Low cycle stress strain curves and fatigue under tension-compression and torsion/Mazaciklio deformavimo ir suirimo kreives esant tempimui-gniuzdymui ir sukimui.
Daunys, M. ; Cesnavicius, R.
1. Introduction
During exploitation damage gradually appears in the constructions
materials and results their fracture. The gradually accumulated damage
depends on material properties, magnitude and character of the
time-dependent stress and strain variation, environment conditions. It
was observed, that 75 % of fracture in mechanical constructions is
causes by the material fatigue. Especially dangerous are the overloads,
as cyclically varying loading exceeds the proportionality limit of the
material and causes plastic strain and formation of the hysteresis loop,
while durability of the material decreases to thousands or hundreds of
cycles [1]. In most mechanisms and devices under loading the
elastic-plastic strain appears in stress concentration areas, near the
sudden change of the shape, e.g. in key seats, near shafts diameter
changing places, as a result of incorrectly chosen fillet radius, in
welded joints, because of the various welding defects and etc. [2, 3].
Under cyclic elastic-plastic loading, after the cycle number of
hundreds--thousands, the fatigue crack appears which commonly causes
failures with hardly predictable outcome.
The problems of metal fracture remain actual despite years of
long-lasting investigation of the cyclic loading of metals [4]. While
selecting the material, it is necessary to know properties and change
laws of their characteristics under different type loading in the areas
of the periodically varying elastic-plastic strain. Most common are the
following three types of loading: tension-compression, bending and
torsion [5].
If compared to tension-compression and bending tests, the number of
performed low cycle torsion loading tests is not so considerable. It
should be noted, that a large amount of the parts in real operating
conditions, i.e. shafts, springs and others parts of the mechanisms, are
exactly under cyclically varying torsion loading [6, 7].
2. Experimental setup and used specimens
All performed experimental analyses: monotonous tension, monotonous
torsion, low cycle tension-compression and low cycle torsion were
carried out under ambient temperature. For both the mentioned cases, the
specimens were under symmetric loading and experimental data was
registered up to crack initiation.
For monotonous tension and low cycle tension-compression fatigue
analysis the experimental low cycle setup, designed and made at Machine
Design Department of the Kaunas University of Technology, was used.
Experimental setup consists of 50 kN testing machine and an electronic
part, which is designed to record the stress strain diagrams, semicycles
and control the motor reversal.
The specimens of circular cross-section have been used for the
monotonous tension and low cycle tension-compression experiments. The
specimens were made of the grade 45 steel rods, following the dimensions
presented in Fig. 1.
For the monotonous and low cycle torsion fatigue tests the
experimental low cycle setup with T=500 Nm torgue and the same
electronic equipment, as in tension-compression analysis, was used.
Tubular shape specimens with t/d=1/20 working part were used for
the experiments. The specimen is shown in Fig. 2. During the cyclic
torsion uniform stress state is produced within the wall of the tubular
specimen, i.e. the stress gradient does not have the influence. To
fulfil the working part of the test, the same fillet radius R = 25 mm
was used for both the torsion and tension-compression specimens, aiming
to decrease the stress concentration to minimum (the theoretical stress
concentration coefficient [[alpha].sub.[sigma]] [approximately equal to]
To determine the torque T, resistance wire gauges were glued on the
surface of the device with cylindrical working part d=18.0 mm. This
device is made of the thermal treatmed grade 60S2A spring steel (HRC
42-45). The working strain gauges were glued to the cylinder's
surface along the main strain directions [e.sub.1] and [e.sub.3] (at 45
[degrees] angle, in opposite sides).
The torsion strain is measured by the attachment, which identifies
the torsion angle [phi] in the working part of the specimen. The device
for torsion angle measurements, presented in Fig. 3, consists of two
rings 1 and 2, each of them has bolt fastened half rings, that are
attached to the specimen by means of the 4 conical tip bolts, locating
them at identical angles. Two spring steel plates 3 and 4 are fastened
to the top ring. Working gauges (R=100 [ohm]) are glued along
tension-compression sides of the plates. Free end of each plate rests on
bolt-adjusted bottom retainer ring. During torsion of the specimen, the
rings turn relative to each other and sprung steel plates act as
cantilever rods during bending.
3. Experimental analysis
3.1. Investigation of the monotonous loading
During the experiments of monotonous loading, the monotonous
tension and monotonous torsion curves were obtained. The curves of the
monotonous tension and torsion in coordinates [[sigma].sub.i] -
[e.sub.i], and [[tau].sub.max] - [[gamma].sub.max] are presented in
Figs. 4 and 5. The determined mechanical characteristics of the grade 45
steel under tension are given in Table 1 and under torsion--in Table 2.
The curves of monotonous tension in [[sigma].sub.i] - [e.sub.i]
coordinates were obtained applying the equalities
[[sigma].sub.i] = [[sigma].sub.l]; [e.sub.i] = [e.sub.l] (1)
The curves of monotonous torsion in [[sigma].sub.i] - [e.sub.i]
coordinates were obtained by the Eqs. 2.
[[sigma].sub.3] [square root 3[tau]]; [e.sub.i] = [[gamma]/[square
root 3] (2)
The curves of monotonous tension in [[tau].sub.max] -
[[gamma].sub.max] coordinates were obtained by
[[tau].sub.max] = [[sigma].sub.1]/2; [[gamma].sub.max] =
1.5[e.sub.l] (3)
The curves of monotonous torsion in [[tau]s.ub.max] -
[[gamma].sub.max] coordinates were obtained by the Eq. 4.
[[tau].sub.max] = [tau]; [[gamma].sub.max] = [gamma] (4)
It is seen from the Figs. 4 and 5 that monotonous tension and
torsion curves in [[sigma].sub.i] - [e.sub.i] coordinates are closer
than the same curves in [[tau].sub.max] - [[gamma].sub.max] coordinates.
3.2. Low cycle stress strain curves
Under stress limited low cycle loading, the determined hysteresis
loop width dependence both on the number of loading semicycles k and
loading level a [degrees], is presented in Fig. 6. The mentioned data
was obtained during the tension-compression experiments, using loading
levels from [[bar.[sigma]].sub.0] = 1.08 to [[bar.[sigma]].sub.0] =
1.93, where
[[bar.[sigma]].sub.0] = [[sigma].sub.0]/[[sigma].sub.pl];
[[bar.[delta]].sub.k] = [[bar.[sigma]].sub.k]/[e.sub.pl] (5)
here [[sigma].sub.0] is loading stress amplitude, [[delta].sub.k]
is width of the hysteresis loop of plastic strain for loading semicycle
k, [[sigma].sub.pl] and [e.sub.pl] are stress and strain of
proportionality limit [1].
Fig. 6 shows, that at increasing the number k of the loading
semicycles, the hysteresis loop's width [bar.[delta]] for grade 45
steel is not changing, i.e. remains constant, consequently we have
stable material.
Low cycle torsion stress limited loading experiments were carried
out using the loading levels from [[bar.[tau]].sub.0] = 1.12 to
[[bar.[tau]].sub.0] = 1.94 . Fig. 7 shows, that increasing the number of
loading semicycles k for the grade 45 steel hysteresis loop width
[bar.[delta]] is not changing as under tension-compression, i.e. it
remains constant.
Width of the hysteresis loop during tension-compression for the
cyclic anisotropic materials is wider at even semicycles and smaller at
uneven, i.e. [[bar.[delta]].sub.even] > [[bar.[delta]].sub.uneven].
For the case of torsion, the width of the hysteresis loop remains
constant. Therefore, the hysteresis loop width dependence on the number
of semicycles is written as follows [1]
[[bar.[delta]].sub.k] = [A.sub.1,2] ([[bar.e].sub.0] -
[[bar.s].sub.T]/2)[k.sup.[alpha]] (6)
where [A.sub.1], [A.sub.2] and a are cyclic characteristics of the
material, [[bar.e].sub.0] is relative initial strain, [[bar.s].sub.T] is
cyclic proportionality limit.
To determine tension-compression constants [A.sub.1] and [A.sub.2],
and torsion constant A under stress limited low cycle loading,
[[bar.[delta].sub.1,2] = f ([[bar.e].sub.0]) graphs of the semicycle
hysteresis loop width dependence on initial strain have been used [1],
[A.sub.1,2] = [[bar.[delta].sub.1,2]/([[bar.e].sub.0] -
Dependences of semicycle's loop width on the initial strain
are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, whereas determined cyclic characteristics of
the material are given in Table 3.
Carrying out the low cycle tension-compression tests, it was
obtained, that grade 45 steel is accumulating plastic strain in tension
direction (Fig. 10). Thus, the accumulated plastic strain after loading
semicycles k, can be expressed as follows [1]
[[bar.e].sub.pk] = [[bar.e].sub.0] - [[bar.[sigma].sub.0] +
[k.summation over (l)] [(-1).sup.k] [[bar.[delta].sub.k] (8)
Carrying out the low cycle torsion tests, it was obtained, that
grade 45 steel does not accumulate plastic strain.
3.2. Low cycle fatigue curves
Fig. 11 presents curves of low cycle fatigue and reduction of area
[psi] for grade 45 steel under stress limited tension-compression
Fig. 12 presents low cycle fatigue curves of grade 45 steel under
stress limited torsion.
Under strain limited low cycle loading, the accumulation of plastic
strain [[bar.e].sub.pk] is not available. Experimental analysis of low
cycle strain limited loading was carried out at tension-compression
levels from [[bar.e].sub.0min] = 3.42 to [[bar.e].sub.0max] = 16.15 and
for the torsion levels - from [[bar.e].sub.0min] = 4.56 to
[[bar.e].sub.0max] = 19.63 . Figs. 13 and 14 present low cycle fatigue
curves under strain limited loading in coordinates lg [bar.[delta]] - lg
[k.sub.c] and lg [bar.[epsilon] - lg [k.sub.c].
4. Damage under low cycle loading
Under tension-compression and stress limited loading, fracture of
the specimen occurs due to quasistatic damage [d.sub.K], caused by the
accumulated plastic strain [[bar.e].sub.pk], and fatigue damage
[d.sub.N], caused by the cyclic plastic strain, which is caused by the
hysteresis loop width [[delta].sub.k], whereas total damage may be
written [1]
d = [d.sup.q.sub.K] + [d.sup.l.sub.N] (9)
where d is total damage.
Fatigue damage is calculated by the equation
where [k.summation over (l)] [[bar.[delta]].sub.k] is fatigue
damage accumulated during the k loading semicycles, [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is fatigue damage accumulated till
crack initiation.
Quasistatic damage
where [[bar.e].sub.pl] is accumulated plastic strain during k
IN ASCII] is the maximum uniform strain under monotonous loading which
corresponds [[sigma].sub.u].
If stress limited loading is approached as non-stationary strain
limited loading, when the damage, accumulated during one semicycle k, is
expressed as
Then condition of the crack initiation is
The analysis of strain limited low cycle loading when strain is
limited and quasistatic damage is not occurring was performed. In this
case, damage of the specimen is predetermined only by the cyclic plastic
strain, i.e. under strain limited loading, the fatigue curve in
coordinates lg [bar.[delta]] - lg [k.sub.c] has a shape of straight
line. The constants m and C have been determined by the equation of
straight line
lg [bar.[delta]] = - m lg [k.sub.c] + lg C (14)
[bar.[delta]] [k.sup.m.sub.c] = C (15)
where [bar.[delta] is average width of the hysteresis loop.
From the fatigue curve, formed under strain limited loading, in
coordinates lg [bar.[delta]]- lg [k.sub.c] and lg[[bar.[epsilon]]
lg[k.ub.c] and applying the L. Coffin's equation
In expression (16), the average width of the plastic hysteresis
loop was calculated by the equation:
Applying the coordinates lg [bar.[epsilon] - lg[k.sub.c], we obtain
After the applied Eq. (20)
By introducing the [m.sub.3] = 1 - [m.sub.2]/[m.sub.1] and applying
the Eqs. (13) - (21), we obtain
Because of good agreement between the experimental and calculated
data, Eq. (22) was used to calculate the damage in works [8, 9].
The curve 3 in Fig. 15 presents the fatigue damage under stress
limited tension-compression as only fatigue damage is taken into account
and is close to the fatigue curve under stress limited torsion (curve
2), because under stress limited torsion loading, strain accumulation is
not observed, i.e., the quasistatic damage does not occur.
The curve 4 confirms Eq. (22), as it shows satisfactory agreement
to fatigue curve under stress limited torsion, because during the
torsion experiments the quasistatic damage was not observed. The curves
3 and 4 confirm that according to the results of cyclic
tension-compression it is possible to calculate the durability under
cyclic torsion. Besides, the durability under cyclic torsion (in
coordinates [[sigma].sub.i] - [N.sub.c]) is higher than under cyclic
tension-compression loading, because under cyclic torsion there is no
accumulation of plastic strain, i.e. there is no quasistatic damage.
5. Conclusions
Grade 45 steel was investigated under monotonous tension,
monotonous torsion, the low cycle tension-compression and low cycle
torsion with stress and strain limited loading, using the circular
cross-section specimens for tension-compression and thin walled
specimens - for torsion.
1. It was determined, that characteristics of the cyclic stress
strain curves for the analyzed grade 45 steel at cyclic
tension-compression, and under cyclic torsion, are similar. For both the
analyzed loading cases the parameter [alpha] = 0, i.e. the material is
cyclically stable. Values of the parameters A, which characterizes the
hysteresis loop width of the first semicycle, are also similar.
2. During the stress limited loading, under cyclic torsion, the
accumulation of plastic strain was not observed, i.e. under stress
limited torsion, there is no quasistatic damage.
3. The durability under cyclic torsion is higher (in coordinates
[[sigma].sub.i] - [N.sub.c]), than that under cyclic tension -
compression loading, because under cyclic torsion there is no
accumulation of plastic strain, i.e. is no quasistatic damage.
Received September 29, 2009 Accepted November 23, 2009
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M. Daunys *, R. Cesnavicius **
* Kaunas University of Technology, Kqstucio 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Kaunas University of Technology, Kqstucio 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1
Mechanical characteristics of the grade 45 steel under
[[sigma]. [[sigma]. [[sigma]. [[sigma].
sub.pl], MPa sub.0.2], MPa sub.u], MPa sub.f] MPa
319 320 673 1000
325 334 686 993
324 328 688 995
323 327 682 996
sub.pl], MPa [e.sub.u2], % [psi], %
319 13.1 43.8
325 12.5 37.6
324 13.0 40.6
323 12.9 40.7
Table 2
Mechanical characteristics of the grade 45 steel under
[[tau].sub. [[tau].sub. [[tau].sub. [[gamma].
pl], MPa 0.3], MPa u], MPa sub.u2], %
174 226 425 23.4
224 209 435 25.2
188 211 420 19.7
195 215 426 22.7
Table 3
Cyclic characteristics of the grade 45 steel
[A.sub.1] [A.sub.2] [[bar.S].sub.t] [alpha]
Grade 45 steel
0.93 1.01 1.65 0
A [[bar.S].sub.t] [alpha]
1.14 1.40 0
Table 4
Values of Coffins constants C and m
Steel 45
[C.sub.2] [C.sub.3] [m.sub.1] [m.sub.2] [m.sub.3]
Low cycle tension-compression
314 198 0.42 0.51 1.14
Low cycle torsion
727 440 0.49 0.58 0.88