Lattice-based six-spring discrete element model for discretisation problems of 2D isotropic and anisotropic solids/Sesiu spyruokliu tinklelio diskreciuju elementu modelis dvimatems izotropinems ir anizotropinems terpems diskretizuoti.
Kacianauskas, R. ; Vadluga, V.
1. Introduction
Computer simulations of various mechanical systems and processes
have a long history, while computational mechanics may be referred to
the most successful subject, taking into account a great number of
applications. It should be noted that the development of any numerical
method involves several issues. A description of material distribution
in space or the so-called discretisation concept is of major importance
here which significantly increases the scope of application of these
methods to nonlinear dynamics.
Historically, the finite element method (FEM) prevailed in
simulation of solids and structures. Originally, FEM technique which was
based on fixed meshes aimed to solve static problems. Probably, the most
general FE approach to non-linear dynamic solid problem is generalized
in the book of Belytschko et al [1]. This general approach describes
both the motion of the material and the motion of the mesh. It requires
the evaluation of a new mesh in each time step and is quite expensive
when applied to heterogeneous solids with changing topology.
Recently, various discretisation alternatives combined with
explicit time integration methods have been suggested. A concept of the
discrete, originally distinct, element method is basically referred to
the original work of Cundall and Strack [2]. It was aimed at describing
mechanical behaviour of granular assemblies composed of discrete
elements, i.e. discs, and (later) spheres, in particular. Some examples
of discrete element method (DEM) developments and algorithmic details
may be found in [3-7].
DEM concept has been also extensively applied to the simulation of
heterogeneous solids to study their dynamic deformation behaviour and
fracture problems. These methods could be characterised as being at the
development stage, theretofore, many issues including the discretisation
concept should be clarified.
Two fundamentally different, particle-shaped and lattice-based,
approaches have been developed in the framework of DEM applied to
simulate solids. Particle-shaped approach presents a rather
straightforward extension of the original Discrete Element Method. In
this paper, a solid is replaced by a composition of discrete particles.
Cohesive forces and various link and detachment mechanisms acting
between the particles may be applied to solving this problem [8-10].
A lattice-based approach representing the continuum by material
particles interacting via the network elements is considered in this
paper. Generally, this approach comprises an atomic concept used
basically by physicists and straightforward application of the
structural concept used by engineers. The idea to approximate the
continua dates back to the works of Hrennikoff [11] and later
contributions of Kawai [12] and Herman et al. [13].
The main problem in developing lattice models is associated with
proper evaluation of elasticity parameters. The earliest models of 2D
isotropic continuum were described by equilateral triangles in terms of
the normal and shear spring stiffness. Their explicit expressions were
probably given first by Savamoto et al. [14], and then theoretically
derived by Griffiths and Mustoe [15]. The above two-spring model has a
narrow range of Poisson's ratio restricted by the upper limit value
of 0.33 for a plain stress problem. Later, the same approach was applied
to 3D hexagonal assembly [16], cubic lattice [17], and anisotropic
solids using 2D hexagonal and square lattices [18].
The two-spring (normal and shear) model and numerical problems have
been recently considered in [19]. It was shown there that the presence
of the shear spring is difficult to interpret from the viewpoint of
It could be noted that simulations, employing classical
Bernoulli-Euler beams [20, 21] or Timoshenko beams [21, 22] may be
treated as a counterpart of non-classical continua. The interpretation
of rotational degrees of freedom is largely empirical.
A comprehensive review and theoretical study of the planar elastic
lattice models which hold for micromechanical applications is given by
Ostoja-Starzewski [23]. A comparison of various approaches on the basis
of numerical analysis is also presented by Karihaloo et al. [20].
The classical continuum-consistent models involve only
translational degrees of freedom, therefore, they ideally should be
represented by a network of normal springs (truss elements). It was
proved, however, that for isotropic continuum described by periodic
triangular lattice with central interaction, a single discrete
elasticity parameter is available. This model is valid for
Poisson's ratio value of 0.33, while its deficiency for other
values is numerically illustrated in [24].
In [23], it was also shown that a description of anisotropic
behaviour requires six independent constants, while the introduction of
angular parameters is the only way to vary Poisson's ratio.
Several approaches appeared to solve Poisson's ratio problem
numerically by employing the micromechanical concept. A model for the
elastic continua with virtual multidimensional internal bonds was
developed by Zhang and Ge [25]. The basic idea of the presented model is
that materials are discretised into mass particles, while these mass
particles are connected with randomized normal and shear bonds. The
constitutive relationship bridges the virtual bond stiffness and the
macromaterial constants, i.e. Young's modulus and Poisson's
In the framework of a similar concept and by applying megaclustring
of DE, a model of homogeneous material to determine the DEM contact
normal and tangential stiffness as functions of the known material
properties was developed by Tavarez and Plesha [19]. The convergence is
obtained with model refinement and the correct elastic behaviour is
produced iteratively.
Based on the review made, it could be stated that the existing DEM
models for continuum are diverse, while a unified method for the
evaluation of discrete elasticity constants consistent with the
classical continuum theory is still at the development stage. In
particular, singularity of Poisson's ratio has not been resolved
explicitly yet.
This paper continues the analysis of discretisation of elasticity
properties considered in the previous work [24]. It aims to develop a
six-spring lattice-type DE model applicable to the description of
isotropic and anisotropic 2D elastic solid problem and exhibiting
diversity of Poisson's ratio values. The original contribution is
based on the alternative description of angular interaction defined by
applying the natural finite element technique [26].
The paper is arranged as follows. In Sections 2 and 3, DEM
methodology and relevant discretisation by periodic triangular lattice
are discussed. Derivation of discrete elasticity relations described in
the six-spring model by the natural finite element technique is given in
Section 4. Validation and performance of the developed method by
simulating the dynamic behaviour of the plane stress problem are
presented in Section 5. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in Section
6. Evaluation of the natural stiffness matrix in term of dimensionless
parameters is described in the annex.
2. DEM methodology
The time-driven DEM is applied to the simulation of dynamic
behaviour of the elastic two-dimensional solid. Actually, the present
work is restricted to the plane stress problem, but the extension to
plane strain or three dimensions would be a rather formal task.
Consequently, the plate of constant thickness s is regarded here as
two-dimensional solid. It is subjected to in-plane loads attached to the
middle plane. The solid is considered in plane Oxy of the Cartesian
co-ordinates, while axis Oz points thickness direction.
Generally, elasticity properties of solids are defined by
elasticity tensor and may be described in terms of 3 x 3-order symmetric
elasticity matrix [D]. For an anisotropic material, the elasticity
properties are defined by six independent constants. For an isotropic
material, the elasticity properties are restricted by two independent
constants, i.e. by the elasticity modulus E and Poisson's ratio v.
If the material is assumed to be heterogeneous, the material constants
may be defined as position x = [{x, y}.sup.T] dependent variables, and
heterogeneity may be imposed on the particular subdomains.
The DEM discretisation approach relies on the concept applied to
the description of granular material as an assembly of deformable
inter-acting particles [2]. Each of the particles is considered
separately and defined by its shape, size and physical properties. DEM
operates upon binary contact between two particles, however, the
equilibrium and kinematics of an individual particle are defined with
respect to the particle center.
The 2D solid is regarded as a system of the finite number N of
deformable material particles i (i = 1, ...,N). The motion of each
particle i in time t is described by the second Newton's law. In
our problem, the particle i has two independent translations denoted
hereafter by vector [x.sub.i] = [{[x.sub.i], [y.sub.i]}.sup.T],
therefore, the dynamic equilibrium of a solid particle is defined by two
equations for forces as follows
where [m.sub.i] is mass of the particle, while right hand side
parameters stand for the resultant vector [F.sub.t] = [{[F.sub.xi],
[F.sub.yi]}.sup.T] of all external and inter-particle forces.
The motion of each particle i, or, more definitely, tracking of its
position [x.sub.i] (t), velocity [v.sub.i](t) [equivalent to]
[[??].sub.i](t) and acceleration [a.sub.i] (t) [equivalent to]
[[??].sub.i](t) in time t is performed by integration of equations (1).
The explicit time integration schemes presents the most appropriate
technique used in DEM. The Verlet velocity algorithm is currently
applied to integration [3].
The DEM approach described above was implemented into the original
software code. The code presents a modified version of the DEM code
DEMMAT developed in the Laboratory of Numerical Modelling of Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, see [6].
3. Discretisation by periodic triangular lattice
The lattice-type discretisation methodology aimed at developing DEM
models for Eq. (1) and evaluating the discrete elasticity parameters is
elaborated hereafter in detail.
The discrete model is implemented by covering a computational
domain with the hexagonal lattice grid. The lattice is constructed by
equilateral triangles (Fig. 1, a). Each particle i represent a hexagon
composed of six equal triangles. The hexagon encompasses a half of each
connection line. The location of the particle matches that of the
lattice node and is defined by the global coordinates [x.sub.i] =
[{[x.sub.i], [y.sub.i]}.sup.T], while the geometry of the particle is
defined by a characteristic dimension L of the grid. Consequently, two
types of meshes appear by modelling a planar continuum domain, where
another polygonal tessellation is required for outlining the
particle's shape. The grid cell with a particle is shown in Fig. 1,
The density of the material is constant within the particle and is
assumed to be constant [rho]. Mass of the solid is described by a set of
lumped masses [m.sub.i], concentrated in the centres of particles:
Generally, the lattice concept replaces continuum by a discrete
network. The actual inter-particle contact is not considered here, and
is simple replaced by the equilibrium of the selected nodes.
Consequently, the interaction of particles i and j is described by the
connection element i-j.
The connection element presents a line segment of the lattice grid.
The network element is shown in Fig. 1, c. Constitutive properties of
the solid are assigned to particular lines, more definitely, to the
volume bounding connection line i-j. Here, the particle interface, or
the effective section, aimed to transmit interaction forces between the
particles, is of particular importance. For the 2D case, the bounding
volume (area) is defined by the effective width [B.sup.eff.sub.ij]. The
connection element may generally be regarded as a rheological element
which reflects a highly complicated model of continuum. It should be
noted that a definition and explicit characterisation of the discrete
elasticity parameters present the key issue of the DEM simulations.
Referring to the above scheme resultant vector
the sum of the globally defined external force [F.sub.i,ext] and
centrally interacting interaction particle forces [f.sup.n.sub.ij].
Hereafter, a subscript j denotes six neighbouring particles.
Inter-particle forces, acting on the particle i, are illustrated in Fig.
1, d. Hereafter, the inter-particle force vector [f.sup.n.sub.ij] is y
restricted to the elastic force.
4. A six-spring model
Development and implementation of the DE model (1) for solids
require the evaluation of elastic forces [f.sup.n.sub.ij] in (3), or
more precisely, the evaluation of discrete elasticity constants. The
continuum properties should be presented in terms of discrete network
elements. Actually, the local constitutive relationship defined along
the connection line is assumed to be linear and is expressed as
[f.sup.n.sub.ij] = [K.sup.n.sub.ij][h.sub.ij] (4)
where, [h.sub.ij] presents inter-particle displacement as length
change of connection line i-j
[h.sub.ij] = [u.sub.nj] - [] (5)
which is expressed in terms of the local longitudinal displacements
[u.sub.i] and [u.sub.j] of the connected nodes i and j of the lattice.
Consequently, the elasticity properties are defined by axial stiffness
[K.sup.n.sub.ij] of the inter-particle spring.
The idea of the recent development is based on the structural
analogy of the continuum in terms of the FEM. Conceptually, each of the
elastodynamics problems under arbitrary loading may be solved by FEM. In
particular, among various meshes, the periodic triangle lattice may be
also considered to be the FEM mesh.
By applying the principle of the virtual work or some other energy
method and standard constant strain triangle finite element, it can be
easily shown that the resultant Cartesian particle forces [F.sub.i] in
Eq. (1) may be expressed in terms of stiffness matrices of the triangles
incorporated. This may be done by using a standard FE assembling
Exploring structural analogy, the internal state of each particular
triangle may be defined in terms of the axial forces acting along the
triangle sides. The stress-resultant formulation in the finite element
analysis is sometimes called a natural approach [26].
In the natural approach, deformation behaviour of triangle element
e with local nodes 1, 2 and 3 is described by three independent degrees
of freedom and denoted by vector [u.sup.n.sub.e]. Natural displacements
mean three stretches of the element sides [u.sup.n.sub.e] =
[{[u.sup.n.sub.12], [u.sup.n.sub.23], [u.sup.n.sub.13]}.sup.T], where an
individual component actually presents inter-particle displacements
[u.sup.n.sub.ij] [equivalent to] [h.sub.ij].
The relationship between natural forces and displacements may be
expressed in terms of natural stiffness matrix [[K.sup.n.sub.e]]. Thus,
for element e
[f.sup.n.sub.e] = [[K.sup.n.sub.e]][u.sup.n.sub.e] (6)
Elements of the matrix
are of different nature. The diagonal members [K.sup.nn.sub.e ii]
present the conventional axial stiffness. The off-diagonal members
[K.sup.ns.sub.e ij] reflect axial stiffness due to elongations of the
neighbouring edges. They express angular deformation or shear effect.
All of the stiffness parameters may be directly extracted from the
natural stiffness matrix of the triangle. A procedure for the evaluation
of natural stiffness matrix [[K.sup.n.sub.e]] = [[K.sup.N.sub.fe]] is
given in [27] and briefly described in the Annex by (A1)-(A6).
For the sake of generalisation, the members of the above stiffness
may be expressed in terms of the dimensionless coefficients
[k.sup.n.sub.ij] as follows
[K.sup.n.sub.ij] = [K.sup.n.sub.ij]Es (7)
The DEM technique operates, however, upon mutual interaction
between two particles, therefore, local interactions should be
Let us revise the two-dimensional hexagonal cell depicted in Fig.
2, a. This cell may be regarded as a composition of e (e = 1, ... , 6)
triangle finite elements. The mesh of the cell contains j (j = 1, ... ,
6) lines intersecting in the node i, where a particular line i-j
connects the nodes i and j. This line is considered to be a boundary
line between two adjacent elements e and e + 1.
For the triangle e defined by nodes i, j and j-1, the natural force
for the triangle e+1 defined by nodes i, j and j+1, the force vector is
Now, the particle equilibrium, derived from the lattice model as
illustrated in Fig. 1, d, may be reformulated in terms of the above
forces. Actually, the inter particle force [f.sup.n.sub.ij], as shown in
Fig. 2, b, is composed of two components reflecting a contribution of
two adjacent triangles.
Hence, we may compose
As a consequence, it was found that each of the edge forces
[f.sup.n.sub.e ij] is composed of the components of different nature
[f.sup.nn.sub.e ij] and [f.sup.ns.sub.e ij] involving the influence of
the axial deformation due to normal interaction of contacting particles
and due to shear caused by interaction of the neighbouring particles.
Finally, the resultant force analogous to the earlier expression
(4) may be defined in terms of elongations [h.sub.ij] and six discrete
elasticity parameters
Thus we arrived at the model having merely six discrete elasticity
constants. It may be classified as a six-spring model with angular
interaction [23], expressed, however, in the alternative form.
It is easy to confirm that for anisotropic continuum the elasticity
matrix [D] defined by (A3) contains six independent parameters.
Therefore, the expression (A6) presents a unique reversible relationship
between discrete constants and elasticity constants of the continuum.
For homogeneous isotropic continuum, elasticity properties are
defined by two elasticity constants, elasticity modulus E and
Poisson's ratio v. Thereby, discrete parameters are expressed as
[K.sup.nn.sub.11] = [K.sup.nn.sub.22] = [K.sup.nn.sub.33] = [K.sup.nn]
and [K.sup.ns.sub.12] = [K.sup.ns.sub.13] = [K.sup.ns.sub.23] =
[K.sup.ns]. In this way, we arrive at a simplified expression of elastic
interaction force (9) with two discrete constants:
Finally, regarding (7), for homogeneous isotropic material two
discrete nondimensional elasticity constants are defined explicitly as
Poisson's ratio dependant parameters
The variation of constants defined by Eqs. (11), (12) against v is
shown in Fig. 3, a. The graph illustrates the sign change of shear
stiffness at v = 0.33.
A significant difference of the present model from the earliest
developments [15, 18] is based on a specific approach to shear
stiffness. In our approach, the shear stiffness works only in
combination with axial stiffness, therefore, resultant stiffness is
insensitive to change of sign in shear stiffness. Considering the above
results, it may be stated that a six-spring model is physically and
mathematically consistent for a larger range of Poisson's ratio,
including v [greater than or equal to] 0.33.
Orthotropic material where two principal axes match the coordinate
directions is defined by four independent constants. Assuming two
independent elasticity modula [E.sub.1] and [E.sub.2], Poisson's
ratio v and shear modulus G, the elasticity matrix is presented as
where two dimensionless parameters are
In this case, the discrete constants are defined by four parameters
[K.sup.nn.sub.11], [K.sup.nn.sub.22] = [K.sup.nn.sub.33],
[K.sup.nn.sub.12] = [K.sup.nn.sub.13] and [K.sup.nn.sub.23]. By assuming
n = 2.0 and m = n/(2(1+v)), the influence of orthotropy is illustrated
in Fig. 3, b. It is shown that non-positive shear stiffness occurs at
smaller values of v.
The developed methodology could be applied to nonhomogeneous
5. Simulation results and discussion
For validating the relevance and accuracy of the developed
six-spring DE model and numerical algorithm, the plane stress problem
was examined numerically. A sample of the rectangular plate was
considered. The geometry of the domain defined by two characteristic
dimensions, B and H = 4B, is shown in Fig. 4. The thickness of the plate
is s = 0.1 B. The plate boundaries AB and CD are assumed to be clamped
by connecting it to rigid walls, while AD and BC are free boundaries.
The external excitation is kinematical. It is implemented via the motion
of the boundary CD defined by the constant velocity v and the prescribed
displacement value [u.sub.max].
5.1. Validation of discretisation parameters
Dynamic behaviour of the discretised structure is obtained by
numerical integration of equations of motion (1) for each individual
particle by applying explicit integration with a constant time step. The
time step must be sufficiently small in order to ensure the stability of
integration. Following the reported recommendations for various DEM
models [3], the time step [DELTA]t is defined as a fraction of the
critical time step [DELTA][]
[DELTA]t = 1/[beta] [DELTA][] (14)
where constant [beta] is fraction factor. The lower bound of this
factor is [beta] [greater than or equal to] 10, while the upper bound is
evaluated on the basis of numerical experiments.
In turn, the critical time step is related to the period of the
highest natural frequency of the smallest particle. Because of the
difficulties in precise calculations via eigenvalues of cell parameters,
crude estimation in terms of the mass m of the particle and the largest
inter-particle stiffness [K.sub.max] = 2[K.sup.nn] may be given as
[DELTA][] = [square root of (m/[K.sup.max])] (15)
Validation was performed by assuming that isotropic elastic
material is characterized by the following local properties at an
arbitrary point: density of the material is [rho], elasticity modulus is
E and Poisson's ratio - v. By substituting mass of the particle (2)
and general expression of the inter-particle stiffness (10), the
estimate may be scaled with respect to the size of computational domain
H as shown in Fig. 2, a. A characteristic lattice size L is related to
discretisation density as L = H/nx, where nx is the number of
subdivisions along the axis x. Finally
[DELTA][] = [alpha](v, nx) H/c (16)
where [alpha] is a dimensionless Poisson's ratio-dependent
factor, while c = [square root of (E/[rho])] is the material constant,
i.e. the speed of sound. For isotropic material maximal stiffness is
defined by (11), and factor [alpha] may be expressed explicitly as
From this expression it follows that, for isotropic material,
critical time step would be minimal if Poisson's ratio approaches
zero v [right arrow] 0. With the increase of nx, the influence of v
After specifying the geometry and the material, a series of
numerical tests were conducted for validation purposes. The geometry of
the plate is defined by the parameters H = 400 mm, B = 100 mm and s = 10
mm. The isotropic material is characterized by [rho] = 2500 kg/[m.sup.3]
and E = 17.1 GPa.
Five schemes were used to evaluate the influence of the
characteristic lattice size L. Assuming different numbers of
subdivisions [nx.sub.1] = 63, [nx.sub.2] = 126, [nx.sub.3] = 252,
[nx.sub.4] = 504 and [nx.sub.5] = 1008, different lattices, having the
characteristic sizes [L.sub.1] = 6.349 mm, [L.sub.2] = 3.175 mm,
[L.sub.3] = 1.587 mm, [L.sub.4] = 0.794 mm and [L.sub.5] = 0.397 were
generated. In the case of the finest lattice, the DEM model contained
291457 particles with 582914 degrees of freedom. It should be noted that
the geometry of interacting particles at the boundary is described by
cutting the lattice grid.
The influence of the factor [beta] was examined in the first series
of numerical experiments. The experiments were conducted according to
the second discretisation scheme with [nx.sub.2] = 126 subdivisions,
while Poisson's ratio v = 0.2 was assumed. The impact load on the
wall CD is induced by prescribed velocity 1.0 m/s.
After calculating the critical time step [DELTA][] = 601.38
ns according to (15), six values of [[beta].sub.1] = 10, [[beta].sub.2]
= 20, [[beta].sub.3] = 40, [[beta].sub.4] = 60, [[beta].sub.5] = 80 and
[[beta].sub.6] = 100 yielding six time steps [DELTA][t.sub.1] = 60.138
ns, [DELTA][t.sub.2] = 30.069 ns, [DELTA][t.sub.3] = 15.034 ns,
[DELTA][t.sub.4] = 10.023 ns, [DELTA][t.sub.5] = 7.5172 ns, and
[DELTA][t.sub.6] = 6.0138 ns were employed for the sake of comparison.
Simulation results yielded actually identical time histories. The
influence of the time step was evaluated by comparing the displacement
values averaged in the entire loading interval
where, subscript k stands for the time steps (k = 1, q). It was
found that the difference for different [beta] was insignificant and
varied in the range between 0.135 and 0.136 %.
Time history of transversal displacement [u.sub.E] of the point E
is exhibited in Fig. 5.
The accuracy of DEM simulations for this problem was studied by
comparing DEM results with finite element simulations. The unique
lattice grid serves as the base for both DEM and FEM models. The FEM
analysis was performed with the second mesh with [nx.sub.2] = 126
subdivisions by applying the second-order triangles PLANE2 of the ANSYS
code [28]. The transient FE problem was solved implicitly. Time step
[DELTA]t = 58.3 ns was kept constant during the simulations.
Qualitatively, the time histories exhibited in Fig. 5 show perfect
identity. The comparison of average transversal displacements at point E
yields [q.sub.av FEM] = 12.37 [micro]m and [q.sub.av dem] =12.38 um with
a sufficiently small 0.136 % difference. A general tendency can be
observed that DEM models are stiffer compared to the FE discretisation.
The influence of the mesh refinement was studied in the second
series of numerical experiments by solving the above impact problem by
using five discretisation meshes and fixed fraction factor [beta] = 40.
The simulation results are presented in Fig. 6.
The results of coarse mesh with nx = 63 and medium size mesh with
nx = 252 are presented in Fig. 6. It should be mentioned that the
influence of finer meshes is not important. Based on the results
obtained, it can be stated that the quality of the developed method
could be approved, while the time step factor [beta] = 40, and the mesh
with the characteristic refinement parameter [nx.sub.3] = 252 may be
recommended for further analysis.
5.2. Diversity of Poisson's ratio
The developed six spring DEM model is applied to improve the
deficiency of the earliest approaches [15, 18] for higher values of the
Poisson's ratio, v > 0.33. To investigate this influence, the
above example of the plate for the selected values v = 0.10, v = 0.20, v
= 0.30 v = 0.33 and v = 0.40 were examined. Following the above
recommendation, the time step [DELTA][t.sub.3] = 15.034 ns, and the mesh
with the characteristic element size L = 3.175 mm were applied to the
simulations described below. Along with the DEM simulations, the FE
analysis was performed. The small 2.6% difference was obtained.
5.3. Orthotropic material
The suitability of the six-spring DE model for the analysis of
orthotropic material was tested by solving the above elastodynamic plane
stress problem. Orthotropic material is characterised by four
independent elasticity constants, two different elasticity modulus
[E.sub.1] = 17.1 GPa and [E.sub.2] = 8.55 GPa, reflecting its different
properties in two orthogonal directions, shear modulus G = 7.125 GPa and
Poisson's ratio, including v = 0.20. This value yields negative
shear stiffness (Fig. 4), therefore, it is suitable for illustrating the
possibilities of the developed technique. The elasticity matrix is
defined by (7), thus n = 2 and m = 0.833. The time step factor [beta] =
40, and the mesh with the characteristic refinement parameter [nx.sub.3]
= 252 are assumed. Simulation results are presented in Fig. 7.
6. Concluding remarks
The continuum consistent six-spring lattice-based DE model was
developed. The original contribution is based on the alternative
description of angular interaction defined by applying natural finite
element technique.
It has been found that the suggested alternative formulation allows
as to present axial and angular interaction by sequentially connected
springs and to avoid singularity in a larger range of Poisson's
ratio, including v [greater than or equal to] 0.33, for plane stress
The six-spring model with six independent discrete elasticity
parameters is applicable to anisotropic material, while the number of
independent constants for isotropic material is two.
The suitability of the model was tested by solving the
elastodynamic plane stress problem and comparing it to 'exact'
FE results. The numerical results show that the refinement of the
lattice grid yields actually exponential convergence of DEM model to
exact solution.
From the physical point of view, binary interaction is extended to
the neighbouring particles within the cell, while the new approach
requires a modification of the DEM algorithm and the code.
APPENDIX. Natural stiffness of triangle.
Geometry of the triangle element fe is defined by three angles
[alpha], [beta] and [gamma] and three edges with the lengths
[L.sub.[alpha]], [L.sub.[beta]], [L.sub.[gamma]]. Its deformation
behaviour is described by three independent deformation-related degrees
natural approach, they mean three stretches of the element. Generally,
the element may be arbitrary oriented in the coordinate plane (Fig. A1).
The symmetric natural (3 x 3) stiffness matrix of the element is
denoted hereafter as
According to [25], it s defined explicitly as
here, the constants [A.sub.fe] and s stand for the triangle area
and the element thickness, respectively.
The constitutive properties of planar solid are defined by
elasticity matrix as follows
reflecting isotropic and anisotropic properties of planar solid.
The diagonal matrix [[l.sub.fe]]= diag[[L.sub.[alpha]]
[L.sub.[beta]] [L.sub.[gamma]]] presents side lengths. The
transformation matrix [[C.sub.fe]] relates natural and Cartesian
strains. It is expressed in terms of direction cosines [c.sub.x[alpha]]
= cos(x, [L.sub.[alpha]]) and [c.sub.y[alpha]] = cos(y, [L.sub.[alpha]])
of the triangle sides with respect to Cartesian axes x and y (Fig. A1).
It reads
For equilateral triangle angles [alpha] = [beta] = [gamma] =
2[pi]/3, the lengths [L.sub.[alpha]]= [L.sub.[beta]] = [L.sub.[gamma]] =
L are equal, while the area is [A.sub.fe] = [square root of
(3[L.sup.2]/2)]. Assuming the coordinate axis Ox along the side, the
direction cosines are expressed as
Finally, discrete elasticity constants are given as
General expressions (A6) may be easily applied to particular
materials, when the elasticity matrix (A4) is defined explicitly.
Received November 19, 2008
Accepted February 25, 2009
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R. Kacianauskas *, V. Vadluga **
* Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223
Vilnius-40, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223
Vilnius-40, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]