Application of stepwise data envelopment analysis and grey incidence analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of export promotion programs.
Hajiagha, Seyed Hossein Razavi ; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras ; Hashemi, Shide Sadat 等
1. Introduction
Economic scholars believed that export had a major and direct
impact on economic conditions and growth of the country. At a micro
level, the export of goods and services has become increasingly
important for the survival of growth oriented domestic firms. At a macro
level, exporting is important for dealing with trade deficit problems
experienced by many countries (Julian, Ali 2009). These impacts persuade
governments to design and provide some programs in order to promote the
magnitude and diversity of export in their countries.
Export promotion programs (EPPs) are a class of policies that
governments make to encourage and reinforce domestic exporters to expand
their activities. It can be defined as an incentive program designed for
attracting firms into export by offering help with product and market
identification and development (Korsakiene, Tvaronaviciene 2012;
Travkina, Tvaronaviciene 2011; Valuckaite, Snieska 2007; Zhou et al.
2010), prescription and post-shipment, financing, training, payment
guaranty schemes, trade fairs, trade visits, foreign representation,
etc. (Shamsuddoha et al. 2009; Lages et al. 2008) used electronic
information retrieval methods (Burinskas et al. 2010; Azimi et al. 2011;
Buyukozkan 2004) and systems (Kaklauskas et al. 2002a,b, 2003, 2010;
Zavadskas et al. 2005).
Some studies have shown a positive direct impact of EPPs on export
performance (Balassa 1978; Kumar Roy 1993; Ramaseshan, Soutar 1996;
Billings et al. 2003; Francis, Collins-Dodd 2004; Shamsuddoha, Ali 2006;
Zia 2008; Julian, Ali 2009; Larbi, Chymes 2009; Lederman et al. 2010;
Freixanet 2011; Argent 2011). Also, Armah and Epperson (1997), Knowles
and Mathur (1997), and Onunkwo and Epperson (2000) have tried to measure
the global impact of specific promotion interventions. Some studies have
indirectly evaluated program effects, considering them among other
factors to explain export performance (Crick, Chaudhry 1997; Katsikeas
et al. 1996; Walters 1983).
This study is done to determine the effects of EPPs on Iran food
industry. A set of different EPPs are proposed to food product exporters
in Iran. This diversity in programs and their requested funds forces
decision makers to appraise the effects of different EPPs and assign
financial resources based on a logical and structured manner. The aim of
this study to determine and clarify the effectiveness of EPPs in Iran is
satisfied through a hybrid application of stepwise data envelopment
analysis (stepwise DEA) and grey incidence analysis (GIA) methods.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 discusses the concept
of stepwise DEA, section 3 briefly introduces the GIA method and section
4 explores the framework of data gathering. The analysis and their
results are presented in section 5. Finally, section 6 consists of
conclusions and future work.
2. Stepwise data envelopment analysis
Data envelopment analysis was originally proposed by Charnes et al.
(1978) as a method to evaluate the relative efficiency of a set of units
that consume a set of m inputs and transform them into a set of s
outputs. For more details on DEA refer to Cooper et al. (2002) and Ray
(2004). For reviewing applications for DEA see Emrouznejad et al.
The classic CCR model can be introduced as follows. Suppose there
are a set of m homogenous units. Each unit, [DMU.sub.j], j = 1,2, ... n,
use a set of m inputs [X.sub.j] = ([x.sub.lj], [x.sub.2j], ...,
[x.sub.mj]) to produce a set of s outputs [Y.sub.j] = ([y.sub.1j],
[y.sub.2j], []). The input oriented CCR model to evaluate the
relative efficiency of these DMUs for each [DMU.sub.0], 0 [member of]
{l,2, ..., n} is developed as follows:
min [[theta].sub.0]
[n.summation over (j=1)][[lambda].sub.j][x.sub.ij] [less than or
equal to] [[theta].sub.0] [x.sub.i0], i = 1, 2 ..., m,
[n.summation over (j=1)][[lambda].sub.j][y.sub.rj] [greater than or
equal to] [y.sub.r0], r = 1, 2, ..., s,
[[lambda].sub.j] [greater than or equal to] 0, j = 1, 2, ..., n.
In model (1), [[theta].sub.0] shows the radial efficiency of
[DMU.sub.0] and [[lambda].sub.j], j = 1, 2, ..., n is a vector of
intensity variables. DMU is efficient if its radial efficiency is equal
to one and all of its slack variables in optimal solutions of model (1)
are zero. Now, suppose that the input vector is segmented into two sub
vectors: discretionary inputs [X.sup.d.sub.j] = ([x.sup.d.sub.1j],
[x.sup.d.sub.2j], ..., [x.sup.d.sub.kj]) and non discretionary inputs
[X.sup.nd.sub.j] = ([x.sup.nd.sub.1j], [x.sup.nd.sub.2j], ...,
[x.sup.nd.sub.lj]). Then, according to Banker and Morey (1986), the
input oriented CCR model with non discretionary variables is constructed
min [[theta].sub.0]
[n.summation over (j=1)][[lambda].sub.j][x.sub.ij] [less than or
equal to] [[theta].sub.0] [x.sub.i0], i = 1, 2, ..., k,
[n.summation over (j=1)][[lambda].sub.j][x.sub.ij] [less than or
equal to] [x.sub.i0], i = 1, 2, ..., l,
[n.summation over (j=1)][[lambda].sub.j][y.sub.rj] [greater than or
equal to] [y.sub.r0], r = 1, 2, ..., s,
[[lambda].sub.j] [greater than or equal to] 0, j = 1, 2, ..., n.
One of the most important aspects of applying DEA is the choice of
input and output variables. Golany and Roll (1989), Norman and Stocker
(1991), Kittelson (1993), Lovell and Pastor (1997), Salinas-Jimenez and
Smith (1996), Jenkins and Anderson (2003), Sigala et al. (2004), and
Wagner and Shimshak (2007) examined this problem in the area of DEA
following different procedures.
Wagner and Shimshak (2007) proposed stepwise DEA as an approach to
variable selection. This method is presented in two forms: backward and
forward. Since this paper uses the forward one, it is explained in this
section. The forward approach has proposed some simple rules on adding
variables in the DEA model--one at a time.
If a "core" model of one input and one output can be
determined as a starting point, then, the stepwise method can also be
adapted to add variables to the DEA model instead of dropping them. In
the forward stepwise approach, the goal is the identification of
variables that cause the largest difference in total efficiency scores.
Suppose there are a set of m inputs and s outputs to be considered
for efficiency evaluation and the user wants to choose the most
effective variables. As for the forward stepwise method, work is stated
considering one input and one output as the core model. In the next
step, run a set of (m -1) + (s -1) DEA analysis adding one input
variable and one output variable at a time in each run. Then, choose the
single input or output to be added by selecting the maximum average
difference in efficiency scores resulting from this single variable. The
process is repeated until there are not any variables to be added or all
units become efficient.
3. Grey incidence analysis
Deng (1982) introduced the grey system theory (GST) as a tool for
studying system uncertainty. One of the major components of GST is grey
incidence analysis (GIA) dealing with the analysis of complex systems
consisting of multiple factors the mutual interactions of which
determine the behaviour of the system. It is often the case that among
all factors, investigators want to know the ones having dominant effect,
whereas the others exert less influence on the development of the system
(Liu, Lin 2010). GIA is applied in different studies related to system
analysis, for instance, Zhou et al. (2005), Yan-hui et al. (2007), Wang
et al. (2008), Lin et al. (2009) and Yue (2009). Assume that [X.sub.i]
is a system factor and its observation value at ordinal position k is
[x.sub.i] (k), k = 1, 2, ..., n. Then, [X.sub.i] = ([x.sub.i] (1),
[x.sub.i] (2), ..., [x.sub.i] (n)) is referred to as the behavioural
sequence of factor [X.sub.i].
Different grey incidence degrees are defined between two
behavioural sequences [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.0] = ([x.sub.0] (1),[x.sub.0]
(2), ..., [x.sub.0] (n)) as follows (Liu, Lin 2010).
Definition 1. Let [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j] be two sequences of the
same length. Then,
[[epsilon].sub.ij] = 1 + [absolute value [s.sub.i]] + [absolute
value [s.sub.j]]/1 + [absolute value [s.sub.i]] + [absolute value
[s.sub.j]] + [absolute value [s.sub.i] - [s.sub.j]], (3)
[s.sub.i] = [n-1.summation over (k=2)] [x.sup.0.sub.i] (k) + 1/2
[x.sup.0.sub.i] (n). (4)
In Eq. (4), [x.sup.0.sub.i] (k) is defined as [x.sup.0.sub.i] (k) =
[x.sub.i] (k) -[x.sub.i] (1), k = 1, 2, ..., n and [X.sup.0.sub.i] is
called the zero image of sequence [X.sub.i] x [S.sub.j] and [s.sub.i] -
[s.sub.j] are defined similarly. Then, [[epsilon].sub.ij] is called the
absolute degree of grey incidence between [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j].
Definition 2. Let [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j] be two sequences of the
same length with non-zero initial values. Then, [X'.sub.i] and
[X'.sub.j] are the initial image of [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j]
obtained by dividing all elements of each sequence to its initial value,
[x'.sub.i](k) = [x.sub.i](k)/[x.sub.i](1), k = 1, 2, ..., n.
Then, the absolute degree of grey incidence of [X'.sub.i] and
[X'.sub.j] is referred to as the relative degree of (grey)
incidence of [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j], denoted [r.sub.ij], i.e.
[r.sub.ij] = 1 + [absolute value [s'.sub.i]] + [absolute value
[s'.sub.j]]/1 + [absolute value [s'.sub.i]] + [absolute value
[s'.sub.j]] + [absolute value [s'.sub.i]- [s'.sub.j]],
[s'.sub.i]= [n-1.summation over (k=2)] [x'.sup.0.sub.i]
(k) + 1/2 [x'.sup.0.sub.i] (n). (7)
Definition 3. Assume that [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j] are the sequences
of the same length with nonzero initial entries. [[epsilon].sub.ij] and
[r.sub.ij] are the absolute degree and relative degree of grey incidence
of [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j], and [theta] [member of] [0,1]. Then,
[[rho].sub.ij] =[theta][[epsilon].sub.ij] + (1 -[theta]) [r.sub.ij]
is called the synthetic degree of (grey) incidence between
[X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j].
Note that the absolute degree looks at relationships from the angle
of absolute magnitude, the relative degree--from the angle of the rates
of changes in each observation with respect to their initial point and
the synthetic degree--from the combined angle of both.
Now, suppose that [Y.sub.1], [Y.sub.2], ..., [Y.sub.s] are the
sequences of the characteristic behaviour of the system (output
variables), and [X.sub.1], [X.sub.2], ..., [X.sub.m] are the behavioural
sequence of relevant factors (input variables). Then, the absolute
matrix of grey incidences is the s x m matrix A = [[[epsilon].sub.ij]],
the ijth] element of which is the absolute degree of grey incidence
between [Y.sub.i] and [X.sub.j]. The relative matrix of grey incidences
B = [[r.sub.j]] is the s x m matrix the ijth] element of which is the
relative degree of grey incidence between [Y.sub.i] and [X.sub.j]. The
synthetic matrix of grey incidences C = [[[rho].sub.ij]] is the s x m
matrix the ijth element of which is the synthetic degree of grey
incidence between Y and [X.sub.j].
Considering, for example, matrix C, the favourability
characteristics of the factors can be defined as follows:
Definition4. If l and j [member of] {1, 2, ..., m} satisfy
[[rho]] [greater than or equal to] [[rho].sub.ij] (9)
for i = 1, 2, ..., s, then factor [X.sub.l], is supposed to be more
favourable than factor [X.sub.j], denoted as [X.sub.l] [??] [X.sub.j];
if for j = 1, 2, ..., m, j [not equal to] l we always have [X.sub.l]
[??] [X.sub.j], and then [X.sub.l] is called the most favourable factor
(Liu, Lin 2010).
4. Data gathering framework
This study was done within the period from January 2000 to December
2009. The obtained data are gathered from the existing documents and
reports on export performance of food industry in Iran. The study,
according to the actual reports, admits six types of EPPs along with an
additional factor in the money equivalent considered as an
uncontrollable factor. According to the present data, six types of EPPs
can be identified: (1) export rewards (ER), (2) international
exhibitions (IE), (3) protection of transfer to export (PTE), (4)
currency support (CS), (5) training and announcement (TA) and (6)
insurance support (IS). Table 1 shows data obtained considering a time
period, export magnitude and money equivalent (ME).
5. Data analysis
This section displays the results of analyses conducted with
reference to the above data.
5.1. Stepwise DEA
This section points to the method based on the stepwise DEA model
where a classic CCR (Charnes et al. 1978) model is applied every year as
a DMU. The above introduced models are performed considering ME as
non-discretionary input (Banker, Moray 1986).
In a forward stepwise DEA manner, the initial efficiency of DMUs
without any input is equal to zero. Now, each EPP is considered as
discretionary input and that with ME as non discretionary input. The
results of adding new inputs to the model are shown in Table 2.
Since the TA variable has the highest impact on average efficiency
improvement, it can be chosen in this phase as the most important EPP.
In phase 2, the DEA model is run considering non discretionary variable
ME and TA as two discretionary variables. Table 3 shows the received
results. In this phase, PTE causes the highest increase in average
efficiency and therefore this variable is chosen as the second effective
Phase 3 begins by considering non discretionary variable ME and two
discretionary variables TA and EPP. The obtained efficiency is shown in
Table 4 indicating that in this phase the highest increase in average
efficiency is obtained by adding the ER variable.
Phase 5 runs considering ME with TA, PTE and ER. Efficiency
obtained by adding the remaining EPPS is shown in Table 5 according to
which the highest increase in average efficiency is achieved adding the
CS variable chosen in this phase. While all DMUs reach full efficiency
in this phase, adding more variables do not have any effect on
The forward stepwise DEA shows that EPPs can be ordered as follows:
TA [??] PTE [??] ER [??] CS [??] IE = IS.
5.2. Grey incidence analysis
In this section, data on Table 1 are analyzed employing the GIA
method as described in section 3. According to Equations (3)--(8),
absolute incidence matrix A, relative incidence matrix B and synthetic
incidence matrix C are calculated as follows.
The results in Table 6 show that with reference to Eq. (9), the
favourability of EPPs, according to their grey synthetic incidence and
matrix C, is as follows:
ER [??] CS [??] PTE [??] TA [??] IS [??] IE .
5.3. Aggregating the results
Sections 5.1 and 5.2 present two distinct rankings obtained for
EPPs shown in Table 7.
This section dis plays analysis carried out on the basis of the
obtained results. While the achieved ranks of different EPPs are ordinal
numbers, their aggregation with averaging is not appropriate. To
aggregate the results of two methods, DEA and GIA, the Copeland
pair-wise rank aggregation method is used (Copeland 1951; Pomerol,
Barba-Romero 2000). The Copeland score is measured for element i as the
difference between the number of alternatives dominated by alternative i
based on different methods (here, DEA and GIA), minus the number of
alternatives that dominate this alternative. Table 8 shows the results
of the Copeland method where M means that the element in the row of the
table is preferred to the element in the column and X shows that the
element in the row is lost to or is incomparable with the element in the
column. For example, the element in row 1 and column 2 of table is M,
because ER is preferred to IE in both methods. Also, the numbers
presented in the last column and row is the sum of elements M in
associated rows or columns. The final score for each element is the
difference between the numbers in the row and column of this element.
Therefore, the most effective EPP is export rewards annually
received by exporters. Also, the "protection of transfer to
export" and "training and announcement" are in the second
position. Next, currency support, insurance support and international
exhibitions are in the following ranks respectfully.
6. Conclusion
The paper presents a hybrid application of the stepwise DEA method
and grey incidence analysis to determine the effectiveness of different
export promotion programs in food product industry in Iran. The
conducted analysis has determined the order of different programs and
specified aggregated ranking. The results shown that while some scholars
believed the ineffectiveness of export rewards this condition does not
hold in the considered case. To achieve a better result, these findings
can help policy makers with a better assignment of limited resources of
different programs. Exporters strongly prefer receiving EPPs having a
great effect on their performance. It seems that direct EPPs include a
direct payment to exporters in a form of export rewards have more
effects and then, indirect EPPs like training and transfer have such
effects. Therefore, some revisions of the value and process of export
rewards might be necessary. A similar approach can be also applied to
evaluating the effectiveness of any set of programs in different
doi: 10.3846/16111699.2012.745819
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Seyed Hossein Razavi Hajiagha (1), Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas
(2), Shide Sadat Hashemi (3)
(1) Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Tehran, Iran
(2) Insitute of Internet and Intelligent Technologies, Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio Ave. 11, LT- 10223 Vilnius,
(3) Allame Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran
E-mails: (1)
[email protected]; (2)
[email protected]
(corresponding author); (3)
[email protected]
Received 14 August 2012; accepted 16 August 2012
Seyed Hossein RAZAVI HAJIAGHA. Assistant professor at the
Department of Systemic and Productivity Studies at Institute for Trade
Studies and Research, Tehran, Iran. He received a PhD in Production and
Operation Management in 2012. He is author and co-author of about 10
scientific papers. Research interests include multiple criteria
analysis, decision-making theories, data envelopment analysis and
industrial problems mathematical modeling.
Edmundas Kazimieras ZAVADSKAS. Prof., the Head of the Department of
Construction Technology and Management at Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Lithuania. PhD in Building Structures (1973). Dr Sc. (1987)
in Building Technology and Management. A member of Lithuanian and
several foreign Academies of Sciences. Doctore Honoris Causa from
Poznan, Saint-Petersburg and Kiev universities. A member of
international organizations; a member of steering and programme
committees at many international conferences; a member of the editorial
boards of several research journals; the author and co-author of more
than 400 papers and a number of monographs in Lithuanian, English,
German and Russian. Research interests: building technology and
management, decision-making theory, automation in design and decision
support systems.
Shide Sadat HASHEMI. M.A. in production and operation management,
she has worked as a researcher since 2009. Her research interests
include operation management, multiple criteria decision making and data
envelopment analysis. She is author and co-author of 6 scientific
Table 1. EPPs and export data covering the period from January
2000 to December 2009
2000 207253 10880 3 0.2 1750
2001 195634 46658 3 0 7950
2002 325761 81309 4 620 0.3 8320
2003 248755 65223 1 527 0.09 8740
2004 4139033 115302 2 1115 68 73 0.2 8500
2005 6488543 176641 3 1864 72 277 0.2 9000
2006 8391825 217663 4 4285 1221 0.9 9500
2007 9008304 235806 3 2603 42135 1859 0.09 8900
2008 11666950 223130 3 14955 4933 1597 1.4 9500
2009 14085273 267381 3 22019 817 3.4 9850
Table 2. The results of adding one input to DEA with ME as non
discretionary input
Efficiency 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
ER 1 0.23 0.16 0.18 0.72 0.72 0.74 0.73
IE 1 0.41 0.28 1 0.86 0.65 0.54 0.80
PTE 1 1 0.05 0.02 1 0.98 0.56 1
CS 1 1 1 1 0.01 0.01 1 0.0002
TA 1 1 1 1 1 0.9 0.32 0.24
IS 1 1 0.3 0.1 0.24 0.35 0.1 1
Efficiency 2008 2009 Average
ER 0.99 1 0.647
IE 0.90 1 0.744
PTE 0.85 1 0.746
CS 0.0002 1 0.602
TA 0.40 1 0.786
IS 1 1 0.609
Table 3. The results of adding one input to DEA with ME as non
discretionary and TA as discretionary input
Efficiency 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
ER 1 1 1 1 1 0.89 0.74
IE 1 1 1 1 1 0.89 0.54
PTE 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.91
CS 1 1 1 1 1 0.89 1
IS 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.68
Efficiency 2007 2008 2009 Average
ER 0.73 0.99 1 0.935
IE 0.80 0.89 1 0.912
PTE 1 0.85 1 0.976
CS 0.24 0.39 1 0.852
IS 1 1 1 0.968
Table 4. The results of adding one input to DEA with ME as non
discretionary and TA and PTE as discretionary inputs
Efficiency 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
ER 1 1 1 1 1 1
IE 1 1 1 1 1 1
CS 1 1 1 1 1 1
IS 1 1 1 1 1 1
Efficiency 2006 2007 2008 2009 Average
ER 0.967 1 1 1 0.9967
IE 0.91 1 0.96 1 0.987
CS 1 1 0.966 1 0.9966
IS 0.91 1 1 1 0.991
Table 5. The results of adding one input to DEA with ME as non
discretionary and TA, PTE and ER as discretionary inputs
Efficiency 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Added EPP
IE 1 1 1 1 1 1
CS 1 1 1 1 1 1
IS 1 1 1 1 1 1
Efficiency 2006 2007 2008 2009 Average
Added EPP
IE 0.96 1 1 1 0.996
CS 1 1 1 1 1
IS 0.96 1 1 1 0.996
Table 6. Grey incidence matrixes
A 0.5131 0.500000005 0.50039
B 0.500001 0.500000005 0.500002
C 0.5065 0.500000005 0.50019
A 0.50053 0.5005 0.50000004
B 0.50012 0.50001 0.50000018
C 0.50032 0.500036 0.50000011
Table 7. EPPs ranking obtained by stepwise DEA and GIA
Ranking obtained by
EPP Stepwise DEA GIA
ER 3 1
IE 5.5 * 6
PTE 2 3
CS 4 2
TA 1 4
IS 5.5 * 5
* Since IE and IS achieved the same rank in the DEA method, this
rank is obtained as the average of 5 and 6.
Table 8. The final ranking of EPPs introducing Copeland measure
ER -- M X M X M 3
IE X -- X X X X 0
PTE X M -- X X M 2
CS X M X -- X M 2
TA X M X X -- M 2
IS X M X X X -- 1
No. lost 0 5 0 1 0 4
difference 3 -5 2 1 2 -3