Does financial development hamper economic growth: empirical evidence from Bangladesh.
Hye, Qazi Muhammad Adnan ; Islam, Faridul
1. Introduction
Financial repression refers to a notion where government
regulations, laws, and other non-market restrictions prevent the
financial intermediaries of an economy from functioning at their optimal
capacity. Financial repression can be caused by interest rate ceilings,
requirements to maintain high liquidity or reserve ratio, capital
controls, restrictions on entry into the financial sector, credit
restrictions, and ceilings on allocation, government ownership and
control of banks.
McKinnon (1973) and Shaw (1973) first introduced the notion of
financial repression. In theory, an economy with an efficient financial
market should grow faster due to efficient allocation of capital.
Government regulations create inefficiency in the capital market which
lowers the rate of return, compared to competitive market. When
financial intermediaries cannot function optimally, saving and
investment is discouraged and overall economic growth is impeded. As a
corollary, alleviation of financial repression can have positive impact
on economic growth. This line of reasoning enjoys broad theoretical and
empirical support (e.g. Romer 1986; King, Levine 1993; Levine, Zervos
1998; Wachtel 2003; Seetanah 2007; Ang 2008).
In the extant literature on the relationship between financial
development and economic growth, two strands in research can be
identified. First, researchers use a single measure of financial
development and test its relationship with economic growth for a number
of countries using cross section or panel data technique. Levine, Zervos
(1998) explored the link between banking development and economic growth
of the developed and less developed countries (1). Using the GMM method,
he found a positive relationship between the two series. Luintel and
Khan (1999) examined the causal relationship between financial
development and economic growth for ten less developed countries (2) and
found that financial depth positively affects real income and real
interest rate. Their findings showed bi-directional causality between
financial development and economic growth for the countries studied.
Rousseau and Wachtel (2000) used the ratio of market capitalization to
GDP and the value of trades to GDP, per capita trade value, per capita
market capitalization, and real per capita M3 as indicators of banking
and stock market development. They found that banking and stock market
development have strong impact on economic growth. Yay and Oktayer
(2009) used the data of bank credit (3) and stock market development as
indicators of financial development for 21 developing (4) and 16
developed economies (5). They found that both stock market development
and bank credit are positively related to economic growth in the
developing countries; whereas only stock market affects economic growth
in the developed countries. Second, researchers use time series
techniques to examine the above noted relationship for a particular
country (Murinde and Eng (1994) for Singapore; Lyons and Murinde (1994)
for Ghana; Odedokun (1989) for Nigeria; Agung and Ford (1998) for
Indonesia; and Wood (1993) for Barbados.) This paper contributes to this
second strand of the literature.
The hypothesis that alleviation of financial repression can promote
economic growth has prompted several developing nations to initiate
financial liberalization policies beginning in the mid 1980's. The
government of Bangladesh responded by launching Financial Sector Reforms
policy early in the 1990s as a part of Structural Adjustment Program
(SAP). The aim was to help improve the link between finance and economic
growth. The reforms include liberalization of deposits and lending
rates, indirect monetary management, modernization of the banking
sector, development of capital market, loan classification, prudential
regulations, strengthening the central bank's supervisory ability,
and a legal framework for debt recovery.
The objective of this study is to empirically examine the long and
the short run relationship between financial development and economic
growth by constructing the first ever financial development index (FDI)
for Bangladesh. In the literature different proxies have been used to
measure financial development and their link to economic growth (6).
Kelly and Mavrotas (2003) argue that the impact on the real GDP varies
by the choice of an indicator of financial development. An index
provides a better representation of the development of overall financial
sector; and tends to be more reliable compared to a single indicator.
The use of an index in this paper will help Bangladesh policymakers
identify areas where further reforms in the financial sector are
warranted. Despite its significance for economic growth in a globalized
world, such a study has not been undertaken for Bangladesh, a nation of
165 million in the South Asian region. The paper contributes by
exploring a relation between economic growth and FDI for Bangladesh and
fills a much needed gap in knowledge.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews
theoretical and empirical literature. Section 3 develops financial
development index. Section 4 describes the data and estimation strategy.
Sections 5 and 6 report the empirical results, and the conclusion,
2. Theoretical and empirical literature review
Three types of opinions are available in the theoretical literature
on financial and economic growth association. First, in his pioneering
study, Schumpeter (1911) identified positive effect of financial
development on productivity and economic growth. He stated that
financial intermediaries play a central role in the enhancement of
technological transformation and economic development by offering
essential services such as, channeling the savings towards productive
investment. More recently McKinnon (1973) and Shaw (1973) presented the
concept of financial liberalization enhancing growth. Further, the
growth enhancing argument is supported by new growth theories of Romer
(1986), Barro (1991), Japelli and Pagano (1994).
The second view states that finance is relatively less important
for economic growth. Robinson (1952) pointed out that financial
development does not cause economic growth. Instead economic growth
leads to financial development. Lucas (1988) stated that physical
capital, human capital and technological change are the only factors
that influence economic growth. According to this view the growth in
real sector increases the demand for various financial services which is
met by the financial sector. This view proposes that financial
development simply pursues economic growth.
The third opinion argues that financial development exerts negative
impact on economic growth. Van Wijnbergen (1982) and Buffie (1984)
stated that financial developments can have none or a negative impact on
economic growth. As the formal financial system develops, funds move
from the controlled market to the formal market. Due to the restrain
(reserve requirement) in formal markets all the funds cannot advance.
This reduces domestic credit supply, giving rise to a credit crunch
which can retard economic growth by lowering investment and slowing
production. Singh (1997) suggested that financial development impedes
economic growth when it induces instability and discourages risk-averse
investors from investing. In addition, Mauro (1995) pointed out that the
introduction of specific financial tools that permit individuals to
hedge against risks may reduce the precautionary saving and thus impede
economic growth.
The empirical literature on the finance-growth nexus is very broad.
A positive correlation between financial development and economic growth
is documented by McKinnon (1973) and Shaw (1973), Gupta (1984), Jung
(1986), Choe and Moosa (1999), Levine and Beck (2000); Sachsida (2001);
Mattoo et al. (2006), Ang and Mckibbin (2007) (7). La Porta et al.
(2002) find that government ownership of banks is pervasive and more
prevalent in low income countries. Countries with poor financial
systems, inefficient governments, and insecure property rights tend to
have lower growth in per capita income and productivity. This supports
the "political" theories of the effects of government
ownership of firms. Khan and Qayyum (2007) examine the relationship
between financial development and economic growth for high income
countries. They examine impact of indirect and direct finance,
separately and jointly, using the Nair-Reichert and Weinhold (2001)
approach to causality to heterogeneous panel data; and report two sets
of results. First, the results on the relationship between financial
development and economic growth are mixed (8). Second, their results
contrast those found by Beck and Levine (2004). Specifically, when the
heterogeneous panel causality analysis is applied to a refined model,
they fail to establish direction of causality. While the results lend
support for Robinson (1952, finance follows enterprise) in the context
of stock market activity, they argue that the importance of financial
matters may have been overstressed. Giiryay et al. (2007) examine the
relationship between financial development and economic growth for
Northern Cyprus. They found financial development does not Granger cause
economic growth, but the reverse causality holds. However, the relation
is positive but negligible.
There are several channels through which financial development
promotes economic growth. Bencivenga and Smith (1991) attribute this to
the role financial intermediaries. Using endogenous growth model with
multiple assets they consider the effects of financial intermediation
which shifts the composition of savings toward capital, suggesting that
intermediation is growth promoting. Intermediaries reduce socially
unnecessary capital liquidation and support growth. De Gregorio and
Guidotti (1995) suggest that financial intermediation positively affects
economic growth through efficient investment rather than volume. Levine
(1997) note that capital accumulation and technological channels affect
financial development and thus economic growth. Levine and Zervos (1998)
suggest that stock market liquidity and banking development positively
influence economic growth. Xu (2000) argues that financial development
affects economic growth via investment channels. Carlin and Mayer (2003)
found a robust relationship between financial system and industrial
An emerging literature points out that financial liberalization
creates financial fragility instead of economic stability. Gertler and
Rose (1994) examined a number of developing countries and found that
financial liberalization slows economic growth and increases the rate of
inflation (9). Arphasil (2001) argues that the reason behind the East
Asian Flu (1997-98) was the credit boom, triggered by interest rate and
capital account liberalization. Short term capital flow and the
resulting boom lead to instability and financial crises. Wyplosz (2002)
suggest that financial liberalization should be gradual; beginning with
domestic and then extended to external market. He cautions that proper
integration of domestic financial markets with global market may take
decades. The integration of the postwar European market which was not
completed until late in the 1980s is a case in point (see Wyplosz 2001).
Financial repression serves the interest of those in power and can
unleash a liberalization process that is in line with the
"Washington consensus". Such policy was applied in a number of
transitional economies. However, liberalization done in haste can cause
deep currency crises, e.g. the EMS crisis of 1992-93 and the Asian
crisis of 1997-98. Khan and Islam (2008) disagree with this point of
view. They blame the Chinese devaluation of 1994 for the crisis. Singh
et al. (2003) also disagree with the perception that the fundamental
causes of the Asian crisis were imperfect systems of corporate
governance and poor competitive environment in the affected countries.
Many argue that the crisis was precipitated by liberalization of capital
market; which might be explained by the Turkish currency crises (Mete
In the context of finance and growth nexus for Bangladesh, Rahman
(2004) found that financial development positively impacts per capita
income and investment-GDP ratio. He used domestic credit to private
sector as a percentage of GDP; total deposit as a percentage of GDP and
broad money as a percentage of GDP as indicators of financial
development. Hassan and Islam (2005) examined the causal relationship
between finance and growth. They reject both finance led growth and
growth led finance hypothesis for Bangladesh. Rahman (2007) investigated
the long-run impact of financial development on capital formation and
per capita income (10). The response matrix lends support for the
long-run relation between various indicators of financial development
and investment on per capita income. The findings do not support the
notion that lending rates have any impact on per capita income,
financial development, or investment which they blame on small degree of
monetization. Based on the Impulse Response Functions for the short-run
dynamics among the series, both financial development and investment are
found to exert short-run impact on per capita income during the
immediate year following the shocks. The Variance Decomposition results
suggest that lending rate; indicators of financial development; and
investment contain very useful information to predict the future path of
per capita income.
3. Construction of financial development index
The financial sector reforms in Bangladesh are divided in two
phases. The initial reforms were started in 1990s and the second one was
launched in late 2001. In 1990s the reforms were started on the
suggestion of National Commission on Money, Banking and Credit, and the
World Bank. The main aims of financial sector reforms were as follows:
liberalization of interest rates; indirect monetary management;
implementation of capital adequacy requirement for commercial banks;
introduction of new policies for loan classification; transformation of
banking sector; updating accounting system; amendment of the legal
structure of financial sector; development of capital market;
intensification of central bank's supervision; improvement of
overall management of the banking sectors with special emphasis on
credit management; and computerization of the operation of the central
bank and the government owned commercial banks.
In the second phase of financial sector reforms, the repurchase
agreement (repo) was introduced in July 2002 and reverse repo was
launched in April 2003. The Bangladesh Taka was floated in May 2003 in
the foreign exchange market. After that a number of legal, regulatory,
and operational reforms of non-performing loan were started. In order to
strengthen the capital base, the minimum paid up capital of a bank was
raised from Taka 200 million ($3.4 million) to Taka 1000 million ($17
million). The literature indicates that researcher constructed financial
indicator to investigate the impact of financial sector reforms on
growth. They applied two different methods to construct financial index
to analyze the impact of financial reforms on economic growth. First,
Bandiera et al. (2000) constructed financial indicator by using
different features of financial institutional reforms and regulations.
In particular, they used eight policy components of financial
indicators: interest rate deregulation, pro-competition measures,
reserve requirements, directed credit, bank ownership, prudential
regulations, stock markets reform and international financial
liberalization. This approach was applied by Laeven (2003), Nair (2004),
Shrestha et al. (2005), Ahmed (2007) and Hye et al. (2011).
Secondly, in an environment where financial sector is based on the
banking system rather than on the market, it is a complex exercise to
quantify government deregulation policies and institution-building
(Kelly, Mavrotas 2003; Ang, Mckibbin 2007). Ang and Mckibbin (2007)
constructed FDI for Malaysia by using the three indicators. For the
first two indicators, they used liquid liabilities and domestic credit
to private sectors as a ratio of nominal GDP. For the third one, the
ratio of commercial bank assets to commercial bank assets plus central
bank assets was used. Khan and Qayyum (2007) chose four indicators of
financial development to construct FDI for Pakistan: total bank deposit
liabilities; clearing house amount; private credit and the stock market
capitalization, each as ratio of GDP. Kar et al. (2008) used three
proxies of financial development (M1/Y; M1/M2 and M2/Y) (11) for
financial liberalization index for Turkey. Hye (2011) constructed
financial development index for India by using four proxy indicators of
financial development--market capitalization of listed companies, liquid
liabilities and domestic credit to private sector as a percentage of
GDP, and M2/M1.
The present study follows the second approach just described above
to construct FDI for Bangladesh. We do so because financial institutions
in Bangladesh are dominated by the banking sector which accounts for 95
percent in the financial system (Sufian, Habibullah 2009; Bahar 2009).
The formal financial sector in Bangladesh includes the Bangladesh Bank
(the central bank), 48 commercial banks and 28 non-bank financial
institutions. The index focuses more on the financial development in the
context of the banking sector. The five ratios used here are: liquid
liabilities (M3) as % of GDP; domestic credit provided by banking sector
as % of GDP; domestic credit to private sector as % of GDP; money plus
quasi money (M2) as ratio of money (M1); and market capitalization of
listed companies as % of GDP (12). The weight of each series is computed
by using the principal component method (PCM).
The principal component method (PCM) was first coined by Pearson
(1901) and then developed by Hotelling (1933). The PCM uses a
multivariate technique to examine the relationships among several
quantitative variables. The method has been widely applied to many areas
including computation of environmental index (Kang et al. 2002). More
recently, Agenor (2003) computed a simple globalization index using PCM
and applied it to trade and financial openness. In terms of methodology,
for any given data set with p variables, at most p principal components
(PC) can be computed, each being a linear combination of the original
variables, where the coefficients equal the eigenvectors of the
correlation of covariance matrix. The PC is then sorted by descending
order of the eigen values, which are equal to the variance of the
components. Note that the eigenvectors are taken of unit length. The
first component has the largest variance of any unit length linear
combination of the determinant variables, and likewise for the last
component. The PCM can be expressed as:
[Z.sub.j] = [a.sub.j,1][F.sub.1] + [a.sub.j,2] [F.sub.2] + .... +
[a.sub.j,n][F.sub.n] + [d.sub.j][U.sub.j], (1)
where, each of the 1 to n observed variables [Z.sub.i] is described
linearly in terms of n new uncorrelated components [F.sub.1], [F.sub.2]
x [F.sub.n] each of which in turn is a linear combination of the n
original variables. The coefficient [a.sub.ij] is the regression weight
on the ith factor and [U.sub.i] denotes a unique factor, influenced by
idiosyncratic determinants. The critical issue here is to obtain the
best linear combination. Table 1 reports the results from PCM.
The first PC explains about 90.3%, the second PC explains 7.2%, the
third and fourth PC another 1.6% and 0.05% respectively and the last
principal component accounts for 0.03% of the standardized variance.
Thus we select the first PC to calculate financial development index.
The first PC is a linear combination of the three standard measures of
financial development with weights given by the first eigen vector.
After rescaling, the individual contributions of each series M, DCP, DC,
M2/M1 and MC to the standardized variance of the first principal
component are found to be 46.4%, 45.9%, 46.5%, 44.6% and 39.6%
respectively. This study uses these weights to construct a summary
measure of FDI, as shown in Figure 1. This index describes the
structural changes of financial sector development in Bangladesh.
4. Data and estimation strategy
4.1. Data
The paper uses annual time series data from 1975-2009. All
variables, gross domestic product (GDP), total labor forces (L), gross
fixed capital formation (K), and real interest rate (RIR) has been taken
from World Development Indicators CD ROM of the World Bank. We construct
and implement the first ever financial development index (FDI) for
Bangladesh. This step helps us finesse the problems associated with the
use of a single indicator. The GDP and K are measured in domestic
currency at constant 2000 prices, and L is measured in numbers. The
following relation is postulated.
Y = f (L, K, RIR, FDI), (2)
The specification of the linear formulation is provided in equation
Ln[(Y).sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.j] Ln[(L).sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2] Ln[(K).sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3] Ln[(RIR).sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.4] Ln[(FDI).sub.t] + [[mu].sub.1t], (3)
where Ln[(Y).sub.t], Ln[(L).sub.t], Ln[(K).sub.t], Ln[(RIR).sub.t]
and Ln[(FDI).sub.t] are natural logarithm of the variables described
earlier, and [[mu].sub.t] is the random error term.
4.2. Methodology
The paper employs the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and relatively
new Ng-Perron unit root tests to determine the order of integration of
each series. The ADF test is based on equation (4).
[DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0]T + [[alpha].sub.2] [Y.sub.t-1] +
[k.summation over (i=1)][d.sub.j] [DELTA][Y.sub.t- j] +
[[epsilon].sub.t], (4)
where, [[epsilon].sub.t] is pure white noise process, [Y.sub.t] is
the series of interest for unit root. T is a linear time trend, [DELTA]
is the first difference operator, [[alpha].sub.0] is a constant, and k
is the optimum number of lags needed to induce white noise property. The
null hypothesis for testing non-stationarity is H0: [[alpha].sub.2] = 0,
i.e. the time series are non-stationary (14). The Ng-Perron (2001) (15)
unit root test is based on the following four statistics:
Phillips-Perron [Z.sub.a] and [Z.sub.t], Bhargava [R.sub.1] and ERS
optimal statistic. The tests are based on GLS de-trended data,
Define, k = [T.summation over (t-2)]
The four statistics are listed below.
4.3. ARDL approach to cointegration
The paper implements the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)
approach to cointegration a la Pesaran et al. (2001). The approach is
preferable to other conventional techniques, e.g. Engle and Granger
(1987), Johansen (1991), and Gregory and Hansen's (1996) for
several reasons. ARDL applies irrespective of whether the underlying
regressors are purely I(0), or mutually integrated. The statistic
underlying the procedure is the familiar F-statistic and Wald-statistic
in a generalized Dickey-Fuller type regression, which is used to test
the significance of the lagged levels of the variables under
consideration within a conditional Unrestricted Equilibrium Error
Correction Model (Pesaran et al. 2001). The ARDL approach involves
estimating the conditional error correction version for the variables.
The augmented ARDL ([rho], [q.sub.1], [q.sub.2], ... [q.sub.k]) is given
by the following equation (Pesaran, Pesaran 1997; Pesaran et al. 2001):
a (L, [rho]) [y.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [k.summation over
(i-1)][[beta].sub.i] (L,[q.sub.i])[x.sub.i,t] + [??]' [w.sub.t] +
[[epsilon].sub.t], [for all] = 1, ..., n, (5)
[y.sub.t] is the dependent variable, [alpha] is a constant term, L
is a backshift operator such that L[y.sub.t] = [y.sub.t-1], [w.sub.t] is
s x 1 vector of deterministic variables such as intercept term, time
trends, or exogenous variables with fixed lags. The [] in
equation-5 is the ith independent variable where i = 1, 2, ..., k. The
long run equation with respect to the constant term can be written as
y = [[alpha].sub.0] + [k.summation over
(i-1)][[beta].sub.i][x.sub.i] + [delta]'[w.sub.t] + [v.sub.t],
[OMEGA] = [[alpha].sub.0]/[OMEGA] (1, [rho]). (6)
The long run coefficients for response of [y.sub.t] to a unit
change in [] are investigated by:
where [??] and [[??].sub.i], i = 1, 2, ..., k are the estimated
values of [??] and [??] and [[??].sub.i], i = 1, 2, ..., k. The long run
coefficients are estimated by:
denotes the OLS estimates of [lambda] in equation (5) for the selected
ARDL model. The error correction model (ECM) linked to the ARDL
rewriting equation (5) in terms of lagged levels and the first
difference of [y.sub.t], [x.sub.1t], [x.sub.2t], [x.sub.kt] and
where, the ECM is defined as follows:
[ECM.sub.t] = [y.sub.t] - [alpha] - [summation][beta]^[x.sub.i,t] -
[gamma]'[w.sub.t], (10)
[x.sub.t] is a k-dimensional forcing variable which are not
cointegrated among themselves. The [[epsilon].sub.t] is a vector of
stochastic error terms, with zero mean and constant variance-covariance.
The ARDL approach involves two steps for estimating the long-run
relationship (Pesaran et al. 2001). The first step is to investigate the
existence of a long-run relationship among the variables of interest.
The second step is to estimate the long- and the short-run coefficients
of the equation. The more general formula of ECM with unrestricted
intercept is as follows,
The F-statistics and Wald-statistic are used to test the null
[H.sub.0] = [[pi].sub.Y] = [[pi].sub.L] = [[pi].sub.K] =
[[pi].sub.RIR] = [[pi].sub.FDI] = 0 of no cointegration against the
[H.sub.1] = [[pi].sub.Y] = [[pi].sub.L] = [[pi].sub.K] =
[[pi].sub.RIR] = [[pi].sub.FDI]0 of cointegration.
The two sets of asymptotic critical values are provided by Pesaran
et al. (2001), Narayan (2005), and Turner (2006). The first set assumes
that all variables are integrated at level I(0), while the second set
assumes that all variables are integrated of order one If the computed
statistics exceeds the upper critical bound, then the null hypothesis of
no cointegration is rejected, i.e. a long run relationship among the
series exists. If the test statistics falls within the lower and upper
critical bounds, the result is inconclusive. If the statistics is less
than the lower critical bound, the null hypothesis is sustained. If a
long run relationship exists, then next step is to estimate the long-run
and short coefficients.
In order to investigate the causal relationship the conditional
Granger causality test is used under the vector error correction model
(VECM). In this way the short-run deviations of the series from their
long run equilibrium path can be investigated by including the error
correction term ([ECT.sub.t-1]) in the model (Narayan, Smyth 2004).
Consequently, conditional vector error correction system for Granger
causality under the multivariate model is specified as follows:
where [DELTA], [rho] and [mu] represent the first difference
operator, optimum lag length and error term, respectively. The optimum
lag length is selected by using the SBC and AIC. The long run and short
run causality is tested as follows: In eq-12 the short run causality
from labor force, real capital, real interest rate and financial
development index to real GDP are tested respectively based on
[H.sub.0]:[[delta].sub.12]= 0,[H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.13] = 0,[H.sub.0]:
[[delta].sub.14] = 0 and [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.15] = 0. In eq-13 the
short run causality from real GDP, real capital, real interest rate and
financial development index to labor force are examined respectively
[H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.22] = 0, [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.23] = 0,
[H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.24] = 0 and [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.25] = 0. In
eq-14, short run causality from real GDP, labor force, real interest
rate and financial development index to real capital are tested
respectively [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.32] = 0, [H.sub.0]:
[[delta].sub.33] = 0, [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.34] = 0 and [H.sub.0]:
[[delta].sub.35] = 0. In eq-15 short run causality from real GDP, labor
force, real capital and financial development index to real interest
rate are tested respectively [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.42] = 0, [H.sub.0]:
[[delta].sub.43] = 0, [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.44] = 0 and[H.sub.0]:
[[delta].sub.45] = 0. In eq-16 short run causality from real GDP, labor
force, real capital and real interest rate to financial development
index are tested respectively [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.52] = 0,
[H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.53] = 0, [H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.54] = 0 and
[H.sub.0]: [[delta].sub.55] = 0. The long run causality is tested
through the significance of error correction term (eqs. 12-16). If the
error correction term is negative and statistically significant, then we
reject the null hypothesis of no long run causal relationship.
5. Empirical results
The results from the Augmented Dickey and Fuller (1979), and Ng
(2001) and Perrson's unit root tests (2001) are reported in table
2. All the series are found to be I(1).
After determining the order of integration we explore existence of
a long run relationship among the series. The optimal lag order is
determined by applying the Schwartz Bayesian Criteria (SBC).
The computed F-statistic and W-Statistic presented in Table 3 are
above the upper critical bound. This confirms cointegrating relation
among the variables at the 1%; level of significance. Having established
a long run relationship among the variables, we now turn to the long run
Estimated long run coefficients presented in Table 4 suggest that
real interest rate (RIR) and FDI are negatively related to economic
growth in Bangladesh. The results show that a 1 percent increase in RIR
causes expected real economic growth to decline by 0.051%, ceteris
paribus. This result is consistent with the findings of Hye (2011) for
India but not with those found by Khan and Qayyum (2007) for Pakistan,
and Hye and Dolgopolova (2011) for China. Hye's (2011) estimates
suggest that a 1% increase in RIR lowers economic growth by 0.04% in
India. Khan and Qayyum, and Hye and Dolgopolova found that a 1% increase
in RIR enhances economic growth by 0.03% in Pakistan and 0.015% in
China, on average ceteris paribus. Further a 1% increase in FDI impedes
growth in real GDP by 0.254% in Bangladesh. This result is consistent
with the earlier findings of Hye (2011) for India but not with those
found by Ang (2007); Khan and Qayyum (2007); Kar et al. (2008), and Hye
and Dolgopolova (2011) for Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey, and China
respectively, on average ceteris paribus. These authors found that a 1%
increase in FDI increases economic growth by 0.096, 1.029, 0.015 and
0.25%, respectively. The negative coefficient found for FDI differs from
some of the cross-country studies e.g., King and Levine (1993), Levine,
Beck (2000) and Rioja and Valev (2004). The results of this study also
do not agree with the earlier findings by Rahman (2004, 2007) on
Bangladesh. Rahman found a positive effect of financial development on
per capita income. The other factors--labour and capital--are positively
associated to economic growth, as predicted by the standard growth
The short run results reported in Table 5 indicate that the
coefficient of RIR and FDI are negatively associated to economic growth.
Economic growth responds positively to labor and capital and both are
significant in the short run. The error correction term ([ECM.sub.t-1]
in table 5) is negative and statistically significant. This term
indicates the speed of adjustment needed to restore equilibrium in the
long run. A relatively high but negative ECM implies a faster adjustment
process. For instance, the value of ECM 0.078, means the disequilibrium
caused by of the previous year's shock is adjusted by average 7.8%
to restore the long run equilibrium per year.
Table 6 shows the results of conditional Granger causality test.
With respect to equation (12), labor force, real interest rate and
financial development index causes real GDP in the short-run. The error
correction term is statistically significant which suggests long-run
causality. The equations (13, 14) show that none of the variables causes
the labor force and gross capital formation in the short run. However,
the error correction term is statistically insignificant which suggests
that labor force and gross capital formation is not responsive to
adjustments towards long-run equilibrium; i.e. no long run causality.
The labor force and financial development index Granger cause the real
interest rate in the short run, and the error correction term is
insignificant. The result confirms no long run causality. Labor force
and gross fixed capital formation Granger cause financial development
index in the short run, and are positive. The insignificant error
correction terms indicates no long run causality.
Rolling regression analysis
This study employs rolling window method to estimate and evaluate
the stability of the model. Generally, we assume that the model
parameters remain same over the sample period. However, as economic
conditions change, so do the variables; which render such assumption
untenable. Rolling window regression method allows us to examine
parameter stability. Using the technique, we can estimate the
coefficient of each observation of the sample size by setting the size
of rolling window. If the economic variables fluctuate overtime, the
technique can capture such instability.
Figures 2 through 6 present the results of the rolling regression.
The solid line represents the estimated coefficient. The dotted lines
show two standard deviation bands as an indicator of the significance of
the coefficients.
Figure 2 shows graph of labor coefficients. The solid line in the
graph shows annual long run coefficient which is greater than zero
throughout sample period. Capital negatively affects the economic growth
in the years of 1986-1990 and 2008 (Figure 3). Figures 4 and 5 portray
the coefficients of RIR and FDI respectively. RIR is negative for the
years 1986-1998, 2006 and 2007. The FDI is also negative for the years
1987 to 1988, 1992 to 1999, 2002 to 2006, 2008 and 2009.Overall, the RIR
and FDI are negatively linked to economic growth (see Table 4). The
Figure 6 shows the graph of the intercept.
6. Conclusion
In this paper we construct the first ever financial development
index (FDI) for Bangladesh to examine the empirical relationship between
FDI and economic growth. The Augmented Dickey Fuller and the Ng-Perron
unit root tests to determine the order of integration, and the
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration have
been employed for a long run relation among the series. The rolling
window regression approach is used to assess the stability of the
The results show that RIR and FDI are negatively related to
economic growth both in the long and the short run. A 1% increase in RIR
and FDI lowers real economic growth by 0.051 and 0.254% respectively in
the long run. While these findings lend support the theoretical
justifications of Van Wijnbergen (1983), Taylor (1983), Lucas (1988),
Mauro (1995) and Singh (1997) who anticipated that financial development
would impede economic growth; studies of Wizarat and Hye (2010), and Hye
(2011) find a negative relationship between economic growth and
financial development in Pakistan and India. Some of the results did not
lend support the theoretical model of Schumpeter (1911), Goldsmith
(1969), Hicks (1969), and McKinnon (1973) and Shaw (1973). Ang (2007)
found a 1% increase in FDI enhances economic growth by 0.096% in
Malaysia. Khan and Qayyum (2007) found A 1 percent increase in RIR and
FDI enhances economic growth by 0.03 and 1.029% respectively in
Pakistan; and Kar et al. (2008) found a 1% increase in FDI promotes
economic growth by 0.015% for Turkey. Hye (2011) found 1% increase in
RIR and financial indicator enhances economic growth in China by 0.015
and 0.25%, respectively (all interpretations are on an average and
ceteris paribus). The present paper rejects the positive relationship
between finance and economic growth in Bangladesh found earlier by
Rahman (2004, 2007).
The other factors--labor and capital-used in study are positively
associated to economic growth, as expected. The granger causality
results indicate that labour force, real interest rate and financial
development index Granger cause real economic growth in the short and
the long run. Further the financial development index cause real
interest rate in the short run only. More importantly, we could not find
causality from financial indicators (Financial Development Index and
real interest rate) to investment (Real gross fixed capital formation);
and investment to economic growth as suggested by the McKinnon Shaw
school of thought that financial reforms improve the efficiency of
financial sector, thus enhances level of productive investment and
ultimately a stable economic growth.
Further, we deepen the analytical rigor by estimating the
coefficients of each observation using the rolling regression technique.
The rolling window regression results show that the RIR is negative for
the years 1986-1998, 2006 and 2007. The FDI is also negative for the
years 1987 to 1988, 1992 to 1999, 2002 to 2006, 2008 and 2009.
Overall, the findings support the neo-structuralist position of Van
Wijnbergen (1983), Taylor (1983), Lucas (1988), Mauro (1995) and Singh
(1997) that financial liberalization impedes economic growth. Based on
the findings of this study, the following policy implications emerge:
There is need to properly realign financial reforms to boost
productive investment and thus economic growth in Bangladesh.
Policy makers should reduce loans to the non-performing
agricultural and industrial sector. Such loans are higher in Bangladesh
compared to other emerging economies (Bahar 2009).
It is vital to improve the risk management system. Experience of
some developing countries like Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Brazil,
Mexico and Uruguay indicate that financial liberalization without risk
management can trigger financial distress (Lee 1991).
Policy makers need to ensure that the expansion in financial sector
does not create excessive inflation.
It is important to allocate bank credit to small and medium
enterprises. Experience of emerging economies like China shows that
these enterprises contribute 90% to the GDP; and are also important for
employment generation and poverty alleviation.
Policy maker should pursue financial policies that attract foreign
direct investments in the country.
The implementation of financial reforms in isolation is
counterproductive. For the reforms to succeed, it is necessary to
establish stable macroeconomic (fiscal and monetary policies) and
political environment.
Caption: Fig. 1. Financial development index for Bangladesh
Caption: Fig. 2. Coefficient of Ln(L) and its two*S.E. bands based
on rolling OLS (Dependent Variable: Ln(Y); Total no. of Regressors: 5)
Caption: Fig. 3. Coefficient of Ln(K) and its two*S.E. bands based
on rolling OLS (Dependent Variable: Ln(Y); Total no. of Regressors: 5)
Caption: Fig. 4. Coefficient of Ln(RIR) and its two*S.E. bands
based on rolling OLS (Dependent Variable: Ln(Y); Total no. of
Regressors: 5)
Caption: Fig. 5. Coefficient of Ln(FDI) and its two*S.E. bands
based on rolling OLS (Dependent Variable: Ln(Y); Total no. of
Regressors: 5)
Caption: Fig. 6. Coefficient of INPT and its two*S.E. bands based
on rolling OLS (Dependent Variable: Ln(Y); Total no. of Regressors: 5)
doi: 10.3846/16111699.2012.654813
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Qazi Muhammad Adnan Hye [1], Faridul Islam [2]
[1] Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Administration,
University of Malaya, Malaysia [2] Department of Economics, Morgan State
University, 311H Holmes Hall, 1700 E Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD
E-mails: [1]
[email protected] (corresponding author); [2]
[email protected]
Received 17 July 2011; accepted 03 January 2012
(1) Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Costa Rica, Germany,
Denmark, Egypt, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Hong
Kong, Indonesia, India, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Japan, Korea,
Luxembourg, Mexico, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, The Netherlands, Norway,
New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden,
Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Taiwan, United States, Venezuela, and
(2) Colombia, Costa Rica, Greece, India, Korea, Malaysia,
Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Thailand.
(3) The ratio of bank claims on the private sector deposit money
banks to GDP.
(4) Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Greece, India, Indonesia,
Israel, Jordan, Korea Republic, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru,
Philippines, Portugal, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Venezuela,
(5) Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Sweden, USA.
(6) See Rousseau and Watchel 1998; Xu 2000; Fase, Abma 2003; Rioja,
Valev 2004; Rahman 2004, 2007; Hassan and Islam 2005; Shahbaz 2009.
(7) In contrast financial development does not always produce
desirable outcomes because the relative strength of financial sector is
different in the countries level.
(8) The results obtained from contemporaneous non-dynamic fixed
effects panel estimation. Negative but statistically significant
estimates of the coefficient of the interaction variable between
inflation and financial development indicate that the latter may even
hurt economic growth in a situation of rising inflation.
(9) Because financial liberalization associated a general rise in
interest rates that was cause a rise in the cost of capital. According
to this observation, financial liberalization cause to increase in
interest rates and manufacturing costs, causing prices to increase.
(10) The author uses the Blanchard and Quah's (1989) technique
of structural vector auto-regressions.
(11) M1: Narrow Money; M2: Broad Money and Y: Gross domestic
(12) Economists often use these ratios as an indicator of financial
development (see Rousseau and Watchel 1998; Xu 2000; Fase & Abma
2003; Rioja and Valev 2004; Rahman 2004, 2007; Hassan and Islam 2005;
Shahbaz 2009).
(13) The correlations matrix shows the proxies of financial
development highly correlated with each other.
(14) That is [z.sub.t] is a random walk with unit root. If the
t-statistic of [[alpha].sub.2] is less than the critical value at the
chosen level of significance, the null hypothesis of non-stationary
cannot be rejected.
(15) This test has good explanatory power in small samples.
Qazi Muhammad Adnan HYE is Ph.D student at the Economics
Department, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of
Malaya, Malaysia. He received his M. Phil in Economics from the Applied
Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi and MA in Economics
from Islamia University of Bhawalpur, Pakistan. He is editor of Asian
Economic and Financial Review. He has fourty one publications in various
national and international refereed journals.
Faridul ISLAM teaches at the Utah Valley University, UT in the
Department of Economics and Finance. Farid earned his MS from the London
School of Economics and the PhD from University of Illinois at Urbana.
He also worked at the Wharton Econometric Forecast Associates, PA. He
published in Economics Letters, Journal of Asian Economics, Journal of
Economic Development, Economic Change and Restructuring, Journal of
Developing Areas, The International Trade Journal, Bangladesh
Development Studies among others.
Table 1. Financial development index analysis
Eigenvalues: (Sum = 5, Average = 1)
Cumulative Cumulative
Number Value Difference Proportion Value Proportion
1 4.516 4.155 0.903 4.516 0.903
2 0.360 0.281 0.072 4.8773 0.975
3 0.080 0.053 0.016 4.957 0.991
4 0.026 0.011 0.005 4.984 0.996
5 0.015 -- 0.003 5.000 1.000
Eigenvectors (loadings):
Variable PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5
M 0.464 -0.123 -0.317 0.048 -0.815
DCP 0.459 -0.191 -0.578 0.359 0.537
DC 0.465 -0.087 0.057 -0.854 0.204
M2/M1 0.446 -0.376 0.734 0.341 0.045
MC 0.396 0.893 0.147 0.143 0.042
Ordinary correlations: (13)
M 1.000
DCP 0.981 1.000
DC 0.975 0.961 1.000
M2/M1 0.936 0.922 0.946 1.000
MC 0.788 0.754 0.801 0.688 1.000
Notes: M = Liquid liabilities (M3) as % of GDP, DCP = Domestic
credit provided by banks (% of GDP); DC = Domestic credit to
private sector (% of GDP); M2/M1 = Money plus quasi money divided
by money; and Market capitalization of listed companies (% of
Table 2. Unit root tests results
Augmented Dickey and Fuller unit root test
Variables Level 1st Difference
Ln(L) -0.974 -4.11 ***
Ln(K) -0.846 -3.111 **
Ln(RIR) -2.314 -5.334 ***
Ln(FDI) -0.764 -6.637 ***
Ln(Y) -1.226 -3.614 **
Ng Perron unit root test
Ln(L) -0.73 -0.32 0.46 14.84
Ln(K) -1.216 -0.481 0.395 11.876
Ln(RIR) -2.745 -1.168 0.425 8.909
Ln(FDI) 1.10927 0.90182 0.81299 49.1580
Ln(Y) -1.618 -0.562 0.347 10.061
1st Difference
[DELTA]Ln(L) -6.69 * -1.73 0.26 4.01
[DELTA]Ln(K) -10.399 ** -2.221 0.213 2.582
[DELTA]Ln(RIR) -16.052 *** -2.832 0.176 1.527
[DELTA]Ln(FDI) -9.631 ** -2.097 0.217 2.909
[DELTA]Ln(Y) -14.788 *** -2.709 0.183 1.692
Notes: * 10%; ** 5%; *** 1%: Level of significance.
Table 3. Bound test for long run relationship
Computed F- 7.861
Level of Critical Value
Significance Bounds
Pesaran et al. (2001) Narayn (2005)
Lower Upper Lower Upper
Bound Bound Bound Bound
1% 3.81 4.92 4.76 6.20
5% 3.05 3.97 3.28 4.63
10% 2.68 3.89 2.69 3.89
Computed F- 7.861
Level of
Turner (2006)
Lower Upper
Bound Bound
1% 5.14 6.80
5% 3.80 4.78
10% 2.96 4.18
Computed 47.162
Lower Upper
Bound Bound
1% 12.13 17.87
5% 14.26 20.25
10% 12.13 25.62
Table 4. Long run coefficient
Dependent Variable: Ln(Y)
Regressor ARDL Based Regression
Coefficient T-Ratio (Prob.)
Ln(L) 0.679 2.306(0.028)
Ln(K) 0.634 5.015(0.000)
Ln(RIR) -0.051 -3.697(0.000)
Ln(FDI) -0.254 -1.678(0.103)
Constant -0.685 -0.174(0.862)
Table 5. Short run error correction coefficients
Dependent Variable: [DELTA]Ln(Y)
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic
Ln(Y(-1)) -0.361 -2.107 (0.044)
[DELTA]Ln(L) 0.376 1.669 (0.107)
[DELTA]Ln(K) 0.085 1.532 (0.137)
[DELTA]Ln(RIR) -0.011 -3.983 (0.000)
[DELTA]Ln(FDI) -0.063 -2.656 (0.013)
ECM(-1) -0.078 -5.323 (0.000)
Constant -0.011 -1.004 (0.324)
R-squared 0.688
Adjusted R-squared 0.616
F-statistic (Prob.) 9.572 (0.000)
Akaike info criterion -6.491
Schwarz criterion -6.173
Hannan-Quinn criter. -6.384
Durbin-Watson stat 2.303
Table 6. Conditional Granger causality test
Short Run Causality
Ln(Y) Ln(L) Ln(K)
Ln(Y) -- 2.381 (0.100) 1.219 (0.316)
Ln(Y) 1.178 (0.328) -- 0.113 (0.893)
Ln(K) 0.928 (0.411) 1.127 (0.343) --
Ln(RIR) 2.041 (0.156) 2.421 (0.114) 0.195 (0.823)
Ln(FDI) 1.354 (0.281) 2.439 (0.112) 3.211 (0.061)
Short Run Causality Long run
Ln(Y) 4.958 (0.017) 9.751 (0.001) -4.721 (0.000)
Ln(Y) 1.431 (0.262) 0.131 (0.878) -0.395 (0.696)
Ln(K) 0.791 (0.467) 0.456 (0.641) -0.824 (0.419)
Ln(RIR) -- 4.1603 (0.031) -0.742 (0.466)
Ln(FDI) 0.986 (0.391) -- 0.661 (0.515)