Investigation of adequacy of the acoustical field model/Akustinio lauko modelio adekvatumo tyrimas.
Mikalauskas, R. ; Volkovas, V.
1. Introduction
The noise in the industrial companies is caused while operating the
mechanisms and equipment and during various technological operations.
The effect of these excitation sources on the acoustic field is very
different and the formation mechanism of the generated noise is very
complex. Many models are used for investigation of acoustic fields.
Simplified analytical models [1] allow us, on the base of calculus of
variations, to determine the reaction of different structures to the
shock pulse load, including and acoustic pressure load [2]. But these
models not so easy to apply for real practical tasks, because their
preconditions (among them very often free boundary conditions are chosen
or conditions which is not identified by the real situation and
parameters). Therefore in order to reduce the noise effectively in
various technical environments using the passive method, the modelling
of the interaction of real object with the acoustic medium is necessary.
One of the widely used methods to create the acoustic models is the
finite element method (FEM). When this method is used (as well as when
the method of final differences is used), the wave equation is being
solved (with regard to the boundary conditions) by dividing the space
(in certain cases the time, too) into the elements. Then the wave
equation is expressed by the discrete set of linear equations for these
elements. FEM also allows modelling energy transmission between the
separate surfaces (funk-beam tracing). The advantage of this method
[3-5] is that it allows linking directly structural and acoustic media
and evaluating their interaction under changing conditions of the
modelled environment, which is extremely important for the creation of
the systems of acoustic partitions. The results obtained with the help
of this method while solving the three-dimensional tasks of the acoustic
medium reflect completely the character of acoustic field in the
analyzed space. This makes a certain basis for the modelling of acoustic
fields [6]. However the modelling of the acoustic field characterized by
the heterogeneity and generated by various sources in a closed room with
different acoustic characteristics needs additional investigations.
This work used 2D model to analyze the possibility to model several
excitation sources acting at the same time in different harmonic
frequencies. The obtained results of the theoretical experiment were
compared to the results of practical experiment. The adequacy of the
acoustic field's model formed on the basis of the finite elements
to the real acoustic field was analyzed.
2. Model of acoustic field on the basis of FEM
The interaction of the structure and acoustic medium are expressed
in the following way in the formula of finite elements [7]
where [[M.sup.P.sub.e]], [[M.sub.e]] are matrixes of the mass of
acoustic medium and structure accordingly; [[C.sup.P.sub.e]],
[[C.sub.e]] are damping matrixes of the acoustic medium and structure;
[[K.sup.P.sub.e]], [[K.sub.e]] are stiffness matrixes of the acoustic
medium and structure; [[rho].sub.0] [[[R.sub.e]].sup.T] is matrix of
relation between the acoustic and structural media; {[[P.sub.e]]} is
vector of pressure in the nodes and its derivatives with regard to time
{[??]} {[??]}; {[[u.sub.e]]} is vector of nodal displacement and its
derivatives with regard to time {[??]} {[??]}; {[[F.sub.e]]} is vector
of load; [[rho].sub.0] is density of air medium.
When the theoretical model is formed, the FEM software ANSYS 10 was
used. The analyzed two-dimensional model consists of the acoustic and
structural media. In order to model them the elements FLUID29 and
PLANE42 were used. During modelling the harmonic analysis was performed.
The noise sources in this work were modelled in the middle frequency
range, i.e. in the area, to which the majority of operated industrial
machines and equipment belongs and which is very typical in the machine
acoustics. As the room of simple form was chosen as the prototype of the
theoretical model (the 200 [m.sup.3] acoustic chamber of the testing
laboratory of machine vibrations and acoustic noises of Technological
Systems Diagnostics Institute), the method of dotted sources was used to
model the noise sources. This method is simple and easy to apply [8].
Two excitation sources with corresponding frequencies of 1000 and 2000
Hz were used.
While modelling the harmonic response analysis was made, when the
system was harmonically excited by two sources of certain pressure and
the acoustic homogeneous and nonhomogeneous field was analyzed. The
values of acoustic characteristics of walls, ceiling, floors and screens
used for the model were taken from the corresponding documentations of
the manufacturers. The obtained results of the theoretical experiment
are presented below.
The distance from the excitation sources to the partition wall was
0.5 m. Physical characteristics of the separate elements of the model
were the following: air density [rho] = 1.2 kg/[m.sup.3]; velocity of
acoustic wave's spreading c = 335 m/s; absorption coefficient of
air sound [mu] = 0; density of the partition p = 950 kg/[m.sup.3];
elasticity module of the partition E = 2.3e+9 Pa; speed of sound's
spreading in the partition substance [c.sub.p] = 1700 m/s; sound
absorption coefficient of the partition [mu] = 0.7.
The presented calculation results show that the level of acoustic
pressure in the homogeneous and non-homogeneous acoustic fields under
similar excitation conditions is different. In practice it often happens
that there exist more than one excitation source the frequencies of
which are different. The Figs. 1-3 present the results of the
theoretical calculation in case the excitation is done by two sources of
different frequency. According to the obtained results, the acoustic
field pressure also changes in this case when the frequency of one
source is 1000 Hz, and the other's is 2000 Hz. In Fig. 4 the
pressure distribution of the acoustic sound in a non-homogenous field
when the partition wall is present can be seen. The values presented in
Fig. 5 are the values of general level of sound pressure in separate
measurement points. The place of points is shown in Fig. 7.
To summarize, it is possible to state that the created theoretical
model on the basis of FEM defines the size and character of pressure
level in the acoustic medium at any point of homogeneous and
nonhomogeneous field when excited by two sources at the same time.
3. Experimental research of a theoretic model adequacy
In order to analyze the adequacy of the created theoretical model,
the experimental test was done and the obtained results of the
theoretical modelling were compared to the experimental ones. The
initial data of the theoretical experiment were selected through the
imitation of the real experiment, where in order to reduce the acoustic
noise the acoustic partition wall was used. Fig. 6 shows the general
view of this mounted partition wall and acoustic sources. During the
experiment the values of the acoustic pressure were measured behind the
partition wall in particular points. The principal scheme of the
measurement experiment of acoustic pressure is presented in Fig. 7.
In order to do theoretical analysis of the acoustic noises in the
testing laboratory, the above-described method on the basis of FEM was
used together with the harmonic analysis, during which the excitation
was done harmonically by the determined values of the acoustic pressure
corresponding to certain excitation frequency. The acoustical field was
produced using one or two high--powered loudspeakers. The sound pressure
measurements were done in the different points around the acoustic
screen using device Investigator 2260 and applying to analyze the
modular precise vibration and noise analyzer PULSE 3560 [9]. The
obtained results of the theoretical and experimental tests are presented
When the acoustic excitation was imitated the theoretical model
helped to determine the distribution of acoustic pressure in the area
behind and in front of the partition wall (Fig. 8). The values of the
level of acoustic pressure determined with the help of theoretical model
in the measurement points correspond well enough the values obtained
during the experiment (Figs. 9 and 10). To summarize, it is possible to
state that using the theoretical model created on the basis of FEM it is
possible to model the acoustic excitation that appears in real
conditions and to evaluate the noise level in particular environment.
4. Conclusions
The obtained results of the numerical experiment show that the
suggested theoretical model created on the basis of FEM is adequate to
the real processes registered in the testing laboratory. The model
allows modelling mobile noise suppression systems and evaluating their
effectiveness with regard to the frequency and changes of the sources
When the passive method of noise suppression is implemented in
industrial or other premises, the theoretical model will allow
supplementing the structural model of the analyzed premise with the
reduction equipment of acoustic noise--noise suppression screens,
selecting their geometrical parameters, arrangement in space, and
substances, in order to gain the maximal noise reduction and to predict
the values of the acoustic field parameters in the analyzed point of the
real object.
5. Acknowledgement
This work was supported by Research and Study Found of Lithuania,
project no. T--87/09.
Received February 23, 2009
Accepted April 06, 2009
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R. Mikalauskas *, V. Volkovas **
* Kaunas University of Technology, Technological System Diagnostic
Institute, Kestucio str. 27, 44312 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Kaunas University of Technology, Technological System Diagnostic
Institute, Kestucio str. 27, 44312 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]