Finite element analysis of three-hole socket with a shutter/Triju skyliu kontaktinio lizdo su uzraktu tyrimas baigtiniu elementu metodu.
Tong, Yifei ; Li, Dongbo ; Yu, Fei 等
1. Introduction
Socket is an important low voltage electrical component, which is
the key link of obtaining electric power as a daily necessity. The
security of sockets is always focused on when being used. Traditional
sockets have the biggest security risk of electric shock, imperfect
contact and ablation [1].The presser-vability against electric shock is
one of the important indexes of socket security performance. So it is of
importance to research on the three-hole socket with a shutter by means
of finite element analysis [2, 3].
The present work was carried out in order to obtain simulation data
of the socket. In the next section, the structure of three-hole socket
with a shutter is described as well as its operation principles. FE
model of three-hole socket with a shutter is developed using commercial
program LS-DYNA [4-6] in Section 3. The results of finite element
analysis are given and discussed in Section 4. Finally, research
conclusions are summarized.
2. Description of the three-hole socket with a shutter
Three-hole socket with a shutter is mainly composed of a shutter, a
spring, a bolt and a sleeve, whose structure is added with a shutter
design on the basis of three-hole socket so as to increase the security
performance. Compared with common sockets, three-hole socket has the
following advantages:
* when ready for use, the plug socket is closed by the shutter,
which can prevent bodies or other objects from touching the conductor in
the hole against electric shock;
* when the plug is pulled out, the plastic chip in the sockets will
automatically cover the plug socket, thus the socket is dust-free.
The structure of three-hole socket with a shutter is illustrated
briefly in Fig. 1.The bolt through the plug socket act on the bevel of
the shutter vertically. The decomposed horizontal thrust push the
spring, then the shutter opens and the bolt plugs into the sleeve. When
the bolt is pulled out, the resilience acts on the shutter and make it
3. Development of FE model of three-hole socket with a shutter
Before FE analysis on the socket, its structure should be
simplified. Then select suitable unit type or unit combination to
partition reason mesh and define constraints so as to conform the
developed FE model to its structure itself. The simplified structure
model is shown in Fig. 2.
3.1. Mesh partitioning of three-hole socket with a shutter
Relatively complex components are selected to be reported in this
* Mesh partitioning of the ram.
Geometric model of the ram is given in Fig. 3.
From Fig. 3, a it can be seen that the cylinder is only to
constrain the spring's freedom, so the cylinder can be omitted. The
hole in Fig. 3, b won't cause any effects in working conditions, so
it can be seamed.
The mesh partitioning of the ram is shown in Fig. 4.
* Mesh partitioning of the spring.
The spring is an important component of threehole socket with a
shutter, and its demand of mesh partitioning is relatively high because
it is very thin. Owing to the irregular shape of the spring end and the
trend of the spring axis lessening, "Solid map" is used to
partition the spring end firstly and the steps are as follows:
1) partition two-dimensional mesh of the face shown in Fig. 5, a
using "Spline";
2) make the line shown in Fig. 5, b combination with the cylinder
into a face;
3) set the parameters of each face shown in Fig. 5, c using
"Solid map" ;
4) generate the meshes as in Fig. 5, d.
Secondly, "Line drag" is used to partition the helical
cylinder. Here, two-dimensional unit is the source face mesh generated
above and a centre line as in Fig. 6 is generated to stretch the
two-dimensional mesh. Finally, set the tolerance parameter be 0.01 using
"edges" panel and search the coincident nodes using
"Preview equiv" and seam the nodes found using
"equivalence" so that the end and the cylinder of the spring
can be combined and processed as the spring. The partitioned result is
shown in Fig. 7.
* Mesh partitioning of the socket.
Shell unit is used to partition the socket. Generate a neuter faces
using "midsurf" panel as in Fig. 8 and partition
two-dimensional mesh of the neuter faces as in Fig. 9. Then reflect the
left neuter face and the overall mesh model of the socket can be
obtained as shown in Fig. 10.
3.2. Loading and solving
* Materials definition.
In our research, the materials of the plug, socket and spring are
defined as bronze, whose parameters are as follows:
Rho(density):8.8x [10.sup.3] kg/[m.sup.3];
E: 130KN/[mm.sup.2];
Nu: 0.2.
The material of the ram is defined as engineering plastic and its
parameters are as follows:
Rho(density):1.2x [10.sup.3] kg/[m.sup.3]; E: 10KN/[mm.sup.2]; Nu:
The units of the plug, spring and ram are processed using
"section_solid" and the socket using
"section_shell". Also the contact between the plug and socket
is defined as well as the contact between the spring and the ram.
* Constraint loading:
1. the socket root is fixed;
2. the plug can move only in the direction of Y;
3. the ram can move only along the spring;
4. the spring can only expand and contract in the direction of its
* Force loading.
In our research, the force is relatively complex. After detailed
analyzing the simulation process, the operation starting time, ending
time, distances and direction can be seen. The contexts of the spring
load curve are as follows:
xydata, 0e0,0e0 5e-1,-1.1e0 3.5e0,-1.1e0 Endata
and the contexts of the plug load curve are as follows:
xydata, 5e-1,0 2.5e0,-1.6e1 Endata
The process of the loading according to the above contexts is
illustrated in Fig. 11. Here, the red line is spring load curve and the
black line is plug load curve. It can be seen easily that the spring
remains pre-tightened with the pre-tightening distance equalling to 1.1
mm before the plug operating and then the plug move 16 mm toward the
direction of Y.
* Solving.
Firstly, set parameters using "control card" panel and
then generate "* .Key" file used for solving to output the
solving results [7].
4. Results and discussion
The stress during the whole plugging procedure can be obtained
through ls-prepost as in Fig. 12. Here, the unit of strain values is
After analyzing the stress diagram, stress concentration can be
found as marked in red in Fig. 13.
* The thrust opening the shutter calculation.
Open the node force file "nodfor.txt" and search the
force of nodes on the spring as shown in Table 1. Here, the force refers
to the node force of z direction.
From the force analysis diagram as shown in Fig. 14, the
relationship between the forces acting on the shutter can be concluded
easily. That is
F[sin.sup.-l][theta] = T
where F denotes the thrust, T denotes the node force of z
direction, N denotes the sustentation from the base and 0 equals to 41.6
[degrees]. According to Table 1, T equals to 5.7 N, then the thrust F
equals to 8.58 N.
It can be concluded that the vertical force F acting on the shutter
decreases with [theta] increasing. If [theta] is too large, the bolt can
easily push and make the shutter open and the shutter will lose the
function of guarding against electric shock; if [theta] is too small, F
will increase and as well as the difficulty of opening the shutter and
the shutter will be easy of breaking down. So, the force F can be
controlled by adjusting [theta] reasonably so as to bring the shutter
into reason action of guarding against electric shock.
* The force plugging into the sleeve.
The node force between the three pairs of bolts and sleeves can be
found in output file "nodefor.txt". The records of the force
of Y direction are given as in Table 2, 3, 4.
Thus, the force plugging into the sleeve by the bolt can be
obtained: 3.33 + 2.58 + 2.11 = 8 N.
5. Conclusions
The work reported here on finite element analysis of three-hole
socket with a shutter is an analysis and optimization part of socket
products development by the authors and cooperative enterprises. This
research seeks to confirm the reasonableness and effectiveness of
designed sockets, and to analyze the factors affecting the design
parameters and structure so as to provide design references for
designers. The main results of this research can be concluded as
1. Finite element analysis results show the stress concentration
zero during the whole plugging procedure which can provide reference for
structure design and optimization.
2. The shutter angle significantly affects the force during the
whole plugging procedure. If the angle [theta] is too large, the bolt
can easily push and make the shutter open and the shutter will lose the
function of guarding against electric shock, if [theta] is too small,
the shutter will be easy of breaking down.
3. In our research, [theta] = 41.6 [degrees]. The vertical thrust F
acting on the shutter equals to 8.58 N and the force plugging into the
sleeve by the bolt equals to 8 N. The results are conformed to national
4. Designers can reasonably control [theta] to control the spring
thrust and the force plugging into the sleeve, and to make full use of
the presservability against electric shock.
Received April 29, 2009
Accepted August 21, 2009
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Tong Yifei *, Li Dongbo **, Yu Fei ***, He Yong ****
* Nanjing University of Science and Technology, School of
Mechanical Engineering 402, 210094 Nanjing, People's Republic of
China, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Nanjing University of Science and Technology, School of
Mechanical Engineering 402, 210094 Nanjing, People's Republic of
China, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Nanjing University of Science and Technology, School of
Mechanical Engineering 226, 210094 Nanjing, People's Republic of
China, E-mail:
[email protected]
**** Nanjing University of Science and Technology, School of
Mechanical Engineering 402, 210094 Nanjing, People's Republic of
China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1
Force record of nodes on the spring
1575 5.7 1580 5.8
1576 5.7 1581 5.7
1577 5.6 1582 5.7
1578 5.6 1583 5.7
1579 5.7 1584 5.7
Average 5.7
Table 2
Force record of nodes between bolt1 and sleeve1
1344 3.2 1349 3.5
1345 3.2 1350 3.5
1346 3.3 1351 3.3
1347 3.4 1352 3.6
1348 3.1 1353 3.2
Average 3.33
Table 3
Force record of nodes between bolt2 and sleeve2
1921 2.2 1926 3.2
1922 3.0 1927 2.8
1923 2.4 1928 2.4
1924 2.4 1929 2.4
1925 2.8 1930 2.2
Average 2.58
Table 4 Force record of nodes between bolt3 and sleeve3
2713 2.3 2718 2.0
2714 2.1 2719 2.3
2715 2.3 2720 2.3
2716 2.3 2721 2.4
2717 2.1 2722 2.1
Average 2.11