.i,t] 0.043 0.008 -0.033
(0.006)(c) (0.685) (0.156)
[TA.sub.i,T] -0.033 -0.057 -0.105
(0.015)(b) (0.001)(c) (0.000)(c)
[HHI.sub.i,t] 1.383 1.191 1.309
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.001)(c)
Panel B: Idiosyncratic risk model
Variables 0.7 0.8 0.9
Intercept 0.040 0.048 0.064
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[AD.sub.i,T-1] -0.022 -0.023 -0.031
(0.022)(b) (0.027)(b) (0.018)(b)
[RD.sub.i,T-1] 0.058 0.078 0.097
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[G.sub.i,T] 0.001 0.001 0.002
(0.329) (0.174) (0.034)(b)
[Leverage.sub.i,T] -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
(0.413) (0.095)(a) (0.053)(a)
[Liquidity.sub.i,t] -0.000 -0.000 -0.001
(0.303) (0.239) (0.034)(b)
[TA.sub.i,T] -0.004 -0.004 -0.006
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
[HHI.sub.i,t] 0.023 0.037 0.046
(0.000)(c) (0.000)(c) (0.000)(c)
Notes: Panel A and Panel B of this table presents quantile
regressions of the [beta]-risk and idiosyncratic risk,
[[beta].sub.i,t] and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.i,T], on measures of
firm's risk. (a) p < 0.10; (b) p < 0.05; (c) p < 0.01