Investigation of contact behaviour of elastic layered spheres by FEM/Sluoksniuotu sferiniu daleliu tampraus kontakto tyrimas baigtiniu elementu metodu.
Garjonis, J. ; Kacianauskas, R. ; Stupak, E. 等
1. Introduction
Particulates, or granular materials, present a huge class of
materials widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other
industries. Proper understanding of mechanical behaviour of granular
materials is of major importance for many applications.
Among various numerical simulation techniques, the discrete element
method (DEM), introduced by Cundall and Strack [1], has recently became
the most useful tool. It should be noted that the majority of DEM
simulations employ homogeneous spherical particles. In using DEM, the
dynamic motion of each particle of granular media is tracked during the
simulation. In this case, a description of inter-particle contact
behaviour is of special importance. In order to save computational time,
the DEM operates by simplified description of the contact, see Dziugys
and Peters [2], Tomas [3], Maknickas et al. [4], Kruggel-Emden et al.
The theoretical frame of normal contact of homogeneous spheres
stems from the classical work of Hertz (1881), who derived an analytical
solution for the frictionless (i.e., perfect slip) contact of two
elastic spheres. The details may be found in the book of Johnson [6]. As
concerns the problem's description, the elastic contact behaviour
is explicitly characterized by the force-displacement relationship
containing the reduced, or effective, radius and elasticity modulus.
Generally, even homogeneous spheres may be of different radii and of
different materials. The influence of the differences in particle
properties is illustrated in [7].
An extensive review of the literature on spherical and cylindrical
contacts under normal load was made by Adams and Nosonovsky [8]. As
shown by the review and the above introduction most of the existing
works on spherical contact concern a perfect slip contact condition. The
latest data on elastic solutions are reviewed by Brizmer et al. [9].
Mechanical properties of contacting bodies including elasticity
modulus may be determined by indentation testing and knowledge from this
area may be explored for spheres contact. Indentation testing was used
to obtain load-displacement data on the contact between a stiff sphere
and on elastic and elastic plastic half space [10-12].
As a rule, DEM operates with homogeneous particles. However, in
fact, many particles of natural and industrially manufactured materials
are covered by a layer of essentially different properties. Brief
descriptions of the contact of two layered bodies had already been given
in [6] and the references herein. However they are restricted, by
investigation of the single-layered half-plane under the prescribed load
distribution. The indentation by a rigid frictionless cylinder of an
elastic layer which is supported on a rigid plane surface was studied in
details. Partaukas et al. [13] investigated the stress state of
two--layer hollow cylindrical bars.
The contact of the layered surface and the indentation
load-displacement behaviour were investigated, and two different
expressions for the elastic modulus of a coating substrate combination
were proposed by Gao et al. [14] and Doerner and Nix [15]. A
comprehensive discussion is presented by Malzbendera et al. [16] when be
considered hybrid coatings. Spherical indentation of an elastic thin
layer on an elastic-ideally plastic substrate was investigated by Zheng
and Sridhar [17].
It can be concluded that an explicit analysis predicting the
contact, including homogeneities, nonlinearities or friction is either
approximate or impossible. Rukuiza et al. [18] investigated contact
between driver and seat pad. Bazaras et al. [19] investigated effects of
intense hardening near the edges of railway contact wheels. To deel with
these effects, FE technique is extensively explored to clarify the
details of contact behaviour [11, 12, 20-24].
The paper presents FE investigation of normal contact of two
identical layered spheres. The main focus is placed on the description
of contact behaviour in terms of nondimensional force-displacement
behaviour and its characterization by a resultant effective elasticity
modulus used in the DEM applications.
The paper comprises a formulation of the contact problem,
development of the FE model, its validation on homogeneous spheres,
simulation of layered spheres, as well as the results obtained and
2. Problem formulation
Normal contact of two identical deformable spheres i and j having
equal radii [R.sub.i] = [R.sub.j] = R is considered (Fig.1). The
location of spheres is characterised by the central points [O.sub.i] and
[O.sub.j] referring to the cylindrical coordinates r9z describing the
contact. The sphere's centres are defined by the coordinates
[z.sub.i] and [z.sub.j], respectively. The contact behaviour is defined
by normal displacement h = [h.sub.j] - [h.sub.i] of the particles
centers. The shapes deformed particles are denoted by dashed lines,
while their centers occupy here positions [O'.sub.i] and
[O'.sub.j] after deformation. The contact center is denoted by C.
The forces exerted by the particles contact are [F.sub.i] =
[F.sub.j] = F. Due to rotational symmetry, the contact surface of the
spheres is a plane, which is a circle with the radius a. In DEM
simulations, local contact geometry is characterized by the overlap h,
which is equal to the displacement u. Both h and a are assumed to be
much smaller than the sphere's radius R.
The geometry of the core domain is defined by the radius [R.sub.c],
while the geometry of the layer defined by the thickness T = R -
[R.sub.c]. It is assumed that the layer's thickness T is relatively
small compared to the radius of the sphere.
The material of each sphere is assumed to be isotropic and elastic
until the first yield is reached. Elasticity properties of the layer and
core material are described by the elasticity module [E.sub.1] = E and
[E.sub.2] and Poisson's ratios [v.sub.1] and [v.sub.2],
respectively. Each of the spheres consists of a softer core material and
a stiffer skin-layer ([E.sub.1] > [E.sub.2]). For the sake of
simplicity, Poisson's ratio is constant, [v.sub.1] = [v.sub.2] = v.
For the homogeneous sphere, [E.sub.1] = [E.sub.2] = E.
The perfect stick conditions are assumed on the contact area
between the spheres. Since the spheres are identical, their contact
behaviour within small displacements meets the sliding condition. The
layer is bonded to the core.
The loading is imposed by the motion of the central section of the
upper sphere and controlled by the displacement u which actually means
the overlap of the spheres.
3. Basic relations
3.1. Homogeneous spheres
The contact of two isotropic elastic spheres may be described by
Hertz theory [6]. Assuming that contact the spheres is time t dependent
phenomenon we may apply, the nonlinear constitutive relationship during
contact described in terms of the load-displacement curve F(t) - h(t).
In general, it is defined as
Here, the prescribed displacement is equal to the particle's
overlap u = h. The effective radius of the particles is defined by the
1/[R.sup.eff] = 1/[R.sub.i] + 1/[R.sub.j] (2)
while the effective elasticity modulus may be described as
For two identical homogeneous isotropic elastic spheres [R.sup.eff]
= R/2 and [E.sup.eff] = E/2 (1 -[v.sub.1]) .Here, time t plays the role
of proportionality factor.
Contact description (1) is reduced to the expression
Another important parameter is the radius of contact area a(t)
a (t) = [square root of (Rh)](t) (5)
According to Hertz the radial distribution r [less than or equal
to] a(t) of the contact pressure is parabolic
where r is a radial distance measured from the center of the
contact area C, while [p.sub.c] is the maximum contact pressure in the
center of the contact. It is defined as
[p.sub.c] (t) = 3F(t)/2[pi][a.sup.2](t) (7)
By considering (4) and (5) it may be expressed in terms of
displacement as follows
The above relations (1 - 8) will be used for evaluating the layered
3.2. Layered spheres
The description of layered spheres is made using a more suitable
nondimensional approach applied to the traditional indentation problem
[12, 17]. In this case, contact geometry is attached to the
sphere's radius R. Moreover, instead of the controlling force, the
displacement-driven approach is employed.
The main point of the description of the layered sphere is the
extended concept of the effective elasticity modulus [E.sup.eff]. For
the layered sphere the effective modulus is defined with respect to the
skin layer E as follows
[E.sup.eff] = E[bar.E] (9)
where [bar.E] is a dimensionless effective elasticity modulus. For
the homogeneous sphere [bar.E] = 1.
Taking into account definition (9) and introducing the
dimensionless load we get
The displacements
[bar.h] (t) = h (t)/R (11)
While the contact law (4) may be expressed as
[bar.F](t) = [bar.E]/[square root of ([bar.h].sup.3](t))]) (12)
It could be proved that the expression (12) comprises a definition
of the dimensionless contact load applied to indentation of the
half-space, see [17].
Other parameters such as radius of the contact area, maximum
pressure, etc., may be expressed in the same manner.
The radius of the circular contact area (5) regarding the
definition (11) may be also presented in the dimensionless form as
[bar.a](t) = [square root of ([bar.h](t))] (13)
Finally, the maximum pressure (8) is defined in the dimensionless
form as
In summary, contact properties are defined by the dimensionless
constant effective elasticity modulus of the sphere [bar.E] =
[bar.E]([E.sub.2] / E ,T / R) = [[bar.E]sub.1]([[bar.E].sub.2],
[bar.T]). Depending on the relation of the elasticity modulus of the
sphere's components [E.sub.1] and [E.sub.2] and the relative layer
thickness [bar.T].
4. Computational FE approach and validation of the model
Computational approach addresses FE analysis of two contacting
spheres. Since the problem is rotationally symmetric with respect to OZ
axis, it is sufficient to consider only a half of the hemisphere's
sections as shown in Fig. 2. The boundary conditions consist of rigid
wall constraints in the vertical and radial directions on the bottom of
the lower sphere and in the radial direction on the axis of symmetry for
both spheres. The surface of the sphere is free elsewhere except for
tractions imposed by the contacting region.
Static loading is imposed by the motion of the central section of
the upper sphere and controlled by the displacement which actually means
the overlap of the spheres h. Generally, the main assumptions of the
Hertz theory related to linear elasticity and perfect sticking are
invoked in the simulations.
In order to reflect the geometry of the layer, the segmented
subdivision of the solution domain (Fig. 3, a) was suggested for
tackling the above problem and a hierarchical parametric model was
developed for segmentation. Because of symmetry only one sphere is
shown. The developed model was implemented into ANSYS [25, 26]
environment while standard utilities were also explored to ensure the
adaptive interface between segments.
Radial segments Z1 (defined between the radii R and R1), Z2
(defined between the radii R1 and R2) and Z3 (defined when radius is
less then R2) match the spherical arch geometry. In particular R1 =
[R.sub.c]. The region of the highest stress gradients contains denser
The structured FE mesh scheme with the controlled mesh density is
applied within each of the segments. Two-dimensional hemisphere domain
is described by the second order triangle elements. The finest mesh is
generated in the contact region Z1.1, where the characteristic element
size [[bar.S].sub.E] presents a fraction of the thickness T of the first
layer. The hierarchical strategy assumes the increase of the
characteristic element size in the neighbouring segments by a factor of
2. The specified hierarchy of spheres segments is defined as follows:
Z1.1, (Z1.2 and Z2.1), (Z1.3, Z2.2 and Z3.1), (Z2.3 and Z3.2 and Z3.3).
Firstly, the homogenous sphere with the radius R = 1 was
considered. The radial segmentation was made by prescribing the radii R1
= 0.998R and R2 = 0.90R.
Three FE models of different mesh density were generated to
validate the suitability of FE discretisation. The third mesh is shown
in Fig. 3, b.
The performance of the models considered was quantitatively
investigated. The numerical tests were conducted by assuming
Poisson's ratio v = 0.3. The loading history u(t) is restricted to
the maximum displacement value u = 0.001R.
Generally speaking, not only the mesh size, but also several other
factors, such as the size of load increment, definition of initial
contact radius or solution algorithm contribute to simulation results.
Thorough examination of the data obtained, has shown that an algorithm
with 50 loading steps exhibited sufficient accuracy.
A comparison of the numerical results obtained for different meshes
with the analytical Hertz solution is given in Table. Here, each mesh is
qualitatively characterized by a number of nodes and the characteristic
relative element size [[bar.S].sub.E], while the results are presented
by the relative contact force [bar.F], relative contact radius [bar.a]
and relative maximal pressure [p.sub.c]. Relative numerical errors
[DELTA][bar.F], [DELTA][bar.a] and [DELTA][[bar.p].sub.c] accumulate the
entire loading history, presenting average differences between the
numerical results and theoretical solutions (12), (13) and (14),
The data obtained show that global parameter, contact force F is
relatively insensible to mesh refinement. Matching of the numerically
obtained local contact parameters such as contact radius and maximal
contact pressure, is not perfect. The numerical error is much more
dependent on local refinement. It may be influenced by the discretely
changing contact surface.
Comparison of analytically according to (15) obtained contact
pressure with numerical results is given in Fig. 4. Here radial
variations of contact pressure profiles [p.sub.c] (r) under various
loading magnitudes defined by displacement [h.sup.*] are given. They
illustrate good agreement of the numerical results.
We may conclude, that the above-developed FE generation strategy
seems to be also suitable for describing the layered particle. The
density of the third mesh with the characteristic element size
[[bar.S].sub.E] = 0.002 was expected to be satisfactory.
5. FE investigation of the layered sphere's contact
A series of numerical experiments with a relatively small constant
overlap up to h = 0.001r were conducted to examine normal contact
behaviour of the layered isotropic elastic spherical particles. Three
cases of the core material having a reduced elasticity modulus defined
by fraction factors [E.sub.2]/[E.sub.1] = 0.5, [E.sub.2]/[E.sub.1] = 0.2
and [E.sub.2]/[E.sub.1] = 0.1 were considered. The constant
Poisson's ratio v = 0.3 is used in computations.
Following the assumption of small overlap, a relatively thin
skin-layer was considered. Based on the above motivation, the layer with
three thicknesses T = 0.005r, T = 0.010r and T = 0.020r are investigated
The comparison of the numerically obtained force-displacement
curves is presented in Fig. 5. New FE meshes were generated for solving
the problem with larger thickness. All curves are transformed into a
dimensionless form according to (12).
Graphs plotted in Fig. 5, a-c illustrate the influence of
elasticity modulus of core substrate on the contact behaviour. Each of
the figures contains three graphs obtained numerically for the three
different thicknesses of the layer and denoted by NH. In addition, two
enveloping curves obtained explicitly by (12) for homogeneous spheres
with two different elasticity modulii [E.sub.1] and [E.sub.2] and
denoted by HM are depicted for the sake of comparison.
Contact behaviour of the multilayered spheres is characterized by
the dimensionless effective elasticity modulus [bar.E] according to
definition (9). By applying simulation results, resultant value of
[bar.E] is obtained from the dimensionless Hertz model (12).
It reads
Calculation results are presented in Fig. 6. Their location and
structure correspond to graphs given in Fig. 5. It is obvious that
[bar.E] is not constant, decreasing during the deformation history.
A difference in homogeneous and layered sphere is shown in Fig. 7
where distribution of von Mises stresses is exhibited. It is obvious
that layer undertakes higher stresses occurring in the small zone in
front of moving contact reducing stresses in the substrate.
Simulation results are summarised in Fig. 8. Here, [bar.E] is
plotted as a function of relative thickness. Numerically obtained
results are indicated by markers. Linear variation defined by
interpolation of boundary values is assumed for the sake of simplicity.
The properties of [bar.E] for each of the core substrate are presented
by the families 1, 2 and 3 of the lines. Each of the lines corresponds
to particular values of overlap h(t) as shown in agenda. Different line
styles indicate different displacement.
Generally, the behaviour of contacting layered spheres is similar
to indentation of half space [12-16]. For thin layers when T [right
arrow] 0 is approaching zero, the effective modulus [bar.E] [right
arrow] [E.sub.2]/[E.sub.1] approaches the value of the core substrate
As used in indention theory, the results of elasticity modulus may
be attributed to the layer's thickness. We restrict ourselves to
maximum thickness T = 0.02R. It is obvious that the effective elasticity
modulus [bar.E] depends on the relative displacement h. The above
variations for different layer properties are [E.sub.2]/[E.sub.1] given
in Fig. 9.
In summary, the variations of the effective elasticity modulus for
normal contact may be presented as
[bar.E]([[bar.E].sub.2],T) = [[bar.E].sub.2] + [DELTA]E([bar.h])
[bar.T] (17)
The expression indicates that sphere stiffness is predefined by the
properties of the core substrate stiffened by a layer. The second term
presents the stiffened term of contact depending on the layer's
thickness. Here, a new parameter [DELTA]E appeared. It stands for the
layer's thickness gradient of the elasticity modulus. The
expression (17) for elasticity modulus is similar to that suggested by
Gao et al. [13] for indentation of layered solids. Generally, it could
be suitable for DEM simulations, but a fixed value of [DELTA]E ([bar.h])
would be preferable. It can be easily achieved by assuming a fixed
overlap value.
Variation of [DELTA]E with the relative overlap [bar.h] was
extracted from the numerical curves shown in Fig. 9. Because of
numerical difficulties at small displacements [12], curves are fitted in
the range of 0.0002 [less than or equal to] [bar.h] [less than or equal
to] 0.001. It was found that [DELTA]E([bar.h]) is of asymptotic
exponential character. The results are practically independent on the
stiffness of substrate, therefore, only the data obtained for different
layer properties are presented in Fig. 10.
Generalised empirical relationship after fitting was expressed
[DELTA]E([bar.h]) = C (1 - k ln([bar.h])) (18)
Actually, the most interesting issue is to eliminate the influence
of the overlap, therefore, fixed values may be extracted from (18) or
numerical calculations.
In Eq. (18) constants C and k are as follows for
[E.sub.2]/[E.sub.1] = 0.5 gradient values C = -0.074, k = 0.115, for
[E.sub.2]/[E.sub.1] = 0.2 gradient values C = -0.131, k = 0.321 and for
[E.sub.2]/[E.sub.1] = 0.1 gradient values C = -0.137, k = 0.431
Following the recommendations given by Johnson [6] and valid for
layered solids, we are concerned with the situation in which layer
thickness T is comparable with or less than two maximal contact radii.
7. Conclusions
Normal contact of layered spheres was considered numerically by
FEM. The investigation was limited to a relatively thin layer varying up
to 0.02R in the range of a small overlap up to 0.1 T of the layer
thickness. Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions were
1. The problem-oriented segmental structured FE mesh was suggested
for simulations, while mesh quality was checked against the analytical
Hertz solution for homogeneous spheres. It was observed that the global
force-displacement relationship was less sensitive to discretisation
mesh compared to variation of contact pressure.
2. It was found that the resultant effective contact elasticity
modulus was predefined by elasticity modulus of the core substrate and
increased linearly with the increase of skin-layer thickness.
3. The thickness stiffening parameter exhibits asymptotic
approaching the substrate properties with the increased of the overlap
4. The obtained results are presented in a non-dimensional form
with respect to particle radius and elasticity modulus of the layer
which is suitable for DEM simulations, but further research is still
required for the extended range of particle's and inter-action
Received February 17, 2009
Accepted May 05, 2009
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J. Garjonis *, R. Kacianauskas **, E. Stupak ***, V. Vadluga ****
* Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
**** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
Comparison of meshes
Mesh 1 2 3 Hertz
Nodes 37364 102652 877416 --
[[bar.S].sub.E] 0.002 0.001 0.0005 --
[bar.F] 0.9988 1.0010 1.0063 1
[DELTA][bar.F] , % 0.12 -0.10 -0.63 0
[bar.a] 0.02197 0.02214 0.02231 0.0224
[DELTA][bar.a] % 1.93% 1.19% 0.41% 0
[[bar.P].sub.c] 0.9826 0.9876 0.9981 1
[DELTA][[bar.P].sub.c] % 1.74 1.24 0.19 0