Investigation of thermal stability of holographic plate/Hologramos terminio stabilumo tyrimas.
Janusas, G. ; Palevicius, A.
1. Introduction
Holography is a unique method of recording and reconstruction of
all the amplitude and phase information contained in the light that is
scattered from an illuminated body [1-4]. This method is based on
diffraction and interference of coherent light wave. Hologram contains
all the information about surface deformation of the object [5-7].
A hologram is a record of the interaction of two beams of coherent
light, in the form of microscopic pattern of interference fringes. It is
a photographic registration of the interference pattern formed by two
laser beams of coherent light. One beam goes straight from the light
source and the other is scattered from the object. A holographic film or
plate is exposed by two laser beams and is processed in such a way that
when illuminated properly a three-dimensional image is produced [8-11].
Holography was invented in 1947 by Hungarian physicist Dennis
Gabor. In our days holography is used for data storage [12], as a
holographic memory, protection of documents [13], as well as for art,
holographic interferometry [14-18], interferometric microscopes [19],
electron holography, acoustic holography, and etc. [20-23]. Independent
from application area it is important to ensure stability of the
holographic system during recording process [24-25]. Interference image
must be stable, i.e. interference lines shift must be less than
one-tenth of the interference line. This means a very narrow tolerances
area. Thermal conditions can affect the length of the optical way of
object and reference beams at the time of exposure, and thus influence
the phase difference. Since the thermal deformation can affect quality
of the hologram it is important to test thermal deformation of
holographic plate.
The aim of this paper was to determine the level of systems
sensitivity to thermal conditions and analyse how fixing type of the
holographic plate can reduce thermal deformations.
2. Experimental setup for recording of master hologram
The making of rainbow hologram can be divided into two processes:
making of a master hologram and making of a rainbow hologram [26-28].
The scheme of master hologram recording is presented in Fig. 1. He-Ne
laser ([lambda] = 632.8 nm) was used for the recording of master
hologram. Laser beam is divided by splitter into two beams: object and
reference. Object beam goes through expanding lenses and illuminates the
object of investigation, and finally, the reflected light from the
object illuminates the holographic plate. The reflected by the splitter
and mirror reference beam goes trough the expanding lenses and reflected
by the mirror illuminates the same photoplate as the object beam.
Interference pattern of both beams is recorded.
Both processes of recording of master and rainbow holograms are
very sensitive to external factors: temperature changes, vibrations,
chemical developers and others [29]. Micro- or nanorelief is produced
during recording of rainbow hologram, so it is important to assess the
possible factors which may influence stability of the holographic
system. If holographic recording scheme is fixed and there are no
changes before the experiment, then the stresses, deformations and
vibrations of optical elements and system are well established and do
not affect the quality of the hologram. Then stability of holographic
plate has the greatest impact on the quality of hologram. Generally, the
holographic plates are stored in a cold place to increase the
durability. Before recording process of a hologram the holographic plate
must be placed in ambient temperature. When the holographic plate is
heated, it expands. If this happens during exposure, the hologram may
lose some information. So it is important to determine possible changes
of temperature and deformations of holographic plate.
3. Calculations of thermal deformation of holographic plate
When the holographic plate expands during exposure, it impacts the
length of the optical way. This could have an influence on quality of
the hologram. Movement of the holographic plate in the range of more
than 10 % of the wavelength (He-Ne laser, [lambda] = 632.8 nm) will
create a reduction of quality of the hologram image. This means that a
movement of the holographic plate for more than 63.28 [10.sup.-9] m will
disturb the hologram.
The main types of deformation of holographic plates are shown in
Fig. 2. Variation of temperature of the holographic plate can change
length L, width W or thickness d of the plate. Thermal expansions of the
plate are marked as [DELTA]L, [DELTA]W and [DELTA]d according to
temperature changes [DELTA]T, when coefficient of thermal expansion of
holographic plate is [alpha], and laser wavelength--[lambda], then,
thermal expansion of the plate can be written [30,31]
[DELTA]L = [alpha] [L.sub.0] [DELTA]T (1)
[DELTA]W = [alpha] [W.sub.0] [DELTA]T (2)
[DELTA]d = [alpha] [d.sub.0] [DELTA]T (3)
Maximum temperature changes during exposure of holographic plate
could be calculated from formulas (1)-(3), when movement of the
holographic plate ([DELTA]L, [DELTA]W and [DELTA]d) could not exceed 10
% (63.28 * [10.sup.-9] m) of the wavelength.
[DELTA]T = [DELTA]d/[alpha][d.sub.0] = 63.28 * [10.sup.-9] /7 *
[10.sup.-6]/0.002 = 4.52[degrees]C (5)
Holographic plate of L = 10 cm length, W = 10 cm width, d = 0.2 cm
thickness, and [alpha] = 7 * [10.sup.-6] coefficient of thermal
expansion was used for recording of master hologram. Because the length
and width in our case are the same 0.1 m., then maximum [DELTA]T will be
the same and the temperature variation could not exceed 0.09[degrees]C
(Eq. 4). Thickness of holographic plate is 50 times smaller (d = 0.002
m) than its length or width and that means that the variation of
temperature could bee much higher to 4.52[degrees]C (Eq. 5).
From the calculations we see that holographic system is very
sensitive to thermal conditions, so it is important to make stable
system for maximum brightness of the hologram.
4. Numerical modeling of thermally deformed holographic plate
Holographic plate is very sensitive to thermal conditions, so three
fixation types of the plate were analyzed numerically using finite
element method (FEM) by means of software Ansys. Thermal deformations of
holographic plate fixed on one side using universal holder (Fig. 3) are
presented in Fig. 4. In this case thermal changes of the length are the
biggest (Fig. 5), but this type of fixation decreases thermal
deformations 12 times. It means that temperature variation could not
exceed 1.1[degrees]C.
Thermal deformations of holographic plate fixed on two adjacent
sides using multiple holder (Fig. 6) are presented in Fig. 7. In this
case thermal changes of the length and width are the biggest and they
are presented by curve 1 in the Fig. 8. The changes of length and width
are the same, because holographic plate and fixation was symmetric. This
type of fixation decreases thermal deformations 14.5 times. It means
that temperature variation could not exceed 1.3[degrees]C.
Thermal deformations of holographic plate fixed on two opposite
sides using angular fine adjustment mount (Fig. 9) are presented in Fig.
10. In this case thermal changes of the width are the biggest (Fig. 11),
but this type of fixation decreases thermal deformations 23 times. It
means that temperature variation could not exceed 2[degrees]C.
If we compare all these three methods of fixation of holographic
plate, we get the smallest changes of the length (Fig. 12) when the
plate is fixed using angular fine adjustment mount (Fig. 9). We get the
smallest changes of the width (Fig. 13) when the plate is fixed using
universal holder (Fig. 3), and the smallest changes of the thickness
(Fig. 14) appear when the plate is fixed using universal holder, too.
Different holders reduce different deformations. From the calculation
and modeling it is clear that length and width are most sensitive to
temperature changes. So according to that for the fixation of
holographic plates it is recommended to use angular fine adjustment
mount, witch fixes the plate on two opposite sides.
5. Experimental investigation of thermal deformed holographic plate
A number of experimental studies are needed in order to ensure high
stability of the optical system used for recording of rainbow holograms.
In most cases the vibrations or deformations in optical scheme are
measured in micrometers. Therefore, the holographic method was applied
for the analysis of stability of optical scheme, and for visual
comparison of modeling and experimental results. The tests used the
PRISM system (Fig. 15). The PRISM system is a two beam speckle pattern
interferometer. The laser beam from illumination head 3 directed at the
object 4 is the object beam. Scattered laser light from the object is
collected by the camera 1. The reference beam goes directly to the
camera, usually in an optical fiber. Shape changes that occur between a
reference and a stressed state of the object produce fringes on top of
the image of the object, which is displayed on the monitor.
Fig. 16 shows the pattern of holographic interference fringes on
the surface of thermally (T + 2[degrees]C) deformed holographic plate
fixed using universal (Fig. 3), multiple (Fig. 6) and angular fine
adjustment (Fig. 9) holders. White areas in the hologram and small
number of interference lines correspond to very small field of
deformation of the holographic plate. This means that the smallest
thermal deformations appear when the plate is fixed on two opposite
sides (Fig. 16, c).
6. Conclusions
Thermal deformation of the holographic plate, in the range of more
than 10 % of the wavelength, could reduce the quality of a hologram.
Because L and W in our case are equal to 0.1 m, then the maximum
variation of temperature [DELTA]T during recording process could not
exceed 0.09[degrees]C.
Since any changes of thermal conditions during recording of a
hologram could reduce brightness, we recommend to use the plate holder
which fixes the plate on two opposite sides and prevents the hologram
from thermal deformations. This type of holder increases thermal
stability of holographic plate 23 times.
Numerical results were verified using holographic PRISM system. The
minimum thermal deformations were determined when the plate is fixed on
two opposite sides.
Received January 26, 2009
Accepted April 02, 2009
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G. Janusas *, A. Palevicius **
* Kaunas University of Technology, A. Mickeviciaus 37, 44244
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Kaunas University of Technology, A. Mickeviciaus 37, 44244
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]