Testing rational expectations hypothesis in the manufacturing sector in Malaysia.
Puah, Chin-Hong ; Wong, Shirly Siew-Ling ; Liew, Venus Khim-Sen 等
1. Introduction
The rational expectations hypothesis (REH) is a theoretically
attractive framework for assessing the mechanism with which economic
agents process information when formulating judgments about the real
world (Krause 2000). REH is largely applied to the study of price
forecasts, exchange rates, or interest rate expectations; it also serves
as a methodology for understanding the expectations formation mechanism
in monetary policy designs. Although the theoretical soundness of REH
has been firmly established, its empirical support is an ongoing
question. First, there are no conclusive and convincing arguments on how
the theory of rational expectations should be tested. In other words,
economists are ambiguous about whether to use direct tests based on
survey data (Aggarwal, Mohanty 2000) or indirect tests with constructed
measures of expectations to test REH in empirical studies as both tests
possess merits and shortcomings.
Testing the validity of REH by employing indirect tests based on
constructed measures of expectations as proposed by Muth (1961) always
involves testing the REH as well as the underlying model specification.
Thus, a rejection of the joint hypothesis may be due to the rejection of
REH or other hypothesis (Beach et al. 1995). Even so, indirect testing
is widely applied by researchers in REH testing because Muth's
indirect testing procedure incorporates actual market outcome. However,
Keane and Runkle (1990), Beach et al. (1995), Osterberg (2000), Forsells
and Kenny (2002), Mitchell and Pearce (2007), Gao et al. (2008), and
many other proponents of survey-based expectations tend to use survey
data as a proxy for market expectations to overcome the problems created
by joint testing. This is because REH testing based on survey data
collected from individual responses can provide empirical support
directly, without the need to account for additional economic models.
The suitability of survey data in REH testing was highlighted in Frankel
and Foot (1987), Keane and Runkle (1990), Kim (1997), Nielsen (2003) as
well as Dovern and Weisser (2008). Despite the diligent study of survey
measures of expectations, the ability of survey materials to reflect the
economic agent's true expectations is still unconvincing as
empirical support provided by previous studies is decisively mixed.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that most literature on REH is
concentrated on the developed countries, including the work of Madsen
(1993) on Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands,
Norway, Sweden, and the UK; Lovell (1986), and Baghestani and Kianian
(1993) in turn tested the empirical relevance of REH in various economic
sectors of the US economy; Kim (1997) studied Austria; Aggarwal and
Mohanty (2000) studied Japan, whereas Nielsen (2003) and Dias et al.
(2010) studied the European Union and European countries, respectively.
Only a few studies have empirically examined REH in developing
countries. For instance, via indirect measure of expectations, Ghaffar
and Habibullah (1987), and Habibullah (1988) evidenced that rational
forecasts hold true for price expectations within the frameworks of
Malaysian money demand as well as loan decisions formed by agricultural
producers in Malaysia. On the other hand, using direct test approach,
Habibullah (1994, 1996, 2001), Puah et al. (2011) and Wong et al. (2011)
studied REH in Malaysia's agricultural and business sectors through
survey series of business expectations, while Marais, Smit and Conradie
(1997) performed a micro-level test on REH in South Africa.
Notwithstanding, additional study on this research topic to supplement
past studies is indeed essential to provide better insight into the
understanding of expectation formation mechanisms in developing
Since the 1980s, many researchers have focused on rationality
testing in the manufacturing sector, including De Leeuw and McKelvey
(1981, 1984), Tompkinson and Common (1983), Kawasaki and Zimmermman
(1986). De Leeuw and McKelvey (1981, 1984) reported that price
expectations of US business firms were biased, implying that REH did not
apply to US manufacturing firms. Tompkinson and Common (1983) examined
the expectational rationality of business firms in British manufacturing
sectors and found that decision makers in the British manufacturing
sector in general did not act rationally in Muth's sense. Kawasaki
and Zimmermman (1986) investigated the rationality of Germany's
business firms in price expectations and their findings indicated that
Germany's manufacturers did not act under the doctrine of REH when
calculating price expectations.
On the other hand, Madsen (1993) studied production expectations in
the manufacturing sector of nine industrial countries and reported that
production expectations were not formed under the principle of REH.
Another contributory empirical study was attributable to Marais, Smit
and Conradie (1997), they discovered that entrepreneurs in South Africa
did not form their future forecasts under the framework of REH. In the
case of Malaysia, there is thus far no distinct empirical study
investigating specifically the manufacturing sector other than
Habibullah (1994), who examined the validity of REH in a Malaysian
business context that also included the manufacturing sector. Hence,
further empirical testing of the rationality of survey forecasts is
undoubtedly welcomed as evaluation of forecast accuracy and REH validity
from the Malaysian perspective is still an open issue.
We built the rationality testing on value-related business
operational forecasts on manufacturing sector with the concern that the
dynamic nature of the Malaysia's manufacturing sector manifested
the need for a sound understanding on the current trend as well as
future outlook of the sector within the economy. The survey of business
forecasts, if and when uphold by the empirical foundation of REH, would
serve as an efficacious input to a successful business planning,
particularly on production and investment decisions. As claimed by
Kozlinskis and Guseva (2006), the business surveys play an important
role in short-term economic forecasting, surveillance and monitoring of
economic development. Hence, the insight into the behavioral basis of
the decision makers which ultimately shaped the expectations formation
mechanism for the manufacturing sector will certainly furnish the
policymakers with useful information for policy establishments on
national realm, besides facilitating the industry-specified development
Concisely, the main objective of this study was to evaluate
empirically the rationality of manufacturing firms' expectations on
their operational variables, including gross revenue and capital
expenditures, using survey expectational data extracted from the
Business Expectations Survey of Limited Companies (BESLC) compiled by
the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM). The rest of this paper is
organized as follows: Section 2 explains the theoretical basis of REH
and section 3 briefly discusses the data description and methodology
involved in the study. The empirical results are presented in section 4
and section 5 concludes.
2. Theoretical basics: properties of REH
The basic concepts of rational expectations assume that
expectations are formed based on the relevant economic structure given
all useful information available when the forecasts are made. Muth
defined the concept of rational expectations using the following
Equation (1):
[[PI].sup.*.sub.t] = E ([[PI].sub.t] | [I.sub.t-1]), (1)
where [[PI].sub.t] is the realization of the target variable at
time t, [[PI].sup.*.sub.t] is the forecast made for time t at time t -
1, E is the operator that indicates a mathematical expectation, and It
denotes the full information set available at time t - 1. When
expectation is identical to its conditional expectation on the relevant
information set available for forecasting, forecast rationality occurs
(Muth 1961).
Nevertheless, Muth's REH does not affirm the existence of
perfect foresight as the expected values can deviate from the actual
values due to inherent uncertainty in the economic system (Sheffrin
1983). Practically, it is not possible to characterize the real economic
setting under circumstances where perfect foresight and economic
certainty exist. At once, costly and publicly unattainable information
leads to imperfect information, thereby imparting a certain degree of
random error to the expectations formation process. This explains why
Muth created his REH framework by assuming that expectations are formed
based on the relevant economic structure given the publicly available
information at the time the forecasts are made. The accepted forecast
errors are reduced to the effect of economic uncertainty, imperfect
information, or other unforeseen shock. Therefore, REH is realistically
defined as:
[[PI].sup.*.sub.t] = E ([[PI].sub.t]|[[OMEGA].sub.t-1]) +
[[eta].sub.t], (2)
where [[OMEGA].sub.t-1] in Equation (2) is the subset of the full
information set ([I.sub.t-1]) and [[eta].sub.t] designates the random
error term. Rearranging Equation (2), we obtain:
[[eta].sub.t] = [[PI].sup.*.sub.t]- E ([[PI].sub.t]
[[OMEGA].sub.t-1]). (3)
In Equation (3), the gap between the expected value and its
realized value constitutes only non-systematic or random influences that
demonstrate no distinct pattern, and its statistical significance is
captured by the error term ([[eta].sub.t]) if forecast rationality
occurs. Muth's rational framework implicitly suggested that a
forecast is formed in an efficient manner through systematic processes
while learning processes take place over time, and economic agents use
this knowledge to perform future forecasting (Lane 1995). At long last,
unsystematic forecast errors tend to be ruled out and expectations
become approximately identical to their true value. Accordingly, three
classical assumptions of forecast rationality must be empirically
satisfied through REH testing. First, a rational framework requires that
present forecast errors and past forecast errors do not exhibit an
interdependent relationship, or autocorrelation. In other words, the
random error term ([[eta].sub.t]) that accounts for all forecast errors
needs to be consistent with the property of lack of serial correlation
as defined in Equation (4) below:
E ([[eta].sub.t], [[eta].sub.t-1]) = 0. (4)
Consequently, forecasts should also meet two other classic
properties of rationality: unbiasedness and efficiency. The principle of
unbiasedness requires that expectations be the unbiased predictor of the
actual realized variable, implying that there is no systematic forecast
error because regularity in the expectations formation process tends to
be eliminated as continuous learning takes place over time. In the end,
the true values, on average, will be equivalent to the expected values.
Otherwise, economic agents would systematically overestimate or
underestimate the realized value (Nielsen 2003). The unbiasedness
property is depicted in Equation (5) as:
E ([[eta].sub.t]) = 0. (5)
Furthermore, Muth (1961) asserted that the expected series
([[PI].sup.*.sub.t]) must portray no significant serial correlation with
its random error term ([[eta].sub.t]), signifying that the unconditional
expected value of the forecast error has a zero mean. Implicitly,
violating the property of lack of serial correlation also implies
rejection of the unbiasedness property. Finally, the efficiency property
requires that the forecast error, conditional on the current and past
values of the predicted variable, have a mean of zero. In other words,
it presumes that economic agents efficiently incorporate and utilize all
available information regarding the past when forming future
expectations. The principle of efficiency is expressed in Equation (6)
E ([[eta].sub.t] [[PI].sub.t-1], [[PI].sub.t-2], ...) = 0. (6)
To validate the doctrine of rationality, rationality tests that
include tests of unbiasedness, non-serial correlation, and efficiency
have been proposed to verify each classic property underlying REH.
However, Lopes (1998) claimed that the examples in Muth (1961) have
popularized unbiasedness testing in examining the implications of REH.
Hence, some researchers, such as Bakhashi and Yates (1998), and Aggarwal
and Mohanty (2000) considered only unbiasedness in testing REH while
others also tested the efficiency and/or orthogonality (see Kim 1997;
Forsells, Kenny 2002; Gao et al. 2008).
3. Data description and methodology
3.1. Data description
In this study, the survey expectational data were extracted from
the BESLC compiled by DOSM. The sample period covered in this study
ranged from January 1978 through July 2007. DOSM collected the survey
data on a bi-annual basis with the aim of gathering information on
current and future economic trends in Malaysia. In terms of the
selection of survey participants, a total of 270 companies encompassing
both large public and private limited companies were selected based on a
three-stage sample design. During the first stage of sample selection,
the respective sectors' contribution to gross revenue, employment,
and net value of the fixed assets in the overall business segment was
evaluated to allocate the 270 companies among the sectors. Next, the
representation of industries within each sector was derived from the
industries' contribution to gross revenue in the sector.
Ultimately, an individual company's contribution to gross revenue
was calculated and used to select the companies within each industry.
3.2. Time series properties of the data
Earlier rationality testing based on regression analysis failed to
account for the potential effect of using non-stationary time series
data (Aggarwal et al. 1995; Nielsen 2003). However, Engle and Granger
(1987) argued that neglecting the stationarity properties of time series
data will create erroneous conclusions because inferences drawn from the
regression estimations will be based on spurious regression results.
Hence, this study used the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test
developed by Dickey and Fuller (1979) and the Phillips-Perron (PP) unit
root test put forward by Phillips and Perron (1988) to detect the
existence of the unit root in the survey data that is also in the time
series basis. In this preliminary test, a series [X.sub.t] is said to be
integrated to an order of d if the series reaches stationarity after
differencing d times, and it can be mathematically symbolized by
[X.sub.t] ~ I(d).
3.3. Cointegration test
In addition to the preliminary testing of data stationarity, recent
literature on REH testing has advocated the use of cointegration testing
to examine the presence of co-movement in the survey expectational data.
Aggarwal et al. (1995) claimed that stationary forecasts are a
necessary, but not sufficient, requirement for a forecast to be
unbiased. To distinguish the unbiased nature of the survey forecast if
the realized series and the respective forecast series are
non-stationary, Aggarwal et al. (1995) supported the use of
cointegration testing. Granger (1986) also emphasized the significant
implications of cointegration tests on survey-based studies. He stressed
that the optimal forecast and the actual value of the series being
predicted must be cointegrated under a relatively general condition;
otherwise, the two series do not even own similar long-term properties.
In this fashion, we drew the evidence of cointegration for a group of
non-stationary series based on the Johansen and Juselius (1990)
cointegration test. Note that from a different perspective, optimal
forecasts refer to forecasts that provide the minimum error, based on
forecasting accuracy criteria such as mean absolute percentage error as
mentioned in Seckute and Pabedinskaite (2003). Nevertheless, such
criteria are beyond the scope of REH study.
3.4. The rationality tests
Muth's concept of REH suggested that, for a forecast to be
generated under the doctrine of rationality, the subjective expectation
must coincide with the corresponding mathematical expectation.
Consequently, in the case of survey-based expectations, the properties
of REH require that the survey expectations are unbiased predictors of
future values. The unbiased nature of a forecast series can be
empirically verified based on the unbiasedness test proposed by Theil
(1966) by regressing the survey expectational series on the respective
realizations according to the realizations-forecast regression (RFR)
equation below:
[[PI].sub.t] = [alpha] + [beta][[PI].sup.*.sub.t] + [[eta].sub.t],
where [[PI].sub.t] in Equation (7) refers to the realization of the
target variable at time t, [[PI].sup.*.sub.t] is the forecast of
[[PI].sub.t] generated at time t - 1, and a and P are the parameters of
interest. [[eta].sub.t] denotes the random error term, which should hold
the characteristics of zero mean and finite variance. In short, the
random error term is assumed to be a white-noise process and serially
uncorrelated with [[PI].sup.*.sub.t].
In Equation (7), the unbiasedness test was performed by jointly
testing the hypotheses of [H.sub.0]: ([alpha], [beta]) = (0, 1) and
[H.sub.1]: ([alpha], [beta]) [not equal to] (0, 1). The estimation of
[alpha] and [beta] was conducted using ordinary least squares (OLS), and
the hypothesis was verified on the basis of the F-statistic. Rejection
of the null hypothesis of unbiasedness implies the existence of a biased
prediction, and the survey forecast cannot be regarded as a rational
forecast of its actual realized series. Consequently, the forecaster is
said to be systematically under- or overpredicting an economic variable
over time (Forsells, Kenny 2002). A survey forecast tends to
overestimate actual value if rejection of the null hypothesis of
unbiasedness is due to the existence of P value that is significantly
less than one or unity (Aggarwal, Mohanty 2000).
Furthermore, the properties of REH additionally require that the
forecast error must not possess any autocorrelation. In other words, the
difference between the realized series and the forecast series cannot be
serially correlated with past forecast errors. Thus, the forecast is
said to be excused from the potential effect of unsystematic forecast
errors if the forecast errors are free of serial correlation such that
E([[eta].sub.t] [[eta].sub.t-i) = 0. Following Evans and Gulamani
(1984), the existence of serial correlation of forecast errors can be
detected by estimating the regression in Equation (8) as follows:
[[eta].sub.t] = [[delta].sub.0] + [p.summation over
(i=1)][[delta].sub.i] [[eta].sub.t-1] + [[epsilon].sub.t] (8)
where [[eta].sub.t] is the forecast error and p is the lag length
with i [member of] {1, 2, 3, ..., p}. The joint null hypothesis can be
defined as [H.sub.0]: ([[delta].sub.0], [[delta].sub.i]) = 0, i [member
of] {1, 2, 3, ..., p}. Rejection of the null hypothesis in Equation (8)
indicates that there is no serial correlation between the forecast
Finally, Muth's REH also requires that forecasters efficiently
use all available information when forming expectations. If the
efficiency requirement can be observed, then past values of the target
variable are fully incorporated in explaining the error between realized
values and expected values. This is a condition required for a set of
survey expectational series to meet the term of weak-form efficiency.
This property can be examined based on Mullineaux (1978) framework by
estimating the following Equation (9):
[[eta].sub.t] = [[empty set].sub.0] + [N.summation over (i=1)]
[[empty set].sub.i] [[PI].sub.t-1] + [[omega].sub.t], (9)
where [[eta].sub.t] is the forecast error and cot is the random
disturbance term. [[empty set].sub.0] and [[empty set].sub.i] are the
parameters to be estimated and to be restricted to zero in the joint
hypothesis testing. Hence, the null hypothesis is defined as [H.sub.0]:
([[empty set].sub.0], [[empty set].sub.i]) = 0, i [member of] {1, 2, 3,
..., N}. Rejection of the null hypothesis implies that survey forecasts
do not satisfy the efficiency property as advocated by the concept of
REH, indicating that survey participants do not use information from the
past in an efficient manner while creating future forecasts.
4. Empirical results and discussions
The results of ADF and PP unit root tests for both realized and
expected gross revenue and capital expenditures indicated that all
involved series are non-stationary at level but attained stationarity at
first difference, implying that all investigated series are integrated
to the order of one, or follow the I(1) stochastic process (1). Then, we
employed Johansen and Juselius (1990) cointegration test to draw the
evidence of cointegration. The result is presented in Table 1.
In all cases, the null hypothesis of non-cointegration was firmly
rejected as both the Trace and Maximum-Eigen statistics are
statistically significant at the 5% level. These results suggest the
existence of co-movement between the excepted series and its respective
realized series, and they are cointegrated with one cointegrating
vector. In other words, the actual series and its respective forecast
series are said to share a common stochastic trend and tend to converge
to the similar equilibrium path in the long run. This evidence ensures
that, at least in the long run, any modestly acceptable forecast series
must not deviate far apart from the actual realized series.
However, for the forecast series to be regarded as a rational
forecast of its realization series, the three necessary conditions noted
by Fischer (1989) must be satisfied (2). In this study, the results of
unit root tests, as well as the Johansen and Juselius (1990)
cointegration test, clearly complied with the requisites stated in
Fischer (1989), indicating that the forecast series is a rational
forecast of its actual series for both variables under study. However,
satisfying the condition documented in Fischer (1989) is a necessary but
insufficient condition for an investigated series to be regarded as
rational in Muth's sense. Conversely, further direct tests on
rationality are necessary to reinforce the validity of REH. Table 2
presents the empirical findings for RFR conventional unbiasedness
testing proposed by Theil (1966). The regression estimates based on the
OLS framework indicate that the slope coefficient is significantly
positive at the 1% level in all cases, signifying that, on average,
Malaysia's manufacturing firms predicted the direction of future
changes correctly.
Furthermore, in the case of expectations on gross revenue, the
joint hypothesis of [alpha] = 0, [beta] = 1 was firmly rejected at the
1% level, showing that business people in the manufacturing sector tend
to be biased in the prediction of gross revenue, and these biased
forecasts tend to overestimate the actual values of gross revenue since
the slope coefficient is significantly less than 1. On the other hand,
those manufacturers do not exhibit biased prediction in their capital
expenditures, as the joint hypothesis of [alpha] = 0, [beta] = 1 cannot
be rejected. Hence, only prediction on capital expenditures is shown to
successfully pass the unbiasedness test, suggesting that Malaysian
manufacturers are more likely to be unbiased in forming expectations on
capital expenditures. On the whole, the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test
results reported in Table 2 show no evidence of serial correlation in
all cases. As the disturbance terms or error terms in all series under
study are white noise (Habibullah 2001), the residual of the RFR
equation is consistent with the requirement of forecast rationality.
In subsequent rationality tests, we examined whether the survey
data incorporated past information. The framework of REH requires that
the difference between the realized series and the forecast series
cannot be serially correlated with past forecast errors, a condition
whereby there must no interdependent relationship between present
forecast errors and past forecast errors. The results of the lack of
serial correlation test drawn under the basis of the F-statistic are
reported in Table 3. The business operational forecasts formulated by
forecasters in the manufacturing sector exhibit significant serial
correlation with the lagged forecast values at lag one through lag four.
However, this is only observable in the expectations on gross revenue,
not in the case of capital expenditures. Thus, in general, business
players in the manufacturing sector are correcting past mistakes while
dealing with capital expenditures predictions, but continuously making
systematic errors when calculating expectations on gross revenue.
It is important to note that validating properties of uncorrelated
forecast errors and forecast unbiasedness are at minimum a necessary
condition for REH, but they may not be sufficient for REH to be
justifiable, as Muth's REH proposition requires that forecasters
efficiently use all available information when forming expectations. The
available information set in this context refers to the past actual
values or past history of the investigated variable. Similar to the test
of lack of serial correlation, the result of weak-form efficiency
testing was drawn on the basis of the F-statistic up to four lagged past
actual values, and this is reported in Table 3 as well. Clearly, the
results of weak-form efficiency testing suggest the rejection of
forecast efficiency in the case of gross revenue prediction at a
significant level of 1%. Conversely, Malaysian manufacturers are
efficient in using available information while dealing with capital
expenditures forecasts.
5. Conclusion
In the business context, the microeconomics assumptions of profit
and utility maximization are particularly crucial. As a result, the
framework of REH is much more appealing than other expectation formation
mechanisms such as extrapolative or adaptive expectations. This is
because REH is in line with the basic principles of maximizing behavior
whereby people efficiently engage in their economic self-interests by
acting rationally in predicting future economic variables. However,
merely assuming the existence of such behavior without verifying it
empirically is certainly inappropriate, especially in an increasingly
dynamic economic environment that is filled with uncertainty. Thus,
attempts to ascertain the validity of REH in a real world setting are
essential as policy designs that are sensitive to the hypothesis of
expectations formation or motivated by the assumptions of REH may not be
effectively established without sufficient understanding of the way
expectations are formed.
This study helped to transform BESLC survey data, specifically on
the manufacturing sector, into economically meaningful findings that
offer a better understanding of the validity of REH in Malaysia's
business forecasting, mainly in business operational forecasting. The
empirical evidence drawn from this study provided important insights
into policy makers as well as business players since better
understanding of the expectational behavior of business firms may help
them to establish more effective measures for responding quickly to
market changes.
To sum up, business players in the manufacturing sector only able
to comply with the doctrine of forecasts rationality in capital
expenditures, but they tend to be irrational in forecasting gross
revenue. In addition, findings from the reported rationality tests
suggest that the irrationality in gross revenue predictions is owing to
biased forecasts and inefficiency in using past relevant information.
Moreover, past mistakes are found to be serially correlated with the
current information set, leading to the existence of irrational
forecasts. In this sense, it is crucial to emphasize that the
implication of information on forecast rationality is indeed substantial
and requires sufficient inclusion in all future forecasts. Therefore,
manufacturing firms in Malaysia are encouraged to incorporate more
relevant information while dealing with gross revenue predictions to
ensure more accurate and realistic forecasting.
In addition to its role with regard to information, one
justification for the existence of irrational behavior in gross revenue
prediction is that business revenue is intrinsically difficult to
forecast as it is closely related to prices and market demand, and
movements related to these two aspects are subject to a high degree of
uncertainty. Surveys of business expectations sometimes do not comply
with Muth's rational framework as forecast accuracy is neglected
when the responding firms intend to convey attractive future prospects
to strengthen business confidence rather than report an accurate
business forecast that enables them to reflect the rational behavior of
a typical profit-maximizing firm. This is because the way firms perceive
their future prospects tends to serve as an indicator for their
potential investors to evaluate the firm's future strengths and
capability to grow. Hence, it becomes a business habit to behave
optimistically in forecasting value-related variables such as gross
revenue. This partly explains why we could perceive an overprediction in
surveys of business forecasts.
Publicly accessible survey materials often serve as a platform for
households and investors to evaluate firms' future outlook. Thus,
they should reflect the real business outlook in the economy to assist
decision makers in developing realistic future plans and making
profitable decisions. To reach this goal, survey institutions play an
essential role in strengthening business people's incentives to
reveal accurate future forecasts. In tandem, business forecasters are
encouraged to improve their forecast accuracy and contribute more
rational business forecasts to survey institutions that offer survey
materials to the public and private users. Importantly, the nature of
expectations formation needs to be assessed regularly and must be taken
into account when the element of expectation is to be a key input in all
decision making and future planning.
doi: 10.3846/16111699.2011.631743
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Universiti
Malaysia Sarawak and Fundamental Research Grant No.
FRGS/05(27)781/2010(62). Any flaws are the responsibility of the
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Chin-Hong Puah [1], Shirly Siew-Ling Wong [2], Venus Khim-Sen Liew
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business,
University Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
E-mails: [1]
[email protected] (corresponding author); [2]
[email protected]; [3]
[email protected]
Received 24 June 2011; accepted 10 October 2011
(1) To conserve space, the unit root test results are not presented
here, but they are available from the authors upon request.
(2) Fischer (1989) argued that in the context of REH, for an
expectational series to be regarded as a rational forecast of its actual
series, the survey-based forecast series ([[PI].sup.*.sub.t]) must be
integrated in the 7(1) process, [[PI].sub.t] and [[PI].sup.*.sub.t] must
be cointegrated, and the cointegrating vector must be one.
Wong, S. S. L.; Puah, C. H.; Abu Mansor, S. 2011. Survey evidence
on the rationality of business expectations: implications from the
Malaysian agricultural sector, Journal of Economic Computation and
Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research 45(4): 169-180.
Chin-Hong PUAH. Dr, is an Associate Professor and Associate
Managing Editor of International Journal of Business and Society at the
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. He
obtained his PhD degree majoring in Financial Economics from Universiti
Putra Malaysia. He has more than 13 years of experience in teaching and
research. His current area of research includes business economics,
monetary economics and applied macroeconomics studies.
Shirly Siew-Ling WONG gained her Bachelor of Economics from
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and currently she is working as a research
assistant cum tutor while pursuing her PhD study in Universiti Malaysia
Venus Khim-Sen LIEW. Dr, is an Associate Professor with the Faculty
of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. He holds BSc
degree in Mathematics, and Master of Economics and PhD degrees in
Financial Economics from Universiti Putra Malaysia. His areas of
expertise are in Statistics, Mathematics, Econometrics, Time Series
Analysis, Financial Economics, Investment Analysis and Financial
Modeling. His research interests include the applications of modeling,
forecasting, and nonlinear time series analysis in international
finance, financial economics, business and macroeconomics.
Table 1. Johansen and Juselius cointegration test results
Variables [H.sub.0] [H.sub.1] [lambda]-trace
LAGR, LEGR r = 0 r [greater than 18.638 **
or equal to] 1
r [less than or r [greater than 0.543
equal to] 1 or equal to] 2
LACE, LECE r = 0 r [greater than 18.129 **
or equal to] 1
r [less than or r [greater than 3.084
equal to] 1 or equal to] 2
Variables [H.sub.0] [H.sub.1] [lambda]-max
LAGR, LEGR r = 0 r = 1 18.095 **
r [less than or r = 2 0.543
equal to] 1
LACE, LECE r = 0 r = 1 15.045 **
r [less than or r = 2 3.084
equal to] 1
Notes: TAGR, TACE, TEGR and TECE denote natural logarithms of actual
gross revenue, actual capital expenditure, expected gross revenue,
and expected capital expenditure, respectively. Asterisks (**) denote
significant at the 5% level, r is the number of cointegration
vector(s). The critical values for [lambda]-trace are 15.495 and
3.841 for [H.sub.0]: r = 0 and r [less than or equal to] 1.
Alternatively, the critical values for [lambda]-max are 14.265 and
3.841 for [H.sub.0]: r = 0 and [H.sub.0]: r [less than or equal to]
1, respectively.
Table 2. Results of unbiasedness test
Gross Revenue Capital
Constant ([alpha]) 0.034 0.075
Slope ([beta]) 0.999 *** 0.989 ***
R-squared 0.996 0.945
Hypothesis Testing
F-statistic ([alpha] = 0, 4.025 (0.023) ** 0.077 (0.926)
[beta] = 1)
LM [chi square] (1) 0.575 (0.452) 0.075 (0.785)
LM [chi square] (2) 2.400 (0.100) 1.823 (0.171)
Note: Asterisks (***) and (**) denote statistically significant at
the 1% and 5% levels, respectively.
Table 3. Results of non-serial correlation and weak-form efficiency
Lag Non-Serial Correlation Test: Weak-Form Efficiency Test:
Gross Capital Gross Capital
Revenue Expenditure Revenue Expenditure
F-statistic with respect to lag length:
1 4.529 *** 0.033 4.520 *** 1.732
2 4.671 *** 1.219 6.831 *** 1.414
3 4.408 *** 0.989 7.205 *** 1.198
4 3.407 ** 0.819 5.467 *** 1.210
Note: Asterisks (***) and (**) denote statistically significant at
the 1% and 5% levels, respectively.