Architectural development of historic health care institutions in Vilnius city/Istoriniu sveikatos prieziuros objektu architekturine raida Vilniaus mieste.
Stauskis, Gintaras
1. Introduction
These inspiring words from one and a half century old times give us
a good spirit to initiate analysis of historical development of health
institutions in modern urban landscapes. The word "hospital"
clearly derives itself from the meaning of hospitality and hospitability
which carries the very initial meaning of a refuge space for sick
persons. In many languages nowadays it bares quite a different meaning,
sometimes associated not so much with health but more with sickness:
("ligonine"--in Lithuanian, "sjukhus"--in Swedish,
"krankenhaus"--in German) or a "pain place"
("bolnica"--Russian). This is certainly just a verbal
characteristic of a hospital of the 19th c but not the original social
meaning of the institution, deriving itself from the need to take care,
cure and protect.
Since the early times health and other social care institutions
have been the main providers of social services for the residents of
towns and cities. Devoted staff was running premises of different size,
location and quality but by all possible means providing the needed
shelter, care and cure for the members of local community. The
attractive and teaching historical retrospective gives us a chance to
analyse the primary steps of development of what is understood today as
a modern "hospital". And not just for the sake of an academic
exercise but for serious practical applications as well. The concept of
modern health care system, especially the functional arrangement and
scope of services provided by hospitals in Lithuania, is in a deep and
continuing crisis and so is undergoing a radical transformation.
(Stauskis 2005: 41-46). In spite of consuming a considerable part of
public resources, social and health care institutions have gradually
lost their contact with the public, neighbourhoods and the surrounding
city. Unfortunately, exactly these were the initial goals that health
care was created centuries ago. Lithuania could serve as a rather
typical case where hospitals became isolated "medical
factories" of sickness located on remote lands and fenced from the
public of its town. Their urban inclusion vanished and their
architecture could hardly be attributed to the field of art. For these
reasons the need to find new ways of further re-development of our
hospitals is very up-to-date. The author of this paper hopes that the
history of urban development of hospitals in Vilnius city could serve as
a deep resource of ideas for social inclusion, urban integration,
functional and compositional re-arrangement of modern health complexes
that could gradually bring back confidence of the public in hospitals
and health care. The aspect of relationship between different types of
development in urban context is a strong challenge for hospitals as
underlined by Gordon Cullen in his famous book "The Concise
Townscape" (Cullen 1990: 78).
2. The goal and objectives of investigation
Being performed in the urban context of Vilnius city the presented
analysis focuses on evolution of modern health facilities from the
earliest stages that were disclosed through the periods of development
and to a time when a hospital is identified as an independent social
care facility in the town structure. The paper draws conclusions on
historical periods of development of health institutions in Vilnius
city, also on the important lessons of history that might be learned and
applied for re-structuring of health care network in general and
hospital as a social institution in particular. The analysis is
performed on the ground of Vilnius city, but the methodical lines of
study as well as the conclusions are applicable to all big Lithuanian
cities, also those in the neighbouring regions.
The importance of health complexes in urban architecture is in the
focus of investigation. The goal is disclosed by presenting historic
analysis of the development of health facilities in the city during
different periods of evolution of Vilnius old Town, also by presenting
urban analysis of architectural complexes where the first health
institutions have emerged.
The resources of archives and other written, printed and
iconographic material were analysed as an important method of
investigation. This allows collecting sufficient material and drawing
the conclusion. Comparative analysis of different health complexes in
the historic environment allows to define the periods of development of
these public health service providers.
The process of development of health care complexes until the
typology of a modern hospital became clearly identified is important in
order to draw parallels between modern health complexes and their
historic predecessors. In many cases penetrating back to the roots provides for us a possibility to create a perspective from the past
through today and to the future. Today hospitals and the whole health
sector in Lithuania are once more facing the most radical
transformations, and a new look into the future might be based on better
understanding of the past.
3. Care & Cure functions emerging in Vilnius historic health
Emerging of health institutions as a prototype of a hospital was
based on radical needs of society. The need of isolation and
concentration of sick patients appeared for two main reasons--firstly,
the need to isolate urban community from infected persons and so to
prevent diseases from spreading into a wider community, and, secondly,
to isolate sick people bearing viruses and infections of a different
type and stop local spread of diseases. Physical isolation and
separation might be considered to be quite a primitive healing principle
but until the present days it is one of the most effective methods.
In the face of spreading infections, diseases and wars the need to
isolate sick residents and tenants undoubtedly was an evident need, and
it became an initial reason for sheltering the sick from the rest of a
neighbourhood and the whole community. Convents and monasteries fitted
for this in the best way. Consequently, some part of their space was
assigned just for sick, infected or wounded persons. This space
assignment was temporary at the beginning, later it became permanent and
was accessed mainly by the caring staff. Care of the sick was the basic
and for a long period of time the only service in historic health
centres. These spaces were isolated from the rest of a complex, and a
quarantine regime was an effective way to stop a disease or infection
from spreading into the wider community.
Gradually it was noticed that just passive care was not sufficient
enough in order to make the health of tenants improve. Different methods
of curing patients were started in addition to a passive care. From
different written sources we can guess those being mainly the ones of a
traditional or the so-called "folk medicine", including
physical procedures as hot bath and sauna, different body massages and
other physical exercises, exterior and interior herbal treatments, and
so on.
Rapid development of sciences took place in Europe and so
universities and other academic centres were established in many
European cities. After establishing the University in 1579, Vilnius city
was among the strongest educational and research centres in Europe of
that time. This was followed by more rapid development of health-related
sciences as chemistry, biology, physics and medicine. At that time the
first department of Medicine (Collegium Medicum Vilnensis) was
established in Vilnius city. It was initially located outside Vilnius
University complex and based on didzioji str. (see point 8 in Fig. 1)
because of still quite reserved attitudes of authorities towards medical
practices and methods.
As long as the related sciences were developing in the middle of
the 19th c and new curing methods appeared gradually the scope of
medical services was broadening, the number of treated diseases was
extending, but because of the costs health services were mainly
affordable for the noble and the rich.
4. Establishment and development of health institutions in Vilnius
The first spaces assigned for health services in Vilnius were
located inside sacral institutions--convents and monasteries. The
complexes of sacral buildings were usually situated on separately
controlled land plots in the centre or in a periphery of the town.
Depending on the locations convents usually had more or less extended
private gardens and a complex of sacral, residential and supplementary
buildings. In Vilnius city which in the time of its prosperity in the
15th-16th c had more than one hundred churches and convents, a complex
usually consisted of a church that served for monks and nuns, also for a
local parish, a convent or monastery, where nuns or monks resided,
supplementary technical buildings as storages and workshops, and a park
with a garden that served as a place of daily promenades and when enough
of land was available also as a fruit and vegetable producer. Usually a
cemetery was also a constituent part of the whole complex. Planning and
the overall structure of complexes were changing in different urban
locations. It ranged from perimeter block-type planning in situations of
development along the main streets (Bonifrates complex in Fig. 2.1; also
Missionaries complex), to centre-designed planning on more big plots
(Bazillion complex in Fig. 2.2) and finally to free-type planning in
Vilnius suburbs of that time (St. Jacob and Philip complex in Fig. 2.3).
In Vilnius urban centre land was costly, therefore properties were
smaller and surrounded by dense neighbouring development. Therefore,
pieces of an un-built open space were quite small. Consequently, the
buildings formed dense blocks and rows around the plot borders or
possession lines and the city streets with small yet cosy interior
courtyards and incorporated gardens.
When these healing spaces were moved out of common residential
buildings and transferred into specially assigned blocks at the end of
the 18th c--beginning of the 19th c, healing, caring and curing
functions occupied already a larger space--up to a half of the
designated buildings.
The next phase of development of historic hospitals in Vilnius city
led to further separation of health premises from convents and
monasteries and to establishment of an autonomous community-oriented
health and care institution. Being more and more connected to the
surrounding urban community by providing it with wider and more diverse
health and other social services as shelter, food, care and cure, health
institutions were losing their close ties with convents and gradually
were gaining more contacts with Vilnius city and its community. This
process ended with complete separation of health facilities from
religious convents and parishes and appearance of independent health
complexes where health functions usually occupied up to 100% of their
building space. It is observed that a good location on the main streets
with direct access from the city centre to the periphery was critical in
this process. E.g. the first real city hospital since 1699--St. Jacob
and Philip hospital--was based in an extremely comfortable logistical location.
On the outskirts and suburbs of Vilnius, where larger land plots
were available and surrounding development was scarce, the monasteries
and similar religious complexes were planned quite extensively with a
larger open space and greater distances between different buildings (see
Fig. 2.3). Because of weaker contacts with Vilnius community and a poor
chance to provide it with any social service, health premises in these
facilities for a long time remained mainly a place to take care of their
own tenants and some local residents from surrounding suburban villages.
It could be noted that in Vilnius city the process of separation of
health complexes from convents and establishment as independent public
institutions was happening later than in the other cities of Europe
where the first independent city hospitals were established in the
17th-18th c. (Kjisik 2009: 22-28).
5. Network of historic hospitals in Vilnius Old Town
This chapter reveals the character of location of traditional
health care complexes in the territory of Vilnius old Town as shown in
Fig. 1. The door of the first health and care house was opened in
Vilnius in 1514 on Sventaragis Street opposite the Cathedral Square and
the Lower Castle Complex (Biziulevicius 1983: 36) (point 3 in Fig. 1) by
Martynas from dusnikai, the personal physician of the Lithuanian Grand
duke Alexander (M. Budriene 1991: 300-307). Selection of the main public
square situated near the main streets of Vilnius of those days shows
particular importance for location of this complex.
The order of Samogitian Bishopric Synod from 1651 (Seimos ... 2009)
to establish health units (spitoles--in Lithuanian) next to churches in
local parishes was soon taken over by the authorities of Vilnius city
churches, and the majority of convents and church complexes in Vilnius
established their own health units. In quite a short period of time a
dense and well-developed network of informal health care complexes was
established in Vilnius: health facilities were well distributed in the
town area, located in short distances as resident access to almost all
of them was in less than 200-250 metres or 5-7 minutes of walking time.
As we definitely know, each church had its parish or vice-versa we
can say each local neighbourhood had a church. In other words, location
of church and convent complexes reveals the network of parishes and
their ruling churches. The group of residents that belonged to a single
parish was in a constant contact with a church and a convent for
different reasons of interest. Most probably care and health were also
among them.
For the sake of the investigation it is important to notice a
connection between the location of sacral complexes and the structure of
local neighbourhoods in Vilnius old Town. In that situation health
complexes logically were providing service just for a certain number of
local residents in their intake areas. According to the map of sacral
sites with identified health complexes located in Vilnius convents, it
is evident that these intake areas were quite small, distances were
short and that means that a perfect access to health care service of
available type was provided for the residents of Vilnius old Town. This
system could be clearly attributed to the prototype of primary health
care network.
Another important note on the location of health institutions that
could be called predecessors of city "hospitals" is that
almost all of them are located on the main city streets, leading in and
out of the city through the historic city gates. As it is evident in
Fig. 1 these are Gediminas street and the Lower Castle area (the first
healing centre No. 2), Gostautas str. (healing centre No. 1),
dominikonai--Trakai str. (healing centres No. 4, 6, 10), Ausros Vartai
str. (healing centre No. 12), Subacius str. (healing centres No. 8, 9,
11) and others. All the named city streets (given here as they appear
today) constitute an important axis leading from the outskirts directly
to the city center and vice versa. This brings us to another important
observation that a good logistical position of healing centres was
considered to be important even in the early stages of development of
early healing centres in Vilnius.
The network of primary healing centres was scattered throughout the
convents of Vilnius city until the very end of the 18th c. In 1799 by
the decision of Vilnius City hall the first city hospital was
established on the basis of already existing health centre at St. Jacob
and Philip Convent (Firkovicius 1989: 27) (see point 1 in Fig. 1). A new
era of development began when healing and caring resources were
concentrated from many small units into one city hospital. For a period
of time the larger of the former convent hospitals remained open (St.
Dominican, St. Nicodemus, St. Peter), and some of them later became
important health objects as hospitals in Vilnius city.
There is one more side of extraordinary importance in this
investigation. While being worth a special extensive analysis it still
deserves a brief mention here for the sake of completeness. It is well
known from different archival sources and researches of selected authors
(J. A. Dainauskas 1997, D. Petrauskaite 2006) that sites for locating
sacral complexes and churches were always selected based on more
important aspects than just good locations and nice views. Places of
positive geological bio-energy with pure water sources were the main
objectives for selecting sites for important buildings. Methods of
discovering the natural geological energy of a site had been well known
and widely applied already many centuries ago. In research works of the
19th and 20th centuries this system was named as positive
("Schumann") and negative ("hartmann")
interchangeable grids with special intersection points. The basic and
more sophisticated methods of creating architectural shapes and volumes
could be accessed from numerous bio-geometry research and practice
resources (Architecture 2003). It is well known that the principles of
radiesthesy (I. Karim 2006) were widely used for therapeutic reasons
while selecting the sites and the environment, planning and constructing
any type of architectural complexes especially those related to healing
and health services. Importance of this aspect nowadays is clearly
underestimated though healing qualities of sacral and health care sites
are strongly outlined by modern health environment researchers (Rechel
et al. 2009: 233-236).
There is a strong belief that all the historic sacral complexes in
Vilnius city were established, designed and constructed with the deepest
knowledge of specific features of the sites: negative and pathogenic gridlines and intersections were avoided and positive beneficial lines
and points were used for development of buildings. Health complexes
taking their start in historic convents of Vilnius city most naturally
used all the benefits of their energy-positive locations on geological
energy grids. The typical way was to use peculiarities of terrain and
relief, also have proximity to clean waters as springs and rivers. It is
clearly shown in Fig. 1: the first healing centre on Sventaragis Street
at the Cathedral Square was constructed on the bank of the former Vilnia
river branch (point 3 in Fig. 1); the Missionaries Convent was erected
on a high slope that had fresh water springs filling the ponds below
(point 13); healing centre nearby Spaso orthodox Church (point 9)
located on the banks of pure waters of the Vilnia river; even the St.
Jacob and Philip Convent (point 1) had the Neris river at its feet. This
is one more admirably wise application of powerful healing values of
rich Vilnius nature by locating health institutions near water sources
to get the biggest healing benefits for the patients.
6. Compositional features of sacral complexes with integrated
health institutions
Location of sacral complexes in Vilnius old Town results in very
specific outlooks created by decent application of several compositional
effects. They are based on carefully selected special places and land
plots that usually appear on higher and well-observed city locations
with the most spectacular outlooks and so vertical and spatial dominants
become clearly visible in city skylines and panoramas. The volumes of
convents that are usually smaller and lower than those of churches still
strongly dominate in the whole complex and are visible in the city
roofscapes and panoramas.
Importance of variety of views, objects and colours on sick people
was underlined by Florence Nightingale, the first nurse who in 1860 in a
purely comprehensive way described how the environment for the sick
needs to be arranged and managed (Florence Nightingale 1860: 58-63). It
is reasonable to believe that while selecting location of spaces for
health care facilities in Vilnius these principles were strongly obeyed.
Sacral complexes are always carefully integrated into the
surrounding urban development. Each city and country has its own
specific typology of spatial and volumetric solutions on how to arrange
relations between sacral buildings and other neighbouring development
into one urban net. The topic has been extensively discussed and
artistically depicted by Camillo Sitte in his brilliant publication on
artistic principles of urban design (Sitte 1889: 85-129). Many of the
described characteristic features also apply to Vilnius city of the
16th-19th centuries. The most prominent methods used in Vilnius are
creating inbuilt architectural complexes, row-blocked perimeter
development and free-type development with a variety of public spaces as
squares, gardens and parks around. The analysis performed reveals
several characteristic types of such an integration:
--The main building--a church--is heavily inbuilt into the
surrounding convent shape with health spaces and open to the street
space just by one main facade along with convent volumes (Missionaries
Church and the convent--point 11 in Fig. 1);
--The same case when a church opens to the street space by a side
facade with adjusting convent walls (St. Dominican Convent and the
church--Fig. 2.4);
--Blocks of a convent surround the main church building from three
or more sides and the church appears inside a local space in the central
courtyard (Bazillion Church and the convent--Fig. 2.2). In this case the
local view of the complex is quite poor but it appears actively in more
remote panoramas and city skyline;
--The church building is dominating in a local space and just
adjoins to the convent building with integrated healing spaces by one or
two walls (Bonifrates Convent complex--Fig. 2.1, St. Jacob and Philip
Convent complex--Fig. 2.3, Franciscan Convent complex point 10 in Fig.
1) (Paminklu ... 1989: 27). Also, some mixed or complex cases could be
Indeed in all of the analysed sacral complexes a dominating role is
clearly and understandably given to a church building with one or two
symmetrical or asymmetrical towers or imposing frontons, more
distinguished volumes and architectural elaboration. The residential
blocks of convents nevertheless are spatially very significant in the
composition of all the complexes and play a secondary but clearly
expressed volumetric role (Figs. 2.1, 2.2, 2.4) that distinguishes them
from ordinary perimeter development of an urban block. The more inbuilt
into surrounding development appears a church volume, the more important
role is given to convent blocks and buildings with incorporated health
care facilities.
7. Health complexes in the cultural landscape of Vilnius city
Through all the periods of evolution health institutions have
strongly affected the development of urban landscape of Vilnius city as
they were located on important shapes of terrains, groups of green
plantings were usually included into their planning structure which was
composed around different types of public, semiprivate and private
In Vilnius city a special charm is achieved by artistic mixing of
architecture with landscape masses and elements. By this method building
complexes appear in a certain scale dimension, also it softens and
solutes the dense urban development with green plant inclusions, and
distinguished volumes of sacral buildings appear more notably in urban
townscape on a green background. Cultural parks and gardens of convents,
where health facilities took their start, join to the natural system of
green plantings together with the surrounding city parks and so enrich
and dignify the landscape of Vilnius old Town.
The essential compositional character of health and sacral
complexes in the landscape of Vilnius city is determined by extremely
masterly selected locations. All the churches and adjoining convents
with health blocks are located on carefully selected land plots: the
areas are in extraordinary influential points in the city because of
good vertical exposition on slopes of the old Town. Health and sacral
complexes have also been established on the most important nodes of the
city meaning crossings and spaces along the main city streets--see
examples on the map in Fig. 1. Volumes and verticals of these complexes
marked the edges of spaces and up till now are the strongest landmarks
in Vilnius old Town.
The green volumes located in these complexes played different roles
in the landscape of Vilnius old Town. Firstly, the green islands of
interior gardens were adjoined to the urban and suburban forest masses
thus connecting buildings to the surrounding green masses. Secondly, the
green spaces of convents and hospitals were often located on greenways leading from the city centre to the outskirts and in this way becoming
joining and filling elements on these lines. The Missionaries Church and
Convent illustrates this case quite well (point 11 in Fig. 1). Another
type of role--a central element of green public space in quite a densely
built up urban context as at Bazillion Convent complex (point 12 in Fig.
1). In this way groups of plantings make a strong impact on the visual
and spatial character of landscape in Vilnius old Town.
It is important to underline that open-air facilities as gardens
and parks along with the ecological qualities of the surrounding
environment were always considered as the most important healing
elements of the whole healing process. Therefore, the role of landscape
and planting system for a healing environment could hardly be
The location of a garden is an important element noticed in most of
religious complexes. The whole complex consists at least of a church and
a convent and being located even on the smallest available land plot it
always included space for a garden (see Figs. 2.1-2.4). Sometimes this
green open space was developed on a really tiny piece of plot that was
specially kept free. This specific trait is indeed quite common for the
urban landscape of Vilnius city, where even in the densest downtown
locations with small land plots and intensive neighbouring development
suddenly groups of green plantings--different types of trees, bushes and
shrubs appear offering the most picturesque landscapes and spectacular
views of an architectural environment in the old Town of Vilnius (Fig.
3). It is worth mentioning that groups of trees and buildings are on a
similar scale: the height of a grown tree equals about that of a
threestorey house.
Analysis of the objectives of the performed investigation opens a
possibility to draw the following conclusions:
1. Historically healing service providing institutions in Vilnius
city have emerged at religious institutions--complexes of convents,
monasteries and churches. As long as their scope of services and size
was increasing because of more patients attracted they were gradually
separating from religious complexes and establishing themselves as
public health service providing institutions--hospitals.
2. Healing institutions from the early years of development were
always very closely integrated with local communities and neighbourhoods
(parishes). The network of location of historic healing centres
corresponds to the structure of traditional local communities in Vilnius
3. In the city architecture healing centres appeared incorporated
in the architectural complexes of convents and churches with important
landscape elements and became significant architectural landmarks of
Vilnius city with special sites of location, dominating volumes and
architectural elaboration of their buildings and important green
volumes. All this makes health complexes important architectural
elements forming the character of Vilnius cityscape that has a great
heritage value.
4. Having separated from religious complexes in late 18th-19th c,
health complexes became a new significant type of a public institution.
It has developed its own functional and planning structure and specific
compositional impact that it had for centuries on the urban architecture
of Vilnius city. Simultaneously it was gradually widening and spreading
its ties to local communities and neighbourhoods.
5. Historical evolution of health-care complexes could serve asa
lesson of urban, architectural and social consciousness for modern
health care. Urban inclusion, functional and spatial integration as well
as developed social contacts should be considered to be the key
principles for transforming the hospitals and the whole health-care
sector in Vilnius city.
doi: 10.3846/tpa.2010.05
Submitted 18 Jan. 2010
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Gintaras Stauskis
Dept of Urban Design, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Pylimo g. 26/Traku g. 1, 01132 Vilnius, Lithuania
[email protected]
Doctor of the Humanities (arch.), Assoc Prof, Dept of Urban Design,
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), Pylimo g. 26/Traku g. 1,
01132 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail:
[email protected]
Participant of European Union research programs since 1998.
Research interests: sustainable urban mobility, accessibility of
environment, health care networks, recreation and urban health. Research
results have been presented in national and international publications
and scientific conferences.