The gastrocnemius muscle stiffness and human balance stability/Dvilypio blauzdos raumens standumas ir zmogaus pusiausvyros stabilumas.
Muckus, K. ; Juodzbaliene, V. ; Krisciukaitis, A. 等
1. Introduction
The ability to maintain stability during quiet standing is very
important in clinical practice. With the increase in aging of population
and with increased life expectancy of the elderly people, the importance
of maintaining mobility, and consequently functional independence, is
becoming more and more important [1]. Stevens [2] had reported that the
direct medical cost incurred with falling of patients or aged people was
up to 19 billion dollars in 2000 in the USA. The changes of the balance
control system of elderly [3] and main pathologies, has forced
researchers and clinicians to understand more about how the system works
and how to quantify its status at any point in time. The following
factors such as Parkinson's disease [4], diabetes mellitus [5], and
many more can influence the human standing posture directly or
indirectly. Therefore, research on the balance stability became an
important branch of neuroscience, and its functioning units include
muscles, skeletons, and peripheral sensors to the central neural system
Biomechanical stability of quiet standing can be defined as the
joint ability to maintain equilibrium in response to an external
perturbation or load [7, 8]. Visual, vestibular, proprioceptive,
tactile, and muscular factors, all contribute to the biomechanical
stability of a joint, however the stiffness properties of the
surrounding muscle is reported to be the most critical parameters
[9-11]. The concept of a simple muscle stiffness control of balance
during quiet standing was introduced by Winter et al. [10].
The most common model used to characterise the postural control
during quiet standing is the inverted pendulum. According this model the
postural control is defined by the relation between the centre of
pressure (COP) and the centre of mass (COM) [10]. The COP is the
integrated control variable whereas the COM is the controlled variable.
The COP is defined as the point of application of the ground reaction
forces under the feet measured by one or two force platforms. The COM is
an imaginary point at which the total body mass can be assumed to be
concentrated. The position of the COM is hypothesised to be subject to
body postural control [12]. Sway of COP is typically measured by means
of a force platform.
Most research analyzing influence of leg muscles stiffness on
postural stability is found on inverted pendulum model. According to the
inverted pendulum model the frequency and amplitude of oscillations
depend on the spring stiffness and the inertia [10]. Scientific research
found on different models enables to assess the leg muscle stiffness
during quiet standing. But we haven't found the experimental data
about changes of balance stability pa rameters standing with relaxed and
actively contracted muscles.
According to inverted pendulum model the higher stiffness of leg
muscles should increase the frequency of COP sway and decrease the
amplitude, thus increase balance stability. The aim of this study was to
assess the dependence of postural stability on gastrocnemius muscle
stiffness parameters.
2. Subjects and methods
44 healthy students (18 males and 26 females) of Lithuanian academy
of physical education aged 22-26 years voluntary participated in the
trial. Their height--174.9 [+ or -] 9.4 cm (from 162 to 187 cm),
weight--68.7 [+ or -] 13.8 kg (from 50 to 81 kg).
2. 1. Myotonometry
There are many muscles participating in postural control, however
for evaluation we chose gastrocnemius muscle (m. gastrocnemius caput
mediale). The gastrocnemius muscle along with soleus muscle forms calf
muscle and it is more superficial than soleus. Therefore it is possible
to apply noninvasive research methods. The gastrocnemius muscle it is
known as the most important in plantar flexion of the foot, also it
takes part in balance ankle strategy during quite standing.
The volunteers were instructed to perform plantar flexion with
maximal efforts. Muscle tone was measured during full plantar flexion of
the foot and full knee extension. The stiffness of medial head of the
muscle in the relaxed and maximally contracted state was measured while
lying prone during myotonometry with MYOTON-3 device designed in
University of Tartu (Estonia) [13]. Principles of the myotonometry lie
in using of acceleration probe to record the reaction of the peripheral
skeletal muscle or its part to the mechanical impact and the following
analysis of the resulting signal with the aid of the personal computer.
Myoton exerts a local impact on the biological tissue by means of a
brief impulse which is shortly followed by a quick release. The tissue
responded to the mechanical impact with damped oscillations. The
oscillations were recorded by the acceleration transducer at the testing
end of the device. The oscillation frequency f, the logarithmic
decrement of damping [delta], and stiffness K were estimated.
2. 2. Static posturography
The equilibrium testing was performed using static posturography
method [14]. The posturogram signals were registered by means of the
force platform MA-1 and analyzed using the customer designed software.
The sway of COP (posturogram) was registered in sagittal and transverse
directions. Signals were sampled using 100 Hz sampling frequency and 12
bit resolution using PC Data acquisition card CYDAS-1400 (Cyber
Research, USA). The posturogram (signal reflecting the COP sway) was
registered when the eyes were open. Volunteers were asked to stand
quietly with maximum contracted calf mucles and look at the marked point
in front of them. The legs were closed together with arms at the sides.
The maximal length of COP dislocation in transverse ([DELTA]x) and
sagittal direction ([DELTA]y), the mean velocity of COP oscillations
([bar.v]) were estimated.
COP position reflecting signal has a stochastic background, but
actions of known mechanisms of autonomic balance control are reflected
in different frequency domains. Methods of evaluation of the COP signal
in time-frequency domain could show extended possibilities revealing
actions of parts of the whole system. Multiresolution analysis based on
discrete wavelet transform was used for COP signal decomposition [15].
The signal was decomposed into 6 components (Table 1).
The COP position reflecting signal and the components of it we
qualified as power signal (the integral of which in the range from
-[infinity] till [infinity] is infinite, according [16]. Therefore
average power of each component was estimated according following
[P.sub.s] = 1/N [N-1.summation over (i=0)][[absolute value of
[s.sub.i] - [M.sub.s].sup.2] (1)
where [s.sub.i] is the ordinary sample of scale S and [M.sub.S]--is
the average of the same scale S.
2. 3. Statistics
The effect of muscle stiffness on the posturometric parameters was
assessed with a bivariate correlation, nonlinear regression and with
repeated-measures ANOVA on the task conditions. The linear relationship
in association of the mean velocity of the COP movement and muscle
stiffness, of the wavelets energies at different resolution scales and
muscle stiffness was assessed with Pearson correlation coefficient,
whereas the nonlinear relationship in association of the wavelets
energies at different resolution scales and mean velocity of the COP
movement was assessed with nonlinear regression and
R-square--coefficient of determination. The bivariate correlation and
ANOVA was evaluated as significant when there was [alpha] < 5% chance
of making a type I error (p < 0.05). All statistical analysis was
performed by means of statistical package SPSS 17.0.
3. Results
A striking difference between the two posturograms of sway of COP
in the transverse and sagittal direction during quiet stance with
relaxed and actively contracted leg muscles lies in their smoothness
(Fig.1). The COP shift trace during standing with relaxed muscles
appears much smoother than during standing with actively contracted
muscles although the character of it is not homogeneous.
The posturometric and myometric data show that active contraction
of the leg muscles significantly increased maximal length of COP
dislocation in transverse and sagittal directions, the mean velocity of
the COP sway, the oscillation frequency and stiffness of calf muscles
(m. gastrocnemius) (Table 2).
The contraction of muscle significantly increase its own
oscillation frequency from 15.79[+ or -]3.04 Hz to 19.68[+ or -]5.23 Hz
(p < 0.01) and stiffness from 333.29[+ or -]73.17 N/m to 471.24[+ or
-]111.01 N/m (p < 0.01) (Table 2). Thus, active contraction of the
leg muscles increases COP sway frequency and magnitude.
Discrete wavelet transform was used for COP signal decomposition
into 6 components with the aim to highlight differences of COP sway in
different frequency ranges. We observed significant increase of the
power of component of higher frequency (0.3-5.0 Hz) with active
contraction of the leg muscles (Fig. 2). Therefore, COP oscillation
frequency tends to be higher when subject actively contracts leg
Correlation coefficient was calculated between main posturometric
and myometric data to estimate relation between gastrocnemius stiffness
and balance stability. Nonlinear correlation was found between power of
scale and COP sway mean velocity. Linear correlation was found between
other myometric and posturometric parameters (Table 3). Strong
correlation (p < 0.01) was found between mean velocity of the COP
movement and gastrocnemius stiffness.
The plot of average power of the scale 1 (2.5-5 Hz) versus mean
velocity of COP sway in transverse direction is presented in Fig. 3. It
is close to quadratic dependency, what is highly expected while energy
of the signal produced by harmonic oscillator is proportional to the
average velocity in power of 2: E = m[[pi].sup.2]/8 [[bar.v].sup.2]. The
principle well fitted in higher frequency range (> 2.5 Hz), was not
so good for the average power in the lower frequencies (< 2.5 Hz).
Determination coefficients were estimated using nonlinear regression
model y = A + B[x.sup.C] using least squares fit.
Determination coefficients ([R.sup.2]) between average power in
different scales and mean velocity of the COP movement are presented in
Fig. 4. The values of [R.sup.2] for average power and [bar.v] are
significantly higher in higher frequency range (scales 1-3). A rather
tight correlation is observed between average power of the scale and
muscle stiffness (r [approximately equal to] 0.6) (Fig. 5). It shows
that straining of the muscles increases COP sway in higher frequency
4. Discussion
The aim of the research was to assess COP sway dependence on active
contraction of leg muscles. Inverted pendulum model suggests an increase
in frequency of COP sway and at the same time a decrease in amplitude
while stiffness of the muscles is increased. In fact we observed
increased average power in high frequency components of COP signal,
however magnitude of COP sway contrarily to the model was increasing.
This suggests that inverted pendulum model explains only higher
frequency range of the COP sway signal.
The muscle stiffness is different from muscle extensibility or
flexibility, which refers to the available range of motion at a joint
and does not take into consideration the amount of resistive force
during muscle lengthening. The stiffness of inactive muscles (passive
muscle stiffness) is likely influenced by muscle
extensibility/flexibility. Research has shown, however, that stiffness
contributions from the passive soft-tissue structures alone are
insufficient to stabilize upright standing [9]. As such, muscle
extensibility/flexibility is not likely to play a major role in
determining the biomechanical stability of a joint.
The stiffness contribution from actively contracting muscles
(active muscle stiffness) surrounding the joint is the most important
for maintaining biomechanical stability of the joint. The functional and
physiologic relevance of active muscle stiffness is significant because
it limits excessive joint motion and translation. Insufficient active
muscle stiffness at the time of external perturbation might allow
excessive muscle lengthening, which results in uncontrolled
arthrokinematic motion and can increase ligament loading and injury risk
Postural control requires coordinated muscle action [17]. As the
muscles act about the joints in balancing the body, especially the roles
of the ankle, knee and hip joints are essential. According to the
passive stiffness control model, ankle stiffness, as a result of the CNS
being limited to the selection of appropriate muscle tonus, stabilizes
the unstable mechanical system in quiet stance [10]. However, other
researchers have pointed out the active mechanism of postural
stabilization in balanced stance [17, 18], where the muscle and foot
skin receptors play an essential role [18].
Three movement strategies for the control of postural stability
have been identified in healthy adults. In the ankle strategy, the body
can be regarded as a stiff pendulum, and balance adjustments are mainly
made in the ankle joint, with the person swaying like an inverted
pendulum [19]. In the hip strategy, the resulting motion is primarily
focused about the hip joints [20]. The third way to achieve a balanced
standing position in more difficult conditions is to take steps [20]. It
has been proved that subjects can synthesise different postural
movements by combining strategies of different magnitudes and temporal
relations that are influenced by the subject's recent experience
Although the calf musculature is activated first to provide
postural control during body movements [19], the co-activation of
certain "prime postural muscles", such as the neck muscles,
the hamstring musculature, the soleus and supraspinalis muscles, occurs
in this order [17, 19]. Apart from these, however, several muscles
participate in producing both reflective movements with different
latency times and voluntary movements to balance the body position [19].
Whenever the muscles are stretched, the proprioceptive receptors within
the muscle and tendon are sending the signal about the change in muscle
length to the central mechanism of the postural control system [21].
Inverted pendulum model suggests increase in frequency of COP sway
and at the same time decrease in amplitude while stiffness of the
muscles is increased. In fact we observed increased average power in
high frequency components of COP signal; however magnitude of COP sway
contrarily to the model was increasing. This suggests that inverted
pendulum model explains only higher frequency range of the COP sway
signal. The whole frequency range signal reflects the response of the
whole system, where CNS actions should be taken into account.
5. Conclusions
The active leg muscle contraction increases muscle stiffness and
decreases postural stability during quiet stance.
Received November 05, 2009 Accepted November 29, 2009
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K. Muckus *, V. Juodzbaliene **, A. Krisciukaitis ***, K. Pukenas
****, L. Skikas *****
* Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Sporto 6, 44221 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Sporto 6, 44221
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Kaunas University of Medicine, Eiveniu_ g. 4, 50009 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
**** Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Sporto 6, 44221
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
***** Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Sporto 6, 44221
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1
COP signal decomposition into 6 components (scales) covering
following frequency bands
Scale number Frequency, Hz
1 2.5-5.0
2 1.25-2.5
3 0.625-1.25
4 0.312-0.625
5 0.156-0.312
6 0.078-0.156
Table 2
Stabilometric and myometric data standing with relaxed
and actively contracted leg muscles
Muscles relaxed,
Mean [+ or -] SD
Stabilometric [DELTA]x, mm 22.14 [+ or -] 6.81
data [DELTA]y, mm 25.53 [+ or -] 10.49
[bar.v], mm/s 11.49 [+ or -] 2.55
Myometric f, Hz 15.79 [+ or -] 3.04
data [delta] 1.02 [+ or -] 0.35
K, N/m 333.29 [+ or -] 73.17
Muscles contracted,
Mean [+ or -] SD
Stabilometric [DELTA]x, mm 26.00 [+ or -] 8.41 **
data [DELTA]y, mm 34.86 [+ or -] 15.81 **
[bar.v], mm/s 18.88 [+ or -] 5.66 **
Myometric f, Hz 19.68 [+ or -] 5.23 **
data [delta] 1.17 [+ or -] 1.58
K, N/m 471.24 [+ or -] 111.01 **
**--difference is significant at the 0.01 level
Table 3
Pearson correlation coefficients between stabilometric and
myometric data
[delta]x [delta]y [bar.v] f [delta]
[DELTA]x 1
[DELTA]y 0.326 ** 1
[bar.v] 0.485 ** 0.525 ** 1
f 0.263 * 0.196 0.605 ** 1
[delta] 0.039 -0.045 0.006 -0.031 1
K 0.286 ** 0.341 ** 0.651 ** 0.787 ** -0.195
*--correlation is significant at the 0.05 level; **--correlation is
significant at the 0.01 level